01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Theagenes.7403


Im just gonna leave this here so that you guys can have a laugh and reduce some tension…

Council Member of [siN] – Seven Intincts
Piken Square.[ES]

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Jurrzy.1594


Im just gonna leave this here so that you guys can have a laugh and reduce some tension…

Rainbow mini quaggans, CHARGE!!!!

Garrzz- Devona’s Rest

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Neeho.3859


Wait, so Gasm and Pro are just gone now? Did two of our biggest guilds, one of which has been here longer than I can remember (GASM), and another that always acted like they had our backs (PRO), betray us as soon as paid transfers were announced? Sorry, I haven’t played in a few days, so I’m a little out of the current events.

Yes, GASM and PRO are both (for the most part) gone. Half of PRO left a couple of weeks ago, the rest followed shortly after, although I don’t believe to the same server. The rats always abandon ship at the first sign of trouble. We have righted the boat and are working on getting ourselves back underway. We’ll be fine, although probably a tier lower for a few weeks.

[SoCo] Solum Contego SoCo loco style!
Yak’s Bend

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Jurrzy.1594


Wait, so Gasm and Pro are just gone now? Did two of our biggest guilds, one of which has been here longer than I can remember (GASM), and another that always acted like they had our backs (PRO), betray us as soon as paid transfers were announced? Sorry, I haven’t played in a few days, so I’m a little out of the current events.

Yes, GASM and PRO are both (for the most part) gone. Half of PRO left a couple of weeks ago, the rest followed shortly after, although I don’t believe to the same server. The rats always abandon ship at the first sign of trouble. We have righted the boat and are working on getting ourselves back underway. We’ll be fine, although probably a tier lower for a few weeks.

Infuriating. Gasm and Protocol have are so untrustworthy. Abandoning a server you’ve been with for months, not even saying goodbye. All of their talks of server pride were just lies and deceit, I guess. But we can pull the server together.

Anyway, Back on topic. Darn Kaineng, you guys are kicking are butts. You might go all the way to top tier.

Garrzz- Devona’s Rest

(edited by Jurrzy.1594)

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Infuriating. Gasm and Protocol have are so untrustworthy. Abandoning a server you’ve been with for months, not even saying goodbye. All of their talks of server pride were just lies and deceit, I guess. But we can pull the server together.

Anyway, Back on topic. Darn Kaineng, you guys are kicking are butts. You might go all the way to top tier.

Not sure about the story about Gasm, but as for Pro, it appears to have some internal drama/conflict/backstab that caused the entire guild to break down and go each separate ways.

From what I’ve heard, it was because the Leader of Pro got demoted by Pro’s War Counsel for making order to move to Magumma. So he left, brining like 15~20 people with him along the way. Then the rest splits into two groups, one that still trying to amend all the damage that the now ex-leader did, and the other just had enough of the guild drama, not to even mention all the internal DR drama that raises inside.

So yeah … Drama kills a guild, and a server.

“To learn is what I need, to teach those who needs to learn is my duty …”
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


EB fought like tigers again tonight; good fight at Garrison and Cliffside. I noticed Kiridono was doing his “huge guild zerg” thing as well, with the able assistance of certain RE leaders who shall remain nameless. Also props to AoD as well; they were all over me when we went to DR BL.

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: DarkElvenChic.2618


EB fought like tigers again tonight; good fight at Garrison and Cliffside. I noticed Kiridono was doing his “huge guild zerg” thing as well, with the able assistance of certain RE leaders who shall remain nameless. Also props to AoD as well; they were all over me when we went to DR BL.

DE merged with RE so it was all one guild zerg.

Commander ~ Aurora Noctai ~ Thief
Officer of Rethesis [RE] ~ Kaineng
NEO Alliance ~ NeverEndingOdds.com

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Zatria.5783


Why were they surprised? What result is surprising when you put a server with 4 queued maps against anyone in t8-t4?

Apparently because they weren’t expecting us to go this far. Or don’t you remember all the “They’ll get blown away in the next Tier.” “Don’t worry, we’ll crush them soon!” etc., etc.? I get that Kaineng has a lot of growing to do, but we have the time and patience to do that growing, whatever others think of us.

I spent a week on kaineng when WM transferred, and my impression was the same as some of the DR in this thread: the overall populace of your NA crowd is really, really terrible at PvP and have no clue what they’re doing in WvW. It really felt like I stepped back in time to month 1 and people just ran at the next visible enemy holding with no purpose or reason.

If you spent a week on Kaineng, then you saw the constant score of 600+. When people play well, it’s often because they have a goal or something they are playing for, it is what pushes people to be their best. When you risk nothing from losing, then losing ceases to be an incentive to win.

