Rank dem Professions V2

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: saVdoom.2067


Erm, somehow i saw this thread gone? I thought it was a good thread to talk about the state of tPvP at the moment. Please delete it if it was meant to not be discussed…

Anyway, state what is your main and alts, and what classes you find OP, strong/average/weak or something like that.

Main for tPvP: Mesmer
Alts: Ranger, thief and engineer.

Mesmer, Thief, Guardian (holy trinity – don’t think you’ll find premades without those 3)

Bunker Engie, Bunker Ele, Necro, Warrior

Not-bunker Engie, Not-bunker Ele

Ranger (no matter which spec you try like trap, that is very good, there is some other profession that can do better then you skill-wise)

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: SausageStorm.4293


Necro and Ranger should be on average. Unless you main Ranger and are just being biased but nonetheless, this is pretty near accurate.

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: saVdoom.2067


Necro and Ranger should be on average. Unless you main Ranger and are just being biased but nonetheless, this is pretty near accurate.

I don’t see both of those classes in the same level. Honestly both have alot of bugs and lack in some departments, but I’ve seen necros be way more viable then rangers, they can be tanky and can help defend a point with its extra health bars, and also are very useful against bunker guardians that you will basically find every single match, also with fear/traps which are better then the ones rangers has per-say. While ranger… well they don’t have a defined role in conquest type of fights. A good trap spec ranger can be very annoying and deadly while defending a point but for this purpose you’d rather have a bunker engineer or necro, or a bunker elementalist. And well, a “dps” ranger is something that does not exist.. i’ll not go into explaining that but yeah, i guess you know why.

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Vyndetta.9415


OP: Guardian, Mesmer, Thief
Strong: Ele,Warrior,Necro,Engi
Average: Ranger (yes my own class lol)

No class is exceptionally weak. Every class has good specs and have very useless things aswell such as some trait lines, utilties, weapons.

Necro and Ranger should be on average. Unless you main Ranger and are just being biased but nonetheless, this is pretty near accurate.

I don’t see both of those classes in the same level. Honestly both have alot of bugs and lack in some departments, but I’ve seen necros be way more viable then rangers, they can be tanky and can help defend a point with its extra health bars, and also are very useful against bunker guardians that you will basically find every single match, also with fear/traps which are better then the ones rangers has per-say. While ranger… well they don’t have a defined role in conquest type of fights. A good trap spec ranger can be very annoying and deadly while defending a point but for this purpose you’d rather have a bunker engineer or necro, or a bunker elementalist. And well, a “dps” ranger is something that does not exist.. i’ll not go into explaining that but yeah, i guess you know why.

I dps ranger =\
I will say their are things a Ranger can bring over other classes. And they “can” have a role.

Vyndetta – Ranger- [SYNC]

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Class balance is a lot more intricate than simply OP, OK, UP.

That said, the following was pretty much the summery of the previous thread:

OP: Guardian, Mesmer, Elementalist (only if you tPvP), Thief (if you don’t tPvP)

OK: Engineer, Necromancer (bugs aside), Warrior, Thief/Elementalist depending on wether you tPvP or not.

UP: Ranger

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


you dont need to say OP, OK, UP. you can just say Required in tourney, can make do in tourney, hurts team in tourney.

Required: Mesmer, Thief, Guard

Can Make Do: Ele, Warrior, Engi, Necro

Hurts Team: Ranger

As long as there is a “required” list, ANet is failing at balance.

Just look at the QP ranks and you see all mesmer/thief/guard and a few random others here and there and like 2 rangers lol.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: saVdoom.2067


Exactly, its not meant to be ONLY OP/strong/weak etc, i just said that to start the argument (like the previous thread that there is nowhere to be found).

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Otheos.8354


Sigh … “average” means that you’re in the middle. You can’t list 0 or 1 classes as “below average” and all the rest above it.

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: ens.9854


There is DEFINITELY a difference between bunker elementalist vs any other build. Bunker is borderline OP (possibly being nerfed) and other builds are barely viable.

