Are you a Warrior?
Do you have a Rifle?
Can you go Berserk?
If you meet all these requirements, then I greet you friend for you are on your way to the best build for the Warrior ever created. That’s right, you too can be awesome with the [YOLO] Gunflame build everyone secretly craves! If by any chance you are NOT a warrior, you can still be of assistance to those running this build by being cannon-fodder, thank you for your support.
“Wait Rifle for the Warrior sucks in general! The burst is the only redeeming thing about it and its easy to tell when its going off!”
Correction hypothetical questioner, the Rifle for the Warrior sucks if you aren’t a raging Berserker. When you are literally on fire due to how enraged you are, Killshot turns into Gunflame, and Gunflame is the best Burst ability now and forever. 99% of scientists agree, Gunflame changes you forever. …Oh right, you want to know the build huh? Certainly, here’s what you need to have:
- If you are a Gunflame Berserker, your stats are self-explained. All Berserker, for every non-Berserker piece on you I WILL personally find an ambient innocent rabbit in the open world and Gunflame it. You are a Berserker, JUST DO IT.
- A Rifle, and your preference on other weapon set. Unfortunately as much as I would say go double-rifle to pull off something from Contra, I have been informed duel-wielding Rifles would make some thieves really sad. It’s funny because we make for better Snipers than they are right now.
- Arms, Discipline, Berserker Trait lines. You want Signet Mastery, Burst Precision, Crack Shot, Destruction of the Empowered, Burst Mastery, Smash Brawler, Blood Reaction, and Eternal Champion. …Huh? Arms Major Master? Do you really care? Also Burst Precision and Eternal Champion will be explained shortly.
- Utilities? You want Signet of Might, Berserker Stance, and Signet of Rage, I don’t care what you use for the Healing Skill, or your other Utility…I guess Outrage might be nice maybe? Hell, find a way NOT to slot a healing or 3rd utility, you good.
Runes? You have Gunflame, it doesn’t matter. Go whatever. (In all seriousness aim for Ferocity, think of the numbers!)
Anyways you got all that? Good, time to explain how it works.
So with the set-up above, you have a certain amount of flexibility before and during combat on how to approach each fight. The neat thing about Gunflame in this build is that some of the normal counters against ranged attacks in general, won’t apply. Why? Because between Signet of Might and Signet Mastery, you got enough Unblockable to make Frontline Guardians go to SPvP and play Trapper DH instead. Blocking and Reflects will NOT work, meaning the foe has to deal with you by either Blinding you (As a warrior you should know how we all feel about Blind. Hence why Berserker stance is on the bar), Dodging, or popping invuln. Stealth isn’t quite a counter as your Gunflame channel follows them into stealth, which means you know where they are.
You probably noticed I incorporated Burst Precision, and are questioning why I am not running Sigil of Intelligence. Well that’s because you are going to popping at least Three Gunflame shots and at most Four if you time it right. To gain adrenaline you need to attack, thus wasting the Intelligence charges. In other words, Sigil of Flame and Sigil of Air are probably in that handy Rifle of yours.
Eternal Champion…is actually a means of ensuring no one interrupts your Gunflame with a single CC, they would have to stack it up quickly. An interrupted Gunflame is sad, like those PETA commercials with the animal shelter animals looking at you, especially that one white kitten- wait what. Sorry, about that.
Will you be weapon-swapping? Sure, Discipline has you covered, I run Sw/Sh and in the unlikely event your opponent outlasted all your Gunflames and Berserk, I dip, duck, dive and dodge. Get them with the next Berserk.
…I think that just about covers it, seriously go nuts, we actually got some nice buffs for the build today as well so seriously, start firing away.
Also, bonus points if you have The Predator, run Action Camera, and ‘tea-bag’ your dead enemies. Have fun with the best build ever!
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”