12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: quercus.9261


I know what Caen is saying. I see these gank groups (DD eles, frenzy/signet GS warriors, P/D and BS thieves with 25 stacks of bloodlust) running around ganking newbs and not accomplishing much. God forbid you guys ever drop a ram or anything.

Yeah you figured out the OP meta builds… good for you?

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Cain.9724


I know what Caen is saying. I see these gank groups (DD eles, frenzy/signet GS warriors, P/D and BS thieves with 25 stacks of bloodlust) running around ganking newbs and not accomplishing much. God forbid you guys ever drop a ram or anything.

Yeah you figured out the OP meta builds… good for you?

The best part is, they put out a “WvW ownage” video, and it shows absolutely nothing about WvW.. nothing they did produced a single point for their server (oh wait maybe a sentry point was flipped, thats worth 1 point, my mistake).. its pretty hilarious actually.

Caen [SM] – Thief
The ShadowMoon

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Subtle.4596


So you admit you need numbers to beat us? That’s all I needed thanks. I will remember this for future engagements.

Also we have yet to find a challenging guild that gives us a run for our money I guess the closest have been FTF (ebay), but is there anyone else?

No, we need more numbers to catch you because you run spvp specs in WvW and your guild is constantly running away to reset a fight when you lose.. like i said.. your always-stealthing-always-ride-the-lightning-away is way too amazing for us to handle alone. You guys can barely take a supply camp but yet you’re making videos about wvw ownage.. it’s just silly.

Are you challenging us to a 5v5? I will record it.

What would be the point? You still can barely take a supply camp.. meanwhile we are off getting props from the yak’s bend commander for our efforts on their map last night.. just focus on what your good at, running around our spawn area trying to find people to fight you, so you can show them how amazing you are.

It’s actually harder to find people to fight then you think, considering as soon as they see the guild tag they run away, but i guess nothing we can do about that.

Maybe you guys should focus on wv3 POINTS for ur server than coming to this thread – posting the way you are – causing thread drama – Risking the mods locking the thread. Sweet you guys can put together a 5man and roll around. You know what we did last night? Took our server from +150 points → to +320 point gain in 2 hours. Dropped about 15 trebs you guys had hitting SM and rolled 3/4 of ur map.

Subtle/Not Subtle
Yaksbend Commander

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


I know what Caen is saying. I see these gank groups (DD eles, frenzy/signet GS warriors, P/D and BS thieves with 25 stacks of bloodlust) running around ganking newbs and not accomplishing much. God forbid you guys ever drop a ram or anything.

Yeah you figured out the OP meta builds… good for you?

The best part is, they put out a “WvW ownage” video, and it shows absolutely nothing about WvW.. nothing they did produced a single point for their server (oh wait maybe a sentry point was flipped, thats worth 1 point, my mistake).. its pretty hilarious actually.

Unlike alot of the people who play WvW I do not enjoy being on the winning server, I play WvW to kill people that is all. I don’t care about objectives or score as long as there is people to kill I am happy.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: SuiRyuJin.4615


wait… if killing is all u care about why arent u spvp? u can win just by completely dominating the enemy team through killing.

ur in the wrong place for what u want to do, all u want is kill, go to spvp, ull have a much higher chance of an even and more skilled combat with people built for small squad and duels instead of people built for zerg. unless u just want to hunt down lesser skilled players and/or player built sololy for seige/zergs and then brag about it, in which case…ur embarrassing mag, plz stop.

Suiryujin – Ele [Pyro]
Server: Maguuma

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Unlike alot of the people who play WvW I do not enjoy being on the winning server, I play WvW to kill people that is all. I don’t care about objectives or score as long as there is people to kill I am happy.

That is exactly how I feel. I don’t look at the score. I couldn’t tell you who won last week or the week before or any other week. The only time I take points is if I feel it’s necessary to bring more people for me to kill.

I play wvw because there is no substitute for roaming pvp. Spvp may be somewhat more competitive (but not really), but it’s also sterile and boring. You know exactly how many people you’re fighting, exactly where they are, what classes they are, etc. Roaming wvw is more dynamic and exciting than spvp, and certainly lightyears ahead of the kind of pvp you get by caring about your server.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


wait… if killing is all u care about why arent u spvp? u can win just by completely dominating the enemy team through killing.

ur in the wrong place for what u want to do, all u want is kill, go to spvp, ull have a much higher chance of an even and more skilled combat with people built for small squad and duels instead of people built for zerg. unless u just want to hunt down lesser skilled players and/or player built sololy for seige/zergs and then brag about it, in which case…ur embarrassing mag, plz stop.

I will tell you why I don’t do sPvP because of conquest. I have no interest in standing around on a point for the whole match duration in order to win. I am about killing people, if they had deathmatch or any type of arena believe me I would be in there.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Subtle.4596


Well good to know – When i see your guild tag in /map chat – I will make sure to send overwhelming odds to where you are – Since now I know you like a challenge, I am sure you appreciate that. You have 5, I will send 15 – thanks for letting me know its not all that hard to counter.

I will also do you the favor pass it along to the other map CIC.

- Cmdr Subtle, Yaks Bend – EB Commander.

Subtle/Not Subtle
Yaksbend Commander

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Tatania.2704


Unlike alot of the people who play WvW I do not enjoy being on the winning server, I play WvW to kill people that is all. I don’t care about objectives or score as long as there is people to kill I am happy.

Good for you! Wish more magu are like you! Then maybe maguu can be pushed out some more. Go Maguu?

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


Well good to know – When i see your guild tag in /map chat – I will make sure to send overwhelming odds to where you are – Since now I know you like a challenge, I am sure you appreciate that. You have 5, I will send 15 – thanks for letting me know its not all that hard to counter.

I will also do you the favor pass it along to the other map CIC.

- Cmdr Subtle, Yaks Bend – EB Commander.

Ok thanks, but you might have to send more then 15

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Well good to know – When i see your guild tag in /map chat – I will make sure to send overwhelming odds to where you are – Since now I know you like a challenge, I am sure you appreciate that. You have 5, I will send 15 – thanks for letting me know its not all that hard to counter.

I will also do you the favor pass it along to the other map CIC.

- Cmdr Subtle, Yaks Bend – EB Commander.

The fact that you think sending 3 to 1 odds is some great threat to a roaming pvper is fairly funny.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Subtle.4596


Well good to know – When i see your guild tag in /map chat – I will make sure to send overwhelming odds to where you are – Since now I know you like a challenge, I am sure you appreciate that. You have 5, I will send 15 – thanks for letting me know its not all that hard to counter.

I will also do you the favor pass it along to the other map CIC.

- Cmdr Subtle, Yaks Bend – EB Commander.

The fact that you think sending 3 to 1 odds is some great threat to a roaming pvper is fairly funny.

Its OK, I am sure that they will kill those 15 and make me have to bring the zerg.

(Funny coming from a server with GOONS on it is complaining of 3:1 odds.
- ex eveonline player)

Lets get back on topic tho:
Whats the score?

Subtle/Not Subtle
Yaksbend Commander

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Plaxy.4617


Well good to know – When i see your guild tag in /map chat – I will make sure to send overwhelming odds to where you are – Since now I know you like a challenge, I am sure you appreciate that. You have 5, I will send 15 – thanks for letting me know its not all that hard to counter.

I will also do you the favor pass it along to the other map CIC.

- Cmdr Subtle, Yaks Bend – EB Commander.

Ok thanks, but you might have to send more then 15

Trust me you don’t want Subtle sending 15 at you thats 15 fully geared level 80s with the chance of a 10 or more pugs following. I know I run with these groups and they Annihalate everything in there path GL though…. you sound really awesome.