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Hufflepuffer.4201


Strong: Mesmer, Guardian, Thief, Bunker Ele

Okay: Necro, Engi, Warrior

Weak: Ranger, non-condition Necro, non-bunker Ele, non-bunker Engi

I think most would agree?

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Rangers are pretty decent. Healing spring is ridiculously strong. Nature’s renewal is also very good, and entangle is useful against some teams, although mainly because it’s buggy. They deal good damage from range which makes them nice offensively, and are quite good on stomps.

They have weak utilities and not many viable weaponsets, but they’re not doing too badly.

I play necro and ranger btw, and feel like both classes are doing pretty well.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

(edited by Mammoth.1975)

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


Tier 1: Mesmer, Guardian
Tier 2: Engineer, Necro, Thief, Ele
Tier 3: Warrior, Ranger

This is not based on ability to simply kill… anyone can kill another class, especially counter-comping 1v1. This is about overall variety of utility/importance of utility. Comparitively speaking, the utility and elite skills of Mesmers and Guardians overshadows everything else in the game by far.

Most thieves, to most tPvP level players, are kind of a joke. There’s always good players that make an exception to the rule, but… putting them as top tier is an 8v8 thing only, which is why they shouldn’t even have an 8v8 hotjoin option in my opinion unless it’s a custom server option.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


Most thieves, to most tPvP level players, are kind of a joke. There’s always good players that make an exception to the rule, but… putting them as top tier is an 8v8 thing only,

The majority of the Guardians in the tPvP skill lvl are a joke , cause they dispel or heal too soon , but ofc theres some skilled ones . I cant understand too why ppl hate them so much or put them in the OP tier :P

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


Most thieves, to most tPvP level players, are kind of a joke. There’s always good players that make an exception to the rule, but… putting them as top tier is an 8v8 thing only,

The majority of the Guardians in the tPvP skill lvl are a joke , cause they dispel or heal too soon , but ofc theres some skilled ones . I cant understand too why ppl hate them so much or put them in the OP tier :P

I put them there with Mesmers based on the number of roles they can provide to any team, from support, to control, to dps, to bunker. No other profession can do these things without sacrificing quite a bit to do so, and when you add their utility and elite skills into the mix, they make the complaints about Thief seem trivial. But most people equate “he killed me so fast!” to OP, when player killing is only one element of a point control scheme.

Every class can kill another player in capable hands, but no classes have the access to stability that Guardians have, a full heal, or a portal to warp across the map, etc. These are the types of things they put those two classes at the top, and why Thieves should never be there on anyone’s list in my opinion, unless all you care about is killing unexperienced or outnumbered players.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


Aoe stealth their friends before they die :P
Aoe range pressure , either clusterbomb or bouncing attacks
Aoe bleed with the d/d 3rd while they evade
Smoke wall absorving all range attacks , while blind any1 who steps in
Steal traited , steals 2 buffs and give them to ur friends (guardian stability)
(Aoe basilisc poison to their friend need to be traited> screw that)
(While still having their esscape abilities with the shortbow + their dagger Backstab)

As u can see Thief can offer support, control(range bouncing slow), dps without sacrificing quite a bit to do so
Some classes offer aoe heal/support , while some (thiefs) offer the same with pressure/support

And still i eat all guardians for breakfast and chuu bublegum afterwards (lies) :P

(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Maniac.5163


Main: Ranger
Alt: Warrior

Tier 1 : Mesmer, Guardian, Bunker Ele, Thief
Tier 2 : Engineer, Necro, Warrior
Tier Useless: Ranger

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: denyitbattle.2609


Main: Mesmer
Alt: Guard (really main also), Ranger, Ele

Tier 1: Mesmer, Ele
Tier 2: Guard, Thief
Tier 3: Engineer, Necro
Tier 4: Warrior, Ranger

Ele is just up there because bunker eles in good tPvP teams is just rediculous and probably the most OP thing in the game at the moment.

Mesmer’s ability to mitigate team conditions, 1v1 powerhouse, excellent mobility/survivability, and just silly-good ults make for a class that is too good at most things to not be on the OP-side of good.

I play a support-heavy shout Guard and think it is pretty balanced, esp after the save yourselves nerf. Their ability to change the state of a point fight with team stability and shield is very valuable. I think this class/role has some of the best potential for growth as a strat calling roamer.

Thief is an amazing jungler that is very hard to punish as well as a game-changer with stomp support defense. Even the poison share build has great value for a team, and is probably my favorite to play with. (Ever played against a invis/posion thief and a guard at the same time? Its rough).

I don’t know much about the next two on my list other than the fact that they have a large varieties of builds and usefulness. It seems in the hands of the best players, they can be both very powerful and very aggravating depending on the build. I’m going to build a necro to learn more and might buy another slot for an eng.

This is probably where I diverge from the player-base the most I guess, but I really don’t value Warriors very highly. They just all seem so… manageable. If I ever die to a warrior I felt like I did something stupid or just didn’t react well. That being said, they can provide a lot in team fights if played well. I also think their downed-3 ability is a bit underrated as to the effect it can have in close games.

Finally, what can I say, I really enjoy my crit-burst ranger and seem to do really well with it… in sPvP. Haven’t really given it a major go in tPvP, and it certainly seems that every thing the ranger can do can be done better by another class… But hey, we got a pet and I don’t feel under-powered while quickness critting away at a warrior =).

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Of course the Mesmer ranks Ranger and Warrior in low tier. Good thing you know that you will get wrecked 24/7 by Mesmers if you switched roles cause Mesmer takes zero skill.

It’d be nice if classes would just get nerfed to balanced already or buffed to balance just so these people who hide on a low skill class such as Mesmer can see how it feels like to be on the low end of the stick.

No seriously only reason why Mesmer is top is because that pansy class takes no skill. I’d like to see a Mesmer do good with a Necro, Warrior or Ranger and see if most Mesmer player’s skill level is actually worth noting. Chances are they’re trash with classes that do take skill. Because most Mesmers are class carried anyways in reality.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

(edited by Schwahrheit.4203)

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: denyitbattle.2609


I will agree that I think it is extremely difficult for a warrior to take down a mesmer 1v1… extremely.

However, it is also very difficult for mesmers to deal with good necros, cnd thiefs, and bunker eles. Actually, a good dps ranger is a mesmer’s biggest bane in a teamfight (except mabye necro), although this really only happens in sPvP which, as we all know, is no indication of balance.

I say that because your comments seem to be geared towards sPvP, if mesmers are nerfed, I don’t think it will be due to their 1v1 ability, it will be their haste/team-portal and other support abilities while being able to 1v1 most classes.

I will agree that mesmers are disproportionally hard to play against at first, but most of that is just a flashy mind-game. Really good players that know what a Shantasm-build mesmer is doing don’t have a very hard time dealing with them at all. (IE kill swordsman, dodge/block/shade shatters, only blow burst on known target)

So I actually find myself on the learning-side-of-the-stick quite often against a skilled necro, eng, thief, guard… just not against people that consider 8v8 sPvP as the benchmark for skill and balance =).

PS – The main reason I ranked ranger and warrior so low is that they: 1, don’t fill a major support role on a team, and 2, can have their non-support role (burst, bunker, cnd, etc) filled even better by another class who can also fill a major support role.

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: nurt.5401


If rangers had some way to very quickly get back to a side point from mid they’d make very good close point defenders, since they probably have the best semi-tanky 1v1 build of any profession. They just need some sort of skill that lets them leave their pet on a point and then teleport back to it like a flesh worm.

imo thief and warrior compete for the glass/spike role, ele and guardian are the best bunkers, necro and engi (and sort of thief again lol) are the best aoe pressure. Mesmers and rangers should be competing for close point defender/treb user, but rangers have nothing to compete with portal so mesmer wins the spot every time.

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


They deleted it?

Main Necro
Alt Thief

God: Mesmer
Top: Bad Mesmer, Guardian, Thief, Ele
Average: Warrior, Necro, Eng
Bottom: Ranger

As far least number of viable class builds/options

God: Mesmer
Top: Guardian, Thief
Average: Warrior, Eng
Bottom: Ele, Necro, Ranger

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


Main: All professions

Top Tier: A whole kitten load of cheap mechanics

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


I will agree that I think it is extremely difficult for a warrior to take down a mesmer 1v1… extremely.

As a warrior.

I don’t have this issue.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

(edited by Defektive.7283)

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Kasama.8941


Why did the first one get removed? Strange.

PvP Main: Mesmer
Alts: Ranger, Thief, Engineer (I’ve played all professions though)

Warrior (burst damage + heavy armor + plenty of control skills = overpowered)

Mesmer (clones), Thief (stealth burst damage)

Elementalist, Engineer, Guardian

Ranger (because of pet damage), Necromancer (a lot of work for very little gain)

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


Why did the first one get removed? Strange.

PvP Main: Mesmer
Alts: Ranger, Thief, Engineer (I’ve played all professions though)

Warrior (burst damage + heavy armor + plenty of control skills = overpowered)

Mesmer (clones), Thief (stealth burst damage)

Elementalist, Engineer, Guardian

Ranger (because of pet damage), Necromancer (a lot of work for very little gain)

You really believe Guardians to be average?

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Why did the first one get removed? Strange.

PvP Main: Mesmer
Alts: Ranger, Thief, Engineer (I’ve played all professions though)

Warrior (burst damage + heavy armor + plenty of control skills = overpowered)

Mesmer (clones), Thief (stealth burst damage)

Elementalist, Engineer, Guardian

Ranger (because of pet damage), Necromancer (a lot of work for very little gain)

I must have stepped into bizarro world, brb as I find my way home from this madness.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Puru.4217


Top: Guardian, Mesmer, Ele, Engi
Average: Warrior, Necro
One trick ponies only worth being picked because of a few op gimmicks: Thief (probably soon to be bad tier)
Bad: Ranger

It’s not my fault if S/P is not popular !!!

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


Top Tier: Guardian, Mesmer, Thief
Second Tier: Elementalist and Engineer
Third Tier: Warrior and Necromancer
Fourth Tier: Ranger

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Kasama.8941


You really believe Guardians to be average?

All the Guardians I’ve played against I’ve had no problem with, they just survived longer then other professions. I’m not a big tournament player though, but I don’t think bunker builds are as impossible to beat, as people make them seem. It’s more the strategy in which they are used, that makes them feel powerful. I.e. guard the node until an ally comes to help you fight 2v1.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


You really believe Guardians to be average?

All the Guardians I’ve played against I’ve had no problem with, they just survived longer then other professions. I’m not a big tournament player though, but I don’t think bunker builds are as impossible to beat, as people make them seem. It’s more the strategy in which they are used, that makes them feel powerful. I.e. guard the node until an ally comes to help you fight 2v1.

It’s not just their ability to hold a node that makes them a top tiered profession. Area retaliation, stability, and heals in most builds.

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Guardian area stability + ability to deny a point long enough for reinforcements + never ending protection make them simply bonkers.

Add in the block bug and it’ll drive any DPS up the wall.

Bad guardians can get wrecked pretty fast though. But it’s hard to be a bad guardian.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Kasama.8941


It’s not just their ability to hold a node that makes them a top tiered profession. Area retaliation, stability, and heals in most builds.

Put a Mesmer on him with boon removal and interrupts. Look for repetitive patterns, and try to be one step ahead of his defensive skills. If the fight drags out, then expect more opponents to come and call for backup to counter it. That’s the best advice I can give without risking this becoming a 20 page long debate

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


It’s not just their ability to hold a node that makes them a top tiered profession. Area retaliation, stability, and heals in most builds.

Put a Mesmer on him with boon removal and interrupts. Look for repetitive patterns, and try to be one step ahead of his defensive skills. If the fight drags out, then expect more opponents to come and call for backup to counter it. That’s the best advice I can give without risking this becoming a 20 page long debate

I’m not even sure as to the reason you wrote this.

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: saVdoom.2067


It’s not just their ability to hold a node that makes them a top tiered profession. Area retaliation, stability, and heals in most builds.

