4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


Aw yeaaaaa third t7 thread shut down

Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: PredatoR.5247


Hello, glad you are all taking interest in countering my guild. It’s nice to see both servers theory crafting on idea’s but you won’t beat us unless you bring a good group of 20 or more people together under the same teamspeak channel with proper builds who listen to their commander.
It wouldn’t hurt to combine all of your organized guilds together as 1, that’d be challenging I think.

Jericho The Usurper[Agg] – Aggression

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

Awesome job my Ferg brothers and sisters. Awesome job.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

You are a sad, strange, silly little man. I’m not quite sure what you were trying to get at with your reply, but I’m assuming it was a witty retort. Well played…?

/editors note: Shame on you all! Taking my posts seriously. I come on the boards to poke the bears and get them all growly and defensive. And the bear bait was out this morning with a fresh supply of sharp sticks.

WvWvW is a game. It’s nothing to get worked up over…and certainly not anything to start flame wars on a forum board over. Let’s just all get out there, do our best, kill some foes and above all HAVE FUN.

Now…who’s up for some asura punting. They make really cute noises when they land.


T7 poked SF (and I’d say the entire T8) with a lot of people saying “You guys just suck, that’s why you are on T8”, “Any server that come out from T8 will be utterly destroyed at T7”, “The server that drop down from T8 willl ROFLSTOMP you guys harder than SF ever did” and more… And I personally find amusing that the very same people (most at T7 since they are HoD/NSP) are angry about SF mocking T7+GoM. You guys started that in the first place, and now on T7 thread all you see is cry about how numerous SF is and that they should move up a tier quick (Hey, wasn’t SF stuck at T8 because they sucked?).

Long story short: HoD/NSP/GoM asked for it, now deal with it!

Jek scares me sometimes with the level of unbiased perception he has….And any of you GoM silly enough to think that SF would come down here to troll (as if we were trolling T7), can get another idea brewing up in your noggins….First off I have ties still on ET, and secondly, anytime you stay deadlocked in a matchup as long as we were the “competitiveness” melts a bit, and the animosity that we had at time fades and what is left ends up being a little bit of respect and friendship gasp….

So yes despite some people’s best efforts to think that SF is down here trolling their thread, we are really here to root for our T8 brother’s as they strive to prove to the rest of Guild Wars the talent we really had down there while the 1-7s just shoveled insults on us everyday in these very same forums….

Keep fighting, keep your heads up, and make us proud!

Mag Server Leader

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: titanlectro.5029


Hello, glad you are all taking interest in countering my guild. It’s nice to see both servers theory crafting on idea’s but you won’t beat us unless you bring a good group of 20 or more people together under the same teamspeak channel with proper builds who listen to their commander.
It wouldn’t hurt to combine all of your organized guilds together as 1, that’d be challenging I think.

Honestly, I don’t enjoy zerg-ball-o-death game play. On T1 you don’t have a choice, but on T8 we have room to be… creative.

Gate of Madness | Leader – Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is my Trahearne’s story

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Psynocide.4965


Hello, glad you are all taking interest in countering my guild. It’s nice to see both servers theory crafting on idea’s but you won’t beat us unless you bring a good group of 20 or more people together under the same teamspeak channel with proper builds who listen to their commander.
It wouldn’t hurt to combine all of your organized guilds together as 1, that’d be challenging I think.

Sounds like an awful lot of effort, I’m sweating just thinking about it.

Err’day we’re puggin’ it.

That other Psy guy

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


Hopefully people will realize they need to retal and stability stack to beat AGG, (and bring a lot of dps as well)

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


The really funny thing about GoM is that if we get riled up enough…we’re dangerous. Keep kicking the hornets nest. We’ll rebound. We’ll regroup. We’re having fun, learning things and adapting. I think this week has been a great lesson for us. If anything, it’s showed us that we need to get hungry again, start recruiting, adjusting our tactics and play past all of the nay sayers and trolls.

It’s all good. Turn your backs on poor, little GoM. We promise we’re not going to be a threat. Really…

Want a cookie?

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Daemonne.5018


The really funny thing about GoM is that if we get riled up enough…we’re dangerous. Keep kicking the hornets nest. We’ll rebound. We’ll regroup. We’re having fun, learning things and adapting. I think this week has been a great lesson for us. If anything, it’s showed us that we need to get hungry again, start recruiting, adjusting our tactics and play past all of the nay sayers and trolls.

It’s all good. Turn your backs on poor, little GoM. We promise we’re not going to be a threat. Really…

Want a cookie?

