4/26: HoD/ET/FC
…and built about 20 bits of siege…
Us? Build 20 pieces of siege? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Now I know you’re lyin.
Re: hills last night. i will stand up and own up and admit - i was commanding the defense in hills last night. i am new at commanding, tho not new at WvW. i realized what i did wrong after i logged off for the night... something i should have known better. i did not call for a sweep. it was a painful and costly lesson, and one i’ll not make again.
to all of ET: i’m sorry
to the HoD’s who ninja’d hills from me last night: well played
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
Its clear there is something going on here… We are so far behind yet FC or HoD refuse to make an aggressive move on each other. Rather, they are just staying neck and neck attacking our(Eradon Terrace) BL and EB territory and pushing us further behind.
The only explanation must either be one of two things:
1. FC and HoD are afraid to anger each other and not want to make a decisive lead
2. ET is far more powerful than either and so they have made a joint venture to suppress ET together.
Don’t think it’s intentional but Ive noticed ET doesn’t upgrade it’s keeps/towers much, so people would gravitate towards the easier cap. Must be hard for those who are spending money to upgrade when others aren’t defending, I’ve definitely been in that position. But I will say ET has some really excellent offensive players, esp their guardians. They just tear right through us. FC also has some really good stacking formations. There’s something for us to learn from each of your servers, so I’m glad to be here
P.S. I’m gonna start calling FC players Ferguson’s Cowards from here on out, sorry Moobs but no matter what toon I’m on 99% of your zerglings refuse to fight me without 3-4 people at their backs and none at my own, even the “roamers” if I can even call those cowards that. At least GoM had small ganksquads I could troll around with T.T look forward to thursday though.
You are soooooo running into the wrong Fergs. Hell, I rush small teams on uplevelled alts, on a recurring basis. (Although, those HoD at Temple of Storms in FCBL got me pretty quick last night. Still funny, though.) RE: Thursday; hopefully I can get this Norngineer to 80 before then.
Its clear there is something going on here… We are so far behind yet FC or HoD refuse to make an aggressive move on each other. Rather, they are just staying neck and neck attacking our(Eradon Terrace) BL and EB territory and pushing us further behind.
The only explanation must either be one of two things:
1. FC and HoD are afraid to anger each other and not want to make a decisive lead
2. ET is far more powerful than either and so they have made a joint venture to suppress ET together.
Roflcopter. Seriously, bro – before I passed out last night, HoD’d been wrecking hell in our southern regions. The scrap for Champ/Greenvale/Greenwater alone raged for some hours. As much as it seems we’re gang-pounding your lot, we got our own issues
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
(edited by Advent.6193)
Its clear there is something going on here… We are so far behind yet FC or HoD refuse to make an aggressive move on each other. Rather, they are just staying neck and neck attacking our(Eradon Terrace) BL and EB territory and pushing us further behind.
The only explanation must either be one of two things:
1. FC and HoD are afraid to anger each other and not want to make a decisive lead
2. ET is far more powerful than either and so they have made a joint venture to suppress ET together.Don’t think it’s intentional but Ive noticed ET doesn’t upgrade it’s keeps/towers much, so people would gravitate towards the easier cap. Must be hard for those who are spending money to upgrade when others aren’t defending, I’ve definitely been in that position. But I will say ET has some really excellent offensive players, esp their guardians. They just tear right through us. FC also has some really good stacking formations. There’s something for us to learn from each of your servers, so I’m glad to be here
HoD is guilty of being bad about upgrading too. That said, there’s definitely no double teaming going on but it is hard to deny that ET got it rough last night. It still happens everywhere that both heads turn the same way, but FC was shooting for all of EB (though they went ET side first) and some HoD groups kind of pick a keep at random and shoot to hold. We got it rough after our strong push on reset night with both sides in our EB and BL.
As for FC though – you tried but Jerrifers stood strong – we’ll be watching out for you coming for it again later in the week.
The offensive on ET constantly is due to:
1-your coverage is bad and your towers aren’t upgraded well
2-FC has the most committed team of upgraders ever.
3-one of the guilds on our server like to stay in ET and hold your stuff :P
The offensive on ET constantly is due to:
1-your coverage is bad and your towers aren’t upgraded well
2-FC has the most committed team of upgraders ever.
