1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Boreal.9826


Not sure if Kaineng will make it up this far. We will see what happens when they matchup vs Maguma.

Doesn’t Kaineng also have a strong Oceanic/Asian population? I wouldn’t be surprised if they get significant transfers on the way up. People are attracted to up and coming servers.

Their matchup with Mag (or EB/YB) will indeed be interesting and telling.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


Man, and I thought BP was bad for camping puzzles. There’s a big group of Yaks dedicated to camping the EB JP daily. I’ll be happy when we move out of this tier, hopefully in the right direction.

~ Kovu

Get a guild together,
Break through their camping,
And camp it back.


1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Boreal.9826


Man, and I thought BP was bad for camping puzzles. There’s a big group of Yaks dedicated to camping the EB JP daily. I’ll be happy when we move out of this tier, hopefully in the right direction.

~ Kovu

You’ll probably see this in all tiers, unfortunately.

Alas, dead weight for any server when there’s a competitive match going on, and a queue to get in.

I’ve been to the EB JP exactly one time, and have never seen the BL one… lol.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Man, and I thought BP was bad for camping puzzles. There’s a big group of Yaks dedicated to camping the EB JP daily. I’ll be happy when we move out of this tier, hopefully in the right direction.

~ Kovu

Get a guild together,
Break through their camping,
And camp it back.

My guild was needed elsewhere, like defending SM. Hoping for a quick in-and-out. Never got it. =(

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


Man, and I thought BP was bad for camping puzzles. There’s a big group of Yaks dedicated to camping the EB JP daily. I’ll be happy when we move out of this tier, hopefully in the right direction.

~ Kovu

Get a guild together,
Break through their camping,
And camp it back.

My guild was needed elsewhere, like defending SM. Hoping for a quick in-and-out. Never got it. =(

~ Kovu

When we were fighting BP I’d just grab two or three friends and we’d go steamroll through the JP and then kitten with BP everytime they came back.

When you’re just in the mood to kitten with people and don’t particularly care for capping points, the JP is a good way to accomplish that.


1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Hoping for a quick in-and-out. Never got it. =(

~ Kovu

Ahhh married life.

Anyhow great matchup this week guys, been a blast so far!

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7498


Wow so EBG crashed for DB mid-siege of SM..inner gate was at 30 and falling FAST with 0 supply left. When are finally allowed to get back in 3 min later gate is fully repaired and all 4 of our rams are gone. Plus an additional 2 arrow carts that weren’t there.

0.o seems a little suspicious to me. It was reported.

Commander Mighty Fig Newton – Sylvari Warrior
[UhOh] Procrastination Nation

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Developers are in on it.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7498


Developers are in on it.

>_> must me

Commander Mighty Fig Newton – Sylvari Warrior
[UhOh] Procrastination Nation

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Not sure if Kaineng will make it up this far. We will see what happens when they matchup vs Maguma.

Doesn’t Kaineng also have a strong Oceanic/Asian population? I wouldn’t be surprised if they get significant transfers on the way up. People are attracted to up and coming servers.

Their matchup with Mag (or EB/YB) will indeed be interesting and telling.

Kaineng picked up SBI’s Korean guild War Machine. That’s why SBI is in freefall and why they’re switching with Blackgate next week. I’m fairly positive they picked up Rethesis from Darkhaven too, which are a relatively large group. You’ll note that Darkhaven has taken a sudden nose dive this week.

Depending on Kaineng’s presence as they climb their way up, you guys may be in trouble. At the same time, depending on how badly SBI smashes up TC, we might switch places with Crystal Desert in T3 soon. If that happens, then FA is likely to get focused as our servers don’t exactly get along. That may also shuffle things up in T4.

You guys are right in the middle of two big potential game changers. I wouldn’t worry about T4 being stagnant for too long.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


^FA won’t have to deal with TC any time soon, lol. BG has over 100k over you and you’re only losing a couple of rating points. You might even gain points if you beat SoR. SBI will start with around 180 points over TC next match so if TC is to lose a lot of points, SBI will have to win by a landslide. The most likely scenario is that they get trapped in the T2 rating bubble and the three of you will fight for many weeks. Funny thing is that the T3 servers will be separated by only 29 points so if TC comes down hard in rating, it might bypass T3 entirely. It won’t come down hard though.

I think DB/EB/YB will be playing each other for a while. Hopefully Maguuma takes care of Kaineng. I’ve seen several of their players post about how they are T3 worthy. The match thread will be amusing to read through if they are stopped early.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Boonprot.6274


Man, and I thought BP was bad for camping puzzles. There’s a big group of Yaks dedicated to camping the EB JP daily. I’ll be happy when we move out of this tier, hopefully in the right direction.

~ Kovu

What you normally see is myself and 2-3 other guildies breaking through the group of horrid DB or EB players sitting at the top of the arena so we can get our daily free siege. We usually stick around for 15-20 minutes so that the stragglers in the puzzle can get safely in, and then leave. I’m actually fairly sure YB camps the least out of the current matchup. [nevr] and [cor] are currently sitting at the top of the puzzle with 10-15 players, two arrow carts, a ballista, and a few other placed blueprints in the distance. That’s only what you can see from the spawn in, too. DB’s no better, but with them it’s never any one particular guild. Just a constant stream of guardians and hundy warriors.

But you know what? That’s ok. You’re taking up server slots from players who would be contributing to the siege and wasting supply/blueprints on a puzzle that’s filled with PvE players.

Before some kid says it, no, I’m not mad. I can actually make it past your zergfest quite easily, thanks to buggy walls and the SB 5 skill.

Edit: Lots of YB players DCed from EB, as well. Except I got an instant queue back in >.>

Supreme Commander Boonprot, Lord Regent of the Portals
Boonprot 80 G
[Ark] Maguuma

(edited by Boonprot.6274)

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Omnione.5928


What happened to Yaks Bend? They were more competitive last week when it was EB, Magumma, and YB.

Go EB!

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


What happened to Yaks Bend? They were more competitive last week when it was EB, Magumma, and YB.

Go EB!

1. DB nullifies our main advantage, the same thing happened with YB/DB/Mag 2 weeks ago.
2. Our downturn this week appeared to correspond with the working week with significant numbers probably returning to work after xmas.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: IonusX.7905


What happened to Yaks Bend? They were more competitive last week when it was EB, Magumma, and YB.

Go EB!

what are you talking about the only thing TB does is harass DB all day with trebs and roaming band of marauders i want to fight more Ebay its getting stail fast

{TNT} Tactical Night Techs “We are the last line of defense”Commander Fire Warrior Scout

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Frosty.8491


I’m having a ton of fun in this matchup this week. Some really awesome camp-cappers from EB and YB have really kept me on my toes, notably HIRE and FTF.

Keep it up guys! Fun fights all around.

IGN: Lyla Frostheart
Legion of Doom [LOD] | www.lodgw.com

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Scyfer.1905


Good job Hire/FtF taking advantage of Yaks low Number and Hitting YBBL while winning by 10k over us and having Dragonband taking ur garrison and most of ur borderland. It’s amazing how ya can pull that many ppl to hit two different keeps, why dont ya try ya number with dragon, much respect to hire and FtF they had me running around ybbl trying to see where they where hitting next no respect to PK all ya want to do is ninja garrison watergate with golems no fun

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


Our awesome homeland security our bl in no time pulled it back for us. Looking at it now atleast as im logging.

As for YBbl and DBbl, alot of awesome battles tonight. Much respect, looking forward to the final day. But of course round 2 is coming up haha

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: ykicka.3978


tis ok mag will be back up in this tier in place of YB with in a couple of weeks imo

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


tis ok mag will be back up in this tier in place of YB with in a couple of weeks imo

Don’t really care what tier, but Kaineng is the wild card. If they’re even equal or close to Mag, which is possible because of night presence, t5 will be locked for months.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Lysico.4906


Well the new joy is seeing the guild RP from EB doing nothing but exploiting the “bug” behind redvale supply.

Got 10 of them that run back to the little spot on the hit for the invulnerability bug the second anyone comes. They don’t even try to roam, if they take it, they will run in and attack YB players retaking. The second they get pressure they run back and sit at that spot..

rinse and repeat.

Always that RP guild doing it.. Way to cheese

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: BlackeHawke.9025


I am not too sure about how Kaineng will fare. Only 2 large guilds transferred there, War Machine and Rethesis. I also read somewhere that War Machine has shrunk down to ~100 players. Not sure if this is true though.

Despite that, 2 guilds cannot carry a server very far. WvWing everyday can cause quite a fair bit of burnout.

Finally, very proud of the people on Ehmry Bay on the push to second place

Guild Leader of Hired Assassins [HIRE]
Sanctum of Rall
Level 80 Human Guardian

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Evalana.5480


Score Update:

15 chars


Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Evalana.5480


Latest Score Update!!


Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


Great fights this week. Ehmry and yaks both have some very skilled groups/guilds that make WvW tht much better. I hope we have this matchup for at least another 2 weeks before we get sick of eachother.

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Noice.8730


Awesome fights so far guys!

Great fights this week. Ehmry and yaks both have some very skilled groups/guilds that make WvW tht much better. I hope we have this matchup for at least another 2 weeks before we get sick of eachother.

So you’re the Krew guild leader. I’m the FTF guild leader. Our guilds fought last reset at dragonbrand bl. Good fight

Despite all the hate in this thread, i really love this week’s match up – WvW isnt boring (compared to last match up) X)

an asian person

at kung may pinoy sa yak’s bend- lipat na)

Haha! kayo kaya lumipat sa ehmrybay! kami yung kulang dito pag peak sa pinas.

Noice – Lvl 80 Elementalist
Noice To Meet Ya – Lvl 80 Guardian

(edited by Noice.8730)

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Awesome fights so far guys!

Great fights this week. Ehmry and yaks both have some very skilled groups/guilds that make WvW tht much better. I hope we have this matchup for at least another 2 weeks before we get sick of eachother.

So you’re the Krew guild leader. I’m the FTF guild leader. Our guilds fought last reset at dragonbrand bl. Good fight

Despite all the hate in this thread, i really love this week’s match up – WvW isnt boring (compared to last match up) X)

an asian person

at kung may pinoy sa yak’s bend- lipat na)

Haha! kayo kaya lumipat sa ehmrybay! kami yung kulang dito pag peak sa pinas.

Mind blown!

Sige na mga brod, lipat na kayo sa DB. Mas maraming asian dito sa Dragonbrand, bagay kayo dito, kaya lipat na mga pare! lol

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

(edited by FrankieBonez.8361)

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Ping.5739


40k difference, ggwp

This useless bar doesn’t make you awesome. However, stuff above does.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: CashmereCroc.7461


This match up as been a crap load of fun so far. There have been a lot of tough defenses on all sides and it just makes it that much more interesting. Better yet we still got two days till the reset, let’s make them count.

Commander Argyle Alligator
Guild Leader of Elephant Ambush [EA]

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Evalana.5480


YAY we build 6 golems and they take world v world down for maintenance in 10 seconds… right after we finish… SERIOUSLY?!

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Ethose.5694


That’s what you get for trying to golem rush without me :*(

Ethose (EA)
Born and Raised on Dragonbrand

(edited by Ethose.5694)

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Tynan.6279


Man, and I thought BP was bad for camping puzzles. There’s a big group of Yaks dedicated to camping the EB JP daily. I’ll be happy when we move out of this tier, hopefully in the right direction.

~ Kovu

You got your PvE in my PVP!

Wreckd ~ Mesmer/Warrior/Necro
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast ~ FA

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Tynan.6279


tis ok mag will be back up in this tier in place of YB with in a couple of weeks imo

Being a dedicated Yak defender, I have to agree here. I haven’t seen such little participation in wvwvw in quite a while, non holiday/PVE event!

Wreckd ~ Mesmer/Warrior/Necro
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast ~ FA

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Omnione.5928


Do people build PvP gear for WvW? cause im just running power,presicion, and crit dmg as a thief….. im pretty squishy so i was wondering does the pvp gear with toughness seem more logical cause i do lose dmg if i swap gear….

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


tis ok mag will be back up in this tier in place of YB with in a couple of weeks imo

Why would you want that?

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Evalana.5480


Most recent score update!


Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Most recent score update!

Best score update ever

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Murakami.5243


It has been fun. Thanks for the battles YB and DB that DB night crew is scary.

Golden Company X I I I [GC]
Developer of GW2 WvW for iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/gw2-wvw/id653987126?mt=8

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Glancing at the current score evolution, we’ll likely be in this same matchup for a good 4 to 8 weeks. The only server that has the potential to shake things up is Kaineng.

Better learn to love eachother.

Nah, server transfers always screw up these kind of predictions. People can’t sit still in this game. A lot can change in 4-8 weeks.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


HIRE you should follow SM to Maguuma

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


HIRE you should follow SM to Maguuma

When did SM go to magumma? and why?

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


You can read about it on our server forums. www.Ehmry.com

They will be severely missed.

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: IonusX.7905


It has been fun. Thanks for the battles YB and DB that DB night crew is scary.

we better be scary where DragonBrand

{TNT} Tactical Night Techs “We are the last line of defense”Commander Fire Warrior Scout

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


You can read about it on our server forums. www.Ehmry.com

They will be severely missed.

i can’t see those forums

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


You can read about it on our server forums. www.Ehmry.com

They will be severely missed.

i can’t see those forums

no one can see their forums (unless a member of the website).. but they don’t realize that, nor will they just be nice and tell us why.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


I believe the registration process to be pretty commonly understood as the norm for most sites like these.

Not about being nice or mean Bunzy, we have the occasionally Invader post up in Ehmry Bays Forum. Actually i know quite a few mag players that post up in our forums quite regularly, good people too. We aren’t trying to exclude anyone haha.

Now what do you want Bunzy? I think Chipsu needs to tighten up his leash on you.

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


I believe the registration process to be pretty commonly understood as the norm for most sites like these.

Not about being nice or mean Bunzy, we have the occasionally Invader post up in Ehmry Bays Forum. Actually i know quite a few mag players that post up in our forums quite regularly, good people too. We aren’t trying to exclude anyone haha.

Now what do you want Bunzy? I think Chipsu needs to tighten up his leash on you.

I want to know why SM came to Maguuma, that is all.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


I want to know why SM came to Maguuma, that is all.

They felt sorry for annihilating your Elementalist and decided to transfer to give you pointers.

D/D, Staff Elementalist

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: ayc.7108


The went to Maguuma because the nature of wvw had started to transition from skirmish style fighting to zerg-style in order to maintain competitive. Probably in due course as upper tier competition generally goes, where attrition warfare is the simplest path to net you wins: coverage + upgrade cost + manpower = points.

It was becoming less about fighting for the sake of the fight despite winning or losing, and instead playing the same hail mary maneuver over and over again to take objectives; playstyle started becoming boring and predictable when traditional pvp style combat started to become meaningless when the win was pretty much determined by whomever brings the most swords to the field.

And then there was the issue with the population growth, Ebay started to attract the wrong type of crowd – I’m not talking about the organized guilds that contribute to the war effort like HIRE & TOFU (who have contributed greatly), but the anonymous internet individuals that troll the forums and look at mos.millenium.org and think to themselves, “what server is awesome? I’m going to go there and wide that wave!” only to find out that their transfer decision wasn’t what they thought, and start trolling /team about how everybody else is terrible and dump their nasty attitude all over the place when they show up in their BL and see fighting going on. You know, like the average dota player. People that don’t actually contribute to the community but looking to get praise.

But the core issue is upper tier fighting – it starts to get big and cumbersome where size > all – and combat starts to become predictable and boring with all sides trying to out-golem the other simply due to the fact that it’s the most effective way to net the most points quickly.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Ordibble.3092


Talk about us, we’re gonna show up.

Heh, with the two longest exchanges initiated by you-know-who making unsolicited comments.

Nobody brought up EBay or Yaks in our monstrous thread even once, as a result, none of you had a reason to respond

Page 16 by you-know-who. Though admittedly it is still a fresh dollop, so I guess there’s still time for the flies to gather.

But all this feels a bit grubby now. That said, we get to take the dog and you can keep that little kitten.