2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


That was a fun change of pace. We decided to have some kill farming fun with SF in ET BL and followed it up with some typical [WZ] craziness in the form of a tonic parade.

Fun times, although its shocking how many people think its ok to have baby quaggan on the menu! [TFoR] was to be expected, but The Hungry Council of Canada! Quaggan poaching is supposed to be outlawed here! Shame on you my countrymen!

Cheers to all the SF and ET who had fun with our little quaggan parade, although we probably had more fun with it than you guys did somewhere between everyone on teamspeak making squeaky high-pitched voices and saying: “Quaggan, FooOOOooo!” and getting knocked flying by the box o’ fun.

Next time we’ll try to bring 30 baby quaggans. Safety in numbers!


Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Venn.7623


Lol…sure but when GoM comes down here I’m almost positive people will use all the same excuses for losing as they have in the past…whatever makes people feel better

Calm down buddy.

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Venn.7623


Morale is high and spirits are soaring in ET. We fight against overwhelming odds and do better than ever.

We are also letting Ferg reap what they sow. Most of us ET commanders have no more feelings of an alliance. We extended the olive branch, and you spit at it. Enjoy getting treated the way you treated us in the past.

And SF has the numbers, but are sloppier than ever. And I see both sides capitalizing on it.

ET will make sure the Blue Keep in EB gets used like it should. And we have.

I recall seeing a nice ET zerg hitting Durios while KRAK was spewing that non aggression treaty. Nice to know you have 0 insight on the matter. ET is doing better this week though, keep it up.

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


Lol…sure but when GoM comes down here I’m almost positive people will use all the same excuses for losing as they have in the past…whatever makes people feel better

Calm down buddy.

Always calm friend.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Manoa.5897


Lol…sure but when GoM comes down here I’m almost positive people will use all the same excuses for losing as they have in the past…whatever makes people feel better

Calm down buddy.

Always calm friend.


Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


Lol..since I know how much ET loves me I am going to take a vacation there and visit all my fans. So glad I have a commander badge too so i can get most of my fans to follow me….SEE YOU TOMORROW GUYS!!!

Have so many gems and just can’t wait to spend some time with all my good friends from ET. It will be so much fun for all of our amazing group of friends to hang out together, at least for the next week.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

(edited by FilthyRat.4652)

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


The NAP was not set in stone or agreed upon by all of ET or FC, and why would it be? It was more of a way to prioritize which BL / who to attack. A lot of people took it literally and then there were some, like a certain night commander on ET, who went out of their way to attack ferg first… Unless you were monitoring WvW nonstop then it’s absurd to play the blame game.

(me msging the commander in question when I saw him making a B line for ferg and his answer was “attack them while they aren’t paying attention”)

To be honest, in video game culture now-a-days, people will try to do things to rile you up for the sake of riling you up. There will always be people on ET and Ferg attacking the other server just in spite of you.

Let’s enjoy the match for what it is (if you can do that) and if not then enjoy the new pve content. People are people, and there is no evil regime here or there. There is no boogeyman server waiting to jump you. Esp not Fergs… I have no problems with them and as far as SF, I have the occasional duel with them when I hop into wvw.

As far as SF, are you going to demand they only field a certain amount of people? no… that’s ridiculous. The system is broken and it’s not their fault. We are outnumbered and everyone knows it, and that’s why most people ignore any chest thumping from certain SF players (who know their situation and try to rile you up). There are bad eggs on every server, and we don’t see ours because we’re not their opponents.

What we need is a constructive solution. We have good communities here, and I am sure SF would appreciate a more even fight as well (how else do you get better except through competition). Recruitment threads are a good step as long as we can get people to funnel in at a somewhat even rate, and my invitation for any FC guilds to move or to work some kind of a move to FC is still on the table.

Also, thanks for the kind words detharos.


Feel free to bump it.

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

(edited by SniffyCube.6107)

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Scumbag Mawile.6384

Scumbag Mawile.6384


is our god elder of time or based quag

that was really never cleared up for me

Disciple of Quag

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


Lol..since I know how much ET loves me I am going to take a vacation there and visit all my fans. So glad I have a commander badge too so i can get most of my fans to follow me....SEE YOU TOMORROW GUYS!!!

