10/19: Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand
Just checked the score for last week, yeah TC did exactly as well as we do now. Gave completely up and died with a whimper. Please dont call out your server to be stubborn, brave, tenacious people that fight until the bitter end and then call us losers when we do exactly as well as you did last week. We are as bad now as you were (and we were) last week. Why didnt you rally your server last week ? Why didnt your guilds come together and turn the tide last week ?
As it stands tier 1 is good and tier 3 is good, everything else is in shambles.
Camelot Unchained is on Kickstarter.
(edited by Galrukh.6532)
You people seem to misunderstand something. We never said we were winning, we said we were fighting.
You can fight and not gain any points you know?
Hence why I keep saying, stop looking at the score. Even as I write this, Dragonbrand is still pushing hard in their own Borderlands, despite being last. Do they gain much points by doing so? No, but they are fighting, showing that they do not give up.
Gal, yes your right as we states we got rolled. But yes we did keep fighting just as I see you guys still out there fighting now.. which was why I said keep it up! Ya all have great players. Now once I stop getting D/C from game I will come back and play too… =(
But they do so against overwhelming numbers, where is the fun in that for you or for them ?
Its a fact, not an opinion that when you are far behind you do NOT have the same numbers as the enemy and since that enemy also has 3 orbs even a 1v1 is very uphill.
Its a very natural reaction to not wanting to go out there.
kitten I wish this game would return to 24 hour fights, back then people were out all the time and not only for a 3rd of the period.
Not angry at TC, just slightly frustrated
Im angry at Anet!
Camelot Unchained is on Kickstarter.
ERRRR. HOLD UP. I’m sorry, but that is the view I had of FA last week. Unless you were actually on our server, how could you possibly know that we were rolling over and giving up?
If anything, it seemed to us that that was what FA had done. Where we were fighting to cap towers and keeps in our borderlands, FA had resorted to either hitting camps or not doing anything (in TC-BL!) Only towards the end of the week did you organise and decide that you were going to cap stuff so that both FA and TC would be pushed down for a more balanced matchup. That was how it looked to us.
We haven’t called you losers. We’re asking you to not give up and are trying to encourage you.
And Vorpal, we were well aware we weren’t going to win. But we continued to fight for fun and because we don’t just give up and decide “Oh well, we’ve lost and are not going to play Wuvwuv anymore.”
Just to make sure it’s driven home, we haven’t called Fort Aspenwood losers. We are trying to encourage everyone to stay positive and keep fighting, if not for points, then for fun
We should all put obligatory smileys in our posts from now on.
Im not really blaming as much as stating the facts. The blame 100% lies with the game design, you choose to take advantage of it and we either choose not to or are not able to (because of low nighttime numbers).
It stops being fun when I KNOW that you will have at least 30% more players then we do, when I KNOW you can cap whatever you want whenever you want. I go out there and so do others, but when we have 0 queue I know its not the numbers we need. The small skirmishes are still fun but the big fights are worthless because once we become a threat you just put together a zerg or 2 that are bigger than anything we can muster.In addition to you having more players than we do which makes it really hard to do anything worthwhile, you also have all 3 orbs which just makes it that much harder.
I understand the reasoning behind capping everything and getting the orbs, its what WvW is all about after all. But you are still guaranteeing no WvW for 5 days and while itsnot your “fault” its still the result of your actions. I wish our people were out there, but they are not when the scores are what they are now.
Pretty much gotta agree with this.
A few of us go out and fight for ‘fun’ no matter what the score looks like.
That doesn’t change the fact their wuvwuv system is flawed from basically the ground up and has created almost no good matchups that are actually good close fights where any server could win. Instead almost all we see are early decided blow outs.
Did you see the score last week? Every bracket that had population, basically, had one server in the lead with 400k+ points and all 3 orbs.
How is that a good system? And it’s been that way for weeks! It looks like that will happen again this week, not just to us, but to everyone.
And when the scores ARE close it’s just two servers trading off which one is absolutely dominant in their time zone – you can tell by the current ppt and who has all the orbs.
This is all arena.nets fault, not TC’s fault or FA’s fault or BG’s fault. They are the ones who continue to allow server destroying transfers left right and center, they are the ones who seemed to have designed the scoreboard to make it most likely to discourage people and make them lose hope by focusing so heavily on the orbs and overall score, and then making those things trivial to obtain in the night hours.
The goal of wuvwuv is to ‘win’ with your server and place #1. Most people don’t bother to participate in wuvwuv when they see that that is no longer possible. There’s no reason we couldn’t have a 3 way battle royale in primetime between FA/TC/DB every night except that people don’t show up. And they don’t show up because arena.net has told them it is hopeless. And it is! The battles in primetime would be fun but they would never let FA or DB overcome TC’s lead or off hours coverage.
So what’s left are the few die hards that enjoy PvP for its own sake, like myself, and are happy running around and killing zerglings even if it doesn’t move the score a single tick in the right direction.
But as a whole, the WvW system has failed utterly and comprehensively.
