10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Mablung.3519


4 am-ish score update


Mablung- Co-Guild leader of Mortis Umbra [MU]

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: wombat.6123


I really enjoyed the first 8 hours of this new match up. Lots of big fights with all 3 servers and it was fairly even. Definitely a big improvement over the 24-hour BG zerg fest that we had last match.

Unfortunately the first off peak cycle seems to suggest that TC is fielding more off peak players than FA and DB combined. If this is an indication of how this match will be (even during peak, completely unbalanced in off peak) it’s going to be a little disappointing after such a promising start.

Wombling Wombat
FA – Protectorate of Aspenwood [PRO]

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: KitaYumi.7048


I do recommend people to stop looking at the scores.
The fact that all three servers are more or less equal in primetime is good enough for me. While one server may get ahead in scores due to having a larger night presence, there will still be amazing fights during primetime because of everyone have an equal force.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Urrid.4593


A lot of TC are staying up waaaay past bedtime tonight. I am going to look like Kitten tomorrow at work. Haha.

Amazing defense of Garrison Fort Aspenwood. We hit your yaks, denied you supply, hit water gate, treb’ed walls down and you still have supply even when your stockpike is 0/1,250. Insane!

And now, sleep, at 4:20am hahah. Oh GW2 you evil thing.

Coral -Mesmer- Omnomnivore and TC’er.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Vanity.2506


A lot of TC are staying up waaaay past bedtime tonight. I am going to look like Kitten tomorrow at work. Haha.

Amazing defense of Garrison Fort Aspenwood. And now, sleep, at 4:20am hahah. Oh GW2 you evil thing.

Indeed. I was up much later than I normally am, playing. I couldn’t stay asleep any longer. Much too excited about this match!

As for the mention of TC stooping to cheating … certainly, by now, people know of our reputation and that this is NOT how we operate. I can assure you that if we know who was responsible, we will report them ourselves.

Keep up the great fights!

Vanity Lionheart
That which yields is not always weak.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Reonhato.5914



A lot of TC are staying up waaaay past bedtime tonight. I am going to look like Kitten tomorrow at work. Haha.
Amazing defense of Garrison Fort Aspenwood. We hit your yaks, denied you supply, hit water gate, treb’ed walls down and you still have supply even when your stockpike is 0/1,250. Insane!
And now, sleep, at 4:20am hahah. Oh GW2 you evil thing.

Yeah we were confident in keeping that one even with the wall going down. We had a couple groups running supplies. As soon as it went down you guys ran into about 5 arrow carts and 3-4 ballistas, the delay from all the supplies we ran in gave us enough time to get well organised. As soon as we pushed you back a whole bunch of people went and got more supply while the rest went and defended the southern gate, they arrived back just in time for some hasty repairs as the gate got down to about 5% before we finally pushed you guys out again. I think the wall and the southern gate was tried again a couple times but each time less and less TC were showing up and we held strong.

Goes to show as long as you are not horribly outnumbered organisation can go a long way, too bad we cant put up that kind of fight on all the borderlands.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Reiven.2543


Id like to add that while my fellows were defending the FA garrison i decided to randomly get on a trebuchet and randomly take ONE shot at the Tower at Dawn’s just to test the range on the trebuchet.

Lo and behold the wall goes down from one single shot and me and like five other guys are able to cap it without any resistance.

FA have just taken the home borderland back but i assume the US TZ is starting to wake up about now should be another good morning of WvWvW.

Fort Aspenwood GW1 Bittervet….
Reiven Kloak-Warrior / Pizza Pirate-Engineer
Charr Grilled Fish-Ranger

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Vagrant.1094


Unfortunately the first off peak cycle seems to suggest that TC is fielding more off peak players than FA and DB combined. If this is an indication of how this match will be (even during peak, completely unbalanced in off peak) it’s going to be a little disappointing after such a promising start.

TC is in the awkward position where our off-peak crew turns out in greater numbers than any a tier 4 match up server could wield, but we’re not as strategically capable as the top ranked server of tier 3. This results in our overnight crew being less and less populous as the week goes on against opponents able to match or exceed our off-peak numbers, to the point that it even effects prime time.

I’m sure you folks at FA experienced the same decline last week with BG. People like to win, and when you’re winning…your numbers swell. When you’re losing badly, they drop dramatically.

Personally, I feel you folks at FA played a better game than us for the prime time period in EB tonight. We should have taken Quentin Lake at one point, but failed due to disorganisation, and the several hours wasted at SM was silly!

I do think FA should have relinquished their hold on SM to prevent QL and Durios from falling shortly before numbers began to drop, however. Silly rendering issues aside (5+ seconds to see the person that’s hitting you at Stonemist), your defense was superior to our dysfunctional offense ^^

I’m looking forward to more FA (and DB) aggression on Saturday night.

~Nyari Cil, Queen.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Badwrong.3596


Ya, people should stop looking at the scores. We both fought Blackgate last week, and I ignored the score and had a great time.

I really wish they implemented a score for different time period. Like last night, I went to bed around 2:30 am, we were winning on FA by about 1000 points. Now TC seemed to tick +450 the rest of the night and early morning. So I guess FA won the first 6 hours, TC won the second 6 hours?

Really a score that resets based on time period would really be nice to show this. Not so much for people like me, but I just hate when we are behind and I know we have less people just due to that. I’ll still play as much as possible since the score does not impact who wins fights and the fun to be had.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: nomdeplums.5780


FA did an absolutely stellar job in defending the Garrison, and by extension, orb, in their borderlands.

Even as they were being attacked from all angles, had walls falling down, and had gates being whittled away, they still managed to repel the attack long enough to outlast TC’s superior numbers.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Garreth MacLeod.4158

Garreth MacLeod.4158

Looking forward to some fun battles. Good luck to all!

Leader, Phantom Coven – GW1 & GW2
Garreth (Ra), Elizabeth (El), Fiona (Me), Morrigan (N)
Ceana (G), Briana (Th), Snowbourn (Eng), Onchu (W)

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Vanity.2506


Fighting at Dreaming Bay so far this morning has been great. DB definitely had the numbers on us but we held them off from breaching the outer. Hour and a half siege … good times!


Vanity Lionheart
That which yields is not always weak.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: micah.9704


twice last night had TC logout on me mid fight.
1 was a guardian, think the guild name was grrr. logged out when he got downed.
the other was a warrior, iirc. as soon as i popped thieves guild she logged out.

first time its happened to me. pretty annoying.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: kanikani.2430


In all fairness, micah a lot of people are still experiencing regular crashes in wvw, including myself. So not all are logging to avoid the couple silver death penalty.

I wish they would fix the memory leak someday.

Ishionna (80 Ele)

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Usagi.4835


@kanikani.2430 Please don’t accuse Tarnished Coast, as a whole, of stooping to cheating. I think it’s clear from previous matchups that we don’t condone that sort of behaviour. I’m sure your server feels the same way. We aren’t so serious about WvW to cheat to win. Also, funnily enough, while in FA Borderlands, a mesmer and his friends from Fort Aspenwood tried to use the portal exploit to get themselves into our keep. Reported them. Equally, we could say FA are all cheats but we don’t believe that to be true.

I can’t speak for all the borderlands but in FA Borderlands, when our commanders and most people left to sleep, there were only a few of us, around 7 defending Greenlake from a zerg of about 30 FA players with siege. Then slowly, people started to trickle in and we got our numbers to match yours. Idk about our night presence but I don’t think it’s as strong as you might think it is.

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

(edited by Usagi.4835)

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: OldFrightful.2469


One thing you really need to understand about TC – we don’t really have a great ‘offpeak crew’, we just have a kittenon of people willing to stay up into the wee hours of the morning. I clocked around 14~ish hours just now and I’m about to go pass out. Kudos to everyone playing on the Blackgate BL tonight!

We actually had the Outmanned buff three or four different times post-‘peak’.

Negean Prime – PiNK Officer [Tarnished Coast]

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Steadfast.5827


(From BG) GOOO TC!!! I’m rooting for you guys. That match looks like so much fun!!! /jelous

Vincent Seyani – 80 Necromancer [HB] Beastgate
Torgrin Direwolf – 80 Warrior [HB] Beastgate

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Pimsley.3681


TC started our comeback around 930 pm MST last night. Hardly the “night crew”. When I logged off and posted that score, the board was extremely close across the three servers. Apparently, TC’s night crew mopped up while most were sleeping and built us a nice lead.

Great fighting during most of the night, even though most of our organized team on TC were stuck in 3 hour queues. Can’t wait to see how this week finishes. Good luck to DB and FA, and we will see you on the field.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Whargoul.9613


is there a new trait that allows you to go invisible everytime you heartseeker somebody?
cause someone from tarnished coast tagged to MOON, Serenity of the Night was able to go invis every time he did a heart seeker. If anyone from ANET is reading this please dont pretend you dont have a hacking problem. We need a better way of reporting these guys, All I could do was report him for botting, scamming.

How about you actually learn some game mechanics before you come calling people hackers. Heartseeker is a leap combo finisher and YES you can go invis with it using a smoke field – which Thieves have a bunch of. Hurrr Durrr!

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: HenryAu.7523


I definitely saw a lot of familiar faces staying up way past their normal sleeping hours (more like regular logging off hours) on TC. We’ll see how the rest of the week goes.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Cottonmouth.9846


—You hear the sound of war drums echo from the ancient keep of Malum Factum to the north. Listening closer you detect a low chant that begins increasing in power from the very depths of Tyria itself. Billy, Billy, Billy…as the war drums approach, those words which have not been uttered since the felling of the Udin Tree begin to reverberate over the mountainside.

Billy The Barbarian!
Billy The Barbarian!!
Billy The Barbarian!!!

Suddenly, a massive norn emerges from the shadows of the mountain, he stands proudly before you, The kitten Son of Mo Bedda Cheese, The Ironfist of Malum Factum. He is glorious to behold as you are stricken in awe from his massively sexy physique. A cool wind begins to caress his chest and you stand in fear…as he begins to drop his loincloth. Luckily you realize that he has not noticed you as he begins to relieve himself on an Invader corpse laying nearby.

You turn and run.

PS I’ve lost count of how many corpses have been left in my wake. Charging the frontlines and watching you scatter like ants for our squads to finish you off is fun as hell. Let me know how 32k hps of kitten off norn taste tonight please! <3

Billy The Barbarian
Zergbuster of Malum Factum
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Cottonmouth.9846)

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Zoula.5139


It’s nice to know that getting home 20min late results in sitting in queue for 3 hours. A lot of the co-ordinated guilds and commanders were stuck outside for a good while. I know only abut 1/3 of our forces actually made it in.

As opposed to being a dedicated night crew, it’s likely that it just took that friggen long for a bunch of Commanders to actually get into the Mists in the first place.

But on the other hand, every matchup before we’ve had some other server pounding us in the night shift, so there have been some attempts to shore up that weakness. I guess it’s helping now.

Zoula Frostmane
<Bloodgale Vanguard>

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Mablung.3519


It was nice from a TSL perspective to see some old faces (guilds) we have a history with on the other side (FA). The KoT crew we kept running into gave us all a good laugh in mumble as they tucked tail and tried to head for the hills to no avail.

Hopefully we get to give KGB a nice, warm welcome to the borderlands this week.

Mablung- Co-Guild leader of Mortis Umbra [MU]

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Grizm.4560


It should be a brutal slugfest all week. When they show the highlight reel it’ll have some of that NFL Films music playing in the background.


Tarnished Coast
My characters think I’m crazy.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Ualtar.5047


what is the score?

Alrekr Yerling
Khazad Fundinul [KF] – Tarnished Coast

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Jnnab.9016


As of 4:55 EST

TC- 40,998
FA- 22,296
DB- 14,663

Jnnab The Hunted- Ranger [TV]
Giddge- Elementalist[TV]
Tarnished Coast

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: KitaYumi.7048


TC: 40,993 +410 (Two orbs)
FA: 22,215 +200 (One orb)
DB: 14,663 +85

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: InitiateFailure.8542


the TC zerg in Fa borderlands this afternoon is the weirdest thing I’ve seen in wuvwuv, so thanks for that.

It was somewhere between 50-all your people just circling the north section of the map multiple times flipping things and leaving. you got no points for it since we’d retake everything as soon as you left, just objective karma, you cleared no siege from keeps you took, hell you didn’t even seem that interested in fighting people. Just running fast in circles. and now you’re missing and we’re all living in fear.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Rivalz.3142


was closer to 30 tbh…..

Alexander Darkstar- [NOPE]
Tarnished Coast

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: whiran.1473


Last night was a lot of fun. I played way past my bedtime and a lot of others on TC did as well.

At one point in the wee hours of the morning (eastern time so around 6amish? Yes.. way past my bedtime) we took control of the entire map so what appeared to be all of us went into the jumping puzzle or went to bed.

When I got out of the jumping puzzle (I’m really bad at it) FA was showing signs of stirring – they had retaken their keep.

I just checked the maps since it is around 6:40pm and we’re hitting prime times.

On TC there are queues for all battlegrounds. The queue for dragonbrand’s borderland was under 5 minutes.

Current score is:

TC: ~44.8k – 440
FA: ~24.3k – 200
DB: ~15.3k – 55

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: rhonyn.6810


<—on FA…play just off peak times (west coast)….last night (and every night for weeks now) haven’t ever experienced a queue on any map (usually logging on 9:30 PST onwards)…..we had the outmanned buff prolly around 11:30ish onward (PST) on several maps.

Macro server points are heavily driven by populations….don’t think FA has the coverage numbers to compete with any servers with strong off-peak populations (from point/score perspective). Hopefully FA and DB are both focusing on TC instead of each other or this match will begin to pull away for TC. Still fun fights while I’ve been on regardless.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


No queues – instant entry into all maps on Fort Aspenwood since about 5 hours after reset, outmanned buff on all maps for longer than 9 hours usually isn’t a great sign. Seems like we have a whole bunch of fair weather warriors, participation wise. Only the regulars are really using siege weapons or attempting to coordinate in /team. Doesn’t make it any less fun at all though, it’s been amazing! Some frantic defenses against Blackgate at west keep and at the same time TC golem rushing garrison in FA Borderlands today (I think we held Blackgate at the keep lord 3 times!), and then an epic battle for a measly tower in TC borderlands which we built 3 trebs on, TC eventually reclaimed it with a very impressive sized swarm of troops. Can’t wait for more!

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: AinSoph.5063


Today has been pretty fun, while we have had a severe lack of participation, those of us in the maps have been running our kitten off trying to keep up with the stuff you keep capping.

Those multi-golem attempts at our Keep a while ago in EB was impressive, I’m not sure how we defended. That was pretty frantic.

I really liked the constant flipping of Durios and QL though, it’s quite profitable.

In any case, it’s fun, but I’d say by Monday most of FA will stop showing up, and it will no longer be fun…for anyone. I’m about to find a new server that doesn’t quit anytime we’re not Fullcapped.

—Ain Soph— Warrior
—Fort Aspenwood—

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: CRrabbit.1284


A fact is after FA’s perm-steath thief played DB’s 60+ players for camp defending twice in a row, DB got outman buff in like 3 mins. Everyone just left WvW after experiencing this.
But anyway, it’s a very good strategy to take down opponent’s morale, gj FA!

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Preacher.4836


Players need to realize that the numbers that show up every time you press “B” don’t dictate the amount of fun each server is having. The fun is in the epic defenses, the ninja’ed keeps, the shear amount of people you can annoy before going down. Sure some people care about winning the week, but what does that really do for you? There will always be fair weather players, but those of you who genuinely like WvWing don’t let the point gap prevent you from joining in on the fun.


Preacher Roy-Guardian, Preacherroy-Engineer, Necro Preacher-Necromancer, Preacher Clone-Mesmer

(edited by Preacher.4836)

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: majik.2035


Well, some guy at FA must be really kitten at us (TC). I went into skritt area in FA borderlands to find a guy from Gotham knights (i think) having a lot of trouble with the skill point, he was covered in mobs. So i pulled some, and helped him get the skill point, i was careful not to aoe on him, and stay enough out of the way so he could, pretty sure he was Ele. anyway, skill point finished, we both got it. I /wave only to see him attack me with all his vengeance. I decided to wait a second to see if he’d notice i wasn’t attacking…. nope. Just killed me. so.. if you see this.. glad I could help? you’re welcome?


10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Sunshine.3452


Epic fight at Garrison happened in DB borderlands right now… so much fun xD

Mesmer/Thief – PiNK – Garnished Toast Butterlands
T.O.A.S.T. The Organsiation Against Server Transfers

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Telegraph.7509


Excellent double-team work by DB and FA. This is how it should be for the two team that are a bit behind in the score.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


TC is still hard at work turning Dragonbrand Borderlands into the Garnished Toast Butterlands. We will succeed!

Thank you to both FA and DB for giving a lot of fun fights so far. Keep it up!

For the Toast!

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Setima.8741


Since there is so much imbalance all over the place, why didn’t they actually implement an Alliance system where the two weaker servers joined together against the one running away with everything? I say a system so that you could all communicate in chat, you wouldn’t damage each other with skills or siege, etc, and would at least help to even the scores up a little bit. After the two guilds closed in by 10 or 20k of the leader, the Alliance would automatically disband and split the ownership of what the two together had taken between them evenly and warp the two sides back to their borderland waypoint.

I think a true Alliance type system would really change things up and wouldn’t really let just one server run away with all the points and ruin everybody’s time, even with people server hopping to the winning side all the time. I’d thought I’d heard they were supposed to actually add a way to ally with the other other losing server like this to begin with. Maybe I’m thinking of something else. What would you think of something like this? Crazy thinking? Useful? More fun than what we have right now? Cookies?

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Enenion.8127


I don’t think a true alliance system is necessary, the game just needs to stop encouraging teams from fighting the weaker teams and encourage going after the winning one instead. The scoring system relies on you being able to take outposts, but currently the outposts of the losing team are the easiest to take. This inherently undermines attempts at alliances because if my server’s goal is to beat server A and I’m behind, the easiest way to catch up in points is going to be to take the points from server C rather than cooperate with them to take things from server A. They need to introduce ways to make the underdogs less profitable to fight so that attacking the leader becomes a better option for both sides, making alliances more likely.

Fort Aspenwood

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


I don’t really see them doing this. If they wanted to keep it “even” they would have it so each world had the same number of people in each map as every other world. I do think they will probably give a better outmanned buff and maybe do some other things to help out. After suffering through Blackgate last week (I’m on TC), I would have to say that I’d like to see them change the orb bonus to give a bonus to karma, xp and magic find and have the outmanned buff give bonus to toughness, vitality and healing power. I think that right there would help quite a bit.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Enenion.8127


In a truly even game the outcome would always be a draw, so I don’t think their goal is true equality. However it’s hard to deny that there are a lot of unbalanced WvW matchups currently, this one being pretty fairly balanced. I think think giving a boost to the underdog to help them get back in the game or make them less of an attractive target would do wonders for the future of WvW. Reversing the orb and outmanned buff is a start, but I think that a buff that increases siege weapon damage if you’re team is losing by a large enough margin would help more. This would help a losing team with both offense and defense of what locations they have left and drastically help even the score.

Fort Aspenwood

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Badwrong.3596


A fact is after FA’s perm-steath thief played DB’s 60+ players for camp defending twice in a row, DB got outman buff in like 3 mins. Everyone just left WvW after experiencing this.
But anyway, it’s a very good strategy to take down opponent’s morale, gj FA!

I’ve seen perma stealth thieves from every server in every matchup since people discovered how to exploit the broken stealth and player pop-in crap.

But clearly the entire FA server assigned that one thief to represent us and bug you guys?

Don’t blame a “server” for a single players actions.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Galrukh.6532


Well Im calling this matchup fixed already. Shame TC had to ruin it. If you want to keep the fun, dont wtfstomp people in the off hours, they lose the will to fight back and you have an entire week ahead of you without any WvW.
They really need to fix outmanned, as mentioned reversing outmanned and orb is a good start but they also need to make it so guards and keeps get tougher with fewer people so that it isnt so easy to take everything oh and make it so you cant treb from inside a castle, thats just too much of a bonus for the winning side.

Help build the next big RvR game.
Camelot Unchained is on Kickstarter.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Grizzly.8305


Just want to say that I think it’s hilarious how Fort Aspendwood and Dragonbrand are so mad that they are getting their kittentomped by us, that they are resorting to camping the puzzle. xD

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


This match is a good example of why WvW desperately needs to be fixed. Yesterday when the matches reset and everyone started off equal in the map, FA vs TC was an amazing experience. It was probably the most fun I had in WvW. TC took an early lead, but FA managed to have the edge for most of the evening. Later in the night, TC started to come back again. Then during off hours, TC took the map and was ahead by a large amount. When primetime started once again, FA had to deal with a map that mostly belonged to TC with much of what they had being heavily defended. While it was still fun and we made the map a little more equal between us, it just wasn’t the same feeling as yesterday. As the gap increases in the next few days, people are just going to wait for the next match which will probably be another blowout victory anyway.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: micah.9704


this is going to be a long week if TC just doubles our score overnight every night.
heres to getting crushed for another week.

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: micah.9704


wow, so i was in garrison (fa) i alt-tabbed long enough to post the last message.
no swords on garrison at all, before i alt-tabbed.

after posting i alt-tab back in and im dead in garrison courtyard and TC now owns it.

everyone in chat saying it just instantly flipped with no swords ever appearing.

i was alt-tabbed less than 5 minutes and garrison went from being clear to changed possession.

(edited by micah.9704)

10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: sceptus.9415


wow, so i was in garrison (fa) i alt-tabbed long enough to post the last message.
no swords on garrison at all, before i alt-tabbed.

after posting i alt-tab back in and im dead in garrison courtyard and TC now owns it.

everyone in chat saying it just instantly flipped with no swords ever appearing.

i was alt-tabbed less than 3 minutes and garrison went from being clear to changed possession.

No defenses except a few people were in garrison.
We had 3 golems.
We had 2 rams.

I know we took it quickly but we have been planning it for hours.

I totally understand the frustration, especially about the night crew each server has. TC took a beating last week but we also learned a lot from BG.

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast