2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


I’ve stated what our state of thought was but I’ll list the reasons we chose BP in the end.
1) biggest reason, only 1000 gems to transfer instead of 1800 for the other 2
2) Anvil was put under a bad light due to something like a poem about how bad they are
3) I’ve visited Anvil prior to the paid transfer deadline and disliked it. This and 2 basically ruled out AR completely
4) we were confronted by several BP guild leaders and commanders who encouraged us to come
5) likewise, we were not approached at all by NSP, our leader assumed they don’t really care for us coming there
6) a rather selfish reason but, since FC has not been green since week 2, many of us only needed green POIs for map completion. BP was green.
7) we want to fight Envy

TL;DR translation = we want to ride the bandwagon like everyone else.

As for #7.. have fun trying.

NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


No need to be rude guys.


Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Darek i dont blame your choice on your guild at all, I was severely disappointed with the welcoming party you guys received on the forums…. That will change, it has to.

Smitry / Spets
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


TL;DR translation = we want to ride the bandwagon like everyone else.

..What are you talking about? Who did we bandwagon with? As far as I knew there were no other transfers to BP at this time. (keywords: as far as I knew)
Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or anything, but every single one of those reasons except 6 are valid reasons that have nothing to do with bandwagon.

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Irate Platypus.9318

Irate Platypus.9318

Ah, FC. Even our drama is currently in another tier.

Ferguson’s Crossing

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


mr moobs. no offense, but why are still posting here? Keep the nsp / borlis pass comments to the nsp / borlis pass thread… especially the drama … same should go for the others as well … and technically it’s not “your server” anymore :p… now if you were making comments about et fc or sf… that would make sense that you post here

unless ofc we’re being annexed by bp now

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

(edited by SniffyCube.6107)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


Well today in the WvW news.. (You know, what we are supposed to be talking about)

In ET, our borderlands were being run up on both sides, SF on side, FC on the other, so what did ET do?

That’s right.. we took the Castle!



Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: geekanerd.4123


Ah, nicely done ET. Nice to see SM another color for a change, even if it’s not blue.

[DIE] – FA
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Ah, FC. Even our drama is currently in another tier.

i finally laughed while reading this thread +1

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Elder of Time.3279

Elder of Time.3279

Decided to check on the forums.

Hi guys!

-Commander Elder of Time [CoSA] (warrior)
-Server: Sorrow’s Furnace
(Core of the Sapphire Alliance is recruiting)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


mr moobs. no offense, but why are still posting here? Keep the nsp / borlis pass comments to the nsp / borlis pass thread… especially the drama … same should go for the others as well … and technically it’s not “your server” anymore :p… now if you were making comments about et fc or sf… that would make sense that you post here

unless ofc we’re being annexed by bp now

I see people post in other tier forums all the time and about T8…so I say keep up the show Gents. I was in the need of a little excitement!

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: teh persun.6517

teh persun.6517

ET, I salute you for your stalward defence of your bl. No matter how had we tried, you refused to let either of your keeps turn green, and I enjoyed how we had to stragise just to keep our towers, which you eventually took.

I hope that moivaites you so we can do it again

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


To be honest, I think our server needs to lose more brutally to get a wake up call. I imagine Eredon’s Terrace has some of the same problem, so I’ll touch on it for both of us cause I know some of us are getting sick of it.

This increasing amount of infighting/bickering of “What if we tried XYZ”, “What if we use ABC”. “We need more organization, we need better use of our commanders”, “more of this”, “more of that” and proceeding to list every possible reason for our losses EXCEPT the obvious, numbers and time zone coverage.

NEWSFLASH. If you took 30+ tier 1 players, with 5 of them being commanders in tier 1, the best of the best of their tier with most comprehensive siege placements, teamwork, and all that jazz and replaced 25 of our players and 5 of our commanders for either our server, OR Eredon’s Terrace.. what would happen?

Nothing. Literally, it would be almost no difference.

People need to come to grip the facts. We’re not losing to poor communication, we’re not losing to lack of high level strategy. We had both of these things in play up until about a week and a half ago at most. We’re losing to NUMBERS and COVERAGE. If you wanna match SF, you need more of that, or you could just wait for them to get out and hope that you get a server with less numbers and timezone coverage than they have in their place. I wanna be really clear, I don’t hate SF for it, if you got it flaunt it by all means. But for all of us bickering amongst ourselves, or for the occasional indignant response in the forums of people who think we’re disorganized and all that, not really. This is a sheer numbers game, and the inevitability produced by the difference in numbers and timezone attacks is the core of all problems here.

Now, do we have bad communication at the moment? Sure. Do we have a lack of commanders, and a lack of teamwork from commanders from different guilds? Sure. Would it make a difference at the moment? No. See that’s the problem, while having more of these would be great, the inevitability of losing whatever you cap in the night hours, and constantly fighting outnumbered has made all these a moot points We need enough numbers and enough coverage to make that work first. So for goodness sakes, especially all of us Ferguson’s Crossing players, stop pointing fingers, arguing over endless chases and realize the fact that unless you produce MORE NUMBERS, and MORE TIMEZONE COVERAGE, you won’t have a chance to get back to developing better teamwork and strategies, let alone put them into play.

