3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG
Dont worry, We’ll drop precusor for JQ in no time
WHO CARES!!! TIER 1 IS BORING!!! I want to go back to tier 2 that was fun at least people fought one another there.
(edited by Waage.2047)
You could always transfer off. This is far from boring to me.
WHO CARES!!! TIER 1 IS BORING!!! I want to go back to tier 2 that was fun.
Only because SoR has made it that way. Worry not, things will be competitive again when Kaineng gets here. Patience.
Shaquille O Norn, Ridiculously Tall Guardian
Violent Tendencies [vT] on Blackgate
EU guild calling NA T1 boring ?
Cool, i guess
oh and FYI : Kaineng dont have decent size EU guild :P
WHO CARES!!! TIER 1 IS BORING!!! I want to go back to tier 2 that was fun.
Only because SoR has made it that way. Worry not, things will be competitive again when Kaineng gets here. Patience.
Kenig lacks the numbers to put op a good fight. Now the good thing is at least they will fight, but SoR wont go down to tier 2 any time soon.
THIS IS DULL!. Where are the fights oh right i forgot every one plays for points, because that little score matters.
EU guild calling NA T1 boring ?
Cool, i guess
oh and FYI : Kaineng dont have decent size EU guild :P
I smell a whiff of jealousy from him.
WvW is a game no one can win
Play for points, you get told off for not staying and fighting. Stay and fight, you get told off/laughed at for not having good ppt. We all lose!
Some insane fights tonight, MERC pushed well against garrison, we had equal if not more numbers than MERC though, HIRE and Choo pushed together for a while.
Sorry you guys had to play alone tonight HIRE knows that feeling.
Tarnished Coast
WvW is a game no one can win
Play for points, you get told off for not staying and fighting. Stay and fight, you get told off/laughed at for not having good ppt. We all lose!
Some insane fights tonight, MERC pushed well against garrison, we had equal if not more numbers than MERC though, HIRE and Choo pushed together for a while.
Sorry you guys had to play alone tonight
HIRE knows that feeling.
Well said. MERC was indeed alone tonight, which is unusual for BG. Dunno what the deal is.
Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator
Good fights in BG BL for the last 12 hours. Shout out to MERC for doing a nice job taking garrison back twice… the first time we were one worker run away from reinforced doors.
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Proud member of Sanctum of Rall
I think what Talentless was trying to say, but it came out wrong is that players from SoR tend to run from 1v1’s or small engagements and stick to their large groups even if the odds are fairly balanced.
OMG I totally agree with this. Every freakin time I find anyone from SOR alone I have to chase them half way across a freakin map to kill them. Like this guardian from CHOO, I chased her from outside hills all the way to this supply camp before she stopped, and the only reason she did is because some Ele from JQ showed up and knocked her down. Stop running from 1v1s please.
As a player from SoR, people from all other servers run from me when looking for a 1v1 as well. Granted, I’m a mesmer so i don’t blame them I guess. I tend to not complain about it though, WvW doesn’t really promote or encourage players to develop good PvP skills.
(edited by The Mexican Cookie.3690)
Well said. MERC was indeed alone tonight, which is unusual for BG. Dunno what the deal is.
There was a reasonable sized group of Urge + others with Choco cleaning up the place as well.
I didn’t think Choo would run through ‘that many’ necro marks and wells on the BG garrison wall.
Ouch :o
KnT Blackgate
It’s some clueless kittens who are going back and forth, followed by more kittens stirring it back up once it gets calmed down again. basically it’s like this:
“You guys zerg so bad.”
“No you guys zerg.”
“No. We have skill.”
“No. You have 100 people zerg.”
“Only 80 can be on map. BTW you have 80 people zerg.”
“No we run 2 man all time! u zerger!”
“We don’t even enter WvW. You zerg!”
I wasn’t aware that suddenly zerging was a huge new issue. I thought it had been the main complaint for the past 6 months. Who knew?
And the funny comments that show how silly the fighting is are getting deleted while the troll comments get to stay. It is by far the worst official forum I have ever been a part of. ZERO functionality. Overly moderated. ARBITRARILY moderated. No response tracking. I have to read page after page just to see if anyone is talking to me… no thread subscriptions or sorting…
Just freaking JUNK. If I wasn’t so bored at work, I’d never go there.I Copy and pasted this from another forum,because it`s true.
Could not say it any better than this.
You know nothing, Jon Snow.
Great job on the cap/awesome teamwork Sanctum of Jade. It’s unfortunate only half of you got the keep though.
