Why Warriors Need a Nerf

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


However, I realized that the cripple spam in this game is kinda crazy. Now I see why I need dogged march.

You know, necros can stack a lot of cripple. Without cleansing ire or berserker stance you just stand there, limping. That was one of the reason why warriors were dogkitten.

That was one of the many many reasons Warriors were bottom of the barrel about a year ago against other professions. The issue is that ANet introduced two traits (Dogged March and then Cleansing Ire, in the same Trait line no less) that is now the crutch for all Warriors and completely forgot that non-spammable or soft condition Professions became nigh-worthless to counter Warriors.

TL;DR ANet didn’t balance soft/hard CC conditions correctly and should have used diminishing returns from the beginning. It is not a problem with Dogged March/Cleansing Ire per se. Dogged March/Cleansing Ire were hamstrung in to make the Warrior Profession ‘playable’ in WvW/sPvP.

To fix Dogged March/Cleansing Ire, ANet needs to realize what spammable/infinite chaining or renewing soft and hard CC does to the game.

Yeah: if you don’t take dogged march and cleansing ire (or at least cleansing ire) + Berserker Stance you are gonna get hardcountered. If you take them, you are OP. Crazy stuff.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


Yeah: if you don’t take dogged march and cleansing ire (or at least cleansing ire) + Berserker Stance you are gonna get hardcountered. If you take them, you are OP. Crazy stuff.

Sadly thats pretty much it.

I would preffer a complete condition spam rework than hardcounters like berserker stance but Anet decided to bandaid instead of completely cure the cancer and without them we will all get eaten alive and im not reffering only to warriors.

(edited by mini.6018)

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


That might mean that hambow’s weakness is finding someone doing something better than them. But it’s still a long shot. And even then, no matter the situation those builds perform better than others.

Hambow’s weakness is terrible mobility and inability to disengage.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


That might mean that hambow’s weakness is finding someone doing something better than them. But it’s still a long shot. And even then, no matter the situation those builds perform better than others.

Hambow’s weakness is terrible mobility and inability to disengage.

Two things that aren’t much of a problem in a tournament.

Especially if you don’t need to disengage.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Heimdallr.7021


You are over representing the hammer community. This is one thing I see constantly in warrior threads, that the assumption of hammer is always being used. To deny the advantages of swiftness and speed on near demand cannot be overlooked. You can’t damage what you can’t hit. You state that to achieve this one has to use sword/greatsword like this is some sort of disadvantage. Sword/shield-greatsword with practice can be as lethal as anything else if you dedicate the time to learn how to get the most from them. You also overly value CC. Nobody got downed from CC. Stuns do not down players, only the damage they take while they’re stunned downs players. This underlines what is a simple concept to understand. Damage downs players. You can use 150 stuns for all you like, but if you’re only hitting for meager amounts each time it doesn’t really mean anything. Badly played PU mesmers reinforce this notion. You can stealth, blind, blink, prot protection, mirror image and everything you want, but your doing no damage. You can attempt to discredit the value of speed, that is up to you. You can discredit gravity if you like, but if you jump off a cliff you are going to fall. Speed has it benefits and can be used to augment play style to the point that it is a winning factor.

I’m not over representing anything, it’s a fact that if you spec for speed and mobility you have to give up all the fancy stun, CC, range weapons that people claim to make warrior overpowered.
It’s a matter of choice, honestly i would never run in pvp a build like that.

norn warrior

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: IFreedom.4637


What I get from the warrior haters is that they dislike the fact that warriors can eqp and trait up to fit plenty of situation and thus they want the warrior to be nerf to the ground instead of asking for improvents to their respective classes, in a game with build flexibility. DO YOU KNOW HOW SILLY YOU SOUND?

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: whyme.3281


to be fair, rangers ask for buffs/changes since release and nothing happened. other classes too.

Warrior had issues at the beginning with low survivability, weakness to condition damage. But they got buffed over and over again. Their initial weakness to condition damage is now one of the things they shine over other classes.
And now come the important part, they got all this without any sacrivice in either damge or utility.

yes, such things are build dependend, but warriors have easy access to this good traits and skills.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


to be fair, rangers ask for buffs/changes since release and nothing happened. other classes too.