(edited by Plaxy.4617)

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Zilm.8459


Don’t let these guys get your goat Subtle. If they want to roam and “pawn noobs” then boast about it, so be it. They are doing little to help their server in regards to points. As stated they don’t care if they win or lose.

A few of them danced and emoted on me last night when I scouting. No worries.

Glad they as well as their attitude concerning WvW3 are on the Maguuma server and not ours.

FA had a solid 5 man that took overwhelming numbers to take down. They took camps and tried to win for their server. And when they killed you they moved on, no emote crap. Now that team was impressive and they earned our servers respect.

Zed Trufar, Mesmer
Zaine Trufar, Thief
Yak’s Bend, Knights and Heroes Guild [Beer]

(edited by Zilm.8459)

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Nothing can match the excitement of roaming PVP? Really, why, there is little challenge. You are fighting people lost from their zerg, or specced for large engagements. Half the people in WvW seem like they are lowbies leveling up. Most groups are randoms thrown together, as any organized team is actually doing something productive like capturing an objective, not looking for random skirmishes. So I would hope that an organized group can kill a bunch of random pugs. But to boast about it is kind of embarrassing. Should just be honest and say WvW is the place where some team PvPers go who can’t hack real sPVP. Everyone else is there for a realm vs realm contest and the strategy and coordination that it entails.

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


Well good to know – When i see your guild tag in /map chat – I will make sure to send overwhelming odds to where you are – Since now I know you like a challenge, I am sure you appreciate that. You have 5, I will send 15 – thanks for letting me know its not all that hard to counter.

I will also do you the favor pass it along to the other map CIC.

- Cmdr Subtle, Yaks Bend – EB Commander.

Ok thanks, but you might have to send more then 15

Trust me you don’t want Subtle sending 15 at you thats 15 fully geared level 80s with the chance of a 10 or more pugs following. I know I run with these groups and they Annihalate everything in there path GL though…. you sound really awesome.

I can deal with the 15 fully geared level 80s.. its the 10 or more pugs following I am concerned with..

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Its OK, I am sure that they will kill those 15 and make me have to bring the zerg.

(Funny coming from a server with GOONS on it is complaining of 3:1 odds.
- ex eveonline player)

Lets get back on topic tho:
Whats the score?

Complaining? I’m not complaining. I’m saying you’re delusional if you think that’s a threat. Bring your zerg? And do what? Do you think you have anyone capable of keeping up with them?

Nothing can match the excitement of roaming PVP? Really, why, there is little challenge. You are fighting people lost from their zerg, or specced for large engagements. Half the people in WvW seem like they are lowbies leveling up. Most groups are randoms thrown together, as any organized team is actually doing something productive like capturing an objective, not looking for random skirmishes. So I would hope that an organized group can kill a bunch of random pugs. But to boast about it is kind of embarrassing. Should just be honest and say WvW is the place where some team PvPers go who can’t hack real sPVP. Everyone else is there for a realm vs realm contest and the strategy and coordination that it entails.

Well the thing is, you’d have to actually try roaming pvp to understand the difficultly level. Sadly, sitting in your zerg doesn’t give you a good concept of competitive pvp. Run around solo a while, and you might be surprised what you run into.

Also, productive? You do realize we’re playing a video game, right? OMG dude I scored my team 15 points tonight hellz ya bro. Such a produktive evening!!!!!

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

(edited by dreztina.4820)

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Zilm.8459


Stop feeding the tina troll. He and his pals are awesome, everyone admit it so we can move on and not have the thread closed.

“You guys are amazing. Just wow.”

Move along.

Zed Trufar, Mesmer
Zaine Trufar, Thief
Yak’s Bend, Knights and Heroes Guild [Beer]

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Tatania.2704


Also, productive? You do realize we’re playing a video game, right? OMG dude I scored my team 15 points tonight hellz ya bro. Such a produktive evening!!!!!

urmm yeah we are playing a game within a video game called wvwvw. So get with the program?

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Tiglie.5834


We just transfered in and run generally 5 tops, we’ll find you and beat you soon enough Bunny. Prob going to have to wait until after the culling fix on Friday, as we’ve just been rag-tagging…..as you probably know….this culling “fix” hurts small groups way more than rolling zergs, therefor we’re all a little frustrated with the current state of bombing 10, dying, loading 40.

Glad to see other small mans, been nothing but zergs so far.

Tiglie Wiglie – Oh Bahmaz
Iz U Potato – Absentee Father

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


Also we have yet to find a challenging guild that gives us a run for our money I guess the closest have been FTF (ebay), but is there anyone else?

I had fun that night with you guys, some really intense fights I’d be down to have some more!


- Tzenjin[FTF] (That guardian with the Sunrise.)

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Well the thing is, you’d have to actually try roaming pvp to understand the difficultly level. Sadly, sitting in your zerg doesn’t give you a good concept of competitive pvp. Run around solo a while, and you might be surprised what you run into.

I do at times out of necessity, and I am surprised how poor many players are wanting to rely just on a profession choice and build to win. But I don’t solo to ‘duel’ people, but to further the WvW objectives. And I do it in a profession that is not flavor or build of the month, because I want to actually contribute in larger groups who are focused on accomplishing what the game mode is all about. You should try that, as that is where the real challenge lies, not running with a group of meta builds, and basically trying to find easy win engagements, and then running away if it goes bad. That is what I would find not at all challenging.

Now if you have a team tearing things up and taking over the map in the process, that is what gets respected and noticed in World vs World. Not killing a few people off in a corner while your server has lost 75% of the map.

If you posted this type of stuff on the sPVP board you would be absolutely laughed off. Anet doesn’t even make balancing changes in sPVP carry over to WvW.

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


I want the last page of my life back.

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


We just transfered in and run generally 5 tops, we’ll find you and beat you soon enough Bunny. Prob going to have to wait until after the culling fix on Friday, as we’ve just been rag-tagging…..as you probably know….this culling “fix” hurts small groups way more than rolling zergs, therefor we’re all a little frustrated with the current state of bombing 10, dying, loading 40.

Glad to see other small mans, been nothing but zergs so far.

I am assuming you are on Ehmry Bay?

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Subtle.4596


Complaining? I’m not complaining. I’m saying you’re delusional if you think that’s a threat. Bring your zerg? And do what? Do you think you have anyone capable of keeping up with them?

Oh please, we have our own groups of D/D ele’s supported by thieves, mez and warriors too. You are not a snowflake, the group is not special. Back on topic – someone SS the map + score update I’m at work!

Subtle/Not Subtle
Yaksbend Commander

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Tiglie.5834


We just transfered in and run generally 5 tops, we’ll find you and beat you soon enough Bunny. Prob going to have to wait until after the culling fix on Friday, as we’ve just been rag-tagging…..as you probably know….this culling “fix” hurts small groups way more than rolling zergs, therefor we’re all a little frustrated with the current state of bombing 10, dying, loading 40.

Glad to see other small mans, been nothing but zergs so far.

I am assuming you are on Ehmry Bay?

Yeah EB, we’ve tried running last 2 nights, but it last about 30 minutes before everyone’s like F this, almost impossible with this culling crap.

Tiglie Wiglie – Oh Bahmaz
Iz U Potato – Absentee Father

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Zilm.8459


eCheese, sure people are free to play a game in any way the programmers allowed.

But to suggest people will not get criticized when not playing to the games strategic design is naive.

Zed Trufar, Mesmer
Zaine Trufar, Thief
Yak’s Bend, Knights and Heroes Guild [Beer]

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Well the thing is, you’d have to actually try roaming pvp to understand the difficultly level. Sadly, sitting in your zerg doesn’t give you a good concept of competitive pvp. Run around solo a while, and you might be surprised what you run into.

I do at times out of necessity, and I am surprised how poor many players are wanting to rely just on a profession choice and build to win. But I don’t solo to ‘duel’ people, but to further the WvW objectives. And I do it in a profession that is not flavor or build of the month, because I want to actually contribute in larger groups who are focused on accomplishing what the game mode is all about. You should try that, as that is where the real challenge lies, not running with a group of meta builds, and basically trying to find easy win engagements, and then running away if it goes bad. That is what I would find not at all challenging.

Now if you have a team tearing things up and taking over the map in the process, that is what gets respected and noticed in World vs World. Not killing a few people off in a corner while your server has lost 75% of the map.

If you posted this type of stuff on the sPVP board you would be absolutely laughed off. Anet doesn’t even make balancing changes in sPVP carry over to WvW.

So in other words, when you roam solo you get destroyed, and you just figure it’s because of class and build and nothing else.

Have you ever actually done spvp? You seem to have some incorrect notions about what you find there. I did play spvp before switching to wvw, and I got the highest score almost every game and have a fairly high win ratio on my ele. Spvp isn’t some competitive mecca filled with amazing players. It’s the same as in wvw; most of the people are bad, and a few are good.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: eCheese.8240


eCheese, sure people are free to play a game in any way the programmers allowed.

But to suggest people will not get criticized when not playing to the games strategic design is naive.

I did note earlier that there are many strategic objectives served by stopping people from getting to their objectives. Anyone Bunzy’s group kills or distracts is by definition, not accomplishing the “games strategic design”.

Asking for gank groups to stop doing their thing is to willfully ignore the fact that there is utility in disrupting the enemy.

So I say again, please stop rolling onto the forums and complaining that your enemy doesn’t play the game the way you want them to.

Sur Phobos / Dr Quinn
Team X Gaming [TXG]

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


ISo in other words, when you roam solo you get destroyed, and you just figure it’s because of class and build and nothing else.

Have you ever actually done spvp? You seem to have some incorrect notions about what you find there. I did play spvp before switching to wvw, and I got the highest score almost every game and have a fairly high win ratio on my ele. Spvp isn’t some competitive mecca filled with amazing players. It’s the same as in wvw; most of the people are bad, and a few are good.

I win more than my share of lone engagements, like I said, most players are bad just copying a spec they saw. Unfortunately, most soloers though just run away or ALT4 when they are beat, as they are running builds that allow escape more than anything else. Something you can’t get away with in sPVP. Most of these players aren’t all that helpful to the point of WvW, and I just don’t understand the draw of it.

Anyhow, as was said, players can play anyway they like. But not sure why anyone would expect others to care about it in this thread, or not give them grief when you are talking about an altnernative playstyle near to irrelevant to the point of WvW. But carry on if you want, just don’t get the topic locked.

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


No idea what the score is. Last night Yak’s was still in first, Mag second, with EB close behind. However, the only thing different last night was that Mag/EB controlled most of the map. No idea what Yak was up to because it seemed the last couple days they owned a majority. Maybe just a server time deal. No idea.

Nothing wrong with a group pulling off and doing their own thing. I know several people who actually roam solo doing similar things. I think most of these people played DaOC back in the day or maybe Warhammer recently because that is how we rolled. Control main gates if you are a stealther or build a group of 8 and roam. If neither of those worked for you, then there is always the mighty ZERG. End result is always somewhat the same.

Gates are controlled. Stealthers are hunted and killed. Gates are turned/lost. Zerg will track down, and kill the other factions zerg. Zerg will regroup, and then hunt and kill the other zerg. The smaller groups will always fair a bit better because they typically have a team effort and/or plan. I know we did.

2 Pac Healers, 3 suppression spiritmasters, Shammy, Skalt, and our token Thane CC, massive damage, speed, and CC breaker.

I don’t think this game is any different honestly. At the end of the day it is how I always explain it to those complaining in the JP’s. Red is dead. You are playing, by your own accord, in a pvp zone with 2 other servers. Arena Net didn’t force you to be there, you chose it on your own.

Suck it up and play. It isn’t all about golden bombs of light and love. It is about smashing the other server and by Friday night, be number 1. If not number 1, then have fun trying to get there.

Moral of the story? Have fun. If you are not having fun, then leave the zone to those who are.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Zilm.8459


eCheese, sure people are free to play a game in any way the programmers allowed.

But to suggest people will not get criticized when not playing to the games strategic design is naive.

I did note earlier that there are many strategic objectives served by stopping people from getting to their objectives. Anyone Bunzy’s group kills or distracts is by definition, not accomplishing the “games strategic design”.

Asking for gank groups to stop doing their thing is to willfully ignore the fact that there is utility in disrupting the enemy.

So I say again, please stop rolling onto the forums and complaining that your enemy doesn’t play the game the way you want them to.

I did not roll on to the forum and complain about gameplay or ask them to stop doing their thing. I simply responded to your statement.

If gank groups want to run around, fine by me.

I would prefer all my enemies just gank and ignore the objectives of WvW3.

People will criticize others gameplay whether you or I agree with it or not.

Zed Trufar, Mesmer
Zaine Trufar, Thief
Yak’s Bend, Knights and Heroes Guild [Beer]

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


^ Bought DAoC in 2002 and played it on and off until shortly before GW2 released.

The only thing I’ve used this thread for was throwing shoutouts to players who impressed me. You guys who like the whole point scoring thing don’t own the post anymore than you do the game, and as with both, I’m going to continue doing it my way as long as it doesn’t break the rules.

And if there’s any confusion, I’m not part of or in any way affiliated with OG. I simply happen to have some ideological similarities with Bunzy.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


To bring things back a bit, there has been some great small skirmish battles in this matchup so far, even with all 3 teams involved. It can be a lot of fun no doubt. I’ve saw OG and Larp both, impressed with Larp’s unwillingness to leave a man behind when we ran them out of a camp. But winning them in the service of a larger goal, server wide, to actually control territory on the map, makes it a lot more rewarding than just for the heck of it.

PVP for its own sake usually develops when the larger realm vs realm dynamic is dysfunctional or unsatisfying in a game. But Anet has mostly done a good job making it work, and make sense here. If only there were enough players around all the time. So I’m not sure why efforts can’t be put forth in advance of the map goals. There is plenty of room for that to go hand in hand with small group play.

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: eCheese.8240


For the last time: Stopping your enemy from getting where they want to go (i.e. ganking) DOES ADVANCE MAP GOALS. Not if everyone does it all the time, but if a few people do so, it lets the balance of the population achieve those objectives easier.

In other words: people are presenting a false dichotomy here, roaming gank squads are not mutually exclusive with accomplishing strategic goals.

Sur Phobos / Dr Quinn
Team X Gaming [TXG]

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Jamaz.9837


Competent players win most of the skirmishes they run into. The truly best don’t have the need to validate their skill to others.

Ehmry Bay – The Shadowmoon

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


I’ve seen OG running around….sux they usually try to duel me 5-10 v 1

Find em solo its a different story though, but I will say they know how to res up their fallen comrade when you drop their kitten in the middle of their group though.


And yes most of DAoCers prefer not to zerg it up. Lots solo/small man and try to perfect their skills. That being said there will ALWAYS be cheesy group/class set ups in a class based MMO. Its just the nature of the beast.

ps. No sPvP/tPvP is not the be all end all for PvP talent.

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


I’m on Maguuma and I care about the score. Probably why my posts are depressing. I post in the morning before I play, and at night, before I log. I play too much. And there never seems to be a set time for peak hours. I solo camps. Buy upgrades. Flip stuff in every map, solo. Forever alone. I suggest things in mumble. Nobody does it. I go back to my quaggan friends.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


I know what Caen is saying. I see these gank groups (DD eles, frenzy/signet GS warriors, P/D and BS thieves with 25 stacks of bloodlust) running around ganking newbs and not accomplishing much. God forbid you guys ever drop a ram or anything.

Yeah you figured out the OP meta builds… good for you?

The best part is, they put out a “WvW ownage” video, and it shows absolutely nothing about WvW.. nothing they did produced a single point for their server (oh wait maybe a sentry point was flipped, thats worth 1 point, my mistake).. its pretty hilarious actually.

Unlike alot of the people who play WvW I do not enjoy being on the winning server, I play WvW to kill people that is all. I don’t care about objectives or score as long as there is people to kill I am happy.

Tbh don’t even recognise your guild tag. Says alot about how much everyone is scared of you.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


I’m on Maguuma and I care about the score. Probably why my posts are depressing. I post in the morning before I play, and at night, before I log. I play too much. And there never seems to be a set time for peak hours. I solo camps. Buy upgrades. Flip stuff in every map, solo. Forever alone. I suggest things in mumble. Nobody does it. I go back to my quaggan friends.

That is pretty funny. I actually remember you from Sunday or Monday and set you a group invite to chat I noticed the Bill Murray tag as I passed and figured it was worthy of a conversation – lol.

Sort of like a quick hi, by, and nice tag sort of deal. We may have exchanged a few fist-a-cuffs but went our separate ways in the end.


Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


I’m on Maguuma and I care about the score. Probably why my posts are depressing. I post in the morning before I play, and at night, before I log. I play too much. And there never seems to be a set time for peak hours. I solo camps. Buy upgrades. Flip stuff in every map, solo. Forever alone. I suggest things in mumble. Nobody does it. I go back to my quaggan friends.

I will always be there for you, Leafy-chan. Except when I’m at work. Which is always. I think you need a more demanding voice on Mumble to get people to do things.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: eCheese.8240


Or a sexy English accent.

Sur Phobos / Dr Quinn
Team X Gaming [TXG]

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Any kind of accent, really, they’re all pretty sweet. I like diversity.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


Nice to see some other people interested in something more than humping keeps waiting for a poor soul to wonder too close to an arrow cart.

I think we may have had some fights with you guys last night around some island somewhere. d/d ele groups and one hammer warrior group. Nice fights, looking forward to more.

Dont let the for the realm zergers get you down. They get upset easily when they get rolled.

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


Jeez whats with all the hate on people who run kill-squads? Half of this game is Players fighting other players. More so toe-to-toe then just PvDooring or using Siege.

Who cares if they want to sharpen up their skills on actual Player Vs Player.

[OG] has got my respect. I had an awesome battle with them north of south supply camp, in the area between the two spawns, on Yaks Bend BL last night. Just because they specialize in ganking and hunting and wouldnt rather care to siege doesnt mean they dont bring a very good element to their servers advantage.

All i see are players complaining when they do get interrupted/ganked like it somehow “Cheap”, “underhanded”, or some how shows a lack of skill. When in fact its usually quite the opposite. People will complain of cheap tactics or gimmicks but really its just a good stomping from someone whos spent time/thought into their ability.

Hoping to see more skill players out there too in the next couple days. Immensely enjoying it

Btw… wheres fight club at?!

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


Gratz on taking a keep in the early morning in the middle of a work week.


Did a few stragglers stay behind and actually take the keep? I thought most of us ported to our borderlands to save our east keep from the yaks after the party….

No, we didn’t. I think that poster assumed because we were posting a pic, we were boasting about taking the keep. Some people just like to party and don’t need a reason.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Maguuma; teleporting away from unopposed keeps since 2012.

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


It wasn’t unopposed, and we did it to save east keep which had an upgrade going. So some good came from that, yeah?

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


I’m trying to make a joke here. Get out of here with the facts.

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


What is… a joke? You think east keep is a joke?! I bleed for that keep, you have no right to involve it in your petty… jokes!

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!