Why Warriors Need a Nerf

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: wildfang.9670


if you detect hostility to a point I apologize but the majority of what I see is basically a l2p issue yet most people want everything one the warrior nerfed to the point of unplaybility.

to think I thought this thread was dead.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: wildfang.9670


include a icd into cleansing ire 40 45 seconds will fix ire so the warrior can not spam condition cleanse every 10 seconds. from that point a large part of the warrior will balance out. my opinion regarding healing sig is on a whole other thread.

I am now done with this thread regaurdless of what is said.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: tom.7468


They changed berserker stance to be immune to conditions because of the condi meta.
They wanted warrior to be hardcounter to strong condi builds primarily necros,rangers,engineers because no other class had a chance to stop them.
But now its hard for warriors to beat necros after skull crack + a lot of other nerfs.
Warriors were considered a free kill for over a year before they got some buffs.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: DuranArgith.1354


Hey guys, thief here.

I’m only posting thoughts because this thread is alive, otherwise I wouldnt… but here are some of the larger issues I’ve noticed myself, and other people having in common towards warriors(specifically in WvW).

It has to do with the amount of high sustainability, mobility, and damage. Three factors that are the primary attributes needed to survive in WvW, something that no other class has. The combination all those three particular strengths makes someone incredibly hard to fight against. Once the truck is in combat, the truck hits hard, and takes a lot of damage and time to take down. If at any point the truck wants to leave combat, they easily can(assuming swords are equipt). I’m no newbie to pvp and wvw…there have been multiple times where a warrior trolls with small groups of people and runs away at will after a massive amount of AoE damage is splashed about.

My suggestions? Don’t nerf the damage, dont nerf the survivability… Nerf the mobility just a tad. I’m not sure why it turned out to be this way, but warriors being the most mobile(assuming swords) class in the game is a bit counter intuitive for a massive hulking tanky class covered in layers of steel.

Longbow / D/P Thief has the most mobility assuming they have a target to teleport steal and shadowshot.

Elementalists Fire sword also provides one of the best ways to run away from absolutely everything:)

Rangers greatsword Swoop is just a dream with only 12 seconds untraited cd

Yet people always complain about warriors.

(edited by DuranArgith.1354)

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: whyme.3281


They changed berserker stance to be immune to conditions because of the condi meta.
They wanted warrior to be hardcounter to strong condi builds primarily necros,rangers,engineers because no other class had a chance to stop them.
But now its hard for warriors to beat necros after skull crack + a lot of other nerfs.
Warriors were considered a free kill for over a year before they got some buffs.

I think you messed something up here. Warrior was the counter to direct damage, with high armor, high health, and invulnerability (that allows condition damage).

It was completly stupid, to give the warrior on top of that, all those condition cleanses. A few would be ok, but not 8 seconds immunity, -33% percent duration on mobility ones, full cleanse and 3 conditions with every burst skill…

Something like Sigil of Purity (condi remove on crit), dogged march and maybe shouts remove 1 condition would be more than enough for the warrior. Dont forget his high health and high regen.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


warrior vs good players are incredibly underpowered….to most classes they don’t stand a chance at all….anet, pls stop fullfilling the casual pve players wishes…they won’t make the game exist for long…they will hop to any newly released game… you need the dedicated playerbase in order to make gw2 last as long as gw1…nor does the casual player support the gemstore enough….for they are casual…. the warrior needs a tremendous buff in order to stand a chance against the better players….community, please stop lying…the warrior is far…FAAAAAAAR from overpowered

The problem is when I play warrior i feel like the client is partially playing for me. Not fun.

The issue is not OPness by itself.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Phantasmal.5631


warrior vs good players are incredibly underpowered….to most classes they don’t stand a chance at all….anet, pls stop fullfilling the casual pve players wishes…they won’t make the game exist for long…they will hop to any newly released game… you need the dedicated playerbase in order to make gw2 last as long as gw1…nor does the casual player support the gemstore enough….for they are casual…. the warrior needs a tremendous buff in order to stand a chance against the better players….community, please stop lying…the warrior is far…FAAAAAAAR from overpowered

Please, you can afk as a warrior and win thanks to healing signet. You can take zerker stance and be immune to conditions and spam hammer f1, then 3, then 4, then 5. You can use Endure pain and also trait for endure pain to have over 10 seconds of invuln if they manage to even get you to 25%. With a shield you can be pretty much invuln for another 8 seconds. By the time this cycle is over you start your rotation again and be at FULL hp. GG.

Don’t even get me started on warriors with perplexity runes using hammer, mace/shield. Talk about OP that build is it, it stacks 21+ confusion EASILY.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


include a icd into cleansing ire 40 45 seconds will fix ire so the warrior can not spam condition cleanse every 10 seconds. from that point a large part of the warrior will balance out. my opinion regarding healing sig is on a whole other thread.

I am now done with this thread regaurdless of what is said.

I would agree with this if condi are spammed every 40 second.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


its already impossible to clean all the conditions from a full condi build (necro, mesmer, engi, even thief) even when stacking every single condi cleanse available to warrior. i agree that people should die to conditions if they have no cleanses in their build.. but currently the condition meta is madness.. and im saying this as a warrior with soldier runes, shout spec, cleansing ire, shake it off & traited warhorn.. i built all this just so i dont die to every condi class out there using sigil of torment, runes of perlexity and all that bullkitten on top of their normal condi build. and even with all these cleanses there are some builds that put so many conditions on me i have to abort fighting asap and run away.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

(edited by Steelo.4597)

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


From a WvW perspective, the mobility should be toned down a bit – it’s ridiculous at the moment. On my warrior i have 3 leap/mobility moves that i can use to get away from pretty much anything – it’s just cheesy as hell. The class is already incredibly strong in WvW.

80 Necro (5), 80 Guard (4), 80 Mesmer (3)
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: WilliCalifornia.1837


From a WvW perspective, the mobility should be toned down a bit – it’s ridiculous at the moment. On my warrior i have 3 leap/mobility moves that i can use to get away from pretty much anything – it’s just cheesy as hell. The class is already incredibly strong in WvW.

+1 Warriors deserved to be nerfed.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: SonofNoob.3102


Baddies calling for nerfs. Who could have predicted?

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: quercus.9261


Warriors who don’t think they are OP should play other classes more. I play my warrior exclusively now in WvW. None of my other 80s are even close.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: ShakeyStorm.7180


TL/DR pages 2-5

Warrior is easy to play because of its simplicity in design.
Warrior skills that deal damage are highly predictable. Learn to dodge and that is one skill on cool down.

Warriors are dependent heavily on their skill cool downs. Chill shuts down a warrior.

Warriors need a target to deal damage. Stealth smartly and you will take almost no damage all the time. Clones are difficult to read unless the mesmer keeps on running and performing skills giving away their position.

Sure the three warrior stances protects the warrior but take note that it lasts only 10 seconds and will be on cool down for another 60 seconds. 10 seconds is not enough to kill if the target knows when to dodge, block, stealth, or clone.

If OP witchhunt you want, try visiting http://www.youtube.com/user/bemeric1 where it is 1 versus many anytime all the time.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


I don’t care, I want warriors changed because optimal builds just play themselves. It’s not interesting anymore.

Not nerfed, but changed.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: ShakeyStorm.7180


Warrior class is a good class for new players. Create an account, create a warrior, play the game. When the newbie feels ready for more challenge, play another class .

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: MarauderShields.6830


it’s not as much a nerf warriros need but a redesign.
i had a good fight with a hammer warrior yesterday. he dodged well, chained skills etc. he was quite good and, as i’m a fossil who still runs d/d thief, i had a hard time to land my cloak and dagger to gain stealth.

and here it starts.
scorpion wire to create an opening for CnD doesn’t work (stability), neither does basilisk’s venom (endure pain). beside the fact that i had to eat a lot of damage and burn an immense amount of initiative on gap closers just to keep close, i managed to land CnD from time to time and even land a couple of backstabs…which did around 7k damage and were outhealed quite fast since insane disengage ability (and no i didn’t use dancing dagger). it went on for quite a while and i got defeated, i simply could not do enough damage without avoiding it myself (the hammer stun chain did around 12k total to me when it hit me). there was nothing i could do because that guy put just a modicum of effort into dodging and reading my skill animations

and that is what bugs me about the warrior: it is incredibly forgiving. do one mistake on your play as a thief and you are done. do mistake after mistake (get hit by CC, eat a backstab, get conditions) and don’t even care. the warrior evens out a large lack of skill. i recently started to use my warrior for wvw and it is unbelievable easy to make it rain lootbags (and i have used him only for pve for almost a year now).
i wish anet would finally remove the safety leash and the autoplilot from that class. i know it is the first adress for new players but it is simply too easy to play.

Former running-really-fast-man. Now proud member of Revenant clan.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Harper.4173


You do know what signet of intelligence is right?

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Killface.1896


Thief crying he cant win a warrior ;O

Go D/P and BLIND BLIND BLIND,if same skill lvl you will win

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: ShakeyStorm.7180


it’s not as much a nerf warriros need but a redesign.
i had a good fight with a hammer warrior yesterday. he dodged well, chained skills etc. he was quite good and, as i’m a fossil who still runs d/d thief, i had a hard time to land my cloak and dagger to gain stealth.

and here it starts.
scorpion wire to create an opening for CnD doesn’t work (stability), neither does basilisk’s venom (endure pain). beside the fact that i had to eat a lot of damage and burn an immense amount of initiative on gap closers just to keep close, i managed to land CnD from time to time and even land a couple of backstabs…which did around 7k damage and were outhealed quite fast since insane disengage ability (and no i didn’t use dancing dagger). it went on for quite a while and i got defeated, i simply could not do enough damage without avoiding it myself (the hammer stun chain did around 12k total to me when it hit me). there was nothing i could do because that guy put just a modicum of effort into dodging and reading my skill animations

and that is what bugs me about the warrior: it is incredibly forgiving. do one mistake on your play as a thief and you are done. do mistake after mistake (get hit by CC, eat a backstab, get conditions) and don’t even care. the warrior evens out a large lack of skill. i recently started to use my warrior for wvw and it is unbelievable easy to make it rain lootbags (and i have used him only for pve for almost a year now).
i wish anet would finally remove the safety leash and the autoplilot from that class. i know it is the first adress for new players but it is simply too easy to play.

You find warrior disengage insane? Maybe that is your problem. When you get hit hard, disengage. Thieves can disengage/re-engage at their whim. Knowing when to fight and when not to fight is part of strategic gameplay.

Warriors are more forgiving with mistakes because it is a beginner’s class. When you get more skilled, you can start going on less toughness more power OR change to a skill dependent class.

New players will find thieves very weak because it will die all the time if not played right.

Veteran players handling thief is immortal and can pawn anyone anywhere anytime may it be 1vs1 or 1vs5. If you do not believe go ask Yishi.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: MarauderShields.6830


You find warrior disengage insane? Maybe that is your problem. When you get hit hard, disengage. Thieves can disengage/re-engage at their whim. Knowing when to fight and when not to fight is part of strategic gameplay.

Warriors are more forgiving with mistakes because it is a beginner’s class. When you get more skilled, you can start going on less toughness more power OR change to a skill dependent class.

New players will find thieves very weak because it will die all the time if not played right.

Veteran players handling thief is immortal and can pawn anyone anywhere anytime may it be 1vs1 or 1vs5. If you do not believe go ask Yishi.

you didn’t really get the point of my post. it wasn’t me needing to disengage, it was the warrior doing it at will. making it impossible for me to keep up pressure (as he healed right up). i played my thief for a while now (and i refrain from running d/p, because reducing each class to one cheesy build kills the game imho). i die rarely on my thief but what you basically suggest by “knowing when to fight and when not” is to avoid warriors right away. it cannot be beneficial to a competitive game when the strategy against one class is “run, you cannot beat it, you can only avoid the fight”. i come from Fissure of Woe originally and we are used to 1v5 fights (and i’m not that bad at it) so this isn’t about my skill as a player but about a sheer design flaw in the warrior class.

Thief crying he cant win a warrior ;O

Go D/P and BLIND BLIND BLIND,if same skill lvl you will win

few people are still bad enough to not avoid the initial blind and walk into the smoke field. even fewer do it with hammer/gs.

Former running-really-fast-man. Now proud member of Revenant clan.

(edited by MarauderShields.6830)