11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing
Well I would now say it is offical that DR way outnumbers both Ferg and Kain servers. What was kinda close before will now be a blowout until you move up ranks. I always find it funny that many guilds it seems will always jump to the server that is winning. I guess they don’t want a challenge to fight from the bottom but whatever. We (ferg) will mostly be just in our map because the most we can handle at this time is 1 map where it looks like DR can pretty much keep a decent size group in all maps. So anyhow GG we will still give you a fight however and I will charge a zerg by myself and die in the middle. I’m the green and yellow ranger that you see from time to time run into a group of you and If I catch and kill 3 or so of you trying to take a camp I will prob bust out a couple moves for ya.
Manyme usee -80 mesmer current main
80 War, Ele, Guar, Rang, thief. 55 engi 16 necro
Everyone seems to want to fight on their own terms.
I guess this means when others are outnumbered they can request that stealth-heavy build mesmers and thieves stop using stealth, group stealth, and stealth revives on each other (because glass cannons get downed alot but are really hard to stomp in a group fight due to you know… stealth).
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
@ Creslin:
I think it’s a matter of perspective here. I actually have vid of all three fights that I remember with you guys from tonight. Once we did zerg you, twice we just kinda ran across you not knowing what’s coming. We run two different types of groups, but definitely respect you guys.
We had 9 when we ran across you, BTW. You guys look like 30, with clones everywhere and kitten appearing and disappearing. Plus I don’t think we ever killed all of you even once. Good stuff.
I gotta get up for work in like 5 hours, but I’ll try to post something up tomorrow and you can see our perspective.
Kaineng (NoQQ)
Please learn to quote correctly, or break out a webster so you understand what your’re reading.
you said “You yourself just now admit to having 70players online, with around 40ish players in wv3. Our alliance on a good night pushes out 40 player. so when you add your other 7-8guilds with your 40players already in wv3, that seems like your understating your numbers drastically. also how could you possible take a picture with all your numbers including our numbers, it’s much easier to look at an enemy group and take a pic of theirs, instead of all sides.”
What i actually said, “at peak guild online times you can see upwards of bout 70 members online. of that 70 easy half are still on GoM or other servers. Of the remaining half bout 15-25 are in WvW at any given time during PROs peak population times. Outside of that you have right around 10 PRO members in WvW on AVERAGE in WvW.”
Pic 1 and 2 show Kaineng zergs at around 4:30pm, one at north gate and other at south gate of the Bay…count em please, easy 60+ on ONE map. Pics sort of blows your “Our alliance on a good night pushes out 40 player”. Oh and i was also incorrect in the number that broke u. Was one DR member there dead when i go there (Pic 2), we rushed, 3 of us and broke the zerg wide open. (pic 3 was the prerush zerg pileup)
you said, “You want to win it all. taking all credit regardless of you even listing other guilds out there…”
I say: well duh…yeah i want to win and progress as a server. duh. I wont bother to cut/paste, i’ll leave it up to you to go back through the forums. You’ll find me giving out props to all 3 servers, numerous guilds, and individual players. over and over and over.
you said, "you say you’re a prime time server, so i’m just simply challenging your server to see who has a better primetime.
Reply, please link me where i ever said i was a prime time server as i dont recall ever stating it. Challenging me to a one sided fight is a joke in itself. You want to back up YOUR boasts…win the week. Any 3 servers can pick a day/time in their favor and field enough players to “win” a challenge. All I’m asking is to back up what you’re trying to say in action….win the week. If you cant…so be it. But i actually think Kaineng can believe it or not. =)
You said, “which most of our players are casual players who gets of work/school and comes to play, we apparently cant defend our keeps and BL from work/school.”…wow i just cant believe that came from anyone in Kaineng! On the weekend when you guys pulled that 17k point lead and Serinic, ie: Phyzin GL of PRO, mentioned statement about “we got things to do on weekends….” You blew him outta the water with hateraid “lame excuses, always have an excuse when PRO fails…etc”….wow..(side note: made me laugh)
You said, “Also could you shorten your post. it’s such an eye sore…”
Reply, lol…sorry bout that. just so much awesomeness happens i just want to tell everyone how rockin all 3 servers are when im online and toss out some props to those i can remember. But i do agree….the posts do get bit lengthy eh..lol Oh…and thanks for the props for night shift. As i said in earlier post it was a huge effort by all of DR to make that happen. Folks porting from map to map to map to map. lol
You said, “Implying that Kaineng does not earn its point except from massive zergs that he single handily destroys is nothing more then flame bait”
Reply, please link me where i stated that as I dont recall it. Although your post did make me go back and reread some of mine and i did find an error that i appologize for and will correct now. I said, “your primetimers” managed 0 point gain as of Monday thru reset” I was incorrect in that statement, correct info was that your “primetimers” managed to never retake the lead as of Monday thru reset. Again..sorry for the misunderstanding and thanks for pointing it out so i could correct it.
Bottom Tier: Fergusun’s Crossing / Devona’s Rest / Kaineng
Where the TRUE WvW action takes place! We rock…cya in da battlefields
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Moderator)
I haven’t played at all tonight so i can’t take any of this credit but look at a TRUE prime time lead, also look at the time here. This is from us having to capture all these keeps that are probably fully fortified already with decently high supplies. GJ to those that were there.
Here’s another “primetime” pic. See, the potential points numbers are too easy to fluctuate. Also…prominent guilds in your server state your primetime lasts up until bout 12-1am btw.
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood
Oh man, I had blast with that open field fight between bluelake and the island sentry with you guys TRx. Was fun until Ferg kept hitting our gate and we had to bail out to defend it. I actually didn’t even see them at the inner gate since I was actually having fun fighting for once and not bothering to look for orange swords.
By the way guys, stop complaining about how DR is some kind of juggernaut, or how Ferg and Kaineng is skill-less. Devona’s Rest is just our tier’s present ‘Northern Shiverpeaks’(Historical reference here for the originals from DR and Kaineng) in terms of numbers. They will rise out of the bracket in due time. Numbers will do that. Quality can only overcome quantity so much, and that is what tiers are for.
Give it time, and it will do its job.
Darxio – Thief Commander
there are only about 5 of us in ferg map gg DR. I like the golem to its the cherry on top FTW. Oh and was able to bust a couple moves before you took me out
Manyme usee -80 mesmer current main
80 War, Ele, Guar, Rang, thief. 55 engi 16 necro
I haven’t played at all tonight so i can’t take any of this credit but look at a TRUE prime time lead, also look at the time here. This is from us having to capture all these keeps that are probably fully fortified already with decently high supplies. GJ to those that were there.
Here’s another “primetime” pic. See, the potential points numbers are too easy to fluctuate. Also…prominent guilds in your server state your primetime lasts up until bout 12-1am btw.
12-1am est. Not 2 am est, like your picture is showing… pulling a Fubuki on this one. Your logical fallacy is Strawman.
12-1am est. Not 2 am est, like your picture is showing… pulling a Fubuki on this one. Your logical fallacy is Strawman.
I think this can pretty much sum up 95% of what is written here.
[FUN] [FUN II] [Jonathan Taylor Thomas] – DAoC, WoW, WAR
Won 3v1 against PRO. Won 3v1 against KWBH. Tonight was a good night Here’s my present for PRO’s warrior:
@TheManBat aka Andromeda.. you should have heard [PRO] TS3 during that battle… it was funny as hell.. as they chased you.. everyone laughing… would have loved to have been there..
