WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Scores updates for 5am on GMT -3 (Yeah i’m up THAT LATE)
Thar been some vicious three way battles thar o’ SoR BL. Specially da Bay Keep. Good fights lubbers
You guys are awfully vague. Now I’m curious lol
My guess is that it has something to do with the entirety of Sanctum of Rall getting drunk and waking up in the same bed. They just need some time apart to sort everything and figure out who they are anymore and what’s become of their lives. Also I’m sure it has something to do with burning photographs and lab tests.
I mean, when else have you heard people say, “still trying to recover from a terrible decision that happened [the other] night,” and have it not involve alcohol and unmentionables? I’m just saying guys. Just saying.
I love ya, even though you’re a bit to kinky for my taste lol.
As for what happened, it’s better ot not rehash it on these forums.
Also people are still away for the holidays. This week same as last some of the WvW guilds are only at 1/4-1/2 their normal numbers. :P
I don’t ever post , just lurk on the boards but I think something needs to be said.
So just now, 1:55am EST, BG took Redlake on the BG BL— under normal circumstances I wouldn’t come complaining as we are usually outnumbered and we just try try again to reclaim keeps. This evening though is different, I saw for myself the “glitch” /hack/exploit whatever it is that lets you port through the door and come into the keep.
While Im manning seige I notice red behind me .. I get off the seige and theres about 6 BG inside.. I couldnt figure out what the heck happened. I helped kill them and back on the seige when I see it AGAIN.. this time.. they’ve ported in, killed the Captain/ Keep Lord and a few of us .. and again we kill them and rez the guards & Captain. I was able to catch just the innitals of two guilds involved in the portaling in as they lay dead. ND and FRS. (if I run into the players I will get the guild name and edit my post). I can’t say either of the guilds were the one who glitched in, but they didn’t mind partaking in the exploit.
BG you already outnumber us, why do you have to resort to cheating too?Bria
Yay for more exploiting! Honestly, posting a post here about the details of exploiting is asking this thread to be closed. (Not to mention the way you just ended your post is just asking for a flame war to start).
Is it so hard to type, "Hey, I found what I believe to be an exploiter in “xxx” BL from “yyy” server. Can anyone from “yyy” server PM me so we can discuss about this? I have guild info and “zzz” other stuff to show you that can support my claim"
Typically i do not post, i just watch, but something i think all three servers should come together on here…
SoR, BG, and TC are all outstanding servers and usually have excellent sportmanship when playing together, its saddening to see things like exploits used to ruin hard work of dedicated players. all i am asking is that if you catch players on your server, or if someone mentions incidents, do what you can to handle these individuals with your own servers, as to not ruin the fun of WvWvW for others.
can all 3 agree?
Just had another guild-group of 6 bg players glitch into Dawns on SoR bl. It would be nice if arenanet took care of these apparently well-known glitches. All it does is make servers angry at each other.
Are you guys 100% sure that these are exploits? I just ninja’d a tower twice in a row with 2 others because the enemy did not do a good enough job with their sweeps. Maybe they just hid in the tower until people left? That’s how we did it.
And if you were wondering, it was us thieves that ninja’d anzi 2 times, only to have TC wipe the floor with us when they found out =D
Are you guys 100% sure that these are exploits? I just ninja’d a tower twice in a row with 2 others because the enemy did not do a good enough job with their sweeps. Maybe they just hid in the tower until people left? That’s how we did it.
And if you were wondering, it was us thieves that ninja’d anzi 2 times, only to have TC wipe the floor with us when they found out =D
100% positive to the dawns issue, i stationed personally there for a min of 3 hours, after sweeps and fortifications. no breaches along any walls, there was no legitimate way to get inside
I must say, in one week BG and SoR will be introduced to MF finally. We have been on a break for over a week due to the holidays, and it is going to continue until next server reset. I cant wait to engage in combat with BG and SoR. If you thought Pink was strong, MF is just as good. Ask FA/CD/Yaks.
Glad to have some more support in WWW ! We did much, muchbetter last week than we expected that we did in tier 2, but we noticed that some regular WWW players were missing.
I hope that this week you’ll join us and we will do even better than last week!
Altough, it’s hard with BG’s asian krew, they wipe our borderland every day But… we’re the Toast, we bounce back!!!
Altough, it’s hard with BG’s asian krew, they wipe our borderland every day
But… we’re the Toast, we bounce back!!!
dont u mean u will pop back?
btw score update plz
BG: +555 PPT, 57,799 score
TC: +20 PPT, 38260 score
SoR: +115 PPT, 36785 score
Map update~
Update: we just took Valley back! :>
Just a quick message, if you find a hacker/glitcher you need don’t need to post here at all. Just report them or record/take screenshots and post it in the right place.
