3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Lanimal.6541


Scenario: RISE @ SE (Water) camp on KABL trying to cap it. TC militia zerg repeatedly running in to contest and dying giving them lots of badges. Yet we kept doing it for a good 20 minutes. They dropped a merchant to empty out their loot. I chuckled. I completely understand we were feeding them. Not really WXP though because the deaths were so close together.

While I was running in, contesting, building ballistas on the cliff and dying I was whispering our TCBL commander to push quickly for Hills in TCBL because we knew that RISE was map hopping to do damage and maximize PPT. We didn’t lose the camp and got back hills eventually. RISE got a lot of badges, both parties were happy. This was two days ago.

This is in essence what I play for, the macro PPT-game across all maps. I think its a play-style that is very much a part of TC and more and more commanders are enjoying taking it on board and putting it into practice.

And now that I don’t need to do armor repairs when outmanned? xD

Not saying that we don’t have guilds who love open world ZvZ/GvG and zerg busting, we have tonnes and Pink also do that during NA Prime but I would hope not at the sacrifice of smart macro & meta for maximizing PPT. At least I try to encourage all guilds and commanders to keep smart macro play at the forefront of their thinking.

[VoTF] www.votf.net

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


Props to PiNK and TSL. You guys make me quake with exceeding fear and dread whenever I see your tags….well, not quite, but still a lot of respect to you and the rest of TC. I think I may have to move from casual status to interested just to keep up!

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


It is a game, which is meant to have fun, you play games to have fun, and that is what TC is doing, we are having fun in wvw, we are not playing to be the best, we are not playing to make you angry, we are just very selfish people, and just play to have a good time ourselves. But you ahve to understand that we also play smart and we play good, we have an awesome community, and we don’t have to tell each other everyday how much better we are then the rest. Because quite frankly all we are is just your average Gamer, We are the oldest Gamer type in existence, we were the ones sitting in our basements playing D&D, we are the ones that were there when Gaming was underground, we were there when they called it Geeks and Nerds, and not something fancy like Gamer, and we had alot of fun back then, despite all the social stigmas. So yes we know how to have fun right now, we didn’t let people tell us how to have fun back then, and we most certainly won’t let people tell us how to have fun now.

Not that I see any relevance between this ramble and the current discussion, but online roleplaying communities developed more out of the old MUSH/MUX telnet communities than from the D&D crowd, imo.

~ AoN ~

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Evogrin.6027


Wow, some of the best action I have seen in a while, and for sure some of the most fun in EB yesterday afternoon!

Was great to see such coordination between large KN guilds and PuGs as we tried to lock down our corner of the map.

Nice fights guys, looking forward to today!

//Evogrin-80 Ele//Karostt- 80 Guardian//
Axanas Kamai- 80 Warrior//
[HB], Blackgate!

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: dirtyoldgoat.5496


This has been an excellent match up. All of it. This is what a well balanced server should look like.

Props to all TC, FA, and KN. Good times!

Fallendruid, White Lighter, The Native Sun
PINK is the new Black
Tarnished Coast (via Tyranny)

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


Our Queen hath spoken. :p

… what is this verboosy?

Zestee, Cryptician Zetti, Zissi The Jack, Zi Mao,
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Harrish.8743


Come on FA, are we going to let KN steal our spotlight as TC’s number one rival? We need to close the gap here and get those troll posts back out there! KN is just dominating us in the forum BL right now.


There’s enough hate in our hearts for two arch-nemeses . . .

J/K – both FA and KN are great opponents. T2 is simply amazing right now. It’s Thursday and all three servers are bringing everything they have and the outcome is still up in the air. Can’t say that about too many other tiers (US or EU). Squabble all you want, but remember we’re pretty lucky to have this level of competition.

Hellfire Circus [HfC]

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Scenario: RISE @ SE (Water) camp on KABL trying to cap it. TC militia zerg repeatedly running in to contest and dying giving them lots of badges. Yet we kept doing it for a good 20 minutes. They dropped a merchant to empty out their loot. I chuckled. I completely understand we were feeding them. Not really WXP though because the deaths were so close together.

While I was running in, contesting, building ballistas on the cliff and dying I was whispering our TCBL commander to push quickly for Hills in TCBL because we knew that RISE was map hopping to do damage and maximize PPT. We didn’t lose the camp and got back hills eventually. RISE got a lot of badges, both parties were happy. This was two days ago.

