anyone introduce a dual swords build for pvp?

anyone introduce a dual swords build for pvp?

in Warrior

Posted by: miarachal.2837


im new to play warrior wanto design a dual swords for pvp,any suggestion?

anyone introduce a dual swords build for pvp?

in Warrior

Posted by: Manticore Five.9867

Manticore Five.9867

It’s probably better to start with what you want to do in pvp and work your way back to what weapons do the job best, instead of starting with the weapons and finding a role for them.

If the role you want is a condition warrior, then you have to consider how you’re going to protect your bleeds from one-condition removal skills. So you have to apply other conditions as well.

The conditions that a warrior can apply that last a non-negligible amount of time are:
Bleeding (of course)
Burning (very limited, bow burst skill and its combos only)
Confusion(From distracting strikes, great with maces, shields and hammers)
Crippled(low duration but might force them to use their cleansing)
Immobilize(same as above, but even moreso)
Vulnerability(Very easy to keep up with rending strikes, rifle, mace, axe, greatsword)
Weakness(mace, horn, hammer – Cull the weak and sundering mace both magnify damage when target is weakened)

So with that info, you can start a build on your own, deciding what other conditions you want to apply. I’d recommend using a poison sigil and some tanky traits because a condition warrior is a slower killer so you have to live long enough to win.

(edited by Manticore Five.9867)

anyone introduce a dual swords build for pvp?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sand Beagle.9867

Sand Beagle.9867

I would avoid condition specs on a warrior. The dual swords would be great, IF the bleed durations were doubled for each skill. The dual swords can really only ever keep around 10 bleed stacks on someone at a time. I say that knowing someone is going to chime in mentioning the burst, but the burst is pure kitten. It stacks a bunch of bleeds on someone doing a big ultra mega cool goku combo animation, but the bleeds last for like 2 seconds, making them worse than like two 10 second bleed stacks.

Overall go with the greatsword and axe/shield or rifle if you want to be successful as a warrior. Without greatsword the warrior is useless in pvp. We are forced into this 100b role because every other weapon we have sucks. The axes are useless besides eviscerate, the rifle ruined by horrible game mechanics that not only result in constant “obstructed/miss/invulnerable,” but the shots that would land are exploited simply by moving past the character, which instantly cancels any skills (ie volley).

If you want to be successful in general, choose another class, because warrior is virtually useless in tpvp. I never will because the other classes are kitten compared to the warrior (or what the warrior should have been), but if you do stick with it, dont expect people to take you in groups as a warrior.

Just some advice.

anyone introduce a dual swords build for pvp?

in Warrior

Posted by: Scotto.3609


(copy and paste link);TwAg0Cno4ywlgLbNOukctYYww+j5HA

Don’t rely on bleeds, count on your crits and stay mobile.

When you heal, you remove two conditions and crippled, chilled, immobilized and weakness.

When you get immobilized, Sword #2, bulls charge, warhorn #4 or mending to remove.

When you get stunned, if you see it coming Sword #5 or use shake it off.

Tons of dodging through warhorn and sigils.

(edited by Scotto.3609)

anyone introduce a dual swords build for pvp?

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


IF Dual Sword could somewhat might stack to deal both normal DPS and condition DPS then it would be nice..

Dual Swords right now is pointless since Sword + Shield or Sword + Warhorn out-classes it.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

anyone introduce a dual swords build for pvp?

in Warrior

Posted by: Honsu.3175


to sand above properly used the axe warhorn/mace setup with backup rifle is easily as viable if not more so than a GS in spvp as it has similar mobility and dmg without relying on silly 100b spam and ive played with something similar to scottos setup its a fun way to viably run with swords if you really want to

anyone introduce a dual swords build for pvp?

in Warrior

Posted by: Chi Malady.2015

Chi Malady.2015

Any kind of bleed warrior is useless in PvP. The warrior doesn’t have enough condition variety and its primary stacks come from its burst. It’s ridiculously easy to cleanse the bleeds applied by a warrior.

Currently, the only real viable warrior build in PvP is Greatsword + Axe/Shield.

anyone introduce a dual swords build for pvp?

in Warrior

Posted by: Liewec.2896


Any kind of bleed warrior is useless in PvP. The warrior doesn’t have enough condition variety and its primary stacks come from its burst. It’s ridiculously easy to cleanse the bleeds applied by a warrior.

Currently, the only real viable warrior build in PvP is Greatsword + Axe/Shield.

not true i’ve been rolling a Longbow / Sword|Shield build in spvp for awhile now and recently got 300 points, i usually always get 200+
stay back and rain down fiery death and reap in the skirmishing bonus

sword/sword though i can’t comment on, i think offhand sword is’nt a very good weap

anyone introduce a dual swords build for pvp?

in Warrior

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

I am not going to argue that dual sword is the best warrior’s melee weapon setup. Greatsword probably is the best general option, because of the GS mobility skills and forceful greatsword trait. That trait simple is too good to be true and in current meta limits warriors to be yet another class waving their greatsword. But I have been using dual swords to great success in both pve and (to lesser extent) WvWvW. I have soloed the three Orr maps (Straits of Devastation, Malchor’s Leap and Cursed Shore) with my dual sword warrior. Some of the group events, especially those temple events, are very difficult to solo without the help of other humans. That is true, no matter what weapons you use. I have seen big teams fail those events with tons of warriors waving their mighty greatsswords. I failed many times before I got success as the respawn rate of the Risen was just ridiculous plus I had to alone kill those champion / veteran bosses at same time.

With correct mods, upgrades, traits and food, dual sword has high survivability. You can life steal crazy amounts if you spec your critical hit chance to 70% or better While dual sword does less damage than the greatsword, I feel that the total damage output is probably better (assuming the target is not immune to bleed and doesn’t remove those bleeds). I don’t have full exotic gear and only green weapons. At the moment I do around 5300 bleed per hit from my offhand sword + possible bleed from critical hit. This synergizes well with the rifle, making it bleed the opponents like no tomorrow. I have tested in the Mists: with full exotic gear, one can achieve around 7500 bleed/hit, but then the character will be a glass cannon and I don’t like that either.

Yes, those bleeds can be easily removed, basically taking away 70-80% of your damage. But the thing is most condition removal skills have pretty long cooldown, often in the range of 20 seconds or so. One can reapply new bleeds with every hit and hits come fast. Very few opponents can remove all those bleeds.

The problem with dual swords, an any condition, build is:
1. The 25 stack limit on bleeding. I can alone get those full 25 bleed stacks on my opponent if the fight is prolonged. If I would be playing in a party, that would mean some of my bleeds or my team mates bleeds would be wasted. That is why I say that direct damage is better than condition based damage. I don’t think dual sword would be that good for dungeons.
2. The bleeding damage is slow, especially using +50% etc. bleeding duration mods. The bleeds can easily last around 20 second. Making fights last longer, which is not always the best case. I wouldn’t recommend dual sword for spvp or tpvp.

Deniara / Ayna Merciful

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]