Warrior had issues at the beginning with low survivability, weakness to condition damage. But they got buffed over and over again. Their initial weakness to condition damage is now one of the things they shine over other classes.
And now come the important part, they got all this without any sacrivice in either damge or utility.

yes, such things are build dependend, but warriors have easy access to this good traits and skills.

Well, to be fair we lost something.

Example: Berserker’s Stance and heightened focus went from adept to grandmaster.

Quickness got heavily nerfed.

Axe was damaged pvp wise, making its autoattack less reliable (you have to land the final strike, which is also slower).

Sword’s autoattack was nerfed. Some say it’s better now, some say it was better before, so someone might say it was a nerf.

Then there are recent nerfs on mace and hammer.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: phaeris.7604


You give up nothing as a warrior whatever spec you run. That’s the problem, even with full Zerk gear you have 20k+ hp and close to 3k armour. Everyone else teeters on 12-13k hp and 2k armour and doesn’t have a constant health regen of 700 every few seconds.

Your adrenal is basically on a 7 sec timer, where other peoples abilities sit on 25 second timers.

I revisited my warrior (my first 80) just now in spvp, full zerk, the only time i died was when i would test myself against 3-4 players. I fought a thief and didn;t even bother to move and still won. Healing signet is just far too strong an ability when combined with your naturally high armour and hp totals. You have no trade off. You have access to range, mobility, high dps, cc imunity, condition duration reduction immunity. It’s crazy.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


You give up nothing as a warrior whatever spec you run. That’s the problem, even with full Zerk gear you have 20k+ hp and close to 3k armour. Everyone else teeters on 12-13k hp and 2k armour and doesn’t have a constant health regen of 700 every few seconds.

you get near that if you spend 30 points in defense, go full toughness runes and use Dolyak Signet.

I agree the fact it is that easy might be an issue.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


You give up nothing as a warrior whatever spec you run. That’s the problem, even with full Zerk gear you have 20k+ hp and close to 3k armour. Everyone else teeters on 12-13k hp and 2k armour and doesn’t have a constant health regen of 700 every few seconds.

Your adrenal is basically on a 7 sec timer, where other peoples abilities sit on 25 second timers.

I revisited my warrior (my first 80) just now in spvp, full zerk, the only time i died was when i would test myself against 3-4 players. I fought a thief and didn;t even bother to move and still won. Healing signet is just far too strong an ability when combined with your naturally high armour and hp totals. You have no trade off. You have access to range, mobility, high dps, cc imunity, condition duration reduction immunity. It’s crazy.

How do you give up nothing? If you can prove that you can give up nothing I want to hear it. I see a pretty big difference between soldiers amulet and lets say one of the other amulets. Who doesn’t I would say trading one amulet for another you are giving us something in exchange for something else. Then you say you can change your traits to compensate for it but you fail to prove that the traits you gave up to compensate for stats are equal or better than others ones.

Everyone doesn’t teeter on 12-13k HP. 12-13K on other professions is base. Put a solders amulet on a Thief and tell me the teeter at 12-13K hp. Yes you have access to warrior things but you have no access too all of the other good things that other professions have so you need your high hp and defense. Give my warrior protection steath, clones blinks, reflects, minions, extra hp bars, and all of the stuff other players get and I will gladly take a defensive nerf.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Jamalayka.9864


if you read the forum for all classes you will find that people who cannot cope with the opponent will find something to complain about. Be it A guardian, a thief, a Mesmer etc.. just master your character and understand the opponent.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Chasind.3128


Nothing and nobody needs a nerf. Nerfing is a BAD strategy. You don’t nerf what is good, you improve what is bad.

+1 to this

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


I find it perplexing that people say no one needs a nerfing. The mere fact that other classes get buffed EFFECTIVELY nerfs those classes that did not get nerfed.

The difference is power creep. The game also has a non-comparative set of modes (PvE for example). If everyone is “good” by warrior standards, you then have to readjust all other aspects of the game.

Nerfing is fair, fast and simple. Power creep adds layers and layers of problems.
Both nerfing a class and boosting other classes has the same impact. Please nerf!