This is in essence what I play for, the macro PPT-game across all maps. I think its a play-style that is very much a part of TC and more and more commanders are enjoying taking it on board and putting it into practice.

And now that I don’t need to do armor repairs when outmanned? xD

Not saying that we don’t have guilds who love open world ZvZ/GvG and zerg busting, we have tonnes and Pink also do that during NA Prime but I would hope not at the sacrifice of smart macro & meta for maximizing PPT. At least I try to encourage all guilds and commanders to keep smart macro play at the forefront of their thinking.

No offense, but that is a weak justification. I watched that same situation unfold yesterday with TC and FA. There is a bunch of ways those situations could have played out for the same net PPT benefits you claim you are playing for, that does not involve running in like lemmings. I see no justification for that type of play at all, it was bad.

~ AoN ~

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


Lemmings are cute.

Zestee, Cryptician Zetti, Zissi The Jack, Zi Mao,
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: NoobieOne.4167


Last night in KNBL was awesome, 2 three way battles not 30 minutes from each other at hills. First time we broke through North Gate and BT broke through west and TC retreated to lord room AoEing the passage so nobody can get through, BT then set up a treb on the inner wall to hit us and we eventually fell back to try to make a push elsewhere. Second time we broke though the west gate and BT broke through the north following up with us setting up a treb to hit them. Exact mirror situation.

Noobie One
member of [RISE]

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Harrish.8743


No offense, but that is a weak justification. I watched that same situation unfold yesterday with TC and FA. There is a bunch of ways those situations could have played out for the same net PPT benefits you claim you are playing for, that does not involve running in like lemmings. I see no justification for that type of play at all, it was bad.

I’m confused. We’ve got some folks saying TC players are too afraid to die and won’t fight. We’ve got others saying we’re reckless and throw ourselves into fights without any hope of winning. Are there two TC servers?

Hellfire Circus [HfC]

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Swamurabi.7890


Lemmings are cute.

I had a lemming follow me over the bridge south of Hills. Too bad they didn’t have DeathShroud to survive the fall.

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


I, personally, prefer defending in WvW, holding towers vs the ravenous hordes, and outplaying my enemies without ever needing to actually engage them in battle. I die far more than I kill, but I die performing critical tasks, like holding supply camps, or scouting. I receive few loot bags. I’m rank ‘4’ in the new ranking system compared to folks who are already high above that.

The pinnacle of military excellence is not to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles. It is to subjugate your enemy without fighting him. -Sun Tsu

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Furienify.5738


Lemmings are cute.

I had a lemming follow me over the bridge south of Hills. Too bad they didn’t have DeathShroud to survive the fall.

they’ll nerf it

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Tearofsoul.9843


Last night in KNBL was awesome, 2 three way battles not 30 minutes from each other at hills. First time we broke through North Gate and BT broke through west and TC retreated to lord room AoEing the passage so nobody can get through, BT then set up a treb on the inner wall to hit us and we eventually fell back to try to make a push elsewhere. Second time we broke though the west gate and BT broke through the north following up with us setting up a treb to hit them. Exact mirror situation.

You forgot to mention all the bags! I hate you!


3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: NoobieOne.4167


Last night in KNBL was awesome, 2 three way battles not 30 minutes from each other at hills. First time we broke through North Gate and BT broke through west and TC retreated to lord room AoEing the passage so nobody can get through, BT then set up a treb on the inner wall to hit us and we eventually fell back to try to make a push elsewhere. Second time we broke though the west gate and BT broke through the north following up with us setting up a treb to hit them. Exact mirror situation.

You forgot to mention all the bags! I hate you!

considering i missed most those bags since first time we left and second time i was porting back the instant we capped to save garrison from a ninja attempt i don’t think i can.

Noobie One
member of [RISE]

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Usagi.4835


Lemmings are cute.

I had a lemming follow me over the bridge south of Hills. Too bad they didn’t have DeathShroud to survive the fall.

they’ll nerf it

Funnily enough, I actually watched a necro do this and get down to 1% of health… I was so mad she got away.

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


Anyone who questions [PiNK]‘s ferocity should probably check the video evidence. We are a true WvW guild in every sense because we don’t trap ourselves into any style of play. We play to win the map in front of us despite any variables to the contrary, and considering we are an NA prime time force, the fact we even have an effect on oceanic is pretty telling.

