dont forget to nerf healing signet

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


You have to use defensive utility, you can’t just load your utility bar with passives/ai and expect to win every fight.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Derps.7421


whenever i see a wqrrqir using the healing signet all i see is this


Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


whenever i see a wqrrqir using the healing signet all i see is this

Something easily countered by power builds/consistent poison is a crutch huh? It totally has NOTHING to do with the fact that the current meta lacks any power based damage and as a result a Warrior who builds around condition removal basically nullify their means of doing damage.

The Warrior healing changes were actually pretty much perfect.

Healing Signet: Only shines with Soldiers gear vs Condi-heavy builds when paired with traits and utilities. It appropriately has a uselessly low active heal, which makes sense because it WOULD be OP if you could burst heal then passively regen when you don’t need it. You are basically discouraged from using it actively which once again means that power builds can overwhelm it.

Healing Surge: A good heal for more bursty builds who bring alone some condi removal. Also a nice side benefit of being able to gain max adren if needed at the cost of a lesser heal.

Mending: Lower healing but on a lower CD and is good for builds that have less condi removal but with Restorative Strength can remove up to 7 conditions. This also makes poison all but worthless against it because it’s removed before the heal takes place, something most Healing Surge builds lack.

There’s an appropriate heal for every build. Healing Signet is just the logical choice at the moment because of the condition meta. If it suddenly switched to power overnight you would see mostly Surge and Mending being used. I’m also getting tired of people factoring in Adrenal Health so frequently because with Mace, Hammer, or Bow based builds you’ll be using your adrenaline so often you’ll rarely be getting the maximum effect from it, especially since one of our better builds involves the use of BOTH a Bow and Hammer. Same with the condition based Banner Regen builds, you’re constantly using Combustive Shot and even Flurry in order to keep your foe in the field as long as possible so Adrenal Health is not that useful most of the time as well.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Harper.4173


Healing Signet is fine.
First sustain we’ve had in a long time.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: HarriHellYeaAmericaToTheMAX.1093


healing signet + this healreg traits is more than op and make warrior with berserker amulet more tanky than a bunker guardian

plz dont forget to FIX this


More tanky than bunker guardian… man wow some of the gw2 community really amazes me sometimes….its beyond the point of being funny, people like you shouldn’t be allowed to make posts. Also zerker healing signet warrior is very squishy im a warrior and ive killed those builds like their made out of butter…

l2p no nerf needed

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Juba.8406


how about you l2p

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


this build even need lower skillcap than spiritranger

run in – press 3 and 5 from longbow for the aoe than go on hammer and press whatever is not on cd


Way to over simplify!! We may as well nerf ele’s heal on spell cast as well, because they’re always casting spells. May as well nerf guardians passive heal through virtues as well..because they’re always healing as well. May as well nerf healing turret at the same time. We may as well nerf vulnerability and poison..oh wait, maybe those two are the keys to countering regen healers. Try them sometime.

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


whenever i see a wqrrqir using the healing signet all i see is this

Something easily countered by power builds/consistent poison is a crutch huh? It totally has NOTHING to do with the fact that the current meta lacks any power based damage and as a result a Warrior who builds around condition removal basically nullify their means of doing damage.

The Warrior healing changes were actually pretty much perfect.

Healing Signet: Only shines with Soldiers gear vs Condi-heavy builds when paired with traits and utilities. It appropriately has a uselessly low active heal, which makes sense because it WOULD be OP if you could burst heal then passively regen when you don’t need it. You are basically discouraged from using it actively which once again means that power builds can overwhelm it.

Healing Surge: A good heal for more bursty builds who bring alone some condi removal. Also a nice side benefit of being able to gain max adren if needed at the cost of a lesser heal.

Mending: Lower healing but on a lower CD and is good for builds that have less condi removal but with Restorative Strength can remove up to 7 conditions. This also makes poison all but worthless against it because it’s removed before the heal takes place, something most Healing Surge builds lack.

