3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Mister Mustard.7203

Mister Mustard.7203

I have lost all my “respect” for Tsym, the only guild that can pull numbers similar to them is BP which coincidentally they find the better “challenge”, this guys only knows how to run 50 vs 50 battles and steamroll based 90% on numbers and they dare to claim skill. They call the “special ops” affiliate squads “the tactical revolution” and it’s something that almost every server does, it’s pretty basic.

Now like Facet said, this is “our true strength” or should i say, almost our true strength, since there’s people still to unify under our new alliance. Yak’s Bend was “divided” by internal conflicts for at least 1 month or more, and now the people is finally being united once more, people that had been on this server before me climbed the tiers all together, and now we’ll do the same, all together.

Sadly no matter how much unity, tactics, and bla bla bla we can pull out, DB will always catch us thanks to their full asian population, they can use their NA crew to slow down ours, but we can’t slowdown their Asian population because we don’t have any (We’re lucky if we have 1 asian at WvW), obviously WvW is not meant to be fair, it’s a war, but this can easily be proof to prove that we’re faaaaar better and superior than DB, we just need a “night population”, which i guess, someday we’ll have.

I’ve come to the realization that you have to be trolling everyone. No one who’s hit puberty cries this much. It just doesn’t happen.

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


, but this can easily be proof to prove that we’re faaaaar better and superior than DB, we just need a “night population”, which i guess, someday we’ll have.

I agreed with just about everything you said until you took this huge left turn into bullkitten.

NA players need to get over their arrogance and remember that they are not the only timezone that matters.


3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Wow it took 2 whole days till a Yak Bender did whole “we are so pro because we win a 2 hr period on reset night with a ppt 20-30 higher than other servers” post

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: santi.7516


, but this can easily be proof to prove that we’re faaaaar better and superior than DB, we just need a “night population”, which i guess, someday we’ll have.

I agreed with just about everything you said until you took this huge left turn into bullkitten.

NA players need to get over their arrogance and remember that they are not the only timezone that matters.

I don’t know about others, but i have never stated that NA is the unique timezone that matters, i’m not North American, i don’t live at North America, and English is not my native tongue, i really sorry if that was a misunderstanding.

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Crimedawg.8954


80 was the number that Coronbale mentioned to Chris, so that’s straight from the horse’s mouth afaik. I’ve never met another team so large that they actually caused lag by themselves (yeah we’ve never been to T1 or T2 ok), so I’m inclined to believe that number is pretty close. Certainly you are much larger than any other guild in the tier.

I never said that you got wiped by a random guild so if that was directed at me, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I did say that for all your strength you rarely get good ppt in this tier, which is just a statement of fact.

How petty.

Been with Tsym since the DB days and I don’t think we’ve had 80 ppl in WvW at any time. Now I can’t speak for other times of the day but highly doubtful. You might see 30-40 Tsym with some other guilds following but that is as large as it gets with some minor exceptions (and those exceptions were really back in tier 1 days). You can ask ANY member of SoS who ran with us how we were severely outnumbered more often then not in the early days when we first got here. Note; we’ve split up our guild many times during the day but it all depends on what we’re up against. If you missed that or just ignored it not much can be said.

The comment about ‘wiping us over and over’ came from some guild named KREW.

Best guild we fought was easily BP. Sucks I only saw them one night but they did well and used some nice tactics that no other guild uses in this tier. Kudos to them.

Hopefully we find a server where we’re just 1 guild in a sea of wvw focused guilds and we can just blend in. The choices are out there and we’ll narrow it down. Thanks to all the guilds who took the time to speak with us.

[Tsym] – Necromancer
Sanctum of Rall
Running 15 in a BL near you

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Facet.5914


Wow it took 2 whole days till a Yak Bender did whole “we are so pro because we win a 2 hr period on reset night with a ppt 20-30 higher than other servers” post

As a server has never had a large oceanic shift, reset is indeed dear to our hearts, as it is the one time we can fight the other NA shifts from a neutral start and level playing field.

To be precise, this week marks three consecutive weeks in T3 wherein YB has won the first 6-7 hours with a tick 100+ higher than 2nd place for most of that time.