3-one of the guilds on our server like to stay in ET and hold your stuff :P
We don’t have the coverage, we do upgrade keeps but they usually get night capped the same night, puts people of upgrading them, when it needs doing everyday. Against SF our BL was often turned green even when we tried to defend and we just stopped upgrading all together. You would be surprised how many times all our server could do was defend our last keep on the map against wave after wave of SF and GoM had a very large night crew who pvdoored all our stuff. A fully upgraded keep is useless if there is nobody to defend it. Although it is true that a lot of our commanders cap and move on, taking does seem more important than defending.
What we need is to get more people out to play, or find some late night folks.
Firezof Arrows ~ Sylvari Ranger {} Hudeeni ~ Norn Mesmer
Ruins of Surmia [KoA]
The offensive on ET constantly is due to:
1-your coverage is bad and your towers aren’t upgraded well
2-FC has the most committed team of upgraders ever.
3-one of the guilds on our server like to stay in ET and hold your stuff :P
1 is what I’ve mentioned as one of the biggest reasons we get “double-teamed”. It’s not that HoD and Ferg are cooperating, it’s because they’re going for the easy target. If everything is paper because we aren’t upgrading, then that’s EXACTLY why they’re perfect targets. Coverage is also a concern. If we can’t be in your BL keeping you guys busy, then you’ll darn sure be in our BL keeping us busy. Sadly, in order to actually have a force in your BL, we have to have a decently sized force in our own BL to defend against the other incursions while also completing upgrades/yak escorting/supply camp defending/etc. It’s definately a struggle and I’ve been through a significant amount of coin lately.
2 I don’t have any facts to back this up so take this with a grain of salt but it seems that HoD AND Ferg seem to upgrade the stuff they’ve captured in our BL faster than we upgrade the stuff we own.
3 One day I hope I can really learn the facts behind where the hate comes from with this particular guild (assuming we’re talking about the same one.) I’ve heard some second hand stuff from our server (from several unrelated but reputable people) and while I wouldn’t consider it to be completely kitten it’s definately on the darker side of the “grey area”. I’ve been pretty vocal on my server about defending this guild in the past, but I’ve been silent recently because now I’m not-so-sure.
There was another group of people that left from a guild on ET and I just can’t wrap my head around that one either. I certainly appreciated their effort and said so numerous times. I even participated with them pretty heavily (the guild I mentioned above too) during their time on our server.
@ You two groups of people, why did you leave?
Regardless, there seems to be lots of animosity now, to the point where people have personal vendettas…on both sides.
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw FC and ET! Keep it comin’ Ladies.
This tier has been one of the closest and relatively balanced matches I have ever had.
Great workittenep it coming!
HoD’s night coverage is spotty as well, and we frequently had issue where GoM/NSP would split our BL/EB due to low resistance and before that when DH pretty much had free reign over us for a few hours a night so we feel your pain. We probably have a smaller night presence than GoM and definitely less than SF had, so hopefully it’ll be a bit less pressure for you guys during that time with us around. Heck, FC had us pushed back to our single tower in EB tonight as well, though we were able to bounce back a little more quickly (partly because of the reinforcements from when you kicked us out of your BL).
If its any consolation, it looks like your former oppressors in SF are feeling your side of it, DH/IoJ had them down to ~30 ppt overnight. Its unfortunate, but those coverage gaps largely determine where servers end up.
here is some screenshots on the current score for wvw HoD just came back from PMS and is going on a rampage RUN AWAY! FOR HONDOR!!
Dementess 80 Mesmer/ Payneless 80 guardian/ Nhymphess 80 thief/ Enamoress 80 ele
Lol, double teaming talk again? We almost took all of EB. That means we’re taking on both other servers in EB, and winning. Albeit, at a time where you were both weaker and had the outmanned buff. There is no double team, or secret alliance. Look at the screenshot from the player above. Obviously, HoD is not in bed with FC. It’s a matter of coverage issues, and tactical errors and what not that generally hurts a server’s score.
I’ll even let you in on a secret. Lukian wanted to avoid ET side and knock HoD into third place as a kind of payback for all the trash talk that thrown from HoD players in the pre-SF-moveup days, but every time we’d be focusing on HoD, some cornball FoE or TFor/KWBH/TAC zerg would come out of nowhere into the green side while we were pushing and try to interfere in our battles or attempt to take advantage on HoD’s counterattacks again us to cap some of our towers. You wouldn’t lose overlook nearly as often if you would stop pestering Stonemist with trebs and drawing attention to it either. Teamspeak that night was full of Lukian exclaiming “GO HOME ET, YOU’RE DRUNK!” “RECLAIM YOUR OWN BORDER FIRST THEN COME HERE DUDES” every time you guys popped up during the most random times and senselessly went into attack mode.
But no, you were not willing and would not have any of it, so we counter-attacked and crushed you first. It was convenient for HoD at least, they got to re-upgrade the SM-proximity towers that we had paper-ized while we focused on you.
I’m not trying to trash talk, just stating facts. This double team talk is getting old, and its 100% false. You’re behind FC because you dedicate far too much to random offense when you should of been holding up in your EB side and upgrading your stuff gradually, like WE DID.
Stop overextending yourself Eredon Terrace, every server has its weak points. We overextended plenty of times ourselves and wiped at overlook once, and lost some engagements. Stop marching out of EB red side while 90% of your side is paper and ramming into FC’s business, or people are going to focus on you and take advantage of that paper level defense. There is a time for offense, and a time for cautious defensive play. You’re not acting on what you need very often in EB this week.
You’ll get past this, but some of your commander just need to slow down and rethink the moves they keep repeating.
Ferguson’s Crossing server.
(edited by Detharos.3157)
Re: hills last night. i will stand up and own up and admit – i was commanding the defense in hills last night. i am new at commanding, tho not new at WvW. i realized what i did wrong after i logged off for the night… something i should have known better. i did not call for a sweep. it was a painful and costly lesson, and one i’ll not make again.
to all of ET: i’m sorry
to the HoD’s who ninja’d hills from me last night: well played
The only honorable ET on the entire bl last night^ I salute you. o7
Isle of Janthir
I’ll agree with that in part, we do have a few larger guilds who only play for a few hours and go on the offensive without upgrading but my point above stands there are reasons we don’t upgrade as much as we should and it’s a hangover from all the times our upgraded keeps have suffered from pvdoor. What is the point of upgrading if it is gone the next time you login? I think we need to (probably will never) need to sort our coverage somehow but I’m not sure if we will.
Firezof Arrows ~ Sylvari Ranger {} Hudeeni ~ Norn Mesmer
Ruins of Surmia [KoA]
Just jumping in to say GREAT WORK to all of the FC players last night (for US, it was morning for me). This is the best I have seen FC managing in a day’s work, and everything was so well organized, coordinated and fought. Kudos to the 5-6 FC defenders of the ET garrison, who held out and made runs into the enemy when the door was down to 10% to prevent them from capturing it, and eventually fought the 20+ ET force and pushed them back, after getting a few more players as reinforcements. This was one of the most memorable battles I have been in.
Also great job from HoD for keeping Jerr last night. Very bravely fought. It was a story to tell, even if that garrison is holding my last undiscovered POI and Vista >.<
With all due respect for ET, it was not long ago when ET was calling FC losers and bragging around. However, after playing for hours and hours in WvW, I could not shake the feeling that FC players have much better togetherness and team spirit. They help each other, take the heat if necessary so that a few can run and survive, and assist each other in battles. Heck, they even stay together and die together in a hopeless battle. That’s spirit for you.
Keep it up, guys, always a pleasure WvW-ing with all of you.
Fergie, and proud!
I’ll agree with that in part, we do have a few larger guilds who only play for a few hours and go on the offensive without upgrading but my point above stands there are reasons we don’t upgrade as much as we should and it’s a hangover from all the times our upgraded keeps have suffered from pvdoor. What is the point of upgrading if it is gone the next time you login? I think we need to (probably will never) need to sort our coverage somehow but I’m not sure if we will.
Let me be clear I’m not looking down on you; I was around not only for the SF days, but for the Kain and Devona’s Rest days as well. I empathize with that feeling, unfortunately there are times where its neccesary regardless. We had SM fully upgraded and many things surrounding it despite knowing that the moment we no longer have the coverage to secure our EB stuff (We do still have weak points in coverage at certain hours where HoD is strong) a vicious HoD counter-attack would likely retake the whole map anyways.
Upgrades in these scenarios become like siege. You have to keep buying it and keep using it, and timing and placing it well.
Also from some personal observations in the ET EB zergs, only one seemed really well coordinated, the one that hit us at Durios and tried to take Bravost. They numbered about 40-50; their formation was very tight and they popped combo fields on occasion. As a result, they met great success.
At other times, there were ET zergs with similar numbers but they were too spread out (not in zerg ball formations) that entire sections of the ET zerg could be eliminated before every member would even enter combat. So the other thing is that, more ET commanders need to start utilizing those Agg/VK/high tier tactics of maintaining a tight, very mobile zerg ball formation. Clearly there are some very competent ET commanders; hopefully they will be sharing/passing down those tactics to the other commanders who want to step-up, and explaining why they work well. It’s not enough just to have some really good commanders, the standard eventually has to become the norm for the other commanders also. That’s largely what we’ve been working on here, although its a learning process for those of us who are still accustomed the pre-Agg/pre-VK days of tier 8 fighting when combo fields weren’t being utilized readily and groups of 40 people formed a line behind the commander rather than a ball.
Ferguson’s Crossing server.
(edited by Detharos.3157)
Re: hills last night. i will stand up and own up and admit – i was commanding the defense in hills last night. i am new at commanding, tho not new at WvW. i realized what i did wrong after i logged off for the night… something i should have known better. i did not call for a sweep. it was a painful and costly lesson, and one i’ll not make again.
to all of ET: i’m sorry
to the HoD’s who ninja’d hills from me last night: well playedThe only honorable ET on the entire bl last night^ I salute you. o7
Funny coming from a guy who made enemies of an entire server and transferred away. Coincidentally there is also a community forming since you scurried away. All I witnessed was 40 guys turtling a tower all night that no one had any intention of retaking until you left. An amazingly efficient use of manpower. I have no idea how anyone could consider that fun. All the while Ferg was pulling further ahead of you. I guess some people play to win….some for the fights…and others to sit in keeps.
Once in a While Mediocre Commander
Hey, Dathaul, as the other vocal resident FC Ranger, from one to another: what pets do you run? Alice keeps giving me crap because I’m not that big a fan of dogs and instead run a Boar (for Gunk/Ethereal fields) and Reef Drake (for Confusion in big fights + Blast finisher.)
Really, I only swap in dogs when I am roaming (and then go Hyena for double knockdown or Wolf for panic F2 when downed)
Sabrina Norofski – Mesmer – Ferguson’s Crossing
Representing Elsendor Militia (who?)
Re: hills last night. i will stand up and own up and admit – i was commanding the defense in hills last night. i am new at commanding, tho not new at WvW. i realized what i did wrong after i logged off for the night… something i should have known better. i did not call for a sweep. it was a painful and costly lesson, and one i’ll not make again.
to all of ET: i’m sorry
to the HoD’s who ninja’d hills from me last night: well playedThe only honorable ET on the entire bl last night^ I salute you. o7
Funny coming from a guy who made enemies of an entire server and transferred away. Coincidentally there is also a community forming since you scurried away. All I witnessed was 40 guys turtling a tower all night that no one had any intention of retaking until you left. An amazingly efficient use of manpower. I have no idea how anyone could consider that fun. All the while Ferg was pulling further ahead of you. I guess some people play to win….some for the fights…and others to sit in keeps.
All I’m hearing here is talk, and a flame war waiting to happen. Your entire point is moot because last night BC and I took over everything south of your Gari, while you led like a bull and died over and over charging our Greenvale. GG Brotha, still waiting for you to kill me, every night…
PS: Mend had about 15 people on for the duration of last night, meanwhile you made an X every time you hit our vale with over 25. So don’t come to me kittening about effective use of manpower, our server score shows more than well enough how effectively we are keeping ET distracted. Meanwhile our score was 100PPT above FC for the entire night. Again I say to you, check your facts.
Isle of Janthir
(edited by Flappybob.1950)
Where has BS been? We have come across only a couple of you guys? Pretty sure you will give us our best challenge so were keepin an eye out.
To the thieves of FC/ET….
Great fights thus far, I really enjoy hunting you…
Watch your backs ;p
Founder of PAXA
The only honorable ET on the entire bl last night
hey runamok, you seem a bit bitter.
there were only about 4 people guarding the keep, everyone else went to take other objectives – this is how we capped 2/3rds of your bl last night (and by we i mean mend, phze, fkb, and all us pugs).
flappy ran his small guild group with a couple of pug tag alongs. phazeon ran his small guild group with a bunch of pug tag alongs. battlecamp ran a small skirmish team. while the numbers were probably unnecessary, it was a good exercise in co-ordination and working together.
our ability to communicate and return to defend a point isn’t really what i’d call sitting in a keep, but it is a far superior tactic to qq’ing on the forums.
and you’re right, considering the numbers we had on last night (holding our bl, holding most of your bl, holding the lower half of fc’s bl, and holding in eb), it was a very efficient use of manpower that pulled us ahead in ppt & helped us catch up to fc this morning. thanks for noticing. =^.^=
“Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!”
I am mostly apathetic about [Mend] Sorry for missing that drama train, I promise to miss the next one as well if I can.
Anyway, something to consider, just because a tactic was tacky, tasteless, in poor forum, and discouraging when used against you, does not mean it was an illegal or glitching move.
Good game everyone. It’s Monday, working stiff are away at.. being working stiffs of which I am one, and positing this on my lunch break:) See you all tonight.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
Re: hills last night. i will stand up and own up and admit – i was commanding the defense in hills last night. i am new at commanding, tho not new at WvW. i realized what i did wrong after i logged off for the night… something i should have known better. i did not call for a sweep. it was a painful and costly lesson, and one i’ll not make again.
to all of ET: i’m sorry
to the HoD’s who ninja’d hills from me last night: well playedThe only honorable ET on the entire bl last night^ I salute you. o7
Funny coming from a guy who made enemies of an entire server and transferred away. Coincidentally there is also a community forming since you scurried away. All I witnessed was 40 guys turtling a tower all night that no one had any intention of retaking until you left. An amazingly efficient use of manpower. I have no idea how anyone could consider that fun. All the while Ferg was pulling further ahead of you. I guess some people play to win….some for the fights…and others to sit in keeps.
All I’m hearing here is talk, and a flame war waiting to happen. Your entire point is moot because last night BC and I took over everything south of your Gari, while you led like a bull and died over and over charging our Greenvale. GG Brotha, still waiting for you to kill me, every night…
PS: Mend had about 15 people on for the duration of last night, meanwhile you made an X every time you hit our vale with over 25. So don’t come to me kittening about effective use of manpower, our server score shows more than well enough how effectively we are keeping ET distracted. Meanwhile our score was 100PPT above FC for the entire night. Again I say to you, check your facts.
Apparently you missed the fights at Vale. Also you might do some research on the mechanics of orange swords. The ET militia never popped an X on any camps our towers while I was around other than when we got sammiched at Vale from Waypoint+Bay/Briar invaders. The defensive response at Vale from waypoint side was pretty insane…but that made it much more fun.
Taking Vale was the only thing for us to do since you(HoD) were turtling Briar and Bay….everything else was ours. We put up a cata in the ruins to draw you out from behind walls. We put up trebs at garrison to draw you out from behind walls. We had some fun engagements once we drew you into them. Ohhh and the fight between Arah and LV was fun for a bit. But I guess we could have had a turtle-off. I would rather rush in a try to fight than sit and hide. Hey guys lets sit in Hills all night…Ive got 40 arrow carts to build. Someone might come to attack this in a couple days and I want to be ready!
Once in a While Mediocre Commander
Hey, Dathaul, as the other vocal resident FC Ranger, from one to another: what pets do you run? Alice keeps giving me crap because I’m not that big a fan of dogs and instead run a Boar (for Gunk/Ethereal fields) and Reef Drake (for Confusion in big fights + Blast finisher.)
Really, I only swap in dogs when I am roaming (and then go Hyena for double knockdown or Wolf for panic F2 when downed)
If I’m running solo or in small groups, I always run dual wolf for the knockdowns, fear and chill which I can alternate nicely with my hydromancy sigils chilling foes when I weap swap. When I run in the zerg, it feels like it doesn’t make a whole big difference what I run with but I will generally try to do dual drakes for the blast finishers (If only we had a say in when and where they use them though :/ ) or fern hound/blue moa for the controllable AoE heal and AoE protection, sometimes dual moas while defending a tower or keep.
I do the occasional kittenination on upleveled characters just for fun too.
I use almost every type of pet depending on the circumstances. Ursine pick up items can be great too. Back when culling was still an issue, I bolstered my survivability with the siamoth feathers a lot. I’m still pretty new when it comes to combo fields, and our commanders never really call for poison or ethereal, but if they contribute well I would definitely rotate out the respective pets a bit more also.
If I’m concerned that I could end up in a 1 vs 1, or 1 vs 2+ fight at some point I’m always running the wolves during that time though, even if I have a zerg not far off. I absolutely HATE being jumped while I have moas or drakes out almost as much as I hate getting jumped while I’m building up Agony and Master’s bond stacks. (Wrong weapon/trait!) Truth be told where pets are concerned its an unfortunate reality that we are not given much control over pet’s contribution to zergs outside a few pets.
Boars are also a great choice if you use “Protect me” like I do, since they are quite tanky. It’s one of the reasons I can’t make cats work well in most scenarios, they die too fast from lack of toughness and vitality on their own when a player decides to target them specifically, let alone when I shift my damage to them. I also do still roll dual canine even in the midst of the zerg despite being more of a solo pet. There’s just something to be said about the knockdown they offer.
Ferguson’s Crossing server.
(edited by Detharos.3157)
I’ll even let you in on a secret. Lukian wanted to avoid ET side and knock HoD into third place as a kind of payback for all the trash talk that thrown from HoD players in the pre-SF-moveup days, but every time we’d be focusing on HoD, some cornball FoE or TFor/KWBH/TAC zerg would come out of nowhere into the green side while we were pushing and try to interfere in our battles or attempt to take advantage on HoD’s counterattacks again us to cap some of our towers. You wouldn’t lose overlook nearly as often if you would stop pestering Stonemist with trebs and drawing attention to it either. Teamspeak that night was full of Lukian exclaiming “GO HOME ET, YOU’RE DRUNK!” “RECLAIM YOUR OWN BORDER FIRST THEN COME HERE DUDES” every time you guys popped up during the most random times and senselessly went into attack mode.
One of the reasons I’m not as into WvW in ET right now.
Too many people want to be on the pain train running around in other territories. While I see great value in edging in and refusing FC and HoD points, I don’t think this is quite what we are doing.
We (ET) don’t upgrade/reinforce what we take, much less our own territory as has been stated. It’s not for lack of trying, but for the few people I see in chat asking for assistance dropping siege and upgrading, there are 4x as many removing valuable supplies from Garrisons/Keeps just to have on hand instead of stocking up at a camp. There are too many asking where is such and such commander in which land runing a zerg train. ( I am not completely against zerg trains as it gets the ultimate goal of taking territory done, but if you start off huge at least drop groups at each conquest to reinforce/upgrade, you’ll still have enough left in the zerg)
It does get frustrating to the point where you would rather join up with the rest of your server rather than get slaughtered undermanned in your paper tower.
Don’t get me wrong, we have some great commanders, but what we need are more great commanders who will be content to secure our own while the vet commanders are out colonizing your territories. (or maybe we need more non commanders who are willing to follow the people who are trying to make a difference in our territory)
That was me in EB taking all your stuff ^^, it was fantastic.
Who’s still complaining about double teaming? ^.^
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi
I’d like to thank the GWTD guys for some fun matches this weekend. Looking forward to fighting you guys throughout the week.
Sharks With Lazers [PEW]
Its clear there is something going on here… We are so far behind yet FC or HoD refuse to make an aggressive move on each other. Rather, they are just staying neck and neck attacking our(Eradon Terrace) BL and EB territory and pushing us further behind.
The only explanation must either be one of two things:
1. FC and HoD are afraid to anger each other and not want to make a decisive lead
2. ET is far more powerful than either and so they have made a joint venture to suppress ET together.
Or 3. ET is the easiest to hold on to so we take your stuff.