Yeah it’s best not to name the guild in these threads, it only leads to flame wars , instead try to get a hold of someone on the hackers side server to see if something can’t be done by their server and resolve it that way, along with emailing documents to exploits@arena.net.
I think it’s fair to post that there has been an exploit in this thread to alert the server hosting, but naming the guild just leads to all kinds of pushback and gets our threads closed.
A BG player handled it this way last night when there was an alleged TC hack and our commanders and the player’s guild looked into it and took action.
The sad fact of the matter is the server with the hacker can only do so much — yell at the player doing it, ask that they are booted from guild, etc … but at least efforts can be made without creating chaos on the forums.
(edited by Jayne.9251)
Just had another guild-group of 6 bg players glitch into Dawns on SoR bl. It would be nice if arenanet took care of these apparently well-known glitches. All it does is make servers angry at each other.
All it does is add insult to injury when the server with more population and time zone coverage have people doinn these things, i guess the end justifies the means, eh?
Just had another guild-group of 6 bg players glitch into Dawns on SoR bl. It would be nice if arenanet took care of these apparently well-known glitches. All it does is make servers angry at each other.
All it does is add insult to injury when the server with more population and time zone coverage have people doinn these things, i guess the end justifies the means, eh?
I agree.
I have no problem being beaten in a straightup fight – It makes me change tactics and try harder the next time I go up against that group. But when I see stuff like this it makes me not want to try at all.
Please ANet… fix these exploits!
We have seen so many exploits within the past 2 days, that my guild has somewhat gave up for now until it is fixed. Its really sad because I enjoy WvW soo much.
I do not think BG as a whole server should be put on the spot like this, however they should investigate into this issue and report as they see it.
So we, at BG, had the best moment ever (in terms of laughter) in SoR BL. Garrison trebs our NE wall of bay down 30mins-1hour before. We stall them at garrison for 1 hour hence making SoR unable to attack bay. We get pushed out of garrison and SoR attacks bay. Do they rush through the broken wall? No. They use 2 golems and their entire zerg of roughly 30 people (This is during late oceanic prime time btw, so don’t u SoR dare say anything about having no forces during this hour since you managed to push us out of garrison) to attack NW gate.
tldr? SoR attacks NW AB gate with 2 golems while NE outer wall is down
(edited by Kujo.3678)
So we, at BG, had the best moment ever (in terms of laughter) in SoR BL. Garrison trebs our NE wall of bay down 30mins-1hour before. We stall them at garrison for 1 hour hence making SoR unable to attack bay. We get pushed out of garrison and SoR attacks bay. Do they rush through the broken wall? No. They use 2 golems and their entire zerg of roughly 30 people (This is during late oceanic prime time btw, so don’t u SoR dare say anything about having no forces during this hour since you managed to push us out of garrison) to attack NW gate.
tldr? SoR attacks NW AB gate with 2 golems while NE outer wall is down
Pretty pointless post except to simply troll a thread considering I have seen every server we’ve played against do countless stupid things against us…maybe they wanted a second breach to make it even more difficult to hold the place since they had things left over? You have no idea what the tactics were, so there’s no reason to come on the forums and call a server “dumb” in so many words…
For the talk about SoR saying bad things on forums it is pretty hypocritical to say when i see equally as many BG talking smack like the above post
So we, at BG, had the best moment ever (in terms of laughter) in SoR BL. Garrison trebs our NE wall of bay down 30mins-1hour before. We stall them at garrison for 1 hour hence making SoR unable to attack bay. We get pushed out of garrison and SoR attacks bay. Do they rush through the broken wall? No. They use 2 golems and their entire zerg of roughly 30 people (This is during late oceanic prime time btw, so don’t u SoR dare say anything about having no forces during this hour since you managed to push us out of garrison) to attack NW gate.
tldr? SoR attacks NW AB gate with 2 golems while NE outer wall is down
Pretty pointless post except to simply troll a thread considering I have seen every server we’ve played against do countless stupid things against us…maybe they wanted a second breach to make it even more difficult to hold the place since they had things left over? You have no idea what the tactics were, so there’s no reason to come on the forums and call a server “dumb” in so many words…
For the talk about SoR saying bad things on forums it is pretty hypocritical to say when i see equally as many BG talking smack like the above post
I can indeed confirm that is exactly what we were doing (putting more holes into bay). We did not know whether our push would take bay that time, so putting more holes in the wall allows for more avenues of attack and makes it harder for enemies to repair. It was a paper gate so it would go down quickly. A simple tactic that is used a lot.
Before I go back to lurking, I’d just like to say it’s been a pleasure BG and TC, a lot of hard battles fought. I have enjoyed myself thoroughly. Keep on fighting.
(edited by Proumbro.1376)
Dear BG and SoR – Thank you for all the things I’ve learned from you in the past two weeks:
BG – thanks for the lessons on seige placement, especially at the red keep. Maybe, this will keep you guys at bay in the mornings Doubtful but maybe. Thanks for showing me where to put superior seige to hold pang for over an hour and require 20+ people to try and take it.
SoR – thanks for showing me greatness of the portal bomb. Flash building seige and portal bombing in with it was… crazy. Also, thanks for the lesson in.. “HUGE ZERG, ohhh.. portal bomb behind them.”
It’s been crazy fun. Though at times I feel like I’m just running from keep to tower to camp back to tower to try and just hold them for a length of time.
Happy New Year, BG and SoR I hope to put all your lessons and more to good use in 2013.
Ronin Deathbringer [WB]
Loads of fun fighting SoR and BG last night in TCBL. Havin’ a great time, as always!
To quote my personal hero, Jack Burton, on how I feel when I see a HORDE of SoR or BG comin’ at us Toasters, I say this:
“Just remember what ol’ Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol’ storm right square in the eye and he says, “Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it.”
See you all in WvW!
Did the EB jumping puzzle for the first time last night. Stumbled across three SOR players at one point, and ended up doing the Dark Room with them. Despite being horribly outnumbered and likely an easy kill, they left me be as they got through (Before I did!). In the next room, two BG players showed up and tried to kill me. Though by that time some other TC players showed up and helped me kill them, and figure out the rest of the way through.
So yeah. Props to SOR, and screw you BG.
So we, at BG, had the best moment ever (in terms of laughter) in SoR BL. Garrison trebs our NE wall of bay down 30mins-1hour before. We stall them at garrison for 1 hour hence making SoR unable to attack bay. We get pushed out of garrison and SoR attacks bay. Do they rush through the broken wall? No. They use 2 golems and their entire zerg of roughly 30 people (This is during late oceanic prime time btw, so don’t u SoR dare say anything about having no forces during this hour since you managed to push us out of garrison) to attack NW gate.
tldr? SoR attacks NW AB gate with 2 golems while NE outer wall is down
Speaking of dumb things, why was BG attacking Durios in EB last night, where the entire maps population was, when they could take 3-4 towers or a keep that were paper and undefended? Same thing for TC. Why catapult the wall when the doors down? Why treb Durios from stone mist and take down walls allowing TC to rush in and take the tower from SOR, then treb the wall down AGAIN, and allow SOr to rush in and take it back?
Not to mention in TC BL, tc spent an hour attacking SOR at the lowlands camp, while the bluelake tower had no walls or doors and no defenders. A small party could have taken it. Go figure. People dont see the big picture or have enough intel or a plan.
Prop to TC, whom was able to hold Garr at TC borderland. kitten it! If the lord hadnt bugged out of the lord room outside the inner wall, we would have gotten it at that time. But anyway good fight, you guys definitely learning fast.
Where is SoR? lol Practically nonexistent in their strongest timezone.
A lot of SoR people were wondering too, perhaps the prediction of SoR sliding to 3rd will happen sooner than later…
I’m hoping it is just a holiday downtime for all 3 servers (well not for BG because they would be scary good if they are missing a lot of people!) Last night, I was in SOR BL around 11:30PM EST and there were 0 people from TC on the server. The breakout commander was waiting and no one was around him.
I think in general though, the issue is that every server has different peak time zones. I’d really like to see anet match servers based on peak time vs overall score for the week. It would lead to much more balanced fighting.
That said, Friday night reset between these 3 servers has been really fun!
tldr? SoR attacks NW AB gate with 2 golems while NE outer wall is down
For the talk about SoR saying bad things on forums it is pretty hypocritical to say when i see equally as many BG talking smack like the above post
Agreed. Did we really need this post? BG is winning. Win with class, people.
“I’m hoping it is just a holiday downtime for all 3 servers (well not for BG because they would be scary good if they are missing a lot of people!) Last night, I was in SOR BL around 11:30PM EST and there were 0 people from TC on the server. The breakout commander was waiting and no one was around him.”
On Thursday last week, I went to TCBL and there were 3 people on. All trying to hold Garrison. We ended up at Cliffside, trying to “hold onto our last ten points.” This was after I had just come from a 2 hour fight in EB to keep OverLook. We had about 12 in EB holding the keep. Friday morning, we were able to hold the keep, but we had laid in a ton of seige at the Keep and Veloka. Again, as Dorian Q said, “We’re just trying to keep what we have with a ragtag group of 12 people.” I think that’s the only day we held it through the morning – I had to leave. I don’t know. Late nights/early mornings have been really rough for us. I’ve been getting up at 4:30AM (3:30 server time) to play, but won’t be able to do that when school starts back up again.
I’m not jumping on the OMG BG has sooo many people bandwagon. It is what it is. You have the people, we don’t. Self-responsibility calls for us to find the people to help us work through the early mornings so we can at least maintain some sort of point tick. We either work out a way to hold our lands with 12 people on, recruit more people or we don’t. Simple as that. I believe there are already several TC recruitment threads so hopefully we will start having better coverage during those times.
Props to BG and SoR for good fights as always.
(edited by RoninDB.9540)
So black gate golem rushed sor garrision earlier but during the huge melee in lords room they forgot to leave some one around to attack a different gate. Uncontested way point for most of the fight? Well that was hilarious.
score update plz
BG: 75,662 +245
TC: 43,507 +210
SoR: 41,835 +240
ouch. still not happy since i have yet to see bg hit 700 a tick
ouch. still not happy since i have yet to see bg hit 700 a tick
245 + 240 + 210 = 695
You might be waiting a while for 700
just means bg isnt trying hard enough
like i said bg isnt trying hard enough >.<
Speaking of dumb things, why was BG attacking Durios in EB last night, where the entire maps population was, when they could take 3-4 towers or a keep that were paper and undefended? Same thing for TC. Why catapult the wall when the doors down? Why treb Durios from stone mist and take down walls allowing TC to rush in and take the tower from SOR, then treb the wall down AGAIN, and allow SOr to rush in and take it back?
Nothing wrong with BG attacking Durios repeatedly, especially when you own SM and can treb. Were I BG, I’d be hitting Durios and Quentin Lake repeatedly, as well as Anzalia. So as far as I’m concerned, that’s viable play.
For TC, it was poor play, for reasons I won’t go in to here. You might have to wait until the next Fri reset for me to re-establish my reign as Queen of EB and ensure folks are playing tactically again. Taking time off means people tend to fall back into old habits.
I received enough whispers when I logged in for the first time in over a week last night to understand the frustration of folks at the backwards slide. Rest assured, one day Durios won’t be treated as the only tower on the map :p
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB.
BG still holding strong for as late as it is.
Not sure what SoR is doing. Playing for second place perhaps? Dunno, the strategy does not make much sense to me. It seems SoR has a chance at first if they push BG down during their off hours.
Looks like SoR is content in trying to play for second and keep TC down. And this when BG has almost double the score of TC and SoR already have…
A hint for all the SoR folks.. Why exactly are you continually not hitting on BG when they are so far ahead? You’re making it easy on them by antagonizing your potential partners and letting BG bend us both over.
BG still holding strong for as late as it is.
Not sure what SoR is doing. Playing for second place perhaps? Dunno, the strategy does not make much sense to me. It seems SoR has a chance at first if they push BG down during their off hours.
Looks like SoR is content in trying to play for second and keep TC down. And this when BG has almost double the score of TC and SoR already have…
A hint for all the SoR folks.. Why exactly are you continually not hitting on BG when they are so far ahead? You’re making it easy on them by antagonizing your potential partners and letting BG bend us both over.
This isn’t what is happening. Unfortunately your perspective gets skewed when the only person responding to your actions in game is SoR. I guarantee you SoR spends as much time fighting BG as they do TC.
Where is SoR? lol Practically nonexistent in their strongest timezone.
A lot of SoR people were wondering too, perhaps the prediction of SoR sliding to 3rd will happen sooner than later…
I wouldnt jump to conclusions during the holidays. In fact, status quo probably wont return until the next reset.
(This is during late oceanic prime time btw, so don’t u SoR dare say anything about having no forces during this hour since you managed to push us out of garrison)
Dude, its the weekend. A holiday weekend actually for most.
Does that mean you won’t kill me if you see me? Excellent!
I have cake!
I’d have to recognize you first.
My guildmate says I look like a big marshmallow …. That help?
Come to think of it … I’m kinda squishy like one too …. Hmmm
Doesn’t help, I think I need a picture sent to me!
BG still holding strong for as late as it is.
Not sure what SoR is doing. Playing for second place perhaps? Dunno, the strategy does not make much sense to me. It seems SoR has a chance at first if they push BG down during their off hours.
