3/8 Kain - FA - TC

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Zoel.9154


hey jarvan

i lost party somehow and i can’t spell your name. send me a tell or follow me so we can set up our HONOR DUEL

e: actually tell azilyi b/c he’s going to run our side

Zoel – GM of [coVn]

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: nibbles.2408


First off let me get the pleasantries out of the way and say that I wish I could be on right now, as the fights this week have been a load of fun and fighting in a relatively balanced tier is amazing. That being said…

As a member of FA, I fully admit that our server is full of chest thumping, bag boasting, and just rude individuals in general. I have never doubted it, or denied it, but merely accepted it as the consequence of a competitive mmo. I myself have tried (although not always successfully) to rise above it and be better than that.

With that in mind I have to say… please don’t stoop to their level TC. Take a look at the last half a page and tell me that isn’t the same stuff you accuse FA of doing (and in some cases rightfully so). I said the same thing in the FA community forums last week, and I’ll repeat it here. You guys can lose like champs, garnering the admiration of BG and KN, but to those you defeat you reveal your darker side. It’s what initially put off so many FA’ers to begin with—all those weeks of being dominated by you guys.

I want the forums to be as civil a place as possible, which is impossible in most cases. But please take a page out of your own books and rise above the noise and show the sportsmanship you have when your chips are down.

I went back and read my posts to be sure I didn’t say anything untoward. Are you upset by the map updates and scores? If so, I apologize.

I agree, the forums should be a civil place. I tend to go out of my way to add some levity to the threads because often times we’re far too serious, and sometimes grumpy.

I have some cohorts on Kain who help me with the levity, would love to have some FA folks join in too. (And some are, was happy to see that!) It should be a place where we all kick back after beating each other up and exchange some jokes.

That said, every server has trolls. It’s unfortunate, but you can’t tell people how to post. You can make a million pleas and suggestions, but in the end, it’s their decision. For the most part, I’d like to think the bulk of TC behaves respectfully.

That’s mostly the point I wanted to get across, that every server has its trolls. It is the unfortunate circumstance that FA is viewed in the light of it’s trolls, so when TC overtakes us, the forum becomes a round of TC backslapping (which I understand, you guys worked hard to get to second, and I commend you for it). It is the less savory posts that catch my attention, bringing to light the fact that every server has its dissidents. It saddens me somewhat because of the dislike towards FA, because of our trolls, that some TC posters can drop the usual levity and show an uglier side. All (and I would say most) of us on FA are not the same way, so while the target may be the usual trolls, the jabs hit all of us equally.

I will say that it is not directed at you Jayne, I don’t recall many of your posts that seem unusually biased in this way.

Anyways enough for me, I might need to find time to squeeze in some gaming to take back our precious borderlands! =D

Wechlas [Echo]
Charr Ranger
Fort Aspenwood (www.fort-aspenwood.com)

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Zoel.9154


that was really good; we had a numbers advantage i think which really boned you guys but it was deffo close. Unfortunately we have to keep wiping tc in this bl so

Zoel – GM of [coVn]

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Squibbles.8724


That’s mostly the point I wanted to get across, that every server has its trolls. It is the unfortunate circumstance that FA is viewed in the light of it’s trolls, so when TC overtakes us, the forum becomes a round of TC backslapping (which I understand, you guys worked hard to get to second, and I commend you for it).

Honestly, I think their PR crew has worked harder than their fighters. I don’t blame you, Kaineng, I understand, I really do. They have cookies and funny posts and lots of pretty glass. And cowbell!! On the other hand, we at FA are a dislikable bunch; we really are just a bunch of trolls with hammers. Really big hammers.

Squibbles – 80 Engineer. Littles – 80 Guardian. Ripples – 80 Necromancer.
[VL] & [RET] of FA

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: nibbles.2408


That’s what FA needs… more Jayne’s and Applydainty’s (sorry if I spelled that wrong). Unfortunately we just have crazy people and braggarts—of course when we’re on the battlefield there isn’t anyone else I would want at my side =D

Wechlas [Echo]
Charr Ranger
Fort Aspenwood (www.fort-aspenwood.com)

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


yeah.. be ruthless on the battlefield , but still be respectful on forum.. that’s the culture KN and TC trying to promote here….

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Someone from an RP server ventures into another server’s forum and sees some RP hating about them? Shocking. Absolutely shocking!

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: SquirtyMagoo.8321


Hohoho, TC just keep coming back for more. I’m loving it.

Shout out to TSL, great guild that showed a lot of heart tonight defending Hills on KNBL. You guys sunk about 8 of our golems at the most ridiculously sieged up keep I have ever seen, and no matter the outcomes of the fights, you always came back with more people than before. Very impressed.

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


Any TC happen to notice a bomb eng at Redlake in Kain BL earlier? Had an RE tag?

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: JPSnow.8296


Wow TC forum spies must really got our forum admins worried. As a oceanic commander that just got around to registering on the forums I got my account suspended without making a post lol. In case anyone on FA reads this I’m in epx been here since IOJ transfers, though only commanding when needed since there so many on FA…..

JPSnow (main) – Necro, Sir Mezalot – Mesmer
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Zoel.9154


Wow TC forum spies must really got our forum admins worried. As a oceanic commander that just got around to registering on the forums I got my account suspended without making a post lol. In case anyone on FA reads this I’m in epx been here since IOJ transfers, though only commanding when needed since there so many on FA…..

where are you man

i have to end up commanding militia so frequently

speak up !!!!!

Zoel – GM of [coVn]

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Squibbles.8724


yeah.. be ruthless on the battlefield , but still be respectful on forum.. that’s the culture KN and TC trying to promote here….

Ruthlessly abusing our limited inventory space? Gawsh, you guys are so good at that!

But seriously. Stahp. You’re going to make me go blind. (Or did the doc say that was the other thing…? Hmmm…. )

Squibbles – 80 Engineer. Littles – 80 Guardian. Ripples – 80 Necromancer.
[VL] & [RET] of FA

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Helamintur.8641


Yeah because RP keeps you from clicking aoes in a mass combat or understanding how to PvP. Obviously.

Light may be faster than darkness, but darkness is always there waiting for it.

(edited by Helamintur.8641)

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I like Kaineng. And etiquette.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


Sure we have! Doesn’t make your failure any less hilarious though.

I thought TC didn’t have trolls? You’re making your server look bad.

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: JPSnow.8296


Wow TC forum spies must really got our forum admins worried. As a oceanic commander that just got around to registering on the forums I got my account suspended without making a post lol. In case anyone on FA reads this I’m in epx been here since IOJ transfers, though only commanding when needed since there so many on FA…..

where are you man

i have to end up commanding militia so frequently

speak up !!!!!

I was overseas for three weeks but been back for just over a week. I’m almost always in bl mostly FA bl, though last night was doing some open field battles with avatr against wm in kn bl

JPSnow (main) – Necro, Sir Mezalot – Mesmer
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Garillo.1349


Here comes the big bad War Machine and their amazing night capping skills….you guys are awesome!!!

Perhaps it is you who night caps them?

Garillo -Guardian ** Dosbox- Engineer
Garillobot- Ranger * Shilombish Hokoffi- Necro
Ahalaia Afabi Sipi- Thief *

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


*slips sleeping pills into all of your drinks.

*goes back to funny, offbeat thread.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


What are you trying to get at?

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Anthrage.2519


Great fights today/tonight, spent 3 hours fighting non-stop on FA BL earlier…trying for Hills, Defending Garrison and Bay, filmed a bit from all conflicts, will upload more tomorrow, but for now here’s a bit from our attempt to take Hills at about 7PM EST. Tons of fun!

GJ to all today, especially our commanders on FA BL. Going to be a great week!

Ranger Anthrage Stormrider – Sanguine Wild Guild [SW]
sPvP BuildWvW Build
Tarnished Coast Server- Anthrage Stormrider on Youtube

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Zoel.9154


when ioj and cd did it there was a substantial difference in that the thread wasn’t spammed with WE’RE DOING THIS B/C WE DON’T LIKE YOU and guild tags that said good luck in tier 4 fa

i.e. it was b/c we were percieved as the weaker server, as opposed to when you guys made us bite and scratch to say in t3, which was fun i guess.

anyway i dunno what you’re hurt about. you seemed to do fine. was getting double teamed not fun for you? my bad I guess.

Zoel – GM of [coVn]

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Evalana.5480


Score Update before I hit the hay…


Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


All of us on FA BL are laughing at [RET] from FA and [RISE] from KN. Maybe you should find a third server to help you take a keep from a bunch of RPers.

Oh because you never doubleteamed us ever right? CD/TC vs FA much? Get over yourself.

FA is always being 2v1ed when they aren’t winning. YB and TC also 2v1ed FA. And IoJ and CD were also 2v1ing them back when IoJ entered T3. Seeing a pattern?

Well it is no secret that FA and TC hated each other and so fight each other more. When you go out and make arch enemies like that don’t expect to have it easy.

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs

(edited by CHIPS.6018)

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Shrouded.6450


@ Zoel

I know history can be skewed but you know very well that it isnt as one sided as you try to mae it out to be. I do apologize if some TCers takes it a lil too far. Im blaming it on the caffeine.

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


Eh, shouldn’t have to say sorry for your server’s trolls since every server has them. No server is perfect, no matter how hard you strive to make it perfect. Its human nature.

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Aytrix.4059


This thread is funny.

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Usagi.4835


when ioj and cd did it there was a substantial difference in that the thread wasn’t spammed with WE’RE DOING THIS B/C WE DON’T LIKE YOU and guild tags that said good luck in tier 4 fa

i.e. it was b/c we were percieved as the weaker server, as opposed to when you guys made us bite and scratch to say in t3, which was fun i guess.

anyway i dunno what you’re hurt about. you seemed to do fine. was getting double teamed not fun for you? my bad I guess.

That was like a billion years ago, and is thus no longer relevant. I don’t think that guild even exists anymore. And this thread has been very civil thus far. I think most people have decided to keep the majority of the trash talking of the other two servers on their own private forum.

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


Guys guys, its a Tuesday. Lets not bicker on this sacred day.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


Why’s Tuesday sacred? Is it because its after the crappiest day of the week – Monday? :P

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Joseph.7213


More great fights tonight – hoping FA can scrounge up some points to finish up the week, I would really like to stay in T2. Rolling T3 just isn’t nearly as much fun.

rip hopes and dreams for supported 3v3 arenas

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


More great fights tonight – hoping FA can scrounge up some points to finish up the week, I would really like to stay in T2. Rolling T3 just isn’t nearly as much fun.

I think your ratings standing will keep you safely in Tier 2 for a while .. barring no server implodes above us. *knocks wood.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Zoel.9154


@ Zoel

I know history can be skewed but you know very well that it isnt as one sided as you try to mae it out to be. I do apologize if some TCers takes it a lil too far. Im blaming it on the caffeine.

i’m going to go with

actually no i’m right

maybe it is just one or two people but as was eloquently put by the leader of pink

Yes many do not read the forums but I doubt those from FA that were with us did not yell and cry and scream for everyone to hold fire…which was not done. While it is understood that not all are responsible for the actions of few, it is an unfortunate fact they are still on the same team as the rest of Fort Aspenwood, and the bitter taste in my mouth will only be washed out with blood.

which is probably a little too srs bsns for my taste but ok whatever

you wanted a rivalry and a mortal enemy or whatever and you got one. we double teamed you with kaineng because that’s what the character would do. j/k, we double teamed you initially because we wanted a GvG that TC was in the way of. Then it was just kinda fun until our respective guilds felt like this was getting long in the tooth.

if you’re wondering the gvg went like this

I think rise really got the better of it and we won b/c we had a # advantage, but it’s hard to tell from the video. I made the call for it but I sort of stayed off so that not too many militia would come.

Zoel – GM of [coVn]

(edited by Zoel.9154)

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: SpitFire.4690


All of us on FA BL are laughing at [RET] from FA and [RISE] from KN. Maybe you should find a third server to help you take a keep from a bunch of RPers.

eyo don’t [DIS]lol.. we were actualy training the lowest rank in the guild for survivability which lead to zerg v zerging with RET then it came out pretty epic battle which again.. lead to deciding of just run around and make fool of ourselves for fun lol.. if we really double teaming TC we would of been in TC all day all night but no.. we let you guys come 2nd.. let us have fun for a day kitten

here a pic if you feel anything better


Primordus Virtus [RISE] Prime Leader – Prince Járvan
Our greatest strength lies in never failing,
But we [RISE] each time we fall.

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Shrouded.6450


@ Zoel

Yea, you’re not even referring to your last post anymore. You just went back to the infamous yak slaughter. I remember Commander Jadon’s epic speech. I remember what happened after that as well, but you cant honestly have everyone believe that a bunch of “no good” RPers is trolling you guys, while professing how clean your hands are. :p

I honestly dont mind this rivalry though. Each server keeps pushing each other to its limits.

(edited by Shrouded.6450)

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Saweth You Him.9047

Saweth You Him.9047

I am Jarvis Lorry and I am a man of business. The ebb and flow of forum trolling is serious business. It must be attended to in a businesslike way. The gains and losses from words can reshape the heavens above us, the earth below us, and all humanity. I feel that as a member of Fort Aspenwood to avoid a stale, stagnant, starchy iron barred progression of the reformation process we must in a businesslike manner pursue, or better yet avoid vainglory. Each individual is a unique and delicate member of a whole. In part the whole may define the individual residually from the reformation process. Thus as a man of business I implore us all to pursue dignified and respectful relations with our opponents. The ebb and flow of forum trolling will tempt the ego. But we as people of business must maintain our integrity. Without integrity we are just a bunch of words in a speech bubble off in the clouds somewheres. As the clouds darken the words fade. The storm brews, thunders, blots out the sky. And the ego triumphs over integrity in vainglory. Sunny skies lift the spirit and are conducive to better business. It was once said in a great ode:

Sunny Day
Sweepin’ the clouds away
On my way to where the air is sweet

This should be the standard for us, people of business, from which our business relations are measured.

so sayeth the great innuendo

(edited by Saweth You Him.9047)

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Squibbles.8724


What is this DIS guild and why have I never noticed them in the field? Or even heard of them?

And come now. RISE is a good WvW guild, their pain train is very painful if we screw up the engagement. Also, mocking the enemy for failing to take a sieged defense (assuming so, I wasn’t there) is like a pro wrestler boasting about the time he beat a 12 year old. If numbers are roughly even, you have a huge advantage.

Of all the big guilds I’ve faced so far, RISE gives me the most cause for concern. Sometimes we wipe them. Sometimes they wipe us. I find that if you afford an enemy their due respect, losing to them on occasion isn’t troubling. Just incentive to improve.

I’ve fought PiNK, WM, Meow,TV and KH from TC.

PiNK – I can’t be sure. It seems whenever I run into you guys, it’s like 10-15 pink and 15-20 pugs, so I can’t comment on how effective you are since I’m not sure whether its a true guild group. It’d be unfair to judge you thusly.

WM & meow – Only fought their guild groups during SEA time, where the numbers difference made it impossible to judge. Looked organized and effective, for what it’s worth. (Except one delayed portal – poor golems)

TV’s strategy seems to revolve against fighting unorganized zergs that charge straight into them. Not so effective against guild groups.

KH – small skirmishes. Seemed at least tankier and more individually skilled than your average TC’er.

Squibbles – 80 Engineer. Littles – 80 Guardian. Ripples – 80 Necromancer.
[VL] & [RET] of FA

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


This is a PvE night for PiNK. [DIS], [CERN] and so many other great guilds spear heading this push.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


How big is Pink? If its a PvE night, there were still a lot of you that showed up and I’m glad you did because you all are fun to fight. Pretty fun night but off to bed now. FA BL is really a hotspot this week. First time I actually waited on FA BL’s queue this week and tonight was the most fun I’ve had this week.

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


Well. We just really really really like to fight so alot of us hang with other guilds even on PvE nights.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Saweth You Him.9047

Saweth You Him.9047

You are within 15k points of Kain. If you can survive the night and keep the push the strings will be cut and Kain will speak.

so sayeth the great innuendo

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: OutspokenAardvark.9781


If you don’t know who [DIS] is you must not play during NA.

Rhyme – Commander
[DIS] Dissentient – http://dissentient.org
[TC] Tarnished Coast

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


@Sunspots – Gotcha. Well, thanks for showing up and making the night enjoyable. I think I saw you – pink (or w/e the color is) haired Norn ranger IIRC from your score updates. I was the human black haired (yeah doesn’t stand out nearly as much as pink hair, lol) necro pooping marks all over the place.

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Rhongomyniad.5081


If you don’t know who [DIS] is you must not play during NA.


3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


Yeah, that was probably me lol. I stick up front more than most Rangers I think but then I run like crazy when S hits the fan lol.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


Yeah, that was probably me lol. I stick up front more than most Rangers I think but then I run like crazy when S hits the fan lol.

Yeah, I tend to go up front more than I should on my necro. Changing to a DS build makes that less painful though. Contemplating going 30 into SR to see how well DS can really do, heh.

GG tonight everyone involved. Night all!

@RET – had a blast running with you tonight!

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Grimpaw.7493


if you’re wondering the [Ret vs Rise] gvg went like this

Ooooo. <3 Been hoping for some good GvG vids. Thanks!

Rematch! 3 way with a TC guild would be scrumptious.

Side note: I think TC does like to gloat a bit when we do well (we still feel like the RP-underdogs in our matches vs equal or better coverage), but doesn’t everyone agree that some friendly ribbing on the forums is fair game, as long as its not name calling or just a plain old boring post (i.e. any chest thumpin without the funnehs)?

PS. Tuesday!

~ Sleight of Mind ~ mesmer
~ Ann Du Lance ~ guardian
Tarnished Coast

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Alodar.5794


TSL had a great time running around in Kaineng BL. Look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow.

Nice push tonight TC.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: JPSnow.8296


Yeah, that was probably me lol. I stick up front more than most Rangers I think but then I run like crazy when S hits the fan lol.

Yeah, I tend to go up front more than I should on my necro. Changing to a DS build makes that less painful though. Contemplating going 30 into SR to see how well DS can really do, heh.

GG tonight everyone involved. Night all!

@RET – had a blast running with you tonight!

Do it you won’t look back, power ds build is pro. Just use emerald orbs and mostly berserker gear and bags will be falling from the sky

JPSnow (main) – Necro, Sir Mezalot – Mesmer
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Squibbles.8724


If you don’t know who [DIS] is you must not play during NA.

Actually I play during NA prime and into oceanic. Guess I nor anyone on our teamspeak ever really noticed you guys, like we do rise, pink, wm, run, re, and the others.

Oh, I remember seeing CERN a few times now that someone mentioned them, not often though.

Squibbles – 80 Engineer. Littles – 80 Guardian. Ripples – 80 Necromancer.
[VL] & [RET] of FA

(edited by Squibbles.8724)

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Furienify.5738


I’m fond of plain old condition spec.

You can 1v1 just about anything, do fantastically in small-scale combat, still get all the tags in zerg fights and the spec’s tankiness makes you a complete kitten to kill in plague form.