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


That might mean that hambow’s weakness is finding someone doing something better than them. But it’s still a long shot. And even then, no matter the situation those builds perform better than others.

Hambow’s weakness is terrible mobility and inability to disengage.

Two things that aren’t much of a problem in a tournament.

Especially if you don’t need to disengage.

Healing signet’s weakness is focus fire. The best way to get rid of focus fire is to disengage until the enemy changes target. Hambow has no way of disengaging and you will melt easily. After all, Hambow is not a bunker build.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: xXxOrcaxXx.9328


Let’s take a survey. If you think, the warrior is OP, bump this thread:
- thread was closed -

If you think the warrior is balanced, bump this thread.
- thread was closed -

Since balance is not only about number but also a subjective assessment, it would be nice to know what the majority thinks.

Ranger - Guardian - Warrior - Elementalist - Necromancer - Mesmer
EU Elona Reach – Void Sentinels

(edited by xXxOrcaxXx.9328)

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Bread.7516


Let’s take a survey. If you think, the warrior is OP, bump this thread:

If you think the warrior is balanced, bump this thread.

Since balance is not only about number but also a subjective assessment, it would be nice to know what the majority thinks.

Could have made a strawpoll link instead.

The majority does not play the game at it’s full potential or even close so i don’t think it is a good method of looking at balance.

Rather, why not view top tier tpvp tournaments and analyze if warriors are OP or not

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Harper.4173


I find it perplexing that people say no one needs a nerfing. The mere fact that other classes get buffed EFFECTIVELY nerfs those classes that did not get nerfed.

The difference is power creep. The game also has a non-comparative set of modes (PvE for example). If everyone is “good” by warrior standards, you then have to readjust all other aspects of the game.

Nerfing is fair, fast and simple. Power creep adds layers and layers of problems.
Both nerfing a class and boosting other classes has the same impact. Please nerf!

How about no?

Warriors have received numerous nerfs since this game launched – look it up in the patch notes.
I suggest that before you make more threads like this one you actually WAIT for the balance patch that was discussed during the livestream – so we can see all the changes and how things now fit in the new context of the game.

Thank you for your consideration – i doubt you’ll do it though.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Venn.7623


Why are people who I see complaining about warriors seem to know nothing about warriors? What happened to all the mesmer/thief/ele QQ? They’re still incredible classes even after some stupid nerfs. Other classes need buffs, warrior is fine as it is. They’re still as obvious as ever as to what they’re going to do in a fight.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: whyme.3281


Just look at the facts:

Warriors a year ago had a big weak spot, condition damage, but to compensate this, they had high hp, high armor, health regen and invulnerability to direct damage. Yes they could be kited, but this was due to their bugged gap closers (bulls charge, ….).

After “fixing” their weakspot, they got one of the best condition removals/imunities in the game. But on the other hand they didnt give up one of their other stregths, that should compensate this weakness. Health regen got buffed, damage stayed more or less the same (some number tweaking), every other stat stayed the same.

Its like the hole in the death-star, the put a giant Laser cannon on top of this little hole, so that everyone that wants to shoot in it, get killed.

Now we can discuss if this is balanced and every other class is just underpowered or warriors a OP, but fact is, they are above average balance vise.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: mini.6018


Just look at the facts:

Warriors a year ago had a big weak spot, condition damage, but to compensate this, they had high hp, high armor, health regen and invulnerability to direct damage. Yes they could be kited, but this was due to their bugged gap closers (bulls charge, ….).

After “fixing” their weakspot, they got one of the best condition removals/imunities in the game. But on the other hand they didnt give up one of their other stregths, that should compensate this weakness. Health regen got buffed, damage stayed more or less the same (some number tweaking), every other stat stayed the same.

Its like the hole in the death-star, the put a giant Laser cannon on top of this little hole, so that everyone that wants to shoot in it, get killed.

Now we can discuss if this is balanced and every other class is just underpowered or warriors a OP, but fact is, they are above average balance vise.

Did not give up anything?If an overall 30% nerf in damage and countless added nerfed range,telegraphs and casting times is nothing then yes.I suggest you learn 2 warrior before making hilarious posts like this again.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: whyme.3281


30% overall damage nerf, am I playing the wrong game? Or do you count quickness which effects every class?

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Bread.7516


funny how people keep saying war is OP when in tournaments (real tournaments)
teams mostly carry around 1 or none.

(edited by Bread.7516)

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


30% overall damage nerf, am I playing the wrong game? Or do you count quickness which effects every class?

Not entirely: from what I know, warrior was the only class who had quickness in a meta build. And for a lot of time had Frenzy as it core mechanic in tournament.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: reklaw.5380


Okay this is possibly the best build cause it is fast and you are always getting bonuses

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: HiddenFlames.7258


Just look at the facts:

Warriors a year ago had a big weak spot, condition damage, but to compensate this, they had high hp, high armor, health regen and invulnerability to direct damage. Yes they could be kited, but this was due to their bugged gap closers (bulls charge, ….).

After “fixing” their weakspot, they got one of the best condition removals/imunities in the game. But on the other hand they didnt give up one of their other stregths, that should compensate this weakness. Health regen got buffed, damage stayed more or less the same (some number tweaking), every other stat stayed the same.

Its like the hole in the death-star, the put a giant Laser cannon on top of this little hole, so that everyone that wants to shoot in it, get killed.

Now we can discuss if this is balanced and every other class is just underpowered or warriors a OP, but fact is, they are above average balance vise.

What are you talking about warriors over the past first 6 months received nothing, but direct damage nerfs. Gs/bulls rush/frenzy received a nerf even tho if was 1 trick pony. Evicerate received a 3 direct nerfs through out the year because it was still easy to read but hit like a brick. Axe auto received a nerf so the last hit did the core of its aa damage on the last hit. Hammer damage never changed only had its cast times got buffed and out of no where it’s op for damage. HB received several nerfs mostly indirect nerfs, but all effecting the viability of using gs as a DPS weapon. Warriors have received more than enough nerfs to their damage to get away with the survivability they have now.

The mentality of any good DPS warrior was to kill or be killed. We’ve had nothing to help us stick around with d/p thieves, nor did we have the ability to tank/support like a guardian. So don’t you dare say warriors always had it good cause we didn’t.

(edited by HiddenFlames.7258)

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: met.9653


Warrior? You mean that op class with most hp and ability to have good dps and high armor in same time? Perfect balans xd
Show me another class with 400hp/s heal with only one signet and no need of healing power, or class with so much cc resistance, condi clear, no dmg time, stability uptime and more.
But but its perfectly fine, we are melle class xd
Try too play melle necro, or ranger or elly and you see how this game balans is completly broken.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: HiddenFlames.7258


Go play a guardian, d/d ele, d/p thief cause that’s pretty much what your asking for. Don’t even worry about stability cause more than half the time you won’t be able to catch up or blinded more than half the time. Honestly just roll a Mesmer and laugh at every that even remotely tries to touch you.

Warriors aren’t op when other classes are perfectly capable of killing a warrior even with hambow. Honestly some if you guys need to stop thinking about the 30/30/30/30/30 build.

(edited by HiddenFlames.7258)

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198



That is the common fallacy argument every class makes when refuting the need for a nerf. It goes like “but I can’t have everything you are talking about at the same time”.

But that is true of even the most balanced class. I know engineer. It is balanced well.

The balance isn’t that I can only take so many of the best in game skills and abilities at one time, it is that I have very limited access to the best in game abilities and skills. I have a couple but the rest are average and a few things are very weak no matter what build I run.

The problem with the warrior is that they are picking from the best inventory of best skills. That is a balance problem.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Carpboy.7145



That is the common fallacy argument every class makes when refuting the need for a nerf. It goes like “but I can’t have everything you are talking about at the same time”.

But that is true of even the most balanced class. I know engineer. It is balanced well.

The balance isn’t that I can only take so many of the best in game skills and abilities at one time, it is that I have very limited access to the best in game abilities and skills. I have a couple but the rest are average and a few things are very weak no matter what build I run.

The problem with the warrior is that they are picking from the best inventory of best skills. That is a balance problem.

As a warrior i would absolutely love to trade rifles. Id use it on almost every build. Id love to have the high stealth uptime you can get with blasts and smoke bomb. Id love 2 water fields every 20 sec. Id also love bomb kit on my condi build.

Grass is always greener. Different professions are different. Go figure

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Insanity.5174


warrior isn’t the problem,the real problem is the balance team.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


nothing you said made any sense and I read it. warriors are tanky because they are heavy armor warriors and they do good melee damage because they are the purest melee DPS class in the game. This is a profession that is meant to facetank and do high melee DPS because it is a warrior. Look up warrior in the dictionary and that is the definition of a warrior. There is nothing wrong with warriors they are exactly how they should be there is a bunch of problems with the other professions ranger is one of them. How about you guys accept the fact that warriors are warriors and ask ANET to fix your other classes. And stop making useless threads asking for anet to nerf warriors because your class is broken and is underpowered.

While I agree with pretty much everything you said, this is what warriors shouldn’t have (which they currently do). They should not have better ranged skills than other classes. They shouldn’t have better utility with longbows, they shouldn’t have better mobility than every other class.

It’s kind of amusing when people think that a heavy armor class and whisk across the screen faster than any light armor class.

Yes the warriors need nerfs; they shouldn’t be using a longbow and most of their mobile abilities should be removed as well. Part of their HP pool needs to be cut if they are supposed to be the pure melee dps class.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Harper.4173


Just look at the facts:

Warriors a year ago had a big weak spot, condition damage, but to compensate this, they had high hp, high armor, health regen and invulnerability to direct damage. Yes they could be kited, but this was due to their bugged gap closers (bulls charge, ….).

After “fixing” their weakspot, they got one of the best condition removals/imunities in the game. But on the other hand they didnt give up one of their other stregths, that should compensate this weakness. Health regen got buffed, damage stayed more or less the same (some number tweaking), every other stat stayed the same.

Its like the hole in the death-star, the put a giant Laser cannon on top of this little hole, so that everyone that wants to shoot in it, get killed.

Now we can discuss if this is balanced and every other class is just underpowered or warriors a OP, but fact is, they are above average balance vise.

Damage got severely nerfed.

2 Traits moved to grandmaster slots. ( Berserker’s power and Heightened focus).
Quickness nerf.
UF nerfed.
Longbow nerfed.
Hammer nerfed.

Now let me point something out : before the condi clear and healing buffs warriors didn’t just have a " weakness " in conditions – they were an UNPLAYABLE class in sPVP and WvW.
You simply had NO SOLUTION against condi meta. Warriors were for good reason considered a free kill.

That’s not having a weakness – that’s being a broken class.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Harper.4173


nothing you said made any sense and I read it. warriors are tanky because they are heavy armor warriors and they do good melee damage because they are the purest melee DPS class in the game. This is a profession that is meant to facetank and do high melee DPS because it is a warrior. Look up warrior in the dictionary and that is the definition of a warrior. There is nothing wrong with warriors they are exactly how they should be there is a bunch of problems with the other professions ranger is one of them. How about you guys accept the fact that warriors are warriors and ask ANET to fix your other classes. And stop making useless threads asking for anet to nerf warriors because your class is broken and is underpowered.

While I agree with pretty much everything you said, this is what warriors shouldn’t have (which they currently do). They should not have better ranged skills than other classes. They shouldn’t have better utility with longbows, they shouldn’t have better mobility than every other class.

It’s kind of amusing when people think that a heavy armor class and whisk across the screen faster than any light armor class.

Yes the warriors need nerfs; they shouldn’t be using a longbow and most of their mobile abilities should be removed as well. Part of their HP pool needs to be cut if they are supposed to be the pure melee dps class.

If you had it your way you would gut the class and that’d be it.
Why not use longbow?
Mobile abilities are used to ENGAGE and disengage – since warriors don’t have a specific gimmick mechanic to help them disengage like blinks, blinds or stealth or clones.
The HP pool is there because warriors have no SOFT damage mitigation (Aegis, protection, pets ).
Please try to realize you have NO idea how to balance anything and you’re just posting for the sake of doing it.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Jackmo.3428


Warriors are for ppl who arent good enough to guardian. They arent op. They do guardia better than guardian does. More heals higher hits more boons higher hp. They are guardians without any of the weaknesses.

