1-11-13 SoS vs JQ vs BG
I had a good sense that T2 was more competition than T1 realized. Congratulations for fighting so hard BG, rooting for you guys!
I had a good sense that T2 was more competition than T1 realized. Congratulations for fighting so hard BG, rooting for you guys!
SoS knew T2 was competive. We had a harder time in T2 than our first week in T1. Now maybe JQ and SBI didn’t realize since they have been T1 since forever.
I had a good sense that T2 was more competition than T1 realized. Congratulations for fighting so hard BG, rooting for you guys!
SoS knew T2 was competive. We had a harder time in T2 than our first week in T1. Now maybe JQ and SBI didn’t realize since they have been T1 since forever.
Indeed. T1 was cake walk compared to T2. SBI and JQ were just set in their ways and then SoS came to shake it up.
BG borderland was a blast all day! Thanks for the fun guys.
Good showing people, when an individual takes advantage of a skill for a tower cap, it is great to see his/her team stay away until it is flipped back.
Very good sportsmanship and I commend your leaders, followers and sense of fair play.
Some great fights this week and one of the best weeks battles I have experienced, keep at it.
Score update?
How is my favorite opponent SoS and my first love JQ doing?
You and Daboss were JQ’s first loved commanders too. <heart> Still missing you guys!
Been some pretty intense battles on JQ border tonite. I am worn out and stuffed with badges. Thanks for the good times! /cheers & go Hawks!
Xyleia Luxuria / Sweet Little Agony / Morning Glory Wine / Precious Illusionz /
Near Fanstastica /Ocean at the End / Blue Eyed Hexe / Andro Queen / Indie Cindee . . .
Any Guild representatives/leader from “Zero” Guild from “SoS server”? Or if they’re in your server forum, please let me know the name i can contact him directly.
I have a exploit incident to report with screenshot (Mesmer warp up to top cliff on Garrison to kill our treb illegally, witnessed by myself).
Please PM me.
Commander of Blackgate
Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyRsSk4l0T4
(edited by Tajz.9826)
JQ loves it when people “doom” us into 3rd place, especially on day 2 of a 7 day match and we are only down 3k =)
Very refreshing fighting BG in T1 and the different dynamic. I think the bandwagon kitten that gave BG a bad name must have moved. The new BG we face is definitely here for business.
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]
Hills keep on SoS Borderlands.
Excellent defence by BG, nothing more needs to be said.
Sea of Sorrows
For those folks suggesting the the current order of the scores will be the same in 5 days time then maybe they will, maybe they won’t. Remember we are only 2 days into a 7 days match up and the weekend and weekday performances of every server can be very different.
Lets wait until the fat lady takes to the stage shall we before predicting winners and writing off others.
I really do hope its a close finish right until the end of the week for all three servers. Win or lose, what a finish that would be.
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.
For those folks suggesting the the current order of the scores will be the same in 5 days time then maybe they will, maybe they won’t. Remember we are only 2 days into a 7 days match up and the weekend and weekday performances of every server can be very different.
Lets wait until the fat lady takes to the stage shall we before predicting winners and writing off others.
I really do hope its a close finish right until the end of the week for all three servers. Win or lose, what a finish that would be.
In the first 24 hours, Blackgate came out very hard, imo had a very high level of organization and they looked like the biggest threat to win tier 1. However on their second day of fighting their effort seems to be waning, Jade Quarry are about to over take them and it now looks like JQ is going to be the biggest threat.
But really who knows, it’s the week days that will decide the match up, it’ll be interesting to see how it all pans out, it’s like rock, paper scissors!
(edited by Cirus.5748)
Finally manage to get hills keep @sos bl after countless of attempt.. good defense there BG!
Q Xoxo – Elementalist | Styls – Warrior | Stylic – Theif | Stylc – Mesmer
For those folks suggesting the the current order of the scores will be the same in 5 days time then maybe they will, maybe they won’t. Remember we are only 2 days into a 7 days match up and the weekend and weekday performances of every server can be very different.
Lets wait until the fat lady takes to the stage shall we before predicting winners and writing off others.
I really do hope its a close finish right until the end of the week for all three servers. Win or lose, what a finish that would be.
In the first 24 hours, Blackgate came out very hard, imo had a very high level of organization and they looked like the biggest threat to win tier 1. However on their second day of fighting their effort seems to be waning, Jade Quarry are about to over take them and it now looks like JQ is going to be the biggest threat.
But really who knows, it’s the week days that will decide the match up, it’ll be interesting to see how it all pans out, it’s like rock, paper scissors!
