3/8 SF/ET/FC

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


sidenote: Also wtf @ EB/BP … +/-100 points?

EBay just dropped a Tier and Borlis Pass went up in that same tier… Glicko punish the server that dropped unless it roflstomp (You can even win by a large margin and still lose rating). Also Glicko give a handcap to the new server and unless it get roflstomped, it will most likely gain rating.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: pulsecodesgnl.3470


EBay just dropped a Tier and Borlis Pass went up in that same tier… Glicko punish the server that dropped unless it roflstomp (You can even win by a large margin and still lose rating). Also Glicko give a handcap to the new server and unless it get roflstomped, it will most likely gain rating.

Ahh, I must have missed that last week. And yes, I am familiar with ratings drops if you don’t have a roflstomp win lol, trust me I need no reminding XD.

Voxtr | Svell | Kvikr | Svass | Sundr | Naud | Kvedja | Traust
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: EnemyCrusher.7324


I haven’t had time to play in this week’s match yet, but if it starts getting close I might have to stop by to put the fear back in ET and FC.

Light of Honor [Lite] – Founder / Warmaster
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


I was mainly just talking about how you guys come out of the woodwork with a sizable zerg almost out of no where and then randomly disappear leaving us to cap it back with nearly no defense. Just odd that so many leave the map at once, wasn’t sure if something is going on in the ET BL that is drawing them away or what.

It’s pretty easy to figure out really. You are pulling people from LA, and getting your forces together to overrun us, so, when the Out-Manned Buff pops up, that’s the clue to pretty much call it done, because the reality is, with how painful SF can out man us, any efforts to cap or defend at that point will be futile and wasted.

Not at all to be rude, but I don’t WvWvW to entertain other people, so, once I see that we are about to be steamrolled, what’s my motive to stay around?

What’s anyone’s motive? Give SF some free badges?.. Anyone for AC?

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

(edited by Ungood.3054)

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

I was mainly just talking about how you guys come out of the woodwork with a sizable zerg almost out of no where and then randomly disappear leaving us to cap it back with nearly no defense. Just odd that so many leave the map at once, wasn’t sure if something is going on in the ET BL that is drawing them away or what.

It’s pretty easy to figure out really. You are pulling people from LA, and getting your forces together to overrun us, so, when the Out-Manned Buff pops up, that’s the clue to pretty much call it done, because the reality is, with how painful SF can out man us, any efforts to cap or defend at that point will be futile and wasted.

Not at all to be rude, but I don’t WvWvW to entertain other people, so, once I see that we are about to be steamrolled, what’s my motive to stay around?

What’s anyone’s motive? Give SF some free badges?.. Anyone for AC?

I completely understand this. I would be going kitten crazy if I was on your server. As much as I want to destroy you guys it is only because you are technically the enemy while we are in this matchup. If you ever visit my town I will buy you a beer! (or whatever you drink or don’t drink, etc.)

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: pulsecodesgnl.3470


It’s pretty easy to figure out really. You are pulling people from LA, and getting your forces together to overrun us, so, when the Out-Manned Buff pops up, that’s the clue to pretty much call it done, because the reality is, with how painful SF can out man us, any efforts to cap or defend at that point will be futile and wasted.

Not at all to be rude, but I don’t WvWvW to entertain other people, so, once I see that we are about to be steamrolled, what’s my motive to stay around?

What’s anyone’s motive? Give SF some free badges?.. Anyone for AC?

What a defeatist attitude. I enjoy coming up with new strats to capture keeps/camps quickly against much larger numbers. You’re absolutely right that it’s not your responsibility to entertain other people; but if you aren’t entertained by improving against a stronger force (especially the mindless PVDoor zergs that our masses seem to sport lately), then I feel bad for you. Those are the highlights of the game for me (or were when we weren’t top of the tier, I don’t get to experience that much anymore.)

Voxtr | Svell | Kvikr | Svass | Sundr | Naud | Kvedja | Traust
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


when i’m rolling with a karma train... the normal MO that i can figure out, based on chat i read is: SF has way more people that us, so no real point defending anything...if we left enough people to try to defend... we’d not have enough left to actually take points, especially when we do meet resistance. and it would be for naught when SF takes all the camps and cuts off the supply and then sieges that one/few place(s) attrition rules it will eventually crumble. it’s better then to just roll thru, take stuff as fast as possible by any legit means necessary, when things get too hot, flip to another map and start taking that instead.

guerrilla fighters don’t get the luxury of bunkering in, and that’s the war we’re fighting right now... most of the time our "massive zergs" don’t have enough people in them to generate orange swords, so in essence we run around sneak-attacking everything.

another thing is... if there isn’t a commander on the map, then there’s practically no other ET on the map. Ungood joked about it in his long satirical recruitment thread... but ET really does tend to swarm follow a commander tag without question... even over cliffs... unless the commander is known to be a poor one, and if there is no commander active...everyone leaves.

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


I completely understand this. I would be going kitten crazy if I was on your server. As much as I want to destroy you guys it is only because you are technically the enemy while we are in this matchup. If you ever visit my town I will buy you a beer! (or whatever you drink or don’t drink, etc.)

Anytime. It’s just about doing the best you can with what you have. No good, no evil, just a bunch of gamers trying to have some fun with what we are handed.

What a defeatist attitude. I enjoy coming up with new strats to capture keeps/camps quickly against much larger numbers. You’re absolutely right that it’s not your responsibility to entertain other people; but if you aren’t entertained by improving against a stronger force (especially the mindless PVDoor zergs that our masses seem to sport lately), then I feel bad for you. Those are the highlights of the game for me (or were when we weren’t top of the tier, I don’t get to experience that much anymore.)

ET and FC are always accepting more people to join our ranks, if you think you can do better, you are more then welcome to come on down and show us how it’s done.

Personally, and I am not trying to be rude, but our commanders and players have been doing this now for quite some time, I myself have been doing this for roughly 7 weeks straight, and I think I learned when to hold ’em and when to fold ’em.

I am sure, you too will realize futility as it stares you in the face when the torch light goes on. But if you think I am a deafest, bring the whole guild if you think it will make a difference, and lets see how long you last.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: pulsecodesgnl.3470


I am sure, you too will realize futility as it stares you in the face when the torch light goes on. But if you think I am a deafest, bring the whole guild if you think it will make a difference, and lets see how long you last.

If only you could have seen my facepalm as I read over ‘deafest’… defeatist*. I fail, all arguments out the window.

I entirely understand your sentiment though, especially when it’s been as consistent as it has for several weeks; trust me when I say you’re not the only ones who get the most out of WvW you can by negating the less lucrative/risk investment areas. And maybe I would get bored of it, I just know I had much more fun in WvW when we were losing, than lately when we have been winning.

If transfers were an option though (which they aren’t because of ANets crappy xfer system and its relationships with guilds) it would either be upwards to a losing mid-tier, or down to ET/FC.

Voxtr | Svell | Kvikr | Svass | Sundr | Naud | Kvedja | Traust
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


Wouldn’t work as SF can cover 2 maps at same time… Karma train is the answer.

Well, ya, but I was more talking about occupying our current resources so we couldn’t move even more people to another map.

We’d need all our numbers to hold one tower, and we’d lose everything else to ninjas, and we’d give up the opportunity to take 3-5 objectives in the same time.

There is not much incentive to defending against a Zerg these days. Better to ninja it back later.

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


like i said. either we spend all our limited manpower to try to defend 1-2 things, and eventually lose them anyway due to attrition, and fall into last place because 1-2 things in our name does not make big points... OR we run thru at breakneck speed and cap everything while SF/FC looks the other way and make big points for a few hours.

option #2 has kept us in 2nd place for a few weeks running now... if we had more folks we might actually be dangerous. XD

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


We try and cover our BL but there are times we get called away. If you ever need backup and we are on don’t hesitate to send me a message nugget. That was me that came in last night with my guild to help. We will do it every time we can.

Thats rite i remember you, Thanks for the back-up we held of several 30+ man ET and SF but then SF droped like 50ppl in couldnt hold it. Are you appart of the usual day crew? i only know the regular nite crew (cause im nite crew. Sir Mix, Rikkity, Xseras and myself) jumped on day cause it was weekend. hope to see you more!

we sould have some day/nite comander meeting. Get to know the other crew and discuss covrage time. message me if you get any ideas.

oh god im nite crew fml i need to sleep more regularly >.<
or play less…

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


like i said. either we spend all our limited manpower to try to defend 1-2 things, and eventually lose them anyway due to attrition, and fall into last place because 1-2 things in our name does not make big points… OR we run thru at breakneck speed and cap everything while SF/FC looks the other way and make big points for a few hours.

option #2 has kept us in 2nd place for a few weeks running now… if we had more folks we might actually be dangerous. XD

The only thing that really keep ET in second is the Night Crew… Capping a tower to lose it 5 mins later during NA prime generate no points (as SF will have it for the rest of the tally).

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Borodo.6270


Sorrow’s Furnace likes dance parties in the Fergusson’s Crossing spawn! Why can’t we be friends?


Y’know sometimes theres nothing better then Quaggans and Siege Golems!

