12/14: SoS vs JQ vs SBI - Scores/Discussion
I took a screen cap the other day of a bunch of trebs outside jq’s spawn, they got trashed so hard the breakout commander came out. I dont play wvw as much as I should anymore but we are fighting jq everytime I do. Which makes sense to me as they proved last week they are a real threat
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior
Notice how far away JQ and SoS stood away from each other.
looks like boodle hoodle to me
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
(edited by Cover Girl.2580)
Some amusing posts BUT be kind and let things pass.
I have been playing these games since around 1997 and it is best to just leave the drama on TV.
Some great fights out there, Win lose or draw thanks for bringing the fun!
JQ and SOS literally just stand there and look at each other. How sad is that? They don’t ever fight at all. We got 2v1ed the whole night and our score eventually dropped to 55.
I mean I play this game for fun. I couldn’t careless who is winning as long as it was a fair fight. But these 2v1s happens every night and they are really taking the fun away.
LMAO! Those pictures are really funny
You should have seen what happened after we took the tower :D
We invited JQ to come inside and we had a Christmas party! Thanks to all that attended :)
I wish someone would let the JQ groups I run into that they’re not supposed to kill me.
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]
Fighting is fun…close games are fun as well.
I am not going to use server names in this message…just positions.
Logically, if the objective of the game is to attain more points than the other two teams you are playing against you can consider these points…
1. The team in first focuses mainly on the team in second
2. The team in second focuses mainly on the team in first
3. The team in third focuses mainly on the team in first
Now in a three way battle there needs to be some silent agreements between second and third that include…
1. Do not invade the other teams lands
2. Agree on an equal distribution of enemy #1’s lands
3. The team in last place receives control of neutral properties until the scores are close to even at which time the properties are split
This is assuming that all teams are playing to win.
Having fun is important and it is why we play these games, however, what stops us from playing to win? Is it not just as much fun to engage the team in first place as it is to go after the team in third place?
I would argue that the more challenging choice is to try and win and not just try and take over lands that are the weakest.
This is T1…if second and third place decided to just focus on the first place team they would drop…not sure how far…but it would at the very least be closer than what it is right now.
Fighting is fun…close games are fun as well.
I am not going to use server names in this message…just positions.Logically, if the objective of the game is to attain more points than the other two teams you are playing against you can consider these points…
1. The team in first focuses mainly on the team in second
2. The team in second focuses mainly on the team in first
3. The team in third focuses mainly on the team in firstNow in a three way battle there needs to be some silent agreements between second and third that include…
1. Do not invade the other teams lands
2. Agree on an equal distribution of enemy #1’s lands
3. The team in last place receives control of neutral properties until the scores are close to even at which time the properties are splitThis is assuming that all teams are playing to win.
Having fun is important and it is why we play these games, however, what stops us from playing to win? Is it not just as much fun to engage the team in first place as it is to go after the team in third place?
I would argue that the more challenging choice is to try and win and not just try and take over lands that are the weakest.
This is T1…if second and third place decided to just focus on the first place team they would drop…not sure how far…but it would at the very least be closer than what it is right now.
A brilliant plan if I may say so.
But what happens when number 2 becomes number 1? Does the server in number 3 let the new number 1 win? Or do they attack them to try and win it for themselves thus allowing the new number 2 more power to become number 1 again?
A brilliant plan if I may say so.
But what happens when number 2 becomes number 1? Does the server in number 3 let the new number 1 win? Or do they attack them to try and win it for themselves thus allowing the new number 2 more power to become number 1 again?
The plan is consistent depending not on the server name(s) rather the positions of the servers within the game. What server is in what position is what is most important…not the server itself. All things being equal this only really makes sense when the first place team is out distancing the other two teams.
You could claim exceptions to this rule based on coverage, however, the general rule of thumb takes that into account.
What it boils down to is an understanding that if a team is in first that team deserves the majority of the focus and that the team in second is sympathetic to the idea that the third place team needs to be given a fighting chance of getting into the game or else the balance of the three worlds will be thrown off meaning it would make little sense for the third place team to go for first and rather focus on the team that is most vulnerable.
If you were to assign logical positions to point gain assuming the goal was to balance the game out and give all teams a shot at winning on the final day the positions up to the final day on the tick board should almost always be something like…
Third place team in first place point tick with a slight lead per tick over second to make up ground…
Second place team in second place point tick with a significant point lead over third place point team…
First place team in third place point tick with as few points per tick as possible.
Third place 350 per tick
Second place 300 per tick
First place 45 per tick
Not rocket science but most people do not play to win the weekly match, they play to win during the time they are playing and do not make decisions based on the length of the week rather the length of the night.
Just sayin….
this is World vs World vs World, enuff said
Sea of Sorrows
Score update 10:46 AM Server time
Effing rallybot
(edited by Aieo.2815)
it was awhile ago, like 2 hours?, so.. i totally forget most details, but thanks to the 100 blade warrior for the numerous duels in redvale
i think you were norn and [TugN] or something like that, u had the chainsaw GS
i was the asura mesmer
(edited by Gubrz.7283)
Poor MERC guy got confused and went to the wrong port area. We pointed him in the right directions with our weapons…
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
Poor MERC guy got confused and went to the wrong port area. We pointed him in the right directions with our weapons…
That looks like some Legenaries that were on smoke break… and will be fired soon.
Poor MERC guy got confused and went to the wrong port area. We pointed him in the right directions with our weapons…
That looks like some Legenaries that were on smoke break… and will be fired soon.
That legendary training guy was teaching us how to kill enemies.. he dropped his piece of chalk and went to work. the others that let him in have been fired immediately. Apparently the MERC guy told them that he was making a delivery of candy and they said ok go ahead.
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
Apparently the MERC guy told them that he was making a delivery of candy and they said ok go ahead.
Ugh… box-of-rocks MERC! We provided the package. And the contract clearly stated that if asked, he would say the stuff in the package was “brownies” — not candy.
We got him on sale! <eyeroll> I guess you get what you pay for…
this is World vs World vs World, enuff said
Yes…as the team benefiting from the lack of direction towards implementing what I typed out I can see why you would encourage the continued behavior. I can only imagine the chuckles in the commander channel in SoS…“hehe we actually have 3rd place focused on attacking second place with us…this is GREAT! Whatever you all do stay away from third place”.
Enuff said.
Well, then why don’t you start working on the defensive ? You – as others – rather point the finger instead of DOING it.
I even drop you the siege blueprints, but I don’t have time nor fun running the supplies for all it. I have done it for hours and days on end, it bores the living daylights out of me. I rather enjoy havoc, zerg busting or hammer pain train on pink armor night…
And to call out all commanders for not acting strategically/tactically… well… it’s a slap in the face of those who do, just because you either don’t know about their coordination or can’t see it… that’s IMHO ofc…
If you’re a defensive-minded player, then I’d suggest to get in touch with the commanders “running wild” and aligning your efforts with theirs. Keep scouts out to get a heads-up when the enemy comes and call in the troops. I know we’ve fallen back to help out whenever it’s possible for us.
If you don’t want to do that, that’s fine, too. Just don’t complain about others behaving exactly the same way you do.
TSYM has an alliance with this bad kitten undersung guild called DoP. They are the BEST defensive and siege minded players I have ever seen, and they complete our team by fortifying and defending positions we take. Think big man, if your great at defense, there are teams out there great at offense.
Your the Peanut butter, they the chocolate. Together? REESES!!!!
Sea of Sorrows
IGN – Coron
Fighting is fun…close games are fun as well.
I am not going to use server names in this message…just positions.Logically, if the objective of the game is to attain more points than the other two teams you are playing against you can consider these points…
1. The team in first focuses mainly on the team in second
2. The team in second focuses mainly on the team in first
3. The team in third focuses mainly on the team in firstNow in a three way battle there needs to be some silent agreements between second and third that include…
1. Do not invade the other teams lands
2. Agree on an equal distribution of enemy #1’s lands
3. The team in last place receives control of neutral properties until the scores are close to even at which time the properties are splitThis is assuming that all teams are playing to win.
Having fun is important and it is why we play these games, however, what stops us from playing to win? Is it not just as much fun to engage the team in first place as it is to go after the team in third place?
I would argue that the more challenging choice is to try and win and not just try and take over lands that are the weakest.
This is T1…if second and third place decided to just focus on the first place team they would drop…not sure how far…but it would at the very least be closer than what it is right now.
A brilliant plan if I may say so.
But what happens when number 2 becomes number 1? Does the server in number 3 let the new number 1 win? Or do they attack them to try and win it for themselves thus allowing the new number 2 more power to become number 1 again?