Looks like SoR is content in trying to play for second and keep TC down. And this when BG has almost double the score of TC and SoR already have…
A hint for all the SoR folks.. Why exactly are you continually not hitting on BG when they are so far ahead? You’re making it easy on them by antagonizing your potential partners and letting BG bend us both over.
This isn’t what is happening. Unfortunately your perspective gets skewed when the only person responding to your actions in game is SoR. I guarantee you SoR spends as much time fighting BG as they do TC.
Point being, why? Take the effort you’re expending against TC and use it against BG and what happens? BG goes down. Sor, by fighting against TC when we’re both down almost 1/2 in points against BG, guarantee’s that BG will win again.
So yes, in essence, SoR is fighting for second place because the only way they stand a chance to close the gap on BG and actually win, is to not fight the only other group that is also fighting BG.
I guess if SoR is happy with always being the brides-maid and never the bride they can keep right on doing what they are now.
Does that mean you won’t kill me if you see me? Excellent!
I have cake!
I’d have to recognize you first.
My guildmate says I look like a big marshmallow …. That help?
Come to think of it … I’m kinda squishy like one too …. Hmmm
Doesn’t help, I think I need a picture sent to me!
lol I think you smacked me down about an hour ago … big red guy with a massive hammer .. and I thought you loved me .. sniff, sniff.
There I was, skipping through the field, gathering posies, looking at the butterflies and WHOMP!
Does that mean you won’t kill me if you see me? Excellent!
I have cake!
I’d have to recognize you first.
My guildmate says I look like a big marshmallow …. That help?
Come to think of it … I’m kinda squishy like one too …. Hmmm
Doesn’t help, I think I need a picture sent to me!
lol I think you smacked me down about an hour ago … big red guy with a massive hammer .. and I thought you loved me .. sniff, sniff.
There I was, skipping through the field, gathering posies, looking at the butterflies and WHOMP!
Nope, that wasn’t me! I do use a hammer but I wear TA armor (celestial and night shade dye) and I’m sylvari.
(edited by pot.6805)
BG still holding strong for as late as it is.
Not sure what SoR is doing. Playing for second place perhaps? Dunno, the strategy does not make much sense to me. It seems SoR has a chance at first if they push BG down during their off hours.
Looks like SoR is content in trying to play for second and keep TC down. And this when BG has almost double the score of TC and SoR already have…
A hint for all the SoR folks.. Why exactly are you continually not hitting on BG when they are so far ahead? You’re making it easy on them by antagonizing your potential partners and letting BG bend us both over.
This isn’t what is happening. Unfortunately your perspective gets skewed when the only person responding to your actions in game is SoR. I guarantee you SoR spends as much time fighting BG as they do TC.
Point being, why? Take the effort you’re expending against TC and use it against BG and what happens? BG goes down. Sor, by fighting against TC when we’re both down almost 1/2 in points against BG, guarantee’s that BG will win again.
So yes, in essence, SoR is fighting for second place because the only way they stand a chance to close the gap on BG and actually win, is to not fight the only other group that is also fighting BG.
I guess if SoR is happy with always being the brides-maid and never the bride they can keep right on doing what they are now.
You guys just joined the tier, don’t get so bitter and upset. BG and SoR have been fighting each other for 7 weeks, they hate each other and all they do is fight each other.
It’s a 3 way war, there’s never going to be a time where one side is getting left alone or one side is only getting double teamed.
I think folks are just frustrated that BG seems to be getting such a massive lead on us so early and we’re seeing wave upon wave of SOR on TCBL.
We had heard tale that some key commanders on SOR have said to target TC because we’re perceived and an easier target for points .. I hope that’s not true, but it would seem a more effective use of SOR and TC’s time to target BG on EB and their borderlands. If anything to make the scores a bit tighter. That’s all.
You guys just joined the tier, don’t get so bitter and upset. BG and SoR have been fighting each other for 7 weeks, they hate each other and all they do is fight each other.
It’s a 3 way war, there’s never going to be a time where one side is getting left alone or one side is only getting double teamed.
(please don’t take this as “bitter and upset”, I’m having plenty of fun and respect both of our current opponents)
The situation is not unique to this tier. It’s more of a human nature thing really. Getting several hundred people to agree on a common goal over the course of a week is a huge task, and really this is a game after all, so it’s unlikely anyone will ever have some massive inter-server alliance that works at all.
If CD and FA had focused their efforts more on us (TC) in the weeks we were winning every time, we’d likely still be in tier 3. Perhaps even one of those other servers would be first in tier 3, or would have moved up instead of TC.
Indiscriminate attacking for opportunistic short term point gain will likely continue to be the defining principle of WvW for the foreseeable future. As such, forum complaints of “double teaming” and “playing for second” will remain par for the course.
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