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Leopardclaw.4258


Sorrow’s Furnace likes dance parties in the Fergusson’s Crossing spawn! Why can’t we be friends?

It was a lovely party. Look, I got some of all of us!


Pugmander & Altaholic | CoSA Blue | Youtube
Asheni Leopardclaw | SBI | SF | Asheni Leopardclaws

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


like i said. either we spend all our limited manpower to try to defend 1-2 things, and eventually lose them anyway due to attrition, and fall into last place because 1-2 things in our name does not make big points… OR we run thru at breakneck speed and cap everything while SF/FC looks the other way and make big points for a few hours.

option #2 has kept us in 2nd place for a few weeks running now… if we had more folks we might actually be dangerous. XD

The only thing that really keep ET in second is the Night Crew… Capping a tower to lose it 5 mins later during NA prime generate no points (as SF will have it for the rest of the tally).

Well it’s a US server and if the only thing keeping you guys relevant is the night how long before your new recruits give up after reading post by the ET forum warriors on why they will never fight because they will give SF badges if they do. Well good luck, but at least FC hasn’t given up and soon they WILL take blue back because of their attitude to fight outnumbering odds from both servers and their tenacity to win. But hope your day crew sinks lower into despair so FC can take their rightful place again

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Well it’s a US server and if the only thing keeping you guys relevant is the night how long before your new recruits give up after reading post by the ET forum warriors on why they will never fight because they will give SF badges if they do. Well good luck, but at least FC hasn’t given up and soon they WILL take blue back because of their attitude to fight outnumbering odds from both servers and their tenacity to win. But hope your day crew sinks lower into despair so FC can take their rightful place again

FC did took 2nd during the friday… But I’m sure that if FC was really active as you claim to, they would easily replace ET…

Hit and run doesn’t win points.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


Well it’s a US server and if the only thing keeping you guys relevant is the night how long before your new recruits give up after reading post by the ET forum warriors on why they will never fight because they will give SF badges if they do. Well good luck, but at least FC hasn’t given up and soon they WILL take blue back because of their attitude to fight outnumbering odds from both servers and their tenacity to win. But hope your day crew sinks lower into despair so FC can take their rightful place again

FC did took 2nd during the friday… But I’m sure that if FC was really active as you claim to, they would easily replace ET…

Hit and run doesn’t win points.

Fc will beat ETagain…you have already lost a lot of the transfers you recieved, unless everyone just gave up. And sure you guys will lose more in time to come. FC had guilds transef out two weeks ago and have put together a good counter force during all hours, where ET is only floating on the new night crew. This sort of mentality will only carry you so far, sorry that FC has more of a fight than ET during US hours on a US server. If you really feel like ET can just burden the backs of non US players to do good in a US bracket then gues we will have to just wait and see.

To me looks like there isn’t even any sort of daytime or night time presence for ET, only overnight and early morning to midday. How long do you think the other will wait while their daytime crew spends all day on forums.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

(edited by FilthyRat.4652)

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Frankly, I don’t know… I’m sure ET could put more of a fight (and problably FC aswell), but problably the problem of being overwhelmed over and over made people just quit WvW. Some even stated that here…

The die hard ones that are fighting cannot win much space with 1:10 ratio…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Our side of EB been green for so long that the game can’t even say if it’s Eredon Terrace Hills or Sorrow’s Furnace Hills.


Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Tower Lords can be very stupid sometimes…

P.S: Three posts in a row… Whoa!


Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Manoa.5897


I did a double-take when I saw that tower lord outside the tower. “Wait, whaaaa?? Tower Lord?? KILL IT, KILL IT WITH FIRE!”

Totally awesome fight at that tower. Good times.

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: SundayTrash.9562


The whole FC is a joke. The reason we’re loosing is because we are always on the defensive. The best offensive is the best defense, if we’re always on def, SF is free to pour all their forces into offense. Instead of wasting resource into upgrading on what we can’t def, FC should keep SF busy in their bl with gorilla warfare. Stop zerging and divide your forces into smaller groups.

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Tanryth.1074


oh god im nite crew fml i need to sleep more regularly >.<
or play less…

How do you think I feel I just realized it was almost 4 after a 7 hour defense and recovery of our BL…. you missed all the excitement

Shara Longblade – 80 Guardian
MooN – Seafarer’s Rest

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Tanryth.1074


The whole FC is a joke. The reason we’re loosing is because we are always on the defensive. The best offensive is the best defense, if we’re always on def, SF is free to pour all their forces into offense. Instead of wasting resource into upgrading on what we can’t def, FC should keep SF busy in their bl with gorilla warfare. Stop zerging and divide your forces into smaller groups.

