4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: ARM.3912


GOM is 90% PvE’rs and it has been holding us back for months. Our population reports as high, but that has nothing to do with our WvW population. Everything we accomplish in WvW is 10x harder.


This attachment is historically accurate:


4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: TallDan.6350


GOM is 90% PvE’rs and it has been holding us back for months. Our population reports as high, but that has nothing to do with our WvW population. Everything we accomplish in WvW is 10x harder.


Most of ET is pve focused and I’m sure the same can be said for FC too, a lot of our players are in super adventure box, fractals, fighting bosses and in dungeons, sounds like excuses to me, just saying. I have seen plenty of GoM players in WvW.

Don’t want to start a flame war though. Much respect to GoM and FC this match-up is really fun so far.

Lady suzi ~ Human Guardian {} Gizmo Gregory ~ Asura Engineer
Firezof Arrows ~ Sylvari Ranger {} Hudeeni ~ Norn Mesmer
Ruins of Surmia [KoA]

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


Quick score update..
sitting in LA before logging out to uninstall fraps & start using DXtory again (Fraps was throttling FPS and was rather annoying…DXTory is much better and doesn’t throttle fps :P)

then off to record “Skipping Stones” and back into WvW

0713 PDT (Server time)…why can’t the world be 1 timezone? stupid BST ..1 hour less sleep


Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Heizero.9183


Awesome job GoM, great coordination and teamwork today. Very proud. finally got the numbers today to show these guys what we are usually about. Keep up the good work, and keep up the team mentality, it will get us far!
Score update, and a hard earned victory on SM:


Commander Unyielding Shadow – Human Thief
Champion Shadow
Better Luck Next Time [BLNT]-Sea of Sorrows

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Entropy.4732


Dear GoM,

I know we had our spats at times. I know we fought bitterly towards the end there, but we really, REALLY miss you and we’ve been thinking we made a terrible mistake leaving you for SF. At first, Sorrows Furnace seemed like it was everything you weren’t. On our first few dates, SF was super easy to get along with. But after we started going steady, SF turned into a total nightmare to live with. It’s just not working out. SF is, like, totally wrong for us.

Look, we… we might have rushed into things. We regret breaking up with you, GoM. You should move back in with us in T7. SF just doesn’t get us. Last night at 4:00am they camped our spawn point for hours with a massive zerg while they simultaneously hit our keep so we never had a fair chance of defending it. I know we accused you of cheating on us with HoD, but you would never have camped our spawn point like that. Never. You always took our keep fair and square. SF is super insensitive to our needs. They mercilessly taunt us on the forums and mega zerg us constantly. It’s just not the same as it was with you, GoM. No more razor close matches, no more waking up on sundays and going shopping with you at the Skritt farmer’s market for shinies. Sigh. We want you back GoM. I know you’ve got a new tier now and you’re seeing somebody else but I think we should give this relationship another chance. Come back to us GoM. Fight your way out of this T8 mess so we can break up with SF and get back to some fun, sexy, romantic WvW. We miss you.


P.S. I found one of your old loot bags in Golanda and it still smells like you.

Styx Hemlock – Sylvari Mesmer – TFG – NSP

(edited by Entropy.4732)

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Thats not how you stop those types of zergs FYI, they WILL have stability, might and probably retaliation as well, only way to win is to be the bigger, badder ball of death…..Good luck with that by the way personally I don’t like the tactic but it’s certainly effective.

So open with boon removal / boon strips then chain CC them? Outzerging them seems like the boring way to do it without using your head. Necros and shatter mesmers can safely rip all of their boons right off of them at the start of a fight.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Heizero.9183


Dear GoM,

I know we had our spats at times. I know we fought bitterly towards the end there, but we really, REALLY miss you and we’ve been thinking we made a terrible mistake leaving you for SF. At first, Sorrows Furnace seemed like it was everything you weren’t. On our first few dates, SF was super easy to get along with. But after we started going steady, SF turned into a total nightmare to live with. It’s just not working out. SF is, like, totally wrong for us.

Look, we… we might have rushed into things. We regret breaking up with you, GoM. You should move back in with us in T7. SF just doesn’t get us. Last night at 4:00am they camped our spawn point for hours with a massive zerg while they simultaneously hit our keep so we never had a fair chance of defending it. I know we accused you of cheating on us with HoD, but you would never have camped our spawn point like that. Never. You always took our keep fair and square. SF is super insensitive to our needs. They mercilessly taunt us on the forums and mega zerg us constantly. It’s just not the same as it was with you, GoM. No more razor close matches, no more waking up on sundays and going shopping with you at the Skritt farmer’s market for shinies. Sigh. We want you back GoM. I know you’ve got a new tier now and you’re seeing somebody else but I think we should give this relationship another chance. Come back to us GoM. Fight your way out of this T8 mess so we can break up with SF and get back to some fun, sexy, romantic WvW. We miss you.


