I do pvp a ton on many chars but my Warrior is just a desperate case of “class abandoned to itself”.
Let’s see what we have.
Worst gap closers: 3 out of 4 are still bugged
Rush and Bull can fail by design, by bug, and they can be avoided by walking, not even dodging.
Sometimes they fail even against standing people. No fix has come yet, doubt we’ll ever see one because if they were fixable they would work by now.
Bolas is too slow, you don’t even need to dodge it just moving avoids it; even poor Warrior NPCs in WvW never hit you with their bolas if you’re not standing still.
Sword leap is the only one that sort of comes close to what other classes have – too bad it sits on the most UP of Warrior weapons.
How many of you get sword mainhand on a secondary set just for the leap?
It should not be acceptable that our only working gap closer sits on sword and everything else is bugged.
Worst elite:
Most classes have built-in speedbuff of some sort or utility-based swiftness.
Warrior needs to bust, wair for it… AN ELITE…. AND it’s not even enough!
You also need to get +swift duration / boon duration for it to cover the uptime, usually having to waste rune slots.
Compare this to Dagger storm which throws tons of ricochet daggers for loads of damage plus bleeds, while also reflecting projectiles and also getting stability, SoR is a joke in comparison.
Other elites aren’t even worth mentioning.
Worst profession skills:
- Earthshaker is bugged and sometimes fails even if you land on one’s head.
- Eviscerate now is easy to fail as the built-in gap closer is almost impairing the land rate of the skill – not to mention that if it doesn’t crit it’s joke damage.
- Arcing slice? Possibly worst profession skill in the game.
- Killshot, make sure the target is not aware of you else it’s like the skill isn’t even there.
Zero ways to disengage:
Yes that’s it. There is no way you’re escaping anyone with a brain on a Warrior, once your worst-than-anyone-else’s death-delaying tools are gone, you’re dead.
We don’t even have a guaranteed way to avoid a stake like most classes.
But Warriors have, ah yes, the DOMOGES.
Except that Warrior’s damage is comparable to other classes normally (actually less than thief or ele).
We have some bursty skills that come with built-in flaws, so they need to be setup by using… wait for it… the bugged gap closers mentioned earlier!
Castrated damage skills that rely on bugged gap closers.
It sounds like a good joke, except the joke is on Warriors.
But Warriors have the “sturdy body”.
3 seconds of immortality (EP lasts 3s period, tooltip still states 5) defines a sturdy body?
Even Rangers and Eles access to much superior versions of the same skill.
Mesmers can deny a lot more damage through clones, Guards have protection/heals, Thieves have stealth, Necros got DS+protection, even poor Engies have better ways of avoiding damage.
High health pool matters zero in this game that’s all about avoiding damage or dying.
Remember that guy with 3500 armor & EP/DP hammer build making videos?
He had nearly the same survivability that other classes get by default by going full defense.
And this was the “most complete class”?
Maybe 4 months ago, when other classes weren’t developed, but now Warrior PvP is an uphill struggle against bugs and lack of development.
Warrior is by far the most suffering and underdeveloped class to me.
Every time I return to my good old Warrior char I come away more and more disappointed, to the point I’m considering to salvage his gear.
A Warrior can’t bunker solo, can’t roam solo, can’t solo anyone with a brain, can’t can’t can’t.
Even my melee power Necro is miles better than the Warrior currently is; it has much, much more damage resistance, similar damage and WORKING gap closers.
I just had to vent this because I put a lot of effort in my Warrior just to have an handicapped goat who’s outclassed by everyone at anything and has a ton of BUGS on core, important skills.
By fixing the gap closers alone this class would perform 800% better, how many more months do I have to wait before I can undust my Warrior and play without being swarmed by failed designs and bugs?
Sorry about the tone but this class is 5 months too late on bugfixing and proper PvP skill design.