Thug life
3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]
In the interest of saving this thread, I thought you all might want to know that certain KN took a page from TC’s playbook. This joyriding event was ongoing when I got off.
Thanks to all who took a moment to join in the fun. Sometimes it’s nice to enjoy the moment, enemies or not.
Vairrek (Spooty Necro Pug Extraordinaire)
Walked into 1 tower, + Overlook getting double teamed down by KN and FA. Was a blast pushing that back into Lowlands 3rd with everyone. 1/2 map went to bed just before WM showed.
GG all around. Glad FA is playing EB at night this late into the week.
As soon as you left we instantly got the outmanned buff and lost nearly everything on EB.
Just wanted to thank TC for the endless supply of bags earlier tonight inside Pangloss when you got sandwiched by two FA zergs. I made quite a bit of money.
I would like to thank you for taking such good care of our deposits .
And suggest others avail themselves of this service the "intrest " some of your “co-workers”paid on withdrawel was quite amazing.
Just to say I am very satisfied with your customer service ,and rates of return .
/salute @ RISE for trying to disrupt our training session in south KNBL earlier tonight. Either you guys couldn’t see we outnumbered you, or you’ve got a lot of heart. I assume the latter.
FA keeps telling us we suck at ZvZ, so we were learning how to use flame rams in open field combat to get better at that.
But by the time you guys showed up we had gotten distracted RP’ing a high school dance where all boys and girls just stand around in small groups.
Fun times later in KNBL too. We figured since FA isn’t really into the points game we’d gift them Hills to help keep them in T2. <3 you guys.
You need to be careful of saying anything like, “You gave it to us.” In about 2 hours the video will show we left then we let you push Kaineng, we killed your zerg, farmed RISECO then capped the hills (by accident, we intended to keep farming everyone).
We then let you mesmer portal your entire army in, then we wiped you.
Then we burned the school dance.
I vote they can think whatever they want, as long as they fill my inventory twice every time they “give” us an objective like that. ;D
Score update after decorating the gate of hills
What a riot last night.Wading through massive zergs of enemies to watching Omega golems cut through upgraded doors like a knife through butter.For those who feel loot bags are the end all be all we left trails of them from Hills to Garrison to Bay and back again, I remember in UO we had pack mules to carry all the booty.It’s simply becoming more of a bother to pick them up when moving from zerg to zerg so we use them kind of like breadcrumbs for our mates to follow to get back to our group when they die, works well.
Looking forward to reset tonight. congrats to Kain for pulling away last night.
Tarnished Coast
Good duels today in Fa bl behind the windmill with TC and a couple of kain, Good fights this week lets keep this awesomeness up on the next week most especially in reset day. Prepare for massive long queues
Hey TC we in KN love to play chess also… with a hammer !
Checkmate in EB.
(edited by Titan.3472)
Hey TC we in KN love to play chests also… with a hammer !
Checkmate in EB.
You spelled chess wrong so I’m assuming that your a checker player.
Tarnished Coast
/salute @ RISE for trying to disrupt our training session in south KNBL earlier tonight. Either you guys couldn’t see we outnumbered you, or you’ve got a lot of heart. I assume the latter.
FA keeps telling us we suck at ZvZ, so we were learning how to use flame rams in open field combat to get better at that.
But by the time you guys showed up we had gotten distracted RP’ing a high school dance where all boys and girls just stand around in small groups.
Fun times later in KNBL too. We figured since FA isn’t really into the points game we’d gift them Hills to help keep them in T2. <3 you guys.
You need to be careful of saying anything like, “You gave it to us.” In about 2 hours the video will show we left then we let you push Kaineng, we killed your zerg, farmed RISECO then capped the hills (by accident, we intended to keep farming everyone).
We then let you mesmer portal your entire army in, then we wiped you.
Then we burned the school dance.
I vote they can think whatever they want, as long as they fill my inventory twice every time they “give” us an objective like that. ;D
How about I “think” we took first place twice this week and contuine to “think” we’ve dominated FA all week and “think” our bags fill up just as fast?
I just wanted to thank PINK and the others involved for once again taking the time and expense to provide some quality entertainment with the golem offensive. Win, lose or draw it always adds a nice flavor to the game. There were a number of players who had not seen a golem offensive much less using omegas and they really thought it was awesome.
Big kudos.
Tarnished Coast
Meh… golem-rushing is so last month. Mega-zergs auto-attacking gates down is what it’s all about now!