P.S. I found one of your old loot bags in Golanda and it still smells like you.

^This is probably the greatest thing i have ever seen posted on this forums. Just for this… We miss you too NSP. =/

Commander Unyielding Shadow – Human Thief
Champion Shadow
Better Luck Next Time [BLNT]-Sea of Sorrows

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: pita spoon.5708

pita spoon.5708

it is nice to see our numbers grow again.. even though its not near what we used to see on.. HH seems to have almost vanished. not as many of us on as their use to be. I haven’t seen Tass on much at all lately and i miss King.

if Agg needs a fight it would be HH but i dont know what happened to my peeps. I miss the old days… sigh.

pizza delivery anyone?? nsp knows what im talking about

How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?
Let’s ask tootsie.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: K U R O I T S U K I.4980

K U R O I T S U K I.4980

Eredon, Ferguson, please show the other servers that T8 doesn’t mean we suck, give the next servers you encounter the same hell you gave us SF, gl and its a shame I was off wvw enough to not know that we were going up a tier, I wanted to do something with you on a Thursday before we went t7.

[LH]La Hermandad-Guild Leader
Kuroitsuki Lvl.80 Mesmer/La Biribiri Lvl.80 Elementalist
Sorrows Furnace SF (since Aug-25-12)

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I’m liking the map. Good job ET and FC, my respects from SF (Marnoll Whitefyre)

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Devanuze.8734


Score update. Really liking this matchup.


Moose Mickelson. Golfing at its finest

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Kay.5416


Awww, you SF guys! I’m sorry there’s trolling going on over there. I hope you get to have fun nonetheless. And keep smashing T7.

GoM, I’m impressed. We were getting a bit worried you guys would be all paper and wouldn’t have any fun with us, this is more like it! Stay feisty, we dig it.

Ferguson’s Crossing: Heliolite & handful of others

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: rmBossa.4621


So open with boon removal / boon strips then chain CC them? Outzerging them seems like the boring way to do it without using your head. Necros and shatter mesmers can safely rip all of their boons right off of them at the start of a fight.

I like where your heads at!

But just to be clear to technically “out zerg” us youll only need to bring about 30+. To be honest its not the zergs we fear (personally love the challenge) its when each server ONLY runs with 90+ mega zergs like you find in tier 1. Which basically means you are fighting with skill lag 100% of the time, and all thats happening is ppl running around spamming 1.

Its much more fun to try and better yourself first then hide behind a mega zerg, so kudos to you

(edited by rmBossa.4621)

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


Score Update anyone?? I think i care more about this match up then ours lol
GO GOM! Wipe the “little brothers” into oblivion for us <3

Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: ErlendR.6107


@ARM: Attachments … omgosh im a geek id lol a lot ><

Score update for atomicjellybean ><

edit: ups language :P


Proud ex-Kaineng T8 best server ever vs DR & FC

(edited by ErlendR.6107)

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Heizero.9183


Current score update. Looks like things have evened out since this morning.


Commander Unyielding Shadow – Human Thief
Champion Shadow
Better Luck Next Time [BLNT]-Sea of Sorrows

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


GoM is growing stronger… This will be interesting…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Kay.5416


Wipe the “little brothers” into oblivion for us <3

I’m terribly amused we are being called the little brothers in other tiers by other servers now too. Does that make you guys our cousins?

Ferguson’s Crossing: Heliolite & handful of others

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


Mostly I’m just pleased that Ronny ended up in T8. Did he happen to mention that he single-handedly made GoM, AR, and NSP?

I don’t have enough accounts to plus this post.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: KyoHanakaze.8145


I think we have a mod stalking the forums who hasn’t had a good kitten in a while, since they’re being really anal about my posts. Apparently having like 6/30 words in caps counts as all caps and an account infraction. Check your kitten, Anet.

ANYWAYS, as I was saying.

Come on, GoM. Come onnn. Either get your butts back up to T7 so I can have fun with you guys again or, like I’ve said before, have RH transfer to HoD. I have faith in you guys. I miss you.

It doesn’t seem nearly as enthusiastic anymore without the caps.

HoD/Valkyria Immortalis[VLK]
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


Dear GoM,

I know we had our spats at times. I know we fought bitterly towards the end there, but we really, REALLY miss you and we’ve been thinking we made a terrible mistake leaving you for SF. At first, Sorrows Furnace seemed like it was everything you weren’t. On our first few dates, SF was super easy to get along with. But after we started going steady, SF turned into a total nightmare to live with. It’s just not working out. SF is, like, totally wrong for us.