Just look at the scores: http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NA
JQ/SBI/IOJ: 280/225/190
HOD/BG/ET: 15/675/5
CD/SOS/SOR: 120/130/445
TC/FA/DB: 675/15/5
MG/D/NS: 345/195/155
YB/GOM/SF: 680/0/15
EB/AR/BP: 500/130/65
FC/K/DR: 90/405/200
That’s 7 blowouts in a row.
Only in tier #1 is it remotely close.
Is that the end goal of WvW? You only get good competitive matchups on 3 out of 24 servers? That’s not going to maintain an engaged and happy playerbase.
Just checked the score for last week, yeah TC did exactly as well as we do now. Gave completely up and died with a whimper. Please dont call out your server to be stubborn, brave, tenacious people that fight until the bitter end and then call us losers when we do exactly as well as you did last week. We are as bad now as you were (and we were) last week. Why didnt you rally your server last week ? Why didnt your guilds come together and turn the tide last week ?
As it stands tier 1 is good and tier 3 is good, everything else is in shambles.
No, we did not do well last week (got gaterolled), but we fought hard and I personally enjoyed the time that I spend on the borderlands. We knew the reason that we (and FA) were losing so badly was night hatting. Despite that, we enjoyed finally winning 2-hour tower sieges; we enjoyed fending off 7-golem assaults to the garrison; we enjoyed holding off multiple attacks by a force 3-4x as large 4, 5 times, even if we lost it on the 6th attempt. We didn’t complain about BG because they rolled us; we only complained about some of them being bad sports. We can’t turn the tide against BG because we simply do not have their night coverage. It’s something we accept, but doesn’t make it impossible for us to enjoy the game.
If TC players are trebbing your spawn points, we condemn that type of behavior and will try to stop it if we see it. I do think that this is a very isolated incident though – the only spawn camping from TC that I saw was our squad doing a synchronized naked dance routine with the FA guys (until some dude decided it was a good idea to AOE the dancers for some badges – he is now a part of the ground).
FA and DB are losing right now, but they are putting on a fierce fight. I am sorry that you are not finding this match enjoyable, but I don’t call either of your servers losers (I think the people who are most frustrated at the poor showing on FA are dedicated FA players themselves). As long as you show up and fight, everyone can enjoy the game despite the score. We have been stomped for the last two weeks (CD and BG), but I don’t think we enjoy the game any less.
(edited by Telegraph.7509)
We never said we were winning, we said we were fighting.
You can fight and not gain any points you know?
This. I cannot stress this statement enough.
Worry less about score boards and focus more on enjoying the game for what it is. If you are only doing WvW to see what the final score board looks like on Friday, then perhaps Tier 1 is where you should be looking. Prime time fights are fantastic, as all 3 servers have quality prime time teams. Don’t stop playing just because the score isn’t exactly what you want it to be. There is always someone to kill, so go find them and get it done!
BTW. We do not have a large oceanic presence. We are working on increasing our night time coverage as to not get stomped by CD and BG like we did before, but that is long term goals. Right now, we have a lot of third-shifters and insomniacs. I think this is par for the course with RP servers in almost any MMO I’ve played.
We also have a ton of coordinated guilds on TC that are working hard to bring us back to tier 3 and raise to the top (eventually). I think the majority of us from TC love the community and don’t want to RUIN that as we become more skilled and competitive with the higher tier servers
And I did not condone the morale busting tactic of trebbing the spawn. I just stated why I thought it might be used. I might condone it if we were losing to a server full of hackers, but there is no sense doing it towards servers that are already losing.
Looking at the scoreboard and how things are looking in Fort Aspenwood Borderlands, I agree with you. I don’t think the system is balanced atm. I do understand where you are coming from. Idk what it is, but over in your Borderlands, right now, we don’t have a commander. People are just working together and coordinating to recap towers and stuff. Maybe we have more numbers/you have fewer people. Maybe winning like this encourages people to work well together (i.e. boosting morale instead of causing people to bicker).
I think the only reason I was a bit ticked off is because your original post said that Tarnished Coast had ruined the match. I’m glad we’ve cleared this all up.
Obligatory smiley! ^^
Edit: I’m so forgetful. Yah, somebody also suggested that we use thieves to perma-stealth and stop you from capping camps. Idk whether or not it’s an exploit, but I advised against it simply because some people from BG had done the same to 20 of us last week at the end of the matchup. We don’t like griefing or exploiting. Even I’ve stopped emoting unless it’s a /bow. I’ll admit I used to do it but not anymore.
(edited by Usagi.4835)
I think morale issues could be solved by having 4 scores.
Overall score – Just as it is now, still determines the final result.
Then, break down the score by 8 hour increments.
North American
The server losing could then focus on a smaller goal, to dominate their main TZ. Currently, people getting “night-capped” feel that they have no effect on the score and their efforts are not being represented in the score. Additionally, this shows the server what areas need improving and can be used as a recruiting tool. ex. “We currently lack european players, but we dominate NA”
There are no changes in the way points accumulate.
Either way, I’ll still be out in wvw fighting.
Speaking as a free-lance TCer with no WvWvW guild ties, it certainly does seem we’re a lot more organized than last couple of weeks put together. We certainly do have a lot more people running about and I know from personal experience that some PvE people joined the zergs to grab POIs and vistas for the 100% map completion. Last week it made no sense for them to show up at all.
Yes I also agree WvWvW needs to be fine tuned. The current system has a heavy bias towards the leading server and it is obviously not working out well.
Just wanted to point out that all servers have players that play regardless of score. FA and TC both had players out last week…and FA and DB have folks out this week.
Dispite your “we never give up attitude” though TC, I would point out that I guess lots of folks are back from vacation as for some reason (I can’t imagine why?) your off peak numbers are substantially larger this week than they were last week….interesting. I’m seeing the same FA names at night this week I saw last week…..its just not a terribly large number of them. As I said before no server has a monopoly on “fairweather” players – numbers go up when leading and down when losing for ALL servers. The volume of players during “primetime” hides most of the delta.
Tier 1 has decent comp as all servers have healthy populations (re:queues) for extended periods of time, with little periods of non population overlaps. ….that is until another large guild/alliance gets fed up with queues, xfers…creates another BG and the tiers are thrown into chaos yet again.
Been on Tarnished Coast since Day 1, and I think the community and the attitude contribute greatly to our WvW efforts. We have a very friendly community with a good reputation which allows us to keep guilds and players, and attract more. Gotta admit, transfers are a huge problem. Also, even if we’re losing, we keep fighting and trying to have fun. You may think we’re exaggerating, but I still remember getting spanked by RUIN when they were still on North Shiverpeaks and the world rotation was bugged. I mean seriously, for all this complaining about balance how would you like to be smacked around by the TA day in and day out with a broken rotataion? I recall our first weekly match and getting rolled over by Dragonbrand. I recall a very tough match against Crystal Desert. Finally, last week’s Blackgate stomping. In all situations, we were losing, but we tried our best, had fun where we could and learned from it. It’s only benefited us in the long run. How you play is up to you, have fun with your world, and if can’t do that, there’s other things fundamentally wrong there.
Edit: Yeah, all servers have their share of fair weather players, that’s not gonna change. Good point.
Tarnished Coast Server
(edited by Arkard.3970)
I think morale issues could be solved by having 4 scores.
Overall score – Just as it is now, still determines the final result.
Then, break down the score by 8 hour increments.
North American
Asian/OceanicThe server losing could then focus on a smaller goal, to dominate their main TZ. Currently, people getting “night-capped” feel that they have no effect on the score and their efforts are not being represented in the score. Additionally, this shows the server what areas need improving and can be used as a recruiting tool. ex. “We currently lack european players, but we dominate NA”
There are no changes in the way points accumulate.
Either way, I’ll still be out in wvw fighting.
That is actually quite a good idea. With such a system, even those in different timezones would be able to contribute as much as anyone else.
I often see suggestions about having the points-gain during night-time reduced, but I feel that makes it seem like one player’s time is worth more than another player’s.
Just wanted to point out that all servers have players that play regardless of score. FA and TC both had players out last week…and FA and DB have folks out this week.
Dispite your “we never give up attitude” though TC, I would point out that I guess lots of folks are back from vacation as for some reason (I can’t imagine why?) your off peak numbers are substantially larger this week than they were last week….interesting.
Weekend does that, strangely enough. You can expect our off-hours numbers to drop down when the weekend is over.
I have to say I do get your frustration we (TC) were getting smashed last week, but the one difference I have to say is we never gave up. Yes we would wake up to losing the whole map but we spent the day fighting back. To FA.. you guys do have strong forces and great players keep it up. DB .. I think you guys have good players too I cant tell tho I never see you. Come back out and play. Keep it clean good fun. Cheers!
I wish the winning server in each matchup would stop saying things like this.
In every matchup thread I’ve read, I’ve seen this arguement used all the time by the winning server. “We never gave up and despite being thrashed we totally fought back and you guys are stupid for not trying blah balh blah….” Yet if you look at the threads they were in the previous week you see the same complaints about them not having enough players, why bother going in, etc etc.
I’m usually in some WvW battleground even when losing (and we’ve been losing for weeks now), and I can tell you I have less fun than when I’ve been winning/close matchup. I have found some good enjoyable fights, but frequently just a lot of frustration. And here are the reasons:
1) Orbs usually owned by 1 server, occasionally they lose one…but not for long and definitely not overnight. And yes, they help the owners. I’ve had many small group fights where enemies had just a sliver of HP left after they beat us.
2) Upgrading feels pointless and expensive for no real reason (should be supply/time only). Only worth it if your group is going to be playing for several hours straight or it’ll get wasted very quickly.
3) Holding camps to complete upgrades etc is very hard. If my team fortifies a camp all it usually means is that a zerg of 40+ will eventually come and squash us. Maybe we get 2 doylaks through in the meantime by preventing the groups of 2-10 from capping it but that’s all. We don’t have the numbers to hold the objective for upgrades and the camp at the same time.
4) Siege is always in place for defenders, making it much harder to clear/setup your own before their zerg flanks you.