There’s an appropriate heal for every build. Healing Signet is just the logical choice at the moment because of the condition meta. If it suddenly switched to power overnight you would see mostly Surge and Mending being used. I’m also getting tired of people factoring in Adrenal Health so frequently because with Mace, Hammer, or Bow based builds you’ll be using your adrenaline so often you’ll rarely be getting the maximum effect from it, especially since one of our better builds involves the use of BOTH a Bow and Hammer. Same with the condition based Banner Regen builds, you’re constantly using Combustive Shot and even Flurry in order to keep your foe in the field as long as possible so Adrenal Health is not that useful most of the time as well.

Why do you think Most classes in the game go Condition/Bunker builds?

Because if they go Power Builds, they get eaten alive by Warriors/Thieves/Mesmer’s

There will be no “Power Based” Meta coming back that makes Warriors Weak, because Warriors eat all the other Power Users Up in the first place, You were only weak to Conditions, To weak..but they over did it, and gave Warriors Far to much with all the changes..

Its not one little thing like Healing Signet, its the combination of things you received.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


You do realize that the current builds most Warriors use are actually weak to power builds even with the amount of toughness they have yes? Toughness only goes so far, the proper Mesmer, Ele, or Thief build trounces it because we don’t bring skills like Endure Pain. Almost all of the changes we were given were gear towards condition countering, Dogged March, Cleansing Ire, and Zerker Stance in no way help with power builds. Endure Pain got a CD reduction but like I said nobody uses that.

If you don’t like Warriors countering you then do what Warriors did, counter what’s killing you. Before Warriors didn’t actually have that option, but I would say most classes have a build that can best what we are currently running.

It still doesn’t make sense to me how some of the same people who claim to hate the current meta are the same people who want to nerf the one class that can actually force it to change.

We appear strong because ANet gave us the perfect tools to crush what everyone is running. Does that make the builds OP? No. Numerous viable counters exist, which is different to what the situation was with Spirit Rangers. Warriors were generally the only class that could consistently beat them. The “shave” they did to them seems minor enough that we’ll still see them played which is good for us because we still have prey. If it gets to the point in SoloQ/TPvP that we see enough Warriors and they make these condi meta build users so frustrated that they start trying to counter us out of spite guess what happens? The meta changed.

This isn’t what’s guaranteed to happen but already I’m seeing a good number of Warriors in SoloQ, and even getting teams with 2-3 of us WINNING if the team has a bunch of Necros and Rangers.

EDIT: Here’s a good video, you may or may not have seen it before.

Some arguments about the chess part aside, the halfway point onwards is the important part. Necros and Spirit Rangers are A, Warriors became B, but for some reason the majority of the forum community haven’t even bothered trying to find C yet and have become stuck at the “crying on the forums” part.

EDIT 2: Not totally relevant to THIS discussion but if you liked the last build you may enjoy this.

Interesting to see that ANet is both falling into some of the pitfalls PvE wise (ascended gear), but also seems to have taken the creep into account in other areas as well (revamping dungeon rewards and plans to gradually improve them).

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: skillionaire.3574


If you’re going to play the tank end of the spectrum usually the player has to sacrifice alot of damage to become a heal bot/sponge for what i assume is a support role.
(my current full warrior cleric) Now although my warrior cleric is kittening tanky from cond and physical dmg. …my damage is only around 2k power… no crit no crit damage.
For me this is considered fair since i’m not both burst damage and insane healing tank.

People need to think properly before making kittened statements like the op.
At 300 healing …a warrior should not be gettign 400+ on healing signet thats bloody dumb. SO simple fix, in order to obtain the original healing signet value the player has to invest a good amount into healing, (cleric gear) this means they would have to give up damage thus making a fair trade off.

I rather not have idiotic ideas nerfing healing signet the wrong way destroying a true bunker players option.