We are doing extremely well being double teamed. We hold as long as we could at EB and even had our towers back despite two servers are hitting us from both sides with 50 zerg each. I think it is a good sign. We may not have zerg as many as SOS or JQ but we are capable to fight 1v2 huge group. Props to all BGers.
Pretty fun tonight holding Hills off SoS while we had an outmanned buff. Did really feel like there was more SoS then all of T2 put together.
IMHO, It often feels like a double team but it is just the 3 way dynamic. ie If red is fighting green, team blue only has a choice of red or green to attack, if they attack ,someone has two on them. Unless you attack yourself….
Great work holding SoS BL Hills all day BG, very tough defenders even when outnumbered, loved how you stayed offensive taking camps!
JQ continues to bring it as well, still anyones game and that is making it even more fun.
Keep at it SOS, we face two good teams and this match may go down to the wire.
IMHO, It often feels like a double team but it is just the 3 way dynamic. ie If red is fighting green, team blue only has a choice of red or green to attack, if they attack ,someone has two on them. Unless you attack yourself….
Great work holding SoS BL Hills all day BG, very tough defenders even when outnumbered, loved how you stayed offensive taking camps!
JQ continues to bring it as well, still anyones game and that is making it even more fun.
Keep at it SOS, we face two good teams and this match may go down to the wire.
Absurd (the first sentence). I won’t deny it is part of the tactic but it is an obvious double team I might respect sos more if you just admit that cause it is not shame to admit double team as part of your tactic. At JQ bl, sos would rather backstab (backstab not taking tower) us instead of going for t1 hill while we were attacking bay.
IMHO, It often feels like a double team but it is just the 3 way dynamic.
Absurd (the first sentence). I won’t deny it is part of the tactic but it is an obvious double team I might respect sos more if you just admit that cause it is not shame to admit double team as part of your tactic.
Exactly. Double team is a legitimate strategy and is something all servers deal with. Just please don’t be disingenuous or downplay it to make it appear Blackgate isn’t trying (as stated by Cirus and Resonance). The screenshot below was from 12:30am EST today and is how WvW looked for the greater part of Saturday (and still looks this morning). Very little SOS presence on JQ BL, very little JQ on SOS BL, both pushing BG on BG BL and EB, with zero pressure between blue/green on EB.
(edited by Xirin.8593)
If you are leading so far, isn’t it a logical choice for 2nd place to go after you?
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
IMHO, It often feels like a double team but it is just the 3 way dynamic.
Absurd (the first sentence). I won’t deny it is part of the tactic but it is an obvious double team I might respect sos more if you just admit that cause it is not shame to admit double team as part of your tactic.
Exactly. Double team is a legitimate strategy and is something all servers deal with. Just please don’t be disingenuous or downplay it to make it appear Blackgate isn’t trying (as stated by Cirus and Resonance). The screenshot below was from 12:30am EST today and is how WvW looked for the greater part of Saturday (and still looks this morning). Very little SOS presence on JQ BL, very little JQ on SOS BL, both pushing BG on BG BL and EB, with zero pressure between blue/green on EB.
Let me give you a better screenie. This was taken around 5-6am PST
. But yeah, very little presence by JQ & SoS in each other’s borderlands.
Edit: I’m not saying we’re getting doubleteamed since I’m sure this happens to everyone. Nonetheless, good fights everyone!
(edited by Annabel.5127)
IMHO, It often feels like a double team but it is just the 3 way dynamic.
Absurd (the first sentence). I won’t deny it is part of the tactic but it is an obvious double team I might respect sos more if you just admit that cause it is not shame to admit double team as part of your tactic.
Exactly. Double team is a legitimate strategy and is something all servers deal with. Just please don’t be disingenuous or downplay it to make it appear Blackgate isn’t trying (as stated by Cirus and Resonance). The screenshot below was from 12:30am EST today and is how WvW looked for the greater part of Saturday (and still looks this morning). Very little SOS presence on JQ BL, very little JQ on SOS BL, both pushing BG on BG BL and EB, with zero pressure between blue/green on EB.
The flow of the maps are structured in a way that all 3 sides are constantly pushing each other’s boarders. If one side falters… the other two flood into their boarders. Most of the time it is just weakness of the side that is being “double teamed” when it is just mindless zergers just following the path of the least resistance for easy captures. This is most evident in EB.
Also give us a score update for puppy sake!
If you are leading so far, isn’t it a logical choice for 2nd place to go after you?