Just keep telling yourself that, I will continue farming both you AND JQ. And you will be able to sleep at night rest assured there is NO WAY you could lose unless there was a conspiracy. GG Blackgate!! GG JQ!!! Awesome fights this week!
Knight Templars
SoR Mesmer of Madness
My favorite part of that GvG tonight, was the guardian who thought he was tough and tried to fight the thf, then the thf dominated him so bad his whole guild had to come over and save him.
Also after that when said thf proceeded to get 70+ agg kills with only 3 deaths as revenge for them being so petty.
Special shout out to FEAR, I hope you continue to interrupt GvG matches, as I enjoy fighting people.
I watch that gvg from stream for a while, when EMP is preparing for the next round there is 2 non EMP refuse to go away even after being asked politely by EMP members and then the following conversation began:
EMP 1 : non EMP leave please
EMP 2: pug1 and pug2 please leave
EMP3: pug1 please be nice and leave
pug1: i want to do www and if this the only thing peoples doing right now then i wont leave
EMP4: oh well, i guess we better tell them to add 2 pugs
And then 1 Agg guardian come and start to attacking that “pug1” (JQ random thief with TNO tag) the thief retaliate and alot more Agg came to deal with that thief as well
Now if you were that thief from TNO guild please dont do that kind of thing again, what you do is very annoying to everyone over there including your fellow server mates im sure (notice the EMP guys do nothing to save you while you were being attacked by a bunch of Agg) and to the spectators as well. Well this apply to everyone out there actually, interrupting and create annoyance when a good and fair gvg match is being held is just wrong…
I think what Talentless was trying to say, but it came out wrong is that players from SoR tend to run from 1v1’s or small engagements and stick to their large groups even if the odds are fairly balanced.
OMG I totally agree with this. Every freakin time I find anyone from SOR alone I have to chase them half way across a freakin map to kill them. Like this guardian from CHOO, I chased her from outside hills all the way to this supply camp before she stopped, and the only reason she did is because some Ele from JQ showed up and knocked her down. Stop running from 1v1s please.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, you did something wrong.
WvW is a game no one can win
Play for points, you get told off for not staying and fighting. Stay and fight, you get told off/laughed at for not having good ppt. We all lose!
Some insane fights tonight, MERC pushed well against garrison, we had equal if not more numbers than MERC though, HIRE and Choo pushed together for a while.
Sorry you guys had to play alone tonight
HIRE knows that feeling.
Youre confusing WvW with Forum Wars 2.
Dont worry, He said he’ll quit GW2 after stealth nerf. :P
Somewhere on WvW forum, i’m lazy to dig it.
Question :
What’s happening to BG ? Have the transferred guilds given up ? Did SoR get transfers from other servers ?
It’s just SoR NA crew decided to stay very late to help other time zone.
And i can assure you, [Merc] still have healthy amount of player, Idk about other guild tho. We’ll see what’s going on this night. (SEA primetime)
It’s some clueless kittens who are going back and forth, followed by more kittens stirring it back up once it gets calmed down again. basically it’s like this:
“You guys zerg so bad.”
“No you guys zerg.”
“No. We have skill.”
“No. You have 100 people zerg.”
“Only 80 can be on map. BTW you have 80 people zerg.”
“No we run 2 man all time! u zerger!”
“We don’t even enter WvW. You zerg!”
I wasn’t aware that suddenly zerging was a huge new issue. I thought it had been the main complaint for the past 6 months. Who knew?
And the funny comments that show how silly the fighting is are getting deleted while the troll comments get to stay. It is by far the worst official forum I have ever been a part of. ZERO functionality. Overly moderated. ARBITRARILY moderated. No response tracking. I have to read page after page just to see if anyone is talking to me… no thread subscriptions or sorting…
Just freaking JUNK. If I wasn’t so bored at work, I’d never go there.I Copy and pasted this from another forum,because it`s true.
Could not say it any better than this.
Lol!!! That was MEEE!!!
I think what Talentless was trying to say, but it came out wrong is that players from SoR tend to run from 1v1’s or small engagements and stick to their large groups even if the odds are fairly balanced.
OMG I totally agree with this. Every freakin time I find anyone from SOR alone I have to chase them half way across a freakin map to kill them. Like this guardian from CHOO, I chased her from outside hills all the way to this supply camp before she stopped, and the only reason she did is because some Ele from JQ showed up and knocked her down. Stop running from 1v1s please.
I’ve run into the same situation with both BG and JQ, its not just SOR. I had the same BG thief run from my engineer 4 times.
WHO CARES!!! TIER 1 IS BORING!!! I want to go back to tier 2 that was fun.
Only because SoR has made it that way. Worry not, things will be competitive again when Kaineng gets here. Patience.
Cause it’s SoR that’s 3rd seed. Yep.
“If my friends say I’ve lost my guts?
I’ll laugh and say that’s rock and roll."
Footage taken from 3 hours stretch on March 16. SF had a rocky start but after 20 minutes, more of the crew showed up and we organized. Video incorporates fifteen of the best encounters during that period involving various guilds.
Casual night never works out haha
Strike Force – 16 March : Fifteen encounters
Strike Force
Notice that from this quote, it’s not even about EMP. You have trashed every guild from almost all NA servers who have not fought with TW in a GvG by calling them out and essentially saying that they’re scared and chickening out in a fight with TW. Do you even know for a fact that’s the reason? No, you don’t. It’s uncalled for. It’s being disrespectful to other guilds. Now, do you understand why I said if you want respect, you need to give respect.
Unfortunately you are confused about what respect is.
Do you think it is respectful to make an agreement and commitment to someone, then wait until the very last second to cancel on them? This did not just happen once, it happened three times. When you do something like this, you are undeniably showing a complete and total lack of respect for other people and their time.
I know first hand that TW had people rearranging lives and schedules outside of the game so they could be there for the fight, only to show up at the scheduled time to find out that EMP cancelled yet again. That is the absolute epitome of disrespect, because time is a limited resource for many people.
This is why I find people complaining about the disrespect aimed towards EMP so amusing. Seriously, what world do you people live in where breaking commitments and wasting people’s time is acceptable and respectful behavior?
Glad to see EMP doing well still, seems they are the current reigning champions in the GvG world. The guild to beat for sure.
There is no GvG world, too many factors until they set up GvG arenas.
The Prestige [pTg]
(edited by Mighty Assasin.3816)
Glad to see EMP doing well still, seems they are the current reigning champions in the GvG world. The guild to beat for sure.
There is no GvG world, too many factors until they set up GvG arenas.
I personally don’t like the location that many choose to do GvG. The area south of the south camp is too constricted and too narrow. It clearly favors one playstyle and restricts other forms by reducing the amount of creativity allowed.
3:02 am PST update from the lovely BG Keep in EB.
Interesting. It’s Tuesday and SoR is in second place? BG is in third? JQ isn’t running away with it? And here I thought SoR wasn’t a T1 server.
Unfortunately you are confused about what respect is.
Do you think it is respectful to make an agreement and commitment to someone, then wait until the very last second to cancel on them? This did not just happen once, it happened three times. When you do something like this, you are undeniably showing a complete and total lack of respect for other people and their time.
I know first hand that TW had people rearranging lives and schedules outside of the game so they could be there for the fight, only to show up at the scheduled time to find out that EMP cancelled yet again. That is the absolute epitome of disrespect, because time is a limited resource for many people.
This is why I find people complaining about the disrespect aimed towards EMP so amusing. Seriously, what world do you people live in where breaking commitments and wasting people’s time is acceptable and respectful behavior?
If you followed what was said in the forums instead of too busy doing your chest thumping, you would see the reasons why they had to cancel. They mentioned that some of the members of their server requested that they did not do GvG at that time. The last match, TW was like 30min to 1 hour late for the match if I recall, and they had to cancel it.
But regardless of these reasons, you guys never really gave any respect to EMP in the first place. On the forum, there was mentioned of TW members harrassing EMP members through in-game whispers. TW members trolling and trashing EMP on the forums. This is all BEFORE any GvG matches were even scheduled. When RawNoodles listed the guilds for GvG, he didn’t even list TW as one of the guilds due to the hostility and trolling they have shown in the past. Again, this is all BEFORE any GvG matches were even scheduled. So, your claim of TW showing “zero disrespect directed towards EMP until they disrespected TW first” is false.
Now, if you want further proof of your claim being false. Here is another chest thumping post from your members calling out every guild on most of the NA servers who have not GvG TW yet, essentially labeling them as chickens and scared to fight TW. Would you consider this showing “zero disrespect directed towards [any guild] until they disrespect TW first?” Guilds who have not even fought TW yet, and TW is already disrespecting them.
As tw not doing gvg against anyone else I have to say I think thats more or less people being afraid of them. I see them offering to set up GvGs all the time but no one seems to take them up on the offer.
(edited by jojojoon.8607)
The last match, TW was like 30min to 1 hour late for the match if I recall, and they had to cancel it.
This was an excuse someone gave that did not reflect reality. Nobody was late for anything.
Now, if you want further proof of your claim being false. Here is another chest thumping post from your members calling out every guild on most of the NA servers who have not GvG TW yet
I have seen you say this several times without citing a single source. Given that I have read every post in this thread, would you be so kind as to cite a source for this statement? I haven’t seen what you are describing.
Edit: The person you quoted is in TW? You sure about that? lmao
(edited by covenn.7165)
Score Update!
Brought to you by the LOVE Asuras!
Worst timing ever JQ :P <3
Man those JQ zerg have no love for Asuras updates T_T
I recommend this thread be closed if people keep talking about GvG. This is a WvWvW thread.
3:02 am PST update from the lovely BG Keep in EB.
Interesting. It’s Tuesday and SoR is in second place? BG is in third? JQ isn’t running away with it? And here I thought SoR wasn’t a T1 server.
Crazy right? Props out to those crazy SoR warriors that are undoubtedly giving up sleep to do this. Just imagine if we had the coverage of JQ.
3:02 am PST update from the lovely BG Keep in EB.
Interesting. It’s Tuesday and SoR is in second place? BG is in third? JQ isn’t running away with it? And here I thought SoR wasn’t a T1 server.
Crazy right? Props out to those crazy SoR warriors that are undoubtedly giving up sleep to do this. Just imagine if we had the coverage of JQ.
:’( I can dream.
“If my friends say I’ve lost my guts?
I’ll laugh and say that’s rock and roll."
I’m getting sick of seeing petty excuses tbh, on just about everything. Deep down it’s just a game. If you go to sleep/work thinking about WvW all the time, you need to get out of it more.
All I can say is it’s been fun, and if you aren’t having fun, maybe you need a break. There’s a lot to do in this game besides WvW.
The worst thing I’ve seen is people QQing about people fleeing from a 1v1. A majority of the time I see one enemy, I do my best to simply stay away because you never know if there is going to be a zerg near that enemy or at least one other player. I’ve gotten into many 1v1 fights and either someones come on my team out of the blue or another enemy shows up. There just isn’t a real way to have 1v1’s in WvW. The game also isn’t meant to be played that way. Everything about Guild Wars 2 is teamwork based.
As for the GvG’s… schedule them on your own time. As someone said, this is a WvW thread. There is ingame mail and ingame messaging. Use that to schedule GvGs. Hopefully ArenaNet does something in the near future to add a GvG type of gameplay.
In the meantime, to add my trash talk of the week…. still wondering why some of Blackgate denied when I said they often stop showing up. Are there queues 24/7 like you guys claimed a few weeks ago? Same thing happened the first time we entered T1. Everyone showed up the first week, SBI/WM came in and pulled long shifts and won. The 2nd week we fought again but people quit even earlier. The third week we had outmanned buff a majority of the time.
I doubt things have changed. I really wish you BG “leaders” would have taken my advice and stopped worrying about numbers but more so trying to increase your skill. You guys HAVE the numbers to at least compete with JQ, but I still see people trying to level their alts. Granted you get that on every server, but more so on BG. Just a few more reason I took my talents elsewhere. Just a bit of more advice… yelling “GET TO (objective)” isn’t a strategic move.
3:02 am PST update from the lovely BG Keep in EB.
Interesting. It’s Tuesday and SoR is in second place? BG is in third? JQ isn’t running away with it? And here I thought SoR wasn’t a T1 server.
Crazy right? Props out to those crazy SoR warriors that are undoubtedly giving up sleep to do this. Just imagine if we had the coverage of JQ.
:’( I can dream.
Blackgate isn’t giving up sleep this week like they did the first 2.
Guess all that whining about transfers to Blackgate have turned out to be just that…whining.
Sometimes people “run” from a 1v1 because they are trying to get somewhere to defend. Sometimes the “run” from 1v1’s because there is no point in fighting someone.
For example, I almost always have to disengage thieves because the generally just stealth off when losing. It is to the point now, that I don’t even bother giving them any action at all unless I am bored. They can’t kill me anyways, so I ignore them.
Same thing with bunker ele’s and guardians, once I find out that they are bunkers…. I just disengage rather than spending 20 minutes fighting someone that doesn’t have remotely close to the damage needed to kill me.
I will agree that the GvG is a GUILD issue and not a server wide issue. People organize and participate knowing the risks of life and the interference of invaders/defenders. This is about the three servers and the current weekly fight. I would suggest creating a thread about that and bumping it as needed.
As for the weekly forum thread. I said from the first that this thread should be put to fire and I have yet to see why it remains. SoR rested last week and is up past normal sleep patterns this week. WvWvW is what it is. It’s not perfect because we can’t fight even odds and we don’t have even coverage. We take what we get. People either play for the fights or the PPT. Just enjoy the battles.
In the meantime, would you like me to add a whine about having to defend supply camps from mesmer/guardian/thief teams with my engineer? Well i won’t. I’ll suck it up and rain crates and shields.
I’m getting sick of seeing petty excuses tbh, on just about everything. Deep down it’s just a game. If you go to sleep/work thinking about WvW all the time, you need to get out of it more.
All I can say is it’s been fun, and if you aren’t having fun, maybe you need a break. There’s a lot to do in this game besides WvW.
The worst thing I’ve seen is people QQing about people fleeing from a 1v1. A majority of the time I see one enemy, I do my best to simply stay away because you never know if there is going to be a zerg near that enemy or at least one other player. I’ve gotten into many 1v1 fights and either someones come on my team out of the blue or another enemy shows up. There just isn’t a real way to have 1v1’s in WvW. The game also isn’t meant to be played that way. Everything about Guild Wars 2 is teamwork based.
As for the GvG’s… schedule them on your own time. As someone said, this is a WvW thread. There is ingame mail and ingame messaging. Use that to schedule GvGs. Hopefully ArenaNet does something in the near future to add a GvG type of gameplay.
In the meantime, to add my trash talk of the week…. still wondering why some of Blackgate denied when I said they often stop showing up. Are there queues 24/7 like you guys claimed a few weeks ago? Same thing happened the first time we entered T1. Everyone showed up the first week, SBI/WM came in and pulled long shifts and won. The 2nd week we fought again but people quit even earlier. The third week we had outmanned buff a majority of the time.
I doubt things have changed. I really wish you BG “leaders” would have taken my advice and stopped worrying about numbers but more so trying to increase your skill. You guys HAVE the numbers to at least compete with JQ, but I still see people trying to level their alts. Granted you get that on every server, but more so on BG. Just a few more reason I took my talents elsewhere. Just a bit of more advice… yelling “GET TO (objective)” isn’t a strategic move.
Now this is a post I can respect.
People are still worried about numbers, and honestly don’t know why, we have more than enough people. Some people are taking a break this week, and I can understand that. We will be working on skill next week.
Blackgatewvw.com – Website Administrator
1st Generation War Council Leader
I don’t wonder if ANET shouldn’t just add another WvW map called the “Arenas.”
This should have 2 different arena types and run on a timer much like the world bosses do in PvE.
You could have the Duelist Arena which would run a round-robin type tourney of 8 reps from each server leading up to an eventual 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finish.
Here individuals would battle each other (and yes, with 8v8v8 you would end up fighting people from your server) leading up to an eventual first and third place match with individual prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place, but to keep within the WvW aspect, every win in the arena would add 5pts to your score and the first place winner would add 30, 2nd 20 and 3rd 10 additional points to the server’s score for that “event.”
You could also have a Guild Arena that functions on the same timer as the duels and did a similar tourney but instead of 8v8v8 went with a 1v1 match style of up to 12 players on a side. Each win would add 100 pts to the tick.
Idea here is to give all the GvG and 1v1 folks an avenue to fight and adding a reward system to make these endeavors still benefit the servers as a whole but use the event timer on them to keep them from becoming the ONLY thing people did in wvw.
You could even rehash the existing spvp maps, use Forests for the the GvG stuff and use an adjusted version of the graveyard for the arena… would be nice to let people spectate in them as well.
Would need some fleshing out, but I think it would be cool.
I know people are going to call QQ, but SoR is to blame for the lack of good fights from BG this week. We only have 1 guild on in BG at this point and they are fighting a large JQ zerg in EBG. Our ppt is ranging from 85-105. While we’re duking it out with JQ and basically all the BL maps are completely silent and have plenty of points to capture, SoR decides to bring their zerg of about 80+ members to attack us at the same time.This is only one out of many instances.
I know I’d say “QQ” if someone else was saying this, but if you want a reason for the lack of effort this week, it’s because Choo & co. are griefing our players when there is already enough stress on our ppt. Not surprised you guys have such a bad reputation.
I just hope our Oceanic & SEA guilds don’t get too discouraged.
Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator
(edited by Vash.9183)