The point: No one has yet seen what Kaineng is truly capable of, because thus far every week has been a blow-out. When the fights are even and we HAVE to fight and fight well to win…THEN we will see the quality of the Kaineng people. Until then it’s all conjecture.

Everyone HAS seen what Kaineng is made of. When the numbers are fairly even, you get pushed back and rolled over. When you have more than 2x more players than your enemy, you win. This is no big secret. We have all had enough battles to know exactly what type of server Kaineng is, over populated for the tiers it has been in. There is very little skill in anything you guys do. Zerg, zerg, and zerg.

Winning by shear numbers, is that what your goal is? Good. You have succeeded. You have not won one battle I have witnessed where we had within a 10 count of your total. Not one.

I have a feeling Mags is going to show you for who you really are, unorganized and non-skilled.

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Psychatog.8246


Infuriating. Gasm and Protocol have are so untrustworthy. Abandoning a server you’ve been with for months, not even saying goodbye. All of their talks of server pride were just lies and deceit, I guess. But we can pull the server together.

Anyway, Back on topic. Darn Kaineng, you guys are kicking are butts. You might go all the way to top tier.

Not sure about the story about Gasm, but as for Pro, it appears to have some internal drama/conflict/backstab that caused the entire guild to break down and go each separate ways.

From what I’ve heard, it was because the Leader of Pro got demoted by Pro’s War Counsel for making order to move to Magumma. So he left, brining like 15~20 people with him along the way. Then the rest splits into two groups, one that still trying to amend all the damage that the now ex-leader did, and the other just had enough of the guild drama, not to even mention all the internal DR drama that raises inside.

So yeah … Drama kills a guild, and a server.

this is alittle off

1) Im not going into the reason for the initial split, its over and done with and had nothing to do with with DR or the match up at the time. the only thing i will say is that “he who shall not be named” reformed with 10-15 members of pro on Yak’s bend under the [HELL] tag.

2) We the remainder left because of the paid transfers first and foremost. [PRO] was created as a competitive wvwvw guild and the initial plan after talking with [gasm] and [red] was to turn DR into a competitive server. paid transfers made this impossible, because realistically their is no reason for any oceanic or EU guilds to PAY to xfer to DR. If free transfers weren’t ending we would have stayed. That being said we discussed transfering for almost 10 hours in our voice chat and after putting it to a vote decided to go ahead with it. we had to make the move quick simply because their is only small windows in which to make transfers(see below). Also to any of the guilds on any of the servers…if your planning a move…do it before this thursday or you may end up with half a guild.

Currently we are in the process of moving our members to Dragonbrand(which is full for the weekend so you may see some pro floating around for the next couple days)

and to Jurrzy:
we talked to all the major wvw guild leaders before we left and explained our position. we did what was best for our guild, because frankly it probably wouldn’t have survived as a competitive guild after paid transfers hit. Family before nation, im sorry if anyone feels betrayed.

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Kaineng, great job in BL’s today.

DR and EB, great job keeping us busy too ! Some of yall deserve more credit than what you read in here and I for one am impressed with some of the guild tags I have seen, PUNK being one of them, even though we succeed in fighting a nice cohesive turtle, it is still nice to see that type of organization in this match up. I personally didnt know how to react to it at first, but I try to push who I lead and I can not show them to know fear when they see it.

DR and EB, keep your heads up, this is still a fun match up somewhat, dont let the scorecard and maps fool anyone, I have been wiped plenty of times, just as well as wiping some of yall just as much, but the tenacity is what makes this fun.

On a side note. Yall do out number us at times in some of these maps, and frankly I am surprised yall do not notice it when it happens, yall have more windows than what yall may realize, dont hesitate to see them. I want yall to make us work harder for this please. We are still working hard right now, but I want this server to be ready, some of us have been there, a lot of Kaineng has not though.

Right now its hard to get most of my guild in WvW lol, only about 20-30% show up, their excuse is the PPT -_-… well next week they should not have that excuse, but I want them to not get complacent lol.

Crazy Leg

(edited by Littlefeather.8623)

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


Everyone HAS seen what Kaineng is made of. When the numbers are fairly even, you get pushed back and rolled over. When you have more than 2x more players than your enemy, you win. This is no big secret. We have all had enough battles to know exactly what type of server Kaineng is, over populated for the tiers it has been in. There is very little skill in anything you guys do. Zerg, zerg, and zerg.

Winning by shear numbers, is that what your goal is? Good. You have succeeded. You have not won one battle I have witnessed where we had within a 10 count of your total. Not one.

I have a feeling Mags is going to show you for who you really are, unorganized and non-skilled.

Reset day, South Side of DRBL. There were about 10-15 of us Escorting Yaks, protecting Camps/Towers and doing upgrades. On average our teams were of 3-5 people at -best-. There were 3 Thieves out of EBay that gave us fits and the DR “RED” Guild’s 5-man. Should I then assume that since you had large groups that did the Breakout event 3 times in a row got rolled all 3 times by 10 people?(The 10 people were in the Tower Defending…there were no less than 20 EBay outside. I’m under-guessing due to Clones, etc.) We had well-placed Siege and excellent teamwork. This was why we rolled the EBays constantly.

Since this happened all afternoon during the reset, should I assume your Zergs are all horrible and easily rolled? That you lack strategy and ability because you got owned by half your numbers? The only time we had “More” than the 10 in any one Tower was when we had already pushed the Players back and called WP’ing dead people in to reinforce us to take down Siegerazer because he’s OP.

A number of times myself and 2 others rolled right over a group of 5 EBays, 3 were not up-levels. Again…am I supposed to assume this means all EBay 5-mans suck and are horrible?…Cause I don’t.

You’re making up facts based on what you’re seeing right now, but what you’re seeing right now are 2 things:
1) The dedicated WvW Guilds who will do it no matter how boring it gets.
2) The Fairweathers who are in there because they see you guys all as easy targets since we so drastically outnumber you.

Many of our Guilds are not WvW exclusive…even some of the “WvW” Guilds have many members who aren’t…these people aren’t in WvW right now. We are looking for a challenge, a fight, fun. We won’t get that here. I’m not saying any of you are bad, but if we tried to fight even numbers, odds are a large group of Kaineng would pop up and roll anyone we tried to fight. That is not fun for us. So we aren’t there. When there IS a fight, when things get difficult…you’ll see us again…you saw a lot of us on reset day. YB and whoever else is in the next Tier will see us reset day as well…whether they see us after or not is all dependent on how much of a fight there is.

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


How duplicitous can you possibly be?? You’ve recently made several posts suggesting ways for ANet to fix the game breaking effects of server population imbalances, and below is an exact quote from a post you made just a few days ago. What’s even more incredible is you telling us to just suck it up and learn how to survive against insurmountable numbers after you just admitted that you can’t learn to play without them. We’re even talking about the same guild!!

Look I really wasn’t trying to be mean or offend anyone here. But lets take a look at the facts.

The server population imbalance is indeed a huge problem. I still hold true to this opinion. However did I ever go around trash talking SoR? Nope. Because it isn’t SoR’s fault that people are leaving SBI. SoR didn’t steal our guilds away with tricks. SBI simply collapsed.

In a similar manner, it isn’t Kaineng’s fault that strong guilds like WM joined them.

And then people started blaming their losses and everything on the Kaineng bigger zergs. They even claimed that Kaineng sucks and they only win because they got bigger zergs. Ok let’s be fair Kaineng does have bigger zergs than you guys. And so no I don’t expect you two servers (EB and DR) has a chance against Kaineng. But when both of you two servers combined for LESS THAN 50 points, and you blame everything on Kaineng, it just aren’t justified.

I will go back to my SBI example. They lost all the major wvw guilds. Nearly everyone moved on. Yet even then SBI still has 100 points by themselves vs SoR, the strongest T2 team around. Are you saying that BOTH of you two server combined is not even HALF as good as the broken SBI is?

Come on guys. If you want to improve, you got to admit defeat and try to improve from it. Like I said I don’t expect you two servers to beat Kaineng. But you know very well that you two servers could have done better.

If you say “Nope, we couldn’t have done better”, then I feel sorry for you guys. That’s your self defeatist talking and that won’t help your server at all.

So population imbalance is indeed a huge problem. You guys can talk about that all you want. But trash talking a server because of server population (which aren’t even their fault) isn’t needed and I cannot respect that.

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs

(edited by CHIPS.6018)

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Everyone HAS seen what Kaineng is made of. When the numbers are fairly even, you get pushed back and rolled over. When you have more than 2x more players than your enemy, you win. This is no big secret. We have all had enough battles to know exactly what type of server Kaineng is, over populated for the tiers it has been in. There is very little skill in anything you guys do. Zerg, zerg, and zerg.

Winning by shear numbers, is that what your goal is? Good. You have succeeded. You have not won one battle I have witnessed where we had within a 10 count of your total. Not one.

I have a feeling Mags is going to show you for who you really are, unorganized and non-skilled.

Look at all those FACTS you used. You got rolled by numbers less than yours multiple times, I know this because I was in the group that did it. If you say I’m wrong, you are proving yourself wrong as well. Tread carefully on your whining rampage.

Hey Shadow – let it go, dude. Shaka brought up a good point earlier – why are we even biting on the trolling? Let ‘em troll. Folks are angry because their server’s spine is broken and they’re in a downward spiral. It’s scary, and they need to lash out at someone. Let ‘em blame us – because honestly, it really doesn’t matter and feeding them only gives troll gratification.

Besides, is there anything at all new or original in the post you’re responding to? We’ve seen all of that hooey over the past month or so. Nothing new, yawn.

We’ll find our tier, we’ll find our competition, and WvW will be fun again. Don’t get dragged down to the haters’ level in the meantime.

Edit: Responses are welcomed, but please READ before you post. It makes you look silly if you quote me and respond to a totally different topic that isn’t even mentioned in my post.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Dhampyr.2104)

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Archer.1658


Everyone HAS seen what Kaineng is made of. When the numbers are fairly even, you get pushed back and rolled over. When you have more than 2x more players than your enemy, you win. This is no big secret. We have all had enough battles to know exactly what type of server Kaineng is, over populated for the tiers it has been in. There is very little skill in anything you guys do. Zerg, zerg, and zerg.

Winning by shear numbers, is that what your goal is? Good. You have succeeded. You have not won one battle I have witnessed where we had within a 10 count of your total. Not one.

I have a feeling Mags is going to show you for who you really are, unorganized and non-skilled.

Look at all those FACTS you used. You got rolled by numbers less than yours multiple times, I know this because I was in the group that did it. If you say I’m wrong, you are proving yourself wrong as well. Tread carefully on your whining rampage.

Hey Shadow – let it go, dude. Shaka brought up a good point earlier – why are we even biting on the trolling? Let ‘em troll. Folks are angry because their server’s spine is broken and they’re in a downward spiral. It’s scary, and they need to lash out at someone. Let ‘em blame us – because honestly, it really doesn’t matter and feeding them only gives troll gratification.

Besides, is there anything at all new or original in the post you’re responding to? We’ve seen all of that hooey over the past month or so. Nothing new, yawn.

We’ll find our tier, we’ll find our competition, and WvW will be fun again. Don’t get dragged down to the haters’ level in the meantime.

Yeah our “servers spine is broken”. That’s a good way to beat around the bush in saying that you out number us, and act as if it wasn’t so. Please do not regale me with you’re tales of amazing sieging tactics, because it never happened, I was there, it was pure numbers. I will also be laughing when all the bandwagoners eventually leave just like they did to HoD and ET and SBI.

Çookies – Mesmer – [GF]/Ebay
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: ShadowSoljer.6524


Everyone HAS seen what Kaineng is made of. When the numbers are fairly even, you get pushed back and rolled over. When you have more than 2x more players than your enemy, you win. This is no big secret. We have all had enough battles to know exactly what type of server Kaineng is, over populated for the tiers it has been in. There is very little skill in anything you guys do. Zerg, zerg, and zerg.

Winning by shear numbers, is that what your goal is? Good. You have succeeded. You have not won one battle I have witnessed where we had within a 10 count of your total. Not one.

I have a feeling Mags is going to show you for who you really are, unorganized and non-skilled.

Look at all those FACTS you used. You got rolled by numbers less than yours multiple times, I know this because I was in the group that did it. If you say I’m wrong, you are proving yourself wrong as well. Tread carefully on your whining rampage.

Hey Shadow – let it go, dude. Shaka brought up a good point earlier – why are we even biting on the trolling? Let ‘em troll. Folks are angry because their server’s spine is broken and they’re in a downward spiral. It’s scary, and they need to lash out at someone. Let ‘em blame us – because honestly, it really doesn’t matter and feeding them only gives troll gratification.

Besides, is there anything at all new or original in the post you’re responding to? We’ve seen all of that hooey over the past month or so. Nothing new, yawn.

We’ll find our tier, we’ll find our competition, and WvW will be fun again. Don’t get dragged down to the haters’ level in the meantime.

I’m part of the counter-trolling division, as you can see by our angry friends response, my job as been completed successfully. As for the real topic of this thread, Kaineng is winning by a large margin and reporting the score would only demoralize anyone not currently playing from the other two servers.

(edited by ShadowSoljer.6524)

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Zatria.5783


Besides, is there anything at all new or original in the post you’re responding to? We’ve seen all of that hooey over the past month or so. Nothing new, yawn.

And you still haven’t accepted the fact that what you have been hearing for a month is true or not? It’s all numbers. You have yet to use one tactical move in the battles I have seen. Carry on to your next tier. You will find where you belong eventually. But, doing it the way it has been done is pure crap.

“Hey, let’s all move down to an extremely low tiered server with our upper tier guilds. It will be fun to steam roll our way back up to the top.”

“Hey that sounds fun. Then when everyone catches on, we’ll deny it and claim even though we alone out number both are competitors, we’ll claim skill.”

Most games would call this griefing. Here, we call this skill.

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Besides, is there anything at all new or original in the post you’re responding to? We’ve seen all of that hooey over the past month or so. Nothing new, yawn.

And you still haven’t accepted the fact that what you have been hearing for a month is true or not? It’s all numbers. You have yet to use one tactical move in the battles I have seen. Carry on to your next tier. You will find where you belong eventually. But, doing it the way it has been done is pure crap.

“Hey, let’s all move down to an extremely low tiered server with our upper tier guilds. It will be fun to stream roll our way back up to the top.”

“Hey that sounds fun. Then when everyone catches on, we’ll deny it and claim even though we alone out number both are competitors, we’ll claim skill.”

Most games would call this griefing. Here, we call this skill.

Just because it’s late, I’ll humor you. Go through ALL of my posts – never once will you see me claim greater skill.

Haters love to generalize – it’s the only way all of that anger can be focused I think. You’re lumping me in with some generalized stereotype of a Kaineng player that I’m pretty sure only exists in your head. Your post, as a whole and as directed at me (which I’m assuming since you quoted me), is completely inaccurate.

I rolled Kaineng. I’ve never been anywhere else. This is the highest tier I’ve ever been in, and I’ve loved WvW in every single tier (including Tier 8 ) that I’ve been in.

I didn’t move anywhere, I’m just playing this great game that ArenaNet made for me. Hate on me if you like, because like I said, your hate doesn’t matter. I don’t care. I’m going to love playing the game regardless.

I will even be gracious enough to give you the last word. I’m done responding. See you on the battlefield!

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Dhampyr.2104)

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: GamerToukotsu.4219


I just want to chime in here to let everyone know that has been saying things about [RED].

[RED] is not a World vs. World guild and we have never claimed to be a WvW guild. We are a casual guild who enjoy spending reset night within WvW. A large part of our members are still working on their characters and do not know many strategies. We play for fun, so I ask that you do not think otherwise.

Illusory Ally Officer of [RED]

Illusory Ally [TFD]
Illusionary Ally [TFD]
Devona’s Rest

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Amins.3710


Kaineng pug’s really need to step it up if you’re going into the top tiers:

[REM]…. =[ I know you guys were in your sub 80’s, but still.

Taken 1/20: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RruMhg5SZlI&feature=youtu.be

Amins – Guardian
Gameplay Video’s & Forum Post

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

I just want to chime in here to let everyone know that has been saying things about [RED].

[RED] is not a World vs. World guild and we have never claimed to be a WvW guild. We are a casual guild who enjoy spending reset night within WvW. A large part of our members are still working on their characters and do not know many strategies. We play for fun, so I ask that you do not think otherwise.

Illusory Ally Officer of [RED]

*gives high five*

That sounds just like SoS, lol

“To learn is what I need, to teach those who needs to learn is my duty …”
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: adreamofcold.2071


Man, these safe areas sure aren’t very safe.


01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: DarkElvenChic.2618


Man, these safe areas sure aren’t very safe.

Pssssst! If you don’t have the invulnerability buff you’re not in your spawn area…

Commander ~ Aurora Noctai ~ Thief
Officer of Rethesis [RE] ~ Kaineng
NEO Alliance ~ NeverEndingOdds.com

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


Yes, I’m aware of the merge, which is why I only mentioned RE. I was assuming that it was known by other people.

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Rannulf.9417


Oh wow guys, i just look it up and DR is getting their kitten kicked, i remember back in the days we use to get our kitten kicked then we were on top of the world now down again, of course i left about 2 months now for TC but wow DR has fallen again back where it started. I think that’s a good thing on most part, they will learn and fight back.

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Retrospek.4583


I’ve known that RED is a much larger version of our guild, in that they enjoy WvW, but it’s not their sole purpose to the game, they enjoy the rest of the content as well.

That being said, even if they were a WvW guild, I would still have a lot of respect for them, as I’d rather have a guild that isn’t the best WvW players/strategists that at least stick around, rather than bail on the ship at the first sign of trouble.

Amazing how much PRO thumped their chests claiming they were the only reason we moved up in ranks, yet time and time again I saw many of their commanders spend HOURS on a single point, rather than ninja smaller camps and towers.

Ah well, just glad that we got rid of most of the talkers, and can rebuild and become a better server, with a lot less drama, even if it means we move back down a few tiers or so. I’d rather have fun playing the game and lose, than constantly deal with the drama and bitterness while winning.

If that’s winning, I want to be a loser. :P

That being said, congrats to Kaineng, I think they’ve really stepped up their game since the last time I saw them, and hopefully they can keep the drama and chest thumpers to a minimum.

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


You guys enjoying Kaineng?
From the score looks like you are.

And not doing much better than we were by that.

Xfer servers die.
The clever ones will leave before the 28th.

I can’t wait til give them a slap on the back when they go back down to tier 7.
All of the ones that stayed in hope that it’d hold together that is.

Just wait until they meet our old friends Dragonbrand.

Hmmmmm… I can’t quite figure out if Bird Song has jumped on the “hater” bandwagon. If so, I’m kinda disappointed.

BTW, you might wanna get your 20G ready to pay up… xD

Edit: And you say “down to Tier 7” like it’s not an entire tier higher than where we started. Sounds like a victory in my book. LOL

Oh no I’m just laughing because we actually didn’t do too badly last week compared to the tier above us.

But xfer servers do die. Very rarely do they hold together.
Especially once you hit a brick wall and the PvD wins stop.

N0o0o0o0o Don’t make me pay ;_; I need that money for bread.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Oh no I’m just laughing because we actually didn’t do too badly last week compared to the tier above us.

But xfer servers do die. Very rarely do they hold together.
Especially once you hit a brick wall and the PvD wins stop.

N0o0o0o0o Don’t make me pay ;_; I need that money for bread.

Now this makes me feel alot better and has restored my faith in humanity. I saw that your tier is really close this week, you guys must be having a ball. I’m envious.

Can’t argue about transfer servers either – there are always exceptions, though, and given how well our large transfers fit in with our population, I think/hope we’ll be the exception to that rule.

As to your bet… I hope you lose, but even if you win, we’ll still be happy here on Kaineng (as long as we get some good fights!).

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Oh no I’m just laughing because we actually didn’t do too badly last week compared to the tier above us.

But xfer servers do die. Very rarely do they hold together.
Especially once you hit a brick wall and the PvD wins stop.

N0o0o0o0o Don’t make me pay ;_; I need that money for bread.

Now this makes me feel alot better and has restored my faith in humanity. I saw that your tier is really close this week, you guys must be having a ball. I’m envious.

Can’t argue about transfer servers either – there are always exceptions, though, and given how well our large transfers fit in with our population, I think/hope we’ll be the exception to that rule.

As to your bet… I hope you lose, but even if you win, we’ll still be happy here on Kaineng (as long as we get some good fights!).

Not really close in my eyes this week.
Was on this morning for a few hours and it was like curb stomping. No offence to any AR or BP reading this. Or even NSP.
Because if I could clone myself and have a couple of me on 24hours of the day? I reckon we could easy breeze through.
Lack of good Commanders and too many potatoes.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Wow… okay caught up. So not worth reading all that though. Not one for animosity or self inflation by knocking another. Whatever, trolls will be trolls, and some I guess need to find a way to have a hug for themselves.

OF all those posts…. I have about 4 things maybe 5 to say.

1. To the other tiers who are watching the thread. I’m sorry … hope the few points being discussed were of some interest, not the personal troll battles between many people here. Thanks for the compliments, or at least contributions.

2. Chaster, you always make me smile. Good words, at opportune time. /highfive

3. The guys of old on kain, and DR … seems too much has changed, just enjoy the rivalry we have at hand, for what it’s worth.

4. To the original guy who responded, my sincere apologies I was carried away in the game yesterday, too busy to pop back in here. I was in DB BL, and yes, RE was primarily there, as was SoS (we also went to Ebay after securing the waypoints), and WM in Eternal.

There have been plenty of good battles, whether you choose to step into the battlefield or not, it’s your choice. Enjoy the game. I have seen that both DR and EB, only come to play in a specific slim window mid-late day, with the exception of a few die hard groups flipping camps. In any event, there are plenty of good battles to enjoy. Thanks for the time and effort you put on for your server.

If it’s quiet, then let’s just practice, I mean we already rented the field, no sense in leaving it empty? Besides there’s much we can always improve upon.


Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Binafus.8153


Kain is looking for the Best of the Best of the Best.

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


To the TL 100blades+haste War and all the other Kain players in your BL @ Redbriar today…..

You should be ashamed of yourselves….down right ashamed

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Twystyd.8453


To the TL 100blades+haste War and all the other Kain players in your BL @ Redbriar today…..

You should be ashamed of yourselves….down right ashamed

You must be from that all thief / mesmer cheese. I’ll say this, at least the kid from Grindhouse wasn’t terrible. We see worse.

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Ceregon.3581


To the TL 100blades+haste War and all the other Kain players in your BL @ Redbriar today…..

You should be ashamed of yourselves….down right ashamed

Funny… this coming from what I would assume to be the group with 3 thieves / mesmer and a d/d ele? lol, cull much? FOTM much? You should be ashamed that we beat you at least half the fights with a normal group.

Commander Ceregon
Team Legacy [TL]
Sylvari Mesmer with… wings

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


To the TL 100blades+haste War and all the other Kain players in your BL @ Redbriar today…..

You should be ashamed of yourselves….down right ashamed

Funny… this coming from what I would assume to be the group with 3 thieves / mesmer and a d/d ele? lol, cull much? FOTM much? You should be ashamed that we beat you at least half the fights with a normal group.

A normal group of 10-15+ vs 4 than yes you are correct.

I find this quite the norm from Kain. It saddens me b/c I figured w/ all the xfers you would think some good players would have moved.

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


To the TL 100blades+haste War and all the other Kain players in your BL @ Redbriar today…..

You should be ashamed of yourselves….down right ashamed

You must be from that all thief / mesmer cheese. I’ll say this, at least the kid from Grindhouse wasn’t terrible. We see worse.

So wrong and so misinformed.

We had 4 players mate vs your zerg. Infact your zerg came out of the tower to fight us and kept men on the cannons……and y’all still got wiped.

How is that possible?

Either way I hope your side had as much fun as we did…….

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


3. The guys of old on Kain and DR … seems too much has changed, just enjoy the rivalry we have at hand, for what it’s worth.


D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Ninya.3942


kittens, you have such huge ones I’m sure. I wasn’t even there for what y’all are talking about and already laughing because of what your group is supposedly made of. Getting mad at a hundred blades warrior when y’all are running the epitome of a gank squad? Lol indeed. How much do you guys compliment each other on your ability to blast one guy down and escape? Use shadow refuge and other stealths to revive? You guys are obviously set up to bugger up zergs, so obviously you’d do well.

Elementalist Class Lead
Rethesis [RE] – Tarnished Coast

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Causic.3798


To the TL 100blades+haste War and all the other Kain players in your BL @ Redbriar today…..

You should be ashamed of yourselves….down right ashamed

Funny… this coming from what I would assume to be the group with 3 thieves / mesmer and a d/d ele? lol, cull much? FOTM much? You should be ashamed that we beat you at least half the fights with a normal group.

A normal group of 10-15+ vs 4 than yes you are correct.

I find this quite the norm from Kain. It saddens me b/c I figured w/ all the xfers you would think some good players would have moved.

Assuming is bad.
Fought two terrible thieves yesterday from Emhry Bay. With culling issues you’d figure they would do much better. All thieves there suck? No.

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: CrassBippy.4619


Ugh grind house? You mean the group of 4 that do nothing but abuse thief stealth? Mad skilllz

Bi Furious [Fist] YB

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


I remember making a post long a while back stating how I hoped to see Devona’s Rest(Who was in their prime at the time, before they lost to transfers) move up far in tiers, and my thoughts were the same with Kaineng as well after its rapid growth moment.. as a testament to what we of Ferguson’s have fought head on with commonly as little as a mere 10 people in one map and somehow managed to retain our sanity.

I admit, there were a lot of times of frustration especially in the last week we were with Kaineng. I did get a little annoyed on the forums from the corpse laughing/dancing, but I do regret losing composure over that. With that said, I’m glad to see that both our former tier 8 mates have done well. Although again, it is regrettable that so many left DR before they got to have at least a final rematch with Kaineng. But that’s how the cookie crumbles with server transfers.

For those few of you who may remember/miss the tier 8 spirit and want to know how we’re doing; ironically, the current tier 8 situation seems very similar to the long past match up of DR-Kain-Ferg with Sorrow’s being in place of the then mighty DR, Ferguson being in place of Kain when it went toe to toe with DR near constantly (SF even averted 95+% of its focus to us this past week) and Eredon’s Terrace being that wild card, terrorist like server in place of the old Ferguson, playing opportunist and always finding a way to maintain a strong presence on the map while the other two go at one another’s throat.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Jacbo.7598


The funny thing about this matchup is look at the tiers below us and how they’ve balanced out since we left them. With the exception of some disparity in T8, they’re all pretty even matches. I wonder if next week another even match will be left in this tier when IoJ moves down. I doubt that, though, since IoJ probably needs to fall down a couple more tiers before they find their sweet spot.

Leader of Valor [RUN]
Apply Now: http://www.valorguild.org

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Spellslinger Leah.8905

Spellslinger Leah.8905

Ugh grind house? You mean the group of 4 that do nothing but abuse thief stealth? Mad skilllz

Woah, whats with the negativity being thrown our way? I know you are confusing our guild with another, as this is not something we practice regularly nor give directives for. Let alone consisting of only 4 people/thieves.

On a side note, thank you very much to DR/Kain for the fight night we had. It was a blast.

Spellslinger Leah – Sea of Sorrows
Grindhouse Gaming [GH] – Guild Master

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Comprissent.3856


Just a small reminder who think Maguuma is great. Some Maguuma lover Borlis Pass players double teamed Devona before they transfer to Maguuma while Devona was in 2nd place. Devona lost 2vs1 in that match up and still managed to take down BP. After morale was broken we lost some fair weather players causing a chain reaction of panic that people are leaving. And Maguuma got players from BP and other servers. In the end Devona proved that it has a loyal player base which are staying even if we lose very hard.

When we started in Devona we had an Idea and we still believe in that idea. We are here and we will be here. We born as Devonians, we die as Devonians.

“Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.”


I don’t know if you read the thread properly, but it was DR and BP suggesting an alliance against Maguuma

GM – [Ark]ham

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Going to shout out to [TBE] on Ebay … you guys were absolutely fun to battle against on reset night but I haven’t seen any organized since

I see the odd tag, but not the organized group I saw that night. I look for you guys nightly, running in your squad. We had some good battles with fairly even match ups (granted we may have been a little disorganized calling only a handful), but there’s something to be said about a good battle. Respect ;-) You guys work well together.

~X [RE], Kaineng

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: neomccoy.2657


Shout out to [pK] from Ebay that always gives a great fight! They have that turtle 15 man zerg going on and they are a pain to kill! Please don’t stop the great fights and efforts that you put up!

Everything Purple [EP] – Tarnished Coast
Stone Walled – Guardian; Plaguefest – Necro

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Just a small reminder who think Maguuma is great. Some Maguuma lover Borlis Pass players double teamed Devona before they transfer to Maguuma while Devona was in 2nd place. Devona lost 2vs1 in that match up and still managed to take down BP. After morale was broken we lost some fair weather players causing a chain reaction of panic that people are leaving. And Maguuma got players from BP and other servers. In the end Devona proved that it has a loyal player base which are staying even if we lose very hard.

When we started in Devona we had an Idea and we still believe in that idea. We are here and we will be here. We born as Devonians, we die as Devonians.

“Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.”


I don’t know if you read the thread properly, but it was DR and BP suggesting an alliance against Maguuma

It wasn’t “suggesting”, it was two nights of hard, simultaneous pushes on Maguuma BL that resulted in 0 keeps taken even though several omegas were used and then the alliance falling apart.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


I remember making a post long a while back stating how I hoped to see Devona’s Rest(Who was in their prime at the time, before they lost to transfers) move up far in tiers, and my thoughts were the same with Kaineng as well after its rapid growth moment.. as a testament to what we of Ferguson’s have fought head on with commonly as little as a mere 10 people in one map and somehow managed to retain our sanity.

I admit, there were a lot of times of frustration especially in the last week we were with Kaineng. I did get a little annoyed on the forums from the corpse laughing/dancing, but I do regret losing composure over that. With that said, I’m glad to see that both our former tier 8 mates have done well. Although again, it is regrettable that so many left DR before they got to have at least a final rematch with Kaineng. But that’s how the cookie crumbles with server transfers.

For those few of you who may remember/miss the tier 8 spirit and want to know how we’re doing; ironically, the current tier 8 situation seems very similar to the long past match up of DR-Kain-Ferg with Sorrow’s being in place of the then mighty DR, Ferguson being in place of Kain when it went toe to toe with DR near constantly (SF even averted 95+% of its focus to us this past week) and Eredon’s Terrace being that wild card, terrorist like server in place of the old Ferguson, playing opportunist and always finding a way to maintain a strong presence on the map while the other two go at one another’s throat.

Thanks for the update! Have to admit, there are times that I miss the T8 matchup between DR/FC/Kain. Glad that T8 hasn’t lost its spirit – and there are quite a few of us on Kain that recall those matchups well. Great times – and glad that SF/ET/FC are having a blast!

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


The funny thing about this matchup is look at the tiers below us and how they’ve balanced out since we left them. With the exception of some disparity in T8, they’re all pretty even matches. I wonder if next week another even match will be left in this tier when IoJ moves down. I doubt that, though, since IoJ probably needs to fall down a couple more tiers before they find their sweet spot.

I even posted on the Tier 6 thread that I wished DR had dropped down instead of BP. I’ll bet that each of the three servers in that tier are having way more fun than Kain, Ebay, and DR combined.

I have plenty of personal validation in real life so I don’t need to be in an upper tier to feel good about myself. I just want to play a game in a balanced environment, do the best I can, learn how to get better, and have fun. I don’t see how any of those things cannot be accomplished in any tier … at least not if ANet would get their act together on the matchups.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Anet has got there act together ;-)

Have faith, btw I really enjoy coming to DR BL. Any action to be had tonight?

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Foss.4830


Anet has got there act together ;-)

Have faith, btw I really enjoy coming to DR BL. Any action to be had tonight?

Just saw a very organized DR zerg in the Kain BL. Saw them flip a few camps then they disappeared. Possibly just getting supply for a push some wheres? /watches the map

Bluecog – Valór [RUN] – Kaineng