Double team is a legitimate strategy and is something all servers deal with. Just please don’t be disingenuous or downplay it to make it appear Blackgate isn’t trying (as stated by Cirus and Resonance).
That is the way WvW3 works, especially on EB. It isnt a red thing. Current income and points has everything to do with it. If you are in the lead, or second, you take points from your closest rival, and deal only with the third when they push you and threaten your holdings. That is only a basic rule, for there are always exceptions, but it isnt a 2v1 thing. Please don’t start that this week. It is a 3 way, and the weaker 1 of 3 is not a threat until they are in the top 2 of points or income at a particular time. Simple.
I am saving this on a note, so I can access it every time I see 2v1 talk.
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
IMHO, It often feels like a double team but it is just the 3 way dynamic.
Absurd (the first sentence). I won’t deny it is part of the tactic but it is an obvious double team I might respect sos more if you just admit that cause it is not shame to admit double team as part of your tactic.
Exactly. Double team is a legitimate strategy and is something all servers deal with. Just please don’t be disingenuous or downplay it to make it appear Blackgate isn’t trying (as stated by Cirus and Resonance). The screenshot below was from 12:30am EST today and is how WvW looked for the greater part of Saturday (and still looks this morning). Very little SOS presence on JQ BL, very little JQ on SOS BL, both pushing BG on BG BL and EB, with zero pressure between blue/green on EB.
No that’s not what I meant, I think you may have misunderstood my post.
By saying “their effort seems to be waning”, I meant in terms of their strength (amount of players fielded). Blackgate opened this match up like a power house, with one of the most fiercest and closest openings to a tier that I’ve ever seen, additionally BG earned 3k lead in the opening 24 hours. Yet on the second day of fighting there has been a significant change in the gap of PPT between Sea of Sorrows and Blackgate.
(edited by Cirus.5748)
IMHO, It often feels like a double team but it is just the 3 way dynamic.
Absurd (the first sentence). I won’t deny it is part of the tactic but it is an obvious double team I might respect sos more if you just admit that cause it is not shame to admit double team as part of your tactic.
Exactly. Double team is a legitimate strategy and is something all servers deal with. Just please don’t be disingenuous or downplay it to make it appear Blackgate isn’t trying (as stated by Cirus and Resonance). The screenshot below was from 12:30am EST today and is how WvW looked for the greater part of Saturday (and still looks this morning). Very little SOS presence on JQ BL, very little JQ on SOS BL, both pushing BG on BG BL and EB, with zero pressure between blue/green on EB.
Let me give you a better screenie
. This was taken around 5-6am PST
. But yeah, very little presence by JQ & SoS in each other’s borderlands.
Actually SOS was pushing our hill, but we pushed them out.
Pretty sad that less that two days into the match up some folks on one of the servers are already moaning about 2 versus 1. Seriously, have you never played WvWvW before?
I assume you’re responding to me, since the last few replies were to my post. If so, please read my post again. With a name like Higgsbosun, I would assume your analysis skills and reading comprehension would be a bit better than your response indicates.
If you’re just trolling, then carry on.
Score update!
Great defense by BG today at Hills on SoS BL. Curse the [Urge] mesmer who found my spot and forced the early portal!
Pretty sad that less that two days into the match up some folks on one of the servers are already moaning about 2 versus 1. Seriously, have you never played WvWvW before?
Suck it up, at any one time, on any map there is some 2 versus 1 action going on. Thats just the way it plays out. It easy to look at the map you are on and think what you see is teh same for every map but believe me its not. For instance, yesterday on JQ BL we had significant BG and Sos forces on our map working each side and not really attacking each other and yet on EB the postions were reversed. Thats all part of WvWvW and we just roll with it.
Stop moaning and get out there and fight
/Looks at SoS BL
/Looks at JQ BL
Right… The beauty of having an all green and all blue map, respectively.
We were having a welcome party on your home map so think nothing of it, but a friendly welcome.
Effing rallybot
(edited by Aieo.2815)
Loved fight BG today on SoS bl when they were attacking hills. Though I gotta say, your turtle tactics don’t work here.
As for the 2v1 posts, I would assume most of the qq would be coming from individuals or guilds that aren’t involved with the strategy aspect of it. Any major guild would be familiar with it by now and have their own methods of dealing with it. Lets hope the week brings more awesomeness.
As for the 2v1 posts, I would assume most of the qq would be coming from individuals or guilds that aren’t involved with the strategy aspect of it.
