The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


you missed 3 spamming thief and aoe spamming ele.

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


oh sorry, i only read the title and the list

yea, i just go on ele spam all my attack and pretend like im doing anything is so much more skilled, nah, not really.

dd ele, staff ele is more tanky then an engi imo

(edited by Simon.3794)

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


“Easy” meta has arrived. Simple is the flavor of the month.

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Rubik.7192


waits for sikari to come in to defend his “very high skilled” spec

“I’m so hard right now” – Ozie, in solo queue.

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Chaotic.9742


Press only one or two buttons? I think you may be a bit delusional… All of these builds are countered by many things. Sure it might require “more effort” but who cares? Unless you are a bunker spec yourself the builds mentioned will die if you play the matchup well. If you don’t like it though, just stop playing.

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Domino.1359


Just go ahead and add all the other builds you’re matched up against to compare to your elite skills/builds, my good fellow.

" I can kill any of those specs in 1v1, the problem is that its lame, boring and not fun fighting such builds."

So why complain? If you don’t play those easy builds, they seem to be easy farm points for you. Play or don’t. Can’t correct a few thousand like minded individuals.

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


waits for sikari to come in to defend his “very high skilled” spec

Actually! MM is a “very high skilled” spec! It’s hard to avoid all the AOE, pets die in seconds, and it’s one of the few builds that doesn’t have a stun break (unless you run wurm and kitten yourself in other ways, and it has to be pre-casted), no protection/stability/evades/blocks/vigor, and low mobility etc. Very skilled spec is skilled! Thanks for reminding me Rubik! <3

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: NoNameNoob.9758


Play thief and kill them in a few sec lol

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: KarinaCO.6948


waits for sikari to come in to defend his “very high skilled” spec

all I read was “hard in solo queue – ozie” tbh.


The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


waits for sikari to come in to defend his “very high skilled” spec

Actually! MM is a “very high skilled” spec! It’s hard to avoid all the AOE, pets die in seconds, and it’s one of the few builds that doesn’t have a stun break (unless you run wurm and kitten yourself in other ways, and it has to be pre-casted), no protection/stability/evades/blocks/vigor, and low mobility etc. Very skilled spec is skilled! Thanks for reminding me Rubik! <3

protection, vigor, invul, blocks, stealth, Etc are optional when you can destroy enemies by dumb luck <3

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Rezz.8019


If they ever choose to nerf warriors instead of buffing them you will see that those “top” teams won’t be top anymore.
Anyway, I agree, this meta requires absolutely no skill.

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


You know, I actually kind of enjoy this meta. I think the fact that everything is so easy to play will force players to become more skillful and I actually think that in the end skill will win out over cheeze builds.

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: HeadCrowned.6834


First you claiming certain builds on certain classes are boring to fight and take too long to kill, later on you claim 5 professions to be like that. At least you managed to make a more boring and uninteresting post than sPvP itself.

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


waits for sikari to come in to defend his “very high skilled” spec

Actually! MM is a “very high skilled” spec! It’s hard to avoid all the AOE, pets die in seconds, and it’s one of the few builds that doesn’t have a stun break (unless you run wurm and kitten yourself in other ways, and it has to be pre-casted), no protection/stability/evades/blocks/vigor, and low mobility etc. Very skilled spec is skilled! Thanks for reminding me Rubik! <3

protection, vigor, invul, blocks, stealth, Etc are optional when you can destroy enemies by dumb luck <3

Wrong, Magic Find +100% Essence of Luck. You can farm them in PvP, so question you need to ask was it dumb luck or just more passive play from a passive stat called Magic Find.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Freeelancer.2860


The entire game mode is balanced on 5v5, therefore the meta should be discussed on a team level rather then individual.
That being said, if you are constantly teamed up with/against sets of people who all think they should “carry” their team with easy cookie cutter builds that’s the issue with players, not with the meta.

The team comp you mentioned would be obliterated in mid/high level competitive play.

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

I agree,

sPvP currently is the least fun it has ever been. The more this game shifts towards bunkers and conditions, the less enjoyable it becomes.

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

I doubt MM has a general place in Spvp.

If it is played in a team it can only be pressure on mid that a mm can do, solo an mm gets obliterated by this meta and every build mentioned above.

(i now see it’s has already been mentioned.. nvm ) XD

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

(edited by Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046)

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Atoss.1056


Play any spec you feel good with that fits your gameplay style. “Meta” sounds like old “holy trinity” to me, use this and this blahblah. I don’t like how much ppl repeat or try to clone certain builds or ways of playing. You can always change traits or amulets/runes/sigils “on the fly” if your group needs more support or attack power. Think for yourself, get experience with your own setup and play how you want to play, it’s much more fun to see something that you made yourself working, than winning/loosing in some copied builds or w/e… Just my opinion.