I just wanted to thank PINK and the others involved for once again taking the time and expense to provide some quality entertainment with the golem offensive. Win, lose or draw it always adds a nice flavor to the game. There were a number of players who had not seen a golem offensive much less using omegas and they really thought it was awesome.
Big kudos.
Hear, hear! PiNK is a big part of what makes TC so awesome! <3 you guys!
Hey TC we in KN love to play chess also… with a hammer !
Checkmate in EB.
I commend your skill in capping my empty 3rd. We were too busy RPing tired humans sleeping to defend last night.
Thug life
Hey TC we in KN love to play chess also… with a hammer !
Checkmate in EB.I commend your skill in capping my empty 3rd. We were too busy RPing tired humans sleeping to defend last night.
PvDoor comment? Take a shot!
Good duels today in Fa bl behind the windmill with TC and a couple of kain
, Good fights this week lets keep this awesomeness up on the next week most especially in reset day. Prepare for massive long queues
Every time I check there no one’s dueling. If anything there’s maybe ~4 people. I hope more show up this coming week! I really need to practice duels on my new Ele.
Quaggan-Cheng Derp Squad
Tarnished Coast – [DIS]
Dolyaks love to duel!
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
Score and map as of 5 min ago…
Too Drunk To PvP[LUSH]
Standing United[STUN]-TC
Welp I’m getting ready for reset so the match is over for me. Mad props to TC for the huge push, we are going to have our hands full tonight and next week for sure. You guys have got me working around the clock; I hope I can keep up!
capuchinseven.8395How about I “think” we took first place twice this week and contuine to “think” we’ve dominated FA all week and “think” our bags fill up just as fast?
Did you finish in first place ::looks at the scoreboard::? We had first place a time or two early this week too…
It’s okay – I’m not going to stroke your ego too hard in my next comment, you do that enough yourself… However – TC did bring the pain this week, for sure, but I wouldn’t go around bragging about being ‘amazing’ because, really – You only finished in 2nd. Regardless how many times you took first. ::pats you on the head::
I am curious though… (lost the prediction link, sadly) – Is FA still blue this week?
::edit to add:: – I really don’t think what you did was ‘dominate’ us – unless you call throwing a crap ton of lootbags at us while we were eating your faces off in open field dominating us.
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at:
(edited by Evalana.5480)
capuchinseven.8395How about I “think” we took first place twice this week and contuine to “think” we’ve dominated FA all week and “think” our bags fill up just as fast?
Did you finish in first place ::looks at the scoreboard::? We had first place a time or two early this week too…
It’s okay – I’m not going to stroke your ego too hard in my next comment, you do that enough yourself… However – TC did bring the pain this week, for sure, but I wouldn’t go around bragging about being ‘amazing’ because, really – You only finished in 2nd. Regardless how many times you took first. ::pats you on the head::
I am curious though… (lost the prediction link, sadly) – Is FA still blue this week?
::edit to add:: – I really don’t think what you did was ‘dominate’ us – unless you call throwing a crap ton of lootbags at us while we were eating your faces off in open field dominating us.
Do you really want to push this vibe into next week? We all get bags. Good luck next match.
I really like that when people quote my name, it turns into Evalakitten…. It’s kind of cute.
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at:
Meh… golem-rushing is so last month. Mega-zergs auto-attacking gates down is what it’s all about now!
Amen, brother.
The new trend now is WxP trains or WxP balls.
Golem-rushing? Ppt game? That’s so pre-March 26th 2013.
May the biggest WxP ball/WxP train win the game~
Chibi Asura San (Engineer), Hikaru Masai (Guardian), Selene Minerva (Revenant)
Guild: The Bunnies [Bun] ~ Server: Jade Quarry
capuchinseven.8395How about I “think” we took first place twice this week and contuine to “think” we’ve dominated FA all week and “think” our bags fill up just as fast?
Did you finish in first place ::looks at the scoreboard::? We had first place a time or two early this week too…
It’s okay – I’m not going to stroke your ego too hard in my next comment, you do that enough yourself… However – TC did bring the pain this week, for sure, but I wouldn’t go around bragging about being ‘amazing’ because, really – You only finished in 2nd. Regardless how many times you took first. ::pats you on the head::
I am curious though… (lost the prediction link, sadly) – Is FA still blue this week?
::edit to add:: – I really don’t think what you did was ‘dominate’ us – unless you call throwing a crap ton of lootbags at us while we were eating your faces off in open field dominating us.
Do you really want to push this vibe into next week? We all get bags. Good luck next match.
TC and Kain have been spewing bags after culling fix. No clue on who from FA is spewing bags. But I think if there was K/Dr stat to look at mine would be pretty superb this week.
I think at some point people need to adjust their game after the culling patch.
(edited by xxxzavulonxxx.8413)
capuchinseven.8395How about I “think” we took first place twice this week and contuine to “think” we’ve dominated FA all week and “think” our bags fill up just as fast?
Did you finish in first place ::looks at the scoreboard::? We had first place a time or two early this week too…
It’s okay – I’m not going to stroke your ego too hard in my next comment, you do that enough yourself… However – TC did bring the pain this week, for sure, but I wouldn’t go around bragging about being ‘amazing’ because, really – You only finished in 2nd. Regardless how many times you took first. ::pats you on the head::
I am curious though… (lost the prediction link, sadly) – Is FA still blue this week?
::edit to add:: – I really don’t think what you did was ‘dominate’ us – unless you call throwing a crap ton of lootbags at us while we were eating your faces off in open field dominating us.
Do you really want to push this vibe into next week? We all get bags. Good luck next match.
TC and Kain have been spewing bags after culling fix. No clue on who from FA is spewing bags. But I think if there was K/Dr stat to look at mine would be pretty superb this week.
I think at some point people need to adjust their game after the culling patch.
Its funny because you really believe it.
capuchinseven.8395How about I “think” we took first place twice this week and contuine to “think” we’ve dominated FA all week and “think” our bags fill up just as fast?
Did you finish in first place ::looks at the scoreboard::? We had first place a time or two early this week too…
It’s okay – I’m not going to stroke your ego too hard in my next comment, you do that enough yourself… However – TC did bring the pain this week, for sure, but I wouldn’t go around bragging about being ‘amazing’ because, really – You only finished in 2nd. Regardless how many times you took first. ::pats you on the head::
I am curious though… (lost the prediction link, sadly) – Is FA still blue this week?
::edit to add:: – I really don’t think what you did was ‘dominate’ us – unless you call throwing a crap ton of lootbags at us while we were eating your faces off in open field dominating us.
Do you really want to push this vibe into next week? We all get bags. Good luck next match.
TC and Kain have been spewing bags after culling fix. No clue on who from FA is spewing bags. But I think if there was K/Dr stat to look at mine would be pretty superb this week.
I think at some point people need to adjust their game after the culling patch.
You seem familiar….weren’t you from Mag?
Sunspots had been an FA hater since November of 2012. Just look at the posting history. Always condescending and negative towards them. Its probably best to ignore her.
Not sure about Zavulon.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
(edited by Furiousbeard.7602)
Sunspots had been an FA hater since November of 2012. Just look at the posting history. Always condescending and negative towards them. Its probably best to ignore her.
Lol, are you the same one who called me the black spot on the server?
Sunspots had been an FA hater since November of 2012. Just look at the posting history. Always condescending and negative towards them. Its probably best to ignore her.
Lol, are you the same one who called me the black spot on the server?
Nope, but I can see why you would earn a reputation like that.
You seem to be stuck in a bit of a rut when it comes to favourite forum targets.
I hope you are able to get over your grudge one day. It’s really unhealthy to hold so much resentment towards a group of players on another server.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
capuchinseven.8395How about I “think” we took first place twice this week and contuine to “think” we’ve dominated FA all week and “think” our bags fill up just as fast?
Did you finish in first place ::looks at the scoreboard::? We had first place a time or two early this week too…
It’s okay – I’m not going to stroke your ego too hard in my next comment, you do that enough yourself… However – TC did bring the pain this week, for sure, but I wouldn’t go around bragging about being ‘amazing’ because, really – You only finished in 2nd. Regardless how many times you took first. ::pats you on the head::
I am curious though… (lost the prediction link, sadly) – Is FA still blue this week?
::edit to add:: – I really don’t think what you did was ‘dominate’ us – unless you call throwing a crap ton of lootbags at us while we were eating your faces off in open field dominating us.
Do you really want to push this vibe into next week? We all get bags. Good luck next match.
TC and Kain have been spewing bags after culling fix. No clue on who from FA is spewing bags. But I think if there was K/Dr stat to look at mine would be pretty superb this week.
I think at some point people need to adjust their game after the culling patch.
Its funny because you really believe it.
I xferred with ~12.8k kills.. I have 14,311 kills. I reckon I died >10 times (and that may be overstating it) per night I ran my guardian with BT. Do the math.
And there’s video evidence as presented by Quenta.
Not bragging. Just stating sometimes people need to adjust their games when the game itself changes.