You were spewing this same garbage in game and a good defense means you continue to gain points. Hit and run gets you a point you lose 5 mins later and opens up your BL for the night train to take it. If you can slow the bleed from the train you gain more points.

And, the reason we are (loosing) losing? Is because we have such a small presence from midnight to 8am the only way we can continue to gain points over night is to defend against zerg. You must be new because we have gotten pretty dang good at it.

If you don’t like the way we command and the way we defend please pay your nominal fee and move to another server I hear SF will welcome you to the train and you can hit and run all night with them.

Shara Longblade – 80 Guardian
MooN – Seafarer’s Rest

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: SundayTrash.9562


If we were to run wild in their bl, they would been too busy to attack our bl in the first place. It is not all about zerging, learn to use different tactics plz.

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Cosmic.6047


The whole FC is a joke. The reason we’re loosing is because we are always on the defensive. The best offensive is the best defense, if we’re always on def, SF is free to pour all their forces into offense. Instead of wasting resource into upgrading on what we can’t def, FC should keep SF busy in their bl with gorilla warfare. Stop zerging and divide your forces into smaller groups.

Sounds more like a karma train mindset. If you fight outnumbered you better try holding what you have because it takes usually fewer to accomplish that. Walls and gates are your friend.

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Shanks.8793


Well TBH this week is the most tiring for me I admit. SFs are persistent, even if we held a tower for over an hour and a half they will just keep coming which already happened.
But yeah that’s how WvW is and I wont complain about it!
I still enjoy fighting you guys and I hope you move up since it is better for both of us xD

End Ascends [End] GM / Eredon Terrace
Duke Marco – Duke Allycat – Boa Hancuck
– Duchess Cute – Duke Garp – Shiecko.

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


Sounds more like a karma train mindset. If you fight outnumbered you better try holding what you have because it takes usually fewer to accomplish that. Walls and gates are your friend.

walls and gates buy time.

when your supply camps all get capped because there’s WAY more of them than there are of you, those gates and walls WILL fall... eventually. you WILL run out of supply, and the gates and walls WILL crumble to rams, cats, and trebs. yes, it’s true that fewer people can defend, especially if well fortified, but when the opposing force is overwhelmingly larger and can play an attrition game with you... no amount of fortification in the world will save you... and meanwhile, you’ve devoted time and manpower to defend a single point, which fell eventually anyway, and are losing the "war" of points as everyone else surpasses us

and for the record... we DO have a night presence. i’ve run with it. it’s just that... at night there’s still only 20 of us... but SF is all awake and online so there’s 60+ of you. yeah. that goes well >.>

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


I find it hilarious in a very sad way when I see one of the guilds on our server running a “zerg” around our borderlands. SF just starts following them around with a small group, and immediately taking everything back. It’s like nobody even looks at the map. At the end of each timer, we hold less than the one before.

When all of our people are in one group we are entirely predictable, and can be countered effectively by a force half our size or less (just by following us at a safe distance and taking things back). It’s the absolute worst thing we could do, but the VAST majority of our players do it if there’s nobody to tell them not to. We need to think for ourselves more often and only take territory we can hold.

We do have some commanders and others who realize this and use common sense…but they aren’t on every night, and sadly they can’t play 24/7. When they aren’t on, the vicious cycle gets going, and we never have the numbers to take and hold anything. Vastly superior numbers win every time…but we shouldn’t make it so easy on them.

You know how we took over second place from ET on Saturday? We did it by taking territory we could hold and defend, upgrading everything, and then defending. The points swung in our favor and stayed there for more than 12 hours. Too bad we don’t do that every day. I die a little inside each time someone new comes onto our map and asks, “where’s the zerg?”

Chasing around a map with all your players in a tight ball is NOT guerrilla warfare.

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


and d’ya know how we took second place back? we took all your stuff.

i’ll admit. you guys did good friday/saturday. kudos.

but we still took it back. currently ET has better morning coverage than FC, just like SF has better afternoon/evening coverage than either of us.

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

I still find it funny that several ET people are relying on the numbers argument. If people only knew, this matchup in reality very close and FC/ET haven’t a clue….The FIRST thing I noticed when I transferred to SF was: “where are all the people I THOUGHT I saw when I was on ET…”

Reading through this and a few other threads one thing I have noticed the ET and FC people saying is: SF is persistent. That is the largest difference I noticed. I cannot speak for FC, but on ET just have many of you have attested to in this thread, one defeat or route and ET abandons ship…that is one of the things that made me sour on the server to begin with….With SF, they just get mad and keep pushing…I have said many times since coming here that SF runs on negative reinforcement. If everything we are trying doesnt work they dont go run a dungeon; they figure out how to get it done even if that means PVDOOR or rushing a sieged area over and over until we cap it.

It is very hard to keep up morale in this matchup, trust me I know, it aint great over on the “winning side” either….as for the people argument, its not that we have more, we just have more in WvW, when the chips are down.

Mag Server Leader

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


Like I said, huge advantage in numbers will always win, no question. But if we’re talking strategy, we (FC) could still do much better as a server than we are doing, and we could be much more consistent. Would we win? Of course not…SF’s numbers are entirely unbalancing. But at least we’d do better, and that might be in everyone’s interests (due to the scoring math).

I think ET’s strategy of picking on the little guy just to maintain second place, even sacrificing your own BL to do so, is pretty crappy as well (mostly because we are the little guy getting picked on). But I guess I understand it. We’re all just trying to make the best of a very unbalanced matchup.

(edited by Fozzik.1742)

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Air.6452


I still find it funny that several ET people are relying on the numbers argument. If people only knew, this matchup in reality very close and FC/ET haven’t a clue….The FIRST thing I noticed when I transferred to SF was: “where are all the people I THOUGHT I saw when I was on ET…”

Hmmm. You’d think that if people are still using that argument, than it probably holds some merit.

If your 200 man presence is down 50 people, it’s going to seem empty to you; however, that is still vastly more than us. That said, you are no wrong with your talk of morality. ET saw a considerable gain of WvW players the week that we hit second place and we have been carrying that with us. However, it would be ludicrous to say that the numbers are balance, the fact that SF routine dominates both servers, relentlessly, in all borderlands, at all times of day, with seemingly endless zergs, attests to that.

Chody – Leader of We Came To Dance GW2
Crystal Desert
We Came To Dance [WCTD]

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: D W.5179

D W.5179

There is no doubt in my mind that SF outnumbers both servers.
FC and ET have been beat in to the ground now for 7 weeks! Any FC or ET that are still attempting to organize and fight against what are obviously (to me) overwhelming numbers, have my respect.

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

I still find it funny that several ET people are relying on the numbers argument. If people only knew, this matchup in reality very close and FC/ET haven’t a clue….The FIRST thing I noticed when I transferred to SF was: “where are all the people I THOUGHT I saw when I was on ET…”

Hmmm. You’d think that if people are still using that argument, than it probably holds some merit.

If your 200 man presence is down 50 people, it’s going to seem empty to you; however, that is still vastly more than us. That said, you are no wrong with your talk of morality. ET saw a considerable gain of WvW players the week that we hit second place and we have been carrying that with us. However, it would be ludicrous to say that the numbers are balance, the fact that SF routine dominates both servers, relentlessly, in all borderlands, at all times of day, with seemingly endless zergs, attests to that.

I do see your point, but having first hand experience on ET when it was at its worst (IE: before the population/night crew boost), I can tell you that we (SF) do not have vast overbalance in people that are in WvW, the server as a whole might, but just like any server not everyone PvPs. There may be a slight tip in the scales toward our side in numbers, no one can dispute that because overall the numbers fluctuate and there is no hard evidence to support either way. There have been many times in EB that you guys run in and start capping, and it is what I consider primetime (yesterday for instance around 6pm EST), and we have LITERALLY 10 people in EB.

Anyone on the other side of the coin would probably say something along the lines of “well you had 100 people in our BL capping it, that’s why you only had 10 in EB”….Again that may be true in particular instances, but there has also been times where in the early evening (NA time-wise), ET will be blasting through EB with a 40 man zerg, and your BL is solid (Blue). Again during those times we are begging for people just like I used to do when I was on ET. Like I said not trying to start an argument, or prove a point…I just wish people (on all sides) would realize that this matchup is extremely close once you throw some pre-conceived notions out the window IMO.

Mag Server Leader

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Shanks.8793


I still find it funny that several ET people are relying on the numbers argument. If people only knew, this matchup in reality very close and FC/ET haven’t a clue….The FIRST thing I noticed when I transferred to SF was: “where are all the people I THOUGHT I saw when I was on ET…”

Reading through this and a few other threads one thing I have noticed the ET and FC people saying is: SF is persistent. That is the largest difference I noticed. I cannot speak for FC, but on ET just have many of you have attested to in this thread, one defeat or route and ET abandons ship…that is one of the things that made me sour on the server to begin with….With SF, they just get mad and keep pushing…I have said many times since coming here that SF runs on negative reinforcement. If everything we are trying doesnt work they dont go run a dungeon; they figure out how to get it done even if that means PVDOOR or rushing a sieged area over and over until we cap it.

It is very hard to keep up morale in this matchup, trust me I know, it aint great over on the “winning side” either….as for the people argument, its not that we have more, we just have more in WvW, when the chips are down.

Well the problem is if you are defending for over 10 hours and doing well, the people with you will start to disappear cause its a long period of time and most players want to have fun and defending is not fun for most of them sadly, mostly cause they know its hard to keep up sometimes. So why I said they are persistent it is because we were defending against them for over 10 hours and doing well BUT they never stopped and kept getting more players while we lost many players. If you think our players don’t put alot into it tell me how can you hold a borderland for over 10 hours while you are outmanned. Again I am not complaining about the numbers cause its not your fault or anyone’s else, that’s how WvW is. I am just telling you that saying SFs are persistent doesn’t mean we are giving up against them.

End Ascends [End] GM / Eredon Terrace
Duke Marco – Duke Allycat – Boa Hancuck
– Duchess Cute – Duke Garp – Shiecko.

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Shanks.8793


I still find it funny that several ET people are relying on the numbers argument. If people only knew, this matchup in reality very close and FC/ET haven’t a clue….The FIRST thing I noticed when I transferred to SF was: “where are all the people I THOUGHT I saw when I was on ET…”

Hmmm. You’d think that if people are still using that argument, than it probably holds some merit.

If your 200 man presence is down 50 people, it’s going to seem empty to you; however, that is still vastly more than us. That said, you are no wrong with your talk of morality. ET saw a considerable gain of WvW players the week that we hit second place and we have been carrying that with us. However, it would be ludicrous to say that the numbers are balance, the fact that SF routine dominates both servers, relentlessly, in all borderlands, at all times of day, with seemingly endless zergs, attests to that.

I do see your point, but having first hand experience on ET when it was at its worst (IE: before the population/night crew boost), I can tell you that we (SF) do not have vast overbalance in people that are in WvW, the server as a whole might, but just like any server not everyone PvPs. There may be a slight tip in the scales toward our side in numbers, no one can dispute that because overall the numbers fluctuate and there is no hard evidence to support either way. There have been many times in EB that you guys run in and start capping, and it is what I consider primetime (yesterday for instance around 6pm EST), and we have LITERALLY 10 people in EB.

Anyone on the other side of the coin would probably say something along the lines of “well you had 100 people in our BL capping it, that’s why you only had 10 in EB”….Again that may be true in particular instances, but there has also been times where in the early evening (NA time-wise), ET will be blasting through EB with a 40 man zerg, and your BL is solid (Blue). Again during those times we are begging for people just like I used to do when I was on ET. Like I said not trying to start an argument, or prove a point…I just wish people (on all sides) would realize that this matchup is extremely close once you throw some pre-conceived notions out the window IMO.

I agree with you but I just want you to know that our greatest and biggest zerg is not more that 35 people. Unless it is the resest zerg and that’s something not under our control. We just keep trying to enjoy WvW cause we cant change it! it is what it is.

End Ascends [End] GM / Eredon Terrace
Duke Marco – Duke Allycat – Boa Hancuck
– Duchess Cute – Duke Garp – Shiecko.

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

There is no doubt in my mind that SF outnumbers both servers.
FC and ET have been beat in to the ground now for 7 weeks! Any FC or ET that are still attempting to organize and fight against what are obviously (to me) overwhelming numbers, have my respect.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, just stating that I have played on ET and SF now, and the numbers variance that everyone talks about I do not see. I do see many differences in the people, the communication, and the participation level overall.

What I do see (for an example) is a 30-40 man ET zerg at 5pm, and then a 25 & 30 man SF zerg at 6pm to cap it all back/crush anyone on the other side still hanging around. So lets say that we have 40-50 people on the map capping it back, well 20 minutes after the last cap all those have moved on…now were back down to 15-20 people on the entire map…The difference now is that ET zerg is gone, they don’t come back…So we just sit and retain. I mean no disrespect, but the only thing I can compare it to is the “big brother complex”…Basically your older brother beats you down once, and you never forget it, so you never really challenge him again because in your mind hes much bigger and badder than you are. All I am saying is that little brother isn’t as “little” as he may think.

Something that I have said from the beginning: if numbers were an issue, then on reset night EB wouldn’t be full on all 3 sides, with some excellent battles raging….If numbers were an issue then you would be blown out from the jump after reset.

Sustained participation is the issue at hand, on the other two servers…just my two cents.

Mag Server Leader

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

I still find it funny that several ET people are relying on the numbers argument. If people only knew, this matchup in reality very close and FC/ET haven’t a clue….The FIRST thing I noticed when I transferred to SF was: “where are all the people I THOUGHT I saw when I was on ET…”

Hmmm. You’d think that if people are still using that argument, than it probably holds some merit.

If your 200 man presence is down 50 people, it’s going to seem empty to you; however, that is still vastly more than us. That said, you are no wrong with your talk of morality. ET saw a considerable gain of WvW players the week that we hit second place and we have been carrying that with us. However, it would be ludicrous to say that the numbers are balance, the fact that SF routine dominates both servers, relentlessly, in all borderlands, at all times of day, with seemingly endless zergs, attests to that.

I do see your point, but having first hand experience on ET when it was at its worst (IE: before the population/night crew boost), I can tell you that we (SF) do not have vast overbalance in people that are in WvW, the server as a whole might, but just like any server not everyone PvPs. There may be a slight tip in the scales toward our side in numbers, no one can dispute that because overall the numbers fluctuate and there is no hard evidence to support either way. There have been many times in EB that you guys run in and start capping, and it is what I consider primetime (yesterday for instance around 6pm EST), and we have LITERALLY 10 people in EB.

Anyone on the other side of the coin would probably say something along the lines of “well you had 100 people in our BL capping it, that’s why you only had 10 in EB”….Again that may be true in particular instances, but there has also been times where in the early evening (NA time-wise), ET will be blasting through EB with a 40 man zerg, and your BL is solid (Blue). Again during those times we are begging for people just like I used to do when I was on ET. Like I said not trying to start an argument, or prove a point…I just wish people (on all sides) would realize that this matchup is extremely close once you throw some pre-conceived notions out the window IMO.

I agree with you but I just want you to know that our greatest and biggest zerg is not more that 35 people. Unless it is the resest zerg and that’s something not under our control. We just keep trying to enjoy WvW cause we cant change it! it is what it is.

Culling is god-awful lately, ever since they issued that last “fix” it has gotten much worse…with that said I always add 5-10 people over what I see. So if you say not more than 35 I surely will take your word…Once I physically see more than 25 tags I assume at least 30-35 people are there.

The point being is that 25-30 people on one map (for the lowest 3 servers) is a fairly substantial number of participants.

Mag Server Leader

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Shanks.8793


I still find it funny that several ET people are relying on the numbers argument. If people only knew, this matchup in reality very close and FC/ET haven’t a clue….The FIRST thing I noticed when I transferred to SF was: “where are all the people I THOUGHT I saw when I was on ET…”

Hmmm. You’d think that if people are still using that argument, than it probably holds some merit.

If your 200 man presence is down 50 people, it’s going to seem empty to you; however, that is still vastly more than us. That said, you are no wrong with your talk of morality. ET saw a considerable gain of WvW players the week that we hit second place and we have been carrying that with us. However, it would be ludicrous to say that the numbers are balance, the fact that SF routine dominates both servers, relentlessly, in all borderlands, at all times of day, with seemingly endless zergs, attests to that.

I do see your point, but having first hand experience on ET when it was at its worst (IE: before the population/night crew boost), I can tell you that we (SF) do not have vast overbalance in people that are in WvW, the server as a whole might, but just like any server not everyone PvPs. There may be a slight tip in the scales toward our side in numbers, no one can dispute that because overall the numbers fluctuate and there is no hard evidence to support either way. There have been many times in EB that you guys run in and start capping, and it is what I consider primetime (yesterday for instance around 6pm EST), and we have LITERALLY 10 people in EB.

Anyone on the other side of the coin would probably say something along the lines of “well you had 100 people in our BL capping it, that’s why you only had 10 in EB”….Again that may be true in particular instances, but there has also been times where in the early evening (NA time-wise), ET will be blasting through EB with a 40 man zerg, and your BL is solid (Blue). Again during those times we are begging for people just like I used to do when I was on ET. Like I said not trying to start an argument, or prove a point…I just wish people (on all sides) would realize that this matchup is extremely close once you throw some pre-conceived notions out the window IMO.

I agree with you but I just want you to know that our greatest and biggest zerg is not more that 35 people. Unless it is the resest zerg and that’s something not under our control. We just keep trying to enjoy WvW cause we cant change it! it is what it is.

Culling is god-awful lately, ever since they issued that last “fix” it has gotten much worse…with that said I always add 5-10 people over what I see. So if you say not more than 35 I surely will take your word…Once I physically see more than 25 tags I assume at least 30-35 people are there.

The point being is that 25-30 people on one map (for the lowest 3 servers) is a fairly substantial number of participants.

Thats our number in the whole 4 Borderlands too. And yeah I added up some more numbers cause I think its around 25-30 but I said 35. But w/e really its not anyone’s fault! All we can do now is to try harder which we are already doing.

End Ascends [End] GM / Eredon Terrace
Duke Marco – Duke Allycat – Boa Hancuck
– Duchess Cute – Duke Garp – Shiecko.

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


People keep talking about the sky being blue. I just don’t see it. I’ve looked and I’ve been outside where the sky is… doesn’t look blue to me.

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


oh god im nite crew fml i need to sleep more regularly >.<
or play less…

How do you think I feel I just realized it was almost 4 after a 7 hour defense and recovery of our BL…. you missed all the excitement

visiting parents new house, been missing it all since friday

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

People keep talking about the sky being blue. I just don’t see it. I’ve looked and I’ve been outside where the sky is… doesn’t look blue to me.

1. Oh sweet irony, I could not have made a better example for my point than you did for me. Perception, is as they say, reality….The sky may indeed look blue to you so you assume it is (http://www.sciencemadesimple.com/sky_blue.html), just as many assume SF is a massive, looming, outnumbering, horde of bloodthirsty PVP maniacs bent on taking all your badges/towers/keeps/dolyaks/frogs/ogres/moles/grub….
2. If you read what I wrote, I said I cannot speak for FC.

Mag Server Leader

(edited by King Amadaeus.8619)

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


i’ve been holding onto these screenshots for a while, but i figured i’d share them now...

these were taken during prime-time... sometime between 7pm and 11pm EST mid week.... not reset night

the first two are from the same vantage point, facing opposite directions. i forget how many we had in that fight, but it wasn’t enough to break that zerg, i remember that much

the third is just another random shot that shows how many SF i typically see show up to these kittenkicking parties... count the green dots, then count the red names... you can see how many we brought, and how many they brought.



Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Daemonne.5018


when i’m rolling with a karma train… the normal MO that i can figure out, based on chat i read is: SF has way more people that us, so no real point defending anything…if we left enough people to try to defend… we’d not have enough left to actually take points, especially when we do meet resistance. and it would be for naught when SF takes all the camps and cuts off the supply and then sieges that one/few place(s) attrition rules it will eventually crumble. it’s better then to just roll thru, take stuff as fast as possible by any legit means necessary, when things get too hot, flip to another map and start taking that instead.

guerrilla fighters don’t get the luxury of bunkering in, and that’s the war we’re fighting right now… most of the time our “massive zergs” don’t have enough people in them to generate orange swords, so in essence we run around sneak-attacking everything.

another thing is… if there isn’t a commander on the map, then there’s practically no other ET on the map. Ungood joked about it in his long satirical recruitment thread… but ET really does tend to swarm follow a commander tag without question… even over cliffs… unless the commander is known to be a poor one, and if there is no commander active…everyone leaves.

Nail on Head. I completely agree with the commander issue. There are about 3 or 4 commanders that I recognize as good leaders with strong tactics. If they aren’t on the map I usually head back to PVE and work on other goals that I have.

If you play solitaire with only one suit, your game is going to end faster and feel lacking.

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


@ King Amadaeus –
Wow, you’re smart. I bet you’ve got that website bookmarked so you can learn all the high-tech science, and dazzle all the second graders you meet.

You must be correct. SF doesn’t have a population advantage. It’s all in my head. Each night, when I am fighting with 5 other people against multiple 10 to 30-man SF groups…it’s all just a trick of the light bouncing off of things. Thanks for clearing that up.

Dude, you are seeing one thing, and everyone else is seeing another. Here’s a link for you.

I truly hope that you get the help and medication you need.

(edited by Fozzik.1742)

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


@ King Amadaeus –
Wow, you’re smart. I bet you’ve got that website bookmarked so you can learn all the high-tech science, and dazzle all the second graders you meet.

You must be correct. SF doesn’t have a population advantage. It’s all in my head. Each night, when I am fighting with 5 other people against multiple 30-man SF zergs…it’s all just a trick of the light bouncing off of things. Thanks for clearing that up.

Dude, you are seeing one thing, and everyone else is seeing another. Here’s a link for you.

I truly hope that you get the help and medication you need.

I lol’d

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Daemonne.5018


By the way, we can’t be doing everything wrong with our tactics in Wv3….somebody still hasn’t advanced out of the tier….yet

If you play solitaire with only one suit, your game is going to end faster and feel lacking.

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


People keep talking about the sky being blue. I just don’t see it. I’ve looked and I’ve been outside where the sky is… doesn’t look blue to me.

I think the sky is green… Just like ET BL…


Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing