19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


What? We don’t have a thread yet!? Fix!

Laughing quite hard earlier at the lone Guardian from Up Gaming Portugal who stubbornly kept coming to block our way. Pretty awesome!
Worst thing? People actually ran into the wall :p (including me)

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Darki.9204


Quite Funny to see Seafarer’s Rest owning whole Blacktide borderland, while Blacktide owning whole Seafarer’s Rest borderland

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: yiishing.9057


Fun fights in Riverside Borderlands. We defended our garrison two or 3 times against seafarers in the lordroom. It was pretty tense. Xaoc from Blacktide proves to be a though enemy. Well organized and quick in executing their tactics.

I’m disappointed that Riverside couldn’t bring more men to the field, we were down to like 20-30 in the night. Hope we will have a great week together, looking forward to this.

Score at 7am Saturday


Good Old Days [GD] - Disturbed Squad [DISS]

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Kempest.9405


i hope we all will get a good WvW week

have fun!

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Syndic.4762


The player-loading was quite horrible in Seafarer’s Rest borderlands. It was quite obvious that we couldn’t see them and they couldn’t see us, both sides probing with AOE spam for numbers before carpet-bombing the area.

Had some good fights with RISE guild, their golem-rush at Cliffside was very fun, XAOC almost made it to the tower before it fell.

Blacktide’s battle plan seems to be working, we’ll see how it matches up in EU primetime but its looking to be a very promising fight and very fun experience.


19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Seafarer’s Really wants that Garrison, don’t you? o.O

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Zero.8590


Our Garrison is like the cheese on Riverside map) But we still can defend it.

We need the whole world.

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Eugene.7358


Can i to create a new topic “26/10 Far Shiverpeaks vs Desolation vs Blacktide” ?

/moar drama ,..,

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: lin.2814


I think that Deso win and will go into first tier.

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Eugene.7358


Oh dreamers…
Deso needs 150+ points for T1

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Leeach.3547


Looking forward to another pointless week of www on seafarer’s.

We still lose all we have during the night and since morale is low after constant fighting uphill last week we are having problems getting enough players in www. Positive side we have no problems getting into www. And remember we have the super outmanned bonus a lot these days. Looking forward to some useless kama.

Remember people we can still have fun even if we are outnumbered 1 vs. 3 or worse all but 3-4 hours a day.

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: lin.2814


We understanding this.
That all about server morale and will to fight.

Eugene.7358 i think that all change at Monday.

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Daiva.2394


I feel for you guys at Seafarer’s. We’ve had some fun fight against groups of you. I hope things change for the better for you.

[CIR] — Blacktide
Dai Va — Necromancer
Dae Va — Elementalist

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Eugene.7358


/summon www-guilds from SR to Blacktide (especially ru-speaking)

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Zero.8590


We have enough ru plaayers on BT) I really want to see only 1 guild – [OSC]. They are really the strongest guild of SR.

We need the whole world.

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: iHaukka.2815


Xaoc – We can’t win in fair fight, so we exploit

One does simply walk into keeps

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Elkantar.9460


OSC is nice i can agree but FU is the best SR has right now

I hope we Kodashians get Seefarers back, our favorite enemys. With similiar time coverage. GO SR GO SR!!
Show them how your primetime makes them cry!

Charakter: Kindron
Server: Kodash

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Zero.8590


Xaoc – We can’t win in fair fight, so we exploit

I also have screens with SR jumpers) Don’t provoke.

We need the whole world.

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Superlol.3741


Xaoc – We can’t win in fair fight, so we exploit

Are you mad?
Please get a better reason.

[CIR] – Blacktide

(edited by Superlol.3741)

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Warhawk.1947


Excuses Excuses…. iHaukka.

[CIR] – Blacktide
We shall bottle your tears..

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Jerat.6732


This is what xaoc is doing:

Guild: Nástrandir [Nas]
Server: Seafarer’s Rest

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: patasde.6087


This is what xaoc is doing:

thats nice that xaoc guild….. they shoud make something about this exploiting in WvWvW

its only ruining game for fairplaying ppl in www

(edited by patasde.6087)

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Intigo.1653


We have enough ru plaayers on BT) I really want to see only 1 guild – [OSC]. They are really the strongest guild of SR.

Heh. Xaoc saying something like that is nothing short of hilarious.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: lin.2814


Guys please dont blame other if u dont have any proofs.
We dont blame SF but have proofs about they exploitings.
I dont put on them becouse i dont want that each server who losing u, blame u in cheating.

We play fair. If you all run with zerg and no one defending u keeps it is u own problems.
Sneak attacks work well, we dont need using any of exploing.

(edited by lin.2814)

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: iHaukka.2815


Sneak attacks surely do work well if you skip the outergate.

One does simply walk into keeps

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Iviom.9743


Today was I shocked while I saw SR guard boldly attacking our siege equipment in Bay from underground. So you guys are using any bugs and exploits while hunting orbs and don’t like fair play. I have had a great respect to your server until today. Now it’s gone and I just want your blood.

80 Human Mesmer – Blacktide [Xaoc]

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: lin.2814


Sneak attacks surely do work well if you skip the outergate.

Nope. Next time check all gates better. U ll find rams.
If u outergate was broken but u dont sow attack after,then look mesmer better.

And think about this http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Smoke_Field.
Stealth is a stacking boon.

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Starscream.7803


Xoac exploiting AGAIN? big surprise.

Same kitten, different match up.

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Jerat.6732


Today was I shocked while I saw SR guard boldly attacking our siege equipment in Bay from underground. So you guys are using any bugs and exploits while hunting orbs and don’t like fair play. I have had a great respect to your server until today. Now it’s gone and I just want your blood.

Says a member of xaoc

Guild: Nástrandir [Nas]
Server: Seafarer’s Rest

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Eugene.7358


Starscream.7803, only Desolation have a monopoly on the exploits?

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: yiishing.9057


Seafarers were really strong yesterday night. Even in nighttime they were able to pull in large groups, which resulted in two red borderlands. Fun fights again everywhere, it’s actually a good matchup. Quite enjoy it, let’s see how it plays out over the week.

Good Old Days [GD] - Disturbed Squad [DISS]

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Daiva.2394


I’ve experienced nothing but fair play from Xaoc, both when fighting against them and when fighting with them. Is it possible that I’ve simply never seen things like this? Yes. However, the video doesn’t actually show them exploiting it to attack the keep — as far as I know they were testing it for reports, or some other reason.

I do know people cry foul too quickly; I’ve seen it before on these forums at times when I know for a fact that there was no exploiting going on. We ourselves have had mesmers hidden in a keep for 2 hours straight before we called it off because we didn’t have the manpower to divert to an attack.

[CIR] — Blacktide
Dai Va — Necromancer
Dae Va — Elementalist

(edited by Daiva.2394)

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: iHaukka.2815


Its so cute how much you blacktide players are defending Xaoc eventhough we have video material of their doing.
One does not simply break into keep without destroying wall or gate.

One does simply walk into keeps

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: lin.2814


Usial Xaoc hater. Not first, not last.

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Leeach.3547


It is a shame to see Blacktide be ahead on points simply because of night capping. Sunday did give some nice fights and Blacktide where down to around 100 where they belong. Congratulations and Respect to Riverside for some really hard fights, Riverside is a worthy opponent. Shame it doesn’t matter when you lock in next morning to see Blacktide having 585 Points again.

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Superlol.3741


I really like it when people qqing when they lose, it makes all the winning better~

[CIR] – Blacktide

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Xenu.1937


Yes. However, the video doesn’t actually show them exploiting it to attack the keep — as far as I know they were testing it for reports, or some other reason.

Yes, clearly the video doesn’t show them killing the lord, so of course we can’t just go around assuming that’s the reason why they wanted to EXPLOIT their way into the keep.

