(edited by Quickfoot Katana.8642)
Funniest things you heard in PvP
A match on Skyhammer full of knockbacks resulted in shouts like:
Hole in one!
My swing is off!
And many more XDXDXD
A MM Necro calling my Thief OP while I successfully 1v1’d him.
That’s impressive! I had a tanky/healy MM Necro calling out a thief that ran away from him when ever it was a 1v1. I was like you mean you want to 6v1 him? Seriously though, MM necro is scarry in PvP…but in WvW they are just so tasty on my stakes after being soaked in minion blood.
Some of you are trying to use this as a way to complain about ANET or balance. We already have plenty of threads for that go there instead.
[url=https://] [/url]
“Legacy of Foefire
My team there was a ranger with a longbow that claimed he was Legolas and he would defend Helms Deep at all costs. He never stopped patroling on top of the wall during the entire match. Truth be told, they never brokee into “Helms Deep”, but they never needed to since it was basically 4v5"
Omg Legolas
I can’t stop laughing omg
r[5x] tPvP onlY.
|>>> 2000+ Tournament Matches won, still rising <<<|
“Warriors should be immune to conditions.”
Powerr, 2012.
This is my banner, this is my buff,
With this I smack people, and this I camp.
EDIT: meh, dev deleted his post should’ve quoted him, t’was a good one.
(edited by Freeelancer.2860)
Once had a guy on my team in SPvP who would run out of the spawn, run over to our lord, kneel before the lord before getting up and running off to join the match again. Saw him do it several times. Definitely good for a laugh.
:: |SPvP | Rev | Engi | ::
Funniest thing I’ve ever heard in PvP?
Hard to say. Map chat in Anvil Rock’s Heart of the Mists at launch was like the wild west. I’m sure we could fill a few pages of quotes.
Recently I was in a TSS solo arena match and before the match started there was this warrior communicating with the team.. but in his own secret language known only to himself. From this we knew he was confident in his own abilities. Anyways once the match started he successfully captured home point and held it until the 8:30 mark. He valiantly defended the point as our team lost Tranquility. At this point in time he stated in team chat, “NME GOT OP BUFF”. After successfully communicating this to our team and before recapping the node he just lost from the buff, he immediately jetted for the ice cave. He was friendly enough at this point to also communicate to us that he would now defend the ice cave area as if he thought the buff would be respawning shortly. He had banners popped and he was now roaming the ice cave. Despite our desperate attempts from our team to get him out of the ice cave, we were unsuccessful. As the game ended he left us with “where buff?”
His noteworthy accomplishments and communication were remembered from that day. The experience was logged and recommendations on improving the learning experience for that map was forwarded along
Skills and Balance/PvP Team Principal QA
Former active member of Team PZ
Playing Rifle/SD burst engineer with berserker amulet. Tremendous burst, fragile, agile, lots of CC. Loved it. Fight another engineer, down him in three seconds. ‘Reported you little cheater’
Fight a lowbie guardian (rank 9) ‘Oh mon dieu! Hacker!’
Fight a thief ‘WTF! You just took 17k HP in three seconds!? No one should burst like this!’ I re-state, a thief.
Fight another thief in our point. He bounces, teleports, dodges, evades. Can’t really do much against him as he whittles me down and all my shots go astray since he is all over the place. He wins. I run back, he is still at the point, we start again, half way in a guardian has respawned and is running back, he joins, we kill the thief. I receive a whisper, ‘Do you need help?’ At first I think it was the guardian (I pay zero attention to the names of the enemies or even of my team) and say, ‘Nah, I’m fine thanks’ Angry diatribe from the thief as he rails because someone joined (as if it was my fault or I had any sort of control over the fact the guardian having come to help), tells me to delete and goes on about how bad I am (true, the build is not competitive, but is darn fun) and then proceeds to tell me how he trains with some thief who belongs to some competitive PvP tourney team. In all of this I’m trying to interrupt him, ‘Dude, you won, you’re better than me. Why are you mad?’
Have a hambow warrior bragging how no one kills him in 1 VS 1 (pre-patch). I remind him it is a team game. I see him fighting in the middle against someone of my team, join in, we kill him. He says nothing, does not rage. Next game all he does is follow me. I am, of course, unable to kill him because, hambow, and he just sits there, watching me downed, does not stomp, does not hit, just watches my HP trickle away until dead. Spends the entire match ignoring my team and only chasing me across the map until I have exhausted my bag of tricks, then downing me and watching my HP trickle away.
Most funny thing i heard in the mists:
Karl McLain: “We didn’t want to have just one situation that is always best, we want to have different choices you can have to think about making when using the new healing skills and have alot of plays on both sides”
Josh Davis: “Ready to jump over to your necro?”
while showcasing signet of vamipism
Karl McLain: With these heals we want to increase group support arcross the game ~ this skill is an example of how you can help your team and allies across the board and not just help yourself ~ it’s good in pve, wvw, bosses"
Josh Davis: “Hmmmmm are we euh..good on that one?”
I laughed so hard i cried..
(edited by Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046)
^If they swap servers, I might consider playing again just to see those live performances, because I am clearly missing out big time.
Legacy of Foefire
My team there was a ranger with a longbow that claimed he was Legolas and he would defend Helms Deep at all costs. He never stopped patroling on top of the wall during the entire match. Truth be told, they never brokee into “Helms Deep”, but they never needed to since it was basically 4v5
The ultimate trolls are always au naturele, kekek.
Playing Rifle/SD burst engineer with berserker amulet. Tremendous burst, fragile, agile, lots of CC. Loved it. Fight another engineer, down him in three seconds. ‘Reported you little cheater
Fight a lowbie guardian (rank 9) ‘Oh mon dieu! Hacker!’
Haha, Frenchies are the best.
(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)
GW2 Esport…………
Haha, Frenchies are the best.
PS: thief’s spear #5 spear spam under water.
Haha, Frenchies are the best.
PS: thief’s spear #5 spear spam under water.
Wait… you made someone say a racist thing about people of his own nationality?
You, sir, are my hero.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
As a thief i hear something like:
Mesmer: try to fight without stealth noob!!
Me: ok, stop using clones . . . lets see who win.
Warrior: BS is OP . . . i took 15k damage with 4000 armor.
Me: Yeah . . . eemmm . . . maybe was directly in the kitten .
Engi: Stealth stomp is for noobs.
Me: sorry is true, next time i will use my invincibility skill . . . yeah the one that turns me into a smurf.
Ranger: Thief requires no skill to play.
Me: . . . /block ranger
As a warrior . . . is a lot worst . . . too much hate this days xD.
(edited by SoLeciTO.3490)
Funniest things you heard in PvP?
the ridicule of the meta by one who helped to make this
spirits look beautiful on that gif, tbh. they added color and beauty to the match.
spirits look beautiful on that gif, tbh. they added color and beauty to the match.
Funniest thing i´ve heard
“I’m good”
I once heard that.
It was funny.
Just remembered.
“You have to actively react to all the passive stuff that’s going on.”
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”
Not the funniest thing but the most I recently had was a 1v1 in a Solo Queue. Ambushed this War with my Bow/Ham War. Spanked him through out the fight, downed him and stomped. Then he called me a CC Noob. I replied /m “said the dead warrior”.
OE vs Java argument, that was the funniest kitten I’ve ever heard.
In the old days when soloQ was a dream and we all have been queued to the teamque,
i was going for the far point and there was a engi that it was impossible for me to kill and he was killed me easy, so i speaked to the team chat and got one of my teammates with me. We killed the engi and we caped the point.
After that we decided to keep the far point. The engi came and died , and then came again and died, and then died some more. When the game was over with our win, i received a whisper, this is more or less the conversation:
him -“If you do this again i will report you”
me-“ehh… what ?”
him-“i will report you if you do this again”
me-“ehh.. what do you mean to kill you ?”
him-“you have your buddies from my team go another point so you killed me”
me-“wha.. how.. how im supposed to know your teammates ?”
him-“don’t lie i know that you did it and if you do it again i will report you”
me-"ehm.. its not my fault that your teammates didn’t try to help you… you ping in the map or you speaked in the team chat? "
him-"I’M RANK 40 DUDE I CAN’T DIE!! "
me-“ehm.. im rank 40 too :/”
and that was the end of this little horror story! :P
OE vs Java argument, that was the funniest kitten I’ve ever heard.
“Necros are unbeatable on skyhammer, fear op”
[Mada] Apocryfia
“How’s it feel to play such cheese?”
-As I’m playing a Staff Bunker Ele.
Pretty much anything about being a Mesmer. When you kill someone yet you’re “bad” because your class is “OP”. When people are sore losers or sore winners, and instead of returning the “GG”, they go on to tell you how bad you are, and continue it to whispers after, etc. The joys of PvP.
I was in skyhammer at point A and i was the red team. This Hammer rifle warrior comes to fight me and i’m thinking to myself well kitten i’m probably going to die since i have s/d sb thief(after dec 10th patch). So I played smart used my stun and immobilize to get his spin to win skill and i use it he stands and absorbs all the damage, I then kill him ( i did this multiple to him too. He was a gluten for punishment i guess.) and stomp him and, this is what he say’s. Thief’s are op. All they do is pop stealth harass combo dead. I told the warrior that thieves haven’t really ever got buffed only nerfed. He then say’s nerf hammer must not been strong enough. He then goes on a tangent about d/d d/p thieves how there op and how his wvw friends just 2 shot people with their thieves 24/7. I told the guy pretty much this i’m s/d i don’t hardly use stealth except for a daze and that you should learn to dodge your own spin to win attack.
A warrior committing suicide after teaming with 3 eles because he want to let the enemy win.
A warrior committing suicide after teaming with 3 eles because he want to let the enemy win.
>Going to suicide
>All is vain
Funniest thing I’ve heard in pvp is when any of the A-net staff tries to talk about balance and how the game is moving in the right direction…it’s always a good laugh. Oh, and the other part is listening to a certain community mod (who used to be the host of a show) spew forth the political correctness he used to condemn.
A teammate complained because I brought an experimental build in Tournament.
Too bad the Tournament was TEAM Queue and every one of us joined solo.
Which it’s the first thing you shouldn’t do if you want to keep your rating up.
(in the end we won, the same guy helped a lot and my build was a success)
because he doesn’t know it himself
Funniest thing I’ve heard in pvp is when any of the A-net staff tries to talk about balance and how the game is moving in the right direction…it’s always a good laugh. Oh, and the other part is listening to a certain community mod (who used to be the host of a show) spew forth the political correctness he used to condemn.
Bitter posts like this is what we don’t want ladies and gentlemen
[url=https://] [/url]
Everyone who comments something like “2 spam more noob” when I kill them as a D/D thief, especially in the fights where I don’t use heartseeker.
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
Funniest thing I’ve heard in pvp is when any of the A-net staff tries to talk about balance and how the game is moving in the right direction…it’s always a good laugh. Oh, and the other part is listening to a certain community mod (who used to be the host of a show) spew forth the political correctness he used to condemn.
Bitter posts like this is what we don’t want ladies and gentlemen
There’s nothing bitter about it, I thought this post was supposed to be about the funniest thing you’ve heard…correct me if I’m wrong.
First time happen to me,picture real,not a photoshop. Blue team won. I didn’t notice points on last seconds of match.
this guy is funny – he plays soloQ all day and has like 1000 wins 1000 loses and he blame always his team^^
While testing things on sword/pistol thief, I just ran about getting in damage and kills with impunity until this happened.
First time happen to me,picture real,not a photoshop. Blue team won. I didn’t notice points on last seconds of match.
[url=https://] [/url]
hambow warrior crying about black powder
[Teef] guild :>
Playing Team Arenas like LoL
p/p Thief pretending he’s Lucian
Playing Team Arenas like LoL
p/p Thief pretending he’s Lucian
I’ve done it with my GS warrior, spamming “HUEHEUHEUHE” in map chat with “Mordekaiser es numero uno”XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
Probably not #1, but certainly memorable for how fun the guy was to play with:
A bunker guardian holding mid at Khylo (doing a good job), typing in map chat:
“You can do it ele!! Keep kicking a** and taking names!!” while we were murdering the other team on far, along with other phrases actively cheering our team on while he was surveying the map and patrolling his post.
Being positive with your team-mates is both helpful and fun for everyone!
Tourney match. I was on the winning team, the engi and me got top scores. One guy from the opposite team says at the end of the match : “wp engi you’re the only one who did anything in this match.” The engi replies : “yes.” I was.. wtf?! O.o
Haha…good times!
Warrior in my team after recognizing we had 2 Mesmers in the team:
“Somebody changes to a meta build, or I leave”
…we still won with 2 Mesmers…
Tourney match. I was on the winning team, the engi and me got top scores. One guy from the opposite team says at the end of the match : “wp engi you’re the only one who did anything in this match.” The engi replies : “yes.” I was.. wtf?! O.o
Haha…good times!
It happens: sometimes I see one guy from the enemy team once in the entire match, and I’m all like: “where have you been the whole time?”XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
That Prince Vingador is like the most annoying player on Guild Wars 2. People from EU feel the pain. People from NA, thank god for not having to deal with him.
Warrior in my team after recognizing we had 2 Mesmers in the team:
“Somebody changes to a meta build, or I leave”
…we still won with 2 Mesmers…
He is not a warrior.
He is a filthy hambow reroller. XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
1. We’re gonna be Esports.
2. This is gonna be a big balance patch.
Mostly funny in retrospect but still humorous.
Am I good?… I’m good.
I remember way back in the days (before PW got buffed and before the stealth and mug nerf). I played a pistol whip thief, which was quite uncommon at the time because of the other choices thieves had. I encountered a downright awful D/P thief who just spammed stealth to disengage whenever he felt like he was losing (which was almost every fight).
I completely tore this guy apart, not because I out played him, but because he was just standing there – eating my entire pistol whip several times. As it was back then he should have eaten me alive unless I could time my interrupts to deny him stealth. He them started whispering me and calling me a hacker and a noob running a cheesy build. I mean, really?