well fought… salute
Darwin Ism/ Thin The Herd
[PRO] member
[PRO] World Defender
I think i can put an end to this bs of who is good and who isnt. I switched to DR to get my obsidian shards and do cof cus its bugged on kain. Then i did wvw (dont worry im not a spy i didnt tell any kain what dr was doing, in fact i helped take half of fergs) While i was on kains map there were many kain and barley any DR. There were DR on other maps were other servers werent preset in high numbers. Then ppl finely got together and we took half of kains map then kain numbers broke. i was with the Baltimore style guild because they are great players. We took alot of stuff with 5 ppl while main zerg was getting no where. then after kain numbers were down all of DR was active. We had 97% of eternal, all of dr, most of ferg, most of kain. So its obvious night capping with a kitten ton of ppl is how most points in DR come from. During prime time is when the real stuff happens. Who ever wins during prime of both servers is better rest dosent matter. Overall points will never matter as DR outnumbers Kain and ferg 10:1 at night.
Spread all the BS you like but ive seen all this first hand.
Oh would also like to add; Kain has some terrible leading going on at times. especially last night just before kains prime ended. I was beating 1v6’s it was like the kain ppl were helpless sheeps cus they didnt fall back or charge in they kinda just wandered around aimlessly. This didnt happen once but many times during right before end of prime.
What i think you ppl should do is stop bragging for nothing because it dosent take much to cap and empty tower or keep. So lets just keep it fun.
Our older threads were great because no one bragged. We just discussed all the fun times we had but now its like ‘’i brag supa hard which shows how good we are’’ because i think everyone knows kitten well whos what and whos nothing.
Lets just keep it fun. Keep the drama and bragging BS out.
Kain ppl dont think im a traitor i had no other server to pick from since the thing kept saying all servers were full so i got lucky with temple being open and thought id do some research in wvw. I told no one nothing of cross server so everything was fair and i didnt bring my servers name down by spying.
So lets keep the fun battles up and the bragging for your shower.
to sum it up both sides suck one way or another and both sides are good in another way.
(edited by Mosharn.8357)
I haven’t played at all tonight so i can’t take any of this credit but look at a TRUE prime time lead, also look at the time here. This is from us having to capture all these keeps that are probably fully fortified already with decently high supplies. GJ to those that were there.
Here’s another “primetime” pic. See, the potential points numbers are too easy to fluctuate. Also…prominent guilds in your server state your primetime lasts up until bout 12-1am btw.
You are a Pacifc Time player, your pic shows 11pm time on your minimap… thats not the 12pm-1am EST time, thats 2am EST…. when our primetime is over.
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com
I understand you guys have 3 times our numbers, so you have a good chance of winning anyway, but we’re still wanting to fight you guys even, 3:1. The fact that you NoQQ guys are still pulling little kitten tactics with that kinda ratio.. Have to say, I’ve honestly lost any form of respect I had for you guys. Man up.
Sorry we flanked you to cut you off from running to guards. Sorry you died in a PVP zone. I didn’t know we had your respect to begin with.
It’s a simple as this, you guys run a 1 – 5 man mesmer and thief heavy gank group looking for small fights. You enjoy that and that’s great. We enjoy running a coordinated zerg busting group.
If you want to fight us, get more people and stand your ground. If you win, great. You are good at a video game.
Easy to say “stand your ground,” when you only attack someone just as they’re finishing off 15-20 devona and have no cooldowns…. Consistently. I understand it’s the tactically right thing to do, but seriously… And we had 1 guardian, 1 ele and 1 warrior lol.
I understand you guys have 3 times our numbers, so you have a good chance of winning anyway, but we’re still wanting to fight you guys even, 3:1. The fact that you NoQQ guys are still pulling little kitten tactics with that kinda ratio.. Have to say, I’ve honestly lost any form of respect I had for you guys. Man up.
Actually not sure what we did to even piss you off. You guys are almost impossible to kill, and have great timing backdooring us while we’re backdooring Dev.
Anyway…good luck I guess.
Na, I was just drunk and wanted a good fight is all, lol. You guys just would only show up at the exact worst times ever. I don’t even know how many times we were just cleaning up and/or in the middle of a good fight and were like, “kitten, NoQQ,” and had to run for the hills, lol. Well played.