How delusional are you really? If we had footage of them DPSing the boss I guess it to you would have meant they were just “testing to see if he would take damage, or as you so retardingly state it; or some other reason.

The Viking Terrorist!

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Daiva.2394


My point was more that there’s no footage of them actually moving forces inside the keep, which (to be fair) wouldn’t have been hard to capture if that’s what happened after the recorded piece was done. Now, I don’t have the whole story, but what I am saying is that making conclusions like that based solely on the footage is about as brilliant as the guy who concluded students became shorter when they studied social sciences. Are you able to follow now, or do you want me to break it down even more?

[CIR] — Blacktide
Dai Va — Necromancer
Dae Va — Elementalist

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: iHaukka.2815


Are you kiding me?
Yesterday, 3 times you had to use it because you were no match for us in fair fight.
Latest when we took the garrison and your forces just appeared at bay’s south innergate.
Too bad you got wiped in lord room.

But whatever, we got now eyes for that exploit so good luck with it.

One does simply walk into keeps

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Xenu.1937


My point was more that there’s no footage of them actually moving forces inside the keep, which (to be fair) wouldn’t have been hard to capture if that’s what happened after the recorded piece was done. Now, I don’t have the whole story, but what I am saying is that making conclusions like that based solely on the footage is about as brilliant as the guy who concluded students became shorter when they studied social sciences. Are you able to follow now, or do you want me to break it down even more?

So again you’re back to state that they are just “testing or some other reason”. One of them, in the footage, manage to get past the wall/gate (then he gets attacked), so I guess by your standards the other people attempting to get past were just trying to confirm his findings, right? I mean after all it’s not a solid “test” if only one person manages it.

The kool-aid you were handed was apparently took weak, you should have another cup or two.

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Daiva.2394


Well, if there’s exploiting, I trust you reported it. I would if I had seen it; I still haven’t, but maybe I’m just delusional (I see no continued action after anyone gets past the wall). I’m not saying that those who saw the entire thing shouldn’t report it if there’s more to it, but that video does not show it, as far as I can tell. I don’t see any evidence of the hacks mentioned in the chat in the video, either, only people attempting to utilize jumps that to the observer (including me) should not be available, and the elementalist bubble. If they used either of those to actually assault the keep, then it would seem to be a bug exploit. If they performed them, and then jumped out without using them to assault the keep, then they probably tried it, for whatever reason (knowing it can be done so they can counter it, reporting it, curiosity, you name it). If they didn’t use it to actually assault the keep, then they didn’t do anything wrong. Do you understand what I’m saying?

In my first post I merely pointed out three things:

  • The video does not show them using any of the exploits to assault the keep. (Again, if they did, then I hope you reported them.)
  • Me, personally, have never seen foul play from Xaoc. Neither when I played against them nor when I’ve played with them.
  • I know that it’s common on these forums to claim the opposition is exploiting in situations where they are not.

Furthermore, we all know that that there may be individual players or small groups of players willing to use exploits on all servers (I’ve myself been attacked from below the ground by Seafarer’s). With a large community like Xaoc, I imagine it’s hard to police for sure — next time maybe you can try a) reporting it officially, as I’m sure you did now, and b) contact Xaoc leadership when it happens. If there’s foul play going on, then at least that should help them combat it in their own ranks.

[CIR] — Blacktide
Dai Va — Necromancer
Dae Va — Elementalist

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Zero.8590


Just 1 screen)

It is a shame to see Blacktide be ahead on points simply because of night capping. Sunday did give some nice fights and Blacktide where down to around 100 where they belong. Congratulations and Respect to Riverside for some really hard fights, Riverside is a worthy opponent. Shame it doesn’t matter when you lock in next morning to see Blacktide having 585 Points again.

lolwhat? We don’t have night force, only morning force.

We need the whole world.

(edited by Zero.8590)

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow.3475


I do hope Anet fix so teleport is imposble over a reinforced wall and guards se stealth players that way you simple have break down 2gates/Walls to get to Lord not just portal in to lord room.

Other then that it was a hard fight on sunday evning with was fun even do i would like to kill some off you that never stoped defending our Garrison so we had to try hour after hour to get in and get it back

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


Its only night capping if its at night. WvWvW is 24/7. less excuses deal with it, we had to.

I would like to introduce you to a concept.


Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Leeach.3547


That is simply foolish talk all servers have a time zone range. We play on a EU server and by making servers for different time zones Arena net acknowledge it. The only reason that I really care is because nightcapping is really bad for morale on seafarer’s. From my point of view Seafarer’s and to some degree Riverside can’t win against Blacktide with all the nightcapping EU time. To be honest I don’t really care about the score the real problem is the pointless www each evening only to see it all go away in the night. Arena net say www is 24/7 but it they want people to stay they will need to do something about this problem.

And to the people that run around shouting “this is war live with it” I would
recommend a shrink since they must have a serious mental problem. This is a computer game nothing more nothing less.

Seafarer’s – Nierae

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


As far as i’ve heard the American – EU servers split was mostly done for administrative reasons, the EU servers aren’t even based in EU.
The people doing the “nightcapping” are in timezones which are a few hours ahead of us, its morning/daytime for them and if they hadn’t just gotten an influx of some western European based guilds, you’d be the ones doing the nightcapping for them as they go to bed.

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Leeach.3547


That is strange since Blacktide have total domination 12-14 hours a day. We are talking 3-5 times the player numbers of Seafarer’s. Sometimes we are even outnumbered 10-15 vs 1. I guess that Blacktides “EU” timezone go all around the world then

Seafarer’s – Nierae.

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493



That is strange since Blacktide have total domination 12-14 hours a day. We are talking 3-5 times the player numbers of Seafarer’s. Sometimes we are even outnumbered 10-15 vs 1. I guess that Blacktides “EU” timezone go all around the world then

Seafarer’s – Nierae.

In order to reach the top tier, you need to build a WvW community that can actively cover multiple timezones.

Like it or not, it’s like that and that’s the way it is.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Xenu.1937


“Well, if there’s exploiting, I trust you reported it. I would if I had seen it; I still haven’t, but maybe I’m just delusional (I see no continued action after anyone gets past the wall).”

It’s like trying to kick water up hill.

Are you seriously still at “they are just testing”? If you can’t see “action” after someone gets past the wall I recommend that you see the video again. Obviously they were not given the opportunity to set up camp inside as they were attacked immediately.
Were they given the opportunity to attack the lord? No. Were they merely scientists trying to discover the cure of cancer? Not from my point of view.

We apparently live in two different worlds, when you get past a wall like shown in that video then in my world it’s an exploit. We can argue back and forth that they only wanted to come inside to help them defend against the 3rd faction, but it does not change the fact that they exploited their way into the keep.

I see that you’re now at the “big guild – hard to police” excuse, at least to me it’s a sign that we are getting towards the end of this discussion.

The Viking Terrorist!
“If you really believe that death leads to eternal bliss, then why are you wearing a seatbelt?”

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Leeach.3547



That is strange since Blacktide have total domination 12-14 hours a day. We are talking 3-5 times the player numbers of Seafarer’s. Sometimes we are even outnumbered 10-15 vs 1. I guess that Blacktides “EU” timezone go all around the world then

Seafarer’s – Nierae.

In order to reach the top tier, you need to build a WvW community that can actively cover multiple timezones.

Like it or not, it’s like that and that’s the way it is.

I agree. And like I did say some time back I don’t care about the overall points. I just care that it totally spoils the www experience. Arena net will need some other way to match up the servers if they want players to stay. I know they already lost a lot of players on seafarer’s because of the 2 weeks of hopeless www fights. The problem is going to explode in a few months when start to charge for server transfer and players grow tired of unbalanced www.

If they don’t fix it GW2 is going to be another footnote in mmorpg history.

Seafarer’s – Nierae