Absolutely AWESOME attitude.
So glad to have ended up with decent folk to conquer :-D

If you play solitaire with only one suit, your game is going to end faster and feel lacking.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


The really funny thing about GoM is that if we get riled up enough…we’re dangerous. Keep kicking the hornets nest. We’ll rebound. We’ll regroup. We’re having fun, learning things and adapting. I think this week has been a great lesson for us. If anything, it’s showed us that we need to get hungry again, start recruiting, adjusting our tactics and play past all of the nay sayers and trolls.

It’s all good. Turn your backs on poor, little GoM. We promise we’re not going to be a threat. Really…

Want a cookie?

Absolutely AWESOME attitude.
So glad to have ended up with decent folk to conquer :-D

We also have more Super Greatswords per capita than any other server out there.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

GoM, I want to add in that you guys are great. Your small groups are very organized and I’m constantly running around to try to counter them before they take something else!

I also love how civil everyone in this thread has been. The T7 thread is on it’s 4th incarnation!

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


The T7 thread is on it’s 4th incarnation!

And I think FilthyRat still banned on vacation… They could have been way further like in the 6th or 7th…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Debois Guilbert.6413

Debois Guilbert.6413

Hello, glad you are all taking interest in countering my guild. It’s nice to see both servers theory crafting on idea’s but you won’t beat us unless you bring a good group of 20 or more people together under the same teamspeak channel with proper builds who listen to their commander.
It wouldn’t hurt to combine all of your organized guilds together as 1, that’d be challenging I think.

As was mentioned before, by singling out [Agg] we mean no disrespect to the other skilled guilds and players on both ET and FC, but [Agg] is playing the game at a level that I have not seen before. [Agg] clearly has many build synergies, skilled players who seem to know everyone’s role very well, excellent coordination and quick response. [Agg] is clearly not a zerg and I mean that as a compliment. We recognize that to compete we need to make some adaptations.

Altoholic Luciana Delaluna, Ranger
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] – Gate of Madness
“This space intentionally left blank.” ~ Zork

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

And I think FilthyRat still banned on vacation… They could have been way further like in the 6th or 7th…

I …might have stockholm syndrome. I kinda miss FilthyRat.

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: wyther.8372


Okay so running 70 v 30 is the suck and exactly what I had hoped to avoid. Unfortunately, that is unlikely now. It is too easy to look great when you don’t have to do anything really spectacular to win.

To me transfer wins to “SF” our opponents is the bore. My questions is would FC or GoM; depending on who turns out the worse of the two servers after a week or two welcome a commander from ET? I do have an unorthodox style and like to use caps while leading so people know what to do (lets face it not everyone uses TS). Anyway let me know as I wouldn’t want to come over and cause issues.

Gilkin, don’t leave ET. You’re my favorite commander. You are one of two or three commanders that if I see in WvW I will run to join immediately. In all honesty I’m not a huge fan of Agg either but I’m sure at some point they’ll get bored and move on to another server. We could really use you when that time came. And if you do leave, it will be a sad day for everyone on ET.

Best of luck with whichever you decide however.

I don’t want to give the impression I don’t like AGG, I have nothing against them at all in any form or fashion. I just like the impossible fight. I loved the 15 v 30 to 50+ odds we use to face from October through to February.

Winning the fights we engaged in were what mattered to me, not overall winning (as there was no chance of that). I don’t like the guaranteed win, and that is where I see ET going. I might be right or wrong in that perspective and I’m sure others will disagree about the ‘guaranteed’ part. However, when I play…at the times I can play…there is no chance of losing; we just field way too many people.

I’m not welcome at GoM, I have been told so. That leaves FC and since they are the bottom tier server in tier 8 that would make it just right for me. Again, nothing against any guild…I just want a challenge, but the times I can play its just face-roll easy, not due to skill per se, just numbers fielded.

In 10 years I have not liked any guild I have ever been in. In fact for years I would never even join guilds. TAC was the first guild and group of people I felt at home among. I will surely miss them.

Gilkin – Ex Commander for ET server

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Devanuze.8734


Pretty devastated by GoM’s poor midweek performance. Pugs wasting resources and time left right and centre. You guys are deserving your winning currently because your outplaying us. The sense of entitlement that SOME of GoM are having is getting stupid.

Anyway, have a score update. Keep up the good fighting on all sides guys


Moose Mickelson. Golfing at its finest

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Awesome job ET and FC!! Keep it up, don’t let them catch back up!

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnarz.1750


If you guys want to win, you must adopt the forums locking tactics of T7 or you will be destroyed when you move up!

/wave low bro, mid bro

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: titanlectro.5029


I’m not welcome at GoM, I have been told so.

Who has been saying that? They obviously aren’t speaking for the whole server. I’m not aware of anyone who “blacklisted” you.

Gate of Madness | Leader – Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is my Trahearne’s story

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


GoM stop loosing, there are bets running around, MY GOLD IS ON THE LINE, MY PRECIOUS PRECIOUS GOLD </3

But great job ET and FC ^.^

Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Sororita.3465


GoM stop loosing, there are bets running around, MY GOLD IS ON THE LINE, MY PRECIOUS PRECIOUS GOLD </3

But great job ET and FC ^.^

seems moral has tanked.

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: wyther.8372


I’m not welcome at GoM, I have been told so.

Who has been saying that? They obviously aren’t speaking for the whole server. I’m not aware of anyone who “blacklisted” you.

Whispers and map chat, wasn’t anything blacklisting, just suggested my ‘commanding style’ might not fit in. No ill will or malice was intended or at least I didn’t take it that way.

Gilkin – Ex Commander for ET server

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


The T7 thread is on it’s 4th incarnation!

And I think FilthyRat still banned on vacation… They could have been way further like in the 6th or 7th…

Just got back today…from vacation. But missed out on some good stuff, but we could have made 7 though.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


GoM stop loosing, there are bets running around, MY GOLD IS ON THE LINE, MY PRECIOUS PRECIOUS GOLD </3

But great job ET and FC ^.^

seems moral has tanked.

Pfft that phrase shouldn’t exist in your vocab

Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: XxNuggetxX.7823


Firstly GJ guy’s! FC moved back into 2nd.

2ndly…. Wow….. just……….
I have seen it this like 10 times since the last time i posted this so ill post it again just to get the truth across:

No offence to the majority (most of you understand) of GoM but its amazing to see the posts that read similar to this:

“OMG Agg go to FC BL for once, you are only ever in our BL”

Truth is the first 3 days of reset FC was a bigger threat and Agg was camping our BL. they only moved to you once they hit us hard enough to move us into 3rd. After the weekend GOM started putting up a better fight and Agg found them more of a threat. so plz stop whining that they are not in our BL. All is fair they want to be where the threat/fight is.

furthermore: Even as they camped our BL on the weekend we took 1st place, just imagine if the camped us both evenly from the start the score would be very even. they have done the correct thing by targeting the larger threat.

Now that we are in 2nd again just watch where the Agg force is in there 4 hours on… cause, i bet it will be a toss up due to FC taking 2nd again.

XnuggetX: 80 Engineer – Nuggetxxx: 80 Gardian
Bloody Swagmen[BS], Fergs Night Crew.
Senior Member, Commander Tag.

(edited by XxNuggetxX.7823)

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Entaurrus Silver.3820

Entaurrus Silver.3820

Here’s an update for everyone. Go, Eredon Terrace! And thanks to Fergs and GoM for being such good competition!


4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Parktou.4263


Score update-FC is startin to catch up to you GoM, better not take 3rd in your first T8 matchup lol.

Nice try.
You just want us to shift our focus to FC so that they don’t catch up to you guys as well. With the scores as close as they are, there’s a very real possibility FC might slip by and steal 1st as the week progresses. I can only imagine how excited both ET/FC are right now at having a chance to win the tier after being stuck in a miserable match-up for so long. It’s going to be fun to see which one of the bros cannibalizes the other first, because I have a good feeling this match-up is gonna go down to the wire.

lol. Actually it was a friendly warning, the Ferg Zerg is on and swallowing things whole


Shocking Shorty-Asura Tempest | Magnificent Mike-Troll Warrior | Lockpick Louie- Human Daredevil
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Debois Guilbert.6413

Debois Guilbert.6413

I’m not welcome at GoM, I have been told so.

Who has been saying that? They obviously aren’t speaking for the whole server. I’m not aware of anyone who “blacklisted” you.

Whispers and map chat, wasn’t anything blacklisting, just suggested my ‘commanding style’ might not fit in. No ill will or malice was intended or at least I didn’t take it that way.

Commanding style not fitting in on Gates? I’ve enjoyed following commanders who are meticulous, careful and thoughtful. I’ve enjoyed following commanders who are… er… completely insane. Unless you characterize your commanding style as “bad” or “totally into losing” I don’t see an issue. We do have a large and vibrant troll community (get ready to /ignore), but no commander standards that I am aware of.

Altoholic Luciana Delaluna, Ranger
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] – Gate of Madness
“This space intentionally left blank.” ~ Zork

(edited by Debois Guilbert.6413)

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


The really funny thing about GoM is that if we get riled up enough…we’re dangerous. Keep kicking the hornets nest. We’ll rebound. We’ll regroup. We’re having fun, learning things and adapting. I think this week has been a great lesson for us. If anything, it’s showed us that we need to get hungry again, start recruiting, adjusting our tactics and play past all of the nay sayers and trolls.

It’s all good. Turn your backs on poor, little GoM. We promise we’re not going to be a threat. Really…

Want a cookie?

as someone here from day 1, i’ve seen all the alliances crumble. i’ve seen this ’hornet’s nest’ get kicked more times than a glass engineer fighting a thief. there was no rebound, minus a few completely one sided matchups where the other servers were completely absent. However I am optimistic. I’ll fight with anyone who thinks they have a clue until they prove otherwise. keep in mind, every effective “alliance”(completely redundant, as you’re on GOM and the goal is to win, needing an alliance to accomplish that is kind of sad) I’ve found who i work well with and they’ve left too, and i can’t blame them at all. Transfers have been something that’s decimated not only the GOM morale but our ability to get almost anything done(remember those 35 pointgains? i do.) at this point i’m fighting for the sake of fighting. and i’ll do it for either the ‘glory’ of Gomdor or for myself.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: XxNuggetxX.7823


@ Lightsbane, So you are the ET’s that stole our [BS] guild tag. hahaha we where harrased for a few days asking if we had transffered when the BS came up in WvW.

Nice tag BTW XD

XnuggetX: 80 Engineer – Nuggetxxx: 80 Gardian
Bloody Swagmen[BS], Fergs Night Crew.
Senior Member, Commander Tag.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Vash.9183


Hello, glad you are all taking interest in countering my guild. It’s nice to see both servers theory crafting on idea’s but you won’t beat us unless you bring a good group of 20 or more people together under the same teamspeak channel with proper builds who listen to their commander.
It wouldn’t hurt to combine all of your organized guilds together as 1, that’d be challenging I think.

Honestly, I don’t enjoy zerg-ball-o-death game play. On T1 you don’t have a choice, but on T8 we have room to be… creative.

I promise it takes a lot of creativity in the form of class structure, battle tactics, and mobility to win fights when we are outnumbered more than half the time (speaking of my guild in particular). I’m not trying to show any sort of disrespect through this reply, but next time take a closer look at the number of [Agg] you face. Sometimes non-guildies find us and run with us, but we tend to just run as a guild and don’t use commander tags.

We are a smaller sized guild that has trained themselves to follow their commander without question and search for the largest battle possible. That battle is most likely to come from the server who is pushing to keep second place and potentially take first place. Just because you lose a fight doesn’t necessarily mean you were out-zerged.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on the battlefield tonight!

Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator

(edited by Vash.9183)

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


@ Lightsbane, So you are the ET’s that stole our [BS] guild tag. hahaha we where harrased for a few days asking if we had transffered when the BS came up in WvW.

Nice tag BTW XD

BS is actually originally from GOM. they transferred, i didn’t.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Quasi.8096


@ Lightsbane, So you are the ET’s that stole our [BS] guild tag. hahaha we where harrased for a few days asking if we had transffered when the BS came up in WvW.

Nice tag BTW XD

Lol nah we were GoM but transfered to ET cause GoM got boring and turned into Zerg Wars when that last update came out, and we want’d to play as underdogs.
We’ve also been been running BS tag for like 6-7months :P

Exinyo – Elementalist
Basic[BS] – Eredon Terrace

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: XxNuggetxX.7823


@ Lightsbane, So you are the ET’s that stole our [BS] guild tag. hahaha we where harrased for a few days asking if we had transffered when the BS came up in WvW.

Nice tag BTW XD

Lol nah we were GoM but transfered to ET cause GoM got boring and turned into Zerg Wars when that last update came out, and we want’d to play as underdogs.
We’ve also been been running BS tag for like 6-7months :P

I see, i see. so we didnt see you cause you transferred in, Makes sense. We are a FC founder guild but only beed active FC nite crew in WvW for 4-5 months

XnuggetX: 80 Engineer – Nuggetxxx: 80 Gardian
Bloody Swagmen[BS], Fergs Night Crew.
Senior Member, Commander Tag.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Daemonne.5018


Ferg, GoM EPIC T8 Brethren EPIC!!!!!!
Even if we were to have the bottom drop out and ET blew this week, that battle at SM with a 2 server attack would keep me in smiles for the next month!!!!!!
I can’t believe we held out in the end.


If you play solitaire with only one suit, your game is going to end faster and feel lacking.

(edited by Daemonne.5018)

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Parktou.4263


GoMFC you guys came in, gave us an epic assault from the north and south, and in the end……We held the line XD #Comeatmebro!


Shocking Shorty-Asura Tempest | Magnificent Mike-Troll Warrior | Lockpick Louie- Human Daredevil
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Daemonne.5018


Nice Screenies Park!

If you play solitaire with only one suit, your game is going to end faster and feel lacking.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


what is going on with this haste bug?

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Parktou.4263


Nice Screenies Park!

Thank you, and not only that folks but ET held against both servers without the 2 new guilds(FoE/Agg) that are apparently carrying us….Don’t tread on ET, FEAR THEM!!!!!
lol jk, sorta…..

Shocking Shorty-Asura Tempest | Magnificent Mike-Troll Warrior | Lockpick Louie- Human Daredevil
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Vash.9183


Impressive defense tonight, FC. Keep it up :P

Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: dredgod.3091


GoMFC you guys came in, gave us an epic assault from the north and south, and in the end……We held the line XD #Comeatmebro!

ahhhh I started taking pictures during the lord room attack and was cursing myself for not taking one when I was on the treb up there. Thanks for taking one for me.

Dredgod – Asura Elementalist – Eredon Terrace

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


Impressive defense tonight, FC. Keep it up :P

pew pew comes in and is liek moobs you’re gonna defend our BL against AGG
Im like bro I got my tag 3 days ago Ive never led a zerg larger than 15 people………..
guess I did pretty well

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

(edited by Moderator)

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: XxNuggetxX.7823


GJ ferg’s, my only wish is that i could have been there to add to the Agg wipe count XD.

Was it Pew leading the FCTS today or someone else?

Edit: Was it you MOOS, grats!

XnuggetX: 80 Engineer – Nuggetxxx: 80 Gardian
Bloody Swagmen[BS], Fergs Night Crew.
Senior Member, Commander Tag.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: geekanerd.4123


Moobs did a great job. That’s on top of having a few they-shall-remain-nameless dum-dums dissenting in the ranks. We all know who they are.

Still. I wish Agg would just go away. Their whole presence is tiring.

[DIE] – FA
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Hello, glad you are all taking interest in countering my guild. It’s nice to see both servers theory crafting on idea’s but you won’t beat us unless you bring a good group of 20 or more people together under the same teamspeak channel with proper builds who listen to their commander.
It wouldn’t hurt to combine all of your organized guilds together as 1, that’d be challenging I think.

Your tier 1 is totally showing.

Gate of Madness

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Kay.5416


Impressive defense tonight, FC. Keep it up :P

pew pew comes in and is liek MOOBS YOURE GONNA DEFEND OUR BL AGAINST AGG
Im like bro I got my tag 3 days ago Ive never led a zerg larger than 15 people………..
guess I did pretty well

Having been on your squad, I had no idea you were that squeaky new to it! You did great.

Ferguson’s Crossing: Heliolite & handful of others

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: XxNuggetxX.7823


Also good to see more commander’s getting involved in the TS. That is what sets us apart at FC, we have no dominant guild’s we have a united server all willing to participate as a united server!

This is what makes FC strong even though we are the most outmanned server.

To all the FC guys that have not found the plesure of the TS you are missing out.

XnuggetX: 80 Engineer – Nuggetxxx: 80 Gardian
Bloody Swagmen[BS], Fergs Night Crew.
Senior Member, Commander Tag.

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


The really funny thing about GoM is that if we get riled up enough…we’re dangerous. Keep kicking the hornets nest. We’ll rebound. We’ll regroup. We’re having fun, learning things and adapting. I think this week has been a great lesson for us. If anything, it’s showed us that we need to get hungry again, start recruiting, adjusting our tactics and play past all of the nay sayers and trolls.

It’s all good. Turn your backs on poor, little GoM. We promise we’re not going to be a threat. Really…

Want a cookie?

Being ex-GoM, I just want to say… You guys are great. Your server includes some of the friendliest people ever, and some really great commanders (CUBES FTW!). You guys are well-organized, and I look forward to seeing you guys leap up in the rankings some day.


4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Ynot.8397


Impressive defense tonight, FC. Keep it up :P

pew pew comes in and is liek MOOBS YOURE GONNA DEFEND OUR BL AGAINST AGG
Im like bro I got my tag 3 days ago Ive never led a zerg larger than 15 people………..
guess I did pretty well

Don’t let moobs fool you. I was puppeting him the whole time

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


Impressive defense tonight, FC. Keep it up :P

pew pew comes in and is liek MOOBS YOURE GONNA DEFEND OUR BL AGAINST AGG
Im like bro I got my tag 3 days ago Ive never led a zerg larger than 15 people………..
guess I did pretty well

Don’t let moobs fool you. I was puppeting him the whole time

Can’t deny this

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]