ET Commander
Pro Guardian

(edited by Jackmo.3428)

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Warriors are for ppl who arent good enough to guardian. They arent op.

I don’t know, I don’t feel med guardian is that hard either. Once you get used to having less health (while having slightly better sustain) and move a bit slower, you are good to go.

After a bit of practice, I don’t have many problems going as guardian. At first I needed some time to figure out what was worth using and what wasn’t, but this goes for every class, even for warrior.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Jackmo.3428


Warriors are for ppl who arent good enough to guardian. They arent op.

I don’t know, I don’t feel med guardian is that hard either. Once you get used to having less health (while having slightly better sustain) and move a bit slower, you are good to go.

After a bit of practice, I don’t have many problems going as guardian. At first I needed some time to figure out what was worth using and what wasn’t, but this goes for every class, even for warrior.

Still took you some practice. I hopped onmy 16 uplvl warr and went into wvw and did well. Wound up downing a few 80’S

ET Commander
Pro Guardian

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Warriors are for ppl who arent good enough to guardian. They arent op.

I don’t know, I don’t feel med guardian is that hard either. Once you get used to having less health (while having slightly better sustain) and move a bit slower, you are good to go.

After a bit of practice, I don’t have many problems going as guardian. At first I needed some time to figure out what was worth using and what wasn’t, but this goes for every class, even for warrior.

Still took you some practice. I hopped onmy 16 uplvl warr and went into wvw and did well. Wound up downing a few 80’S

Really? Ah, the wonders of WvWvW.XD

I think I’ll play meditation guardian more now, at least I don’t have to actually nerf myself playing crazy glass builds for warrior that don’t work that well. But I have to get used to those flashy blue effects.XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Heimdallr.7021


The problem with the warrior is that they are picking from the best inventory of best skills. That is a balance problem.


norn warrior

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: lvis.3824


To all Warrios’s in here who actually think they are “balanced” – please for the sake of god play a D/D elementalist.

A profession that cannot switch to a different weaponset , this is pure melee.
And then, fight agains any class in the game – then come back and tell us again that you are “balanced” .

Balanced around what ? You really think you are such good players that you win every 1v1 out there ?

Even when missing 50% of you “obvious telegraphed” skills ?

Please try ele and then review your statements…

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Heimdallr.7021


To all Warrios’s in here who actually think they are “balanced” – please for the sake of god play a D/D elementalist.

A profession that cannot switch to a different weaponset , this is pure melee.
And then, fight agains any class in the game – then come back and tell us again that you are “balanced” .

Ele cannot switch to a different weaponset because it has already four different elements to play with (also this argument is valid against any other class, not only warrior).
Also it’s not pure melee, most of his attacks have 400 or even 600 range which are not strictly melee, check out the range of some other melee classes for comparison (melee attacks have 130 range).

norn warrior

(edited by Heimdallr.7021)

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


To all Warrios’s in here who actually think they are “balanced” – please for the sake of god play a D/D elementalist.

A profession that cannot switch to a different weaponset , this is pure melee.
And then, fight agains any class in the game – then come back and tell us again that you are “balanced” .

Balanced around what ? You really think you are such good players that you win every 1v1 out there ?

Even when missing 50% of you “obvious telegraphed” skills ?

Please try ele and then review your statements…

Yeah, because ele is so balanced right now and clearly the role model for all the other professions. And clearly, by nerfing warrior, all of Eles problems will vanish. I mean come on, it just makes sense.

Instead of asking to nerf warrior, why not ask for buffs to your class?

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: oZii.2864


To all Warrios’s in here who actually think they are “balanced” – please for the sake of god play a D/D elementalist.

A profession that cannot switch to a different weaponset , this is pure melee.
And then, fight agains any class in the game – then come back and tell us again that you are “balanced” .

Balanced around what ? You really think you are such good players that you win every 1v1 out there ?

Even when missing 50% of you “obvious telegraphed” skills ?

Please try ele and then review your statements…

D/D Ele does fine in WvW. Dueling is fun but people shouldn’t get so worked up over dueling. There is just about a counter build for everything. Most duelers today play to Win so they bring the class that will win them alot of fights and has the best chance against multiple builds. Why bring a P/D thief to duel when you probably can win 90% of the fights with that build if you are semi decent? People still bring plenty of P/D condi thieves though.

Ele’s viability in s/tPvP isn’t represented because of the current meta but also the “Role” a Ele would fill. At this point a warrior can do those roles better even if Ele was restored to the prenerf phase a Warrior now is still better in that “Role”

Not everyone plays Ele in D/D cantrip build. Find a Sword/Shield + GS Warrrior in WvW duel him on Ele and lulz at the terrible damage that you can outsustain.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: lvis.3824


I am NOT talking about “balance” in WvW !
It was stated to be unbalanced by design, and alone the Foodboofs are obviously unbalanced !!!

The funny thing is, and you all deny that, an warrior is just redicilously easy to play .
Even the greatest loser can spec for a “meta” build and wreck havoc !

This is the big problem.
Even if you are so terrible and click all your skills – you could still succeed in tPvP as warrior.

And i was referring to ele ( and i mean D/D ele ) because someone here mentioned Warrior would be Pure melee … which is not the case !
99% of warriors run Bow in tPvp, and they do it for a reason.

And onther thing, and this is maybe the reason y so many warriors think they are “fine” – is what has become of the game.

You think because of all this senseless AOE condi spam you are fine when having cleansing ire on longbow F1 , and your double immunity abilities.

Its not fine, and its not good !
One should have to think when to go defensive and when to go in an burst.

Using all immunity skills and running in there while beeing able to dish out dmg other professions have to specc full glass for, and then backing of and still maintain pressure with Longbow.

Condicleanse on demand … i mean, this is way to much !

I know one should not compare class abilities, but its really really more then annyoing at the moment .

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


I am NOT talking about “balance” in WvW !
It was stated to be unbalanced by design, and alone the Foodboofs are obviously unbalanced !!!

The funny thing is, and you all deny that, an warrior is just redicilously easy to play .
Even the greatest loser can spec for a “meta” build and wreck havoc !

This is the big problem.
Even if you are so terrible and click all your skills – you could still succeed in tPvP as warrior.

And i was referring to ele ( and i mean D/D ele ) because someone here mentioned Warrior would be Pure melee … which is not the case !
99% of warriors run Bow in tPvp, and they do it for a reason.

And onther thing, and this is maybe the reason y so many warriors think they are “fine” – is what has become of the game.

You think because of all this senseless AOE condi spam you are fine when having cleansing ire on longbow F1 , and your double immunity abilities.

Its not fine, and its not good !
One should have to think when to go defensive and when to go in an burst.

Using all immunity skills and running in there while beeing able to dish out dmg other professions have to specc full glass for, and then backing of and still maintain pressure with Longbow.

Condicleanse on demand … i mean, this is way to much !

I know one should not compare class abilities, but its really really more then annyoing at the moment .

That last sentence lol. Condi cleanse on demand to OP!

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


I Agree with Demandsynz the fundamental problem is warriors have things that a warrior should not have. They should not be great at range. They should not have heavy armor and be very mobile. (They should be the slowest to get into combat really but then hit hard and be able to take damage).

There is a reason in terms of game balance why other games split abilities that you find on a warrior. No other game would put so many toys on one toon. Why would GW2 be designed to be an exception?

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


I Agree with Demandsynz the fundamental problem is warriors have things that a warrior should not have. They should not be great at range. They should not have heavy armor and be very mobile. (They should be the slowest to get into combat really but then hit hard and be able to take damage).

There is a reason in terms of game balance why other games split abilities that you find on a warrior. No other game would put so many toys on one toon. Why would GW2 be designed to be an exception?

IMHO warriors should be able to do both.

But not in the same build.

I’d love if we had a “Juggernaut” style, slow, highly resistant with big, telegraphed damage. A slow-paced style that revolves all around positioning, and that makes you unstoppable if you outsmart your enemy. Something like a heavy against a team of spies/snipers in TF2: if you don’t watch your steps, you’ll be useless. A style made for teamfights’frontline mostly.

Alongside that, there might be a “wrecking ball”, more berserker-like style: a mobility based, much squishier, maybe more burst/combo oriented. With such a build you’d need to move well, never overextend and know where you need to be. More like a classic roamer.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: WhiteRose.6934


I Agree with Demandsynz the fundamental problem is warriors have things that a warrior should not have. They should not be great at range. They should not have heavy armor and be very mobile. (They should be the slowest to get into combat really but then hit hard and be able to take damage).

There is a reason in terms of game balance why other games split abilities that you find on a warrior. No other game would put so many toys on one toon. Why would GW2 be designed to be an exception?

IMHO warriors should be able to do both.

But not in the same build.

I’d love if we had a “Juggernaut” style, slow, highly resistant with big, telegraphed damage. A slow-paced style that revolves all around positioning, and that makes you unstoppable if you outsmart your enemy. Something like a heavy against a team of spies/snipers in TF2: if you don’t watch your steps, you’ll be useless. A style made for teamfights’frontline mostly.

Alongside that, there might be a “wrecking ball”, more berserker-like style: a mobility based, much squishier, maybe more burst/combo oriented. With such a build you’d need to move well, never overextend and know where you need to be. More like a classic roamer.

This extends to all classes in my opinion. Every class should have the ability to play either a tanky role (sacrificing damage/mobility), a burst role (sacrificing defense/health), etc etc. The issues that I have with warriors in their current state is they get the best of all worlds with none of the sacrifices. They are a ranged, melee, tanky dps, assasin, mage, tank, support, bunker, burst, mobile class.

Genesis Theory [GT] – Henge of Denravi

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


I Agree with Demandsynz the fundamental problem is warriors have things that a warrior should not have. They should not be great at range. They should not have heavy armor and be very mobile. (They should be the slowest to get into combat really but then hit hard and be able to take damage).

There is a reason in terms of game balance why other games split abilities that you find on a warrior. No other game would put so many toys on one toon. Why would GW2 be designed to be an exception?

IMHO warriors should be able to do both.

But not in the same build.

I’d love if we had a “Juggernaut” style, slow, highly resistant with big, telegraphed damage. A slow-paced style that revolves all around positioning, and that makes you unstoppable if you outsmart your enemy. Something like a heavy against a team of spies/snipers in TF2: if you don’t watch your steps, you’ll be useless. A style made for teamfights’frontline mostly.

Alongside that, there might be a “wrecking ball”, more berserker-like style: a mobility based, much squishier, maybe more burst/combo oriented. With such a build you’d need to move well, never overextend and know where you need to be. More like a classic roamer.

This extends to all classes in my opinion. Every class should have the ability to play either a tanky role (sacrificing damage/mobility), a burst role (sacrificing defense/health), etc etc. The issues that I have with warriors in their current state is they get the best of all worlds with none of the sacrifices. They are a ranged, melee, tanky dps, assasin, mage, tank, support, bunker, burst, mobile class.

What I meant was a bit different. IMHO there should be a role that is BOTH tanky and deals high damage, but is slow and its attacks are really hard to land. The risk should be in the fact that such a role should be easily counterable.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Harper.4173


I Agree with Demandsynz the fundamental problem is warriors have things that a warrior should not have. They should not be great at range. They should not have heavy armor and be very mobile. (They should be the slowest to get into combat really but then hit hard and be able to take damage).

There is a reason in terms of game balance why other games split abilities that you find on a warrior. No other game would put so many toys on one toon. Why would GW2 be designed to be an exception?

Taken from the wiki :
Warriors are masters of martial skills. They rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive. They’re versatile in combat and benefit from offensive and defensive abilities. Warriors inspire allies and demoralize enemies. As a soldier profession, warriors wear heavy armor.

notice the word SPEED being first in that line of attributes that come with the class.
You can’t HIT HARD when other professions are so well geared towards disengaging/ confusing / running away if you lack mobility.
A slow, hard hitting, heavy damage taking class is just a damage sponge if it has no means to deliver that damage ( mobility and range) which is EXACTLY what you want to take away from the warrior.

Did you really even think this through?

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”