4/26: HoD/ET/FC

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: TallDan.6350


^ only a WvW player would understand that post

Lady suzi ~ Human Guardian {} Gizmo Gregory ~ Asura Engineer
Firezof Arrows ~ Sylvari Ranger {} Hudeeni ~ Norn Mesmer
Ruins of Surmia [KoA]

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Transius.1895


that was alot to read.

anyways from my personal experience working with flappy, he has been a very solid guy and its been a blast working with Mend, its obvious that the rest of ET has issues with him, and vice versa, but could u just..drop it and play? hes not in your server who cares.

also can u even sell siege? idk how doing the jummping puzzle helps to fund anything of that kind of value. idk why the “evil corporate tyrant” stigma is being pushed on people helping get siege for reset.

either way Mend has been a pleasure to work with in HoD and im glad Flappy and his fellow guildies are here :P

<3 Havvik

<3 Everybody. All this bad blood going around over a game. So silly. Good fight so far this week. I’ve enjoyed it quite a bit. Sure beats the SF zerg-fest, eh? I know some people dislike Flappy for whatever reason, but I think he’s a great guy personally. He’s passionate about what he’s doing, which may upset some people sometimes, but overall he is one of the better guild leaders I’ve had.

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Flappybob.1950


You can’t possibly think you can come into a thread and call out an entire BL as not having any honor (save 1), then state you don’t want any drama and expect that you don’t look like a complete hypocrit?

First of all, you’re right here. I was really a bit heated at that time, having just been accused of glitching into a keep after having ours flipped not an hour earlier under mysterious circumstances. So I do apologize for that.

However, on to the rest of the post:

Even after you left, there were a few people that would express their frustration over you doing thingss like taking everyone to a jumping puzzle while the rest of the server struggled to defend our BL. I often stated, publicly, that you were doing the smart thing: Getting ready for the reset. Besides, the match was really already decided by Thursday night anyway, right?

These things were indeed the correct things to do, and Mend still does them in HoD, and they appreciate us for it. The only time we wouldn’t do the jumping puzzle event would be if the score was sufficiently close to change the finishing places at the end of the week. We help our server get siege for the incoming week, and get nothing but thanks for it.


Sadly, I never knew you were selling all of that donated siege, that we gave you, back to us so you would have gold to fund your T3 stuff, Commander tags, etc. I thought the siege was going back to actually help the server and not to line the pockets of [Mend].

I never did any shady trades with siege, I admit publicly that I sold siege and here is the reasoning behind it. It allowed me to get rid of siege that we didn’t use much of(because we are a primarily defensive guild) such as golems or trebs. While also being cheaper for the people buying(as I sold at 75% of the full price), that money would then go to purchasing more of the siege that we did use(rams, mainly to support the kind of karma trains that were expected of an ET commander). And just to make certain that I never mixed up my funds, with funds that were supposed to go back into siege, I would empty my gold into the bank before accepting any letters with money in them as payment for the siege. The one time I sold things that we (Mend) did use, was selling to Teh Ouchies, who I viewed as a personal friend, and an absolute credit to the server for putting in so much work. So yes, I am guilty of selling rams, arrow carts, balistas, and cats to him, and lowering the cost of his commanding on his personal funds by reducing the prices to 50% of original price.


Had you needed gold for things such as a Commander icon, etc I would have gladly donated. You didn’t need to be underhanded about it. Did you really even get “hacked” like you claimed you did?

Correction here, none of that gold went to anything personal, as you read above, and I had my commander tag before we even started doing the jumping puzzle siege events. The hacking thing was a completely different situation, where one of my officers(Hort) got hacked and the person had access to our officer storage(Treasure trove) where all of my T6 mats were stockpiled for my legendary. So those were taken and I ended up putting off my legendary for a very long time while I slowly farmed them back. However this has absolutely nothing to do with the siege events.