Have so many gems and just can’t wait to spend some time with all my good friends from ET. It will be so much fun for all of our amazing group of friends to hang out together, at least for the next week.

you mean >gasp< you’re going to LEAVE the JP to come out on the field?!?!?

oh my goodness! i have a chance to find you! ROFL... the wild jump puzzle rat hunt resumes!

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


Lol…wish people remember when they add me to their friends list, and when they do I can see them too. It is also hard for people to find me when they spend 90% of their time in PvE. Makes me laugh inside especially when there is talk about the numbers we field….Lion’s Arch is a pretty safe place.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Runamok.9638


Now that we have beaten the whole futile and silly ET/Ferg alliance nonsense into oblivion lets move onto more important topics.

I want to give a shout-out to the [THS] Backstab Thief and Glass Cannon D/D Ele combo that obliterated me last night outside Langor a couple of times. I was dead before I could even move. Ive never been so destroyed like that even when dive bombing into zergs.

It was a lot of fun brawling back and forth between Quentin – Danelon – Langor last evening EST. That kind of action is way more fun than getting zerged or pvdoor. More open field battles please.

I am really surprised and happy to see that ET is holding down 2nd place.

Elementalist One Angry Brotha

One Angry Brotha — Stafro Elementalist
Once in a While Mediocre Commander

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


Lol…wish people remember when they add me to their friends list, and when they do I can see them too. It is also hard for people to find me when they spend 90% of their time in PvE. Makes me laugh inside especially when there is talk about the numbers we field….Lion’s Arch is a pretty safe place.

>snort< someone isn’t paying as close attention as they imply they are… i spend little time in LA unless i’m crafting.

and considering i made 2 levels last night and another 1 this morning in WvW with my new lowbie guardian, i’d hardly say that’s only 10% of my time.

but ok then. heh.

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


Detharos. Most of what you said could have been said by someone from ET, using ET as the base, and would not have seemed the least bit out of place. Look, end of the day, we are where we are.

If that means, we have gotten tired of dealing with SF and have opted to go after each other, great. I mean, it is an open world of fighting. Currently, I don’t fault anyone from Ferg for killing me, taking our keeps, or anything else, nor do I feel any remorse for attacking them, or taking FC’s land marks. It is, what it is. Part of the game.

I hate to say it but facts are facts, every previous week Ferguson’s Crossing was blue team because we were as a server, significantly more powerful than Eredon Terrace. We had greater numbers and coverage than ET, so much so that we maintained those 20k leads while SF had 90% of its focus on us rather than ET.

I hate to say it but, Both our lands got painted green, the Battle grounds got painted green, If Ferg received any additional pressure from SF, it was because perhaps SF viewed them as a bigger threat, that is all, there was to it.

There were no Alliances, no supporting each other, at our best, we came to an understanding of leaving each other alone was our to our best advantage. Not everyone realized that, no doubt, after all, ET and Ferg are servers, not teams, not groups, just servers, and anyone is able join the server, and anyone is able to go to WvWvW and do what they like there.

Perhaps, if Anet had put in some plan that made WvWvW their own thing, as opposed to annexed to the PvE server, so that the WvWvW could be smaller, more definitive, and for some people, limited to their guild, that might have had an amazing impact, and then alliances, NAP, and other such things could become a reality among the WvWvW Teams, with what we have now, such things, were wonderful ideals and dreams, but amounted to nothing more then that.

The reality is, here today, now, we were, and are, doing the best we can with what we have. Some days, we do well, some days we don’t.

Now, if ET got a surge of people (and honestly I hope we did, as that would be great), and that means we somehow pulled ahead and are in the lead, then that is life. There is no need to explain it, or justify it. Every side has it’s good players, it’s bad players, and yes, we all have our trolls that we all could do well without.

In the end, as you said. It is a game. And for myself, I have realized that bothering myself with this, is well.. bothering me.