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Senjun.8149


Always funny to see your burst getting eaten up by passive regen in seconds =)

This is what makes warriors OP

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Add a trait like this like the other classes have, and I will agree its OP. However since we don’t have such a trait that heals us significantly like the other classes do, please stop talking. We don’t even evades or protection.

Evade when using a Burst

Gain Protection after you use a shield skill

Gain Protection when you use a healing skill.

Gain Protection after you dodge

Gain Protection and Retaliation when Struck with a Critical Hit!

Warriors have almost no interesting traits, we have nothing cool-nore special. Our weapon skills don’t have boons/conditions like poison added to them, we are GENERIC. Our best traits add +% damage! GET REAL.

Give us the tools other classes have and I will show you the meaning of pain.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: cbrooksc.9358


This is bollacks… I’ve just reroled to warrior from ranger. Don’t start kittening with me on here now!

That build linked in the first few posts isn’t op. The warrior lacks a lot of power to do a large amount of damage.
I ran a build simular for a bit before changing but it’s not that good.

Yeah you have good suitability but your damage is terrible. and you only win when your opponent is bad and completely fails and dodging and using stun breakers which YOU HAVE so use dodges and stun breakers you idiot.

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


You do realize that the current builds most Warriors use are actually weak to power builds even with the amount of toughness they have yes? Toughness only goes so far, the proper Mesmer, Ele, or Thief build trounces it because we don’t bring skills like Endure Pain. Almost all of the changes we were given were gear towards condition countering, Dogged March, Cleansing Ire, and Zerker Stance in no way help with power builds. Endure Pain got a CD reduction but like I said nobody uses that.

Most decent warriors are smart enough to switch out Zerker Stance for Endure Pain before the match starts when they see that they’re up against a power-heavy team. The rest of the build can stay the same and the warrior will still be very strong vs. power classes.

In 12 seconds, healing sig alone passively heals for about as much as many class’s ACTIVE heals. This high level of healing, combined with high armor and access to either CC, blocks, damage immunity, or distance creators gives enough time for a warrior to passively regen back the damage he took from a burst — with no room for counterplay by the burster.

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Now you can nerf all our healing abilies and cheese OP stuff like berserker’s stance.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: cbrooksc.9358


Now you can nerf all our healing abilies and cheese OP stuff like berserker’s stance.

Sounds good!

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Also don’t forget to nerf:

Distracting Strikes: Mace/hammer stun/Bulls rush = 1000 stacks of confusion OP!
Endure Pain: Because 4 seconds of invulnerability to damage is too strong on a class with the highest HP and highest Armor
Zerker Stance: Because warrior’s should be allowed to go melee
Kick: Because kicking butt is something a warrior shouldn’t be able to do
Longbow/Mace/Greatsword/Shield/Rifle build: Because warriors can use 5 weapons at once
Hundred Blades: Because sitting there for 3 seconds just isn’t enough
Banners: Perma regen too OP
For Great Justice: Because nobody believes in justice for the warrior
Fear Me: Because fearing a warrior would be too OP, they need to go back to being free kills

And also, warriors should take a 50% damage nerf and don’t forget, nerf the bulls rush>Frenzy>100b combo because that is making a comeback in the meta.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: cbrooksc.9358


Also don’t forget to nerf:

Distracting Strikes: Mace/hammer stun/Bulls rush = 1000 stacks of confusion OP!
Endure Pain: Because 4 seconds of invulnerability to damage is too strong on a class with the highest HP and highest Armor
Zerker Stance: Because warrior’s should be allowed to go melee
Kick: Because kicking butt is something a warrior shouldn’t be able to do
Longbow/Mace/Greatsword/Shield/Rifle build: Because warriors can use 5 weapons at once
Hundred Blades: Because sitting there for 3 seconds just isn’t enough
Banners: Perma regen too OP
For Great Justice: Because nobody believes in justice for the warrior
Fear Me: Because fearing a warrior would be too OP, they need to go back to being free kills

And also, warriors should take a 50% damage nerf and don’t forget, nerf the bulls rush>Frenzy>100b combo because that is making a comeback in the meta.

I’m so glad you are being sarcastic.

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Endure Pain isn’t invulnerability though, it doesn’t stop conditions.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Also don’t forget to nerf:

Distracting Strikes: Mace/hammer stun/Bulls rush = 1000 stacks of confusion OP!
Endure Pain: Because 4 seconds of invulnerability to damage is too strong on a class with the highest HP and highest Armor
Zerker Stance: Because warrior’s should be allowed to go melee
Kick: Because kicking butt is something a warrior shouldn’t be able to do
Longbow/Mace/Greatsword/Shield/Rifle build: Because warriors can use 5 weapons at once
Hundred Blades: Because sitting there for 3 seconds just isn’t enough
Banners: Perma regen too OP
For Great Justice: Because nobody believes in justice for the warrior
Fear Me: Because fearing a warrior would be too OP, they need to go back to being free kills

And also, warriors should take a 50% damage nerf and don’t forget, nerf the bulls rush>Frenzy>100b combo because that is making a comeback in the meta.

I’m so glad you are being sarcastic.

Might as well since alot of people want us nerfed to nonexistance.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Also don’t forget to nerf:

Distracting Strikes: Mace/hammer stun/Bulls rush = 1000 stacks of confusion OP!
Endure Pain: Because 4 seconds of invulnerability to damage is too strong on a class with the highest HP and highest Armor
Zerker Stance: Because warrior’s should be allowed to go melee
Kick: Because kicking butt is something a warrior shouldn’t be able to do
Longbow/Mace/Greatsword/Shield/Rifle build: Because warriors can use 5 weapons at once
Hundred Blades: Because sitting there for 3 seconds just isn’t enough
Banners: Perma regen too OP
For Great Justice: Because nobody believes in justice for the warrior
Fear Me: Because fearing a warrior would be too OP, they need to go back to being free kills

And also, warriors should take a 50% damage nerf and don’t forget, nerf the bulls rush>Frenzy>100b combo because that is making a comeback in the meta.

I’m so glad you are being sarcastic.

Might as well since alot of people want us nerfed to nonexistance.

They want free kills.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: cbrooksc.9358


Also don’t forget to nerf:

Distracting Strikes: Mace/hammer stun/Bulls rush = 1000 stacks of confusion OP!
Endure Pain: Because 4 seconds of invulnerability to damage is too strong on a class with the highest HP and highest Armor
Zerker Stance: Because warrior’s should be allowed to go melee
Kick: Because kicking butt is something a warrior shouldn’t be able to do
Longbow/Mace/Greatsword/Shield/Rifle build: Because warriors can use 5 weapons at once
Hundred Blades: Because sitting there for 3 seconds just isn’t enough
Banners: Perma regen too OP
For Great Justice: Because nobody believes in justice for the warrior
Fear Me: Because fearing a warrior would be too OP, they need to go back to being free kills

And also, warriors should take a 50% damage nerf and don’t forget, nerf the bulls rush>Frenzy>100b combo because that is making a comeback in the meta.

I’m so glad you are being sarcastic.

Might as well since alot of people want us nerfed to nonexistance.

They want free kills.

I used to play ranger. I don’t want this happening to my new class choice. Especially now that I actually prefer the warrior after really getting into it.

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


You do realize that the current builds most Warriors use are actually weak to power builds even with the amount of toughness they have yes? Toughness only goes so far, the proper Mesmer, Ele, or Thief build trounces it because we don’t bring skills like Endure Pain. Almost all of the changes we were given were gear towards condition countering, Dogged March, Cleansing Ire, and Zerker Stance in no way help with power builds. Endure Pain got a CD reduction but like I said nobody uses that.

Most decent warriors are smart enough to switch out Zerker Stance for Endure Pain before the match starts when they see that they’re up against a power-heavy team. The rest of the build can stay the same and the warrior will still be very strong vs. power classes.

In 12 seconds, healing sig alone passively heals for about as much as many class’s ACTIVE heals. This high level of healing, combined with high armor and access to either CC, blocks, damage immunity, or distance creators gives enough time for a warrior to passively regen back the damage he took from a burst — with no room for counterplay by the burster.

How many teams actually run all power or all condis though? If there’s one condi user and they focus you down and you decided to only take Endure Pain then you’re screwed because chances are Cleansing Ire alone would not be enough. If you take both skills then you’re sacrificing another skill as well, not to mention both have high cooldowns.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561



Personally i run EP/BL/ZS.Triple stance ftw

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Arewn.2368


Many people in this thread(and in general) don’t seem to understand what a healthy Meta consists of:
A healthy meta will have many builds that are strong, but only a few that are currently viable at any one time. As players get used to what’s “current” and learn to counter it, the meta will naturally shift over time (which can take a while), eventually coming “full circle”.
A perfect Meta that does this all on it’s own is very difficult to make though, so in most cases, developers will “artificially” alter the meta by making balance changes(NOT changes to balance the game. Changes to change the game’s current balance).
You saw this in the later years of GW1 when pvp was getting stale, Anet introduced their little system to shake things up. League of Legends also makes incredibly liberal use of this because the game’s balance is frankly crap (with 100+champs though, it’s not entirely their fault).
How does this tie into this thread? This warrior build isn’t OP, it’s just strong in the current meta, it’s really as simple as that. Maybe it could use some slight number tweaks, but in general, it’s strong because it’s a functional meta counter.
A bit on the ‘cheese’ side? perhaps, OP though? no.

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


You do realize that the current builds most Warriors use are actually weak to power builds even with the amount of toughness they have yes? Toughness only goes so far, the proper Mesmer, Ele, or Thief build trounces it because we don’t bring skills like Endure Pain. Almost all of the changes we were given were gear towards condition countering, Dogged March, Cleansing Ire, and Zerker Stance in no way help with power builds. Endure Pain got a CD reduction but like I said nobody uses that.

Most decent warriors are smart enough to switch out Zerker Stance for Endure Pain before the match starts when they see that they’re up against a power-heavy team. The rest of the build can stay the same and the warrior will still be very strong vs. power classes.

In 12 seconds, healing sig alone passively heals for about as much as many class’s ACTIVE heals. This high level of healing, combined with high armor and access to either CC, blocks, damage immunity, or distance creators gives enough time for a warrior to passively regen back the damage he took from a burst — with no room for counterplay by the burster.

How many teams actually run all power or all condis though? If there’s one condi user and they focus you down and you decided to only take Endure Pain then you’re screwed because chances are Cleansing Ire alone would not be enough. If you take both skills then you’re sacrificing another skill as well, not to mention both have high cooldowns.

Are you talking about a team fight where you’re up against multiple power users and one condi user? In that case, I agree that the warrior will probably go down if focused, but I don’t think that makes warrior balanced. Moreover, it seems to me that the necro bomber is the first to get focused down in every teamfight anyway. He’s not gonna be able to put many condis on you if he’s getting CC-ed by you and trained hard by your teammates.

If you’re talking about 1v1 vs. a condi user, I think a warrior w/ endure pain is still in a good spot compared to just about every other class. You still have decent condi remove w/ cleansing ire and signet of stamina, and you have high pressure to keep the engy/necro from going balls deep on you.

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


This thread was almost off the page/got bumped.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: oZii.2864


Chap seems to think Warrior is fine as is if you nobody caught that they can watch the VOD on SoTG today. So I wouldn’t expect any nerf. for warrior anytime soon.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: wildfang.9670


saw this and after reading it i’m starting to get rather annoyed with some comments so i’ll go over a few things.

