Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
I have seen this complaint many times in the past and although yes I totally understand why people have a problem with it there is a purpose behind it.
Warriors are supposed to be the melee profession which is why all of their ranged (Longbow, Rifle, Harpoon Gun) weapons are few and pretty mediocre. Warriors also don’t use any real form of “magic” and are strictly sweat and steel. Without high mobility it would be nearly impossible for a Warrior to effectively stay on their target. Just look at power Necro’s for an idea. Imagine if they didn’t have Dark Path (teleport) or Life Blast (Death Shroud ranged AA). They’d pretty much be forced to use Axe no matter what because it’s their only somewhat ranged weapon and it’d be the only way for them to ever hit a target. Warrior’s are in a similar position. Their weapons give them the mobility necessary to stick on top of people to deal damage, without it, they would simply be too easy to kite.
The unfortunate downside for opponents is that the mobility needed for a Warrior to attack his or her enemies can also be used to run away. The same can be said for various other professions however such as Thief and their shortbow, Ranger and their sword/greatsword and Engineer and their Slick Shoes, Rocket Boots and Juggernaut (elite).
So what if a warrior is uncatchable with GS +Sw/WH. No one uses both of them in a fight because it would be impossible to kill with that weapon set.
Greatsword has a lot of mobility but it’s a difficult weapon to use reliably. It’s very clunky and requires setting up to do big damage with it.
Also, guardian can tank just as well if not better than a warrior. Warrior has more HP but a guardian has far more damage mitigation. Reflects and Protection is also something warrior is completely lacking (using warrior crappy shield and traiting for reflect hardly counts) while Guardian has both of those. Wall of reflection is especially devastating to anything not melee. Meanwhile, it’s easy to force a warrior off a point with ranged attacks unless they have somewhere they can LOS.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
Thief has better mobility than warrior, just saying. The only way warrior actually can surpass thief mobility is if they are sword+warhorn and GS with bull’s charge. This is also excluding the fact that thieves can blink up on ledges etc, which warrior cannot.
Warrior mobility DOES NOT need to be toned down. Warrior has to sacrifice in WvW and PvP in order to have it (cleansing ire with longbow, a stance or shout, etc), GS rush and whirlwind alone are not anything close to enough to escape a thief, and even an elementalist can have an easy time catching up.
warrior’s mobility is fine, balanced, working as intended, and certainly does NOT need to be toned down.
nothing to see here.
just a typical warrior hater ranting.
You’re asking for a nerf on GS rush? Do you know how badly GS has been nerfed already. Rush is also an attack asking a nerf to rush would mean a nerf to GS damage.
Warrior has too much mobility.
they are so hard to catch if they wield GS and they are uncatchable if they have gs + sw/wh equipped.
its really unfair that warrior has so much mobility and guardian doesnt while warrior can tank with super high base hp/armor and can do crazy damage at the same time and they got the mobility as well… yet guardian has low base hp and crappy mobility.
should make the cd longer on mobility skill on gs
Have you tried fighting one ? How did he fair ? Oh let me know…It was in WvW and he didn’t fight because he was built to run ? The build is purely made for speed,to outrun everything,it does exactly that.I bet you never even fought the guy at all,but are just annoyed by the fact that he didnt want to fight and you couldn’t catch him.
I have seen this complaint many times in the past and although yes I totally understand why people have a problem with it there is a purpose behind it.
Warriors are supposed to be the melee profession which is why all of their ranged (Longbow, Rifle, Harpoon Gun) weapons are few and pretty mediocre. Warriors also don’t use any real form of “magic” and are strictly sweat and steel. Without high mobility it would be nearly impossible for a Warrior to effectively stay on their target. Just look at power Necro’s for an idea. Imagine if they didn’t have Dark Path (teleport) or Life Blast (Death Shroud ranged AA). They’d pretty much be forced to use Axe no matter what because it’s their only somewhat ranged weapon and it’d be the only way for them to ever hit a target. Warrior’s are in a similar position. Their weapons give them the mobility necessary to stick on top of people to deal damage, without it, they would simply be too easy to kite.
