3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: SpitFire.4690


New Videos of this match ups check them out


Primordus Virtus [RISE] Prime Leader – Prince Járvan
Our greatest strength lies in never failing,
But we [RISE] each time we fall.

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: JPSnow.8296


I hope we, TC, get to be back in T2 next week instead of waiting another week. T3 started off terrible on the forums, but it seems that our opponents are doing much better on the Forums and such have started to perform better on the battlefield with a cleansed mind (partially) of hate, trollish, and other negative thoughts.

Miss you KA and FA, this matchup will be awesome. Also, keep it up, KA! We said we’d cheer you on and you’re doing well.

Everybody at FA is hoping TC bumps up this week.

No offense to the remainder of SoS but it’s a 1v1 right now

Don’t lie. You only want SoS gone because you’re tired of getting rocked by a certain guild on there ;D

I guess.

P.S. TC up there with you might even make it more lopsided towards Kaineng since from what I know TC and FA lack sea/euro coverage and are stronger in NA no? Which means you both hinder each others points competing during NA time whilst Kaineng continues to steamroll oceanic/sea time and create bigger lead ;D

Your right that TC will make it harder for us against kain, but you forget our oceanic is stronger the both we almost always have the ppt lead during that time, it’s when we go to bed kain Pvd us. Just now we where at 430 ppt in fact.

JPSnow (main) – Necro, Sir Mezalot – Mesmer
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Ketharius.9018


I hope we, TC, get to be back in T2 next week instead of waiting another week. T3 started off terrible on the forums, but it seems that our opponents are doing much better on the Forums and such have started to perform better on the battlefield with a cleansed mind (partially) of hate, trollish, and other negative thoughts.

Miss you KA and FA, this matchup will be awesome. Also, keep it up, KA! We said we’d cheer you on and you’re doing well.

Everybody at FA is hoping TC bumps up this week.

No offense to the remainder of SoS but it’s a 1v1 right now

Don’t lie. You only want SoS gone because you’re tired of getting rocked by a certain guild on there ;D

I guess.

P.S. TC up there with you might even make it more lopsided towards Kaineng since from what I know TC and FA lack sea/euro coverage and are stronger in NA no? Which means you both hinder each others points competing during NA time whilst Kaineng continues to steamroll oceanic/sea time and create bigger lead ;D

Your right that TC will make it harder for us against kain, but you forget our oceanic is stronger the both we almost always have the ppt lead during that time, it’s when we go to bed kain Pvd us. Just now we where at 430 ppt in fact.

This tier is now about the fights, forget the score, especially with it going to be KA, TC, and FA. FA has good Oceanic coverage, KA has a decent coverage, and TC has bonkers for Oceanic coverage. We TC have people on during Oceanic, but there’s no guilds to solidify the plays and work off of each other. But alas, it doesn’t matter, for we will be reunited with FA and KA… it’ll be bloody, oh so bloody.

Tarnished Coast
[FUNK] Squad

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


I hope we, TC, get to be back in T2 next week instead of waiting another week. T3 started off terrible on the forums, but it seems that our opponents are doing much better on the Forums and such have started to perform better on the battlefield with a cleansed mind (partially) of hate, trollish, and other negative thoughts.

Miss you KA and FA, this matchup will be awesome. Also, keep it up, KA! We said we’d cheer you on and you’re doing well.

Everybody at FA is hoping TC bumps up this week.

No offense to the remainder of SoS but it’s a 1v1 right now

Don’t lie. You only want SoS gone because you’re tired of getting rocked by a certain guild on there ;D

I guess.

P.S. TC up there with you might even make it more lopsided towards Kaineng since from what I know TC and FA lack sea/euro coverage and are stronger in NA no? Which means you both hinder each others points competing during NA time whilst Kaineng continues to steamroll oceanic/sea time and create bigger lead ;D

Your right that TC will make it harder for us against kain, but you forget our oceanic is stronger the both we almost always have the ppt lead during that time, it’s when we go to bed kain Pvd us. Just now we where at 430 ppt in fact.

You meant that your Hawaiian time is stronger? :P

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Mattjavelin.5164


Nice fights in SOS hills hehe, you guys like our turtle that time? . You guys had to build ACs to get it back hehe.

lvl 80 Engineer, Commander Berylia Berret, (BKB) Black Knight Brigade

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Since we’re talking about hijacking keeps, I wanted to propose a question. We had some really good fights last night with FA in EB, and occassionally mixing it up with KN as well.

Near the end we took and were defending Medon’s Gap against FA, which I believe was mostly GODS and QQ attacking. We portal bombed them twice, wiping the siege, both times we came back in to find that 6 or 7 people had made it inside the keep, without any walls or doors being down. After the first time we did a mesmer sweep and didn’t find anything, 2nd time they took it. Is there a cheap spot to get through on this keep or anything that might explain what happened?

RIP in peace Robert

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: etrigan.4213


Since we’re talking about hijacking keeps, I wanted to propose a question. We had some really good fights last night with FA in EB, and occassionally mixing it up with KN as well.

Near the end we took and were defending Medon’s Gap against FA, which I believe was mostly GODS and QQ attacking. We portal bombed them twice, wiping the siege, both times we came back in to find that 6 or 7 people had made it inside the keep, without any walls or doors being down. After the first time we did a mesmer sweep and didn’t find anything, 2nd time they took it. Is there a cheap spot to get through on this keep or anything that might explain what happened?

There is indeed a cheap spot. Cheap spot + port.

We provided the diversion. Thanks for the bags though!

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: WIGZ.8245


I hope we, TC, get to be back in T2 next week instead of waiting another week. T3 started off terrible on the forums, but it seems that our opponents are doing much better on the Forums and such have started to perform better on the battlefield with a cleansed mind (partially) of hate, trollish, and other negative thoughts.

Miss you KA and FA, this matchup will be awesome. Also, keep it up, KA! We said we’d cheer you on and you’re doing well.

Everybody at FA is hoping TC bumps up this week.

No offense to the remainder of SoS but it’s a 1v1 right now

Don’t lie. You only want SoS gone because you’re tired of getting rocked by a certain guild on there ;D

I guess.

P.S. TC up there with you might even make it more lopsided towards Kaineng since from what I know TC and FA lack sea/euro coverage and are stronger in NA no? Which means you both hinder each others points competing during NA time whilst Kaineng continues to steamroll oceanic/sea time and create bigger lead ;D

The points aren’t important.

Big piles of players is.

Supermegakittenerg. It’s like a rat king… except the rats are actually zerglings.

So many delicious bags.

[BT] Wigz – Blackgate – 80 Engineer & Warrior

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Since we’re talking about hijacking keeps, I wanted to propose a question. We had some really good fights last night with FA in EB, and occassionally mixing it up with KN as well.

Near the end we took and were defending Medon’s Gap against FA, which I believe was mostly GODS and QQ attacking. We portal bombed them twice, wiping the siege, both times we came back in to find that 6 or 7 people had made it inside the keep, without any walls or doors being down. After the first time we did a mesmer sweep and didn’t find anything, 2nd time they took it. Is there a cheap spot to get through on this keep or anything that might explain what happened?

There is indeed a cheap spot. Cheap spot + port.

We provided the diversion. Thanks for the bags though!

Haha, you didn’t wipe us, you just took the keep. Thanks for all the pancakes!

RIP in peace Robert

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Furiousbeard.7602


Lots of fun last night in EB!

I was up waaay too late but I think it was worth it for all crazy battles we found. Finally flipped smc if only for a few hours.

FA Soldier of Fortune – Flashypants (20,078 WvW kills) http://m.youtube.com/user/Duppa81
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB

(edited by Furiousbeard.7602)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


I hope we, TC, get to be back in T2 next week instead of waiting another week. T3 started off terrible on the forums, but it seems that our opponents are doing much better on the Forums and such have started to perform better on the battlefield with a cleansed mind (partially) of hate, trollish, and other negative thoughts.

Miss you KA and FA, this matchup will be awesome. Also, keep it up, KA! We said we’d cheer you on and you’re doing well.

Everybody at FA is hoping TC bumps up this week.

No offense to the remainder of SoS but it’s a 1v1 right now

Don’t lie. You only want SoS gone because you’re tired of getting rocked by a certain guild on there ;D

I guess.

P.S. TC up there with you might even make it more lopsided towards Kaineng since from what I know TC and FA lack sea/euro coverage and are stronger in NA no? Which means you both hinder each others points competing during NA time whilst Kaineng continues to steamroll oceanic/sea time and create bigger lead ;D

The points aren’t important.