Put a Mesmer on him with boon removal and interrupts. Look for repetitive patterns, and try to be one step ahead of his defensive skills. If the fight drags out, then expect more opponents to come and call for backup to counter it. That’s the best advice I can give without risking this becoming a 20 page long debate

While you’re at this, you’ve already lost ~100 points to the other team since he’s staying in the point and probably knocking you back while he is NOT being knocked-back due massive stability accessibility.

It does seem you haven’t done much tournaments. Unfortunately what you described would be fine… if tournaments weren’t conquest type of game. Then who cares if he can stay alive all the way he wants ? He’s not hurting anyone is he ? But its a complete different scenario when you MUST have/hold the objective.

And in your scenario when his backup arrives and your backup arrives. Lets say you’ve more burst with 2 dps and kill his buddy… if its a mesmer/thief (which usually is) that came to aid the guardian even with stability they’ll be able to deny you at least a stomp giving the guardian enough time to pop stability himself and ress the guy up, and you’ll be around 150 points behind already. If it was a bunker Engy or a warrior that came to aid, they can ress themselfs up. Engineer easier then Warriors since those need some time, but can still do it, while doing massive damage while downed.. which brings me to -> compare with rangers n2 in downed state…

(edited by saVdoom.2067)

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Kasama.8941


While you’re at this, you’ve already lost ~100 points to the other team since he’s staying in the point and probably knocking you back while he is NOT being knocked-back due massive stability accessibility.

It does seem you haven’t done much tournaments. Unfortunately what you described would be fine… if tournaments weren’t conquest type of game. Then who cares if he can stay alive all the way he wants ? He’s not hurting anyone is he ? But its a complete different scenario when you MUST have/hold the objective.

I thought it was pretty obvious, but I guess I was wrong.

If the problem with the Guardian is stability, protection, and healing, then the counter would be to first remove his boons, and then try to counter his heals. The Mesmer is the profession with the most boon removal in the game. Chaos Storm and Null Field should move him out of the node. And with a skill like Arcane Thievery you can remove the Guardians stability, and prevent his knockback on you.

No, I haven’t played a lot of tournaments, but even if I did, my point of view wouldn’t be any different. I like finding solutions to problems, instead of just accepting them.

And in your scenario when his backup arrives and your backup arrives. Lets say you’ve more burst with 2 dps and kill his buddy… if its a mesmer/thief (which usually is) that came to aid the guardian even with stability they’ll be able to deny you at least a stomp giving the guardian enough time to pop stability himself and ress the guy up, and you’ll be around 150 points behind already. If it was a bunker Engy or a warrior that came to aid, they can ress themselfs up. Engineer easier then Warriors since those need some time, but can still do it, while doing massive damage while downed.. which brings me to → compare with rangers n2 in downed state…

This is the worst case scenario. If you can predict the problem, you can also begin to take steps towards solving it. You need to apply more “what ifs” then “what is”. Just some advice.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

(edited by Kasama.8941)

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


^Wouldn’t work in a real-world scenario.

Problem being he won’t pop stability unless your a class that has knockbacks to begin with. Mesmers have very little in that department.

So stealing any buffs would only make you tankier, which the guardian doesn’t care about since his goal isn’t to kill you, just to toss you around like a ragdoll until his friends show up.

Now if you’re to team up with someone else who has knockbacks and stuns etc. And perform a 2v1 against said guardian, then you’re fighting a bad team that wasn’t watching the map and wasn’t sending people to intercept. At which point this scenario is null since it’s not against a valid set of players.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Kasama.8941


^Wouldn’t work in a real-world scenario.

Problem being he won’t pop stability unless your a class that has knockbacks to begin with. Mesmers have very little in that department.

So stealing any buffs would only make you tankier, which the guardian doesn’t care about since his goal isn’t to kill you, just to toss you around like a ragdoll until his friends show up.

Now if you’re to team up with someone else who has knockbacks and stuns etc. And perform a 2v1 against said guardian, then you’re fighting a bad team that wasn’t watching the map and wasn’t sending people to intercept. At which point this scenario is null since it’s not against a valid set of players.

The Mesmer has two skills that can get the Guardian out of the node (not counting underwater); Into the Void and Illusionary Wave. Each has a cooldown of ~30 seconds. Next to that you could also use Runes of the Nightmare for the 5% chance to fear.

It does matter if the roles becomes switched. If you push the Guardian of the node, you will need the stability to stay on the node. Stealing retaliation also helps you to deal more damage to the Guardian.

You wouldn’t attack 2v1 at first. The strategy would be exactly the same as with a bunker Guardian. If the fight drags out, and you think (or know from experience) that the Guardian is going to call for backup, you do the same. So the fight goes from being 1v1, to being 2v2. You basically copy the bunker strategy.

This got really off-topic now. I’ll stop responding on this subject before it turns the page.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


Main: Ele-roamer / Bunker-Ele

God-Tier: Thief
Top-Tier: Mesmer, Guardian
Mid-Tier: Engi, Ele, Necro
Low-Tier: Ranger, Warrior

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


In this order…

A spoon

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Zunhar.4079


Main: Thief
Alts: Mesmer, Engineer, Warrior, Guardian

Tier 1: Mesmers, Guardians
Tier 2: Thieves, Elementalists, Engineers
Tier 3: Necro and Warrior
Tier 4: Ranger

Just in general. I’ve seen exceptions to every rule (amazing Rangers, worthless Mesmers, etc.)

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


^Wouldn’t work in a real-world scenario.

Problem being he won’t pop stability unless your a class that has knockbacks to begin with. Mesmers have very little in that department.

So stealing any buffs would only make you tankier, which the guardian doesn’t care about since his goal isn’t to kill you, just to toss you around like a ragdoll until his friends show up.

Now if you’re to team up with someone else who has knockbacks and stuns etc. And perform a 2v1 against said guardian, then you’re fighting a bad team that wasn’t watching the map and wasn’t sending people to intercept. At which point this scenario is null since it’s not against a valid set of players.

The Mesmer has two skills that can get the Guardian out of the node (not counting underwater); Into the Void and Illusionary Wave. Each has a cooldown of ~30 seconds. Next to that you could also use Runes of the Nightmare for the 5% chance to fear.

It does matter if the roles becomes switched. If you push the Guardian of the node, you will need the stability to stay on the node. Stealing retaliation also helps you to deal more damage to the Guardian.

You wouldn’t attack 2v1 at first. The strategy would be exactly the same as with a bunker Guardian. If the fight drags out, and you think (or know from experience) that the Guardian is going to call for backup, you do the same. So the fight goes from being 1v1, to being 2v2. You basically copy the bunker strategy.

This got really off-topic now. I’ll stop responding on this subject before it turns the page.

Two knockbacks on 30 sec cd’s won’t force a good guardian to pop stability. bare minimum you’ll get half way to the point being contested. it’ll take 1.5 minutes before you can effectively neutralize a point.

Good teams will respond in under 30 seconds to a point. Retaliation does very little damage to guardians due to their slow attack speed, so even if you steal it, it’s not really going to add much to your overall dps.

Not to mention if a fight goes into a 2v2, you’re basically wasting time on that point because you won’t be able to cap it easily. Which is going to lose you the battle.

Against competent players, a mesmer isn’t the solution to remove a guardian from a fight. A necro however, is.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

(edited by Defektive.7283)

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


^Wouldn’t work in a real-world scenario.

Problem being he won’t pop stability unless your a class that has knockbacks to begin with. Mesmers have very little in that department.

So stealing any buffs would only make you tankier, which the guardian doesn’t care about since his goal isn’t to kill you, just to toss you around like a ragdoll until his friends show up.

Now if you’re to team up with someone else who has knockbacks and stuns etc. And perform a 2v1 against said guardian, then you’re fighting a bad team that wasn’t watching the map and wasn’t sending people to intercept. At which point this scenario is null since it’s not against a valid set of players.

The Mesmer has two skills that can get the Guardian out of the node (not counting underwater); Into the Void and Illusionary Wave. Each has a cooldown of ~30 seconds. Next to that you could also use Runes of the Nightmare for the 5% chance to fear.