Commander Admiral Lord Flappy – [Mend]
Isle of Janthir

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Flappybob.1950


(Continued – my Wall of Text was too massive)

Fortunately, several of your guild members saw your true colors, and the direction that [Mend] was going, and attempted to right your wrongs. When that didn’t prove as successful as they had hoped, they did the next best thing and went their own way. Having been able to spend a lot more time with those people has shown me that they were the more honorable of your bunch and now I really enjoy spending time with them.

Attempting to “Right wrongs” for them meant demanding that I step down from leader and install one of them as leader, as well as treating the guild like a business and having weekly evaluations of me and my commanding. I went through their problems much like this, and either debunked them, or said “Ok, I’ll work on this” however in the end they all decided to leave anyway rather than giving the time necessary to implement the changes.
But good for you man, I’m glad you have your friends, just as I have mine.

Truthfully, there were only two people that tied me to [Mend] and sadly they chose the company of 40 over 4 when they departed for “greener pastures” with you. Sadder still is that I now think of them as just “another Mendie” that have been drinking your Kool-Aid. There were a significant bunch of good people that didn’t compromise their integrity by sticking with [Mend], and in hindsight, I really wish they had left too.

You should have chosen your words more carefully, because I don’t think they will be your friends anymore after this. Congrats on hurting people, hope it lets you sleep better at night.

Finally – If you have beef with me, this isn’t the place to do it. Take it to mail/whisper/whatever. Or just come kill me in WvW, that could be therapeutic for some, but don’t do this kind of public shenanigans…

Commander Admiral Lord Flappy – [Mend]
Isle of Janthir

(edited by Flappybob.1950)

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: katz.8376


^ only a WvW player would understand that post

not only did i understand it, i can pick up where he left off…

HoD did indeed cap bay… and proceeded to AC the kitten out of it and turtle in and taunt. ET defenders spent a bit of time bouncing between testing the defense at the keeps and retaking our camps… and then HoD just… vanished. took an undefended hills back, swung south and took the southern towers, then defended blue tower from a small group (fun defense. they broke the gate and we fought inside). kept swinging west to bay… it was also undefended. then we got some doorknockers at garri, had to fend off 10-15 at bay… garri got door knockers again, then 10-15 at bay again… then we retook cliffside and the last few camps. and then i went to bed 40 minutes later than i expected or wanted to, but the ET BL was all the correct color again.


Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: katz.8376


Score update!!!!!!!

Its my brotha from anotha motha!

kitten, man! he DOES look just like you! except different color clothing. looks pimp in purple with those shades. XD


Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


Score update please!

Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bdarg.6293


Score Update. 1:54 pm Eastern time


Ferguson’s Crossing

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Truthfully, there were only two people that tied me to [Mend] and sadly they chose the company of 40 over 4 when they departed for “greener pastures” with you. Sadder still is that I now think of them as just “another Mendie” that have been drinking your Kool-Aid. There were a significant bunch of good people that didn’t compromise their integrity by sticking with [Mend], and in hindsight, I really wish they had left too.

You should have chosen your words more carefully, because I don’t think they will be your friends anymore after this. Congrats on hurting people, hope it lets you sleep better at night.

Finally – If you have beef with me, this isn’t the place to do it. Take it to mail/whisper/whatever. Or just come kill me in WvW, that could be therapeutic for some, but don’t do this kind of public shenanigans…

After several (at least 5) attempts to /w a few weeks after their departure (with no replies) plus ties being severed in the last week by being kicked by one of the few things that held us together (the original guild), I came to my conclusion with the best evidence that I have.

For the record, I always choose my words carefully and I thought long and hard about a public or a private post (knowing full well that a public post would make me subject to Anet’s wrath). I’m the kind of person that posts my concerns publicly so there is nothing lost in the translation of others (he said / she said) and so everyone knows that it is me standing by what I say, for better or worse.

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jscull.2514


OK matchup talk…play by play.

Well last night was fun in ET BL. From 7-10:30 EST. Man AC’s kill golems at bay. Push HoD out of ET BL. Defend feint attack on ET Keep in EBG. Go back to ET BL. Fail to defend breakout at Briar since everyone stayed in EBG. ET militia floods back in builds trebs in Vale camp. HoD builds AC’s in Briar. We let HoD hold Victors camp forever it must have been hours…so they had good supply lines. Fun open field fighting over the trebs for a while on two fronts. ET breaks Briar walls runs in and stands in massive AC fire and dies. HoD kills trebs. PAXA ninjas Cliffside. Props to PAXA I just figured you guys roamed around killing stragglers all day. Had no idea you played objectives. HoD attacks hills bust through outter FoE defense reponds(thanks guys!) an defends Hills. PAXA busts outter Garrison…we had 1 other person there….but finally gets wiped before getting setup on inner. I went to sleep…HoD takes Hills…and prolly Bay too as I started upgrades there as well this AM. What I am seeing as a pattern is that ET has more EST and HoD seems to have much better PST. And Ferg is just Ferg. Our partners in T8 crime. ET…moar cowbell and tons of arrow carts in Briar…ok guys.

We logged after that because the ONLY people to fight in WvW was your dumb zerg that ran around as a mindless blob. Couldn’t possibly break off and do seperate things, must follow the one true blue dorito. Edit: that makes everything else so boring GW2 isnt worth playing.

PS: The night b4 last, 5 KoM and 5 PAXA rick rolled 25-30 TAC and company at south camp…..wait a minute….5+5 = 10 WTF?


(edited by Jscull.2514)

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Runamok.9638


OK matchup talk…play by play.

Well last night was fun in ET BL. From 7-10:30 EST. Man AC’s kill golems at bay. Push HoD out of ET BL. Defend feint attack on ET Keep in EBG. Go back to ET BL. Fail to defend breakout at Briar since everyone stayed in EBG. ET militia floods back in builds trebs in Vale camp. HoD builds AC’s in Briar. We let HoD hold Victors camp forever it must have been hours…so they had good supply lines. Fun open field fighting over the trebs for a while on two fronts. ET breaks Briar walls runs in and stands in massive AC fire and dies. HoD kills trebs. PAXA ninjas Cliffside. Props to PAXA I just figured you guys roamed around killing stragglers all day. Had no idea you played objectives. HoD attacks hills bust through outter FoE defense reponds(thanks guys!) an defends Hills. PAXA busts outter Garrison…we had 1 other person there….but finally gets wiped before getting setup on inner. I went to sleep…HoD takes Hills…and prolly Bay too as I started upgrades there as well this AM. What I am seeing as a pattern is that ET has more EST and HoD seems to have much better PST. And Ferg is just Ferg. Our partners in T8 crime. ET…moar cowbell and tons of arrow carts in Briar…ok guys.

We logged after that because the ONLY people to fight in WvW was your dumb zerg that ran around as a mindless blob. Couldn’t possibly break off and do seperate things, must follow the one true blue dorito. Edit: that makes everything else so boring GW2 isnt worth playing.

PS: The night b4 last, 5 KoM and 5 PAXA rick rolled 25-30 TAC and company at south camp…..wait a minute….5+5 = 10 WTF?

So sorry that we couldn’t provide you with enough onesie twosies wandering around aimlessly in our BL for you to pick off last night. Being forced into playing an objective out of boredom in an objective based game is pure torture I am certain. Perhaps some other tier holds that small man open field roamer GvG utopia you are looking for…there was a thread for that. Your grail is hidden there. As you conduct your arduous search we will offer you some sympathy. Tonight ET will hold a kittenoff and those elected kingkitten will lead groups of 5 people to run circles around our BL to pick flowers and kill Moas. These will be your sacrifices.

And yup you certainly did butter our toast at Victors the other night. Its gone the other way tho on other occasions. Granted you were out numbered in those engagements as well…but I am sure that’s the thrill you live for.