Big piles of players is.

We can both agree on that one.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


Everybody at FA is hoping TC bumps up this week.

Why do I feel a bit like the spider and the fly right now. "We can’t wait for you to come up to T2 . . . " SPLAT . . . pick flattened corpse up off the ground.

I’m really looking forward to seeing the new and improved FA. You guys were tough a few weeks ago and with your new transfers it may be a rough week for us RP’ers when we do get back to T2.

I’ve been reading the TC thread as well. Are we (FA) and TC recruiting SEA/EU guilds to work for Tier 1, or just stabilize Tier 2? I hope the latter, I have no reason to want to be back up in tier 1 – its just not fun.

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

(edited by Magiofdeath.2745)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Tearofsoul.9843


Right now is pretty good, short queue, and no bulls hit.


3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Inprognito.9487


When TC returns T2 is going to be epic! As long as we can get rid of people bragging about “delicious bags” (curious as to how a bag can be delicious, seems like it would be rather bland and leathery) it will be a very enjoyable matchup.

Talons [BT]
http://www.Monstrosadus.com – Monstrosadus now on spotify!

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


Don’t get jelly. Kaineng’s bags are tasty too.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Inprognito.9487


Don’t get jelly. Kaineng’s bags are tasty too.

Wouldn’t jelly make our bags taste better though

Talons [BT]
http://www.Monstrosadus.com – Monstrosadus now on spotify!

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: KrazyFlyinChicken.5936


Don’t get jelly. Kaineng’s bags are tasty too.

Wouldn’t jelly make our bags taste better though

That joke warrants a kaineng….

Get it? Caning? Kain-eng?

That’s right, I went there.

Fort Aspenwood – Elementalist
Character name: Azilyi

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


That crystalline dust that I rarely get out of heavy loot bags is pretty delicious actually. Sprinkle it on jelly donuts – wait, I hate jelly donuts.

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Inprognito.9487


Don’t get jelly. Kaineng’s bags are tasty too.

Wouldn’t jelly make our bags taste better though

That joke warrants a kaineng….

Get it? Caning? Kain-eng?

That’s right, I went there.

Oh no you didn’t!

looks toward drummer “Queue rimshot”!

Talons [BT]
http://www.Monstrosadus.com – Monstrosadus now on spotify!

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


The only way to settle this is a good ole fashion show down on reset. Whoever dies and provides the tastiest bags first wins.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: AmIAnnoyingNow.2903


To the people RISE cornered at the jumping puzzle on Kaineng BL last night (I think it was [Shh]), that mesmer portal to reverse the situation was awesome. Even though you were still wiped, we were very impressed with that quick move, it made our day.

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Crimedawg.8954


Does TC have time to bump SoS out of T2? T3-4 will be a better barometer of where we stand anyway. Rebuild time!

If this is one of my last posts in T2 for a while, I’d like to tip my helm to all the guilds on Kain and FA. You guys have all been fun to fight and never showed signs of quit. T1 has nothing on T2 just better coverage. With the exception of a few guilds (Choo, EMP, TW) in T1, the guilds we’ve seen here are just as good or better in open field combat. Hope you all stay frosty and keep Tier 2 fun and friendly.


[Tsym] – Necromancer
Sanctum of Rall
Running 15 in a BL near you

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Inprognito.9487


A tasty bag competition may not be the best idea (we at Kaineng eat a LOT of asparagus). I was thinking a good old fasioned Pun-off.

Talons [BT]
http://www.Monstrosadus.com – Monstrosadus now on spotify!

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Furiousbeard.7602


The only way to settle this is a good ole fashion show down on reset. Whoever dies and provides the tastiest bags first wins.

I’ve got the tastiest bag around. Hands down.

FA Soldier of Fortune – Flashypants (20,078 WvW kills) http://m.youtube.com/user/Duppa81
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


Does TC have time to bump SoS out of T2? T3-4 will be a better barometer of where we stand anyway. Rebuild time!

If this is one of my last posts in T2 for a while, I’d like to tip my helm to all the guilds on Kain and FA. You guys have all been fun to fight and never showed signs of quit. T1 has nothing on T2 just better coverage. With the exception of a few guilds (Choo, EMP, TW) in T1, the guilds we’ve seen here are just as good or better in open field combat. Hope you all stay frosty and keep Tier 2 fun and friendly.


