3/1 NSP GoM HoD

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: PoongWalrus.1206


Had fun taking keeps today in GoM and HoD BLs. We will be back tomorrow and hopefully we will have more good fights. Good luck to our night crew!

What is a night crew, and how do we get one?


Cubes A Cube[KotS] – 80 Guardian

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


I miss AR. They should come visit us in T7 instead of just hanging out in our forum.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: SydneyElise.8514


Just wanna give a shout out to GoM. Tonight on the Night Crew was just a huge bowl of awesomesauce. Don’t think we stopped moving for about 4 hours straight.

Mortaslith 80 necro
Member of (DARK) on NSP
Necro is a lifestyle choice… Don’t be afraid of the (DARK)

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Colt.9051


Needs more screenies! Awesome defense of the GoM BLs tonight! BO after BO quickly taken down after getting golem rushed. (NSP, y u no let me sleep?)


Daeaera ~ Leader of Grape Justice! [FGJ]

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


:’( i feel like a part of me is missing.

Is it the 5 and a half gold worth of siege that you are missing?


<3 I Am Going In

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


Per request, the (unofficial) GoM slogan.


3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Burnnn.1903


Got to say the golem rush on nspbl at 9 last night was pretty good. I was the dfa warrior at garrison that kept dive bombing your golems at water gate and hb’ing them before ducking back inside.

I think if the people in the golems had stayed on the gate the whole time you would have gotten through to inner before you got wiped.

The fact there was another golem group at our hills and bay at the same time made me really worried for a while there, and I loved how you guys switched straight to eb and wrecked us there while we cleaned up the mess you made in our bl. Good tactics all around, wish I had taken screen shots.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


Enjoyin the match up so far!

I will miss my Darkhaven friends but now rediscovering Northern Shiverpeak friends. And Anvil Rock is visiting too!

Alright, group hug everybody. You too, Henge of Denravi, not forgettin you buds!

group hug

Group hug indeed!

Fight club Thursday maybe?

Contact “I Am Going In” in game and my guild would love to set one up. We <3 fight clubs and fun social gatherings!

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Nodeninja.5321


Just want to thank those who have joined us on teamspeak and in WvW, it has been fun this week so far. Was a great decison to bypass last week wvw, and get more involved in this. So far it been working well. Glad to some peeps working together for the greater good on our server. To those who argue with AR. Don’t sweat it. There was a reason i left AR. Of course here comes the troll comments. But to those who know me, honor above all. So again glad to have made new friends and working with outher guilds. It getting better day by day. thanks for all the work

The problem is that you guys tanked last week for a ‘change of scenery’ which also happened to involve dropping into a lower tier where you knew that coverage was in your favor. Not saying the fights aren’t fun, but tier 7 is broken simply because GoM and HoD are both too lightly populated for WvW purposes to stand up to servers of the size of NSP or DH.

I’m glad your server is ‘coming together’ but I fail to see how ‘the greater good’ is served by simply dropping to a tier where you can PvDoor during coverage gaps instead of working towards the ‘greater good’ of fighting through things in a tier to which your population is more suited.

Regardless of my above QQ (accurate, but QQ nonetheless), I am glad to be rid of DH and we’re seeing some nice changes in the fights, but the overall situation for GoM hasn’t really changed with the arrival of NSP.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


There was a combination of things for us dropping a tier, yes many took last week off but it was more so because of extreme burnout from fighting AR for like 2 months straight and BP for about a month…and also fighting new servers can help put energy back into a server and let us get some coordination and morale back within our ranks…all that said this has been a blast and HOD and GOM are good servers with great people on them!

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Sororita.3465


1. My nasty guild made me do PvE! Guild missions or something, all to waypoints i didnt have so i fought a dragon -.-
2. NSP trying to take garrison, idk why you built so many trebs right by our gate though.


Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Belorn.2659


Clearly a new player who don’t know where each siege blueprint is useful and where not. The update, and the new energy in having a fresh fight with two new worlds is clearly encouraging more players in NSP to join in wvw, and we (NSP) should do our best to help them.