One Angry Brotha — Stafro Elementalist
Once in a While Mediocre Commander

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nightwish.4013


Well i don’t think the rest of ET could care less either way, just a few commanders/ guild leaders falling out. I wish we were talking about the matchup.

^ This, a thousand times over. I’ve had the game for all of seven weeks so I don’t even know what all the drama was about and I’ve no interest in finding out. It doesn’t concern me. All I know is I’ve been having a lot of fun playing the game and being up against servers who don’t vastly outnumber us like SF did. And to be clear, I don’t hold that against them either.

Now for the real reason for my post, I’m sure people already know this but if you’re a Mesmer and you have that lfg deal up on your toon… it makes your original absurdly easy to spot since your clones don’t have that little blue symbol next to your tag. Kind of made me feel like I was somehow cheating since I could spot you so easily. XD

Nanaako ~ Elementalist | Shirogaane ~ Necromancer

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Skarloc.2569


Good fights against [Deth] just now. I’m glad you guys came back out a few times.

[PAXA] Skarllok – 80 Mesmer/ Skarrlloc – 80 Guardian
[FUN] [FUN II] [Jonathan Taylor Thomas] – DAoC, WoW, WAR

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Linanthony.1809


I was so relieved when I saw that HoD still had the lead <3
Hope we continue it and maybe one day we can get back to t7 again

Genesis Theory [GT]

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wakafanykai.1537


Anyone spare some time to give me a score update?

Bjorn Jacobson (80, Condi-nado Engineer)
Journey’s Edge[EDGE]
Feuguson’s Crossing

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: mginn.4502


I was so relieved when I saw that HoD still had the lead <3
Hope we continue it and maybe one day we can get back to t7 again

Such lofty goals…

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lukian Darkblade.8012

Lukian Darkblade.8012

Commander Lukian Darkblade | Fort Aspenwood
Leader of [TTA]The Tenacious Affliction

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Advent.6193


(Dies laughing …)
Bloody hells, man … what’re you on? Start sharing, blast it!

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grizzly Wintergreen.3908

Grizzly Wintergreen.3908

I am legit in tears from laughing so hard, im from GoM but just stopped by to check in and see how you guys were holding up but this made my day hahahahaha

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mario.8215


lol i loved this

Had a fun afternoon though since I got off work early for once…Held fog camp for like 2 hours with 2 ballistas, a treb, and an arrow cart on HoD bl… took a group of 8 HoD to take it…HoD won my heart this afternoon

I’m not much of a pugger, but sometimes taking down group after group at an isolated camp with siege is just what the doctor ordered

Mario X [Mika]
Ferguson Crossing

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Parktou.4263


WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH, WOAH! So if I understood this video correctly, Lukian is actually Hitler and Zerguson’s Cowards are actually the SS? HoD we must team up in an attempt to crush this evil tyrant and send his troops along to hell with him! lol, just remembered there’s a guild in FC named Reich [SS], as well XD.

haha good times…

Shocking Shorty-Asura Tempest | Magnificent Mike-Troll Warrior | Lockpick Louie- Human Daredevil
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kay.5416


WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH, WOAH! So if I understood this video correctly, Lukian is actually Hitler and Zerguson’s Cowards are actually the SS? HoD we must team up in an attempt to crush this evil tyrant and send his troops along to hell with him! lol, just remembered there’s a guild in FC named Reich [SS], as well XD.
haha good times…

E.T has been established as being Russia. I’m not sure who over there gets to play Stalin, though.

Ferguson’s Crossing: Heliolite & handful of others

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hematuria.4051


Shout out to the 80 thief from dark hunterz that can solo kill a lvl 12 but run away from anyone who is lvl 80. We salute you. Real American Hero! Cue beer commercial,

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Talia.7412


Lol! Top props to whoever who made this

Charter Vanguard [CV], on HoD since the betas

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: KyoHanakaze.8145


Fight night tomorrow?
Can someone send me the info?

