3/1 NSP GoM HoD

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


you dirty vulture henge! -.- go for green for once in your lives.

You mad…?

Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


Map view update

Awww Rob. It’s good to see what you all are up to while we’re at work. Even better to flip it all back to blue once GoM is online and giving you someone to compete with instead of our fabulous doors. And we do have some FABULOUS doors on our towers and keeps!


3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


you dirty vulture henge! -.- go for green for once in your lives.

You take over their entire EBG then expect them not to attack you? lol.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Map view update

Awww Rob. It’s good to see what you all are up to while we’re at work. Even better to flip it all back to blue once GoM is online and giving you someone to compete with instead of our fabulous doors. And we do have some FABULOUS doors on our towers and keeps!

Kinda like what GOM did overnight eh? It goes both ways…

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


Map view update

Awww Rob. It’s good to see what you all are up to while we’re at work. Even better to flip it all back to blue once GoM is online and giving you someone to compete with instead of our fabulous doors. And we do have some FABULOUS doors on our towers and keeps!

Kinda like what GOM did overnight eh? It goes both ways…

Yes. But we, at least, give you FABULOUS doors to knock on when we’re away. You’re welcome.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Map view update

Awww Rob. It’s good to see what you all are up to while we’re at work. Even better to flip it all back to blue once GoM is online and giving you someone to compete with instead of our fabulous doors. And we do have some FABULOUS doors on our towers and keeps!

Kinda like what GOM did overnight eh? It goes both ways…

Yes. But we, at least, give you FABULOUS doors to knock on when we’re away. You’re welcome.

Yes but we leave pies in our keeps and towers lord rooms.. The least you could do is provide snacks for the soldiers.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


Map view update

Awww Rob. It’s good to see what you all are up to while we’re at work. Even better to flip it all back to blue once GoM is online and giving you someone to compete with instead of our fabulous doors. And we do have some FABULOUS doors on our towers and keeps!

Kinda like what GOM did overnight eh? It goes both ways…

Yes. But we, at least, give you FABULOUS doors to knock on when we’re away. You’re welcome.

Yes but we leave pies in our keeps and towers lord rooms.. The least you could do is provide snacks for the soldiers.

Well played! I’ll see about leaving fruit baskets next time…or maybe a cheese platter?

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Map update

ZoS, Os, Envy, MoB, bots and everyone!

And some attached of the golem pilots.
Great fun <3


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


That’s cute. Kinda’ like a home invasion when the owner is at work.

I’d be more impressed if there were actually…oh I don’t know…people there to at least wave at your zergs as they power through the emptied borderlands, keeps and towers.

We’ve been horrible hosts to you all from NSP – and for that we apologize. GoM and HoD will try to be much better about being at home to receive visitors in the future.



3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: SirV.7245


I don’t think that GoM cheats/hacks nor have any spies. They are very organized server imo, and very persistent in there attacks. They got disciplined people to run supplies constantly during an offensive attack. Scouts checking towers/keeps, I’ve had yet been able to ninja any of thier towers (in EB). I’m actually jealous of how well your server is organized. But kudos to you guys last night during the fight at our keep, it took us a while but manage to push you guys out. But most of us had to log, and heard you guys took the keep soon after.

Out of curiosity, was the commander leading that group last night the same commander that led on the day of reset?

FanisaDream – Mesmer – [Lost]

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


That’s cute. Kinda’ like a home invasion when the owner is at work.

I’d be more impressed if there were actually…oh I don’t know…people there to at least wave at your zergs as they power through the emptied borderlands, keeps and towers.

We’ve been horrible hosts to you all from NSP – and for that we apologize. GoM and HoD will try to be much better about being at home to receive visitors in the future.



Are you suggesting that we wait for you to come online before fighting.
But the map was all blue this morning, when we were sleeping.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


That’s cute. Kinda’ like a home invasion when the owner is at work.

I’d be more impressed if there were actually…oh I don’t know…people there to at least wave at your zergs as they power through the emptied borderlands, keeps and towers.

We’ve been horrible hosts to you all from NSP – and for that we apologize. GoM and HoD will try to be much better about being at home to receive visitors in the future.



Are you suggesting that we wait for you to come online before fighting.
But the map was all blue this morning, when we were sleeping.

No, no…nothing of the sort. I just think it’s adorable when people get excited about steamrolling empty battlegrounds. It’s cute.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: JKFlipFlop.7123


GOM where the he’ll did you get these numbers from?

I presume with DH leaving, PvErs smelled some fresh blood and decided to actually come into WvW.

1. Woot another engy.

Yes we engineers do exist, contrary to popular belief =P

I Am Harmfull – [WHO] ex tM/XOXO
Roamer and Troll

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Sororita.3465


you dirty vulture henge! -.- go for green for once in your lives.

You mad…?


Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: skimps.8596


Pretty much explains it. NSP PRIDE!


Me Kylie | Os Guild | NSP

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


Pretty much explains it. NSP PRIDE!

Looks like you guys missed a couple of sentry points there. We’ll let it go this time, but we have higher expectations for pvd invaders. Step up your game.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


That’s cute. Kinda’ like a home invasion when the owner is at work.

I’d be more impressed if there were actually…oh I don’t know…people there to at least wave at your zergs as they power through the emptied borderlands, keeps and towers.

We’ve been horrible hosts to you all from NSP – and for that we apologize. GoM and HoD will try to be much better about being at home to receive visitors in the future.



Are you suggesting that we wait for you to come online before fighting.
But the map was all blue this morning, when we were sleeping.

No, no…nothing of the sort. I just think it’s adorable when people get excited about steamrolling empty battlegrounds. It’s cute.

As for some PvD action. Loool
Afk on the forums in GoM keep, opened it up to this. ^__^


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


That’s cute. Kinda’ like a home invasion when the owner is at work.

I’d be more impressed if there were actually…oh I don’t know…people there to at least wave at your zergs as they power through the emptied borderlands, keeps and towers.

We’ve been horrible hosts to you all from NSP – and for that we apologize. GoM and HoD will try to be much better about being at home to receive visitors in the future.



Are you suggesting that we wait for you to come online before fighting.
But the map was all blue this morning, when we were sleeping.

No, no…nothing of the sort. I just think it’s adorable when people get excited about steamrolling empty battlegrounds. It’s cute.

As for some PvD action. Loool
Afk on the forums in GoM keep, opened it up to this. ^__^

Oh, don’t mind them. They are just our spies and hackers. Please proceed with your door smashing!

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


/checks watch

Yup. People on the East Coast getting off work now. Thank you for keeping an eye on our property while we were away. We really appreciate it! If you’d like, we can leave a key under the mat next time so you don’t have to damage the doors on our keeps and towers.


3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


Lol I put this in the wrong thread….Shout out to the RH guys…most fun we’ve had fighting a legit small man in 2 months. Good fights fellas.

We’re really enjoying the fights against you guys as well. Your group’s got great chemistry, and I can’t wait to see how our tactics evolve as we face each other over the course of the match-up.

If there’s any fight nights going on this week, I hope to see you there.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: airstu.2579


Glad to see the map green. Must say, gj to GoM for either importing or press-ganging a large (for T7 anyways) player base during our low pop times. Our evening crew had great fights scrambling from defense to offense etc etc on our BL. I like seeing our people respond to the pressure, jump to the calls for defense, form small crews for messy work and do a great job countering. Still wanted to get bay back, but had to log before that became a reality. TFG says ty for a great night of WvW.

Calisto – NSP BPTCBP
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.9645


DH moving to T6 has done wonders for our server’s wvw turnout. I can see why, the game feels competitive again. Which is awesome.

Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


DH moving to T6 has done wonders for our server’s wvw turnout. I can see why, the game feels competitive again. Which is awesome.


3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


Thread is pretty amusing so far. My guild so far hasn’t experienced anyone in this tier hacking in WvW, so hence we haven’t said anyone does. So far I’m enjoying the matchup, obviously we have better coverage for times, but it’s not a total faceroll so I do enjoy the fights.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Map update

ZoS, Os, Envy, MoB, bots and everyone!

And some attached of the golem pilots.
Great fun <3

I would also like to say thank you to Noroz of AS for leaving us with a good setup.

And im sorry GoM (not as a server but the few that are complaining, im just too lazy to look up their names because /care) But YOU started with the whole screenshots in keeps while WE were posting score updates and a rare map pic.

As for PvD… just stop already please, you are embarrassing yourselves and your server (which i happen to like). When we logged in it was all blue, myself and rob are bot on GMT times, We were camped and fairly outnumbered…. just because you realised that we came into EB to fight back, you cant just say “ok lets everyone stop trying to fight them, because they will win, instead lets all leave and claim that they pvdoored us while we were asleep, it gives us a much better server image”

I will admit your numbers sucked by the time we took GoM keep, but for the hour prior to that your numbers were very equal to our own, but maybe after we took SM and a few towers some players lost morale. Or maybe they legitimately went to sleep but what do you want us to do? log off? Would you like to see the videos of your defenders actively trying to stop us? I don’t have them uploaded yet but if you so request I will.

As for hacks. no one on NSP actually thinks GoM hacks (except for trolls) We all recognise that there was a server glitch, unfortunately some people abused that glitch more than others, but a few does not a bad server make.

Can we all just stop the QQ and the hacks/spies/teaming up (not sure what gom and hod beef is, but trust me, NSP will fight both with equal respect, we never want a repeat of what happened to us)

I do notice that our downtime seems to correlate with GoM uptime and vica versa, that is unfortunate, But the keeps were by far not defenceless, 2 days ago we fought for almost 2 hours in GoM keep

Smitry / Spets
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Map update

ZoS, Os, Envy, MoB, bots and everyone!

And some attached of the golem pilots.
Great fun <3

I would also like to say thank you to Noroz of AS for leaving us with a good setup.

And im sorry GoM (not as a server but the few that are complaining, im just too lazy to look up their names because /care) But YOU started with the whole screenshots in keeps while WE were posting score updates and a rare map pic.

As for PvD… just stop already please, you are embarrassing yourselves and your server (which i happen to like). When we logged in it was all blue, myself and rob are bot on GMT times, We were camped and fairly outnumbered…. just because you realised that we came into EB to fight back, you cant just say “ok lets everyone stop trying to fight them, because they will win, instead lets all leave and claim that they pvdoored us while we were asleep, it gives us a much better server image”

I will admit your numbers sucked by the time we took GoM keep, but for the hour prior to that your numbers were very equal to our own, but maybe after we took SM and a few towers some players lost morale. Or maybe they legitimately went to sleep but what do you want us to do? log off? Would you like to see the videos of your defenders actively trying to stop us? I don’t have them uploaded yet but if you so request I will.

As for hacks. no one on NSP actually thinks GoM hacks (except for trolls) We all recognise that there was a server glitch, unfortunately some people abused that glitch more than others, but a few does not a bad server make.

Can we all just stop the QQ and the hacks/spies/teaming up (not sure what gom and hod beef is, but trust me, NSP will fight both with equal respect, we never want a repeat of what happened to us)

I do notice that our downtime seems to correlate with GoM uptime and vica versa, that is unfortunate, But the keeps were by far not defenceless, 2 days ago we fought for almost 2 hours in GoM keep


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Spets the MilkBandit.9031

DH moving to T6 has done wonders for our server’s wvw turnout. I can see why, the game feels competitive again. Which is awesome.


Very similar here,

Smitry / Spets
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Sororita.3465


1. Poor form NSP, fighting at spawn, really? ( please take this at a joke, only i and the hulk get stronger the angrier we get)
2. Asura from [ENVY] on the steps, why’d you have to break up a norn dance off? Annoying lil buggers.
3. Golems love engineers.
4. Vista-pult in all its glory.
5. RoB i took this for you btw.


Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


I think all NSP citizens can enjoy this video I made.
Just remember MoB>TCMM

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.9645


As for PvD… just stop already please, you are embarrassing yourselves and your server (which i happen to like). When we logged in it was all blue, myself and rob are bot on GMT times, We were camped and fairly outnumbered…. just because you realised that we came into EB to fight back, you cant just say “ok lets everyone stop trying to fight them, because they will win, instead lets all leave and claim that they pvdoored us while we were asleep, it gives us a much better server image”

I will admit your numbers sucked by the time we took GoM keep, but for the hour prior to that your numbers were very equal to our own, but maybe after we took SM and a few towers some players lost morale. Or maybe they legitimately went to sleep but what do you want us to do? log off? Would you like to see the videos of your defenders actively trying to stop us? I don’t have them uploaded yet but if you so request I will.

As for hacks. no one on NSP actually thinks GoM hacks (except for trolls) We all recognise that there was a server glitch, unfortunately some people abused that glitch more than others, but a few does not a bad server make.

Can we all just stop the QQ and the hacks/spies/teaming up (not sure what gom and hod beef is, but trust me, NSP will fight both with equal respect, we never want a repeat of what happened to us)

I do notice that our downtime seems to correlate with GoM uptime and vica versa, that is unfortunate, But the keeps were by far not defenceless, 2 days ago we fought for almost 2 hours in GoM keep

Can’t really say for sure as I wasn’t really a part of the pvd discussion but I took comments on both sides to be light hearted trash talking. I say that because it still seems like they respect each other and are just laughing each other off.

Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


Map update

ZoS, Os, Envy, MoB, bots and everyone!

And some attached of the golem pilots.
Great fun <3

I would also like to say thank you to Noroz of AS for leaving us with a good setup.

And im sorry GoM (not as a server but the few that are complaining, im just too lazy to look up their names because /care) But YOU started with the whole screenshots in keeps while WE were posting score updates and a rare map pic.

As for PvD… just stop already please, you are embarrassing yourselves and your server (which i happen to like). When we logged in it was all blue, myself and rob are bot on GMT times, We were camped and fairly outnumbered…. just because you realised that we came into EB to fight back, you cant just say “ok lets everyone stop trying to fight them, because they will win, instead lets all leave and claim that they pvdoored us while we were asleep, it gives us a much better server image”

I will admit your numbers sucked by the time we took GoM keep, but for the hour prior to that your numbers were very equal to our own, but maybe after we took SM and a few towers some players lost morale. Or maybe they legitimately went to sleep but what do you want us to do? log off? Would you like to see the videos of your defenders actively trying to stop us? I don’t have them uploaded yet but if you so request I will.

As for hacks. no one on NSP actually thinks GoM hacks (except for trolls) We all recognise that there was a server glitch, unfortunately some people abused that glitch more than others, but a few does not a bad server make.

Can we all just stop the QQ and the hacks/spies/teaming up (not sure what gom and hod beef is, but trust me, NSP will fight both with equal respect, we never want a repeat of what happened to us)

I do notice that our downtime seems to correlate with GoM uptime and vica versa, that is unfortunate, But the keeps were by far not defenceless, 2 days ago we fought for almost 2 hours in GoM keep

You mad bro?

In all seriousness…I like this match up far more than the one we’d been locked in with DH. Don’t take me too seriously and get cranky…I like to poke the bear with a sharp stick.

It’s a back and forth…you take everything while we’re asleep and then we come back and take it while you all are doing the same. It’s all good. However, I’d appreciate it if you all would at least keep everything a bit tidier for when we sweep back through and re-take everything you captured. You leave a horrific mess that we end up having to spend valuable time cleaning up when we could be beating up your doors. And honestly, the undergarments hanging from the chandelier in the Lords Room in our BL Keep…? Really…? It’s just rude.

(edited by Darkothe.1253)

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


As for PvD… just stop already please, you are embarrassing yourselves and your server (which i happen to like). When we logged in it was all blue, myself and rob are bot on GMT times, We were camped and fairly outnumbered…. just because you realised that we came into EB to fight back, you cant just say “ok lets everyone stop trying to fight them, because they will win, instead lets all leave and claim that they pvdoored us while we were asleep, it gives us a much better server image”

I will admit your numbers sucked by the time we took GoM keep, but for the hour prior to that your numbers were very equal to our own, but maybe after we took SM and a few towers some players lost morale. Or maybe they legitimately went to sleep but what do you want us to do? log off? Would you like to see the videos of your defenders actively trying to stop us? I don’t have them uploaded yet but if you so request I will.

As for hacks. no one on NSP actually thinks GoM hacks (except for trolls) We all recognise that there was a server glitch, unfortunately some people abused that glitch more than others, but a few does not a bad server make.

Can we all just stop the QQ and the hacks/spies/teaming up (not sure what gom and hod beef is, but trust me, NSP will fight both with equal respect, we never want a repeat of what happened to us)

I do notice that our downtime seems to correlate with GoM uptime and vica versa, that is unfortunate, But the keeps were by far not defenceless, 2 days ago we fought for almost 2 hours in GoM keep

Can’t really say for sure as I wasn’t really a part of the pvd discussion but I took comments on both sides to be light hearted trash talking. I say that because it still seems like they respect each other and are just laughing each other off.

Same here. I’m not really looking to offend anyone, just taking friendly jabs at Rob as I sift through a google image gallery of door photos. It’s been quite a while since we’ve had opponents who were lively on the forums.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: airstu.2579


pictures etc

Your clock on server time or your time. Im just curious who I was up against last night on our BL. The pictures look like our second attempt at bay.

Calisto – NSP BPTCBP
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Spets the MilkBandit.9031

@ Harbinger, Darkothe & TeamBattleAxe
+1’ed all your replies.

Smitry / Spets
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


All you score people, where will NSP be tier wise come Friday ?


3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Syeria.4812


/checks watch

Yup. People on the East Coast getting off work now. Thank you for keeping an eye on our property while we were away. We really appreciate it! If you’d like, we can leave a key under the mat next time so you don’t have to damage the doors on our keeps and towers.


What sort of people on the east coast get off work at 2:30 on a Wednesday?

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


All you score people, where will NSP be tier wise come Friday ?

Same tier, same colour for the next 6 months.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: titanlectro.5029


All you score people, where will NSP be tier wise come Friday ?

Looks like thing are going to stay this way for a while.

Only possibility of that changing is if IoJ drops a tier, and DH and AR dominate them. Even that would take at least another week to effect us.

Gate of Madness | Leader – Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is my Trahearne’s story

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Sororita.3465


pictures etc

Your clock on server time or your time. Im just curious who I was up against last night on our BL. The pictures look like our second attempt at bay.

Its my time so EST.

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Sororita.3465


/checks watch

Yup. People on the East Coast getting off work now. Thank you for keeping an eye on our property while we were away. We really appreciate it! If you’d like, we can leave a key under the mat next time so you don’t have to damage the doors on our keeps and towers.


What sort of people on the east coast get off work at 2:30 on a Wednesday?

Many people actually, not every job is 9-5. I know people that do 6-3 and i myself usually do 10:30-9.

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Syeria.4812


/checks watch

Yup. People on the East Coast getting off work now. Thank you for keeping an eye on our property while we were away. We really appreciate it! If you’d like, we can leave a key under the mat next time so you don’t have to damage the doors on our keeps and towers.


What sort of people on the east coast get off work at 2:30 on a Wednesday?

Many people actually, not every job is 9-5. I know people that do 6-3 and i myself usually do 10:30-9.

Yet none of the things you said are 2:30 quitting time. Darkothe claimed that there was about to be a major shift in GoM’s population because 2:30 it was the time people on the east coast get off work. If even 0.01% of the working population on the east coast got off work at 2:30, that would be shockingly high. But even that small portion wouldn’t make even the tiniest dent in server populations.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: PoongWalrus.1206


I don’t think that GoM cheats/hacks nor have any spies. They are very organized server imo, and very persistent in there attacks. They got disciplined people to run supplies constantly during an offensive attack. Scouts checking towers/keeps, I’ve had yet been able to ninja any of thier towers (in EB). I’m actually jealous of how well your server is organized. But kudos to you guys last night during the fight at our keep, it took us a while but manage to push you guys out. But most of us had to log, and heard you guys took the keep soon after.

Out of curiosity, was the commander leading that group last night the same commander that led on the day of reset?

I lead on reset, just goes to show we have several competent commanders. =D

Cubes A Cube[KotS] – 80 Guardian

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


He obviously ment school. Not jobs.

NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


He obviously ment school. Not jobs.

Yeh isn’t it not school out time at 3?

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Sigh no one liked my video?

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


He obviously ment school. Not jobs.

Yeh isn’t it not school out time at 3?

I’m in est time zone. Most of the kiddies put down the crayons and glue sticks and leave school at 200pm. Right in time for “teh surge” of people.

NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

(edited by moutzaheadin.4029)

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Sigh no one liked my video?

I had forgotten you could even make them.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


Goodness…some of you NSP guys and gals are waaaay too serious about this whole message board banter.

GoM peeps are here to have fun. Yes…we’ll poke you with sticks and try to get you all riled up, but it’s all in good fun. Like I said earlier, I’m enjoying the fights this week soooo much more than those we’d been stuck in with DH.

So remember: Darkothe is not for teh seriouz intranets. I mean come on…the name of the server should give you a clue as to the people who call GoM home.

Now as to my request about keeping our keeps and towers clean while you’re occupying them: Are we going to need to start charging damage deposits before you all come busting down the doors? Honestly. Some of you behave like you were born in a barn.

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: airstu.2579


Its my time so EST.

That was us then – see you tonight.

Calisto – NSP BPTCBP
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Goodness…some of you NSP guys and gals are waaaay too serious about this whole message board banter.

GoM peeps are here to have fun. Yes…we’ll poke you with sticks and try to get you all riled up, but it’s all in good fun. Like I said earlier, I’m enjoying the fights this week soooo much more than those we’d been stuck in with DH.

So remember: Darkothe is not for teh seriouz intranets. I mean come on…the name of the server should give you a clue as to the people who call GoM home.

Now as to my request about keeping our keeps and towers clean while you’re occupying them: Are we going to need to start charging damage deposits before you all come busting down the doors? Honestly. Some of you behave like you were born in a barn.

I think you just think they are taking it seriously. I haven’t seen anyone doing anything but poking back in a fun way. This is nothing to how we talk to people we actually dislike(coughARcoughRonny).

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO