3/8 Kain - FA - TC
Is MOS broken for anyone else…? And on that note, score update? =D
Charr Ranger
Fort Aspenwood (www.fort-aspenwood.com)
I think we all should be happy, personally. Tier one and tier two are reasonably balanced … well way more so than it used to be ….. there are good fights to be had pretty much any time of the day … and even with some uneven time periods, gains can be made for all sides. Sounds like an ideal spot to be really.
Of course, now that I’ve said this out loud, a server will implode and chaos will ensue …..
lets just drop the massive egos and keep up the awesome fights and the (relatively) clean forum so far
Raise your hand if you think the words ‘chest thumping’ are overused in this thread.
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad
Is MOS broken for anyone else…? And on that note, score update? =D
It appears to be a “cake” problem.
*eyes you all suspiciously ….
Selling my goodies after a fun evening. Time for bed. G’nite forum warriors!
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad
(edited by Evalana.5480)
Is MOS broken for anyone else…? And on that note, score update? =D
It appears to be a “cake” problem.
*eyes you all suspiciously ….
Cake indeed…
[FUNK] Squad
Is MOS broken for anyone else…? And on that note, score update? =D
It appears to be a “cake” problem.
*eyes you all suspiciously ….
I love you Jayne lol.
Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
We’ve gone 8 pages without any serious arguments between FA and TC. Lets not start now.
Although the RET guy calling out PiNK on their numbers almost made me choke on my coffee… pot calling kettle black etc etc
Overall I’ve been really impressed by TC’s game. They dont have the numbers of Kain or FA and since they dont have any strong coverage I’m kind of scratching my head as to how they are staying in contention for 2nd. I certainly expected them to be solidly 3rd at the start of this week. I imagine PiNK must be putting in a lot of effort to help carry the server.
The most abused number on some hotbars.
Is MOS broken for anyone else…? And on that note, score update? =D
It appears to be a “cake” problem.
*eyes you all suspiciously ….
Cake indeed…
Fun night against BT in KNBL! I know you guys love Hills and all, but how could you not get bored of just standing there for so long?
Quaggan-Cheng Derp Squad
Tarnished Coast – [DIS]
Although the RET guy calling out PiNK on their numbers almost made me choke on my coffee… pot calling kettle black etc etc
Think you need to read more carefully friend. I never ever complained about being outnumbered, rather; I was informing people that they often believe they are heavily outnumbered when in fact they are NOT and numbers are more or less even. This goes for all servers.
I miss you, Tarnished Coast. Blackgate misses you!
Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator
Selling my goodies after a fun evening. Time for bed. G’nite forum warriors!
Your norn looks drunk – “go home Norny Eva, you’re drunk”
I keep on saying I need to run with you and the others, and I really should, because Necros are awesome, and the handful in my guild hasn’t been WvW’ing due to working on armor set(s) for WvW.
Fun night against BT in KNBL! I know you guys love Hills and all, but how could you not get bored of just standing there for so long?
This is a picture of BT gathered around a merchant vendoring
Sorry they removed Gears from WvW, BT =[
Better luck next time in Bay =]
KH I would expect to troll poorly and chest thump. Player skills were on par with trolling.
Edit to add – thanks for the score/map updates both of you.
Trolling? I’m sincerely expressing my remorse, that is all.. I’m scratching my head as to where exactly all the staff eles attuned to air and hammer and/or mace warriors went then ..??
Regardless of the past, I’m not even chest thumping. I’ve been the victim of quite a few FA guilds XD. It was fun reading the FA/Mag troll/flame wars, I’ve gotta add my little jibs to the side. I’ve gotta say that fighting FA in general has been awesome, This matchup has finally balanced out Tier 2 and made WvW fun once again, for me at least. ggs and hope to see you guys out there =]
Tarnished Coast
Your favorite Charr Guardian
(edited by sardonic wrath.5690)
see answer.. wouldn’t differ by much….
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Score Update right meow!
When [RET] hits a battleground, we claim it.
With numbers? Skill? Luck?
Doesn’t really matter. The point is, we accomplish. We never allow numbers to be an excuse for getting wiped. Not when we were small, not now when we’re big.
The only guild I’ve seen so far that gives me pause is [RISE]. When I see them stacking, I build an arrow cart :P (Hi from FA BL btw. Good fights today.)
Character name: Azilyi
Score Update right meow!
That blue/green section, lol. I assume that was on purpose.
Lol mos – “fatal error”. Oh my.
Dear FA and KA:
Thank you for helping me achieve my Kudzu. It will now be easier for you to figure out which pirate ranger walking a dolyak is me, just in case you want to wave before you kill me. There will probably be flowers everywhere. Fluffyhooves loves being showered with flower petals as we prance down the supply routes together.
<3 Ellie and Fluffyhooves
Team Dolyak [KH]
To the FA Charr i laughed at in KN BL lil while ago, sorry . Not one to usually laugh or emote at ppl but that was a lil bit funny. I mean you did follow me up to our legendary guards and kept attacking me hehe.
To the NERF ppl that were there as well, you guys stay classy :p
Oh, and i was the thief from LAID. Fun fights though, have fun.
Duey Decimator – Thief
Score Update right meow!
auww….. TC stop losing ground… don’t worry, come Oceanics prime we’ll help you (more or less)…
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Dear FA,
Any time you feel like you’re being double teamed, I encourage you to save this photo and keep it near and dear to your heart. These two were both taking out siege together at SM and not touching each other .. often standing side by side doing it. lol.
That’s me on the left. I was roaming around TC’s side of the map at North SMC trying to find someone to duel with. But you just had to ruin the fun by shooting cannons at us from SMC didn’t you? I was probably the only FA there the whole time.
It had nothing to do with alliances, double team, or even taking out any of your siege.
Dear FA,
Any time you feel like you’re being double teamed, I encourage you to save this photo and keep it near and dear to your heart. These two were both taking out siege together at SM and not touching each other .. often standing side by side doing it. lol.
That’s me on the left. I was roaming around TC’s side of the map at North SMC trying to find someone to duel with. But you just had to ruin the fun by shooting cannons at us from SMC didn’t you? I was probably the only FA there the whole time.
It had nothing to do with alliances, double team, or even taking out any of your siege.
I was mostly teasing
Sorry I wrecked your duel … But I see angry red guys near my gate and its automatically “cannons away!”
Dear FA and KA:
Thank you for helping me achieve my Kudzu.
It will now be easier for you to figure out which pirate ranger walking a dolyak is me, just in case you want to wave before you kill me. There will probably be flowers everywhere. Fluffyhooves loves being showered with flower petals as we prance down the supply routes together.
<3 Ellie and Fluffyhooves
Wat? You made enough money strictly via WvW to get your legendary? That’s insane! Teach me! How did you get all those t6 mats?
Grats btw!
GODS rolled the KN and TC zergs in EB too many times to count tonight. Most memorable was the one at Durios – wiped KN, turned around ad wipe TC. Thanks for the loot guys!
Can’t wait until tomorrow night!
Nice video Sun, except for all the spell effects going off making it slightly difficult to know wth is going on.
I would love to see videos of a small group (5-10) getting things done efficiently. Those probably do not exist though, since WvW is largely about ZvZ (zerg vs zerg).
Not sure if this counts but this was KN or TC Garrison. But we took it while KN was so busy trying to attack FA BL and TC attacking us in EB.
Sure we may not have been able to defend the keeps but we downgraded them and held them for a few PPT ticks.
(edited by Sylpharion.1452)
Look! It’s me and Diashame in our matching sweaters!
I hope mine is the blue one!
PS I asked my cat does Pink have a massive Zerg, here is the response.
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server
(edited by Diashame.6328)
Good ol Dolyak mascot standing tall over our catapults Just one of the many fun aspects of the night and the fun is still ongoing, here’s a big shout out to my fellow TCers, thank you for making this fun
To the NERF ppl that were there as well, you guys stay classy :p
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
When [RET] hits a battleground, we claim it.
