2/15 AM vs FS vs GH
This will be a interesting matchup indeed. Weve all learnet not to go on the resets nights scores.
From what we have heard it will be heavy Nightcapping from AM then us and FsP slugging through the day but only time will tell. Good luck to all sides!
Victrixx [xVx]
Good luck to both GH and AM, lets hope for some good fights
3 wvw kills
Good luck to AM and GH, altho i dont think we will see lot of AM on the english forum
Looks like AM runs alot of bunker builds, so will get some intresting fights ^.^
Looking at the scores already it looks like AM will win not because they are better
than FSP or GH (pretty even) but because they drink copious amounts of coffee and
hold there eye lids open with match sticks. (if you are prepared to do that good luck to
you) I personally would like to drop down to a tier where the competition dont take the winning at any cost attitude and man up face to face, isnt that what a GAME is all about.
I know its part of this game but is it really fun capping without a fight whats the point of levelling and buying gear if all you going to do is play the game when no one else is.
Can i suggest that night capping should have a limit on how many tick points can be
ammassed (say between the hours of 12 midnight and 7 am) just a thought.
Nilamus (warrior)
Don’t hang your heads already. We Abaddonians almost always have the lead on reset night, because that’s the largest event on our server and is always frequented by many players.
You’ll get your chance to fight back during the week, then we normally don’t have that numbers during the night, although we still have a decent force of night owls then too.
Was a nice start, especially with the close battles for the hill keep on shiverpeaks bl. You almost got us there, with your superiour katapults.
The screen is from about 4 a.m, when sleep overwhelmed me and I had to go Though we did get hills keep on gunnar’s map a few minutes later, which was my last battle for last night.
[DP] Diamond Pirates
(edited by Turkman.1089)
Nice fights with AoA Fs
Looking up for great guildfights! Good luck!
Dear AM
Please can you ask your dead mesmer who took off his guild tag and armour at the Water Gate at Gunnars Hold Dreaming Bay and who is waiting there for a res from outside the gate to respawn and not to use exploits.
Many thanks.
Edit – He is now switching his armour on and off to avoid the inactivity time out.
Praxium – PRXM and The Gunnar’s Hold Community
www.praxium.co.uk and www.gunnars-hold.eu
(edited by Hengis.5417)
Guild [IM] of Abbadon’s Mouth, abusing the invulnerable spot in Vale supply camp is not a valid tactic.
Yep, had another one doing the same earlier, not the same player though. Had no idea that spot even existed.
Freaking awesome fights on Far Shiverpeaks BL at your mainkeep. Wasted golems but got it with full supplies
All servers has people that use the invur spot, I know that sadly FSP players do it too and on GH they also do it. It’s very lame but nothing you can do about it till Anet fixes it. If you see people on your own server run there, try to tell em not to.
I think mass invisability will be the the death of WvW unless we are given a skill to counter it,the amount of times i got ganked by AM raiders in FSP was unreal.
Most times i actually saw them cloak (about 10against 5 any way) no time to type to warn any one,so i start spamming my get out of jail skills……dead in a heap in 5 seconds.
I wouldnt like it taken out of the game even though i dont have the skill myself but a “throw a pot of paint” skill would be cool (colour of your choice).
PS that Thief stacked invisability is a definate NO-NO and should be taken out the game.
Nilamus (warrior)
Freaking awesome fights on Far Shiverpeaks BL at your mainkeep. Wasted golems but got it with full supplies
Behold the mighty Golem Zerg of Abaddon’s Mouth!
Heres the video about smashing our heads against your doors
great fight with maximum loss – the mainkeep full upgraded with full supplies and a big zerg in it – was a great fight thx for it
You were very careless with your golems, i know you did it just for the fun, but still.
I was manning the cannon above the inner gate and saw all your golems use the shield bubble skill at thesame time, i had free shots 10 seconds later
And a lot of em were wandering around just behind the gate when it went down instead of going into the small tunnel out of sight.
You essentially used up all the golems to bring you into the lordroom fight, where it ended up in a brawl. We didn’t have enough people to defend as our people were spread on the map scouting your golems and had people in every keep cause we didn’t know what keep you were gonna strike.
I do think you wasted more gold on golems than we used on garrison upgrades
And we took everything back just after that so the loss was minimal for us that night.
Luna Solares – Mesmer
thats right but we didnt spend any gold on the golems – just jumping puzzles
You had a Zerg in it and there were enough to defend the keep – thats why the fight was going on for so long in the lord room. you didnt even try to repair the gates.
I wouldnt call 15-20 ppl a zerg really.
And have you ever tried repairing a gate when theres 30ppl spamming aoe at the other side on top of it? It doesn’t end well for the one repairing.
Where you got the golems from is really not important, even if you get em for free it doesn’t change their value.
Luna Solares – Mesmer
Freaking awesome fights on Far Shiverpeaks BL at your mainkeep. Wasted golems but got it with full supplies
Behold the mighty Golem Zerg of Abaddon’s Mouth!
Nice to see you guys wasting so much gold on us.
Cor FSP you are fielding an amazing amount of people tonight! However thanks for all the fun down south of your borders @ Bay/Vale had quite a good night!
-Dis Noise Terror, CHvc
sundaynights are one of our best night and i think we showed that today
greetings from those annoying kittens that kept taking cliffside
Kengo Miyazawa
Commander of FSP and leader of [GUM]
Commander of Far Shiverpeaks
Leader of Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
To the Asuran Thief from [AT] guild on AM. As much as i enjoyed fighting you for 15mins in Vale, how about we meet for a fair fight where you dont abuse the invul exploit constantly as your about to get owned?
You really sidetracked me from finishing my daily lol!
Victrixx [xVx]
Very nice fights on all BL’s tonights. Had alot of fun goin balls deep in enemy zerg on my guardian, spaming skills and yelling on TS that I was goin down, just to make it out of the zerg with 150HP left each time
Hope the week will bring more fights like this and GL to both servers, this will be a close one…
Does anyone from FSP or AM want to organise some duelling for friday prior to reset? 1v1, 2v2, GvG etc. Not for bragging rights or anything like that, just for fun and practice. It’s likely that we’ll be facing each other again in the future and it would be nice to get to know each others guilds and players, maybe even get some friendly rivalries going for when we meet next.
[Re] Rerolled
Amazing night last night! Lets hope that we can keep this up. Could end up doing what you FsP guys did to us a few weeks ago lmao.
Victrixx [xVx]
A very fun match!! Last night was awesome!! I wanted to greet the thief that was hitting dollies while we were defending it… you were very annoying, it was fun! xD
Thanks FS and AM for the fights!
PS: I wanted to greet also an FS that in the first or second night (I don’t remember), when we lost in SM lord’s room, were sitting on my dead body… I was laughing at that time!
Gunnar’s Hold
Heres the video about smashing our heads against your doors
great fight with maximum loss – the mainkeep full upgraded with full supplies and a big zerg in it – was a great fight thx for it
I was the “unfortunate” commander on FSP border.
you basically ruined my spotless night :-P
We knew you had a lot of golems, we nearly destroyed some at your own spawn points and we saw you arriving, but you played quite well losing the golems but taking a full supplied garrison.
Unfortunately our numbers weren’t too high at that time and we had just finished to kick GH out of the BL.
You arrived like a storm, organized and bloothirsty. No way we could have kept you out.
You did a real great job.
but… see you again soon on the battlefield :-P
I’m really appreciating this week so far.
GM and Commander of Leoni Bianchi [Lion]
Piken Square
I would love to thank GH for a great night for our guild event. Takin Hills and Bay wasn’t hard, but you guys gave us hell to defend those keeps. Battle for Hills was just…epic. Also the back and forth running was really frustrating ;P
Dont remember all the guild tags, but the open field battles were really fun.
This has been one of the best match-ups in a while, IMO, and I hope the week will continue like this.
We (well, I certainly) am a bit intrigued by the events of EB. I rarely ever see any of the south towers change hands but there seems to be a constant AM/FSP push into GH corner.
I’m certainly not calling alliance, as it’s very obvious that you attack each other’s borders and I think people are always far too quick on such accusations. Although I was very tempted the other day when a 30man AM zerg showed up at Durios, wiped us out and then left without even finishing the gate (which was on 5%!) just a tad random.
Been a fun – if zergy – matchup so far, hope it continues to be
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
I guess it is a very interessting match-up, but that makes me very sad, because i’ve didn’t get much time to play this week.
Playing GH was pretty frustrating tonight, we really couldn’t compete with you until later on when our numbers picked up. I still had a lot of fun though, I enjoyed giving your guys the run around in hills and portalling people in whenever i could. Eventually i couldn’t move for mesmer hunters and got caught, but it was fun whilst it lasted.
[Re] Rerolled
I think it’s quite balanced this week.
Even though we may have quite a lot of people during primetime, we loose out in the off peak hours so it evens up.
It’s much more casual than last week, no 30ppl guildzergs running around trampling everyone for lootbags.
Luna Solares – Mesmer
Good to see everyone in GH border and EB tonight and apparently no where else.
Victrixx [xVx]
I really enjoyed pulling the guild together today, after a week away from WvW.
We had a lot of fun, both wiped others and got wiped ourselves. Some battles were more intense than I thought, and I got to try out my awesome mesmer skills, Blink… well.. Eh… lagg I think you call it.
at least I got the most amazing portals up tonight.
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
What Yorric said. It seems only our borders have interest for the other 2 servers.
AM at bay, FSP at hills awesome fun.
Keep it up guys.
(edited by Genotix.6804)
At least we won’t have to hear from those FSP guys about teaming up against them.
Ok i admit that map does look ugly like a 2v1.
But if you look closely, we only took ogres from you, and our outbreak tower, the rest is camps.
Seems like it’s the germans that have settled for second place already that is your main problem.
Luna Solares – Mesmer
Yeah those guys are pros:)
Ok i admit that map does look ugly like a 2v1.
But if you look closely, we only took ogres from you, and our outbreak tower, the rest is camps.
Seems like it’s the germans that have settled for second place already that is your main problem.
There were constant attacks at our border FSP to Hills , AM at Bay. Not a single camp has flipped at your borders for more than 4 hours. Same goes for AM border.
At EB the same story. Maybe a co insidence.:)
12 of us stood on SM outer wall with outmanned buff, 2 catapults and 20 supplies left between us, trying to take SM back from AM, worth a shot in the dark, catapults went down and time for bed lol
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
dedicated to the brave AM abusers of the invulnerability spot, who were too scared to fight an upscaled <3
Ok i admit that map does look ugly like a 2v1.
But if you look closely, we only took ogres from you, and our outbreak tower, the rest is camps.
Seems like it’s the germans that have settled for second place already that is your main problem.
Right, while we were fighting the AM zerg with a handful of players at mendons (we had the outmanned buff), you took ogres, anza and both our camps. Well we managed to kill the 4 trebs AM had and wipe them shortly afterwards (again, around 10 of us vs 20+ of them). Then we found the FS zerg of another 20 odd players had breached our keep outer gate. Came and wiped you too, and while this was going on AM went back with several superior rams and took mendons.
I realize this might be a coincidence, but this evening has been total bullkitten from our perspective. For many many hours neither FS nor AM touched each other on any BL and you both outnumbered us. Well I got so annoyed at this bs I went and flipped all your camps twice over on both AM and FS border. Didn’t keep them for long ofc, but downgraded em all, including one fully upgraded. Enjoy.
Jeez not this kitten again. There is NO alliance. As I have said before a persons viewpoint can often change depending on what server and at what time they play. I played for about an hour yesterday and was part of the group that took Bay on GH border. When we took it I checked the maps. We had our own border intact, we had lower half of GH border including Bay and Hills, and we owned half of AM border including Bay. All that indicated to me was that we had greater numbers at that time, nothing else. There was no deliberate focus on any server from us. It appears that after this AM got much stronger numbers, and pushed us out of their border.
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
Not an alliance, it`s just that you`re on 2nd place. The guys on he first place want you off their backs and place 3 wants your spot. We`ve been in that position quite a few times, and yes, sometimes it can feel like you`re getting pressured by both sides. Its not a nice spot to be in. Other than that, i was expecting some good, fun fights from AM and GH, and both exceeded my expectations.
Keep it up!
3 wvw kills
Oh, alliance-claims again.
Poor GH…
[DW] Dynasty Warriors, [TNA] The Northern Assembly
(edited by Winfernal.9208)
Oh, alliance-claims again.
Poor GH…
Yeah it’s not like you were accusing us of alliance last week.:)
Been some nice WvW days
Friday-Saturday’s reset brought some awesome fights imho.
But… sunday’s evening was one to remember (again).
@ Hills on AMB stuck on that bridge again in front of the lords room… getting flanked by GH as well.. lag fest on the whole server. I and several guildies had lag while running from our WP towards hills doing nothing but run..
Guess the server had his work cut out for him.
Finally took hills after some fierce fighting and perfect placed portals.
1 screenie added to show the fierce fighting, expect more this friday in my journal guys! Maybe you’re on it
P.s. we had to hurry back to AMB garrison .. you guys (AM) were already at the lord..
Lucky us we wiped you clean from the room in the nick of time
Then you have GoT to apply to GuildofTweakers, ‘the’ Dutch/Belgium guild in GW2.
Not sure if you noticed, but when DW had their guild event in GH border, we had 2 guilds havin their event in AM border. We had Hills and Bay on AM longer then we had them on GH. My first plan was to go to AM yesterday, but I noticed GH was second place and I wanted some payback for the constant attacks from Xaoc on our Hills last week. AND we wiped the AM zerg couple times on GH so they just left.
Also, when your border is weak (I mean with upgrades, paper gates and stuff) its a tactical decission to go there When we loose one of our keeps, I notice GH does their best to keep us dry from supply by assaulting our camps, until you have enough people to go for the keep. Same goes for EB, as long as your towers arent T3, both servers just try to keep it like that.
TL;DR : no alliance, just tactical decision…FSP has been in the same spot GH is now for a LONG time, lets not ruin a great match up now
Not sure if you noticed, but when DW had their guild event in GH border, we had 2 guilds havin their event in AM border. We had Hills and Bay on AM longer then we had them on GH. My first plan was to go to AM yesterday, but I noticed GH was second place and I wanted some payback for the constant attacks from Xaoc on our Hills last week
. AND we wiped the AM zerg couple times on GH so they just left.
Also, when your border is weak (I mean with upgrades, paper gates and stuff) its a tactical decission to go there When we loose one of our keeps, I notice GH does their best to keep us dry from supply by assaulting our camps, until you have enough people to go for the keep. Same goes for EB, as long as your towers arent T3, both servers just try to keep it like that.TL;DR : no alliance, just tactical decision…FSP has been in the same spot GH is now for a LONG time, lets not ruin a great match up now
What exactly do you mean that you were in the same spot for a long time mate?