It’s has become less fun the more I have gotten involved with it off the field, it is painfully apparent that the same ego and vanity that infects most PvP games also has it roots in WvWvW which, well, it is these trolls and jerks that poison the joy of what open combat could be, and that is friendly competition.

Anyway, above it all, I personally have come to realize that discussion on the WvWvW forums will not change anything.

Here is what it boils down to, we are not forced to do it, we are not required to WvWvW and the rewards .. ehh.. they are lack luster to say the least, not to mention there is no punishment for losing.

So if I am on the field, it should be for love of the game. And I needed to see that myself, hence why I had not posted on this topic for a day, I had gotten angry in the past, let my temper flair, and let things get to me, I took what should have been a silly pointless game, personally. For that, I apologize. I’m an adult, I should know better.

So if you see me on the field, it is because I want to be there, if I walk off, it’s because I don’t.

In that, if someone is not enjoying the game on their server they are on, I do not fault them for moving on, for finding a place where they can have the fun they want. I wish them well in fact.

With the coming Guild Events, I hope to be spending more time with the great people of my guild doing that. If we lose a bit more in WvWvW because a good number of people want to PvE more because of the new stuff coming out, meh, such is the fate of a game.

Anyway. I wish everyone on Ferg and SF well, I hope you enjoy your time on the field as much I plan to enjoy mine. if you guys pull to 2nd this week, kudos, if not, well, I can see you are giving a great fight, and I guess that is where the real reward is, in the battles, the fun, and the fights on the field.

It’s a game, lets try to have some fun there.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Jarettellis.7813


Mad props to our night shift last night on our own lands for FC. Yall made me smile at the determination and ferocity to fight SF when there was like barely 10 of us at DB when SF raided the lords room with like 50+. That and the fact we took a few of em with us, and took em like 10 mins to root us out was really nice to see.

The fact that we can show that kind of determination even against greater odds shows we do have some promise, even if we are stuck in tier 8.

So keep up the good work fellow Ferguson’s Crossing wvwers, show em we wont give up a tower/keep without a fight. Continue acting like the pitbulls i saw last night and make us all proud.

Vikings with Attitude (Zerk)

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


Good job Team AL…just logged in to get smashed at SM


Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: shunobee.6907


I actually enjoy skirmishing against FC, since it is usually small group battles with little chance for a zerg of 40+ from either side rolling through to ruin the fun. Instead of the usual “defence against impossible odds,” the fights usually come down to timing and tactics. I’ve also noticed that SF has greatly improved their coordination and siege placements in some of the battles I’ve been in, which makes for more interesting WvW’ing.

Thanks all for the fun times this past reset :-)

[mend] – Eredon Terrace

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Air.6452


We had a great deal of fun with you tonight SF, here is just one encounter:

Chody – Leader of We Came To Dance GW2
Crystal Desert
We Came To Dance [WCTD]

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: DisplayName.7802



Good fights from all side today. SM was taken overnight thus starting a three way fight for SM the whole day today. Darn you Aussies!
SF is already losing a lot of rating this week, but I have to admit, its been fun lol

Basic Banjo

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: geekanerd.4123


I think that’s exactly what has been missing for awhile. Fun. The score becomes less relevant, at least to me, as long as it’s fun to log in and play. This week has largely been just that.

[DIE] – FA
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Scumbag Mawile.6384

Scumbag Mawile.6384


I built a bunch of ballista inside SM but the zerg left before they got through the inner gate.

Just me and ballista. Alone. Bag-o’-lootless.


Disciple of Quag

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: GambitsEnd.6028


What’s funny is that a good 85% of the fights I’m a part of in WvW (SF player) generally involves the following:

— Enemies totaling x2-x5 the size of my force
— Both ET and FC attacking just SF locations at all times (because apparently they need two servers to take back 20% of a map for an hour before we take it all back)
— The ET or FC zerg wiping (90% chance)

I mean kitten guys, when 4 SF can kill an entire ET zerg (35+) after the wall goes down (with no siege to help), that’s sad. Very sad. And this is not an isolated event, myself and a few others do similar battles (and win) on a daily basis.

And seriously guys, failing 70% of all SM raids when there is an entire server knocking at the northern AND another server at the South-eastern gates … wow.