1stly commenting on the but in the current meta my posion won’t stick this is outright bs cleansire ire is a good cleanse but seems it’s been blown right out of proportion not to mention THE NUMEROUS AOE REMOVALS OTHER CLASSES have.

1stly sig of healing adrenal health great combo for extended fights against say condition users. paper for dps bursts let me put it this way 1.5 seconds for 3k health (sig of heal heal spike) barely will make up for using the skill in the first place not to mention by the time sig of heal heals you you will be hit around 2×. if this is a condi great you’ll absorb it with little problem. dps not so much if the fight lasts a total of 10 seconds you will heal 7k (if you use your heal spike) adrenal rush will heal for 10k

the most common builds that use these are condi builds specially sword sword longbow.

counter is easy
add more cleanse
add more vital (it acts just like armor which is why the regen here is so powerful)
add some form of regen (if possible)
more dps through direct means for a warrior I recommend the use of axe greatsword or rifle.

cleansing ire op no not by a long shot. if you waste your adrenaline you can heal 4 condition possibly if that is really so important there is always mending. well that is 4 if your 2nd burst hits only combustion shot can reliabley cure 3 conditions because it aways hits as it is ground based aoe. that is mind you if you start with a full bar which is honestly not likely in most situation this is not a dungeon if your in spvp unless someone was gang banded your likely at 0 meaning you will need sig of furry or zerker stance both of which will take up a useful slot and be used a total of once just to give you 1 single burst. why is this worthless because if you are just wasting adrenaline a warrior player who knows what he is doing will stomp you.
also as for the adrenal health cleansire ire combo is op is laughable logic as you can not have best of both worlds you will not keep the adrenaline and get the constant heals or get the removal it’s a either or situation and both = great counter to conditons but for slightly different reasons.

simply put this is a very specialized build and can be countered easily.

if it’s a dps build using this which is somewhat unlikely as they will want to conserve the adrenaline for the grandmaster strength trait zerker strength. you would have to do things different then what I recommended more tough less vital or pvt or dire hit armor.

there is so many things to take into account I can not go over them all but give you this somewhat generic advice.

what i’m saying is while this build is good for this meta it’s not op infact necro has well of power theif removes condions with their ungodly amount of stealths engis posses the same ability as the necro with elixirs but with out the aoe effect.

(edited by wildfang.9670)

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: wildfang.9670


Also don’t forget to nerf:

Distracting Strikes: Mace/hammer stun/Bulls rush = 1000 stacks of confusion OP!
Endure Pain: Because 4 seconds of invulnerability to damage is too strong on a class with the highest HP and highest Armor
Zerker Stance: Because warrior’s should be allowed to go melee
Kick: Because kicking butt is something a warrior shouldn’t be able to do
Longbow/Mace/Greatsword/Shield/Rifle build: Because warriors can use 5 weapons at once
Hundred Blades: Because sitting there for 3 seconds just isn’t enough
Banners: Perma regen too OP
For Great Justice: Because nobody believes in justice for the warrior
Fear Me: Because fearing a warrior would be too OP, they need to go back to being free kills

And also, warriors should take a 50% damage nerf and don’t forget, nerf the bulls rush>Frenzy>100b combo because that is making a comeback in the meta.

I’m so glad you are being sarcastic.

Might as well since alot of people want us nerfed to nonexistance.

yeah i do get a little upset at seeing virtually every build used by warriors people want nerfed.

also didn’t relize bulls rush frenzy was making a come back.

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Nuorus.8415


We should take all the regen warrior has and all the damage while nerfing the armor to the 1000 with best defensive items. Warriors should have perma 25 confusion stack on them while having 1hp total all the time.

Warriors shouldn’t be able to wear weapons or use any attack skills. Only emotes like /dance /laugh /shrug and such.
Warriors shouldn’t be able to use siege weapons.

All these facts of the truth should be nerfed cuz these are totaly legit things. Make warriors free kills plox.

#Yolo #Swag

Feel free to argue with me. You learn something every time and it develops your personality.