I don’t think anyone on BG is QQing (perhaps those stating there is QQ, should quote it? Straw man…). In fact, from reading map/team chat for the past 24 hrs, BG takes it as a complement that we require enough attention as to be almost exclusively 2v1’d. It is a challenge for our server to overcome.
What we take issue with is comments that are disingenuous to the reality of the match-up. And especially those comments that insinuate that BG isn’t putting forth any effort.
Pretty sad that less that two days into the match up some folks on one of the servers are already moaning about 2 versus 1. Seriously, have you never played WvWvW before?
I assume you’re responding to me, since the last few replies were to my post. If so, please read my post again. With a name like Higgsbosun, I would assume your analysis skills and reading comprehension would be a bit better than your response indicates.
If you’re just trolling, then carry on.
If I was responding directly to you then I would have quoted you, make no mistake about that. My post history provides plenty of evidence of that. Why would I be quoting a person who supports the legitimacy of 2 on 1 behaviour when suggesting that certain folks need to stop moaning about it? Riddle me that one if you can.
As to you final point, well your opinion on my analysis and reading comprehension skills are your opinion, you are entitled to it and I would suggest are based entirely on a flawed starting premis aren’t they
Good luck to you and your guild in the coming week.
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.
As for the 2v1 posts, I would assume most of the qq would be coming from individuals or guilds that aren’t involved with the strategy aspect of it.
I don’t think anyone on BG is QQing (perhaps those stating there is QQ, should quote it? Straw man…).
What we take issue with is comments that are disingenuous to the reality of the match-up. And especially those comments that insinuate that BG isn’t putting forth any effort.
Flawed victory and Kujo are two such examples, just on this page alone. Surprised you didnt see those.
Anyone who is suggesting BG is not trying and doing well is off their rocker. As far as I can see and being in a community TS does provide me with intel on all maps, all sides are trying very hard and its the best T1 match up I have been in so far in my opinion and I have been in a fair few.
The trouble with the “reality of the match up” statement is that everyone can only really see their reality and as such its their perspective. No one knows exactly what is happening on the other two opponent servers in terms of manpower, decisions, strategies etc.
Plus you add in that fact there are 4 maps and due to the nature of command structures and intel channels only a few people have a wide view of that. We just see it from our side and sometimes limited view. So one persons reality can be very different to anothers but both are correct for each of them.
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.
If I was responding directly to you then I would have quoted you, make no mistake about that. My post history provides plenty of evidence of that. Why would I be quoting a person who supports the legitimacy of 2 on 1 behaviour when suggesting that certain folks need to stop moaning about it? Riddle me that one if you can.
Fair enough. Consider this an apology on an incorrect assumption.
edit – lol “bad…assumption” gets auto-edited to “kittenumption.”
(edited by Xirin.8593)
If I was responding directly to you then I would have quoted you, make no mistake about that. My post history provides plenty of evidence of that. Why would I be quoting a person who supports the legitimacy of 2 on 1 behaviour when suggesting that certain folks need to stop moaning about it? Riddle me that one if you can.
Fair enough. Consider this an apology on a kittenumption.
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.
Loved fight BG today on SoS bl when they were attacking hills. Though I gotta say, your turtle tactics don’t work here.
As for the 2v1 posts, I would assume most of the qq would be coming from individuals or guilds that aren’t involved with the strategy aspect of it. Any major guild would be familiar with it by now and have their own methods of dealing with it. Lets hope the week brings more awesomeness.
Shhhhh. Don’t tell them that. I am liking the mass stacks of loot bags when we destroy it.
As for the 2v1 posts, I would assume most of the qq would be coming from individuals or guilds that aren’t involved with the strategy aspect of it.
I don’t think anyone on BG is QQing (perhaps those stating there is QQ, should quote it? Straw man…). In fact, from reading map/team chat for the past 24 hrs, BG takes it as a complement that we require enough attention as to be almost exclusively 2v1’d. It is a challenge for our server to overcome.
What we take issue with is comments that are disingenuous to the reality of the match-up. And especially those comments that insinuate that BG isn’t putting forth any effort.
Everyone gets 2v1’d. It’s the nature of a three way fight. Not so sure why that is worthy of pointing out
As for the 2v1 posts, I would assume most of the qq would be coming from individuals or guilds that aren’t involved with the strategy aspect of it.
I don’t think anyone on BG is QQing (perhaps those stating there is QQ, should quote it? Straw man…).
What we take issue with is comments that are disingenuous to the reality of the match-up. And especially those comments that insinuate that BG isn’t putting forth any effort.Flawed victory and Kujo are two such examples, just on this page alone. Surprised you didnt see those.
Anyone who is suggesting BG is not trying and doing well is off their rocker. As far as I can see and being in a community TS does provide me with intel on all maps, all sides are trying very hard and its the best T1 match up I have been in so far in my opinion and I have been in a fair few.
The trouble with the “reality of the match up” statement is that everyone can only really see their reality and as such its their perspective. No one knows exactly what is happening on the other two opponent servers in terms of manpower, decisions, strategies etc.
Plus you add in that fact there are 4 maps and due to the nature of command structures and intel channels only a few people have a wide view of that. We just see it from our side and sometimes limited view. So one persons reality can be very different to anothers but both are correct for each of them.
Perhaps you should read whom I responded to? and the fact I was saying I think most people agree and yet I don’t object double team I just think people should just agree that they do use it as it is nothing shameful to say. And don’t forget my point was BG is doing really well under such difficult situation. I merely wanted to praise our www community so why don’t you just stop QQing about other QQing 2v1? or you are just want to troll?
Score update?
How is my favorite opponent SoS and my first love JQ doing?
You and Daboss were JQ’s first loved commanders too. <heart> Still missing you guys!
Been some pretty intense battles on JQ border tonite. I am worn out and stuffed with badges. Thanks for the good times! /cheers & go Hawks!
<3 we miss you guys too! We still keep in touch with a lot of the JQ community since most of us have known each other from daoc/war. It’s sometimes strange not playing on the same server, but weirdly the other half of the daoc/war crew is on SoR. Maybe one day both servers will unite or get to fight each other!
80k kills and counting
Return Riders of Rohan
Lights on fire the Beacon of Gondor
Players repping PRX have been spotted fighting for Blackgate. Will be interesting to see the status Quo change if they were to Transfer to Blackgate from Seafarers Rest. From a Sos Perspective I sincerely hope that’s not the case.
Tarnished Coast.
so why don’t you just stop QQing about other QQing 2v1?
ok, I should stop replying to posts from you and others QQing about 2v1. Got it thanks.
Your key point from reading your posts in the last 24 hours was that your server is doing well despite being constantly double teamed. That argument is flawed since you are not being constantly double teamed and that is my counter point and others have stated something similar. There is no doubt you server is doing great though, all three are. Its a great match up, somethinng I think we can all agree on.
Have you seen EB right now by the way? I just left there to take a short break for dinner. As I said to someone else, you can’t look at a single map and point in time in isolation and draw the conclusion the same scenario plays out on every map at all times.
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.
(edited by Kreen.3925)
Score update?
How is my favorite opponent SoS and my first love JQ doing?
We could certainly make use of you chaps right now. Very good in a fight if I remember correctly
Hope things are working out for you.
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.
It may still be a little early to say for sure but it now appears as if BG just doesn’t quite have the numbers and/or the coverage to deal with both JQ and SoS. I think we’ll put up a decent fight and hopefully put some solid numbers on the board but we are probably going to need more people and better 24/7 coverage. Having a few more organized zerg guilds would be nice too.
Organized and zerg? Contradicting… since zerg can’t function without a celebrate or a superpowered zerg hybrid.
Effing rallybot
Yeah as in they regularly run around with a lot of people (four groups or more) and they’re well organized and coordinated.
Players repping PRX have been spotted fighting for Blackgate. Will be interesting to see the status Quo change if they were to Transfer to Blackgate from Seafarers Rest. From a Sos Perspective I sincerely hope that’s not the case.
Blackgate would be a bad choice for PRX. Being a former member, they would have to contest already capped queues and have to put up with all the bads. Their record would get shot to bits and they would get frustrated at not being able to run like they usually do in numbers. They just have a few stragglers playing NA who lagged too much on euro.
There’s far better server choices for them if they decided to move.
10x Tier 1 Champions
Players repping PRX have been spotted fighting for Blackgate. Will be interesting to see the status Quo change if they were to Transfer to Blackgate from Seafarers Rest. From a Sos Perspective I sincerely hope that’s not the case.
Blackgate would be a bad choice for PRX. Being a former member, they would have to contest already capped queues and have to put up with all the bads. Their record would get shot to bits and they would get frustrated at not being able to run like they usually do in numbers. They just have a few stragglers playing NA who lagged too much on euro.
There’s far better server choices for them if they decided to move.
How’s it going Ohai? :)
Are you back on Sea of Sorrows?
yes sir back home for me, running with FoE. euro was too much skill delay for me to play over there so came back to NA about 3 weeks ago.
10x Tier 1 Champions