I don’t know what’s funnier, the fact that PRO brags on the forums about zerging empty keeps / towers with a group generally larger than the opposite realms entire online current WvW populations without ever leaving a double dodge distance from a tower portal…….or the fact that they brag about doing this on a TIER 8 SERVER. You are playing a different game than 90% of the other’s on this server, and you are too bad to even realize it.
Tiglie Wiglie – Oh Bahmaz
Iz U Potato – Absentee Father
I understand you guys have 3 times our numbers, so you have a good chance of winning anyway, but we’re still wanting to fight you guys even, 3:1. The fact that you NoQQ guys are still pulling little kitten tactics with that kinda ratio.. Have to say, I’ve honestly lost any form of respect I had for you guys. Man up.
Actually not sure what we did to even piss you off. You guys are almost impossible to kill, and have great timing backdooring us while we’re backdooring Dev.
Anyway…good luck I guess.
Na, I was just drunk and wanted a good fight is all, lol. You guys just would only show up at the exact worst times ever. I don’t even know how many times we were just cleaning up and/or in the middle of a good fight and were like, “kitten, NoQQ,” and had to run for the hills, lol. Well played.
Haha that’s the truth. In retrospect, I really can’t blame you [NoQQ] guys for defending your server-mates. But just like Balidor says, you guys would always seem to just sweep in when we were engaged in a pitched battle, and at that point it was just a frantic race to escape.
The amount of CC you guys lay down, and your chasing ability is ridiculously awesome. My Ele build is really good at escaping CC and getting away, but half the time I just couldn’t get away from you guys.
Anyway, hopefully next time we can fight you guys in a more even battle. Good fights anyway!
[Envy], [Moon]
I understand you guys have 3 times our numbers, so you have a good chance of winning anyway, but we’re still wanting to fight you guys even, 3:1. The fact that you NoQQ guys are still pulling little kitten tactics with that kinda ratio.. Have to say, I’ve honestly lost any form of respect I had for you guys. Man up.
Actually not sure what we did to even piss you off. You guys are almost impossible to kill, and have great timing backdooring us while we’re backdooring Dev.
Anyway…good luck I guess.
Na, I was just drunk and wanted a good fight is all, lol. You guys just would only show up at the exact worst times ever. I don’t even know how many times we were just cleaning up and/or in the middle of a good fight and were like, “kitten, NoQQ,” and had to run for the hills, lol. Well played.
Haha that’s the truth. In retrospect, I really can’t blame you [NoQQ] guys for defending your server-mates. But just like Balidor says, you guys would always seem to just sweep in when we were engaged in a pitched battle, and at that point it was just a frantic race to escape.
The amount of CC you guys lay down, and your chasing ability is ridiculously awesome. My Ele build is really good at escaping CC and getting away, but half the time I just couldn’t get away from you guys.
Anyway, hopefully next time we can fight you guys in a more even battle. Good fights anyway!
I have the utmost respect for really good small mans in open field that are coordinated. I have seen two such groups against Kaineng & Envy is one of them. As others in NoQQ can tell you my respect doesn’t come easy because you have to “earn” it & prove to me you deserve it. See you out there & happy hunting.
Stylii Elementalist
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader
I understand you guys have 3 times our numbers, so you have a good chance of winning anyway, but we’re still wanting to fight you guys even, 3:1. The fact that you NoQQ guys are still pulling little kitten tactics with that kinda ratio.. Have to say, I’ve honestly lost any form of respect I had for you guys. Man up.
Actually not sure what we did to even piss you off. You guys are almost impossible to kill, and have great timing backdooring us while we’re backdooring Dev.
Anyway…good luck I guess.
Na, I was just drunk and wanted a good fight is all, lol. You guys just would only show up at the exact worst times ever. I don’t even know how many times we were just cleaning up and/or in the middle of a good fight and were like, “kitten, NoQQ,” and had to run for the hills, lol. Well played.
Haha that’s the truth. In retrospect, I really can’t blame you [NoQQ] guys for defending your server-mates. But just like Balidor says, you guys would always seem to just sweep in when we were engaged in a pitched battle, and at that point it was just a frantic race to escape.
The amount of CC you guys lay down, and your chasing ability is ridiculously awesome. My Ele build is really good at escaping CC and getting away, but half the time I just couldn’t get away from you guys.
Anyway, hopefully next time we can fight you guys in a more even battle. Good fights anyway!
I have the utmost respect for really good small mans in open field that are coordinated. I have seen two such groups against Kaineng & Envy is one of them. As others in NoQQ can tell you my respect doesn’t come easy because you have to “earn” it & prove to me you deserve it. See you out there & happy hunting.
Stylii Elementalist
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader
I’m working on building a small (5-15) man skirmish group that operates in units of 5. Hope to have some good fights with you guys out there.
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]
I understand you guys have 3 times our numbers, so you have a good chance of winning anyway, but we’re still wanting to fight you guys even, 3:1. The fact that you NoQQ guys are still pulling little kitten tactics with that kinda ratio.. Have to say, I’ve honestly lost any form of respect I had for you guys. Man up.
Actually not sure what we did to even piss you off. You guys are almost impossible to kill, and have great timing backdooring us while we’re backdooring Dev.
Anyway…good luck I guess.
Na, I was just drunk and wanted a good fight is all, lol. You guys just would only show up at the exact worst times ever. I don’t even know how many times we were just cleaning up and/or in the middle of a good fight and were like, “kitten, NoQQ,” and had to run for the hills, lol. Well played.
Haha that’s the truth. In retrospect, I really can’t blame you [NoQQ] guys for defending your server-mates. But just like Balidor says, you guys would always seem to just sweep in when we were engaged in a pitched battle, and at that point it was just a frantic race to escape.
The amount of CC you guys lay down, and your chasing ability is ridiculously awesome. My Ele build is really good at escaping CC and getting away, but half the time I just couldn’t get away from you guys.
Anyway, hopefully next time we can fight you guys in a more even battle. Good fights anyway!
I have the utmost respect for really good small mans in open field that are coordinated. I have seen two such groups against Kaineng & Envy is one of them. As others in NoQQ can tell you my respect doesn’t come easy because you have to “earn” it & prove to me you deserve it. See you out there & happy hunting.
Stylii Elementalist
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader
KainengI’m working on building a small (5-15) man skirmish group that operates in units of 5. Hope to have some good fights with you guys out there.
NoQQ looks forward to it & wish you the best in getting set up (hurry up btw) This has been my vision the whole time for this cluster.
There is Sooooooo much fun to be had out in open field.
Stylii Elementalist
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader
(edited by Zizanzi.4678)
[ROC] on Ferg has been running a skirmish group for a while now. Being a small guild we try to make a difference where we can. We have run into the DR and Kain zergs many times. But it’s all good because usually when it is even we take care of business.
Heydus LVL 80 Mesmer [ROC]
Dred has a lot of outrageous stuff to say. Really good for a laugh.
I temporarily benched my main and rolled a new, lvl 1 necro on reset and took it directly to WvW. I have no real idea how to play it, and frapsed a few fights this week in an effort to improve. These are not full-blown vids with music, etc, but I threw some online anyway so people can see how we run:
Skirmish at Ruins
Outnumbered and extending
Keep defense
Camp defense
Waterfront skirmishAside from me not being effective on Necro yet, this is pretty representative. If we can hit you from over a hill or around a corner, we will. If we have to cross ground, we’ll try to cover part of it in group stealth. We typically run 10-12 people, and are usually outnumbered. We aren’t going to do a Charge of the Light Brigade at the zerg. Nobody is abusing anything, and it helps a LOT that many people out there do not seem to pan.
We usually have like 2 thieves and 1-2 mesmers. We are heavy on Elms. Several people have a couple characters they switch between depending on mood and zerginess.
The funniest moment of the week was a PRO thief popping out of stealth, throwing a flame ram on our group, then disappearing again. It was hilarious, props to that guy.
Edit: Added one.
Enjoyed these :o)
xD LilJ that was you in that waterfront video!
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]
i was with the Baltimore style guild because they are great players.
Classy to send a tell to Etna saying “logging?” after 5v1 against him, then immediately not responding when we come out and farm status you for the second night in a row 3v5. This is more directly thrown at the thief who’s name start with SS. Spam 2 more, lololol, so bad.
Tiglie Wiglie – Oh Bahmaz
Iz U Potato – Absentee Father
Who from DR has intention of locking the south of DRB down after reset? I would like to hook up with those people. got some gold and would like to look at the map and not see our borderlands infested with K or Ferg colors after restart.
Yak’s Bend.
Greetings to all… most arguments on this forum would be false logic in any debate… you cannot argue from a specific instance and draw correlation to a general statement. Logic requires multiple repeated examples and must also allow for exceptions. You can argue a specific instance… in that instance. You can argue a general statement only within that general statement. If you use several specific instances to build a case for a General statement… even then you must allow for perspective
My niece told a joke to me when she was 4… ” a Snail was Mugged by a Turtle… but the Snail was unable to identify the Turtle… because it happened so fast…”
For the Human hearing that … its funny and preposterous… to the Turtle it’s an example of his Might and Superior Speed… the Snail feels Victimized and that it’s Cruel and not Funny…
Depending on your Perspective determines your response..
Also to everyone throwing Numbers and Statistics… If you put 1 foot in ice bucket and 1 in the fire.. are you comfortable..? according to Statistics 4 out of 5 people enjoy GangRape (to Anet not I’m not endorsing it, encouraging it or directing it at anyone) I know some lame person will report that last statement but it demonstrates perfectly my Point…
to the People that argue and fight in here… if you respond to their nonsence… they have already won… because they are getting what they want… Attention better ignore them… and maybe they will leave…
remember everyone… its just Pixals & Math
my 2 cents… justsay’n
Darwin Ism/ Thin The Herd
[PRO] member
[PRO] World Defender
(edited by Darwinism.8619)
Yo, Zendaya Ashwood from RED here. Theres alot of hate going on around the forums. Barely get on to post just to read up on whats the word with the bird. Out of all these pages i only have one thing to really say…… I’ll fight all of yall! I love a good fight and i also love when i can get a showdown going on with another commander. So to any and all who want a good round with a ranger who likes to take names. Lets fight! Also again, Props to Ferg kain and DR./ We may be bottom tier, But i bet we would give the top tiers somthing to shutter about!
Spys Sappin Mah Guild Name! [Red]
Rank: Officer
Just wanted to give Props to Bigmathafer for running into the zerg of DR at the supply camp! I thought I was the only crazy one but I was wrong! I will follow you into an army of Reds anytime! Go ferg! Would also like to give props to the fergs that are still out there!
Manyme usee -80 mesmer current main
80 War, Ele, Guar, Rang, thief. 55 engi 16 necro
My personal suggestion to Ferguson’s Crossing as an old school Kaineng player: Wait it out. Devona’s Rest has achieved Northern Shiverpeak status.
Essentially, there were three new servers that were opened up originally; Kaineng, Devona’s Rest, and Northern Shiverpeaks. Out of the three, NSP got the population surge and slaughtered us both one week. Wait it out and they will rise in tier inevitably due to this new surge.
If you still want to WvW, do it in your own borderlands. Consolidate your population to one map where you all can make a true difference, and where they will be queued.
Frustrate them by forcing them to be queued to have fun. Consolidate in your own borderlands, and you will win by ‘Sticking it to the man’.
Hell, I say we choose one borderland man this week to fight in, and only that map. That way Devona get’s queue locked out.
It’s time to stop thinking about points, and time to start thinking about having fun at Devona Rest’s expense.
Darxio – Thief Commander
Good job DR…now keep working this hard for a couple more weeks so I can fight you all in the next bracket…
/wave /bow
[RED] Devona’s Rest
My personal suggestion to Ferguson’s Crossing as an old school Kaineng player: Wait it out. Devona’s Rest has achieved Northern Shiverpeak status.
Essentially, there were three new servers that were opened up originally; Kaineng, Devona’s Rest, and Northern Shiverpeaks. Out of the three, NSP got the population surge and slaughtered us both one week. Wait it out and they will rise in tier inevitably due to this new surge.
If you still want to WvW, do it in your own borderlands. Consolidate your population to one map where you all can make a true difference, and where they will be queued.
Frustrate them by forcing them to be queued to have fun. Consolidate in your own borderlands, and you will win by ‘Sticking it to the man’.
Hell, I say we choose one borderland man this week to fight in, and only that map. That way Devona get’s queue locked out.
It’s time to stop thinking about points, and time to start thinking about having fun at Devona Rest’s expense.
You are incorrect sir
The three new servers were Kaineng, Devona’s Rest, and Eredon Terrace.
ET got AA alliance transfer to them when it opened and they surged up the charts.
NSP lost AA alliance and tumbled.
For a while it was a release day server VS Devona’s Rest and Kaineng with the release day server completly trashing the other two servers.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
hahahahaha. Dreaming Bay steal we just pulled off right before server restart was easily the most fun thing we’ve done as a group yet. We actually /g invited the keep lord. 7 vs 30 vs 30. Good fights this week.
Tiglie Wiglie – Oh Bahmaz
Iz U Potato – Absentee Father
Visiting this again because I said I’d post some stuff from our perspective.
Thursday Night Fights!
We started the night in our own borderlands defending keeps.
After that turned blue, we were off to DR, where we started out by shamelessly zerging ENVY.
Right after that we ran off to Bay, which was under attack. We rushed over there without supplies trying to save it, and got trapped between the walls. We were able to set a portal down for iSpy, and fight off their attempt to wipe us in the yard. We eventually split, with NoQQ going to south gate and iSpy going to north, and took the keep back.
Afterwards, we ended up in and around the ruins, where we had several run-ins with ENVY, but those were kinda accidental. I remember a couple times one of their mesmers running in, dropping a portal on us, then moving on, and we’d have to split, half at portal, half chasing. We went after an arrow cart in there once and found them, etc. But we were really trying to find the DR group that kept trying to cap this keep.
We defended it three times, then I went into it to log, but went afk first. The next thing I knew, I was walking back into the office here and about 6-8 siege golems were running over me.
By the time I respawned the golems were missing, so we went off looking for them. At one point we were hitting a zerg from one side while apparently ENVY was on their back, and we met in the middle.
Eventually, though, we found the golems again!!
Sadly, it was late, and we made a couple of tactical errors in the ensuing chaos (not hammering the rezzers, etc), DR got Ferg’s keep back, and we had to bail.
At some point during the night, a PRO thief tossed a siege golem at us! Was that you, Darwin? Great stuff.
All in all a really fun night, with great fights everywhere.
Kaineng (NoQQ)
Won 3v1 against PRO. Won 3v1 against KWBH. Tonight was a good night
Here’s my present for PRO’s warrior:
Wouldn’t be surprised if I was one of the KWBH. I am awful at pvp but WvW is ridiculously fun. I’ve run into ENVY players on a few occasions, and mother of kitten you guys put up a good fight. Hope we can skirmish more in the upcoming weeks.
At some point during the night, a PRO thief tossed a siege golem at us! Was that you, Darwin? Great stuff.
That was hilarious, I hadn’t laughed that hard in a while.
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng – NoQQ Cavalry Officer
Sooo, about that respect for DR that a certain someone promised…..
Sooo, about that respect for DR that a certain someone promised…..
I did and it got reported and i got infracted.
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com