Look, we… we might have rushed into things. We regret breaking up with you, GoM. You should move back in with us in T7. SF just doesn’t get us. Last night at 4:00am they camped our spawn point for hours with a massive zerg while they simultaneously hit our keep so we never had a fair chance of defending it. I know we accused you of cheating on us with HoD, but you would never have camped our spawn point like that. Never. You always took our keep fair and square. SF is super insensitive to our needs. They mercilessly taunt us on the forums and mega zerg us constantly. It’s just not the same as it was with you, GoM. No more razor close matches, no more waking up on sundays and going shopping with you at the Skritt farmer’s market for shinies. Sigh. We want you back GoM. I know you’ve got a new tier now and you’re seeing somebody else but I think we should give this relationship another chance. Come back to us GoM. Fight your way out of this T8 mess so we can break up with SF and get back to some fun, sexy, romantic WvW. We miss you.


P.S. I found one of your old loot bags in Golanda and it still smells like you.

Love it.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Debois Guilbert.6413

Debois Guilbert.6413

Dear GoM,

I know we had our spats at times. I know we fought bitterly towards the end there, but we really, REALLY miss you and we’ve been thinking we made a terrible mistake leaving you for SF. At first, Sorrows Furnace seemed like it was everything you weren’t. On our first few dates, SF was super easy to get along with. But after we started going steady, SF turned into a total nightmare to live with. It’s just not working out. SF is, like, totally wrong for us.

Look, we… we might have rushed into things. We regret breaking up with you, GoM. You should move back in with us in T7. SF just doesn’t get us. Last night at 4:00am they camped our spawn point for hours with a massive zerg while they simultaneously hit our keep so we never had a fair chance of defending it. I know we accused you of cheating on us with HoD, but you would never have camped our spawn point like that. Never. You always took our keep fair and square. SF is super insensitive to our needs. They mercilessly taunt us on the forums and mega zerg us constantly. It’s just not the same as it was with you, GoM. No more razor close matches, no more waking up on sundays and going shopping with you at the Skritt farmer’s market for shinies. Sigh. We want you back GoM. I know you’ve got a new tier now and you’re seeing somebody else but I think we should give this relationship another chance. Come back to us GoM. Fight your way out of this T8 mess so we can break up with SF and get back to some fun, sexy, romantic WvW. We miss you.


P.S. I found one of your old loot bags in Golanda and it still smells like you.

Okay, this made me laugh. On a serious note: NSP it is time for each of us to move on with our lives. Sure, we had some fun times spiking each other repeatedly. We will always have that. But it is over now and we both have to accept this. Wishing your loot bags hold precursors, GoM

Some pictures from reset night:

1. Another gravity defying loot bag at Sunny: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/2-22-DH-vs-GoM-vs-HoD/page/3#post1544897
2. Fighting at bay. We held this time. Yeah, I know I don’t have any supply…


Altoholic Luciana Delaluna, Ranger
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] – Gate of Madness
“This space intentionally left blank.” ~ Zork

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


Dear GoM,

I know we had our spats at times. I know we fought bitterly towards the end there, but we really, REALLY miss you and we’ve been thinking we made a terrible mistake leaving you for SF. At first, Sorrows Furnace seemed like it was everything you weren’t. On our first few dates, SF was super easy to get along with. But after we started going steady, SF turned into a total nightmare to live with. It’s just not working out. SF is, like, totally wrong for us.

Look, we… we might have rushed into things. We regret breaking up with you, GoM. You should move back in with us in T7. SF just doesn’t get us. Last night at 4:00am they camped our spawn point for hours with a massive zerg while they simultaneously hit our keep so we never had a fair chance of defending it. I know we accused you of cheating on us with HoD, but you would never have camped our spawn point like that. Never. You always took our keep fair and square. SF is super insensitive to our needs. They mercilessly taunt us on the forums and mega zerg us constantly. It’s just not the same as it was with you, GoM. No more razor close matches, no more waking up on sundays and going shopping with you at the Skritt farmer’s market for shinies. Sigh. We want you back GoM. I know you’ve got a new tier now and you’re seeing somebody else but I think we should give this relationship another chance. Come back to us GoM. Fight your way out of this T8 mess so we can break up with SF and get back to some fun, sexy, romantic WvW. We miss you.


P.S. I found one of your old loot bags in Golanda and it still smells like you.

Okay, this made me laugh. On a serious note: NSP it is time for each of us to move on with our lives. Sure, we had some fun times spiking each other repeatedly. We will always have that. But it is over now and we both have to accept this. Wishing your loot bags hold precursors, GoM

Some pictures from reset night:

1. Another gravity defying loot bag at Sunny: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/2-22-DH-vs-GoM-vs-HoD/page/3#post1544897
2. Fighting at bay. We held this time. Yeah, I know I don’t have any supply…

Holy cow, I knew you had a lot there with siege, but that’s more green dots than I thought lol

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: THE Dentist.5960

THE Dentist.5960

Awesome job GoM, great coordination and teamwork today. Very proud. finally got the numbers today to show these guys what we are usually about. Keep up the good work, and keep up the team mentality, it will get us far!
Score update, and a hard earned victory on SM:

Keep it going GoM!

VoxL (NSP)
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: THE Dentist.5960

THE Dentist.5960

GoM is tougher than you realize! Keep up the smack talk, it will only make them come out of the “box” and clean you guys up! BTW we just wiped big bros fortified and upgraded BL. Epic fights. Have a lot of respect for SF’s numbers so I do feel the pain u guys went through the last few months. SF is definitly a higher tier server. Here’s to hoping the good folks at ANet will fix up things with the scoring!

VoxL (NSP)
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Cross.3805


its been a good matchup so far but it seems GoM’s group starts dieing out during the day and just caps all the empty places around 3-5am, not much we can do when everyones asleep :/ that’s how they been catching up, had some fun fights against GoM and FC tho its been close.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: silverfire.2547


Look, we… we might have rushed into things. We regret breaking up with you, GoM. You should move back in with us in T7.

No worries, we’re here to help. You’ll be reunited in T8 when Mid Bro comes up to their rightful place in T7

Your happy family will be back together in T8 when Little Bro comes up to join us in T7 as well!

Mira Alluvion (Me) | Hanna Bulwark (W) | Sophie Dusthaven (Th)
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Sororita.3465


No worries, we’re here to help. You’ll be reunited in T8 when Mid Bro comes up to their rightful place in T7

Your happy family will be back together in T8 when Little Bro comes up to join us in T7 as well!

I wouldnt jump to conclusions, ask DH, NSP or HoD and theyll tell you we dont throw all our punches in the first round, we wait until the end.

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: ClassyBear.5078


Man, no one on GoM will let me run around as a dolyak.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


No worries, we’re here to help. You’ll be reunited in T8 when Mid Bro comes up to their rightful place in T7

Your happy family will be back together in T8 when Little Bro comes up to join us in T7 as well!

I wouldnt jump to conclusions, ask DH, NSP or HoD and theyll tell you we dont throw all our punches in the first round, we wait until the end.

Yes… You won’t see them coming until it’s too late O.O We love you GoM!!! Bring us back souvenirs when you return home mmk?

Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: airstu.2579


Nice work GoM. Thrown into T8 and showing everyone the real power of what was left there.

Calisto – NSP BPTCBP
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Saruon.4085


Score update!

Having a blast!


[Aggression] -Relentless by Nature-
We <3 Haters
The Prophet of Aggression

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: wyther.8372


Okay so running 70 v 30 is the suck and exactly what I had hoped to avoid. Unfortunately, that is unlikely now. It is too easy to look great when you don’t have to do anything really spectacular to win.

To me transfer wins to “SF” our opponents is the bore. My questions is would FC or GoM; depending on who turns out the worse of the two servers after a week or two welcome a commander from ET? I do have an unorthodox style and like to use caps while leading so people know what to do (lets face it not everyone uses TS). Anyway let me know as I wouldn’t want to come over and cause issues.

Gilkin – Ex Commander for ET server

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: geekanerd.4123


We welcome everyone with open arms over in Ferg’s. We only hate on people we’ve known for a long time. We’re dysfunctional like that. But, hey, that’s what makes us scrappy.

[DIE] – FA
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


sorry… i am missing something here. did SF really overtake GoM in rating points in the last match up ? or did ANET simply switched their position….?

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: obastable.5231


sorry… i am missing something here. did SF really overtake GoM in rating points in the last match up ? or did ANET simply switched their position….?

anet artificially inflated the NA t8 ratings, pushing sf to up t7 & dumping gom down in t8.

let’s call it a “band-aid solution”.

Hello Kitty Krewe
“Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!”

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


sorry… i am missing something here. did SF really overtake GoM in rating points in the last match up ? or did ANET simply switched their position….?

ANet manually switched GoM and SF. They adjusted the ratings, but won’t post any actual numbers until Monday.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Lukian Darkblade.8012

Lukian Darkblade.8012

Training on Ferguson’s Crossing.


Commander Lukian Darkblade | Fort Aspenwood
Leader of [TTA]The Tenacious Affliction

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


ah.. that’s what i thought….. thanx…

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Ynot.8397


Middle bro needs to catch up. We got our castle again


Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: titanlectro.5029


We just had so much fun defending ET Hills with a 5 man. Thanks for the great fight!

Just a tip, if your going to build 8 trebs, try to use them to kill the counter-treb. If only there was a treb slayer achievement…

Gate of Madness | Leader – Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is my Trahearne’s story

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Quasi.8096


Here’s a video from GoM BL last night, started recording like half way through the battles, missed the bigger fights with FC, they gave up/left around the time I started recording.
Note I fight till I die, so unlike other vid’s you’ll see a lot of me dying cause I prefer uncut then videos with their death cut out

Exinyo – Elementalist
Basic[BS] – Eredon Terrace

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: geekanerd.4123


TCMM guild out of GoM. Tell your guy that coming into our Teamspeak and saying racial epithets isn’t a great way to build sportsmanship.



[DIE] – FA
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: RonnyRaygun.5692


Get me a name and tbh, we dont even have your ts info. and if it would be anyone, it would be me with a joke. so this news to me.

Commander Ronny Raygun
[TCMM] The Culpeper Minute Men Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: XxNuggetxX.7823


Im at work so just a quick question. Im guessing Agg desided to camp GOM BL now they are 2nd…. Well i hope so at least. After 3 days of having our BL completely capped (while Agg is on) because we where a bigger threat.

Agg have you moved to GOM BL? cause we want 2nd back.

XnuggetX: 80 Engineer – Nuggetxxx: 80 Gardian
Bloody Swagmen[BS], Fergs Night Crew.
Senior Member, Commander Tag.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Saruon.4085


Im at work so just a quick question. Im guessing Agg desided to camp GOM BL now they are 2nd…. Well i hope so at least. After 3 days of having our BL completely capped (while Agg is on) because we where a bigger threat.

Agg have you moved to GOM BL? cause we want 2nd back.

Like Jerico said earlier on the topic, we focus whoever the biggest threat is according to the score, so yes we have been on GoM BL tonight.

[Aggression] -Relentless by Nature-
We <3 Haters
The Prophet of Aggression

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


Dear GoM,

I know we had our spats at times. I know we fought bitterly towards the end there, but we really, REALLY miss you and we’ve been thinking we made a terrible mistake leaving you for SF. At first, Sorrows Furnace seemed like it was everything you weren’t. On our first few dates, SF was super easy to get along with. But after we started going steady, SF turned into a total nightmare to live with. It’s just not working out. SF is, like, totally wrong for us.

Look, we… we might have rushed into things. We regret breaking up with you, GoM. You should move back in with us in T7. SF just doesn’t get us. Last night at 4:00am they camped our spawn point for hours with a massive zerg while they simultaneously hit our keep so we never had a fair chance of defending it. I know we accused you of cheating on us with HoD, but you would never have camped our spawn point like that. Never. You always took our keep fair and square. SF is super insensitive to our needs. They mercilessly taunt us on the forums and mega zerg us constantly. It’s just not the same as it was with you, GoM. No more razor close matches, no more waking up on sundays and going shopping with you at the Skritt farmer’s market for shinies. Sigh. We want you back GoM. I know you’ve got a new tier now and you’re seeing somebody else but I think we should give this relationship another chance. Come back to us GoM. Fight your way out of this T8 mess so we can break up with SF and get back to some fun, sexy, romantic WvW. We miss you.


P.S. I found one of your old loot bags in Golanda and it still smells like you.

Dear NSP,

After a seemingly endless, abusive relationship… They’re your problem now.

ET and FC


4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


Also, loving this matchup. Really balanced, I think, and really exciting. Lots of zerging tonight, though. Not that I really had a problem with it- I threw my thief into the bloody frontlines and wiped them.

On another note, thank you for all of your underleveled zergs, FC and GoM. We were laughing our kittens off as we crushed your undergeared forces and reaped the rewards.


4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: XxNuggetxX.7823


@ Saruon.4085

“Like Jerico said earlier on the topic, we focus whoever the biggest threat is according to the score, so yes we have been on GoM BL tonight.”

Thanks now we can take 2nd back.

No Offence GOM but Agg is going to hurt your PPT like they where hurting our’s.

XnuggetX: 80 Engineer – Nuggetxxx: 80 Gardian
Bloody Swagmen[BS], Fergs Night Crew.
Senior Member, Commander Tag.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: TheRatofFilth.3528


I miss the score updates so please keep them up