Its almost a bit sad that siege weapons don’t have the name of the owner on it, as here it would had helped to whisper the guy and point out that trebs are not useful right next to a gate.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Colt.9051


OH YEAH, also forgot to mention from last night’s GoM defense, to the [ROFL] group (I think it was them anyways) who attempted to bust through south Hills’s paper gate and succeeded only to have the door reenforce RIGHT as you were rushing in, gotta say tough luck on that one, and we got EXTREMELY lucky since our forces were spread between Woodhaven and Hills at the time (That and I stupidly suicided near the gate trying to get back down to help repair the paper gate.) I still to this min can’t stop laughing seeing that happen tho… Let’s have some fun future battles!

Daeaera ~ Leader of Grape Justice! [FGJ]

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Musty.3148



moar chars

80 Elementalist/80 Mesmer/80 Guardian/80 Thief
Now Musty Britches since someone decided Shortbus Rider was offensive… [LoS] [NSP]

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: anthsss.1564



Troll replies predicted.
Or maybe just the truth?

Is it honourable to try and make your server drop a tier so that you can have easy fights against a weaker enemy? No.
Is it honourable to leave your home server? No.
It is honourable to boast of your own honour? No.

From what you said in TS, you would move off of NSP if free transfers came back for even a day. Which no one is really surprised at.

Of course it is great to have people working to improve our server, but purposely trying to make us lose so you can pretend that winning against much weaker servers is all you? That cries of someone who needs their ego stroked, you are not the person who is responsible for NSP victories, the people of NSP are.

You ask for people to stop trolling you, except you go around, publicly and privately bashing other guilds which are not yours. And we respond to that with posts like this, pointing out that you are not NSP. You do not represent even a fraction of what NSP stands for.

I apologize to HoD and GoM, who have replied to the post above.
It was not our intention to be here.
As we always play for a higher tier, not to purposely lose.

Since Ronny has joined our server, we have gone from being nearly winning to losing and actually dropping a tier.
Anvil Rock as a majority were glad to see him go.
I can tell you there are plenty of people here who would like to see him leave also.

This. 110% this.


3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


We should just make 1 big kitten thread so we can all talk to eachother instead of separate t6 t7 threads.

Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: ETR.8152


Just want to thank those who have joined us on teamspeak and in WvW, it has been fun this week so far. Was a great decison to bypass last week wvw, and get more involved in this. So far it been working well. Glad to some peeps working together for the greater good on our server. To those who argue with AR. Don’t sweat it. There was a reason i left AR. Of course here comes the troll comments. But to those who know me, honor above all. So again glad to have made new friends and working with outher guilds. It getting better day by day. thanks for all the work

The problem is that you guys tanked last week for a ‘change of scenery’ which also happened to involve dropping into a lower tier where you knew that coverage was in your favor. Not saying the fights aren’t fun, but tier 7 is broken simply because GoM and HoD are both too lightly populated for WvW purposes to stand up to servers of the size of NSP or DH.

I’m glad your server is ‘coming together’ but I fail to see how ‘the greater good’ is served by simply dropping to a tier where you can PvDoor during coverage gaps instead of working towards the ‘greater good’ of fighting through things in a tier to which your population is more suited.

Regardless of my above QQ (accurate, but QQ nonetheless), I am glad to be rid of DH and we’re seeing some nice changes in the fights, but the overall situation for GoM hasn’t really changed with the arrival of NSP.

This…. but it is what it is. I still have fun killing. Who needs towers and keeps anyways.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


The nsp-ar-bp match up was a strange one indeed. Nsp trying to move down and bp giving the impression they don’t want to try 90 percent of the week so they don’t move up. And of course you have ar who seem to take random days off. It is like I wild game of no you win, no I don’t want to, you can’t make me. Ahh servers with different coverage holes. Love the lower brackets!

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


1. My nasty guild made me do PvE! Guild missions or something, all to waypoints i didnt have so i fought a dragon -.-
2. NSP trying to take garrison, idk why you built so many trebs right by our gate though.

Your guild made you do what? Those jerks! Boo! Hiss!

Gate of Madness

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


I miss AR. They should come visit us in T7 instead of just hanging out in our forum.

Beat NSP and come to T6.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


We should just make 1 big kitten thread so we can all talk to eachother instead of separate t6 t7 threads.

yes I agree, why must we be seperated!

IMO Dark Shiverpeaks Vs. Gate of Anvil Vs. Henge of Borlis !

go go go.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Syeria.4812


I’m glad your server is ‘coming together’ but I fail to see how ‘the greater good’ is served by simply dropping to a tier where you can PvDoor during coverage gaps instead of working towards the ‘greater good’ of fighting through things in a tier to which your population is more suited.

Just want to note, while NSP is definitely being carried by the population inbalance, it’s not fair to anyone to call it PvDoor. We’ve had a few instances of capturing keeps or towers which are largely undefended, but even then it’s often because another group is distracting the defenders at another point (see HoD BL last night where TFG held up all the defenders by attacking garrison while Os and some others took Hills and ZoS took Longview, then ZoS attacked garrison from another angle while TFG + pugs took Bay, followed up by everyone pushing together to grab garrison). Back when NSP was in T5, a few weeks our opponents had a huge coverage gap and we had some real PvDoor. Our morning crew at 7am would frequently clear an entire BL without seeing more than 5-10 defenders. Battles to take an EB keep would frequently be limited only by how long it takes our 5 catas + 2 trebs to take down a fortified wall that’s not being repaired.

Maybe that’s happening when I haven’t been online, but much of our point gain has been topping out at +400ppt, not the +600ppt a real PvDoor matchup earns.

The “greater good” that Ronny (I feel dirty saying things in defense of him) talks about is the greater good for NSP as a server. Facing BP and AR (two servers whose population is meaningfully greater than NSP’s) for that long was exhausting. Every week our WvW population seemed to shrink a little as people just got tired of seeing their early work (which they often extended beyond the time they intended to spend) amount to nothing at the end of the week. Dropping a tier has allowed some people to remember why they enjoy WvW. I’d prefer the matchup to be a little more balanced, but we do need to score more than GoM and HoD combined in order to return to T6. Even then we might need some help from DH coming up short to not be stuck in this tier. The more forgiving environment has helped the disparate guilds work together better as well. It’s no longer the end of the world if a strategy is botched or we overextend ourselves. We’re not backed into a corner where we need to be perfect 100% of the time to have a chance to win the matchup and that has helped ease tensions and return some of the fun factor.

On top of all that, it’s important to remember how DH ended up in T7 in the first place. They tanked out of T6 to avoid a rising power (IIRC it was Kaineng). NSP’s struggles since that point have shown that it might have been the best strategy for them.

I know it sucks for GoM and HoD to be screwed over by the matchups like this. The fact of the matter is that neither NSP nor DH are really evenly matched with T6, but are way too big for T7. Hopefully BP will break the ratings hell they’re stuck in and knock IoJ into T6 so we can see if that settles out the matchups again.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


I wouldn’t say DH are not evenly matched, they are doing just fine in T6, its amazing what can happen when your server … you know tries instead of throwing matches.

Yes I’m sure it does suck for HoD and GoM to have a server abuse the ranking so they can have it easy.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


Starting to look a lot like free speech in here. Careful peeps, it’s only Saturday.

please criticize when your server isn’t dominating.

Clearly you missed the point here. I’m commenting on the possibility of the thread being locked.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Phillipidies.3204


I, for one, don’t care a whole lot about points and tiers. Having said that, if NSP thinks its going to be a bunch of fun here in tier 7, I think they’ve miscalculated. Every defense I’ve been involved in since late Friday night has been at least 4 to 1 odds, and pretty soon people will get frustrated and it will be even worse. People will give up (not all of course) and there will be lots of PvDoor and roamers getting roflstomped by bored zergs. NSP has a much bigger night presence than DH. I think it was somewhat telling that in the first few hours after reset when populations were as close to equal as they will ever be in this match up, HoD was hanging just fine with GoM and NSP, winning even.

Have fun out there but based on past experience, don’t be surprised if good fights get harder and harder to find.