HoD/Valkyria Immortalis[VLK]
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: ErlendR.6107


The toughness xDDDDDD (kitten pew pew memories xD)
The drunk is krafted, not saoul.
Saaaaaaaaaaaaouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulll we miss u ><
D :

Proud ex-Kaineng T8 best server ever vs DR & FC

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Skarloc.2569


Props to [FoE] and [BS] for the fights tonight.

[PAXA] Skarllok – 80 Mesmer/ Skarrlloc – 80 Guardian
[FUN] [FUN II] [Jonathan Taylor Thomas] – DAoC, WoW, WAR

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Scleameth.6809


WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH, WOAH! So if I understood this video correctly, Lukian is actually Hitler and Zerguson’s Cowards are actually the SS? HoD we must team up in an attempt to crush this evil tyrant and send his troops along to hell with him! lol, just remembered there’s a guild in FC named Reich [SS], as well XD.

haha good times…

Well I doubt very much Hitler had a jukebox playing some cool tunes in the background. (if he had would it be the lEEtBoX? lil TS joke there).
“Zerguson’s Cowards” hurts me deep inside man. Obviously you’ve not tasted my Norn Ranger’s arrows of mass bleeding? She fights to the end – every time! Outmanned, outclassed, out-thieved…. TO THE EEEEEENNNNDDDD! EDIT: unless of course we’re doing a tactical advance in the opposite direction…

Keep the Faith (and stay out of AC fire)

(edited by Scleameth.6809)

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wakafanykai.1537


unless of course we’re doing a tactical advance in the opposite direction…

We love doing tactical advances in the other direction

Bjorn Jacobson (80, Condi-nado Engineer)
Journey’s Edge[EDGE]
Feuguson’s Crossing

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: katz.8376


tactical advance in the opposite direction... ROFL... thanks for the morning LOL... my new favorite phrase.

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jscull.2514


The toughness xDDDDDD (kitten pew pew memories xD)
The drunk is krafted, not saoul.
Saaaaaaaaaaaaouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulll we miss u ><
D :

I just laughed so hard watching this. Thanks. HILARIOUS!


4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darek.1836


WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH, WOAH! So if I understood this video correctly, Lukian is actually Hitler and Zerguson’s Cowards are actually the SS? HoD we must team up in an attempt to crush this evil tyrant and send his troops along to hell with him! lol, just remembered there’s a guild in FC named Reich [SS], as well XD.

haha good times…

We are indeed the secret police of FC.. Keeping the order tier wide.

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tossed Fish.7380

Tossed Fish.7380

That… that was amazing.

Tossed Fish//Necromancer
Valkyria Immortalis [VLK]

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Advent.6193


We’re missing something here … something like … a score update?


Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Victoitor.2917


is there like a week by week vendetta against ET all the time?
lets keep it WvWvW not WWvW

When I logged into WvW, I couldn’t go to EB because it was queued so I started in HoD BL with my Warrior just to do map completion. You guys had big zergs there and were leading the score. When I finished map completion, changed into my engineer. When I came back, both EB and HoD BL were queued (first time I see that happen), so I checked the score and went for your BL.

Later I checked the score and map and saw that same picture. Even felt bad about it. Sorry for the frustration, but it happens to all of us sometimes.

For the people talking about glass, I guess they have not seen my engineer running around. It was fun running half the map to one of our towers to defend against big zergs. Happened a few times.

I saw your engineer with the flamethrower Nice build you got there.

That’s not me. I run rifle, bombs, tool kit and elixir s running a very tanky build. If you find an engineer that’s really hard to kill bombing around from [CATZ], that might be me.

Too bad I have too much work to do recently and haven’t found enough time to go online. Last time I was online, I was desperately trying to defend a tower in EB by myself against a group of 6-8 FC. Couldn’t do anything at all… But someone from FC added me on party just to say “Turtle much?”. I guess that’s a statement that I’m tanky.

Raimundo Faztudo (Human Engineer) – Current WvW
Mr Tauser (Char Warrior) – Current PvE
[CATZ] – HoD

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Victoitor.2917


I’m honestly getting a bit concerned about ET here. It’s like the air just went out of you. You guys ok? What happened with all the “rawr we will break out of T8 and follow SF” stuff?
sends care package via dolyak express

Actually, me too. I want them to be stronger next week so we can have scores like tier 7 right now.

Raimundo Faztudo (Human Engineer) – Current WvW
Mr Tauser (Char Warrior) – Current PvE
[CATZ] – HoD

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Daemonne.5018


Going to get worse. Another large guild is scouting other servers to transfer out of poor ET.

If you play solitaire with only one suit, your game is going to end faster and feel lacking.

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Runamok.9638


Can you blame them? I cannot believe they tolerated my presence for as long as they did!? ET has definitely reclaimed its 24th spot throne of glory. All of my plans have bloosomed into fruition!

One Angry Brotha — Stafro Elementalist
Once in a While Mediocre Commander

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


I’m honestly getting a bit concerned about ET here. It’s like the air just went out of you. You guys ok? What happened with all the “rawr we will break out of T8 and follow SF” stuff?
sends care package via dolyak express

Actually, me too. I want them to be stronger next week so we can have scores like tier 7 right now.

What?! No silly, we want to have the scores like t7 AFTER we leave the slum

Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


I saw your engineer with the flamethrower Nice build you got there.

That’s not me. I run rifle, bombs, tool kit and elixir s running a very tanky build. If you find an engineer that’s really hard to kill bombing around from [CATZ], that might be me.

Too bad I have too much work to do recently and haven’t found enough time to go online. Last time I was online, I was desperately trying to defend a tower in EB by myself against a group of 6-8 FC. Couldn’t do anything at all… But someone from FC added me on party just to say “Turtle much?”. I guess that’s a statement that I’m tanky.


I run basically the same thing. (Except I do it alot worse) It is mad fun isn’t it?!

You know your doing your job when once in a while you have a thief chase you across the entire effin map to dance on your corpse. (Disclaimer: if I wanted to roam I would use my spvp build! /bow)

Or an enemy rushes through the entire zerg to go for just you. This is more a problem on my necro though. Unfortunately I’ve yet to see it work..

P.S. Engies unite. Let us share a moment of silence for Cloaking Device – it was too good to last.

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: NowThere.3814


Props to – WZ, Deth, FoE and BS for the awesome fights yesterday. It was really fun we all enjoyed the competition. See you guys out there!

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wreckz.6472


Props to [FoE] and [BS] for the fights tonight.

Props to – WZ, Deth, FoE and BS for the awesome fights yesterday. It was really fun we all enjoyed the competition. See you guys out there!

Thank you guys as well. You are definitely the toughest group we’ve ever been up against. I admire your group play you guys work very well as a team and that’s something Basic needs to improve upon. Hopefully we all have more time in this tier so that BS can improve and put up a tougher fight.

U Got Thiefed (Thief)
Hallucination (Mesmer)
ET – Basic (BS) Leader

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: thewanderer.8561


Score updates!!! ooooh


4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hematuria.4051


WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH, WOAH! So if I understood this video correctly, Lukian is actually Hitler and Zerguson’s Cowards are actually the SS? HoD we must team up in an attempt to crush this evil tyrant and send his troops along to hell with him! lol, just remembered there’s a guild in FC named Reich [SS], as well XD.

haha good times…[/quote]

Brought to you by the server with huge zergs from midnight on.

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Shadynasty.1760


To the FC Mesmer tagged [Meds] between Stonemist and the kitteneep right now: You fought off like 5 of us, then you ATE me and my friend. I like you. Your clones make me hate auto-targeting though. Well done.

HoD – Valkyria Immortalis [VLK]
Sister Mary Steroid – Mesmer | Barbara Bush – Guardian | Bonnquisha – Warrior

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lakanna.2073


I saw your engineer with the flamethrower Nice build you got there.

That’s not me. I run rifle, bombs, tool kit and elixir s running a very tanky build. If you find an engineer that’s really hard to kill bombing around from [CATZ], that might be me.

Too bad I have too much work to do recently and haven’t found enough time to go online. Last time I was online, I was desperately trying to defend a tower in EB by myself against a group of 6-8 FC. Couldn’t do anything at all… But someone from FC added me on party just to say “Turtle much?”. I guess that’s a statement that I’m tanky.


I run basically the same thing. (Except I do it alot worse) It is mad fun isn’t it?!

You know your doing your job when once in a while you have a thief chase you across the entire effin map to dance on your corpse. (Disclaimer: if I wanted to roam I would use my spvp build! /bow)

Or an enemy rushes through the entire zerg to go for just you. This is more a problem on my necro though. Unfortunately I’ve yet to see it work..

P.S. Engies unite. Let us share a moment of silence for Cloaking Device – it was too good to last.

I’m having a lot of fun on my engi with grenadier. I stay WAY back and sweep walls, until someone gets close and I start dropping grenades and elixers right at my feet. I LOVE he fights recently. Thanks to the guy from [KREW] who actually cried to see the fight end last night after I was harassing AP for a while.

“entitled”: Ad Hominem fallacy condensed to a single word.

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: ErlendR.6107


Going to get worse. Another large guild is scouting other servers to transfer out of poor ET.

Ya, i read about that, sad news for all : (

Proud ex-Kaineng T8 best server ever vs DR & FC

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cyphel.3659


I’m having a lot of fun on my engi with grenadier. I stay WAY back and sweep walls, until someone gets close and I start dropping grenades and elixers right at my feet. I LOVE he fights recently. Thanks to the guy from [KREW] who actually cried to see the fight end last night after I was harassing AP for a while.

I saw a couple grenadiers at ET Garrison last night!

Grenades are fantastic for tight packed peeps, and the psychological effect of “omg red circlez” opens up opportunity to herd people around. And lovely vuln/condi stacking! But I just can’t get into them somehow. I get the urge to go make a cup of tea as I watch them slowly arc through the air…..and most people just move out of the way. Area denial is sort of the point though.

When assaulting a tower or keep, I feel my necro does a better job…the explosion radius and “oomph” of grenades isn’t enough to significantly ruin anyones day.

But, I love bombs and pulling a Rambo – pushing a group or defending a tower/keep is what I really like to do! I’m built to hassle!

For actually killing people I use a HGH/might stacking rifle build that hits like a truck, with control on the target when and where I need it, without having to kitten about with aiming things ~

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nicolatte.5360


lol I should never, ever read this thread when nauseated again. I swear I watched that video and felt worse after laughing so hard. You guys are all so awesome. I just love that people on this tier are willing to laugh at themselves/each other in turn and someone doesn’t get all hurt about it.

That’s the second video using that same scene and let me say, it was funny the first time and it was funny the second time. Thanks so much for the laughs!

Oh, and for the engineer’s unite thing, those of you who play engineer seriously should check this out, it’s really funny:

So if FC is the SS, what does that make ET and HoD in this WW2 scenario. lol

Nicolatte – Ranger, Nicolyte – Elementalist
Henge of Denravi since day 1

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bllade.1029


lol I should never, ever read this thread when nauseated again. I swear I watched that video and felt worse after laughing so hard. You guys are all so awesome. I just love that people on this tier are willing to laugh at themselves/each other in turn and someone doesn’t get all hurt about it.

That’s the second video using that same scene and let me say, it was funny the first time and it was funny the second time. Thanks so much for the laughs!

Oh, and for the engineer’s unite thing, those of you who play engineer seriously should check this out, it’s really funny:

So if FC is the SS, what does that make ET and HoD in this WW2 scenario. lol

HoD is definately the USA, and ET is Japanese, to be more specific. Japanese living in Hiroshima on August 6th 1945.

I’ve got an 8-bit atomic finisher to prove it!

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.