Zerker is a gimmick spec, everyone knows how to counter most of it by now. Running Gunflame gives you the most viable way to deal with the meta in wvsw but its kitten sniper build.
Vanilla warrior is power only. That’s what I run. And I keep getting more and more frustrated as time goes on when I run into enemies I cannot hurt much less kill. This damage reduction meta is ridiculous. Fighting scrappers…..tempests…..or druids that stack boons like protection and regen and food like 10% DAMAGE REDUCTION 15% BOON DURATION WTF makes fights the stupidest things ever lately. Just sitting in a tower cleaving at this tempest and they just proc 1 damage reduction after another….to the point where I couldn’t cleave them if they stood still the entire time. Pure invulnerabilities…..no crit earth style…..10% damage reduction food…..protection….just wtf is with stuff? I mean the only bright side if that they don’t have enough damage to actually kill me either…..but I gotta really work to not die! And usually this is when im defending or attacking an objective….and thats no fun to be fighting all day just waiting for more of them to come and kill me. And the pve doesn’t last against such fights…could be defending the lord and its gonna die since it has pretty much no regen to deal with or counter the slow cooker damage. They just sit there and spam aoe 1v1 and they win….cause reasons.
Was dealing with scrapper and it was the exact same thing. Whenever I down some1 they just tossed stealth and cc aoe all over them and they have their stupid robot heal them along with themselves. So even with stability, I can’t flag plant cause of the stealth and the speed of their heal. I can’t cleave, cause their heal is stronger than my cleave (like wtf how is that possible I’m full zerk 3k power?!!??). ANd whenever I get damage in on the scrapper they always have that failsafe where they go small and get a pure invulnerability when they hit 25% or whatever…..and they just run inside their keep again and ooc cause they have stealth which seems to help you occ even faster. THen they come out again and spam aoe and robots everywhere that I have to kill and get hit by aoe and they do these kitten attack combo…..you know that 3 jump/roll one that seems to grant invulnerability and heal them while they do it they jsut do that all the time.
I mean I look at their skilset on build editor and it jsut makes me angrier.
Elixur U vs frenzy…..!!??!!!!?!?!?! WHYYYYYYY IS FRENZY SO MUCH CRAPPIER?
Elixur C vs berserker stance….more utility to say the least
Elixiur R grants up to 5 dodges in a row if ur not running elite spec (Can I have this?)
Elixur S I would take over endure pain anyday in this meta. Instead I need endure pain and berserker stance.
And druids they just stack regen and damage reduction and use their movement skills to play that kids game monkey something with 2 people rather than 3. They jump back and forth making me run after them to hit them and they just range and stack invulnerabilities and damage reductions and cc everytime I get close. God forbid there are 2 of them doing this to me.
And then there’s the difference in downed state abilities. I DON’T CARE ABOUT VENGEANCE. ITS STUPID. REMOVE IT. If ur going to nerf my ability to kill downed players and my ability to fight while in downed state because of it then GET RID OF IT.
Then I gotta deal with people who message me insults and automatically block and switch to offline status cause they are scared little kittens who live in constant fear of my wrath. I know I’m awesome, you don’t have to keep reminding me its getting old.
If ur new to warrior all I can suggest at this point is: GO zerker spec and then (a) go gunflame and be a sniper (b) go condi and be a melee brute.
TL:DR Alot of the classes make me feel stupid when I play power warrior and it hurts my feeeeeeelings. And I take my anger out on innocent kittens, in order to reassert my sense of dominance and dominion. Comment and help me feel better.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]
(edited by Cerby.1069)