Phaeax, Hydema, Phillipidies [LK] HoD

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


Just want to thank those who have joined us on teamspeak and in WvW, it has been fun this week so far. Was a great decison to bypass last week wvw, and get more involved in this. So far it been working well. Glad to some peeps working together for the greater good on our server. To those who argue with AR. Don’t sweat it. There was a reason i left AR. Of course here comes the troll comments. But to those who know me, honor above all. So again glad to have made new friends and working with outher guilds. It getting better day by day. thanks for all the work

The problem is that you guys tanked last week for a ‘change of scenery’ which also happened to involve dropping into a lower tier where you knew that coverage was in your favor. Not saying the fights aren’t fun, but tier 7 is broken simply because GoM and HoD are both too lightly populated for WvW purposes to stand up to servers of the size of NSP or DH.

I’m glad your server is ‘coming together’ but I fail to see how ‘the greater good’ is served by simply dropping to a tier where you can PvDoor during coverage gaps instead of working towards the ‘greater good’ of fighting through things in a tier to which your population is more suited.

Regardless of my above QQ (accurate, but QQ nonetheless), I am glad to be rid of DH and we’re seeing some nice changes in the fights, but the overall situation for GoM hasn’t really changed with the arrival of NSP.

TCMM voiced this opinion, please do not characterize our server with it.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603



Troll replies predicted.
Or maybe just the truth?

Is it honourable to try and make your server drop a tier so that you can have easy fights against a weaker enemy? No.
Is it honourable to leave your home server? No.
It is honourable to boast of your own honour? No.

From what you said in TS, you would move off of NSP if free transfers came back for even a day. Which no one is really surprised at.

Of course it is great to have people working to improve our server, but purposely trying to make us lose so you can pretend that winning against much weaker servers is all you? That cries of someone who needs their ego stroked, you are not the person who is responsible for NSP victories, the people of NSP are.

You ask for people to stop trolling you, except you go around, publicly and privately bashing other guilds which are not yours. And we respond to that with posts like this, pointing out that you are not NSP. You do not represent even a fraction of what NSP stands for.

I apologize to HoD and GoM, who have replied to the post above.
It was not our intention to be here.
As we always play for a higher tier, not to purposely lose.

Since Ronny has joined our server, we have gone from being nearly winning to losing and actually dropping a tier.
Anvil Rock as a majority were glad to see him go.
I can tell you there are plenty of people here who would like to see him leave also.


I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: frostshade.3617



Troll replies predicted.
Or maybe just the truth?

Is it honourable to try and make your server drop a tier so that you can have easy fights against a weaker enemy? No.
Is it honourable to leave your home server? No.
It is honourable to boast of your own honour? No.

From what you said in TS, you would move off of NSP if free transfers came back for even a day. Which no one is really surprised at.

Of course it is great to have people working to improve our server, but purposely trying to make us lose so you can pretend that winning against much weaker servers is all you? That cries of someone who needs their ego stroked, you are not the person who is responsible for NSP victories, the people of NSP are.

You ask for people to stop trolling you, except you go around, publicly and privately bashing other guilds which are not yours. And we respond to that with posts like this, pointing out that you are not NSP. You do not represent even a fraction of what NSP stands for.

I apologize to HoD and GoM, who have replied to the post above.
It was not our intention to be here.
As we always play for a higher tier, not to purposely lose.

Since Ronny has joined our server, we have gone from being nearly winning to losing and actually dropping a tier.
Anvil Rock as a majority were glad to see him go.
I can tell you there are plenty of people here who would like to see him leave also.


commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Debois Guilbert.6413

Debois Guilbert.6413

This match has been a lot of fun for me so far. Don’t know why we have all these posters concluding that the match is somehow not fun for GoM and HoD. When we log on, we can be sure that there are plenty of points to capture and many fights to be fought. The overall point total, meh. If I cared about that, I suppose I would have transferred while it was free. But I am not all that interested in playing Coverage Wars.

Altoholic Luciana Delaluna, Ranger
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] – Gate of Madness
“This space intentionally left blank.” ~ Zork

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Ramrod.6870



Troll replies predicted.
Or maybe just the truth?

Is it honourable to try and make your server drop a tier so that you can have easy fights against a weaker enemy? No.
Is it honourable to leave your home server? No.
It is honourable to boast of your own honour? No.

From what you said in TS, you would move off of NSP if free transfers came back for even a day. Which no one is really surprised at.

Of course it is great to have people working to improve our server, but purposely trying to make us lose so you can pretend that winning against much weaker servers is all you? That cries of someone who needs their ego stroked, you are not the person who is responsible for NSP victories, the people of NSP are.

You ask for people to stop trolling you, except you go around, publicly and privately bashing other guilds which are not yours. And we respond to that with posts like this, pointing out that you are not NSP. You do not represent even a fraction of what NSP stands for.

I apologize to HoD and GoM, who have replied to the post above.
It was not our intention to be here.
As we always play for a higher tier, not to purposely lose.

Since Ronny has joined our server, we have gone from being nearly winning to losing and actually dropping a tier.
Anvil Rock as a majority were glad to see him go.
I can tell you there are plenty of people here who would like to see him leave also.


Os Guild- NSP for life

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


We should just make 1 big kitten thread so we can all talk to eachother instead of separate t6 t7 threads.

yes I agree, why must we be seperated!

IMO Dark Shiverpeaks Vs. Gate of Anvil Vs. Henge of Borlis !

go go go.

Im down.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Burnnn.1903



Troll replies predicted.
Or maybe just the truth?

Is it honourable to try and make your server drop a tier so that you can have easy fights against a weaker enemy? No.
Is it honourable to leave your home server? No.
It is honourable to boast of your own honour? No.

From what you said in TS, you would move off of NSP if free transfers came back for even a day. Which no one is really surprised at.

Of course it is great to have people working to improve our server, but purposely trying to make us lose so you can pretend that winning against much weaker servers is all you? That cries of someone who needs their ego stroked, you are not the person who is responsible for NSP victories, the people of NSP are.

You ask for people to stop trolling you, except you go around, publicly and privately bashing other guilds which are not yours. And we respond to that with posts like this, pointing out that you are not NSP. You do not represent even a fraction of what NSP stands for.

I apologize to HoD and GoM, who have replied to the post above.
It was not our intention to be here.
As we always play for a higher tier, not to purposely lose.

Since Ronny has joined our server, we have gone from being nearly winning to losing and actually dropping a tier.
Anvil Rock as a majority were glad to see him go.
I can tell you there are plenty of people here who would like to see him leave also.

True words

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Phillipidies.3204


This match has been a lot of fun for me so far. Don’t know why we have all these posters concluding that the match is somehow not fun for GoM and HoD. When we log on, we can be sure that there are plenty of points to capture and many fights to be fought. The overall point total, meh. If I cared about that, I suppose I would have transferred while it was free. But I am not all that interested in playing Coverage Wars.

I guess my post was pretty negative, but I didn’t really mean it to be THAT negative. I’m still having fun, I just like to kill people so there’s lots to do.

Phaeax, Hydema, Phillipidies [LK] HoD

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: GoldarTheDestroyer.4738



Troll replies predicted.
Or maybe just the truth?

Is it honourable to try and make your server drop a tier so that you can have easy fights against a weaker enemy? No.
Is it honourable to leave your home server? No.
It is honourable to boast of your own honour? No.

From what you said in TS, you would move off of NSP if free transfers came back for even a day. Which no one is really surprised at.

Of course it is great to have people working to improve our server, but purposely trying to make us lose so you can pretend that winning against much weaker servers is all you? That cries of someone who needs their ego stroked, you are not the person who is responsible for NSP victories, the people of NSP are.

You ask for people to stop trolling you, except you go around, publicly and privately bashing other guilds which are not yours. And we respond to that with posts like this, pointing out that you are not NSP. You do not represent even a fraction of what NSP stands for.

I apologize to HoD and GoM, who have replied to the post above.
It was not our intention to be here.
As we always play for a higher tier, not to purposely lose.

Since Ronny has joined our server, we have gone from being nearly winning to losing and actually dropping a tier.
Anvil Rock as a majority were glad to see him go.
I can tell you there are plenty of people here who would like to see him leave also.


3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: RedStar.4218


I have a question : we found a thief in bay. It’s been more than few hours since we had bay. Did this thief waited that long only to be found quite easily by us and die ? Or is there another explanation ?

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


We should just make 1 big kitten thread so we can all talk to eachother instead of separate t6 t7 threads.

yes I agree, why must we be seperated!

IMO Dark Shiverpeaks Vs. Gate of Anvil Vs. Henge of Borlis !

go go go.

Dark Shiverpeaks would win due to best overall coverage in my opinion, but Gates of Rock would definitely be the most fun server by far.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


I don’t know, Henge of Borlis could be quite the force.

BP isn’t the same size it was when it was AR/GoM/BP but they are still have a decent sized force.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Colt.9051


We should just make 1 big kitten thread so we can all talk to eachother instead of separate t6 t7 threads.

yes I agree, why must we be seperated!

IMO Dark Shiverpeaks Vs. Gate of Anvil Vs. Henge of Borlis !

go go go.

Dark Shiverpeaks would win due to best overall coverage in my opinion, but Gates of Rock would definitely be the most fun server by far.

I like the name: Anvil of Madness better IMO xD

Daeaera ~ Leader of Grape Justice! [FGJ]

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: pita spoon.5708

pita spoon.5708

I don’t know why people complain about servers that pvdoor.. what is it that you want.. i suppose we should all state our coverage gaps so the other server can say ok lets not play at this time..

you cant expect the NSP army to just run around taking camps ,, these guys want to lay seige to something.. DH did it.. GoM did it as well when HoD and ET and SF fell through the ranking.. these guys want to play the game and if pvdoor ing is the only thing to do then so be it.

also the eb jp is supposed to be friendly so NSP needs to stop camping it!!

How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?
Let’s ask tootsie.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: ETR.8152


Oh, finally some jp action. Cant wait to get off work and do some killing.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Brianmv.9185



Yes this was a small [ROFL] group trying to ninja hills. The gate was at less than 5% when you guys upgraded. Such a slap in the face! Glad to see the new matchup and to continue to see people rallied in wvw.

Stinky Brown Wind/ Wrath Of Ulmo

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: SirV.7245


also the eb jp is supposed to be friendly so NSP needs to stop camping it!!

Lol, NSP used to be friendly but AR and BP showed us that if we dont camp it, TWIN or WAR well camp it. I guess some NSP still are still use to it.

FanisaDream – Mesmer – [Lost]

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Camp the EB JP more with full guild? Sounds good

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: SirV.7245


Oh, finally some jp action. Cant wait to get off work and do some killing.

On behalf of NSP, I declare war in the JP. So no QQing.

FanisaDream – Mesmer – [Lost]

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: ETR.8152


Camp the EB JP more with full guild? Sounds good

Only cause you can’t otherwise :-)

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


When I get my 5 to switch servers for the week, I’ll show you rob. T-minus.


3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: ETR.8152


Oh, finally some jp action. Cant wait to get off work and do some killing.

On behalf of NSP, I declare war in the JP. So no QQing.

That mean your bringing a zerg in there also?

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: SirV.7245


Oh, finally some jp action. Cant wait to get off work and do some killing.

On behalf of NSP, I declare war in the JP. So no QQing.

That mean your bringing a zerg in there also?

Don’t need to bring a zerg, I’m a pro JP camper, I’ll knock you off all the 80’s from edges and then kill all the upscales. And take screenshot of how awesome I am.

For example…


FanisaDream – Mesmer – [Lost]

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: ETR.8152


Oh, finally some jp action. Cant wait to get off work and do some killing.

On behalf of NSP, I declare war in the JP. So no QQing.

That mean your bringing a zerg in there also?

Don’t need to bring a zerg, I’m a pro JP camper, I’ll knock you off all the 80’s from edges and then kill all the upscales. And take screenshot of how awesome I am.

For example…

I don’t actually do the jp to jump on ledges…

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Oh I definitely can myself! Maybe not as well as fanisa can he’s amazing…but why do something alone when you can bring friends? Especially when they all like the JP just as much!

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)