Been with Tsym since the DB days and I don’t think we’ve had 80 ppl in WvW at any time. Now I can’t speak for other times of the day but highly doubtful. You might see 30-40 Tsym with some other guilds following but that is as large as it gets with some minor exceptions.

If you really only have 30-40 then you guys are truly a notch above this tier in terms of efficiently aoe-ing during zerg brawls, and kudos to you for that. I’m still pretty skeptical of that number though. The first week you were here, when you defended SoS BL on reset, our entire guild would start to lag whenever your zerg was near, even before you rendered or a battle began. Sort of gave away your ambushes at north camp (even though our clueless pugs triggered them anyways lol).

Best guild we fought was easily BP. Sucks I only saw them one night but they did well and used some nice tactics that no other guild uses in this tier. Kudos to them.

Aw. You been in the fights with us? Your zerg is too big for us, you must think us to be idiots for trying so many times lol. BP is also bigger but more our size, and we have a pretty dominating record vs them so far.

Yaks Bend [SoF] [Me] [One]
Sea of Sorrows [All]

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Crimedawg.8954


Also, someone above noted above how Tsym can do what they do and the ppt never really changes. I’ll let one cat out of the bag; that is one reason I personally got frustrated with the current situation. I will say thank you for being so observant (no sarcasm).

Anyway, this thread is about the servers still in the running and not about one guild. That wasn’t my intent. Thanks for the messages by some and I don’t hold an entire server accountable for the trolls that hang out here.

I sincerely hope YB and DB go on to bigger and better things. Do what you do and have fun while you’re at it. If you’re having fun in this tier rock on and keep on keeping on. If and when you hit tier 2 just absorb what you can and adapt. It is seriously a whole different ball game but don’t take my word for it …. get up there and find out for yourselves.

Two cups of coffee so I’ve had plenty of time to browse the forums. Rawr!

To all my DB friends who have remained on that server, mad props to you all and fight the good fight! Guesting is our friend lol

YB, keep up the good fight on the field. With some additional coverage you guys can make that leap if that is what you want.


[Tsym] – Necromancer
Sanctum of Rall
Running 15 in a BL near you

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


YB, keep up the good fight on the field. With some additional coverage you guys can make that leap if that is what you want.

No thanks. If anything YB needs to stay here forever in T3, OR stop kitten face inT4. It’s already zergy enough to puke in T3, any higher and there’d be no point to playing the game besides running around blobbing it up and vomiting out aoes without thought or skill…. ewwww, no thanks.

GL to you wherever you move on though.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Facet.5914


Score Update

NA finally waking up, GL all.

BP is also bigger but more our size, and we have a pretty dominating record vs them so far.

That’s a strong word, when did this dominating happen?

No time in particular, we’ve run into your team dozens of times since we got to tier 3, I’d estimate the open-field wipe ratio to be about 2:1, and that doesn’t count the number of times you’ve impaled yourselves on our Inner Bay Ballista corridors. Not easy fights by any stretch though so I’d settle for the word “good” or “positive” record if you really insist.

Yaks Bend [SoF] [Me] [One]
Sea of Sorrows [All]

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


TSYM a fun target?

In the first 5 days we were in T3 I wracked up an amazing 8300 kills. Both YB and DB threw everything they had at us. It was fun, it was exciting, and it was definitely challenging.

In the last 7 days we wracked up about 430 kills. Rather than face the first challenge your tier gets in who knows how long, you chose to avoid us, and hit our homeland whenever we left it. Any time we took the field you scattered like roaches with the kitchen light turned on, and hit us where we weren’t. The ONLY decent challenge we had last match week was when BP was hammering us with everything they had while YB hit our hills the instant crossed swords showed. It was about 3 hours of run, wiping golems, defending massively one sided fights, and seeing great combat movements. The instant they took bay they moved, and joined in with the “dodge TSYM like we owe them money” initiative.

You had a solid chance to improve your team by facing mine. So yes, you can go back to your talentless ZvZ brawls, and BP I’m sure can go back to farming uncoordinated masses like its zombie land. Well go in search of a higher caliber of competition, one that might actually stay and fight!