I’m trying to decide if you guys are more like a cult, or a forum gang.
Id prefer cooperative
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Sunspots had been an FA hater since November of 2012. Just look at the posting history. Always condescending and negative towards them. Its probably best to ignore her.
Lol, are you the same one who called me the black spot on the server?
Nope, but I can see why you would earn a reputation like that.
You seem to be stuck in a bit of a rut when it comes to favourite forum targets.
I hope you are able to get over your grudge one day. It’s really unhealthy to hold so much resentment towards a group of players on another server.
Lol, you have thrown out more insults in this thread than anyone here combined.
I suggest you follow your own advice.
Not bragging. Just stating sometimes people need to adjust their games when the game itself changes.
I thought we adjusted pretty well last week
I like FA, but man some of your forum posters are odd birds. I’ve always wondered if the rest of the server is like that, or if most of your crew just cringe whenever they see these people post.
(edited by Harrish.8743)
capuchinseven.8395How about I “think” we took first place twice this week and contuine to “think” we’ve dominated FA all week and “think” our bags fill up just as fast?
Did you finish in first place ::looks at the scoreboard::? We had first place a time or two early this week too…
It’s okay – I’m not going to stroke your ego too hard in my next comment, you do that enough yourself… However – TC did bring the pain this week, for sure, but I wouldn’t go around bragging about being ‘amazing’ because, really – You only finished in 2nd. Regardless how many times you took first. ::pats you on the head::
I am curious though… (lost the prediction link, sadly) – Is FA still blue this week?
::edit to add:: – I really don’t think what you did was ‘dominate’ us – unless you call throwing a crap ton of lootbags at us while we were eating your faces off in open field dominating us.
Do you really want to push this vibe into next week? We all get bags. Good luck next match.
TC and Kain have been spewing bags after culling fix. No clue on who from FA is spewing bags. But I think if there was K/Dr stat to look at mine would be pretty superb this week.
I think at some point people need to adjust their game after the culling patch.
Its funny because you really believe it.
I xferred with ~12.8k kills.. I have 14,311 kills. I reckon I died >10 times (and that may be overstating it) per night I ran my guardian with BT. Do the math.
And there’s video evidence as presented by Quenta.
Not bragging. Just stating sometimes people need to adjust their games when the game itself changes.
You’re that guy from mag that’s been hating on servers with mass transfers am I right?
Not bragging. Just stating sometimes people need to adjust their games when the game itself changes.
I thought we adjusted pretty well last week
I like FA, but man some of your forum posters are odd birds. I’ve always wondered if the rest of the server is like that, or if most of your crew just cringe whenever they see these people post.
Culling patch was this week
capuchinseven.8395How about I “think” we took first place twice this week and contuine to “think” we’ve dominated FA all week and “think” our bags fill up just as fast?
Did you finish in first place ::looks at the scoreboard::? We had first place a time or two early this week too…
It’s okay – I’m not going to stroke your ego too hard in my next comment, you do that enough yourself… However – TC did bring the pain this week, for sure, but I wouldn’t go around bragging about being ‘amazing’ because, really – You only finished in 2nd. Regardless how many times you took first. ::pats you on the head::
I am curious though… (lost the prediction link, sadly) – Is FA still blue this week?
::edit to add:: – I really don’t think what you did was ‘dominate’ us – unless you call throwing a crap ton of lootbags at us while we were eating your faces off in open field dominating us.
Do you really want to push this vibe into next week? We all get bags. Good luck next match.
TC and Kain have been spewing bags after culling fix. No clue on who from FA is spewing bags. But I think if there was K/Dr stat to look at mine would be pretty superb this week.
I think at some point people need to adjust their game after the culling patch.
Its funny because you really believe it.
I xferred with ~12.8k kills.. I have 14,311 kills. I reckon I died >10 times (and that may be overstating it) per night I ran my guardian with BT. Do the math.
And there’s video evidence as presented by Quenta.
Not bragging. Just stating sometimes people need to adjust their games when the game itself changes.
You’re that guy from mag that’s been hating on servers with mass transfers am I right?
Difference between me and mass xfer people is I didn’t come to FA for PPTs. I came on a drunken coin flip to join BT. If BT was in T8 I would’ve done the same thing.
Lol im guessing you still have a lot less respect for FA then?
(edited by Shrouded.6450)
Too much chest thumping = yawn
Anyways, good fights all around TC, Kai and FA – I really love T2. The fights are competitive and fun. Keep it up ya’ll.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
capuchinseven.8395How about I “think” we took first place twice this week and contuine to “think” we’ve dominated FA all week and “think” our bags fill up just as fast?
Did you finish in first place ::looks at the scoreboard::? We had first place a time or two early this week too…
It’s okay – I’m not going to stroke your ego too hard in my next comment, you do that enough yourself… However – TC did bring the pain this week, for sure, but I wouldn’t go around bragging about being ‘amazing’ because, really – You only finished in 2nd. Regardless how many times you took first. ::pats you on the head::
I am curious though… (lost the prediction link, sadly) – Is FA still blue this week?
::edit to add:: – I really don’t think what you did was ‘dominate’ us – unless you call throwing a crap ton of lootbags at us while we were eating your faces off in open field dominating us.
Do you really want to push this vibe into next week? We all get bags. Good luck next match.
TC and Kain have been spewing bags after culling fix. No clue on who from FA is spewing bags. But I think if there was K/Dr stat to look at mine would be pretty superb this week.
I think at some point people need to adjust their game after the culling patch.
Its funny because you really believe it.
Actually the funny part is that he’s not realizing how TC’s score shot way up immediately after the update and FA was crushed this week.
He’s like the sniper on your team in Battlefield with a 10-0 K/D sniping out of uncap spawn and claiming he’s won the game when clearly he’s bieng spawncamped.
“Yeh yeh my K/D boi! Wut wut!” … have fun when people start ragequitting FA and you have to spend 1000 gems to xfer again and bring your team down.
(edited by Redscope.6215)
Sunspots had been an FA hater since November of 2012. Just look at the posting history. Always condescending and negative towards them. Its probably best to ignore her.
Lol, are you the same one who called me the black spot on the server?
Nope, but I can see why you would earn a reputation like that.
You seem to be stuck in a bit of a rut when it comes to favourite forum targets.
I hope you are able to get over your grudge one day. It’s really unhealthy to hold so much resentment towards a group of players on another server.
Lol, you have thrown out more insults in this thread than anyone here combined.
I suggest you follow your own advice.
prove it
I’m usually the nicest person in this thread, besides you of course
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
This match is over, there’s a new thread. Flash your badges over there, not here.
Not bragging. Just stating sometimes people need to adjust their games when the game itself changes.
I thought we adjusted pretty well last week
I like FA, but man some of your forum posters are odd birds. I’ve always wondered if the rest of the server is like that, or if most of your crew just cringe whenever they see these people post.
The rest of us are worse.
It’s [NERF] or nothing!
capuchinseven.8395How about I “think” we took first place twice this week and contuine to “think” we’ve dominated FA all week and “think” our bags fill up just as fast?
Did you finish in first place ::looks at the scoreboard::? We had first place a time or two early this week too…
It’s okay – I’m not going to stroke your ego too hard in my next comment, you do that enough yourself… However – TC did bring the pain this week, for sure, but I wouldn’t go around bragging about being ‘amazing’ because, really – You only finished in 2nd. Regardless how many times you took first. ::pats you on the head::
I am curious though… (lost the prediction link, sadly) – Is FA still blue this week?
::edit to add:: – I really don’t think what you did was ‘dominate’ us – unless you call throwing a crap ton of lootbags at us while we were eating your faces off in open field dominating us.
Do you really want to push this vibe into next week? We all get bags. Good luck next match.
TC and Kain have been spewing bags after culling fix. No clue on who from FA is spewing bags. But I think if there was K/Dr stat to look at mine would be pretty superb this week.
I think at some point people need to adjust their game after the culling patch.
Its funny because you really believe it.
Actually the funny part is that he’s not realizing how TC’s score shot way up immediately after the update and FA was crushed this week.
He’s like the sniper on your team in Battlefield with a 10-0 K/D sniping out of uncap spawn and claiming he’s won the game when clearly he’s bieng spawncamped.
“Yeh yeh my K/D boi! Wut wut!” … have fun when people start ragequitting FA and you have to spend 1000 gems to xfer again and bring your team down.
Lol, I was on Maguuma. Do you think I give a kitten about PPT?
The collective reading comprehension of TC’s forum warriors is nil.
Lol im guessing you still have a lot less respect for FA then?
I don’t care about FA besides my peer. Perhaps if I meet people I might feel differently in the future.
Yea that explains a lot, still complaining about numbers and transfers pray tell? Cus that’d be very weird in this tier.
(edited by Shrouded.6450)
I had fun in FA BL tonight. Figured I’d troll TC….
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)