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: hihey.1075


I’m having issues with Turret Engis as well with regards to people going afk and letting their specs play by themselves.

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i’ve been messing around in hotjoins as a bunker war and its so hilarious against classes without spammable sources of poison,
i can literally just stand there, i don’t even need to press any buttons my passive health regen outheals their damage, plus i have retaliation passively proccing for 6 seconds every 10 seconds.

throw in s/s so you can do fairly decent condi damage and it becomes HILARIOUS.

i agree with your list, some classes are just way too cheesy.

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Matisse.9356


1st note: Spamming one button won’t win you duels against any remotely decent player.

If a built is easy and effective, surely people will play it. This means you can dedicate more of your attention to the enemy anticipating his skill usage, positioning etc.

Basically, I attribute the bunker meta to the sole existance of one game mode – conquest.

There is no attack/defend-map, no capture-the-flag, no payload etc. (2nd note: I would love to see a map in the style of SWTOR’s Huttball or a “mmo translation” of TF2’s Badwater).

I do not know why they don’t add other game modes, as the eSports ship has sailed quite some time ago anyway. That would certainly shake up the bunker meta too.

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


I agree. I personally cannot stand using anything that isn’t engaging and the majority of meta builds are very boring and faceroll keyboard to win. Any time I get killed by an MM or AOE nuke Engi I just feel like asking them how they actually enjoy themselves knowing there’s no effort needed to get kills.
Though, I guess some people prefer not to have to work to win. So, more power to them but… I sure hope they never think they’re “good.”
What also irritates me is how these meta builds give their professions bad names. Like for instance if I use a Flesh Golem on my Necromancer, suddenly I’m an MM cheese.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


I’m having issues with Turret Engis as well with regards to people going afk and letting their specs play by themselves.

^ This. Those are the builds I hate the most, where the player hardly has to move a finger, their build itself does like 80% of the work. It’s a freakin’ joke.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Ralkuth.1456


i’ve been messing around in hotjoins as a bunker war and its so hilarious against classes without spammable sources of poison,
i can literally just stand there, i don’t even need to press any buttons my passive health regen outheals their damage, plus i have retaliation passively proccing for 6 seconds every 10 seconds.

throw in s/s so you can do fairly decent condi damage and it becomes HILARIOUS.

i agree with your list, some classes are just way too cheesy.

I played PVT Bunk war for a bit. You have regen banners, adrenal health, and all the stances to mitigate damage. All you need to do is use Warhorn 5 and Mace auto if you can to give weakness, then run around point with Sword 2, randomly stun people trying to res and stomp, miss a few Warbanners, and you win 60% of your Solo Queue games (150-105 on this spec)!

There was this Power Necro I was fighting one day at home point. I dodged Dark Pact and Sword 2’d over his wells. Then he stabbed me for 1 minute while my health remained at 27k. “We nerfed healing signet, they said,” he sighed and walked off…

5 useless class titles
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: LexIcon.2819


aoe spamming ele.


yea, i just go on ele spam all my attack and pretend like im doing anything is so much more skilled, nah, not really.

dd ele, staff ele is more tanky then an engi imo

topkek m8

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


Thieves spamming 2 or 3 are effective versus squishy speced professions, versus bunker specs it is a lost fight.
1- thief will eventually kill the bunker after a VERY long fight
2- Bunker kills thief with attrition
3- thief gives up and goes away

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Seifer Thalaen.7869

Seifer Thalaen.7869

They made this game for pve heroes…not really surprised all definately ended up with no skill metas…

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Abazigal.3679


You know, I actually kind of enjoy this meta. I think the fact that everything is so easy to play will force players to become more skillful and I actually think that in the end skill will win out over cheeze builds.

Not at all. The problem is that in soloQ , a big part of games are either 4v5( where you generally lose), either about 5 squishies vs 3 warriors and 2 engis. You actually don’t learn anything in such situations. Now if you add to it that the build is fairly easy to play, and doesn’t have a lot of risk…

That’s all the problem. These builds don’t have any explicit counter. You can’t say " ok they got 5 warriors, so we should be able to win if we run that ". In GW1 for example, common meta things such as Iway, bbway could be dealt with easily if you worried about having the spirits down, if you had someone to rupt some key skills, etc..

You actually do learn a lot by running full dps builds, since you care much more about positionning, handling conditions, dodging key skills,…

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


You know, I actually kind of enjoy this meta. I think the fact that everything is so easy to play will force players to become more skillful and I actually think that in the end skill will win out over cheeze builds.

Not at all. The problem is that in soloQ , a big part of games are either 4v5( where you generally lose), either about 5 squishies vs 3 warriors and 2 engis. You actually don’t learn anything in such situations. Now if you add to it that the build is fairly easy to play, and doesn’t have a lot of risk…

That’s all the problem. These builds don’t have any explicit counter. You can’t say " ok they got 5 warriors, so we should be able to win if we run that ". In GW1 for example, common meta things such as Iway, bbway could be dealt with easily if you worried about having the spirits down, if you had someone to rupt some key skills, etc..

You actually do learn a lot by running full dps builds, since you care much more about positionning, handling conditions, dodging key skills,…

I’ve won matches with 4 thieves.



It all goes down to player skill in solo q, where solo skill really counts.

If you know how to rotate properly, a team with too many warriors will be outrotated ez and you’ll win 100%.

In team q it’s kinda different since heavies are often supported but overall balanced comps will always win.

And if you’re really tired about heavies just bring a decap engeneer and faceroll them while they try ( and fail) to kill you.

Cheese wars are countered by even more tasting cheese.

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Markus.9084


Give engi kits like Grenade kit or Bomb kit.
—→ omg noob AoE spammer

A-net finally fix turrets, some engi start to use it efficiently in pvp
—→ omg noob afk-er playing easy build

What’s next ? “omg SD so easy no skill” ?

Btw I main engi, and without any stability or bunker build I can kill a turret afk-er… l2p ?

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.8237


I haven’t experienced this at all. I play shatter mesmer and I don’t have any troubles with them.

P R I N C E | Best Renger EU
You can find me in PvP | I normally answer PMs

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


I played PVT Bunk war for a bit. You have regen banners, adrenal health, and all the stances to mitigate damage. All you need to do is use Warhorn 5 and Mace auto if you can to give weakness, then run around point with Sword 2, randomly stun people trying to res and stomp, miss a few Warbanners, and you win 60% of your Solo Queue games (150-105 on this spec)!

oo i hadn’t thought about using mace, i’d taken sw/sw and sw/sh for the blocks/reflects and the constant condi damage, but throwing weakness in there does seem pretty great!
since i’m not taking it too seriously i’ve even taken dolyak runes just for the extra health regen (and teh lols) :P its not too great, something like 63 health per second, but thats still an extra 3780 health a minute.

even though i dont take it to serious it does still feel like god mode, until someone comes along with poison :P

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

MM necro
Spirit ranger
Bunker guard
AoE spamm engi

Sitting on a point and mashing 1 button. Im talking about Solo Q please dont bring the lame ToL excuse. Im playing against the same specs everyday, every hour. This is what you see and nothing else.

And as I main warr, even if I play GS warr, honestly any warr/guard /necro/engi build is pretty faceroll no matter what weapons you use. It just so lame fighting such fail builds over and over. I think its time to bring down the meta it will never dissapear by itself without massive nerfs.

You should not be able to sit on a point and contest it kitten forever. Power meta? Nan , everybody still plays the tankiest possible crap.

I think Id rather fight mesmer AI over a spirit ranger or tanky hambow that will take 3 hours to kill. Its not an l2p issue, I can kill any of those specs in 1v1, the problem is that its lame, boring and not fun fighting such builds.

Solo Q is worse than wvw I think or just the same. Pressing 11 in a zerg or pressing 1111 while sitting on a node is basically the same thing. The builds I listed above are top spvp Solo Q builds , you only need to press 1 button or 2 if you are pro.

If you are that good play an off meta build. Come up with a build of your own design that isn’t meta and use skill to defeat those players that you say are winning but don’t have any skill. That should be its own reward, right? Defeating a player with no skill who is winning because the game devs designed combat to be so easy that even a monkey could win? You wouldn’t derive gratification from that? Run a trap/poison master ranger.

I’m tired of the whining.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Ramoth.9064


I played a bunker necro last weekend and realised soon afterwards GW2 pvp currently is just all flash and no substance.

I feel like I’m ‘doing a lot of stuff’ to stay alive but in all honesty I’m just using cool downs the moment they recharge and my life was never really in much danger. This can also apply to 2v1s. Yes, my opponents might be crap, but I wasn’t exactly attentive either. At some point I was just watching Game of Thrones on my laptop next to me half the time, and often I can finish the round without dying.

I agree with OP.

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Since when thieves became tanky? A bad thief will die in 2 hits, a bad necro/engi/war/guard will die only after 2 hours and still get points from this dumb conquest mode.

Same goes for an Ele, even if they are tanky D/D they cannot sleep while holding a point like those classes can, too much passive defenses.

Thieves have found a new trick… it’s called perma-evade and perma-bleed.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


Since when thieves became tanky? A bad thief will die in 2 hits, a bad necro/engi/war/guard will die only after 2 hours and still get points from this dumb conquest mode.

Same goes for an Ele, even if they are tanky D/D they cannot sleep while holding a point like those classes can, too much passive defenses.

Thieves have found a new trick… it’s called perma-evade and perma-bleed.

Just so you know a perma bleed thief (as you call it) cant perma evade and has very limited access to vigor and use P/D. Perma evade thieves only have bleeds on Shorbow and uses S/D

They are 2 different specs don’t confuse ppl.

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Nope. Not P/D or S/D: D/D is the spec they run (fought two of them in consequent matches), and yes they have perma evade when using endurance and extra endurance and initiative regen on traits. 3 direct damage builds were attacking the thief and it took near 1 minute to kill it and by that time it downed 2 of us with the insane bleeding (I had 20 stacks, a lot of damage when they have maxed condi).

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: awge.3852


Well at least there are builds people can use to play and not suck instantly, the real problem most players are facing is on how to deal with them. I personally eat meta builds with my non-meta ranger (if that’s what custom builds are called). The easiest way to deal with the meta builds is to #1 identify it, #2 double team quick kill the life out of them with a counter-meta build. Guardians should be the first to go down, kill the elite spirit from ranger right away and deal with the rest of them asap. Usually if you can’t take one down they will get backup, this can be used to push your forces to wherever the enemy took them out from.

Mon Fils — Favorable Winds [Wind] — Blackgate
Ranger’s guide to PvP/WvW:

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: hihey.1075


Nope. Not P/D or S/D: D/D is the spec they run (fought two of them in consequent matches), and yes they have perma evade when using endurance and extra endurance and initiative regen on traits. 3 direct damage builds were attacking the thief and it took near 1 minute to kill it and by that time it downed 2 of us with the insane bleeding (I had 20 stacks, a lot of damage when they have maxed condi).

You really got killed by a DD, caltrops Condi thief?

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Daishi.6027


To anyone nitpicking at the concept of “no skill” or “spam” people use the terms as a exaggeration. Clearly ‘almost’ no build can auto attack to win, but every time someone brings up “spam or takes no skill” it is always within the grounds of the general skill cap of the game. Meaning avoiding big telegraphed and key skills are implied, it is everything after that most are arguing is the unfair carry.

No matter what side of the debate you are on balancing based on inept play is never the argument one should be making, and out side of obvious trolling should presume others are using the same standard with their points.

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

The meta is so boring, 0 skill required

in PvP

Posted by: Ralkuth.1456


I played PVT Bunk war for a bit. You have regen banners, adrenal health, and all the stances to mitigate damage. All you need to do is use Warhorn 5 and Mace auto if you can to give weakness, then run around point with Sword 2, randomly stun people trying to res and stomp, miss a few Warbanners, and you win 60% of your Solo Queue games (150-105 on this spec)!

oo i hadn’t thought about using mace, i’d taken sw/sw and sw/sh for the blocks/reflects and the constant condi damage, but throwing weakness in there does seem pretty great!
since i’m not taking it too seriously i’ve even taken dolyak runes just for the extra health regen (and teh lols) :P its not too great, something like 63 health per second, but thats still an extra 3780 health a minute.

even though i dont take it to serious it does still feel like god mode, until someone comes along with poison :P

Take Mercy runes to complement your Tactics minor traits for the fastest possible in-game ress speed (130%). Some “clutch” resses are just hilarious as you can pick them up before the stomp finishes (no cleave, sometimes doable with poison if you mace daze).
Mace/Shield Sword/Horn (Para/Energy Life/Energy)
Dolyak/Banner of Def or Tactics or Disc/Zerk stance or Balanced or Stamina
This is Olrun the Blade’s bunker banner warrior build. As he says, remember to jump dodge often! You can actually go that extra little bit and make melee miss so its always good to do.
People will always love you for Banner res. However you have to judge if it is worth it and have to LoS/Stab to pull it off safely. Smart players will try to stop you. Please don’t miss banner by the way xd

On topic:
Have faith… games start out rocky but they have the potential to be great. However, some quality progress could take years…

5 useless class titles
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty

(edited by Ralkuth.1456)