People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Kontrolle.3514


Btw CC lock in another great problem, we see

Necro – chain fear
Warrior – chain stun
Engi – chain CC

I think a short immunity buff for CC would be great to avoid this mechanic.

Which of this classes has the most mobility, the best access to stabillity and a very short cd on AoE stun?

edit: i reported Nuorus for obvious trolling.
Srsly there is almost nothing else then warriors out there, mine is level 80 and full equipped for WvW too, i play this charracter quite often. Everyone who doesnt agree that this is the most broken class in gw2 history, then what is it?

(edited by Kontrolle.3514)

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Corian.4068


I still have the least trouble with warrior, and I assume most of them are running healing signets nowadays.

They’re still super easy to take down (blocks and evades are far more powerful mitigation tools than regen), hammer and greatsword warriors are still easily telegraphed, dunno.

That said, I think healing power is not useful enough on warriors. I would like to see healing signet’s regen start lower (say, 300 down from 400) but scale to the same amount it’s at now with 1500 healing power. This allows the regen-stacking builds to stay around, provided they gear for it.

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I still have the least trouble with warrior, and I assume most of them are running healing signets nowadays.

They’re still super easy to take down (blocks and evades are far more powerful mitigation tools than regen), hammer and greatsword warriors are still easily telegraphed, dunno.

That said, I think healing power is not useful enough on warriors. I would like to see healing signet’s regen start lower (say, 300 down from 400) but scale to the same amount it’s at now with 1500 healing power. This allows the regen-stacking builds to stay around, provided they gear for it.

No, because no other heal in the game requires a dedication to a stat. That makes it a niche and makes it worthless to lower levels who don’t have healing power. Its weakness is poison. Poison effects the heal more then any other healing ability in the game.

If you lowered it, then made it so Regenerate would heal the same amount regardless if your poisoned or not I would not argue with you.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

In 12 seconds, healing sig alone passively heals for about as much as many class’s ACTIVE heals. This high level of healing, combined with high armor and access to either CC, blocks, damage immunity, or distance creators gives enough time for a warrior to passively regen back the damage he took from a burst — with no room for counterplay by the burster.

Ya sure, when you compare it to heals on 15-20s cd’s that provide some other kind of utility, or heals that are also blocks (lolwut? that’s OP), or classes that can poop water fields and have heals on their FX’s.

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


Btw CC lock in another great problem, we see

Necro – chain fear
Warrior – chain stun
Engi – chain CC

I think a short immunity buff for CC would be great to avoid this mechanic.

Which of this classes has the most mobility, the best access to stabillity and a very short cd on AoE stun?

edit: i reported Nuorus for obvious trolling.
Srsly there is almost nothing else then warriors out there, mine is level 80 and full equipped for WvW too, i play this charracter quite often. Everyone who doesnt agree that this is the most broken class in gw2 history, then what is it?

dont lie, you don’t play warrior.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Arewn.2368


Srsly there is almost nothing else then warriors out there, mine is level 80 and full equipped for WvW too, i play this charracter quite often. Everyone who doesnt agree that this is the most broken class in gw2 history, then what is it?

And there’s very logical reasons for this outside of their viability in PvP.
First and foremost, they are THE archetypical class type of the fantasy genre, right next to your classic wizard. Warrior is just a default pick in fantasy rpgs, so they’re played a lot.
Warrior are also really strong, and have been since release… in PvE. What happens when there’s tons of warriors because they are strong for PvE content? a lot of people bring their 80 warrior that they’ve been playing and are comfortable with over when they PvP.
And you’re just plain wrong about “there being almost nothing else then warriors”, there’s good representation for most of the professions. You’ll probably see 2 to 4 (a generous estimate) warriors in every game (of 10 people in each match), but that’s hardly “almost nothing else”.
And heck, they’ve only really been viable in tpvp for a couple months, prior to which they were rarely played at a competitive level at all.