I’m not saying SF is good (we’re in bottom Tier, so obviously not), we’re just not as bad. Please train your people. Thank you.

EDIT: Forgot to add that I’m impressed with the current change in power in ET, you guys are providing at least some resistance lately. Which cannot be said for FC, sadly.

(edited by GambitsEnd.6028)

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


So there I was. I was all alone, and it was just me and 40+ Sorrows Furnace people, they hit me with everything, from Golems to Catapults, to battering Rams. yes, I ran up to their battering rams and let them hit because I am just that super tough.

I even took a sammich break, washed my hair, and played with the dog, and they still could not get past the super awesome bodaciousness that is Eredon Terrace banner flying high above me. enticing and inspiring me on to greater acts of valor and courage, even while AFK.

40 of them came, in seven ways, throwing everything from alchemist to rhinos at me, and we held the line, that’s right. me, myself, and I, took down the entirety of SF in one go!

Ooook then. Can we stop the ridiculous smack talk, please, or I’ll be forced to make up even more silly stuff in the future, I might even have to retort to quoting Po.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


this sure is pretty. XD

Chivalry Timbers, y’all ;-)


Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


What’s funny is that a good 85% of the fights I’m a part of in WvW (SF player) generally involves the following:

— Enemies totaling x2-x5 the size of my force
— Both ET and FC attacking just SF locations at all times (because apparently they need two servers to take back 20% of a map for an hour before we take it all back)
— The ET or FC zerg wiping (90% chance)

I mean kitten guys, when 4 SF can kill an entire ET zerg (35+) after the wall goes down (with no siege to help), that’s sad. Very sad. And this is not an isolated event, myself and a few others do similar battles (and win) on a daily basis.

And seriously guys, failing 70% of all SM raids when there is an entire server knocking at the northern AND another server at the South-eastern gates … wow.

I’m not saying SF is good (we’re in bottom Tier, so obviously not), we’re just not as bad. Please train your people. Thank you.

EDIT: Forgot to add that I’m impressed with the current change in power in ET, you guys are providing at least some resistance lately. Which cannot be said for FC, sadly.

It’s like you’re speaking a completely different language.

EDIT: Mostly

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


…40 of them came, in seven ways, throwing everything from alchemist to rhinos at me, and we held the line, that’s right. me, myself, and I, took down the entirety of SF in one go!

That one guy had a straw and some spitballs too. I was watching from the hill.

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: wyther.8372


What’s funny is that a good 85% of the fights I’m a part of in WvW (SF player) generally involves the following:

— Enemies totaling x2-x5 the size of my force
— Both ET and FC attacking just SF locations at all times (because apparently they need two servers to take back 20% of a map for an hour before we take it all back)
— The ET or FC zerg wiping (90% chance)

I mean kitten guys, when 4 SF can kill an entire ET zerg (35+) after the wall goes down (with no siege to help), that’s sad. Very sad. And this is not an isolated event, myself and a few others do similar battles (and win) on a daily basis.

And seriously guys, failing 70% of all SM raids when there is an entire server knocking at the northern AND another server at the South-eastern gates … wow.

I’m not saying SF is good (we’re in bottom Tier, so obviously not), we’re just not as bad. Please train your people. Thank you.

EDIT: Forgot to add that I’m impressed with the current change in power in ET, you guys are providing at least some resistance lately. Which cannot be said for FC, sadly.

Gilkin rules…..er wait……

Gilkin – Ex Commander for ET server

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Runamok.9638


Psssh Gilkin is no Ungood. Ive never seen your bodaciousness afk destroy a 40 man SF zerg whilst eating a sammich.

One Angry Brotha — Stafro Elementalist
Once in a While Mediocre Commander

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


So there I was. I was all alone, and it was just me and 40+ Sorrows Furnace people, they hit me with everything, from Golems to Catapults, to battering Rams. yes, I ran up to their battering rams and let them hit because I am just that super tough.

I even took a sammich break, washed my hair, and played with the dog, and they still could not get past the super awesome bodaciousness that is Eredon Terrace banner flying high above me. enticing and inspiring me on to greater acts of valor and courage, even while AFK.

40 of them came, in seven ways, throwing everything from alchemist to rhinos at me, and we held the line, that’s right. me, myself, and I, took down the entirety of SF in one go!

Ooook then. Can we stop the ridiculous smack talk, please, or I’ll be forced to make up even more silly stuff in the future, I might even have to retort to quoting Po.

siegerazer is that you

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376



bah. stupid "Message Body legth must be at least 15. >grumble<

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Dogsmack.4910


Dude if we posted a pic everytime we took something e.g sm, this thread would be 100 pages long..LOL but heres some anyways

so classy :P


2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: D W.5179

D W.5179

So there I was. I was all alone, and it was just me and 40+ Sorrows Furnace people, they hit me with everything, from Golems to Catapults, to battering Rams. yes, I ran up to their battering rams and let them hit because I am just that super tough.

I even took a sammich break, washed my hair, and played with the dog, and they still could not get past the super awesome bodaciousness that is Eredon Terrace banner flying high above me. enticing and inspiring me on to greater acts of valor and courage, even while AFK.

40 of them came, in seven ways, throwing everything from alchemist to rhinos at me, and we held the line, that’s right. me, myself, and I, took down the entirety of SF in one go!

Ooook then. Can we stop the ridiculous smack talk, please, or I’ll be forced to make up even more silly stuff in the future, I might even have to retort to quoting Po.

I was there, and fell victim to the awesome… nothing short of impressive :P
Seriously though, this story, making fun of the story above it, made my day (I was thinking pretty much the same thing while reading that post)

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Darxio.5672


Have a score update.


Brigade of the Black Twilight [BBT]
Darxio – Thief Commander

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Runamok.9638


Keep up the fight for 2nd ET!

I think the “win” e.g. not getting roflstomped into oblivion last week invigorated some ET folks. I think it is more of a our folks are sacrificing sleep to play longer to keep second place vs. an influx of fresh blood into ET. I have welcomed a few people back into the mix I haven’t seen scurrying about recently. Hopefully we can keep the fire burning. I was really expecting Ferg to have solidified a hold on second place by this point in the week.

I have read that Anet tried to nerf me since I’m too OP’d. The tendency of ANET to nerf rather than fix long outstanding bugs or buff alternative builds has become embarrassingly asinine. Make other options more viable, open up the game, not work to limit it on the account of whiners. Lookout Thiefs and Warriors you are next. The whiny bandwangoners will move onto complaining about you next. I know QQ moar, blah blah blah.

On the bright side that means I can go staff and abuse AOE to capitalize on the buffed up loot bag drops. Really pumped to hear about another round of increase loot bag drops. Are things noticeably that much better? WTB SF Zergs.

One Angry Brotha — Stafro Elementalist
Once in a While Mediocre Commander

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


Dude if we posted a pic everytime we took something e.g sm, this thread would be 100 pages long..LOL but heres some anyways

so classy :P

I think you’re missing the point. People from ET and FC post screenshots because it’s a bit more impressive when the underdog takes it to you. It’s less impressive when the numerically superior server (who already has the advantage) takes a point.

For example:
Italian conquest of Ethiopia = not impressive
Leonidas I holding against the massive Persian army with only a 300 Spartans and a few thousand other Greeks = impressive

Of course this is just a game, and Leonidas eventually got wiped out, but you can see where I’m drawing the similarities from. It’s a good morale booster so don’t take it personally. It’s not meant to be offensive… people are just celebrating their accomplishments against a presumably larger force.

Also, fantastic low lvl duels last night FC players.

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

(edited by SniffyCube.6107)

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: geekanerd.4123


So there I was. I was all alone, and it was just me and 40+ Sorrows Furnace people, they hit me with everything, from Golems to Catapults, to battering Rams. yes, I ran up to their battering rams and let them hit because I am just that super tough.

I even took a sammich break, washed my hair, and played with the dog, and they still could not get past the super awesome bodaciousness that is Eredon Terrace banner flying high above me. enticing and inspiring me on to greater acts of valor and courage, even while AFK.

40 of them came, in seven ways, throwing everything from alchemist to rhinos at me, and we held the line, that’s right. me, myself, and I, took down the entirety of SF in one go!

Ooook then. Can we stop the ridiculous smack talk, please, or I’ll be forced to make up even more silly stuff in the future, I might even have to retort to quoting Po.

I was there, and fell victim to the awesome… nothing short of impressive :P
Seriously though, this story, making fun of the story above it, made my day (I was thinking pretty much the same thing while reading that post)

Ungood is being modest. I was there, watching, when he killed all those SF toons. I was also there after he logged off and Ferg attacked. Just his essence, the strata of bits and bytes and lines of code, were warped into something indescribable. Even not there, he was still /there/, somehow, and the echo of his character destroyed our 20+ zerg. And Jormag. Plus several of those really annoying silver mobs that set bombs in CM.

[DIE] – FA
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


I think it is more of a our folks are sacrificing sleep to play longer to keep second place vs. an influx of fresh blood into ET.

That’s been my experience. I have the bags under my eyes to prove it. haha

Even when I SHOULD have went to bed when WvW went down last night, I STILL hung around just so I could pop back on and do “one more thing”. I may have been the second person back on ET and finally did go to bed after helping to grab back our camps. The “extra” rest was definately needed.

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: DisplayName.7802


Hey, whoever is at EB SF keep underground and keep hitting bankers to make it contested. Stahp =|

Basic Banjo

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


I want to say.. to everyone that responded to me.. Thank you. You guys really are made of win.

Ungood is being modest. I was there, watching, when he killed all those SF toons. I was also there after he logged off and Ferg attacked. Just his essence, the strata of bits and bytes and lines of code, were warped into something indescribable. Even not there, he was still /there/, somehow, and the echo of his character destroyed our 20+ zerg. And Jormag. Plus several of those really annoying silver mobs that set bombs in CM.

I laughed so hard reading this, I almost spit my drink out about the silver mobs in CM..

Really think it is the ability to laugh with everyone here, that really makes you all great people.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


Dude if we posted a pic everytime we took something e.g sm, this thread would be 100 pages long..LOL but heres some anyways

so classy :P

oh forgive me… i was just proud because that’s MY GUILD banner hanging from that castle.

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


It was a good pic too…the banner fits nice in the dark.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Leogolas.6941


What’s funny is that a good 85% of the fights I’m a part of in WvW (SF player) generally involves the following:

— Enemies totaling x2-x5 the size of my force
— Both ET and FC attacking just SF locations at all times (because apparently they need two servers to take back 20% of a map for an hour before we take it all back)
— The ET or FC zerg wiping (90% chance)

I mean kitten guys, when 4 SF can kill an entire ET zerg (35+) after the wall goes down (with no siege to help), that’s sad. Very sad. And this is not an isolated event, myself and a few others do similar battles (and win) on a daily basis.

And seriously guys, failing 70% of all SM raids when there is an entire server knocking at the northern AND another server at the South-eastern gates … wow.

I’m not saying SF is good (we’re in bottom Tier, so obviously not), we’re just not as bad. Please train your people. Thank you.

EDIT: Forgot to add that I’m impressed with the current change in power in ET, you guys are providing at least some resistance lately. Which cannot be said for FC, sadly.

I nearly spill my lunch while reading this. Lol
4 SF kill an entire ET Zerg ? Wow remember to video similar battles next time it happens.
Since you stated that ET zergs are wiped 90% of the time, you should be able to get a video of it pretty quickly.
Entire server knocking on sm gate. ? Are you joking? So entire server is like 20 players or 30players? Next time take a screen shot, I love to see that.
Anyway, this week been really fun , i have been getting more kills and death . Totally crazy week of fighting.
Ps( Anet I hate you or nerfing my pies.)