Also for those wondering why so many commanders took a break in FC, what would you do when you have to put 8+ hours of gameplay in everyday to make any noticeable difference?

Let me also say there was a time when I know for a fact Ferguson’s Crossing yielded tier 7 numbers and would of been capable of handling its own in that tier, just some short months ago. This rating black hole that glicko2 creates is very real and not just some myth.

Now, does the situation suck? Yes. Let’s just deal with it and stop stressing out for a bit. The matchup has a server with tier 6 numbers and coverage paired up with two tier 8 levels, the result was inevitable, and on the Glicko2 argument side the rating system for tier 8 is completely broken and even a tier 1 server if it fell in would take a month to climb out, and that’s all there is to it. And with no visible fix in the near future, we might as well put up. You can wait and hope that we get a server with at least same time zone coverage if not similar numbers when SF moves up (No offense to SF, but their leads would be far less exaggerated without the night crew presence), transfer servers if you don’t like it, or have one of the WvW communities of either Ferguson or Eredon’s Terrace merge with the other to form a single, viable WvW combat force.

But as it stands, all this arguing about communication and strategy is useless. Let’s stop putting more heartache and stress into this than there needs to be.

Also, for people on Sorrow’s Furnace who might be bickering with each other and other server’s poking at them, zergy, uncoordinated tactics are the norm and very hard to prevent when you’re in a situation like there’s. Say SF moves up, and fights servers with numbers and coverage equal to theirs and loses, it would make clear to them the need for improvement, and they will go through that trouble to improve on their own inevitably. So let’s all stop trying to offer eachother “Pro tips” on how to WvW as well, cause at this point I think all of us know what we’re doing quite well. Any server will develop high tier strategy and communication in WvW when it becomes necessity (Assuming its possible, Ie. you’re up against numbers you have a chance against.) so just because SF plays like a mindless zerg against us doesn’t mean they’re going to be a bunch of helpless noobs the moment they face a server that can best them.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


Well today in the WvW news.. (You know, what we are supposed to be talking about)

In ET, our borderlands were being run up on both sides, SF on side, FC on the other, so what did ET do?

That’s right.. we took the Castle!


noooooo I missed it!

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Ynot.8397


Just gonna hijack your thread a little, apologies dont shoot!
T6(I think?) NSP/BP/AR is a very close tier for any guilds losing morale.

BP and AR however do have more built up guilds (larger zergs)
NSP has smaller guilds working together and several large ones. Trust me you will always find a decent fight here
Join on on NSP we are the underdog (yet an FC guild recently transferred to BP….even though they are the tier leader)
So if anyone wants to come to our tier pm me for more info <3
GL out there, dont lose the will to fight!

Thanks for trying to leach our players. We needed that.

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


…what a distasteful post

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


dathaul, always so verbose
always worth reading

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Jovani.9207


Just gonna hijack your thread a little, apologies dont shoot!
T6(I think?) NSP/BP/AR is a very close tier for any guilds losing morale.

BP and AR however do have more built up guilds (larger zergs)
NSP has smaller guilds working together and several large ones. Trust me you will always find a decent fight here
Join on on NSP we are the underdog (yet an FC guild recently transferred to BP….even though they are the tier leader)
So if anyone wants to come to our tier pm me for more info <3
GL out there, dont lose the will to fight!

This might explain why et is starting to do a lot better than fc

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


yes, I’ll tell you what I told the two TC people that just msged me “You disgust me for trying to capitalize on our situation… we aren’t a fairweather guild and I have no respect for you trying to poach what remaining wvw players we have from t8. Don’t msg me again”

Also, for future reference, makes you think people here want t2? IF we would have wanted to come join your mega zergs we would have transferred there.

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

(edited by SniffyCube.6107)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: ghtchill.7613


yes, I’ll tell you what I told the two TC people that just msged me “You disgust me for trying to capitalize on our situation… we aren’t a fairweather guild and I have no respect for you trying to poach what remaining wvw players we have from t8. Don’t msg me again”

Also, for future reference, makes you think people here want t2? IF we would have wanted to come join your mega zergs we would have transferred there.

You speak of T2 like you have been there. It’s not always zerg vs zerg, but numbers and coverage play a big role…I won’t lie. But if you think it’s lacking in awesome fun fights you would be wrong. If you, personally, are content to stay in this quagmire, then stay. I’m attempting to appeal to those who are tired of it and actually looking for fun.

Because Sniffy, if you think we don’t have fun there, you’re very wrong…with all due respect Sir.


(edited by ghtchill.7613)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Leogolas.6941


Things to think about before you transfer to a higher tier server.(IMO )
1) are you having fun in WvWvW In your current servers? Are you SURE.,You will enjoy the game better in higher tier servers ?
2) do do like queuing for hours( maybe ) in higher tiers servers ?
3) what actually makes you want to leave your current server? No friends? No 1 to run along with when you play ? Gets Zerg down every time ?

For me, I am aware that we are out numbered everyday in WvWvW by SF, but I know that ET will eventually moved out of this “bad” situation and with a well skilled players base.

[TSA] The Stuffed Animals
~We Are Deadly When Required~

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Elder of Time.3279

Elder of Time.3279

We did amazing on FC BL, great job SF!

Here’s some screens.

I hope I command more zergs like that haha!


-Commander Elder of Time [CoSA] (warrior)
-Server: Sorrow’s Furnace
(Core of the Sapphire Alliance is recruiting)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: geekanerd.4123


Not to take the wind out of anybody’s sails, but isn’t steamrolling through Ferg BL pretty routine by this point?

[DIE] – FA
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: gecemg.6235


Brief disclaimer:

I post this not because I’m mad. Actually, I was fairly amused by the sheer amount of effort my SF amigo went through to really take the dance to the next level on our poor FC corpses. Bunny hat, roses, everything. If I didn’t know any better, he wasn’t trying to be a jerk, he was asking me out on a date.

I accept the invitation. Lets have a nice dinner and a movie. And, who knows? Maybe somebody will get lucky. Keep it classy out there, Mr. KING plant dude.

Yep, that was me.

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: geekanerd.4123


Brief disclaimer:

I post this not because I’m mad. Actually, I was fairly amused by the sheer amount of effort my SF amigo went through to really take the dance to the next level on our poor FC corpses. Bunny hat, roses, everything. If I didn’t know any better, he wasn’t trying to be a jerk, he was asking me out on a date.

I accept the invitation. Lets have a nice dinner and a movie. And, who knows? Maybe somebody will get lucky. Keep it classy out there, Mr. KING plant dude.

Yep, that was me.

Is that a confirmation for the date? Or just a general announcement?

[DIE] – FA
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


Well I have a better idea how about you from t2 transfer to ET and FC

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


Well I have a better idea how about you from t2 transfer to ET and FC

Man ET was doing good while some people took a back seat…don’t let the negativity get to you just follow commanders that help your servers out and avoid the Troll commanders. Please don’t ride the coattails of the new commanders where you have failed…ET was doing great in the loss of your absence.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

(edited by FilthyRat.4652)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


Good job to all ET that have stuck with it the whole time and raised your skill level….you guys have killed me many times in your rightful well deserved battles…even though you have been outnumbered. I never questioned your skill and happy to see so many great battles with you guys.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


I don’t know how you guys stay on these servers. Not bashing just props and genuine curiosity.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


wish the people that left stuck with their beliefs and went to NSP… when I have transferred servers in past made sure was not the winning one. That is what got me to T8 in the first place..but love all the people on my server.

Glad to be on T8 and will stay with them to the end…just funny for all the SF bashing that went on…other people that did at least they jumped right to top of bandwagon and made sure they went right to the top….hard work is meant for only the select few. NSP wish I could just leave everyone I knew behind for a match with these new coattail riders. just to prove a point but love my server to much….just glad to see they really don’t care about any kind of mismatch.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

(edited by FilthyRat.4652)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Hassan Sabbah.1524

Hassan Sabbah.1524

I don’t know how you guys stay on these servers. Not bashing just props and genuine curiosity.

Fighting SF for the past month or two and Kain before that, I’ve come to expect that we may never have the numbers. We may face opposition of 50-60 in all BL. Does that mean we will back down? Does that mean we will simply wait and watch everything be taken? Not a chance, not a chance at all my friends. What this means is that we just pack extra arrows and spare swords. We are Eredon Terrace.

Level 80 Ranger, Necromancer, Warrior
~ Leader of Inglorious Order ~
Forged in ET [NA], Refugee in SFR [EU]

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Kukchi.6173


I don’t know how you guys stay on these servers. Not bashing just props and genuine curiosity.

Fighting SF for the past month or two and Kain before that, I’ve come to expect that we may never have the numbers. We may face opposition of 50-60 in all BL. Does that mean we will back down? Does that mean we will simply wait and watch everything be taken? Not a chance, not a chance at all my friends. What this means is that we just pack extra arrows and spare swords. We are Eredon Terrace.

Cute speech.

Human thief lvl 80 pistol dagger pistol sword cheese extreme.
Anet fix thief plz its boring now :(

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


I don’t know how you guys stay on these servers. Not bashing just props and genuine curiosity.

Fighting SF for the past month or two and Kain before that, I’ve come to expect that we may never have the numbers. We may face opposition of 50-60 in all BL. Does that mean we will back down? Does that mean we will simply wait and watch everything be taken? Not a chance, not a chance at all my friends. What this means is that we just pack extra arrows and spare swords. We are Eredon Terrace.

Be glad you didn’t have to deal with Devona too!

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Advent.6193


I don’t know how you guys stay on these servers. Not bashing just props and genuine curiosity.