It does matter if the roles becomes switched. If you push the Guardian of the node, you will need the stability to stay on the node. Stealing retaliation also helps you to deal more damage to the Guardian.

You wouldn’t attack 2v1 at first. The strategy would be exactly the same as with a bunker Guardian. If the fight drags out, and you think (or know from experience) that the Guardian is going to call for backup, you do the same. So the fight goes from being 1v1, to being 2v2. You basically copy the bunker strategy.

This got really off-topic now. I’ll stop responding on this subject before it turns the page.

Kasaama, there is a difference between theory crafting and being able to preform the task perfectly in to scenario.

Do you thin you are the only one who has thought of using Mesmer/necro boon removal? These are good players in tournies, not hot join randoms. A bunker knows his Boone are going to be a target. They do this constantly in games.

Trust me you are not going to take those boons off faster tha I am going to put them on, it’s just not happening.

Bunkers have been around for a while now, you are not the only person “that likes to find solutions rather than accept it.” Every team knows they are going up against at least 2 bunkers, it’s not a surprise. Teams have been trying everything and there is a reason it is still being complained about.

Personally it doesn’t bother me I pvp to have fun, and may compete soon, but I’m not blind enough to think that Tpvp teams haven’t been wracking their brains trying to beat bunkers

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Yinn.6507


Main: Mesmer
Alt: Thief

With the correct builds ….
T1: Mesmer, Thief
T2: Guardian, Elementalist, Engineer
T3: Warrior, Necromancer(could be T2 due to meta), Ranger

Else …
T4: Necromancer, Ranger

Not surprisingly, the Tier charts on this thread are very similar. I don’t find rangers that weak though. Not very strong, but not hopeless.

(edited by Yinn.6507)

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: BishopX.6453


G Dagger/Dagger thief
S Thief (other) Mezmer 2h+___

A Smite condition Bunker guardian, 2h warrior, shhortbow ranger
B) warrior other, 2h Guardian, Bunker Engi, FOTM necro spec
C) Guardian (other) Dagger/Dagger ele, Necro (other) Ranger (other)
F) Ele (other) ranger (other)

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Setsunayaki.4907


Healing Elementalist is my favorite there. I can do it decently to well. My first day in sPvP vs randoms and I managed to win in eight out of ten matches so far.

There were some large fights where really healing the players there saved the day for us. Sure, I didn’t do amazing or epic level damage, but that wasn’t my function. I already did my damage….through healing groups enough to finish off glass cannon builds and other out there. Not to mention throwing in Chill and Vulnerability at the right time and place.

Doesn’t mean I didn’t get killed but there was one time where I lured four players to “Kill the weak ele” ankittenpt running around in circles, being able to heal and retain my health. I lured them to the edge of the map.

I died and when one said “Finally” I was like "four players spending 1 – 3 minutes trying to kill me means they are not out making sure control points are theirs…so it means that 7v7 became a 6v3.

I apologize if any of you feel that I am showing off. I am all about teamwork and completing objectives. I love doing all I can to try to keep players alive, raise fallen allies, capture control points and place buffs/debuffs at the right time.

I am just throwing my hand at support with the same passion those who love dps throw theirs. Its been a really nice experience so far.

I don’t find the map as boring as the same tactics being used repeatedly. I am hoping one day the skill sets to all classes are expanded. I don’t like the idea that more Racial Elites exist in GW2 than profession-level elite skills. I am sure more will come soon.

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


Healing Elementalist is my favorite there. I can do it decently to well. My first day in sPvP vs randoms and I managed to win in eight out of ten matches so far.

There were some large fights where really healing the players there saved the day for us. Sure, I didn’t do amazing or epic level damage, but that wasn’t my function. I already did my damage….through healing groups enough to finish off glass cannon builds and other out there. Not to mention throwing in Chill and Vulnerability at the right time and place.

Doesn’t mean I didn’t get killed but there was one time where I lured four players to “Kill the weak ele” ankittenpt running around in circles, being able to heal and retain my health. I lured them to the edge of the map.

I died and when one said “Finally” I was like "four players spending 1 – 3 minutes trying to kill me means they are not out making sure control points are theirs…so it means that 7v7 became a 6v3.

I apologize if any of you feel that I am showing off. I am all about teamwork and completing objectives. I love doing all I can to try to keep players alive, raise fallen allies, capture control points and place buffs/debuffs at the right time.

I am just throwing my hand at support with the same passion those who love dps throw theirs. Its been a really nice experience so far.

I don’t find the map as boring as the same tactics being used repeatedly. I am hoping one day the skill sets to all classes are expanded. I don’t like the idea that more Racial Elites exist in GW2 than profession-level elite skills. I am sure more will come soon.

So…being that this is a “rank dem professions” thread, your vote is:

Tier 1: Bunker Elementalist

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: ilJumperMT.4871



Must have:

Guardain Ele Necro Mesmer

Good to have:
Warrior or Ranger Trapper

Thief or Ranger who isn’t trapper

Best Setup
Guardain Ele Necro Mesmerx2

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Chrisp.6924


The real set up for tPvP, not these subjective t1, t2 and t3’s that these people are claiming.
Required: Ele/Guard/mes.
Good fillers: Thief/War/Necro/Engi/Ranger
Nothing is underpowered, every class has a spec that makes them more then viable, if you don’t think so, then you should learn to play it, or play with better players.
I think the game is fine in its current state, every class has its up and downs.
Thief for example, the most QQ class, is squishy and can easily be downed, you just can’t let them do whatever they want. Same deal with any glass cannon spec. It’s a trade you make to do big damage, same with if you go high D you lose almost all your damage.
You may argue that thiefs do more damage then other glass cannons, well, it’s direct damage, compared to an ele, which hits half as hard but does it all aoe, and has faster hits.
I can honestly say I think Dancing Daggers is a bit broken, thats one thing, and not even the most QQ’d about skill.
The game is fine, stop whining.

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: nurt.5401


the best: thief/ele/guardian/mesmer
the rest: necro+/engi/warrior
rangers: ranger

basically you want 2 bunkers, a mesmer, one glass, and one ranged aoe teamfight pressure. Ele and guardian are the best bunkers, plus you need to the ele to kill treb, thief is the best glass mostly because it can also double as a ranged aoe pressure in larger fights, necros and engis are kind of neck and neck for the teamfight pressure spot, but necro wins slightly because it’s more effective at range and has plague form (engi’s main advantage is mobility). Warriors have some advantages over thief, but having to commit to melee to do anything is often a liability in big fights, and the lack of a teleport hurts them on khylo. Mesmers are just much better at being mesmers than rangers are.

Rangers aren’t quite as good at teamfight pressure as the teamfight builds, or spiking as the spike builds. They should be competing with mesmers for the position of back point defender, since mesmer has no competition, and rangers probably have the best semi-tanky 1v1 build of any profession, but they have no portal equivalent to allow them to assist other fights without leaving their node entirely open. The only other place rangers shine is the fact that they have a reliable on demand quickeness on a short cooldown for stomps, but currently that’s not game winning enough to replace one of the people on your team. Maybe if bunkers get a nerf rangers with quickness stomp and some decent damage would make a good semi-bunker.

Rank dem Professions V2

in PvP

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


The real set up for tPvP, not these subjective t1, t2 and t3’s that these people are claiming.
Required: Ele/Guard/mes.
Good fillers: Thief/War/Necro/Engi/Ranger
Nothing is underpowered, every class has a spec that makes them more then viable, if you don’t think so, then you should learn to play it, or play with better players.
I think the game is fine in its current state, every class has its up and downs.
Thief for example, the most QQ class, is squishy and can easily be downed, you just can’t let them do whatever they want. Same deal with any glass cannon spec. It’s a trade you make to do big damage, same with if you go high D you lose almost all your damage.
You may argue that thiefs do more damage then other glass cannons, well, it’s direct damage, compared to an ele, which hits half as hard but does it all aoe, and has faster hits.
I can honestly say I think Dancing Daggers is a bit broken, thats one thing, and not even the most QQ’d about skill.
The game is fine, stop whining.

Your “claim” is no more valid or invalid than anyone elses. It was a purely subjective topic to begin with…