Well it is pretty close right now. The projected difference is less than 2k points.


It does seem that DB and YB are done this week, with TC getting +600. They probably want TC to move on as quickly as possible. I am not sure how you guys are feeling over in SoS. If you guys decide to throw the match then there is a high chance that you would be in T3 next week. Or you can fight hard to stay in T2 for one more week. Its up to you. ^^

Its been a honour fighting you guys in SoS. You are worthy opponents.

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs

(edited by CHIPS.6018)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Ethics.4519


It does seem that DB and YB are done this week, with TC getting +600. They probably want TC to move on as quickly as possible. I am not sure how you guys are feeling over in SoS. If you guys decide to throw the match then there is a high chance that you would be in T3 next week. Or you can fight hard to stay in T2 for one more week. Its up to you. ^^

Its been a honour fighting you guys in SoS. You are worthy opponents.

I don’t think most of us are deciding to throw the match. Even though the score looks like a wipe, NA peak lead to some really good fights, so personally I’d love to stay in T2, but also look forward to T3 if/when that comes. Tactics and strategy were needed (and used!) rather than the ol zerg in a clock-wise motion around the map ftwT1.

Didn’t run into KN much but had a lot of good back and forths with FA

RIP in peace Robert

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Furiousbeard.7602


Does TC have time to bump SoS out of T2? T3-4 will be a better barometer of where we stand anyway. Rebuild time!

If this is one of my last posts in T2 for a while, I’d like to tip my helm to all the guilds on Kain and FA. You guys have all been fun to fight and never showed signs of quit. T1 has nothing on T2 just better coverage. With the exception of a few guilds (Choo, EMP, TW) in T1, the guilds we’ve seen here are just as good or better in open field combat. Hope you all stay frosty and keep Tier 2 fun and friendly.


Well it is pretty close right now. The projected difference is less than 2k points.


It does seem that DB and YB are done this week. They probably want TC to move on as quickly as possible. I am not sure how you guys are feeling over in SoS. If you guys decide to throw the match then there is a high chance that you would be in T3 next week. So its up to you. ^^

Never surrender!

FA Soldier of Fortune – Flashypants (20,078 WvW kills) http://m.youtube.com/user/Duppa81
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Crimedawg.8954


I’m sure Dragonbrand will welcome us with open arms

[Tsym] – Necromancer
Sanctum of Rall
Running 15 in a BL near you

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I’m sure Dragonbrand will welcome us with open arms

They all seem like a good bunch. I think you’ll enjoy playing them, if this comes to pass. They use some singularly unique strategy, like psychological mind tricks. It’s been making this week very interesting, at least for me.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


If you guys decide to throw the match then there is a high chance that you would be in T3 next week. Or you can fight hard to stay in T2 for one more week. Its up to you. ^^

Its been a honour fighting you guys in SoS. You are worthy opponents.

No way. Those of us posting on the forum obviously can’t control what other people or groups do, but most of the remaining people on the server will not throw it.

I’d rather fight to stay in the highest tier possible than throw a match to get an easier matchup in a lower tier.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Ethersin.3270


Event: Fight Club
Date: Thursday (TODAY)
Time: 4PM Server Time
Location: SoS BL Behind south supply camp.
1. A servers players must be in one area together.
2. In order to start the fight, atleast 2 challengers (from any server) must go to the middle of the ring/open area. Bow before engaging.
3. Can be 1v1, 3v3, 5v5, Golem v Golem, etc.
4. No Spiking, only to down state.
5. If you are doing anything larger than a 1v1 get in a party with your opponent to agree on if it is downed state = out, or if you’re all ok with spiked = out. (To invite someone from an opposing server to your party: click on them, then type in /invite in the chat box.)
6. Manners and have fun

Send me mail in game for questions or concerns.

GL of [RE] Rethesis

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Diashame.6328


I’m sure Dragonbrand will welcome us with open arms

You guys are going to destroy T3. T3 will be your new home and it will be fun for you guys as you will rotate YB, Mags and DB through with a possible visit to t2 every 4th week.

However you may miss the competition that T1/2 brings. Really it’s a grand cannon gap in pvp ability and numbers on these servers.

Dia – [RET]
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Ketharius.9018


As of a few minutes ago, TC is ready to go to T2. I’m glad we are close to going this upcoming week instead of the later week.

Tarnished Coast
[FUNK] Squad

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: elkirin.8534


Thank you for a fun week of fighting. I can honestly say that this week we (SoS) met two fine opponents and faced far fewer forum trolls than ever before.

I and many others will play right through to the reset and TC will have to earn their place in T2. (Good luck TC )

Good luck all, I hope you get a fun three way competitive match in T2.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: wombat.6123


Kaineng – you guys really wanted Durios back!

I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much siege used to retake a wooden tower before: 4 catas, 2 trebs, and a varierty of arrow carts and ballistas. Your entire EB team must have been at Durios.

Over an hour long too, that was one hell of a siege.

Wombling Wombat
FA – Protectorate of Aspenwood [PRO]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


See you on Friday guys!


L’enfer, c’est les autres

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


Nevermind, mis-read.

TC 90% chance has moving back up in the bag. Sorry to see you go SoS, if that’s the case. :/

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: coronbale.3894


TC 90% chance has moving back up in the bag. Sorry to see you go SoS, if that’s the case. :/

Not at all guys, SoS has some serious work to get knocked out with our strategy and tactics. I think it will be better to do this in T3, and once we are firing on all cylinders well be back up to dance.

Keep our spot warm, when we come back up well be a whole new community!

Leader of [TSym]
Sea of Sorrows
IGN – Coron

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Quenta.2978


3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: dagneyandleo.6378


Holy lord, FA. Nice push tonight… I have no idea where our players went (grumble grumble).

[KnT] Blackgate
Lythereal Fields, lvl 80 mesmer, Lythiele, lvl 80 ele, and Lythigrr, lvl 80 guard

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Lyndis.2584


Tick count is at +15 for SoS.

FA seems to REALLY want us out of T2 quite badly. :/

.:: FaTe ~ [SoS] ::.

(edited by Lyndis.2584)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Diashame.6328


Tick count is at +15 for SoS.

FA seems to REALLY want us out of T2 quite badly. :/

They just want to play with their great friends TC.

Dia – [RET]
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Tick count is at +15 for SoS.

FA seems to REALLY want us out of T2 quite badly. :/

They just want to play with their great friends TC.

Hey Diashame! We can wear our matching sweaters now! I’m so excited!!!

You get your Internet connected yet?

L’enfer, c’est les autres

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

Looks like BG is waiting anxiously for Kaineng to get up to T1. Hurry up Kaineng! And hi to my friends from SOS.. I’m missing my fellow SOSers.

Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Thustlewhumber.7416


Holy lord, FA. Nice push tonight… I have no idea where our players went (grumble grumble).

We are getting ready for the Yak Parade! Next week.. with… toast…….

Seriously, FA. You better cap EVERYTHING!

WvW Necro

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


Looks like BG is waiting anxiously for Kaineng to get up to T1. Hurry up Kaineng! And hi to my friends from SOS.. I’m missing my fellow SOSers.

with the current NA coverage we have, i don’t think we could put a balanced fight in T1. see attachement…


Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: FhakE.9063


Looks like BG is waiting anxiously for Kaineng to get up to T1. Hurry up Kaineng! And hi to my friends from SOS.. I’m missing my fellow SOSers.

with the current NA coverage we have, i don’t think we could put a balanced fight in T1. see attachement…

Break time for Kaineng before reset

Primordus Virtus Guild – Balls Deep Crew
Blackgate Server

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Killtrox.2019


Actually, alot of guilds decided if we got a good lead (20-30k) alot of us would PvE. We’re taking it easy till FA starts to catch up then alot of us (RISE), WM, CO, and KO will come in and take care of the situation. xD

Trox Omega [RISE] Commander and Officer – Blackgate- Elementalist NA

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Expunge.4926


Actually, alot of guilds decided if we got a good lead (20-30k) alot of us would PvE. We’re taking it easy till FA starts to catch up then alot of us (RISE), WM, CO, and KO will come in and take care of the situation. xD

don’t just wait for FA’s coverage gap to cap stuff, there are exciting battles to be had!

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Basedgod.7328


Nice fight at the Overgrowth Grub Kaineng :P

Funniest Ele NA
[coVn] Witches I Chaotic Good
Fort Aspenwood