[TSA] The Stuffed Animals
~We Are Deadly When Required~

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Scleameth.6809


^^ agreed pie nerf is costing me a build rethink…
Last night I logged on for a bit (4hrs if that is a bit…). SF zerg showed up and started painting EB green. We were at least 20 FC on EB when it all started. When they took our last tower there were 5 left. C’mon Ferguson’s Chickens you can do better than run when the going gets tough!
Headed over to BL where for some reason a few ET insisted on taking Blue water camp. They succeeded once, but got owned at least 5 times before giving it all up. Rest assured if I did not tab to desktop once and got stuck in chat twice you would have never got close!
Headed to SF BL and started working on walls when SF showed up in the nick of time and did some good defence. I ended my night in a charge right into the heart of cannon fire and every condition in the game on me. Death – log off – sleep… all in all good fun. But ET and FC should hit SF BL more often to keep them honest and get that super upgraded green homeland painted with some bright red and blue!!

Keep the Faith (and stay out of AC fire)

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: GambitsEnd.6028


S’all right. Just means I’ll have to get my lazy kitten motivated enough to start recording game footage again. Then I’ll upload videos that shows ET and/or FC getting their egos kicked by a force 1/5 their size. It’ll probably even be a daily upload.

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Scumbag Mawile.6384

Scumbag Mawile.6384

Actually, six of us in an ET BL tower wiped a 20-ET zerg tonight. I’d been ready to jump out the back since it looked like a guaranteed loss, but… o.0

Oh, and no siege. Just bodies. Vets were history, champ went down fast but then they just sort of… ran around and died?

Disciple of Quag

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Spica.9308


6 fully geared level 80 transfers will always wipe a group of inexperienced lvl 1s-60s.

Haven’t you understood by now it’s the only reason you win. SF is the most pathetic server in GW2 history. Continue bragging some more about how you beat the bottom 2 servers and how awesome you’re. lol

(edited by Spica.9308)

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: geekanerd.4123


S’all right. Just means I’ll have to get my lazy kitten motivated enough to start recording game footage again. Then I’ll upload videos that shows ET and/or FC getting their egos kicked by a force 1/5 their size. It’ll probably even be a daily upload.

You do that, champ.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, I had some bad kitten fights with SF earlier today. Thanks for the fun, guys.

[DIE] – FA
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


Actually, six of us in an ET BL tower wiped a 20-ET zerg tonight. I’d been ready to jump out the back since it looked like a guaranteed loss, but… o.0

Oh, and no siege. Just bodies. Vets were history, champ went down fast but then they just sort of… ran around and died?

This made me smile, because, there is a good chance, that the commander was not planning to take it at that time and just move past it to a supply camp, and what you got was a few confused players who could not quite figure out how to just run past something without attacking it, that would explain the lack of siege.

I know it was hard for me to just run past a green tower, but, I trusted my commanders that they knew what they were doing it seems those that you killed, needed to learn that lesson.

Thank you for teaching them.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


But ET and FC should hit SF BL more often to keep them honest and get that super upgraded green homeland painted with some bright red and blue!!

Truer words were never spoken, my friend.

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Linkisdead.9647


I’d love some more roamers/smaller teams to come to SF BL. Usually its painted green so I’m off running around in one of your BLs, although I prefer that sometimes because I get a kick out of getting the zerg to chase me.

Gotta get the less involved WvWers on SF to start calling out more on mapchat. I got to greenbriar being sieged by about 20, had 5 defenders or so and not a single one raised an alarm.

I sent one out and low and behold the cavalry arrived and took care of business.

Its going to take some getting used to, be we need to adapt a bit better to the lack of orange swords.

BTW sorry to that thief I was battling for a good five minutes(I was the ranger hanging between GL and RB) we had a great fight for awhile until they jumped in.

I’d love to set up a round 2 and see if we can finish it, it was really fun fighting a skill thief who didn’t stealth and run at the first sign of a real fight.

[sYn] Borlis Pass

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


6 fully geared level 80 transfers will always wipe a group of inexperienced lvl 1s-60s.

Haven’t you understood by now it’s the only reason you win. SF is the most pathetic server in GW2 history. Continue bragging some more about how you beat the bottom 2 servers and how awesome you’re. lol

Every time I am out in the field I always try to get my people just to target ET because of how much time they have spent as RED team. After four months it just seems a little strange to see them as BLUE….Go team AL


Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

(edited by FilthyRat.4652)