With numbers? Skill? Luck?
Doesn’t really matter. The point is, we accomplish. We never allow numbers to be an excuse for getting wiped. Not when we were small, not now when we’re big.
The only guild I’ve seen so far that gives me pause is [RISE]. When I see them stacking, I build an arrow cart :P (Hi from FA BL btw. Good fights today.)
Haha! its really fun fighting you guys [RET] @ FA BL but unfortunately we had to go back to kaineng BL and maintain borderland control which we encounter on [BT] zerg that lead to 10mins of chasing until we just full head on zerg v zerg and wipe them it was pretty awesome fighting you two !!
Our greatest strength lies in never failing,
But we [RISE] each time we fall.
Clocking out of a 17 hour shift. Today was a wild day. Between at least 10am-2pm EST (I stopped keeping track), all three teams at one held a 100 PPT lead over the nearest contender at one point or another. Great fights, keep it up! I think this is the best match I’ve played since release. I look forward to meeting you guys on the battlefield in ~6 hours!
GREAT fight at SM tonight everyone had tons of fun with the 3 way
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
Wat? You made enough money strictly via WvW to get your legendary? That’s insane! Teach me! How did you get all those t6 mats?
Grats btw!
Thanks I wouldn’t say strictly. I was about 75% done with it before I started playing WvW. Then I stopped my hardcore farming ways, decided PVE was evil, and played mostly WvW. Which is why it took me since October last year to finish my legendary, lol
I had pretty much everything except completion (mostly WvW completion), some TA tokens, the bloodstone shard, obsidian shards, and the gift of battle before I went into WvW. Most of that is just karma, exp, or badges. Last night I used killstreak boosters in the lake in FABL and TCBL to farm krait (and random enemies) until I had my last two skill points.
Now I can go back to my yak routes and sentry duties.
Team Dolyak [KH]
GREAT fight at SM tonight everyone had tons of fun with the 3 way
That was quite possibly one of the most fun and craziest fights I’ve ever had.
For an hour (or however long it took, time seemed to stand still), our teamspeak chat went something like this:
“Kain at the south hall, OH kitten TC at the northwest hall!”
“Kain pushing in, WALLS WALLS WALLS kitten they’re running up the ramp. WATCH OUT TC COMING IN TOO! Stop them stop them!!”
“Okay, I think we wiped most of —- KAIN’S COMING DOWN THE RAMP! MOVE MOVE!!”
“Get the dead up, clear your bags, someone got a merchant?… KAIN’S BACK!! SO IS TC!! GET OUT OF THE CENTER!!”
“ kitten lag!! I can’t even heal!!”
“Kain’s pushing! Ha! They went through TC’s hall and cleared their siege!”
“Push push! NO! Fall back fall back! Walls! kitten, a mesmer got through, watch for portals!!”
“THEY’RE BACK!! Oh god, there’s so many, I don’t think we can hold — DON’T GIVE UP! KEEP FIGHTING! WE CAN DO THIS!”
“Oh my god I can’t believe we survived….THEY’RE BACK! Gahhhhh!”
Etc. Incredibly fun, and, while I try not to chest bump, I’ve got to give props to PRO for leading and making up the backbone of our group, along with a few RETs and other guilds there. Considering that we had about 20 people (maybe more by the end) and that we lost our siege pretty early in the engagement, I was astounded. Though, at some point someone actually brought in an omega golem, lol.
To the TC and Kain that were there, /salute. Great fights, guys.
[VL] & [RET] of FA
Though, at some point someone actually brought in an omega golem, lol.
Gah I was so kitten off at the guy who brought the golem lol. The Omega was OURS (I’m on FA server) and he wasted like half its health just…doing nothing with it really. He was upleveled too.
Yep yep good fights all around. ^We definitely had more than 20 because not all my allies were culling for me at once (means 25+). I daresay we had more than TC and Kain defending.
By the way, somebody queued cannons at Stonemist so when the upgrade was mostly done and I was like “WE SHALL BE SAVED” it was a huge letdown to not have our walls repaired but instead…cannons?!?
Nice video Sun, except for all the spell effects going off making it slightly difficult to know wth is going on.
I would love to see videos of a small group (5-10) getting things done efficiently. Those probably do not exist though, since WvW is largely about ZvZ (zerg vs zerg).
Not sure if this counts but this was KN or TC Garrison. But we took it while KN was so busy trying to attack FA BL and TC attacking us in EB.
Sure we may not have been able to defend the keeps but we downgraded them and held them for a few PPT ticks.
Not bad at all for a small group really. I generally expect small groups to only do camps and towers efficiently, so that’s rather good. Yeah, I understand when you took the keep, you probably didn’t have too much resistance, but I find it hard to believe there were absolutely no Kain/TC members on w/e map you were on, so I’m sure they could have responded.
Wat? You made enough money strictly via WvW to get your legendary? That’s insane! Teach me! How did you get all those t6 mats?
Grats btw!
I wouldn’t say strictly. I was about 75% done with it before I started playing WvW. Then I stopped my hardcore farming ways, decided PVE was evil, and played mostly WvW. Which is why it took me since October last year to finish my legendary, lol
I had pretty much everything except completion (mostly WvW completion), some TA tokens, the bloodstone shard, obsidian shards, and the gift of battle before I went into WvW.
Most of that is just karma, exp, or badges. Last night I used killstreak boosters in the lake in FABL and TCBL to farm krait (and random enemies) until I had my last two skill points.
Now I can go back to my yak routes and sentry duties.
Awesome! I got my Gift of Battle last night for the dreamer. The dreamer is just too awesomely stupid to pass up, lol. I think it would had been more epic on longbow though. Barrage of unicorns….
(edited by Magiofdeath.2745)
Here comes the big bad War Machine and their amazing night capping skills….you guys are awesome!!!
Fun night against BT in KNBL! I know you guys love Hills and all, but how could you not get bored of just standing there for so long?
This is a picture of BT gathered around a merchant vendoring
I apologize if I sounded rude, then. After they all ported out to snipe Bay from the KN/TC fight, I assumed they were all just watching and waiting on that.
Quaggan-Cheng Derp Squad
Tarnished Coast – [DIS]
Look! It’s me and Diashame in our matching sweaters!
I hope mine is the blue one!
PS I asked my cat does Pink have a massive Zerg, here is the response.
Yes, definately the blue one, you’re more upbeat than I am anyhow, just look at that grin!
Also, this is how I feel most days in WvW:
Love from a tiny asura BG player
That is all!
GLHF to this matchup!
GODS rolled the KN and TC zergs in EB too many times to count tonight. Most memorable was the one at Durios – wiped KN, turned around ad wipe TC. Thanks for the loot guys!
Can’t wait until tomorrow night!
Man, you guys must really be good.
Thanks! We are!!!
To be fair, we did get wiped once last night.
Lots of fun from both TC and Kain though…good job guys. We were on the move all night attacking and defending, no rest for us at all.
It was crazy that no one made a huge push for SMC while the walls were down. There were small pushes here and there that we wiped, but we had it for a bunch of point tallies. And when TC did take it, we took it right back…
In fact I was a little disgusted that no one threw down a vendor, I should have kicked some ppl from the guild for that.
If I can’t sell my loot, you should be banned from my guild. Unacceptable!!!@@!!
I have had some really fun and frustrating fights the past few nights. Thanks guys and keep it up, we really have a beautiful thing going on here in T2.
[RET] of Fort Aspenwood
I have had some really fun and frustrating fights the past few nights. Thanks guys and keep it up, we really have a beautiful thing going on here in T2.
^ This, this, this. This matchup has by far been the most fun week I have ever had in WvW. Thank you FA and KN.
Here comes the big bad War Machine and their amazing night capping skills….you guys are awesome!!!
oh well… here comes the whole FA zergs with their awesome daycapping skills……
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Shout out to the [Ordo] guild. Kicked some kitten tail this morning with all those golems I dropped