The unfortunate downside for opponents is that the mobility needed for a Warrior to attack his or her enemies can also be used to run away. The same can be said for various other professions however such as Thief and their shortbow, Ranger and their sword/greatsword and Engineer and their Slick Shoes, Rocket Boots and Juggernaut (elite).
I would agree with this if it wasn’t so that longbow is warriors strongest weapon, except for the mobility part.
Warrior mobility is fine. If a warrior specs that much into mobility he should be mobile – it’s pretty much the only thing he can do.
Also if the warrior runs away you’ve WON the fight. In both sPVP and WvW.
Warrior has too much mobility.
they are so hard to catch if they wield GS and they are uncatchable if they have gs + sw/wh equipped.
its really unfair that warrior has so much mobility and guardian doesnt while warrior can tank with super high base hp/armor and can do crazy damage at the same time and they got the mobility as well… yet guardian has low base hp and crappy mobility.
should make the cd longer on mobility skill on gs
Choose your fights, don’t waste time chasing high mobility targets you can’t catch and focus on being a better player.
Without GS mobility we’re sitting ducks as we need it for our survivability and be able to counter what is comming. Sw / wh is not an ideal combo with that setup though so you wont see many run it, so dont see why its brought up. It’s like saying thief zerk P/P does too much damage, without calculcating the massive initiative drop which also affects mobility and survivability.
Rush has a high tenancy of missing. So even if you nerfed dmg. Our damage reduced by any % is still , LOL. All the wars you see “running away” are actually just using rush to supposedly get to the target, however rush is so buggy and broken, that it just decides to send us in random directions!
Nike warrior is really only good for yak killing
OP u think warrior can tank more than guard u need some gaurdian advice. Can i direct u to the guardian sub forun so u can ask why a nike warrior beat your gaurd and how u can learn to player better.
GS maybe, but you gotta be kidding if you’re talking about sword and shield. I feel slow enough already traveling through the PvE maps. Any slower and I might as well call for a caravan to take me anywhere.
Warrior has too much mobility.
Mobility or landspeed?
If mobility, than sorry but L2p.. mesmer/thief/Ele even guard have more mobility IN combat. (teleport kitten is so much better in pvp!! compared to landspeed skills)
If landspeed, than sure but not more compared to s/gs ranger or thiefs.. even ele can have great landspeed if you spec for it.. same goes for warrior.
L2P? I’m sorry but in that list you added Guardian. No I’m sorry but no. The only real mobility that a guard has is the meditation build coupled with sword, which by the way, isn’t good compared to other weapons. Get your facts straight before rambling a bunch of words you obviously have no idea about.
warrior’s mobility is fine, balanced, working as intended, and certainly does NOT need to be toned down.
nothing to see here.
just a typical warrior hater ranting.
+1, pretty much sums it up.
This is what a warrior role is.
“Soldiers are also supposed to be “tough”. Often a Warrior prides himself on the hardships he can endure. He may even enjoy challenging himself to see how much punishment he can take. The Warrior is the most likely of the Roles to respond to the call to help someone in a situation which is full of danger and has the potential of death. Answering this challenge is his highest expression. Only a Warrior would willingly put himself through the rigors of war fought in jungle and desert. He finds fulfillment in overcoming severity and rigor. This sort of self-discipline is personally satisfying to him. Warriors are surprised that others cannot take the harsh treatment they thrive on. Consequently, they may not always be sympathetic to “wimps” and “weaklings” who cannot endure pain as they can".
Guild Wars 2: Warrior role
Soldiers are also supposed to be “tough”. A Warrior do not pride himself on the hardships he can endure. He do not enjoy challenging himself to see how much punishment he can take. The Warrior is the most likely of the Roles to run away and escape from the call to help someone in a situation which is full of danger because of their access to their high mobility. They do not Answer this challenge because of it. It is suppose to be his highest expression but it is not. Only a true Warrior would willingly put himself through the rigors of war fought in jungle and desert. Only a true warrior finds fulfillment in overcoming severity and rigor. Only a true warrior sort of self-discipline is personally satisfying to him. Unfortunately, Warriors cannot take the harsh treatment they thrive on because of their no-risk escape mobility. Consequently, other look at them as “wimps” and “weaklings” who cannot endure pain and hardship because of that.
Warrior is a risk taking profession and a self-sacrifice profession. A risk taker takes risk: Not escape from risks, Not have reasons/excuse from risks, Not even have any level of high or low of running away from risks, Not have no lesser reason or escuse from anything.
Warrior profession should be the last man standing profession. They even have a skill called that, they should be brave: how can they be brave and have high instant access to be excuse from risk? How can they seek challenge and run away from it? How can they be called a soldier-a warrior- and run away? It do not make sense at all !!
Last Stand-
1. Reduce all mobility skills and mechanics by 50%- Increase all defense skills-defense mechanics by 20%
(This problem is not only with the warrior profession but with many professions: Arena net want these classes to be challenge but in the same time give them high instant unlimitted skills, traits and mechanics to easy escape from challenge-risk. That is the main problem- too many high no risk rewards to escape from challenge)
read this: “Exploring the sense of immersion of MMORPG game design”
-“Balance between the perceive challenges of the task at hand and his or
her own perceived skills”-
" Challenge is the core element of the MMORPG game "
-“Analyzing phase”-
“If the data analysis shows that the current challenge of the game is too easy, the
next challenge presented in the game must be increased, otherwise the players
may quit the game because of boredom. Conversely, if the data analysis specifies
that the challenges in the game are too difficult, the game should reduces the
challenge in the game and represents more help information, otherwise the
increasing challenges will make the players lose confidence and they may quit the
game duo to anxiety”.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
If warriors lose their mobility who else will catch those pesky thieves with their 4-5 shadow steps/teleport/leaps?
First, this is a game, not reality. And I can’t remember a single game where warriors aren’t mobile.
Second, a warrior is not a soldier. And to me, it absolutely makes sense that a warrior is highly mobile : they are physical beasts, in all aspects, not only brute force. This means they also runs fast.
Its unfair to have warrior with super short cd whirling blade/rush on gs for super mobility. and also warrior’s sprint trait needs to be removed. this trait makes warrior gets variety of rune choice while other classess need to use traveler runes or sacrifice utility slot for 25% ms. well ele and necro has trait for 25% ms but they need to equip certain weaps while warriors can just wield melee weapon which most of warriors use. let me show u example.
Warrior = high base hp/ok armor / short cd rush/whirldwind (dont need to burn any resources like thieves initiative) due to warrior’s sprint u can choose strength or hoelbrak runes for maximum dps or defensive+power stats = dont need to sacrifice any utility slots like thief or any other classess = can maximise both defensive/offensive stats.
and warrior is heavy armor and got all those above while heavy armor class guardian doesnt. its the fact.
First, let me quote what Midorimarch said roughly 1 month ago
and btw warriors are ezpz cake to kill 1v1 as medi/dps guardian
^Which is actually true
Why create a second thread two days later about the same exact thing? I take it you’re just in troll mode now. Noted.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
the current warrior’s sprint is fine, balanced, working well as intended.
the new warrior’s sprint imbued with mobile strikes will be fine as well.
nothing to see here, just another typical warrior hater trying their bestest to bring down warriors in the forums.
@ op
You can scream whatever you want, we’r getting warrior sprint + mobile strikes in 1 trait xD And there’s no way that a random pist off warrior hater can change that.
He’s just salty his class is getting Dragon kitten as a spec.
warrior’s sprint trait needs to be removed.
I totally Agree.
It must get removed and be a Baseline trait.
First, let me quote what Midorimarch said roughly 1 month ago
and btw warriors are ezpz cake to kill 1v1 as medi/dps guardian
^Which is actually true
Why create a second thread two days later about the same exact thing? I take it you’re just in troll mode now. Noted.
Can’t tell if that guy bi-polar or bad. God I can’t even say anything to this guy.
No words.
First, let me quote what Midorimarch said roughly 1 month ago
and btw warriors are ezpz cake to kill 1v1 as medi/dps guardian
^Which is actually true
Why create a second thread two days later about the same exact thing? I take it you’re just in troll mode now. Noted.
Yah, I don’t know how anyone can complain about GS when in WvW it’s used mostly as mobility and in PvP you only see it being used “seriously” in duels, and any good MediGuard has all the tools to totally trash it if they have a Scepter. If the MediGuard has GS and Sword, it’s possible to kite them around with LB, but with a scepter they have enough range that it no longer works and all they really have to do is stand outside of Combustive Shot and not eat a Pin Down or Bull’s Charge. Even if they do, they have enough blocks and blinds to counter it the first time around and an Elite that allows them to get those counters back.
MediGuard and D/P (sometimes S/D) Teef are the Zerkers you most commonly see (I see a few Power Necros now) but you rarely ever see a GS Warrior because they don’t do anything better than those two builds. Sure, they can run fast, but Teef can use SB or a Shadow Step to totally bypass parts of the map and MediGuard can bring good damage AND good team support with the Hammer version. Heck, even with the more selfish GS version you can bring an AoE condi cleanse at minimum. I used to think MediGuard took some skill, but after you learn what skills to look out for on the current meta builds there’s almost no real risk and you can beat most any other zerker build.
So yah, I have no idea why this “War mobility OP” crap is still a thing. Even in WvW the “worst” thing that can happen is the War gets away, which Teef and Mes can do just as well and in many cases better because of terrain abuse using Blink/Shadow Steps. If you allow yourself to be kited by GS and die, that’s on you.
Just give Rush the same treatment as ride the lightning. If you miss the multiplied by 2. Or rework rush into a skill that is good for something other than just a run away button.
Just give Rush the same treatment as ride the lightning. If you miss the multiplied by 2. Or rework rush into a skill that is good for something other than just a run away button.
That would be fine if Rush was as consistent as RTL in terms of accurately going towards it’s target, but it isn’t. Even if you use Rush offensively it will still overshoot or go the total opposite direction at the last second. It’s not fair to punish players for something out of their control.
Also, using Rush to kite is often times the only way you have a chance to beat MediGuard and certain teef specs.
Just give Rush the same treatment as ride the lightning. If you miss the multiplied by 2. Or rework rush into a skill that is good for something other than just a run away button.
That would be fine if Rush was as consistent as RTL in terms of accurately going towards it’s target, but it isn’t. Even if you use Rush offensively it will still overshoot or go the total opposite direction at the last second. It’s not fair to punish players for something out of their control.
Also, using Rush to kite is often times the only way you have a chance to beat MediGuard and certain teef specs.
+1 – Rush is fine. Stop complaining. Warrior has been nerfed enough already.
Also RTL is an AoE, you can’t compare them to each other.
We are talking about the mobility not dmg. If you want to compared dmg we should also say rush hits about 2times RTL dmg.
Anyway, GS is one of the worst weapons for spvp warrior. 3 out of 5 skills are weak/easy to avoid. For pve and wvw rush is just a run away skill. If the skill was completely changed into a CC or immob GS would be much better. It would reduce the mobility, but would bring something that can actually be used to fight. Maybe a mini-Bulls Charge or add the new taunt effect. I see that as a buff.
I actually can’t think of a more balanced profession in terms of how well it moves around than the Warrior.
Hell, if any profession should get looked at for Mobility issues, then Necromancers are the top of my list, and that’s because I have watched slugs move faster.
We are talking about the mobility not dmg. If you want to compared dmg we should also say rush hits about 2times RTL dmg.
Rush = 634 * 1 = 634
RTL = 340 * 5 = 1700
And btw it hits perfectly since its an AoE skill.
Anyway, GS is one of the worst weapons for spvp warrior. 3 out of 5 skills are weak/easy to avoid. For pve and wvw rush is just a run away skill.
then why the QQ ?!
Rush + bulls charge is one of the few things that make us to keep up with heavy kiting professions like thief and mesmer.
If some warriors use it to escape then what about mesmers and thieves using stealth and teleports to escape ? should we nerf stealth & teleports because of that ?
BTW Bull’s Charge is 40s cooldown a single target skill, while engi Rocket boots is 20s cooldown, AoE, Blast finisher (can grant stealth) and Cures immobilized, crippled, and chilled…….. if thats not the perfect escape skill then i don’t know what that is.
I demand 20s cooldown for an AoE Bulls Charge, how about that ?
see you can’t compare skills like that, it doesn’t work that way.
(edited by Juba.8406)
We are talking about the mobility not dmg. If you want to compared dmg we should also say rush hits about 2times RTL dmg.
Rush = 634 * 1 = 634
RTL = 340 * 5 = 1700Anyway, GS is one of the worst weapons for spvp warrior. 3 out of 5 skills are weak/easy to avoid. For pve and wvw rush is just a run away skill.
then why the QQ ?!
Rush + bulls charge is one of the few thing that make us to keep up with heavy kiting professions like thief and mesmer.
If some warriors use it to escape then what about mesmers and thieves using stealth and teleports to escape ? should we nerf stealth & teleports because of that ?
BTW Bull’s Charge is 40s cooldown a single target skill, while engi Rocket boots is 20s cooldown, AoE, Blast finisher (can grant stealth) and Cures immobilized, crippled, and chilled…….. if thats not the perfect escape skill then i don’t know what that is.
I demand 20s cooldown for an AoE Bulls Charge, how about that ?
see you can’t compare skills like that, it doesn’t work that way.
Although, it would be nice to keep the same CDs but have those skills be AoE just from a functionality perspective. They seem to be much more reliable in terms of connecting with their target. If your target sidesteps a little bit it still hits. I also don’t witness skills like RtL rubbing up against their target before activating like BC does. I’ve lost so many fights because even though they didn’t do anything to avoid BC, the skill just didn’t work right.
I don’t really see Rush and BC becoming OP if they cleave. In fact, it might actually make them a bit more attractive in serious PvP.
(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)
Before bulls charge becomes cleave, I hope ANET gives stomp the rampage treatment where it knocks people down instead of launching them out of attack range.
Before bulls charge becomes cleave, I hope ANET gives stomp the rampage treatment where it knocks people down instead of launching them out of attack range.
I’d rather it be a ground targeted skill. It doesn’t need huge range. If not that, at least allow you to move while you’re leaping, it’s so easy to cancel it accidentally. Atm it’s a bit too easy to just walk away from someone using Stomp so being able to move or leap even a little would be great.
I’m more than fine with it being a launch. Physical skills already have a knock down and a push. Even in it’s current form it’s not a bad skill for pushing people off point. Stomp + Pin Down is great for getting a decap.
Lol at the bad players QQing about mantain the skill as a run away button that is useless to fight any decent player. Any good warrior would like to see GS reworked into a decent fighting weapon. The way it is now it is just impossible to play against spvp meta builds using a GS because it is useless in anything other than run away or hit stationary targets.
Put the average wvw GS marathonists in spvp and see how it melts against a cele engi, medi guard, cele ele, etc…
Also nice try multiplying RTL by 5 to make it look better. ROLF, most of the time it hits 0-1 target. Its value is the mobility not the dmg. Blindly multiplying everything by the maximum number of targets says that backstab is weaker than any autoatck in the game because it hits 1 target…. Need to see the skill usage context
Lol at the bad players QQing about mantain the skill as a run away button that is useless to fight any decent player. Any good warrior would like to see GS reworked into a decent fighting weapon. The way it is now it is just impossible to play against spvp meta builds using a GS because it is useless in anything other than run away or hit stationary targets.
Put the average wvw GS marathonists in spvp and see how it melts against a cele engi, medi guard, cele ele, etc…
Also nice try multiplying RTL by 5 to make it look better. ROLF, most of the time it hits 0-1 target. Its value is the mobility not the dmg. Blindly multiplying everything by the maximum number of targets says that backstab is weaker than any autoatck in the game because it hits 1 target…. Need to see the skill usage context
Does melting downed celestial eles medi guardians and cele ele count? :p
Lol at the bad players QQing about mantain the skill as a run away button that is useless to fight any decent player. Any good warrior would like to see GS reworked into a decent fighting weapon. The way it is now it is just impossible to play against spvp meta builds using a GS because it is useless in anything other than run away or hit stationary targets.
It’s not just a run away skill. It’s a mobility skill that is very important for pvp. It’s one of the few reasons anyone would use GS over hammer or sword/warhorn. Faster point roaming potential.
m8s pls…
i am talking about the mobility here didnt even mention about any kind of damage or other stuff.
and someone talked about mesmer/thief has better escape ability but thats different. thief burns up initiative and skills like shadowstep = 60 sec cool down and mesmer as well has long cd. but warriors? extremely short cd less than 30 sec and doesnt even burn up initiative like thief or long cd like mesmer. and that 25% sprint trait line make them viable to run fast without sacrifice any skill utility slot or doesnt force u to use 25% ms runes. its extremely unfair to warrior have all the mobility offence and defence stats as well. well ok i wouldnt give a kitten about anything about warrior but the mobility on warrior is insane. u guys are saying that mobility is needed to catch those thieves and mesmers but thats wrong. warrior shouldnt meant to out mobility these classess.
warrior’s sprint trait needs to be removed.
I totally Agree.
It must get removed and be a Baseline trait.
m8s pls…
i am talking about the mobility here didnt even mention about any kind of damage or other stuff.
and someone talked about mesmer/thief has better escape ability but thats different. thief burns up initiative and skills like shadowstep = 60 sec cool down and mesmer as well has long cd. but warriors? extremely short cd less than 30 sec and doesnt even burn up initiative like thief or long cd like mesmer. and that 25% sprint trait line make them viable to run fast without sacrifice any skill utility slot or doesnt force u to use 25% ms runes. its extremely unfair to warrior have all the mobility offence and defence stats as well. well ok i wouldnt give a kitten about anything about warrior but the mobility on warrior is insane. u guys are saying that mobility is needed to catch those thieves and mesmers but thats wrong. warrior shouldnt meant to out mobility these classess.
Yes he should because :
Arena Net:Warriors rely on speed
just drop it dude, seeing your past posts, you really have an issue with warriors.
Do people not realize that warriors need these skills to have any chance in PvP? Take a look at any warrior build. Unless they are running ham/bow they will have a gap closer somewhere. U know y? Cause they need them to be able to hit things. Only class that is gonna be right in a warriors face is a gardians. Every other class the warrior has to go to them. A warrior has to be able to get into melee range to have a chance
Fine if they nerf GS rush, can we get hundred blades while moving in return please?
Warrior has too much mobility.
Mobility or landspeed?
If mobility, than sorry but L2p.. mesmer/thief/Ele even guard have more mobility IN combat. (teleport kitten is so much better in pvp!! compared to landspeed skills)
If landspeed, than sure but not more compared to s/gs ranger or thiefs.. even ele can have great landspeed if you spec for it.. same goes for warrior.
L2P? I’m sorry but in that list you added Guardian. No I’m sorry but no. The only real mobility that a guard has is the meditation build coupled with sword, which by the way, isn’t good compared to other weapons. Get your facts straight before rambling a bunch of words you obviously have no idea about.
Yup thats right i added Guardian over there, that wasnt a mistake. Nope..
Hmm i was thinking medi was a thing in pvp doesnt it?? right? lol dude your into PVE or something? get your own facts together and see for yourself in pvp that guardian have Great mobility in pvp, and yes teleport is Much better compared to leap skill in pvp where there are walls etc..
Sorry but your wrong m8
I play pvp and wvw. Before you judge people on so little information maybe you should take into account that Teleporting has to target people first to initiate. Mobility covers many issues. Catching people and getting AWAY. Leaps are much better Pal. Get your facts straight because I honestly think you are one of those people that QQ over the guard that caught you and killed you or something.
Warrior has too much mobility.
Mobility or landspeed?
If mobility, than sorry but L2p.. mesmer/thief/Ele even guard have more mobility IN combat. (teleport kitten is so much better in pvp!! compared to landspeed skills)
If landspeed, than sure but not more compared to s/gs ranger or thiefs.. even ele can have great landspeed if you spec for it.. same goes for warrior.
L2P? I’m sorry but in that list you added Guardian. No I’m sorry but no. The only real mobility that a guard has is the meditation build coupled with sword, which by the way, isn’t good compared to other weapons. Get your facts straight before rambling a bunch of words you obviously have no idea about.
Yup thats right i added Guardian over there, that wasnt a mistake. Nope..
Hmm i was thinking medi was a thing in pvp doesnt it?? right? lol dude your into PVE or something? get your own facts together and see for yourself in pvp that guardian have Great mobility in pvp, and yes teleport is Much better compared to leap skill in pvp where there are walls etc..
Sorry but your wrong m8
I play pvp and wvw. Before you judge people on so little information maybe you should take into account that Teleporting has to target people first to initiate. Mobility covers many issues. Catching people and getting AWAY. Leaps are much better Pal. Get your facts straight because I honestly think you are one of those people that QQ over the guard that caught you and killed you or something.
He talked about combat speed and he is right in that department. He didn´t talked about guardian in land speed. Btw leaps are affected by conditions like chill, criple. Ports are not afected.
the warrior hate is strong in this one.
Makes me want to get my troll hat and go QQ on the Thief/Mes/whatever forums about XYZ skills just to give balance to the Force Universe.
OK MidoriMarch.8067
You are released from Warrior forums, you might get sad for hearing this about chronomancer the mesmer spec :
- Time Marches On – You move 25% faster. The duration of incoming movement-impairing conditions is reduced by 25%. (Cripple. Chilled, Immobilize)
Basically (a better Warrior’s Sprint + a bit weaker Dogged March) in 1 trait and guess what its a MINOR trait
but look at the bright side,,You can QQ in Mesmers forums now but you know what i might join you there lol
(edited by Juba.8406)
m8s pls…
i am talking about the mobility here didnt even mention about any kind of damage or other stuff.
and someone talked about mesmer/thief has better escape ability but thats different. thief burns up initiative and skills like shadowstep = 60 sec cool down and mesmer as well has long cd. but warriors? extremely short cd less than 30 sec and doesnt even burn up initiative like thief or long cd like mesmer. and that 25% sprint trait line make them viable to run fast without sacrifice any skill utility slot or doesnt force u to use 25% ms runes. its extremely unfair to warrior have all the mobility offence and defence stats as well. well ok i wouldnt give a kitten about anything about warrior but the mobility on warrior is insane. u guys are saying that mobility is needed to catch those thieves and mesmers but thats wrong. warrior shouldnt meant to out mobility these classess.
Rush/Bull’s/Whirlwind can only go in a straight line. Teef, Mesmer, even Necro (Wurm) can abuse the Z axis and instantly get to areas of the map that Warrior has to run around to reach.
Being able to blink to places like this are much more valuable for escape than just simple land speed.
It seems like you want Teef and mes to be able to ALWAYS escape from a Warrior. Having high base stats is a must when your class lacks mechanics like stealth and constant evades.
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