Fighting SF for the past month or two and Kain before that, I’ve come to expect that we may never have the numbers. We may face opposition of 50-60 in all BL. Does that mean we will back down? Does that mean we will simply wait and watch everything be taken? Not a chance, not a chance at all my friends. What this means is that we just pack extra arrows and spare swords. We are Eredon Terrace.

Be glad you didn’t have to deal with Devona too!

Ah, yes. Devona. A.K.A. another major reason I’m annoyed ANet decided against that
ranking reset. Another FC v. DR mighta come out better, for our guys. But, not gonna
happen at this rate. Unless we manage to get outta this current funk somehow. Meh.

(Although, Darek … one could argue that DR and Kain weren’t as bad. At least in those cases, our squad was a lil more numerous overall, and could at least keep FC BL decently locked down.)

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

(edited by Advent.6193)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


It actually makes me kind of happy to see these offers from higher tier servers, rather than upset. Ignorant people from higher tiers have constantly regarded us as if we were some skill deprived, incompetent PvE carebears, and used that as a base hypothesis as to the reason we lose as we do and to constantly defend the broken Glicko2 system when we complain, and wrongly so. Now they come in this thread, and they see that not only are we so hardcore about WvW, we’re maybe even too kitten hardcore about it, constantly looking for way to make it possible to defeat impossible odds, and they suddenly come to realize that we actually have a great and lively WvW community down here, such that they would love it if we joined them as they realize it could make a difference in frozen scores.

So, I take it as a compliment and a legitimate offer and appreciate it.

That said, as per our monday officer’s meeting we of [WZ] can say we don’t have any plans to move at this time, and in general want to wait it out until a new server drops down and then we’ll see how things play out from there. We still do lead and attend WvW from time to time, but in general we’re trying to be more relaxed at it as people burn out quickly at the rate we were pushing against impossible odds in the past week. We want to give both the server and our people a chance to relax, maybe get some of the PvE/gearing up they needed done accomplished and not break their spirits by constantly marching them as if this were a real war, because in all honesty its a game and if people aren’t enjoying it, or if it gets too emotional… they won’t feel inclined to continue playing it.

I’m not gonna say that anyone or any guild leader that has tired out from the grind of WvW should feel chained here either. I bear no ill will or feelings towards the members of TTA that left for what in all regards has been a brilliant match up in tier 6. Having shared a teamspeak with TTA for the past month or so, I can say they are great people, fun to play with, fun to talk with; competent and lively in all regards and I really hope that they have found/find a place that they can enjoy and once again call their own.

That said if any guild is considering a move, I’d recommend talking with Sniffy because as he says and vouches for, if the Ferg and ET WvW forces joined into one server, it would be a force to be reckoned with, and could break the lock down of the tier without separating familiar established communities as consistently as tier shift transfers can cause. If you are however, bent on moving up I seriously recommend viewing match-up history in the respective tier and joining the side that’s been red team the most consistently, assuming it isn’t by too drastic a margin that you’d be jumping into the same situation all over again. In general blue team and green team positions can end up more burdensome in unexpected ways especially with all the drama bombs that fly when a server starts ascending and everyone starts to hate on the people who transferred over and accusing them of breaking the balance. On a red team server, you’d be less likely to cause a server to reach a higher tier level while in a lower tier, red team tends to be more fun anyways as it usually gets focus fired a lot less by its two tier partners, being the underdog team also normally allows you a lot more opportunities to do score-shifting map wipes while Blue team and green team go at each other’s throats. If anyone remembers Ferguson’s Crossing in the era where we were paired with DR and Kain, and both of them possessed tier 6+ numbers and coverage, and could handle us quite brutally and yet were more often than not busy fighting each other.. the sheer things we got to pull off in those opportunities and unexpected 3 way battles we got to create were some of the most fun times in our history as I remember it. The “losing team” position is underrated if you ask me.

And really, transferring to an already consistent green team in general is a recipe for drama, and I know 70% of players here probably don’t enjoy drama or soap operas, so yeah.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


The history of the tier 8 match-up problems, and possibility of a balanced match-up in the near future:

It seems there’s people constantly coming in here telling us there will never be balance, that there will never be a third server with numbers and coverage similar to ET and FC in here again. I ask you all, do you really think that’s true?

Look at our past opponents, and the situations of their battles. Devona’s Rest, former tier 8 server, where is it now? Tier 5. Kaineng, former tier 8 server, where is now? Tier 2. And before people make the transfer case for Kaineng, in the week BEFORE War Machine jumped ship to Kaineng and 1000+ transfers followed, in the week for the first time in months Kaineng as it was in the weeks before got to focus on FC without DR constantly assaulting it, what happened? That’s right, we got dominated. And its numbers at that time were near identical to the tier-5 level Devona’s Rest.

So basically, you had this situation. You had, be it via transfers or whatever, an at the time now long past in tier 8, a high Tier 5- level Devona’s Rest(Just short of pushing into tier 4 if you watched their ascension), a mid Tier 5-level Kaineng, and IMO a tier 7-level Ferguson’s Crossing all thrown into the mix at the time.

What happened next was the natural, DR and Kaineng were very well matched and with FC no being present/strong enough to stop it from becoming a direct war between two servers stress built up on these two in particular, Devona’s Rest and Kaineng. They were CONSTANTLY fighting each other, ALL THE TIME. If either of them took the time to have some change and worry about Ferguson’s Crossing, the other would be marching in their lands PvDooring everything. So between these two big players, the one who’s morale broke first lost, so DR started to extend its lead over Kaineng and FC once Kaineng finally got sick of dealing with DR every week after weeks of very close scores.

Eventually Devona’s Rest broke out of tier 8 (Very slowly due to the ratings sink hole that Glicko2 creates here), and EASILY ascended to tier 5 (it won significantly in tier 6 also, but by a smaller margin than previous wins) and made a shot at fighting a tier 4 server in its battles against Maguuma, and got crushed by that tier 4 wall in a sense. We then got to analyze its strength, that all along Devona’s Rest was comfortably tier 5 level.

Kaineng, with the same numbers it had fielded against Devona’s Rest in direct combat for weeks proved it was on a tier 5-like level also and put us down almost as heavily as Devona’s Rest did in its first week. Kaineng had always had a history of being a close match for Devona’s Rest. So you see, Kaineng at this point before transfer hell was already bound to eventually make it to the exact same tier Devona’s Rest was in and would of dominated us for weeks. Then in the second week, they got the addition of War Machine, a highly organized tier 3+ guild, and along with it a whole legion of high tier players, and by the third week had amassed over 1000-1500+ new bodies for regular WvW attendance spread throughout its various timezone coverages. At this point it was now tier 3+ level, and dominated us even more drastically for those next weeks til it got out, and EASILY ascended upwards, probably picking up some more transfers on the way and comfortably landed in tier 2 eventually.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


Now, consider Sorrow’s Furnace. In our first two weeks, FC beat them once, ET was also close behind, and the second week they won but it was also a brilliant match-up. Assuming there was no significant fluctuation from their time in tier 7, that means any server who was closely matched with them in tier 7 would logically also provide a great match-up here also, namely Henge of Denravi had close scores to SF. Take a look at the match-up history in mos millennium for yourselves and that’s what you will see.

Half way through the third week Sorrow’s Furnace numbers shot up to eventually reach what in my opinion is tier 6-tier 5 level numbers and night-cap coverage combo. The exact source of this is unknown to me, some SF say transfers, others say it was a largely dormant portion returning from the combination of the ending of Wintersday festival and a bunch of major SF figures yelling in Lion’s Arch map chat that they need s00per backup in WvW to win more. I say probably both, masses returning from PvE and then that domination and score increase it caused probably encouraged at least some transfers and one or two major guilds from other servers(maybe some even in our own servers) looking for a stable, win-capable server to select as a permanent home since they would of been in a time-crunch. (The time crunch to transfer was on as free transfers were going to end within a week or two when SF started winning with a 250k-ish lead.) In the end result you have a Sorrow’s Furnace that in my opinion will be competent at least up to tier 6, and possibly in to tier 5 now stuck with us until they advance. Sorrow’s Furnace are in my opinion NOT a “Tier 7 level” server dominating us and somehow proving there to be a massive gap between tier 8 and 7 but rather a tier 6-5 server dominating us just like the historical trend. They are not the same Sorrow’s Furnace who were closely matched with Henge of Denravi. It’s true that there will always be some former tier 7 server falling in here at points, that DOES NOT mean that the tier 7 server will always dominate, because we see consistently that these servers are not made equal.

And that brings me to the topic of the possibility of a new member replacing Sorrow’s Furnace in this tier. If HoD’s numbers haven’t increased from the time they had those close matches with pre-boom SF, then they just might be a great match for this tier if they get bumped down. I think its worth it to wait and put it to the test before concluding that its over for FC and ET competitive WvW, because IF HoD is on the same level they were back then, then logically we would end up with matches closely resembling the first two weeks we had with Sorrow’s Furnace, which were GREAT matches.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


Where did these numbers come from that say we have a T5-6 population?

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


Where did these numbers come from that say we have a T5-6 population?

From the fact that I was there when we were facing the same Devona’s Rest who EASILY reached tier 5, and can compare the screenshots of the numbers they yielded to crush us when Kaineng backed out of WvW for two weeks and easily say that in its prime, when Sorrow’s Furnace gets going it does infact yield numbers in specific maps and multiple map coverage that is EXTREMELY close to what Devona’s Rest yielded against us. I know this from first hand experience because I was there to see Devona’s Rest in all its might face to face. And Devona’s Rest has proven itself to be consistent tier 5 material, and in its mightiest it was even capable of dominating tier 5. (Fortunately it lost a fair amount of fairweather bandwagon guilds when it met the tier 4 wall.)

The big challenges that lay ahead for Sorrow’s Furnace is whether it can consistently yield its highest WvW numbers in both the NA timezone and its night cap crew(Its evident that in WvW boredom, its numbers have dropped A LOT the past two weeks, and especially this week, just as FC’s has.) without dropping the moment they have a loss/trouble. (Because eventually the zerg tactics won’t work as they have here when SF comes across similar numbers to their own. The fights will be longer and more intensive and down to far more specific details rather than matters of inevitability.), whether they can consistently pull together and yield high tier-communication between their major guilds working together and those guild commanders communicating between the public players present in their maps to use those additional resources efficiently, at least when they come across the servers who do that well. If they do all that, they will be a force to be reckoned with.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Medazolam.3058


Still fight left in Ferg, match reset night proves that week after week.

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


I disagree that we have T5-6 numbers and talk to people that are on those servers that have ques in multiple maps in prime time…I have only seen a que on one map during this time and was a couple of weeks ago. Have plenty of screen shots that show people come out from all servers every friday night and when they feel like it.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


Still fight left in Ferg, match reset night proves that week after week.

Yes, when the night-capping team of Sorrow’s Furnace is not in play, or at least not for an extended amount of time we can actually push quite well. That’s what happens every reset night when we do push, where we start with the same number of keeps, towers and upgrade levels. We even had times where during SF NA primetime, we were able to push over them with upwards of 375+ ppt leads. One of the key things that makes SF hard to deal for us with is the damage their night crew does to upgrades. We can play push and shove with SF in the NA timezone decently enough when our keeps and towers all have similar upgrade levels for all servers, and similar dedications required to defend/or conquer them.

But when we start logging in after day 2-3 especially and everything is insufficiently upgraded if we have manged to retake it you get this situation where even if the numbers are not obscured too much, SF is pushing FC against poorly upgraded keeps and towers but if we push SF, everything is completely upgraded on their side, and it stems completely from the lack of time zone coverage. I don’t hate or blame SF for it, but I daresay if the night-crew that wipes our maps between 12:00-3:00 AM my time were to vanish from SF it would have much more trouble with us and Eredon Terrace than it has at this time. While that’s not all there is to it, it is one factor of a few that helps build the disparity.

Unfortunately, we have so short a period to get our upgrades rolled out, and its costly when even a fully fortified, waypoint-able cannon filled keep will be lost while the server sleeps every night to a PvDoor squad, if you think about it when it costs upwards of 8 gold per single keep to get it that far, that’s a costly endeavor to go through every night losing 32 gold of keeps between BL and EB, and over another 20+ in tower upgrades, so nobody is going to rush to volunteer to upgrade something that simply can’t be held during a certain period. The fact that WvW costs so much for us to maintain a resistance against SF, more than it does for them to do so against us, is certainly tough to deal with. We did keep the upgrades rolling for a period regardless, an were able to hold very well during those times, but these upgrades become far too costly and when added to siege weapon costs and the fact that WvW drops yield so little gold/hour measurement when compared to PvE endeavors like Ascalonian Catacombs.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


I disagree that we have T5-6 numbers and talk to people that are on those servers that have queues in multiple maps in prime time…I have only seen a que on one map during this time and was a couple of weeks ago. Have plenty of screen shots that show people come out from all servers every friday night and when they feel like it.

Feel free, and I disagree with a TON of factual backing while I do so as you should already have seen everywhere from mos millennium match-up history to personal experience with tier 5-tier 3+ servers locked in our tier as well as the testimonies of others both from our tier and former members of it that my statements of them being tier 5+ level the whole time were indeed true, and that in light of all this, that there simply is no such thing as a “Tier 7 wall” separating tier 8 and 7. This is also notwithstanding whether or not there may be servers currently stuck in tier 7 that may be yielding tier 6 numbers or greater. I’ve spoken with people in tier 5 namely from Devona’s Rest who stated that the majority of their queue times are during reset, and even FC can queue a single map during reset, and also that they are usually centered on a single-two maps tops when they are there, and that the queues are also very short when present. (2-5 minutes.) and present for short periods of times, not the entirety of the prime time.

Also, the presence of a queue is weak evidence. If queues trigger when X people are in a map from one server, what if you’re consistently just 5-10 people short of triggering that queue all the time? That doesn’t make a server a lot weaker than one that does trigger it. And again, you bring me a Devona’s Rest or IoJ fellow who can tell me, and provide screenshot evidence that they are constantly queue’d in certain maps for hours of prime time and I may agree with the sentiment.

Actually if I wanted to troll, I could say that if there was a “tier 7” wall or a significant difference between tier 8 and tier 7 coverage every server that advanced from tier 8 would of met opposition from tier 7 or at least greater opposition than they did in tier 8, yet every former tier 8 server has stomped tier 7 and kicked it aside like chaff in the wind and much easier than they did with tier 8. Heck, the colossal mega-Kaineng’s lead in tier 7 was 40, 000+ higher than its lead in tier 8 was, it had an easier time stomping GoM and HoD than it did us in tier 8. Actually, hah! Even Devona’s Rest. It was cake compared to the Kaineng that moved up, and yet it stomped both SF and HoD like they were nothing, SF and HoD both scored lower against them than any one of Ferguson’s Crossing weeks dealing with Devona’s Rest.

Every time a tier 8 server moved up to tier 7 it had an easier time stomping their sorry hides than it actually did suppressing its tier 8 pals. So either tier 7 is incredibly overrated, or the servers their have some accursed habit of ducking their heads into the sand when any amount of challenge comes by, unlike tier 8.

Take a look for yourselves and compare:

Devona’s final moments in tier 8:

Devona stomps tier 7 EASIER than it did tier 8:

Kaineng’s final brutal week against FC and ET in tier 8:

Kaineng stomps tier 7 even easier than it did tier 8, our scores were 1/3 to almost double as high:

There is no tier 7 wall.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Medazolam.3058


hopefully SF will move on within a month, then T8 can get back to what we were before SF got the mass infusion of players.

see you out there tonight!

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


hopefully SF will move on within a month, then T8 can get back to what we were before SF got the mass infusion of players.

see you out there tonight!

Thanks, I hope likewise and that SF will find the higher tiers fun and more enjoyable than the fights here currently when it moves up eventually.

That and that supposed patch coming adding more WvW incentive should be interesting.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Mira.4906


The history of the tier 8 match-up problems, and possibility of a balanced match-up in the near future:

It seems there’s people constantly coming in here telling us there will never be balance, that there will never be a third server with numbers and coverage similar to ET and FC in here again. I ask you all, do you really think that’s true?

Look at our past opponents, and the situations of their battles. Devona’s Rest, former tier 8 server, where is it now? Tier 5. Kaineng, former tier 8 server, where is now? Tier 2. And before people make the transfer case for Kaineng, in the week BEFORE War Machine jumped ship to Kaineng and 1000+ transfers followed, in the week for the first time in months Kaineng as it was in the weeks before got to focus on FC without DR constantly assaulting it, what happened? That’s right, we got dominated. And its numbers at that time were near identical to the tier-5 level Devona’s Rest.

So basically, you had this situation. You had, be it via transfers or whatever, an at the time now long past in tier 8, a high Tier 5- level Devona’s Rest(Just short of pushing into tier 4 if you watched their ascension), a mid Tier 5-level Kaineng, and IMO a tier 7-level Ferguson’s Crossing all thrown into the mix at the time.

What happened next was the natural, DR and Kaineng were very well matched and with FC no being present/strong enough to stop it from becoming a direct war between two servers stress built up on these two in particular, Devona’s Rest and Kaineng. They were CONSTANTLY fighting each other, ALL THE TIME. If either of them took the time to have some change and worry about Ferguson’s Crossing, the other would be marching in their lands PvDooring everything. So between these two big players, the one who’s morale broke first lost, so DR started to extend its lead over Kaineng and FC once Kaineng finally got sick of dealing with DR every week after weeks of very close scores.

Eventually Devona’s Rest broke out of tier 8 (Very slowly due to the ratings sink hole that Glicko2 creates here), and EASILY ascended to tier 5 (it dominated tier 5 also) and made a shot at tier 4. We then got to analyze its strength, that all along Devona’s Rest was one of those servers that were just a few guild transfers short of being capable of holding their own in tier 4, so they lost in there yet had the numbers to dominate tier 5. Those guilds that had no interest in that jumped ship somewhere else, and they’ve been tier 5-level ever since.

Kaineng, with the same numbers it had fielded against Devona’s Rest in direct combat for weeks proved it was on a tier 5-like level also and put us down almost as heavily as Devona’s Rest did in its first week. Kaineng had always had a history of being a close match for Devona’s Rest. So you see, Kaineng at this point before transfer hell was already bound to eventually make it to the exact same tier Devona’s Rest was in and would of dominated us for weeks. Then in the second week, they got the addition of War Machine, a highly organized tier 3+ guild, and along with it a whole legion of high tier players, and by the third week had amassed over 1000-1500+ new bodies for regular WvW attendance spread throughout its various timezone coverages. At this point it was now tier 3+ level, and dominated us even more drastically for those next weeks til it got out, and EASILY ascended upwards, probably picking up some more transfers on the way and comfortably landed in tier 2 eventually.

I nomrally dont comment on other matches threads but there is a little misinformation that no one seems to correct in this discussion. Devona’s Rest never made it above tier 5 and haven’t won a match since tier 6 so to say that they dominated tier 5 is a little incorrect. At their best they were strong T6 weak T5 as their average weekly loss was above 150k points in T5. Kaineng was a little different as they had a very stong overnite presence that all servers between T8 and T4 lack so it is very easy to win matches when you get +695 during that time.

With that being said looking forward facing SF again at some point in time.

Guild Leader for [Myth] Darkhaven

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


Oh man, soon much SF blood on my hands combined with fergs blood.

Excellent defence of SM et, took SF longer than it should with triple our numbers they finally got it, but they got it at a huge cost, soooo much loot for me

So much fun…

But a net need to sort out lag in general, and skill lag, defence in lords room was getting stressful with it.

Also, we took SS of fail pbombs from SF <3

Edit: I dislike you SF, you gave me a full bag of loot and only 2 Badges of honour.


You maded me a sad person

At least put an extra badge in the loot for me /cry

Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

(edited by roostapro.9827)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


The history of the tier 8 match-up problems, and possibility of a balanced match-up in the near future:

It seems there’s people constantly coming in here telling us there will never be balance, that there will never be a third server with numbers and coverage similar to ET and FC in here again. I ask you all, do you really think that’s true?

Look at our past opponents, and the situations of their battles. Devona’s Rest, former tier 8 server, where is it now? Tier 5. Kaineng, former tier 8 server, where is now? Tier 2. And before people make the transfer case for Kaineng, in the week BEFORE War Machine jumped ship to Kaineng and 1000+ transfers followed, in the week for the first time in months Kaineng as it was in the weeks before got to focus on FC without DR constantly assaulting it, what happened? That’s right, we got dominated. And its numbers at that time were near identical to the tier-5 level Devona’s Rest.

So basically, you had this situation. You had, be it via transfers or whatever, an at the time now long past in tier 8, a high Tier 5- level Devona’s Rest(Just short of pushing into tier 4 if you watched their ascension), a mid Tier 5-level Kaineng, and IMO a tier 7-level Ferguson’s Crossing all thrown into the mix at the time.

What happened next was the natural, DR and Kaineng were very well matched and with FC no being present/strong enough to stop it from becoming a direct war between two servers stress built up on these two in particular, Devona’s Rest and Kaineng. They were CONSTANTLY fighting each other, ALL THE TIME. If either of them took the time to have some change and worry about Ferguson’s Crossing, the other would be marching in their lands PvDooring everything. So between these two big players, the one who’s morale broke first lost, so DR started to extend its lead over Kaineng and FC once Kaineng finally got sick of dealing with DR every week after weeks of very close scores.

Eventually Devona’s Rest broke out of tier 8 (Very slowly due to the ratings sink hole that Glicko2 creates here), and EASILY ascended to tier 5 (it dominated tier 5 also) and made a shot at tier 4. We then got to analyze its strength, that all along Devona’s Rest was one of those servers that were just a few guild transfers short of being capable of holding their own in tier 4, so they lost in there yet had the numbers to dominate tier 5. Those guilds that had no interest in that jumped ship somewhere else, and they’ve been tier 5-level ever since.

Kaineng, with the same numbers it had fielded against Devona’s Rest in direct combat for weeks proved it was on a tier 5-like level also and put us down almost as heavily as Devona’s Rest did in its first week. Kaineng had always had a history of being a close match for Devona’s Rest. So you see, Kaineng at this point before transfer hell was already bound to eventually make it to the exact same tier Devona’s Rest was in and would of dominated us for weeks. Then in the second week, they got the addition of War Machine, a highly organized tier 3+ guild, and along with it a whole legion of high tier players, and by the third week had amassed over 1000-1500+ new bodies for regular WvW attendance spread throughout its various timezone coverages. At this point it was now tier 3+ level, and dominated us even more drastically for those next weeks til it got out, and EASILY ascended upwards, probably picking up some more transfers on the way and comfortably landed in tier 2 eventually.

I nomrally dont comment on other matches threads but there is a little misinformation that no one seems to correct in this discussion. Devona’s Rest never made it above tier 5 and haven’t won a match since tier 6 so to say that they dominated tier 5 is a little incorrect. At their best they were strong T6 weak T5 as their average weekly loss was above 150k points in T5. Kaineng was a little different as they had a very stong overnite presence that all servers between T8 and T4 lack so it is very easy to win matches when you get +695 during that time.

With that being said looking forward facing SF again at some point in time.

You are 100% correct, I was just looking back at that myself and was about to edit my post when you quoted me :/. Rather, it seems they faced down a tier 4 level server and lost horribly, namely Maguuma and then supposedly a significant amount of people transferred off to the next “Winning team” right around here:

And they have been tier 5 ever since.

My memory with Devona’s Rest was a little fuzzy, and I didn’t track much of their fights after they reached tier 5. My point still stands though, namely that being in tier 8 doesn’t mean a server can’t hold its own against a former tier 7 server, history has shown otherwise.

Thanks for the corrections though, its appreciated.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


i dunno about anyone else, but i am gonna be SO confused tonight… i’m gonna be trying to run in the red doors, and running from my own guards wearing blue… lol

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

2/15 - Tier 8 - SF/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Darxio.5672


Alright, I got two exciting pictures for ya.

First is ET’s conquest this morning of just about all of EB. We decided to stop and NOT attack the SF keep. We know our limits, after all, since we do NOT have an endless amount of players like SF does.

Second shows how badly SF wanted to take SM… and how badly they failed too. They outnumbered us, but proper siege placement and high quality siege made sure that we could stand toe-to-toe against their numbers and tactics, even with inferior numbers. I love this action shot.


Brigade of the Black Twilight [BBT]
Darxio – Thief Commander

(edited by Darxio.5672)