The real question is this. Who does number 2 work for?
Sea of Sorrows
IGN – Coron
Twisted, you forget one very blaring piece of data. When in first place, first is almost always focused on second. Second however only has one target, first. Third however, has 2 targets, first AND second. Any points third takes away from EITHER first or second are DOUBLE POINTS (Double points in this case means you gain the PPT, while simultaneously depriving your direct competition for placement of points).
What your asking for here, really, is for whoever is in third place to help the second place server win. If the third place server focuses on first at the same time as second, they will be shooting for third, or at best second.
The fact that we have these debates shows the depth of the diplomacy in WvW. It is not simple, it is not easy, it is crazy, complex, and strategically intense!
Sea of Sorrows
IGN – Coron
Keep up the good work SoS, I think we can win this week!
Keep up the good work SoS, I think we can win this week!
Nu uh! How can you possibly think you are going to win? You have too many points at this juncture to make up the difference. It’s simple arithmetic.
C’mon… what? Are you afraid to post a score report? :P
Keep up the good work SoS, I think we can win this week!
there is zero possible way SOS can win this week based on PPT. It’s mathematically impossible….
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
We have math in wvw?! WTH is this, school?! Go back to the battlefields~!
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Looks like we’re back to the same matchups on reset. Will be rested after the break this week and ready to go Yay, red map means SBI gets to deal with the grub!
Now if anet can stop with the kittening patches right after reset (really? REALLY?) I’ll be a happy camper.
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]
I think it’s quite clear that SoS don’t actually need any more guilds for any time zone . Rather they would prefer to have more guilds to further extend their lead. Seems JQ could use some form of transfers more than others, however they keep proving they can achieve some really incredible results, they just seem to ‘wake up’ a day or two too late in the week.
It’s not just guilds, kids who want the instant win go to SoS too. Not exactly quantifiable but have you seen how many guildless players there are in SoS?
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
Looks like we’re back to the same matchups on reset. Will be rested after the break this week and ready to go
Yay, red map means SBI gets to deal with the grub!
Now if anet can stop with the kittening patches right after reset (really? REALLY?) I’ll be a happy camper.
This may sound stupid, but I’ve never fought a grub on EB. My time has been limited on EB, and have experienced it as every color… I don’t even know where this thing is.. I’m usually running around making people the opposite of alive..
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com
Good effort SBI you are scoring very well at the moment. ( thread relevance )
Ok, SO if I am on team A and leading, team B and C should work out a deal to outscore A by points sharing until A is in third place. (assume total compliance)
At this point, assuming team B is leading, I am now allied with team C until team B is third, AT this second point, Assuming Team C is now leading, I am now allied with team B until team C is in third Place……
At this point I get to fight both B and C again Until I am in third place and therefore allied to C, sounds easy….
Can we get some sort of ingame message to tell me which yaks I can kill?
(edited by elkirin.8534)
/tell elkirin.8534 Kill the Green Yaks. This week. With your pointy thing… GreenBad™ — Rinse and repeat until further notice. (!Red && !Blue) It’s science!
[ed – if for some reason the game prevents you from attacking green assets, immediately log off and let your internet connection reset for 28 days]
(edited by zortek.9607)
Story #2.
So like always SBI got 2v1ed. We were down to Veloka and our keep. While we were fighting JQ zerg in Veloka, the SoS zerg skip our keep and came attack us from behind. After killing most of us, SoS pulled back and let JQ finish the job.
Well played. Very well played. As if we being outmanned wasn’t enough.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs
(edited by CHIPS.6018)
Story #2.
So like always SBI got 2v1ed. We were down to Veloka and our keep. While we were fighting JQ zerg in Veloka, the SoS zerg skip our keep and came attack us from behind. After killing most of us, SoS pulled back and let JQ finish the job.
Well played. Very well played. As if we being outmanned wasn’t enough.
Yes, also as a sign of everlasting loyalty to our SOS overlords, we gave them ogrewatch and pangloos mine just now.
Story #2.
So like always SBI got 2v1ed. We were down to Veloka and our keep. While we were fighting JQ zerg in Veloka, the SoS zerg skip our keep and came attack us from behind. After killing most of us, SoS pulled back and let JQ finish the job.
Well played. Very well played. As if we being outmanned wasn’t enough.
I wasn’t there but its something I would do. Hit the team that is coming 2nd place. Especially since you’ve had that thief of yours constantly jumping the keep walls and flipping them. Seeing a SBI name tag just reminds me of him.
Props to StrikeForce (SF) because I believe they will not defend a tower he has flipped. I tip my hat to your sportsmanship.
Can SoS commanders please try and tell players not to exploit into other servers spawn areas. There are literally 8-10 SoS constantly jumping into our spawn up by the portals on SoS BL right now. I know there’s not much they can do, but if they hear about it, please tell them to stop.
Main offenders at the moment are players from AFS and QH. Quaggan heroes and I forgot what AFS stands for.
(edited by The Mexican Cookie.3690)
Can SoS commanders please try and tell players not to exploit into other servers spawn areas. There are literally 8-10 SoS constantly jumping into our spawn up by the portals on SoS BL right now. I know there’s not much they can do, but if they hear about it, please tell them to stop.
Main offenders at the moment are players from AFS and QH. Quaggan heroes and I forgot what AFS stands for.
Question: Why is it an issue/bothering you?
You’re all invulnerable in that zone
Can SoS commanders please try and tell players not to exploit into other servers spawn areas. There are literally 8-10 SoS constantly jumping into our spawn up by the portals on SoS BL right now. I know there’s not much they can do, but if they hear about it, please tell them to stop.
Main offenders at the moment are players from AFS and QH. Quaggan heroes and I forgot what AFS stands for.
Question: Why is it an issue/bothering you?
You’re all invulnerable in that zone
It’s not an area in which they should be in. They’re lying there dead, where we spawn from, and they can tell everything we are going to do out of spawn before we do it.
i.e. We want to exit left to hit south supply, they know before we’re there. We want to hit SW or SE supply, same deal. It’s basically like exploiting to scout.
It isn’t game breaking, but is an exploit and it’s annoying players on the server. We’re not asking a lot, just that you try to advertise that players shouldn’t be doing it. Whether or not it’s a big deal or not, that’s up to you I guess.
(edited by The Mexican Cookie.3690)
Can SoS commanders please try and tell players not to exploit into other servers spawn areas. There are literally 8-10 SoS constantly jumping into our spawn up by the portals on SoS BL right now. I know there’s not much they can do, but if they hear about it, please tell them to stop.
Main offenders at the moment are players from AFS and QH. Quaggan heroes and I forgot what AFS stands for.
Question: Why is it an issue/bothering you?
You’re all invulnerable in that zoneIt’s not an area in which they should be in. They’re lying there dead, where we spawn from, and they can tell everything we are going to do out of spawn before we do it.
i.e. We want to exit left to hit south supply, they know before we’re there. We want to hit SW or SE supply, same deal. It’s basically like exploiting to scout.
It isn’t game breaking, but is an exploit and it’s annoying players on the server. We’re not asking a lot, just that you try to advertise that players shouldn’t be doing it. Whether or not it’s a big deal or not, that’s up to you I guess.
Another “legitimate strategy.”
Kind of clever. But in poor sportsmanship.
Tonight in Speldan Clearcut, a SBI team-mate of ours built 6 flame rams to block our yaks from transporting supplies. Since these flame rams were built by a team-mate, we cannot kill them to let our yaks though.
I only speak for myself when I say, no server should be forced to endure such a tactic. If kitten like this happens — msg me in-game, I’ll join your group and personally wack down crap like that…
I’ll come alone or bring one or two with me if it appears that we’ll need to kill the npc’s. If we do have to kill the npc’s, just hold the ring to your color — no stress.
If ram trolling is “legitimate strategy”, then collaborating to affect remedy must also be considered “legitimate strategy.”
If; however, your ram trolls choose to protect their siege then their inappropriate conduct will become obvious.
It’s the best solution I can think of… and it would make for an amazing screen shot.
@Cover Girl, don’t go building rams now in weird places just to get me to come visit you.
@zortek. as we speak, some SOS guys and myself are building rams from north camp to the south camp on either side of the garrison. Once this is complete, we will all simultaneously push 2 and burn wvw out of GW2 forever. You’re welcome.
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
Found some more lost souls that ‘accidentially’ ported into the sbi start area and found themselves trapped on an inaccessible ledge behind our ports. Looks like a TEO commander… and is that a Ruin exile I see??!!
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
Breaking News!
I have physical evidence of an SBI and JQ plot conspiracy to team up against SOS! The proof is in the SS!
Dirty Serf
Breaking News!
I have physical evidence of an SBI and JQ plot conspiracy to team up against SOS! The proof is in the SS!
Dirty Serf
That’s IT, we’ve been found out. I am shocked—shocked!!—that it took you this long to uncover our plans. We would have gotten away with it, too, had it not been for your dang kids!
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]
I dunno about you, but that screenshot looks photoshopped. You can tell by the pixels.
Source: I’m an expert.
That thief shooting rainbows at you? That’s me.
Story #2.
So like always SBI got 2v1ed. We were down to Veloka and our keep. While we were fighting JQ zerg in Veloka, the SoS zerg skip our keep and came attack us from behind. After killing most of us, SoS pulled back and let JQ finish the job.
Well played. Very well played. As if we being outmanned wasn’t enough.
I wasn’t there but its something I would do. Hit the team that is coming 2nd place. Especially since you’ve had that thief of yours constantly jumping the keep walls and flipping them. Seeing a SBI name tag just reminds me of him.
Props to StrikeForce (SF) because I believe they will not defend a tower he has flipped. I tip my hat to your sportsmanship.
Thank you sir, we do not promote any of that game play so much that we have actually relocated our whole team to different maps because of this. I want nothing near an SF tag that may give someone the thought that we play like that. We prefer proper kittening people, not backdooring with shady tactics.
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com
Keep up the good work SoS, I think we can win this week!
there is zero possible way SOS can win this week based on PPT. It’s mathematically impossible….
Challenge accepted
Can SoS commanders please try and tell players not to exploit into other servers spawn areas. There are literally 8-10 SoS constantly jumping into our spawn up by the portals on SoS BL right now. I know there’s not much they can do, but if they hear about it, please tell them to stop.
Main offenders at the moment are players from AFS and QH. Quaggan heroes and I forgot what AFS stands for.
While it is not an exploit to make it up into spawn, walljumping into it is. While you can’t actually kill players in there, you can troll them by killing seige (unmanned golums) and vendor NPC’s. If you have evidence that is credible, please send it directly to arena-net and contact the GM’s of the guilds involved.
Can SoS commanders please try and tell players not to exploit into other servers spawn areas. There are literally 8-10 SoS constantly jumping into our spawn up by the portals on SoS BL right now. I know there’s not much they can do, but if they hear about it, please tell them to stop.
Main offenders at the moment are players from AFS and QH. Quaggan heroes and I forgot what AFS stands for.
While it is not an exploit to make it up into spawn, walljumping into it is. While you can’t actually kill players in there, you can troll them by killing seige (unmanned golums) and vendor NPC’s. If you have evidence that is credible, please send it directly to arena-net and contact the GM’s of the guilds involved.
See the pic I posted Tark? I was showing ASO where they came in at and some of my own server guys started saying i was a spy. It hurt my feelings(((
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
Story #2.
So like always SBI got 2v1ed. We were down to Veloka and our keep. While we were fighting JQ zerg in Veloka, the SoS zerg skip our keep and came attack us from behind. After killing most of us, SoS pulled back and let JQ finish the job.
Well played. Very well played. As if we being outmanned wasn’t enough.
I wasn’t there but its something I would do. Hit the team that is coming 2nd place. Especially since you’ve had that thief of yours constantly jumping the keep walls and flipping them. Seeing a SBI name tag just reminds me of him.
Props to StrikeForce (SF) because I believe they will not defend a tower he has flipped. I tip my hat to your sportsmanship.
Thank you sir, we do not promote any of that game play so much that we have actually relocated our whole team to different maps because of this. I want nothing near an SF tag that may give someone the thought that we play like that. We prefer proper kittening people, not backdooring with shady tactics.
good to hear, hopefully you shouldn’t have to resort to such measures for much longer. The guy has dug himself into a deep hole. If he isn’t banned I will be surprised and disappointed.
other than that its been a good battle this week. People are feeling the drain of summer holidays (SoS being a oceanic server) you will not see many of us on next week. I predict we will be beaten extremely badly with most of us heading off on holiday to beaches etc.
Breaking News!
I have physical evidence of an SBI and JQ plot conspiracy to team up against SOS! The proof is in the SS!
Dirty Serf
OMG this is just shameful. To think that all this time They were trying to push us as the conspirators.
Anyway back to topic :/ JQ seems to be behind in score quite a bit. What happened? It was a very tight race last week.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits