We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Balsco.3682


Hello community, this post is basically about the traits Berserker’s Power, Heightened Focus and Adrenal Health, while these traits are indeed strong, their purpose seems stupid, it’s like giving rangers the option to stow pets and making them stronger when they do it, they literally tell us not to use our class’s special ability, I believe it would make much more sense if these traits actually gave bonuses upon using burst skills, not the other way around.

Imagine if after a burst skill you gained..say…3 stacks of might, wouldn’t that make it a lot better besides just the damage, or if you regenerated 1k HP after a burst skill and this amount would scale on the adrenaline spent?

Just an idea I thought would be worth exploring.

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Plague.5329


Yeah, the profession has a lot of problems with this. Signets are another example of things being more valuable sitting there doing nothing than they are doing anything of consequence. Things like this should not be anywhere in the game. Skills should always be things you want to encourage the players to use, not to avoid unless absolutely necessary.

Just one of many minor problems with Warriors, and one players are very aware of. Whether the devs understand it is another matter. It probably doesn’t help that the burst skills themselves are so underwhelming, so never using them is not a hard decision.

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Dark Savior.7589

Dark Savior.7589

Roll rifle or longbow build and take the traits that make shouts fill the adrenaline bar and you will be using f1 every time it is up. Only the greatsword build ends up holding onto adrenaline in my experience.

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


I do agree with you. However I am firmly convinced that IF they do anything to ‘fix’ this issue, based off of how MMO devs have always done things regarding warrior classes in the past, that they will simply nerf the abilities you’re talking about rather than buff or redesign abilities to actually fix the issue.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Numot.3965


Knowing when to use your adrenaline (and your signets) is finer skill to playing the game, as it’s opportunity cost. If you think you’re not encouraged to use it, think of this way, those traits make your adrenaline do something for you when you can’t use your burst skill.

I’m also pretty baffled as to why people don’t activate their signets, as most warrior signets have pretty good reasons to use them. Signet of stamina purges conditions, fury is a full bar of adrenaline (if you have the + crit chance for adrenaline trait raises your crit more than the signet passive), signet of might supports going for the kill, signet of rage is BETTER WHEN USED then kept passive.

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: LameFox.6349


The only signet you’re encouraged never to activate is the healing one. At least, not unless you absolutely have to. The rest can be ignored but it’s not optimal, even if you are getting precision for not using them.

EDIT: oh, and why wouldn’t you use those traits FOR your burst skill? It’s not like making up the adrenaline again afterwards is hard. You could use the skill and then simply give yourself full adrenaline with a signet or stance if you wanted to.

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: LithePanther.5027


Something useless to you is not useless to me.

80 Guardian. 80 Warrior. 80 Thief. 80 Engineer. 80 Necromancer. 80 Ranger.

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Sephiotr.6790


I lol’d so hard. I’m using only healing signet as my main heal skill, always in passive. I get (with trait) around 700 HP/tick (1,1/4 sec as I remember) and with 3,4k armor and over 30k HP with 3 shouts healing me And my friends for about 2k each i rflstomp every ranger/dps HB/eviscerate warrior (sweet dodge and shield). Only class I’m having problem with is tanky+healing guardian with good skills. Sometimes mesmer is pretty annoying, but after few moments of chasing him, he finally dies.

(edited by Moderator)

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Crescendoll.7612


Posted by this a while back, but people seem to think that the adrenaline functionality is fine, in general.


Space reserved for future witty pop-culture references.

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


The only thing that I hate about adrenaline is how it works with long-bow. Also the depletion when inactive is god unnecessary.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


I think we should be given two adrenaline skills for each weapon (F1 and F2) with the second one giving either some sort of defense measures( so you would choose if you spend adrenaline on offense or on defense) , or would give choice between single target or AoE CC, or maybe giving an option for builds that focus on other type of damage dealing – eg.: we could have killshot for rifle on F1 and some sort of shrapnel shot that would apply large amounts of bleed on F2. This way we could have power/prec builds on rifle, as well as condition damage ones.
Also mind that you would be able to use only one of those two abilities, because it takes some time to generate adrenaline UNLESS you would take berserk stance/signet of fury/traits that increase adrenaline generation, as you would benefit from them and would have more tactical options.
(of course at cost of loosing some of your power, when you don’t have adrenaline ready)

What do you think?

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


I’d rather have F2 be either a Bola or Bulls Charge that costs adrenaline.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

(edited by Schwahrheit.4203)

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


But that wouldn’t add any tactical depth to choosing on what you spend you adrenaline stages. You would just get a mandatory use-everytime thing, that would completely kill any decision making. Oh i can get 9s of fury. Should i use it? Nah Better Press F2 for I win bullscharge.
Besides that would also kill the whole idea of physical skills (even tho they need abit of fixing and tweaking).

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


At least when you’re using Long Bow..

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


There is no point of having a charge-knockdown attack on longbow, or longterm immobilize projectile, esspecially when longbow has Pin Down skill already. For longbow i would either see long-range (1200/1500) single target power shot that would deal high damage and knockdown based on adrenaline (so longbow could be both power or condition specced weapon) or a way to apply alots of burning to a single target.

But again let’s talk about the idea of having 2 adrenaline burst skills.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


I’m not even going to say anything on what other utility Bulls Charge has with a range weapon :x

But seriously trolling aside, I’m fine with Warrior as is. Just that Warrior is probably going to get an inevitable buff based on “statistics” and the only way people aren’t going to cry for nerfs is if F2 got Bulls charge or Bola that costs adrenaline.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Kanashi.5104


Honestly they are fine. Even if you don’t build for it there are plenty of ways to gather a ton of adrenaline and these skills are always adding a bonus. You still get the bonus for having a little adrenaline and using your adrenaline corresponds to the weapon you are using. Axe is commonly good for getting adrenaline then using it and when you use the adrenaline on that third tier to dish the damage you get the bonus then as well. It is free buffs for not doing anything extra.

As for the comments from others about signets. These are fine as well. If you are not using your signets then you are playing the game wrong. They put these in to add depth by allowing the player to determine what was more important and giving them a second option. You get passive bonuses and you have an activate from these so they are very strong if used correctly.

I will admit stacking these for the +40 precision is dumb because then you can’t use them if you want the added precision. However you can still create builds where you use a signet such as the signet of stamina to remove all conditions and have faster endurance regeneration. You wouldn’t be using the cure all conditions until it was needed and having passive endurance regeneration + 40 precision is pretty great. Just imagine you could dodge a 100B.

Kanashi * Iorianne * Aliza
Twitch.tv/kanashi | KanashiGD.com

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Hobocop.1508


For starters, make Brawn something more useful and interesting than 0.1% increased burst skill damage for each point in Discipline. It’s hilarious how bad that is even though I like a lot of the traits in the Discipline line.

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Kanashi.5104


Again here we see prime example of one of the diseases that corrupt alot of forums: going off-topic. Well, there generaly isn’t something bad about going off topic, but its bad when it overtakes the original topic of the thread.
So all these statements like: “I’d like to have bullscharge on F2, but people would probably cry OP if i got that.” Or “Signets are fine, they give tactical depth. And traits like +40 precision are crap” (altough this post started about adrenaline skills) give very little to the discussion. Although, they started about the main topic, they ended about something irellevant.
I understand that many people start with some idea, but generally they get dragged by their own train-of-thought, which in the end takes them somewhere completely off the main topic.
Although the stuff i wrote above, might look lgive a feel like i am raging, the truth is I just get annoyed when people sort of “slide-away” from the discussed topic.

So please, we are discussing how to make (what to add, what should of existing things should be changed) the use of adrenaline more active, rewarding and generally wanted. The idea of 2 Adrenaline Bursts skills was just one of them. So keep posting but please stay relevant.

Define off topic. I replied to the original poster and replied to a second poster ( i think the second post literally.) How is that off topic? Your post about being off topic is off topic and not contributing. Ergo causing me to defend that people are actually taking about the topic and you are not.


Kanashi * Iorianne * Aliza
Twitch.tv/kanashi | KanashiGD.com

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Balsco.3682


Well an axe wielder for example has no reason to use eviscerate if he has berserker’s power, because triple-chop deals more damage than eviscerate and even keeps the trait’s 12% more damage every attack unlike eviscerate which spends it, this is just an example of how we are not encouraged to use Adrenaline, it simply isn’t worth it.

By using eviscerate you weaken your main source of damage.

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Another choice would be make traits like Adrenale Health, Berserk Power and Heightened Focus give their bonuses upon using Burst skill. For example Adrenal Health could give immideate heal, based on adrenaline stages, regardless of what weapon burst skill you used. Or Heightened Focus could give you fury for certain amount of time based on adren stage (im aware that this could interfere with GS F1 skill, but that one could be changed).
Or we could have trait that would remove 1/2/3 condition from us, each time we would use a F1 Burst skill based on adrenaline stage.
The point is that now you have traits (7) and skills (7) for generating or spending adrenaline and then you have 3 traits that do not favor usage of adrenaline, unfortunately, because of their effectiveness they are one of most picked ones and therefore they negate use of adrenaline in lots of builds.
Why not make these 3 traits for using adrenaline?

What are your opinions? Do you want to have your +12% dmg, +9% crit chance and HP regen without touching the F1 key? Or do you want traits and skills that would be in favor for using our profession mechanic?

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Artaz.3819


The solution is to make the 3 traits that do passive increases also do even better one-time abilities upon active use of adrenaline F1 (spike damage, condition removal, healing, give protection boon, etc.) and move them further down the trait trees.

I know, unpopular nerf.

(Same thing would address Deep Strikes plus actually using Signet utilities if the Deep Strikes talent provided additional gains when a Signet was used)

(edited by Artaz.3819)

We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Artaz.3819


[Lost ability to quote for some reason]
For starters, make Brawn something more useful and interesting than 0.1% increased burst skill damage for each point in Discipline. It’s hilarious how bad that is even though I like a lot of the traits in the Discipline line.


We should be encouraged to use Adrenaline!

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


The solution is to make the 3 traits that do passive increases also do even better one-time abilities upon active use of adrenaline F1 (spike damage, condition removal, healing, give protection boon, etc.) and move them further down the trait trees.

I know, unpopular nerf.

(Same thing would address Deep Strikes plus actually using Signet utilities if the Deep Strikes talent provided additional gains when a Signet was used)

Yes a trait that would make using Signet actives would be welcome, but mind that we are talking about Adrenaline. The Warrior Unique Mechanic. Every class has Signets.

Also i think that having both passive and active effects on some traits, even at cost of moving them further down the trait tree could get to borderline OP.
And yes i think it could work, IF it would be actually balanced. Like active effects would be on par with the passive ones (and stronger than each other in certain situations). We don’t want the same thing guardian has with Virtues, which are in a lot situations left unused.

Yes this could be quite interesting change, but i think 2% per point is too much, maybe around 1,5% (45% less adrenaline required for each stage) would be adequade.

Oh and don’t forget fix Fast Hands (-5s on weapons swap) while you at it.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”