(edited by Arewn.2368)

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

You’ll probably see 2 to 4 (a generous estimate) warriors in every game (of 10 people in each match), but that’s hardly “almost nothing else”.

Except when you actually enter and see… 3 spirit rangers, 2 mesmers, 2 engis, 1 permastealth thief, a bunker guard, and a warrior.

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Buzzcrave.6197


Bad bad idea. Right now with healing signet as it is, warrior are able to be a warrior, straight face front smashing people, but we still get wrecked by conditions especially those perplex users. Even with how good it is, one poison and the effect of the healing will crumble. Lowering it down will only make everyone go back to healing surge and healing signet will never be touch again, unless you have a huge number on armor and this will make warrior’s build kitten again.

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Yaki.9563


healing signet + this healreg traits is more than op and make warrior with berserker amulet more tanky than a bunker guardian

plz dont forget to FIX this


Not even close.

Heal Signet is slightly too strong though. They need to nerf it a little bit and add some kind of incentive to use the active.

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


healing signet + this healreg traits is more than op and make warrior with berserker amulet more tanky than a bunker guardian

plz dont forget to FIX this


Not even close.

Heal Signet is slightly too strong though. They need to nerf it a little bit and add some kind of incentive to use the active.

You should not use the active, its weakness is already there. It does not need more weaknesses less your going to make it immune to poison.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Yaki.9563


healing signet + this healreg traits is more than op and make warrior with berserker amulet more tanky than a bunker guardian

plz dont forget to FIX this


Not even close.

Heal Signet is slightly too strong though. They need to nerf it a little bit and add some kind of incentive to use the active.

You should not use the active, its weakness is already there. It does not need more weaknesses less your going to make it immune to poison.

That’s the point. A signet with no reason to use the active is a poorly designed ability. And what exactly do you mean by “more weaknesses”? It has none. It is passive, can’t be interrupted, and is stronger than the vast majority of heal skills in the game.

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

healing signet + this healreg traits is more than op and make warrior with berserker amulet more tanky than a bunker guardian

plz dont forget to FIX this


Not even close.

Heal Signet is slightly too strong though. They need to nerf it a little bit and add some kind of incentive to use the active.

You should not use the active, its weakness is already there. It does not need more weaknesses less your going to make it immune to poison.

That’s the point. A signet with no reason to use the active is a poorly designed ability. And what exactly do you mean by “more weaknesses”? It has none. It is passive, can’t be interrupted, and is stronger than the vast majority of heal skills in the game.

Because it’s passive and constant you can’t choose to get all of the healing from it right after removing poison. You also can’t try to keep poison never on you because it’s a spammable condition.

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: TheLazyOne.8509


Maybe make the Signet active an aoe heal? Heals the user for less, allies for more? Then you would have reason to use it in teamfights at least.

Signet imo really needs an active effect that warrior has no/low access to.
(And vice versa, Signet of Rage needs a reason to actually leave it on passive once in a while.)

Activating HS cuts utility skill cooldowns in half? Increase the Signet’s CD and you can trade your healing for more frequent Berserker Stance, Endure Pain, Fear me, Stomp, etc.

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


If you nerf healing signet only a bit, everyone and yea literally everyone will go for adrenal surge again. Because healing signet is only slightly better right now. Why? Because it gets hurt A LOT by poison. My friend is a thief, he just poison spam those warriors and melts them. I have seen him doing it, not pretty.

For instance, look at guardians. They have insane healing, much more than warriors. Interrupt them? With all their stunbreakers and stability? Good luck with that. But it is fair because guardians are these bunkers, with less damage and less mobility. But real hard to take down alone.

People underestimate how strong poison is. And don’t say we clean it right off. Just put tons of crap conditions on them and it’ll stay on.

Nerf HS and it will dissapear from all builds again. /fact

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

dont forget to nerf healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Kuruoza.4680


Delete Warrior class in game.Kids will be happy.