Hi HoD/ET/FC I am a member of a very small guild who run a solid 3-4-5 man team. We are considering transferring to T8, and were wondering if if we could get some information about the tier. Like zerg sizes, different server peak coverage times, annoying players on servers we should be aware of things like that. Thanks, and maybe we’ll see you on the field soon.
Hi HoD/ET/FC I am a member of a very small guild who run a solid 3-4-5 man team. We are considering transferring to T8, and were wondering if if we could get some information about the tier. Like zerg sizes, different server peak coverage times, annoying players on servers we should be aware of
things like that. Thanks, and maybe we’ll see you on the field soon.
HoD isn’t the best server to ask. We havent been in T8 very long. However, as far as zerg sizes go, it really depends. FC has one hell of a zerg running around. One of the largest i’ve ever seen and this isn’t my first rodeo. Other than that, A zerg is a zerg, there are more than 15 people running around on a commander tag usually.
As far as coverage, all of these servers seem to have pretty crappy night coverage.
HoD definately has a better morning/early afternoon showing than FC or ET.
Annoying players. Well, im not going to shout out a bunch of peoples names on the forums. But every server has their trolls/idiots. HoD is no exception.
Luckily for you many of them transferred to GoM not to long ago!
Where has BS been? We have come across only a couple of you guys? Pretty sure you will give us our best challenge so were keepin an eye out.
We usually run in HoD BL after 6pm PST
Hallucination (Mesmer)
ET – Basic (BS) Leader
Where has BS been? We have come across only a couple of you guys? Pretty sure you will give us our best challenge so were keepin an eye out.
We usually run in HoD BL after 6pm PST
We will hopefully be seeing you guys this week then.
BS can you have one of your leaders PM me on the forums? Would appreciate it.
Who says Mend turtles
Enjoyed taking hills keep!
Isle of Janthir
I’d like to thank the GWTD guys for some fun matches this weekend. Looking forward to fighting you guys throughout the week.
a shoutout :O
gav enjoyed the duel too! i was impressed he could draw you, i really hadnt seen his ranger in (roaming) action and have only read about regen rangers in passing.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Here’s one just for Laughs…..
MooN – Seafarer’s Rest
I’d add that the biggest advantage of FC is that it has WvW players from all over the world. We FC people always do our best despite the odds. USA night time is never a problem for FC. In addition to that, our wvw population grew dramatically lately. We are still very much underpopulated… But we sure give it our all.
Fergie, and proud!
I’d add that the biggest advantage of FC is that it has WvW players from all over the world. We FC people always do our best despite the odds. USA night time is never a problem for FC. In addition to that, our wvw population grew dramatically lately. We are still very much underpopulated… But we sure give it our all.
And we, good sir, thoroughly enjoy it. Please continue.
Sister Mary Steroid – Mesmer | Barbara Bush – Guardian | Bonnquisha – Warrior
It is always easy to kitten an underpopulated server. Even if 10% of the people that HoD has more than FC show up, that is a serious zerg in itself that both FC and ET can’t easily muster. No biggie anyway, as server populations grow by the day. In addition to that I’d say that FC probably has the best commanders around. We are always mobile and agile and rarely turtle. WvW is always fun in FC – one day you gain some, one day you lose some. Big deal – this is a game and it should be treated as such
Fergie, and proud!
Here’s one just for Laughs…..
“U r goin to keep us in T8 untile the anet team create a T9 and then we can fall into that too”
Lukian Save us!!!! D :
I’m not a commander, but I will say while yeah it would have been wise to announce a sweep before logging off, that should be standard approach and not need a commander asking for it. You take/re-take something and you sweep… people get over eager and rush off, it happens. They lost the tower that was enough of a loss without people pressing it on forums.
As for the double-teaming… that’s tunnel vision talking. People always see what’s happening to them and not others. If you see your BL getting hit hardest then you’re likely not going to notice when things die down because someone else’s BL is being tanked. You’ll be enjoying the calm before the next storm to defend, get a drink, stretch lol. Everyone needs to stop being THAT guy/gal who can’t see the forest for the trees and realize with a 24 hour battle no one is ALWAYS the victim.
On upgrades: When I WvW my small guild has been financially responsible for a lot of upgrades. We’ve laid low recently just because it was getting too expensive and a few of us are very close to legendary weapons and would like to finish. Yes, it stinks to shell out that kind of cash and lose the tower/keep. Still, having something with paper walls/doors all the time is just asking for people to NOT play WvWvW and play 2v1. And even if you lose an upgraded tower/keep it took them more time/resources to take it which bought you time elsewhere to save maybe the next tower or keep. Upgrades ARE worth it, even when you lose what you upgraded. When one of your own says there aren’t enough upgrading going don’t immediately use the excuse of, “But we lose it” because that happens to EVERYONE. Maybe try a few days of defending as well as being offensive and see if that makes a difference.
Henge of Denravi since day 1
Hi HoD/ET/FC I am a member of a very small guild who run a solid 3-4-5 man team. We are considering transferring to T8, and were wondering if if we could get some information about the tier. Like zerg sizes, different server peak coverage times, annoying players on servers we should be aware of
things like that. Thanks, and maybe we’ll see you on the field soon.
HoD isn’t the best server to ask. We havent been in T8 very long. However, as far as zerg sizes go, it really depends. FC has one hell of a zerg running around. One of the largest i’ve ever seen and this isn’t my first rodeo. Other than that, A zerg is a zerg, there are more than 15 people running around on a commander tag usually.
As far as coverage, all of these servers seem to have pretty crappy night coverage.
HoD definately has a better morning/early afternoon showing than FC or ET.
Annoying players. Well, im not going to shout out a bunch of peoples names on the forums. But every server has their trolls/idiots. HoD is no exception.
Luckily for you many of them transferred to GoM not to long ago!
Hi, thanks for the reply. If we transfer to T8, we’ll probably end up on the server that needs the most help. I know were a small guild and wont make too much of a difference. That being said, I have a commander tag, and have enjoyed commanding for a couple of months now. So if there is a T8 server that has a shortage of commanders, that would be a consideration also. Thanks again for the info.
Hi HoD/ET/FC I am a member of a very small guild who run a solid 3-4-5 man team. We are considering transferring to T8, and were wondering if if we could get some information about the tier. Like zerg sizes, different server peak coverage times, annoying players on servers we should be aware of
things like that. Thanks, and maybe we’ll see you on the field soon.
HoD isn’t the best server to ask. We havent been in T8 very long. However, as far as zerg sizes go, it really depends. FC has one hell of a zerg running around. One of the largest i’ve ever seen and this isn’t my first rodeo. Other than that, A zerg is a zerg, there are more than 15 people running around on a commander tag usually.
As far as coverage, all of these servers seem to have pretty crappy night coverage.
HoD definately has a better morning/early afternoon showing than FC or ET.
Annoying players. Well, im not going to shout out a bunch of peoples names on the forums. But every server has their trolls/idiots. HoD is no exception.
Luckily for you many of them transferred to GoM not to long ago!
Hi, thanks for the reply. If we transfer to T8, we’ll probably end up on the server that needs the most help. I know were a small guild and wont make too much of a difference. That being said, I have a commander tag, and have enjoyed commanding for a couple of months now. So if there is a T8 server that has a shortage of commanders, that would be a consideration also. Thanks again for the info.
I’d say guest to each and hang around for PvE, talk to a few people actually in the game and see what it’s like. I’d tell you to come to HoD, but that’s just me. For the most part, it’s a pretty even matchup. HoD isn’t significantly more populated than either server. FC actually runs bigger zergs than we do, from what I’ve seen…ET might be the one most needing of help.
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist
see it may not be intentional “double teaming” on ET but it sure does seem like it, we have people that upgrade our towers/keeps but the issue is when we do upgrade it we either have to rush back to EB because the Ferg Zerg is pushing in our terroritory in EB or BC is omega golem rushing stuff in our BL. it gets demorilizing and tireing and I think that’s why a lot of ET is getting abit tired of WvW
Here’s one just for Laughs…..
This is the best thing I have ever seen. XD
“They took everything, even spray painted Lukians Armor.”
Leader of [TTA]The Tenacious Affliction