5) Repair costs stack up. When outmanned you simply die more often when trying to quickly hit a tower that starts (relatively) undefended or raid supply camps.
6) Defending towers etc even with several well placed siege is useless vs the zerg. You might down a few people or even get lucky and kill one, but they insta-rez and keep fighting.
7) Extremely demoralizing to defend an objective, where the zerg doesn’t even have to drop a ram. They just hit the door down slowly over time. Had this happen last night and pretty much shrugged off the couple arrow carts and light aoe from us defenders….what could I have done better???? You just feel useless in that situation (we had no reinforcements available).
8) Have to start blocking more people in chat because some just start snapping and yelling at everyone else all the time without trying to form groups/organize after being beat down by the weight of numbers so much.
I could go on but, yeah. At any rate, I just hope that TC in this thread try to not use this excuse because all servers that are being creamed still have players trying to fight….and your implied insults that all of us (while every player on your server wouldn’t) give up is irritating. I for one will still be out there at least a couple hours every night, looking for some good fights….but after getting beat down over that time I usually prefer to log out until the next day rather than start raging
Yes, we do have some fairweather players. There are also simply “poor” players with little money that cannot afford the constant repair bills that being on the losing end cost. My suggestion for that is to fight naked… I know I have. One of the problems not mention here is the fiscal sustainability of continually fighting when losing. I know PiNK are famous for their naked rituals in WvWvW.
Edit: Thanks for bringing up the #5 point on tha tlist.
And really, look at almost all of TC posts in previous match ups. The few complainers when we are getting smashed are the few, not the rule. You might not believe it, but that is really how the overall community of TC -is.-
(edited by Moderator)
To quote myself:
TC is in the awkward position where our off-peak crew turns out in greater numbers than any a tier 4 match up server could wield, but we’re not as strategically capable as the top ranked server of tier 3. This results in our overnight crew being less and less populous as the week goes on against opponents able to match or exceed our off-peak numbers, to the point that it even effects prime time.
I’m sure you folks at FA experienced the same decline last week with BG
. People like to win, and when you’re winning…your numbers swell. When you’re losing badly, they drop dramatically.
Yes, we have the greater off-peak presence this week because the folks who are willing to stay up past their bedtimes, and those who come in for map completion, and the puzzle, and the easy money are all here. So are 2 hour queues.
It’s happened before, and it will happen again. We have the fairweather numbers to outmatch any tier 4 server or below in terms of controlling the map overnight. It’s a matter of retaining those numbers when we can’t just roll over our opposition.
The downside to the blowout in points is what messes up the rankings. We’ll shoot back up into tier 3, and the 7th placed server (at this point SoS or SoR) will likely dominate the offpeak instead, and queues will be back to <15min after Friday night.
It’s still difficult to predict next week’s match up at this stage due to the imbalances in all tiers except 1.
All 3 servers in this match know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of off-peak capping, and DB and TC have dealt it out as well (not sure about FA ).
Personally, I had some of my most exciting moments in WvW last week vs Blackgate, despite never having a chance of winning that match. We all agree that owning 100% of the map isn’t fun, that it imbalances matches, and that it creates a disincentive for certain people to play. Unfortunately, until ArenaNet cuts off server transfers and/or implements a different ranking/scoring system, it’s here to stay.
~Nyari Cil, Queen.
We don’t insult people o.o What was insulting was BG saying “Oh, we farm your players and we’re bored!” We’re just trying to be friendly. Galrukh earlier was doing the same by saying that we gave up or whatever. I think we need to stop accusing people and stop making assumptions about other servers.
I just said, from my point of view, that was what it looked like last week. It’s like how every week, each server is certain that the other two are working together.
I wish the winning server in each matchup would stop saying things like this.
In every matchup thread I’ve read, I’ve seen this arguement used all the time by the winning server. “We never gave up and despite being thrashed we totally fought back and you guys are stupid for not trying blah balh blah….” Yet if you look at the threads they were in the previous week you see the same complaints about them not having enough players, why bother going in, etc etc.
Yet, this can be backed up by players on all servers. Every server has people who only enjoy it when winning and every server has people who still fight tough when they lose. TC’s not unique to the latter although we clearly pride ourselves for trying to foster a community where the general feeling to fight hard and well regardless of the circumstances.
Hell, plenty of people from Aspenwood held out and bloodied noses in the Blackgate match. Proper kudos to them. And I openly regret the transfers that Dragonbrand have seen because during the Crystal Desert match, they kept up a neck and neck fight with us for most of the match. And I loved them for that.
EDIT: I feel remiss that I didn’t note that I do feel that the WvW system is flawed in that it does unreasonable tax those who are behind. This should be addressed in order to encourage consistent fighting and a general sense of good morale and sportsmanship in each match.
(edited by Sharpclaw.7510)
Please don’t come in here and say that we’re subtly insulting the other servers by saying that you should show up and fight despite the score because that’s what we did last week (and the week before and other times before). We are NOT being insulting at all. We’re being truthful. Every night in that match, we still had queues. They may not have been long ones, but we DID still show up every night.
Please do not make assumptions about our server rolling over. Go back and read last week’s match up thread. You will see that no where did we ever give up or back down. Was there a chance in hell we could have won against those odds? We all know the answer to that is a resounding NO. But we still got out there every night and created fights and had EPIC battles against BG.
Most WvWvWers are sorry, and also upset, that the system is the way it is and servers get discouraged by numbers on a scoreboard. But, once again, they don’t mean players/guilds can’t get out there and have fun going toe-to-toe against their opponents. That’s what our server gets and others have yet to realize. Is it insulting to say so? I can’t make anyone interpret words the way they are meant from my end. That’s on them to either catch my drift and encourage their server to get out there and fight or continue to feel beat down and do nothing.
That which yields is not always weak.
I’m happy to see TC doesn’t condone Spawn Camping…
Doesn’t change anything, but let’s not kid ourselves and not think the score or winning doesn’t change how or who we are in W3
Stop crying. The game is what you make it. We (TC) did not come to the boards crying about orbs, portals, night capping, zergs, whatever when we got our kitten pushed in by Crystal Desert and Blackgate.
We made our own fun out of not giving up, fighting hard when we could and accepting the situation as it is what it is. We will face the same circumstances again and we will have fun when it happens.
i just wanna know where dragonbrand is i never see any of u guys
Your right Kyton it does suck to hear that same thing.. ‘keep it up’. But if the shoe fits. We heard it all last week. All Im saying is it does suck to be outmanned. It does suck to have to wait for a few hrs to get in to play too. We arent always the winning team so we do get it. Anyway w no pun intended keep it up out there at this point you just dont check the score boards you just keep fighting til fri when theres a new match.
JUST WANT TO REITERATE WHAT MANIAC SAID IN THE FIRST POST! Keep it classy and friendly! I’ve encountered FA doing questionable things but I don’t come here posting pics and acting snarky.
And you know what? Even though I didn’t agree with what I was told, it’s true. There are three exits. Use them. We don’t condone spawn-camping. We’ve said that numerous times. Do you think we’re lying or falsifying things?
Some of the posters are being very inflammatory towards Tarnished Coast. Asking everyone to quit it and get back on topic.
JUST WANT TO REITERATE WHAT MANIAC SAID IN THE FIRST POST! Keep it classy and friendly! I’ve encountered FA doing questionable things but I don’t come here posting pics and acting snarky.
And you know what? Even though I didn’t agree with what I was told, it’s true. There are three exits. Use them. We don’t condone spawn-camping. We’ve said that numerous times. Do you think we’re lying or falsifying things?
Some of the posters are being very inflammatory towards Tarnished Coast. Asking everyone to quit it and get back on topic.
i totally agree, the ranking system is there to eventually match server skill. it will take time and you guys FA and DB will be matched to servers that are around your skill level, until then please enjoy the game and stop bashing on us innocent TC…
I really think the TC players here are overestimating how many WvW players FA has. You keep talking as if players staying up late to help in offpeak is something unique to TC…. it is not, FA players do it as well, they did it on the first night but it made no difference.
You talk about 2 hour ques, or 15 minute ques after friday if you lose… FA did not have a que on TC borderlands for most of primetime on the first night. Our home borderland was a 15 minute wait.
TC clearly has the population advantage for this matchup, you guys can pretty much match DB and FA combined for all but a few hours a day, to complain that people are not giving the fight you want them to give is just selfish kittenry.
JUST WANT TO REITERATE WHAT MANIAC SAID IN THE FIRST POST! Keep it classy and friendly! I’ve encountered FA doing questionable things but I don’t come here posting pics and acting snarky.
And you know what? Even though I didn’t agree with what I was told, it’s true. There are three exits. Use them. We don’t condone spawn-camping. We’ve said that numerous times. Do you think we’re lying or falsifying things?
Some of the posters are being very inflammatory towards Tarnished Coast. Asking everyone to quit it and get back on topic.
i totally agree, the ranking system is there to eventually match server skill. it will take time and you guys FA and DB will be matched to servers that are around your skill level, until then please enjoy the game and stop bashing on us innocent TC…
You say dont bash the innocent TC… in the same post you say FA and DB are less skilled, you are obviously implying that you think TC is simply a better server than FA and DB.
The word you are looking for is “POPULATION”. Population decides the outcome of these matches far more than skill, after all despite having less population FA beat TC in the first 8 hours, it wasnt until “skill” could no longer keep up with the bigger and bigger difference in numbers that TC took the lead and made it insurmountable by the next day, taking with it the advantages gained by having orbs and map control.
JUST WANT TO REITERATE WHAT MANIAC SAID IN THE FIRST POST! Keep it classy and friendly! I’ve encountered FA doing questionable things but I don’t come here posting pics and acting snarky.
And you know what? Even though I didn’t agree with what I was told, it’s true. There are three exits. Use them. We don’t condone spawn-camping. We’ve said that numerous times. Do you think we’re lying or falsifying things?
Some of the posters are being very inflammatory towards Tarnished Coast. Asking everyone to quit it and get back on topic.
i totally agree, the ranking system is there to eventually match server skill. it will take time and you guys FA and DB will be matched to servers that are around your skill level, until then please enjoy the game and stop bashing on us innocent TC…
You say dont bash the innocent TC… in the same post you say FA and DB are less skilled, you are obviously implying that you think TC is simply a better server than FA and DB.
The word you are looking for is “POPULATION”. Population decides the outcome of these matches far more than skill, after all despite having less population FA beat TC in the first 8 hours, it wasnt until “skill” could no longer keep up with the bigger and bigger difference in numbers that TC took the lead and made it insurmountable by the next day, taking with it the advantages gained by having orbs and map control.
i meant no offence, but what ever skill or population statistics, the scores are what matter and looking now i can only postulate that we are better than u. like i said the ranking serves a number of purposes, imho primarily to match teams that would have a good time fighting each other rather than going into the grey areas of who deserves to win. using the argument that we are better but because of numbers we are losing is redundant. did u see the movie 300? even though they were better fighters (arguable) they still lost because they could not face the 1 million soldiers in the opposing army. once again dont worry about this week im sure next week will be better for u
… to complain that people are not giving the fight you want them to give is just selfish kittenry.
I don’t think it’s meant that way. Or meant as a backhanded insult or anything. I think the call for a continued fight isn’t meant as a complaint either. At least I know that when I want to offer complements, that’s not my intent and I’m sorry if anything I posted (although I don’t think I’ve posted much) was taken the wrong way. I really mean, genuinely, that regardless of score I, personally, want to keep fighting folks. That what I like about WvW. Win or lose.
I agree with This can be civil. And should be. I don’t think anyone’s really trying to denigrate another or question their drive or anything like that.
DB looks to be doing well in the Eternal Battlegrounds, although I don’t know their numbers in terms of people. But you guys seem to have the north end of that well held. I like that. And I know that FA is stretched thin with numbers but I’m looking at the pie and they’re taking a nice bit of it.
As for this:
i totally agree, the ranking system is there to eventually match server skill. it will take time and you guys FA and DB will be matched to servers that are around your skill level, until then please enjoy the game and stop bashing on us innocent TC…
I think this was either meant as satire or someone is just trying to troll around, Reonhato. I wouldn’t put much stock in it or give it any more attention. And if it was meant seriously, I don’t think that’s reflective of the overall community of TC. At the very least, I don’t find it to be and although I have no authority to, obviously, I apologize for those comments too.
I had a LOT of fun playing tonight in the FA BL. We tried over and over to get the Orb, but couldn’t get inside. Bed time for me.
The only issue I was having all night was the absolute disgrace that was our team chat.
I was unfortunate enough to be playing at this time as well. The FA team chat was spammed with so much garbage I kept missing relevant team information. It’s probably the worst I’ve seen it for a long time.
The sad thing is it only took a few bad players, like that Hitchens guy, to flood the chat. Completely idiotic, especially as they were asked politely by other players to use a differrent chat channel (or go to Lions Arch to chat) but instead just insulted people and spammed more.
Overall I had fun playing over the weekend, although it’s clear that TC is going to win the week….it’s a sad reflection on the state of a game when you know who the winner of a 7 day match will be after just the first 24 hours.
Not taking anything away from TC who, just like FA, took a severe thrashing from BG last week. In fact, I’m happier losing to TC than BG (the latter of whom I lost a lot of respect for after their excessive spawn camping last match — multiple ballistas, arrow carts and trebs all aimed at a spawn for an enemy you outnumber 4-to-1 is beyond bad sportsmanship).
FA – Protectorate of Aspenwood [PRO]
On that note, if excessive spawn camping, at least from siege, is occurring on any location on the part of TC, I encourage FA or DB players to contact me and I will do my best to reign it in. I cannot account for players completely and I don’t mean to “betray” my realm or whatever some might say (or not say).
But I do want to try to stop actions like that. And if it is excessive, please feel free to make it known. I also, again, remind people that borderland spawns have two means of exit. That alone might be the key.
Still, and I mean no disrespect to FA or DB, would like to extend this offer in case this becomes a rampant issue.
Just wanted to point out one thing.
FA is excellent at defending key assets like ORBS and Garrisons (Like on the first day on their borderlands).
Still, the reason you guys took the lead in points is because of a decision by our commander that backfired. The decision to attack RB backfired, we thought it would encourage you guys to attack BAY but instead you hit AH and DB hit GL.
It was my idea to build the TREB in the corner to take out your siege up near the altar.
We had another plan in the works which I could say with a lot of confidence would have worked and allowed us to grab the orb and bring it to AH.
The plan was to do a ‘fake garrison take’ (since your water gate was not repaired we were confident we would break it easy). To make the fake more convincing I was going to waste a couple of golems in the rush as well. After we bring the inner gate low (<50%) the plan was to jump back in the water go from the side to grab your orb at Spritholme. It would be too late before you guys would have realized what happened.
Unfortunately we decided to mess with DB first which meant we couldn’t execute this plan. Which is why you guys took the slender lead you did. A lot of it was thanks to DB being really good as well.
I am pretty sure even without the ‘higher population’ and ‘night capping’ accusations TC would have stayed in the lead in the first day if we executed this. Anyway lots of IF’s there just telling you guys what could have been.
[VoTF] www.votf.net
… to complain that people are not giving the fight you want them to give is just selfish kittenry.
I don’t think it’s meant that way. Or meant as a backhanded insult or anything. I think the call for a continued fight isn’t meant as a complaint either. At least I know that when I want to offer complements, that’s not my intent and I’m sorry if anything I posted (although I don’t think I’ve posted much) was taken the wrong way. I really mean, genuinely, that regardless of score I, personally, want to keep fighting folks. That what I like about WvW. Win or lose.
I agree with This can be civil. And should be. I don’t think anyone’s really trying to denigrate another or question their drive or anything like that.
DB looks to be doing well in the Eternal Battlegrounds, although I don’t know their numbers in terms of people. But you guys seem to have the north end of that well held. I like that. And I know that FA is stretched thin with numbers but I’m looking at the pie and they’re taking a nice bit of it.
As for this:
i totally agree, the ranking system is there to eventually match server skill. it will take time and you guys FA and DB will be matched to servers that are around your skill level, until then please enjoy the game and stop bashing on us innocent TC…
I think this was either meant as satire or someone is just trying to troll around, Reonhato. I wouldn’t put much stock in it or give it any more attention. And if it was meant seriously, I don’t think that’s reflective of the overall community of TC. At the very least, I don’t find it to be and although I have no authority to, obviously, I apologize for those comments too.
i dont understand why u think i am trying to troll? when we were up against BG i didnt moan and complain that we got outclassed in every way possible, i accepted that we were not as good as them, and that the week after would be better as we would be matched with people more to our skill level/population level/whatever other criteria you would like to use… like i said no offence was intended as i just stated the raw facts in the form of scores… no where in my comments did i mention any ill will to the other servers nor did i put them down.
i dont understand why u think i am trying to troll? when we were up against BG i didnt moan and complain that we got outclassed in every way possible, i accepted that we were not as good as them, and that the week after would be better as we would be matched with people more to our skill level/population level/whatever other criteria you would like to use… like i said no offence was intended as i just stated the raw facts in the form of scores… no where in my comments did i mention any ill will to the other servers nor did i put them down.
Regardless, if no offense was meant, you’re causing offense by implicitly calling weaker and saying that they’re complaining and moaning. Saying “We didn’t complain and moan” and “Next week you’ll be with someone more to your skill”…well, offense meant or not and offense not see by you or not…doesn’t matter.
The ranking system in this game is messed anyway. Server transfers are an issue; they shift populations too much for the overall rankings to even match up server properly because by the next week one server will have cleared out and another gained numbers. The point calculation and presentation is a major demoralizer that affects queues. Etc, etc.
That’s just talking about some of the systemic flaws of WvW and some of ArenaNet’s decisions but, really, regardless of the points on the board, the last thing anyone wants to hear is “We never complain! Don’t worry, buddy, next week you’ll be where you belong!”. It comes off as rude.
There’s been a major, major breakdown of communications here and posts like that do not help. When we say “Keep fighting!” it should mean exactly that. Not “Don’t whine!”.
One thing I’ve noticed is that while the TC pugs bring tons of siege with them, FA and DB do not. Even when FA/DB clearly has the numbers to use 3-4 rams and take a tower/keep exponentially faster, they usually just end up with 1-2. Cats and ballistas were rare sights. Of course, dropping lots of rams for the sake of speed has its drawbacks too – for much of prime time TC reached the ram cap and had to resort to single golems (when people got tired of autoattacking), extremely short range trebs, and autoattack (we took 3 towers with autoattack…yeah…) for siege purposes.
It’s a hell of a lot easier to bring more siege than is absolutely necessary when you’re the winning team because:
1. You have more population. That means more players, and the costs of the expensive siege equipment is spread out more.
2. I can’t speak for FA, but DB has barely had access to the Obsidian Sanctum, the only source of free siege weapons since the borderlands puzzles have been disabled. And even when we had our limited access, the winning server often camped the top of the arena to prevent us from getting to the end. Not having free siege equipment sucks, and I’ve long run out of mine.
3. When you’re losing so badly, people don’t want to spend 30s+ to take a keep when (a) if you do take it, you get 7s as a reward, followed by immediately losing it to the next incoming zerg, or (b) you get zerged during the siege and lose it all.
Towers especially aren’t worthwhile, as you only get 2s as a reward if you take it. That pays for 1/3 of a ram. If you spend the money to set up siege to defend it, and by some miracle your team manages to find enough supply to be able to do that, 3-4 arrow carts won’t do squat against the 40-50+ person zerg TC always has, and that money is going to be wasted.
There’s no way to justify the cost of siege as the losing server.
-Look, look with your special eyes!
-My Dragonbrand!
This is going to be an easy win for TC Dragonbrand lost two of their largest wvw guilds when this match started. So now it is few small guilds and pugs. max number of around 30 at any given time split between all of the battle grounds.
All was quiet in the afternoon in DB borderlands…so I went to grab the vista next to DB spawn. /wave to the uplifted Elementalist who tried to kill me – I applaud your audacity, which was why I /bowed and went on my way the second time you were downed.
EB was more action packed, with both DB and FA setting up trebs to hit SM. Without a blue icon to point the zerg in the right general direction, we had splintered groups in several locations on the map. Although all these groups probably exerted pressure by themselves, at times it seemed we did not have the numbers to attack trebs defended by FA or DB zergs. It took a good 20 minutes to finally gather enough people to kill DB’s treb set at the vista north of DB.
The three orb bonus is a little ridiculous on top of the siege and personnel advantage. Anet needs to do something about that.
Orisletum [TFH] – 80 Necromancer
Oriscalamitas [TFH] – 80 Engineer
The only true losers are people who only WvW when they are winning, the players who transfer to winning servers, and the people who cross the line from PvP to griefing.
In other words, the only true losers are those who like to win but are too lazy or weak to earn it.
I don’t give a kitten what the score says. If you’re out there fighting as an underdog, you are the most important people on your server. Remember their names.
(edited by Erebus Delirium.4892)
The only true losers are people who only WvW when they are winning, the players who transfer to winning servers, and the people who cross the line from PvP to griefing.
In other words, the only true losers are those who like to win but are too lazy or weak to earn it.
I don’t give a kitten what the score says. If you’re out there fighting as an underdog, you are the most important people on your server. Remember their names.
I couldn’t agree more. Just wish more people felt that way.
On that note, if excessive spawn camping, at least from siege, is occurring on any location on the part of TC, I encourage FA or DB players to contact me and I will do my best to reign it in. I cannot account for players completely and I don’t mean to “betray” my realm or whatever some might say (or not say).
But I do want to try to stop actions like that. And if it is excessive, please feel free to make it known. I also, again, remind people that borderland spawns have two means of exit. That alone might be the key.
Still, and I mean no disrespect to FA or DB, would like to extend this offer in case this becomes a rampant issue.
You are quite right my good sir/madam. I wasn’t meaning it as an insult or to call anyone out. While I know we SoA don’t condone it, it does happen. On HoD TA was against spawn camping but HoD was pretty bad about doing it as well. I enjoy W3 b/c it is playing with my friends/guild mates. Not b/c of a score or winning or losing. While it is nice to win in any form of competition it doesn’t determine the ability to play or not. Nevertheless, I do believe the score plays an impact on morale and overall attendance. When a score reflects you are winning you feel better and play more. All the arguing otherwise is somewhat asinine. With things like camping, you also assume the average PUG understands the side exits and not face smashing into siege. It is our fault (FA) if they continue to run out and be destroyed, but it is also unsportsmanlike like to spawn camp.
Best regard for rest of match. Stay classy everyone
If we see people camping spawn points we do ask them to stop and try to redirect them into doing something more productive. I even pointed out in team chat that camping was akin to cheating. Unfortunately we can’t control everyone. For those of you that did experience that, you have my sincere apology for that happening to you.
Awesome fight with DB and FA in the DB BL this evening. We almost lost the entire map in a matter of just a few hours! At one point we only had one keep that wasn’t contested. And you guys had taken all of our supply camps. I think you guys have some sort of 6th sense as to when our commanders log off because honestly that is typically when we are at our weakest. We are getting better about that, though.
(edited by Rpgtabbycat.5869)
Uh yeah. Obviously not blaming Fort Aspenwood as a whole for this, but we just had a hacker take the orb from the Hills keep in Fort Aspenwood Borderlands and disappear halfway across the map and dump it on top of a tower where we can’t get it. I think it’s going to reset so could FA please return the orb since it wasn’t acquired through legitimate means?
Wanted to clear that up, didn’t get his name. But he had world completion. That’s all I know lol.
Edit: NVM, we got his name and it’s pretty self-explanatory: optismushaxx.9126
Idk what’s going on and it’s probably just one hacker but we’ve lost another orb.
(edited by Usagi.4835)
I guess same dude just hacked our orb at bay keep in DB BL
T.O.A.S.T. The Organsiation Against Server Transfers
2nd thing to note is that setting up a cata in the supposedly unreachable and invulnerable area to attack WH is an exploit.
I really don’t see how this is fun for anyone. I’m on DB and jumped into both TC and FA borderlands. Outmanned buff and only saw 1 other DB person. Hopped into our borderlands and TC owns everything but 1 tower. In the middle of taking anything and 20-30 TC roll in and mow us down. Tried to play for 1 hour and all I got was repair bills. We just lost our only tower and it was built up and defended by about 15 people, close to all we had on. Hopeless when there is literally nothing you can do.
I know people have given suggestions: get your guild mates to WvW, get a small group and take yaks or camps. I’ve tried all these, no luck against multiple 20+ zergs. Yesterday I heard from multiple people that they gave up spending money on upgrades and siege. They are all just waiting for Friday.
Oh, and we lost another WvW guild today to server transfer due to low participation.
Guess I’ll try again next Friday, but if it doesn’t improve, probably just go back to PvE. Funny how WvW was really fun in the pre-launch and for a week or so after.