Very much this. Or if you doubt the video evidence, go ask HB on BG, one of the top PvP guilds in NA (and EU for that matter). After the BG matchup, PiNK has nothing left to prove, and everyone on TC groks and appreciates that they play the long game. /salute PiNK.

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


The pinnacle of military excellence is not to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles. It is to subjugate your enemy without fighting him. -Sun Tsu

Living is a kind of winning. – Zestee

Zestee, Cryptician Zetti, Zissi The Jack, Zi Mao,
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Drakh.3128


What is with all the chest thumping, you are all the best at everything OK? Now what’s the score?

- Drakh (BT)
- Blackgate

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


No offense, but that is a weak justification. I watched that same situation unfold yesterday with TC and FA. There is a bunch of ways those situations could have played out for the same net PPT benefits you claim you are playing for, that does not involve running in like lemmings. I see no justification for that type of play at all, it was bad.

I’m confused. We’ve got some folks saying TC players are too afraid to die and won’t fight. We’ve got others saying we’re reckless and throw ourselves into fights without any hope of winning. Are there two TC servers?

Comment on what other folks say if you like, just do not quote me like I was involved in that discussion. My comments were in response to specific events, nothing more.

~ AoN ~

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Genesis.8572


Last night in KNBL was awesome, 2 three way battles not 30 minutes from each other at hills. First time we broke through North Gate and BT broke through west and TC retreated to lord room AoEing the passage so nobody can get through, BT then set up a treb on the inner wall to hit us and we eventually fell back to try to make a push elsewhere. Second time we broke though the west gate and BT broke through the north following up with us setting up a treb to hit them. Exact mirror situation.

I was there for that. Thanks KN and FA for making that an epic battle! (Also, thanks for the lovely loot bags. We may have lost the keep, but not before we withdrew out taxes.)

I am glad that Tarnished Coast is in Tier 2 where we belong. The fights have been incredibly fun the past few weeks regardless of the score.

Will Hawkins (Human Guardian)
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


Living is a kind of winning. – Zestee

Then we’re all winners b/c in WvW nobody ever really dies.

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Tearofsoul.9843


Anyone who questions [PiNK]‘s ferocity should probably check the video evidence. We are a true WvW guild in every sense because we don’t trap ourselves into any style of play. We play to win the map in front of us despite any variables to the contrary, and considering we are an NA prime time force, the fact we even have an effect on oceanic is pretty telling.

Very much this. Or if you doubt the video evidence, go ask HB on BG, one of the top PvP guilds in NA (and EU for that matter). After the BG matchup, PiNK has nothing left to prove, and everyone on TC groks and appreciates that they play the long game. /salute PiNK.

Sounds like that HB guild isn’t that “top” after all…


3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Shrouded.6450


No offense, but that is a weak justification. I watched that same situation unfold yesterday with TC and FA. There is a bunch of ways those situations could have played out for the same net PPT benefits you claim you are playing for, that does not involve running in like lemmings. I see no justification for that type of play at all, it was bad.

I’m confused. We’ve got some folks saying TC players are too afraid to die and won’t fight. We’ve got others saying we’re reckless and throw ourselves into fights without any hope of winning. Are there two TC servers?

We are like an onion. We have layers. All kidding aside, I always wonder if we actually bait people that way in exchange for a keep. I guess it works.

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


Sounds like that HB guild isn’t that “top” after all…

Maybe you’ll get to find out one day

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Boom.9304



How ’bout that score update for those of us office folk?

Boomkins / Ayvaree
Bringer of Hellfire & “Dirtnapping Diva”
Leader, Transcendent Veneration [TV] – Tarnished Coast

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: dmbucs.1367


Chest thumping really is getting out of hand. The battles have been great and I look forward to a fun finish. PS – Score update

<PINK>Tarnished Coast

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Whitebeard.5172


What is this chest thumping that people are going on about?

Tarnished Coast

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


Fellow forum spectators, I have made you a thing to occupy yourselves. I have already won my own game about 25 times.



a guardian from k[Ai]neng

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Okay… NA player here on Kaineng, going to ignore the 1 comment from a comrade don’t appreciate the knock to our NA crew as we have … hands down heavier battles to deal with during other opponents prime. So yeah, we’ll win and lose some. But we battle tooth and nail, both the ppt game, and yes more so the open field battles.

Good battles all around everyone, looking forward to seeing you tonight.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734



How ’bout that score update for those of us office folk?

Here ya go! KN and TC were even when I loaded the window up there, but TC stole a FA camp just before I took the screenshot.


3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Boom.9304


Thank you Hickeroar!

Boomkins / Ayvaree
Bringer of Hellfire & “Dirtnapping Diva”
Leader, Transcendent Veneration [TV] – Tarnished Coast

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Furiousbeard.7602


The point swing if TC wins this week is going to be large.

2v1 them!!

We have to keep our tier point spread tight.

FA Soldier of Fortune – Flashypants (20,078 WvW kills) http://m.youtube.com/user/Duppa81
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


The point swing if TC wins this week is going to be large.

2v1 them!!

We have to keep our tier point spread tight.

I knew it!!!! KN and FA have an alliance!!!!!

/tinfoil hat

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Furiousbeard.7602


The point swing if TC wins this week is going to be large.

2v1 them!!

We have to keep our tier point spread tight.

I knew it!!!! KN and FA have an alliance!!!!!

/tinfoil hat

  • pulls black trench coat collar up to hide his face as he leans against a wall *

“How did he know?”

FA Soldier of Fortune – Flashypants (20,078 WvW kills) http://m.youtube.com/user/Duppa81
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Pervin.5036


Last night in KNBL was awesome, 2 three way battles not 30 minutes from each other at hills. First time we broke through North Gate and BT broke through west and TC retreated to lord room AoEing the passage so nobody can get through, BT then set up a treb on the inner wall to hit us and we eventually fell back to try to make a push elsewhere. Second time we broke though the west gate and BT broke through the north following up with us setting up a treb to hit them. Exact mirror situation.

The second we broke through the nor wall and saw you guys come in on that second attempt, we knew revenge was imminent. Within moments we saw the trek build site and couldn’t help but laugh. Good times all around.

[HB] Commander Skarlack – Necro

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


The point swing if TC wins this week is going to be large.

2v1 them!!

We have to keep our tier point spread tight.

Actually, TC winning would reduce the tier point spread more than KN winning. Currently it’s at:

KN: 1 993.293
FA: 1 959.056
TC: 1 947.553

A TC win would put it around (according to MOS a few hours ago):

KN: 1 986.745
TC: 1 968.170
FA: 1 944.664

So by all means FA, reduce the point spread, keep our tier tight!

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


Last night in KNBL was awesome, 2 three way battles not 30 minutes from each other at hills. First time we broke through North Gate and BT broke through west and TC retreated to lord room AoEing the passage so nobody can get through, BT then set up a treb on the inner wall to hit us and we eventually fell back to try to make a push elsewhere. Second time we broke though the west gate and BT broke through the north following up with us setting up a treb to hit them. Exact mirror situation.

The second we broke through the nor wall and saw you guys come in on that second attempt, we knew revenge was imminent. Within moments we saw the trek build site and couldn’t help but laugh. Good times all around.

Its funny because I told everyone in mumble when Kaineng showed up that they would start trebbing you soon and I’m not sure anyone believed me ;P

Winning is fun, but just being in the position on a Thursday to have a chance is exciting for most of us. All this so called “chest thumping” started with one guy calling us out, and we defended. Other than that, nothing to see here. We’ll see you guys tonight.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Furiousbeard.7602


The point swing if TC wins this week is going to be large.

2v1 them!!

We have to keep our tier point spread tight.

Actually, TC winning would reduce the tier point spread more than KN winning. Currently it’s at:

KN: 1 993.293
FA: 1 959.056
TC: 1 947.553

A TC win would put it around (according to MOS a few hours ago):

KN: 1 986.745
TC: 1 968.170
FA: 1 944.664

So by all means FA, reduce the point spread, keep our tier tight!

I don’t think your numbers if TC beats KN are accurate, but regardless, we should still attack things and stuff until its dead.

FA Soldier of Fortune – Flashypants (20,078 WvW kills) http://m.youtube.com/user/Duppa81
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB

(edited by Furiousbeard.7602)

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Arkanfel.8403


Now I realize that you want a head on battle 24/7/365 but trust me, PINK is playing chess and your playing checkers.

I giggled.

PINK wasn’t running because they were “playing chess,” PINK was running because we wiped them so many times they wouldn’t fight us anymore.

Never took Cryptic Omen to be the trakittenalking type after fairly good-natured posts in the past.

The chess-and-checkers comparison rankled me. I’m not bashing PINK for running (why wouldn’t you? I’ve done it plenty), I’m just disputing the notion that it was part of some grand strategy. Yes, TC was doing VERY well on points last night—and I expect they will do the same tonight— but that wasn’t just because they were running from a CO zerg on one BL.

Sarabi “the Roaring Fury” Aminata

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Oolune.4357


Now I realize that you want a head on battle 24/7/365 but trust me, PINK is playing chess and your playing checkers.

I giggled.

PINK wasn’t running because they were “playing chess,” PINK was running because we wiped them so many times they wouldn’t fight us anymore.

Never took Cryptic Omen to be the trakittenalking type after fairly good-natured posts in the past.

The chess-and-checkers comparison rankled me. I’m not bashing PINK for running (why wouldn’t you? I’ve done it plenty), I’m just disputing the notion that it was part of some grand strategy. Yes, TC was doing VERY well on points last night—and I expect they will do the same tonight— but that wasn’t just because they were running from a CO zerg on one BL.

Because that changes the accuracy of his post.

Tarnished Coast
Oolune :: Engineer — Arrow Of Oolune :: Human Ranger -- Shadow Of Oolune :: Human Thief
Box The Turtle :: Human Warrior — Bolobuns Of Steel :: Human Guardian

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: war.3790


Oh my god, so i like, came back fro mwork to see all these raging TC and RE :,D
I love when you go cry on forums, i almost kittened in my pants =3
I mostly scrolled thro the posts but more or les s excuses you made were
“We were outmanned” ( we had same numbers you had defending siege advantage)
“We farmed your major guilds and we fight your NA guilds” ( RE and RISE are tier 5 guilds we make fun of them, they are still learning but so are we and our pugs)

Face it TC, you are playing for points and some kind of win trying to prove something
I’m not saying that you had biger chances of winning that battle by hiding in that lords room, but we could have fliped your B Lin 10 min by the time you would still hide there. Would that be a good tactic? We were hoping to your BL , Fliping one keep, just to try to get you out =)
When this matchup started all i heard from TC on Forum and from friends from PiNK was “FA are kitten we farm them we steamroll them”
FA has my respect, they are giving us great fights whenever they can.
Maybe you give figths on NA time when you are at full power, but try not to be scared to fight battles you can lose =)

Faster Stronger Better [PUGz]

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Shrouded.6450


Well at least you’re not claiming that we PVdoor in NA’s primetime. :p

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


Oh my god, so i like, came back fro mwork to see all these raging TC and RE :,D
I love when you go cry on forums, i almost kittened in my pants =3
I mostly scrolled thro the posts but more or les s excuses you made were
“We were outmanned” ( we had same numbers you had defending siege advantage)
“We farmed your major guilds and we fight your NA guilds” ( RE and RISE are tier 5 guilds we make fun of them, they are still learning but so are we and our pugs)

Face it TC, you are playing for points and some kind of win trying to prove something
I’m not saying that you had biger chances of winning that battle by hiding in that lords room, but we could have fliped your B Lin 10 min by the time you would still hide there. Would that be a good tactic? We were hoping to your BL , Fliping one keep, just to try to get you out =)
When this matchup started all i heard from TC on Forum and from friends from PiNK was “FA are kitten we farm them we steamroll them”
FA has my respect, they are giving us great fights whenever they can.
Maybe you give figths on NA time when you are at full power, but try not to be scared to fight battles you can lose =)



Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

War, throwing around insults at the people on the forum while a much larger number of people are fighting in the battlefield is sort of pointless. Unless you actually monitored all of the guilds and fighters out there, knew exactly all of there motives, then you are only blowing hot air and making baseless accusations.

As for everyone else, thanks for the good sportsmanship. Look forward to seeing you out there on the fields of battle. Been a long time since I was around.

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Shrouded.6450


Just so weird that this is coming from someone in Kai though. Was he around when you guys were being constantly trolled on your way up to T2?

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: SHAKA ZULU.3128


Meow is new-ish.


a guardian from k[Ai]neng

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: war.3790


I agree, new but learning fast.
Still need discipline, seams like we are going to RE dirrection insted of WM , i need to fix that, raged at them

Faster Stronger Better [PUGz]

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Urrid.4593


Fellow forum spectators, I have made you a thing to occupy yourselves. I have already won my own game about 25 times.

Hahaha so true. It is all so true!

Coral -Mesmer- Omnomnivore and TC’er.