When your guild left Dragonbrand we were getting out played by the other much larger servers. You guys were on the receiving end of alot of beats. just because you moved to a server that has higher caliber players doesn’t make you a higher caliber player.

from what i’m reading it looks to me like our guilds have evolved and changed tactics to minimize loses and increase PPT.

So who has the higher caliber players?

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


So many confusing stories. We need to drop to tier 3. Too much fighting. Not enough fighting. Let’s be tier 3, that’s where we need to be. Tier 3 is too easy.

Res ipsa loquitur.

How bad is it when your own server is lashing out at you?

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Kazhiel.8194


Have to say I’m very disappointed in tsym. Coron made a post two weeks ago saying how anyone saying T3 wasn’t competitive was talking out their butt and now he says we are no competition even tho their server is obviously falling. From Coron’s post back then I thought they must have a good attitude about WvW and I wrote a reply in that thread saying as such but I guess now we see tsym is actually a bunch of pansies who can’t handle losing.

Just some friendly advice: We all win some and lose some. Ignore the tier number and the score and just go out and have fun. I bet if you stick around on SoS for next week in T4 you’ll find you aren’t nearly so outnumbered and your guild would feel more accomplished and have more fun with better odds.

Goodness knows YB has been crushed by other servers and we’ve had our wvw population and coordination go up and down but the main people are still on Yaks and still fighting. The guilds and people that left us when we were down only benefited us in the long run. But then again, maybe SoS is better off without tsym, ;D

Jalliel [AI] – Yak’s Bend

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Have to say I’m very disappointed in tsym. Coron made a post two weeks ago saying how anyone saying T3 wasn’t competitive was talking out their butt and now he says we are no competition even tho their server is obviously falling. From Coron’s post back then I thought they must have a good attitude about WvW and I wrote a reply in that thread saying as such but I guess now we see tsym is actually a bunch of pansies who can’t handle losing.

Just some friendly advice: We all win some and lose some. Ignore the tier number and the score and just go out and have fun. I bet if you stick around on SoS for next week in T4 you’ll find you aren’t nearly so outnumbered and your guild would feel more accomplished and have more fun with better odds.

Goodness knows YB has been crushed by other servers and we’ve had our wvw population and coordination go up and down but the main people are still on Yaks and still fighting. The guilds and people that left us when we were down only benefited us in the long run. But then again, maybe SoS is better off without tsym, ;D

Quoted for truth.
Bolded for absolute truth.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Redfield.6174


And this week strategy is: Aim at the top!


[BP] Necromancer
Dragonbrand Server

(edited by Redfield.6174)

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


An this week strategy is: Aim at the top!

Hello, Myself ;D


3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Serebus.7314


[TG]’s reset recap video on DB BL.

Bronade – Guild leader of TERROR[TG]
Homeworld = Home Borderland!

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Have to say I’m very disappointed in tsym. Coron made a post two weeks ago saying how anyone saying T3 wasn’t competitive was talking out their butt and now he says we are no competition even tho their server is obviously falling. From Coron’s post back then I thought they must have a good attitude about WvW and I wrote a reply in that thread saying as such but I guess now we see tsym is actually a bunch of pansies who can’t handle losing.

Just some friendly advice: We all win some and lose some. Ignore the tier number and the score and just go out and have fun. I bet if you stick around on SoS for next week in T4 you’ll find you aren’t nearly so outnumbered and your guild would feel more accomplished and have more fun with better odds.

Goodness knows YB has been crushed by other servers and we’ve had our wvw population and coordination go up and down but the main people are still on Yaks and still fighting. The guilds and people that left us when we were down only benefited us in the long run. But then again, maybe SoS is better off without tsym, ;D

We’ll be fine. There’s probably a few more quitters left to leave, but such is life. The rest of us are doing what we can for now (looks at score and cringes…) and just waiting until we fall to an appropriate tier that matches our remaining population.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Calvin.5380


To all my DB friends who have remained on that server, mad props to you all and fight the good fight! Guesting is our friend lol

Good luck to you too, and hope we meet again when/if your new server drops down (or when/if we come up).

And to everyone bragging on this thread about how great they are – you don’t have the bragging rights, unless you’re JQ. Everything else is an excuse.

- Haddock
[LION], [BP]


3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Kazhiel.8194


Have to say I’m very disappointed in tsym. Coron made a post two weeks ago saying how anyone saying T3 wasn’t competitive was talking out their butt and now he says we are no competition even tho their server is obviously falling. From Coron’s post back then I thought they must have a good attitude about WvW and I wrote a reply in that thread saying as such but I guess now we see tsym is actually a bunch of pansies who can’t handle losing.

Just some friendly advice: We all win some and lose some. Ignore the tier number and the score and just go out and have fun. I bet if you stick around on SoS for next week in T4 you’ll find you aren’t nearly so outnumbered and your guild would feel more accomplished and have more fun with better odds.

Goodness knows YB has been crushed by other servers and we’ve had our wvw population and coordination go up and down but the main people are still on Yaks and still fighting. The guilds and people that left us when we were down only benefited us in the long run. But then again, maybe SoS is better off without tsym, ;D

We’ll be fine. There’s probably a few more quitters left to leave, but such is life. The rest of us are doing what we can for now (looks at score and cringes…) and just waiting until we fall to an appropriate tier that matches our remaining population.

Don’t look! It can be pretty frustrating when your server isn’t doing well, turnout gets less and less which makes it even tougher on those still trying to wvw. Dunno if you guys are familiar with the karma train thing but we did that a lot on Yak’s when we were getting steamrolled by the bandwagon servers passing thru. Keeps things fun for people and helps then level alts and such during times when you don’t have the manpower to hold structures/defend. Take the week to make some gold, relax, and have fun and look forward to better odds next week.

Jalliel [AI] – Yak’s Bend

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Lance.5892


TSym was the first north american guild to figure out how to wipe Red Guard.

Enough said.

Please be a bit more respectful and stop talking trash on a single guild.

[VoTF] www.votf.net

(edited by Lance.5892)

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Serebus.7314


TSym was the first north american guild to figure out how to wipe Red Guard.

Enough said.

Please be a bit more respectful and stop talking trash on a single guild.

so they beat a guild in the Euro WvW scene so they automatically deserve respect from everyone? I’m not understanding this.

Bronade – Guild leader of TERROR[TG]
Homeworld = Home Borderland!

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


TSym was the first north american guild to figure out how to wipe Red Guard.

Enough said.

Please be a bit more respectful and stop talking trash on a single guild.

so they beat a guild in the Euro WvW scene so they automatically deserve respect from everyone? I’m not understanding this.

I was having trouble with why their ingame skill demanded respect to their forum presence.


3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


It’s been a decent enough few weeks for this server group, but looks like Mag will be getting a free invitation to T3 next week, SoS departing. Not sure that they really earned it, but coverage should be more interesting for us at least. DB will have free reign off peak, even more than usual.

(edited by Pendragon.8735)

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


Have to say I’m very disappointed in tsym. Coron made a post two weeks ago saying how anyone saying T3 wasn’t competitive was talking out their butt and now he says we are no competition even tho their server is obviously falling. From Coron’s post back then I thought they must have a good attitude about WvW and I wrote a reply in that thread saying as such but I guess now we see tsym is actually a bunch of pansies who can’t handle losing.

Just some friendly advice: We all win some and lose some. Ignore the tier number and the score and just go out and have fun. I bet if you stick around on SoS for next week in T4 you’ll find you aren’t nearly so outnumbered and your guild would feel more accomplished and have more fun with better odds.

Goodness knows YB has been crushed by other servers and we’ve had our wvw population and coordination go up and down but the main people are still on Yaks and still fighting. The guilds and people that left us when we were down only benefited us in the long run. But then again, maybe SoS is better off without tsym, ;D

We’ll be fine. There’s probably a few more quitters left to leave, but such is life. The rest of us are doing what we can for now (looks at score and cringes…) and just waiting until we fall to an appropriate tier that matches our remaining population.

You still have a strong off hour WvW presence you won’t fall to far. Bring a good fight and guilds will find you. Trust me i know this to be true.

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


It’s been a decent enough few weeks for this server group, but looks like Mag will be getting a free invitation to T3 next week, SoS departing. Not sure that they really earned it, but coverage should be more interesting for us at least. DB will have free reign off peak, even more than usual.

Explain this “earning it” thing in regards to meaningless rankings.

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


It’s been a decent enough few weeks for this server group, but looks like Mag will be getting a free invitation to T3 next week, SoS departing. Not sure that they really earned it, but coverage should be more interesting for us at least. DB will have free reign off peak, even more than usual.

Explain this “earning it” thing in regards to meaningless rankings.

It means you didn’t earn your meaningless rank.

What does “earning it” mean where you come from?


3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Have to say I’m very disappointed in tsym. Coron made a post two weeks ago saying how anyone saying T3 wasn’t competitive was talking out their butt and now he says we are no competition even tho their server is obviously falling. From Coron’s post back then I thought they must have a good attitude about WvW and I wrote a reply in that thread saying as such but I guess now we see tsym is actually a bunch of pansies who can’t handle losing.

Just some friendly advice: We all win some and lose some. Ignore the tier number and the score and just go out and have fun. I bet if you stick around on SoS for next week in T4 you’ll find you aren’t nearly so outnumbered and your guild would feel more accomplished and have more fun with better odds.

Goodness knows YB has been crushed by other servers and we’ve had our wvw population and coordination go up and down but the main people are still on Yaks and still fighting. The guilds and people that left us when we were down only benefited us in the long run. But then again, maybe SoS is better off without tsym, ;D

We’ll be fine. There’s probably a few more quitters left to leave, but such is life. The rest of us are doing what we can for now (looks at score and cringes…) and just waiting until we fall to an appropriate tier that matches our remaining population.

You still have a strong off hour WvW presence you won’t fall to far. Bring a good fight and guilds will find you. Trust me i know this to be true.

Oh yea. We have a good non-USA hour group, which definitely helps us. I’m not trying to make it sound like we’re doomed. We just can’t do tier 3 now at the moment. We’ll see what happens going forward. We’ll still do what we can and see where it goes.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Explain this “earning it” thing in regards to meaningless rankings.

It means SoS took a huge nosedive, opening up a spot, as they continue to lose players.

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


It’s been a decent enough few weeks for this server group, but looks like Mag will be getting a free invitation to T3 next week, SoS departing. Not sure that they really earned it, but coverage should be more interesting for us at least. DB will have free reign off peak, even more than usual.

Explain this “earning it” thing in regards to meaningless rankings.

It means you didn’t earn your meaningless rank.

What does “earning it” mean where you come from?

The entire function of the wvw system isn’t competitive. It’s a population matching tool and not much more. To say that servers need to earn a new matchup seems like people misunderstand the function of it!

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


The entire function of the wvw system isn’t competitive. It’s a population matching tool and not much more. To say that servers need to earn a new matchup seems like people misunderstand the function of it!

You can certainly work harder with the people you do have, to do something like try and bump up a tier if you are close. I know when we were down in T4, the server was very united in doing everything possible to get back into T3 where it was a lot more interesting.

Anyone who feels that their contribution means nothing, not sure why they would even play. Is it going to be enough to win vs lose many matchups, no not that often, but it can affect ratings for sure. There is a big difference between servers that play a week out, and those that just kind of give up once the finish order looks settled.

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: patricide.1062


[TG]’s reset recap video on DB BL.

Nice vid, I’ll have one from [Rawr] up soon that should show just how back and forth it was. We wiped a lot, you guys wiped a lot, it was brutal. Good fun on reset night!

Support Guardian – D/D Ele
[Rawr] – HoD

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: elkirin.8534


We all play for our own reasons. I have played PPT wars, I have soloed, run with small groups and even been in massive zergs, all can be fun in their own way.

No need to trash talk former allies or opponents, just keep coming out to WvWvW and bringing whichever version of playstyle you enjoy.

Good luck see you on the battlefields!

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Calvin.5380


We all play for our own reasons. I have played PPT wars, I have soloed, run with small groups and even been in massive zergs, all can be fun in their own way.

No need to trash talk former allies or opponents, just keep coming out to WvWvW and bringing whichever version of playstyle you enjoy.

Good luck see you on the battlefields!



3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Seren.6850


I am very dissapointed TSYM is leaving but I have to say I have run with and against just about every dedicated wvw guild out there through most the tiers. These guys are one of the best wvw guilds in the game.

Maybe hit them up for some GvG before they leave the server.

SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Mister Mustard.7203

Mister Mustard.7203

We all play for our own reasons. I have played PPT wars, I have soloed, run with small groups and even been in massive zergs, all can be fun in their own way.

No need to trash talk former allies or opponents, just keep coming out to WvWvW and bringing whichever version of playstyle you enjoy.

Good luck see you on the battlefields!



3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Haru Kane.4623

Haru Kane.4623

TSYM a fun target?

In the first 5 days we were in T3 I wracked up an amazing 8300 kills. Both YB and DB threw everything they had at us. It was fun, it was exciting, and it was definitely challenging.

In the last 7 days we wracked up about 430 kills. Rather than face the first challenge your tier gets in who knows how long, you chose to avoid us, and hit our homeland whenever we left it. Any time we took the field you scattered like roaches with the kitchen light turned on, and hit us where we weren’t. The ONLY decent challenge we had last match week was when BP was hammering us with everything they had while YB hit our hills the instant crossed swords showed. It was about 3 hours of run, wiping golems, defending massively one sided fights, and seeing great combat movements. The instant they took bay they moved, and joined in with the “dodge TSYM like we owe them money” initiative.

You had a solid chance to improve your team by facing mine. So yes, you can go back to your talentless ZvZ brawls, and BP I’m sure can go back to farming uncoordinated masses like its zombie land. Well go in search of a higher caliber of competition, one that might actually stay and fight!

Hey anyone in TSYM would you guys be interested in an evenly matched GvG verses Terror [TG]? We love to be humbled, and would post the results for everyone to see on the forums . Think about it and talk to me in game if you want to show your prowess!

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Another score update!


3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: coronbale.3894


Holy crap this place spun down the toilet. Seems like every third troll in the cave was waiting to say something about TSYM. Well keep scrawling it on the wall ladies, and judging by the smell of that, its probably not paint.

TSYM will be training and getting ourselves back in fighting shape. Well be out on the field around 7ish PST M-F this week for a few hours to practice battle maneuvers. If your teams are interested, look me up!

As for GvG, my night commander said bring it. Your 5 best omegas vs ours, lets dance!

Anywhose, GL guys in your tier, and keep the fun trolling! I mean rolling!

Leader of [TSym]
Sea of Sorrows
IGN – Coron

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Seren.6850


This place is disgusting… If you guys needed a shoulder to cry on you should of just asked us nicely.

who is “us” and who are “you guys”

SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603

Pretty Pixie.8603

I’m going to ignore above negativity, and instead say props to [TG]. Ran a couple of times into you guys in YBBL, and had some good fights. Sorry about that stealth ambush South of Arah’s; opportunity was too good to let slip!

Relentless Inquisition [PAIN] – FA

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Effrum the Wise.5410

Effrum the Wise.5410

I love all the trash talk. Good luck Tsym wherever you go. kitten me off when you left DB way back when. Then I realized wow, this is just a game why should i care so much. Do what you have to do, enjoy the game. Have fun that is the point of the game right? If you aren’t having fun you should obviously transfer.


3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: ParaldaWind.4523


Now this is the kind of thread Maguuma likes…

Honestly, though, how are the open field fights from YB, Dragonbrand? Are they anything close to FA’s? If so, I can’t wait. I know that YB seems to dominate NA primetime, and now that Mag has lost its fairweather players, we’ll probably get stomped then, too, but I just want good fights.

No tears, only dreams
Maguuma – youtube.com/pyrogw2

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Calvin.5380


Now this is the kind of thread Maguuma likes…

Honestly, though, how are the open field fights from YB, Dragonbrand? Are they anything close to FA’s? If so, I can’t wait. I know that YB seems to dominate NA primetime, and now that Mag has lost its fairweather players, we’ll probably get stomped then, too, but I just want good fights.

My take on YB (and my sample size might be skewed, others may have different opinions) – they’re excellent defenders. They make great use of the terrain, and have been fearless in most of our encounters.

Open field, um… I don’t know because we usually routed them when we had superior numbers, and got routed when they did. So I can’t comment on whose tactics are superior. It’s silly to generalize anyway, because all servers have their share of good/bad players.

On thing is for sure – they belong. It will be a fun fight when/if you move to T3.

- Haddock
[LION], [BP]


3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Suralin.3947


Now this is the kind of thread Maguuma likes…

Honestly, though, how are the open field fights from YB, Dragonbrand? Are they anything close to FA’s? If so, I can’t wait. I know that YB seems to dominate NA primetime, and now that Mag has lost its fairweather players, we’ll probably get stomped then, too, but I just want good fights.

YB comes out of the gate on Reset Night knocking pretty hard. They pretty fast and they have some great players. We’ve enjoyed the fights against [Rawr], but [CL] makes our heads scratch. I won’t get into specifics, but I would like to see [CL] get better.

Also, I know some Mag players enjoy duels, so if you can, hit up |Luck| and |Fate| from [AI]. They’re pretty fun to duel. I won’t be able to kill either of them, but I can sure as hell make the fights last.

DragonBrand – Terror Gaming [TG]
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War

(edited by Suralin.3947)

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Perceptor.7189


YB comes out of the gate on Reset Night knocking pretty hard. They pretty fast and they have some great players. We’ve enjoyed the fights against [Rawr], but [CL] makes our heads scratch. I won’t get into specifics, but I would like to see [CL] get better.

Sorry if we gave you the impression of not know what we were doing during the fight, but the last Friday most of our guild was watching a football match (soccer for the US mates), and most of our attention was split between the fight and the football match, anyway your points has been noted and will try to improve for the next reset night =)

Commander Morkdar – lvl 80 Engineer
Commander Roter Fangblood – lvl 80 Warrior

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Nnekk.5806


TSYM a fun target?

In the first 5 days we were in T3 I wracked up an amazing 8300 kills. Both YB and DB threw everything they had at us. It was fun, it was exciting, and it was definitely challenging.

In the last 7 days we wracked up about 430 kills. Rather than face the first challenge your tier gets in who knows how long, you chose to avoid us, and hit our homeland whenever we left it. Any time we took the field you scattered like roaches with the kitchen light turned on, and hit us where we weren’t. The ONLY decent challenge we had last match week was when BP was hammering us with everything they had while YB hit our hills the instant crossed swords showed. It was about 3 hours of run, wiping golems, defending massively one sided fights, and seeing great combat movements. The instant they took bay they moved, and joined in with the “dodge TSYM like we owe them money” initiative.

You had a solid chance to improve your team by facing mine. So yes, you can go back to your talentless ZvZ brawls, and BP I’m sure can go back to farming uncoordinated masses like its zombie land. Well go in search of a higher caliber of competition, one that might actually stay and fight!

How dare they!

How dare they avoid the OMG Zerg and go somewhere else to earn points for their server instead of feeding the OMG Zerg bags & bags of loot.

The nerve…

Yak’s Bend

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Loki.4139




3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


I don’t even remember NNK being around from that long ago.

But screenshots don’t lie


3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Haru Kane.4623

Haru Kane.4623

I’m going to ignore above negativity, and instead say props to [TG]. Ran a couple of times into you guys in YBBL, and had some good fights. Sorry about that stealth ambush South of Arah’s; opportunity was too good to let slip!

Yeah that was a lot of fun last night, especially that final battle!

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Eviator.9746


I’m not knowledgeable about the whole TSYM thing, but I’d like to make a request that they move up to T1 or T2. T3 with DB, YB, and Mag will be pretty good, fairly evenly matched. If you move down you might disrupt several teirs.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime