(edited by Verdis.8472)
Report Players for AFK?
Botting is what we’ve been told to use. It’s defined along the lines of “not actively playing the character”. Also you’re not allowed to call people out by name, might want to delete that.
No account name / nameing anybody on forum.
so please edit out the accname of the person. It’s rude and it will get deleted this way by Moderators.
No account name / nameing anybody on forum.
so please edit out the accname of the person.
I had already done so. I wasn’t aware of the rule.
It’s rude
No, rude is somebody crippling a team and wasting players time. He was happy enough to show in chat he was enjoying it.
(edited by Verdis.8472)
I run into the same thing all the time. It would be nice if there was either a auto kick from inactivity for 30secs, or a special report option for this behavior. It really is disheartening to the team and causes people to not want to play any more.
auto kick from inactivity for 30secs
They already have an autokick system as far as i’m aware. The guy kept moving his character slightly every now and again to avoid getting kicked. So if you’re sitting there, watching the screen and having to move your character, then why not just play the kitten game.
No account name / nameing anybody on forum.
so please edit out the accname of the person. It’s rude and it will get deleted this way by Moderators.
Can you please specifically link to the rule stating that no account naming on the forum is allowed?
As far as I’ve seen, there is no rule in the code of conduct that states no account can be named.
No account name / nameing anybody on forum.
so please edit out the accname of the person. It’s rude and it will get deleted this way by Moderators.Can you please specifically link to the rule stating that no account naming on the forum is allowed?
As far as I’ve seen, there is no rule in the code of conduct that states no account can be named.
“Do not engage in personal attacks against forum members or in character assassination. Posts that attack another member, that single out a player for ridicule, or that accuse someone of inappropriate in-game actions will be removed without notice. In-game violations should be reported directly to our Support Team. If you believe that using the support system did not result in a sufficient or timely response, you may post your concern in the Support section of the forums.”
auto kick from inactivity for 30secs
They already have an autokick system as far as i’m aware. The guy kept moving his character slightly every now and again to avoid getting kicked. So if you’re sitting there, watching the screen and having to move your character, then why not just play the kitten game.
Thats why I think the kick timer should be extremely shortened for PvP, you need to be constantly in motion while you are playing anyhow. This wouldn’t affect actual players just the AFK kittens that stand around at spawn.
Kick-timer is not the solution. The solution is actually present in GW1. Give the ability to report AFK players. After a certain number of reports from a single game (So that it doesn’t get abused by haters) you get a dishonorable effect the blocks you from joining PvP matches for a period of time.
So what does he get out of this behavior. Any Points?
Or just happy to troll?
So what does he get out of this behavior. Any Points?
Or just happy to troll?
I’m pretty sure he still gets exp at the end of the game, but only the win/lose exp, no bonus for kills or top player. I’m assuming that’s why he always captures one point before he stops contributing, because you probably need to have contributed something in order to be eligible for the end game exp
Got one today – of course names our not allowed, but this is kittening me off
TPvP, not soloQ, not Skyham – just a thief who decides to AFK after we lost the first mid-fight because “You guys are noobs and should learn to play”
This kind of additude should be punnished, get these freaking leechers out of my game and let me at least win the moral high-ground with my team by trying!
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
Yeah, let’s all try harder because we have people who rush mobs in Forest of Niflhel, because we have bunker who runs to close at start of game, because we have people who "cap faster with more people standing in circle", those who never go back to help home, those who only run in zergs, etc. Yeah, let’s try harder and win games for them. You know, cause we are all nice and friendly people.
Reporting for afk’ing has been discussed quite often recently.
I do not think that it needs yet another thread.
If you search for it, you will find plenty of other threads to add your comment to.
Afk reporting should not be implemented as it opens the door to massive abuse.
Going afk sometimes is the better solution. It is legit. It should not be changed.