4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Ok zerging is fine, and it works to win.. That is great, and I have no problem with it.. The thing I don’t get is say you have 1 NSP guy running around not even capping anything… You are running around in your own BL(that you own all of) with 20 guys and run across him.

Do you 1- LOL LOOT and all run him over or 2- Jump around in circles and someone engages him 1 on 1. SF -always- picks #1, which is annoying.

Another example 3 guys standing outside your tower, obviously not trying to cap it just looking for some pvp. Nothing is going on, your BL is in no danger and you have 6 people in the tower. Do you 1- Hop on ballistas and shoot siege at the group for 20 minutes. Or 2- Jump down and engage them away from guards and have a fun fight. Again, SF always chooses 1.

These are just a couple examples of why I find SF annoying(I could list them all day). Yes I’ve met some cool people on SF, no I don’t hate the whole server or anyone for that matter.

This is just the difference between the servers in this tier atm and why SF gets a lot of flack from us. In all of those scenarios both NSP HOD and GOM have many groups who would have picked option #2, SF doesn’t seem to have any at all..

Again, I don’t hate SF, I don’t have a problem that you have numbers.. I don’t have a problem with you zerging objectives(thats how you take them). I just find it annoying that it seems there is no one at all on the server ever just looking for a fun engaging fight in the open world.

I understand this sentiment when wanting to do some pvp, you are correct that we do not seem to have many small man groups that look to pvp only. The ones I run with are always focused on completing objectives and defending our BL. We see red name tags, we kill red name tags (or die trying, lol) and then move on to whatever objective we are going for. If you are not at a structure and we outnumber you we usually call it on map chat and continue on to wherever we are going.

It is just a different mentality and I completely respect that. My theory is: The hard-core WvW players we have are pretty much all from before the drop into T8. Once we got the transfers from free transfers ending, we also got an influx or PvE players and we suddenly had a large population that knew little to nothing about WvW (I also think we had a fluctuation in good Commanders) so these large groups of new players just started running together, protection in numbers. Once that was established as an easy way to “win” all the time, it took hold and will most likely stay that way until we run into equal or close-to-equal numbers that can counter our zergs. Once that happens, I think we will: 1. Lose a good deal of the fair-weather players because the easy way is not working anymore. 2. Adjust zerg tactics. 3. Form small group strategies and tactics.

I for one am excited for when that happens. I enjoy the small group roaming, upgrading stuff, etc. Even when I run with the zerg for a major objective I am always doing the small group stuff that the zerg refuses to do like kamikaze runs at siege, or actually pushing through a down wall into the enemy mob. So fun (yet very, very frustrating when nobody from the zerg does the same and it is a wasted death).

So, anyways, sorry for the little rant there. I will try to keep and eye out for groups like you described and have some 1v1 fun with you all. I am game, look for the norn warrior with the spiky shoulder armor, and kilt-style legs.


Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

LOL, probably because you are mocking SF folks, why do you expect people you mock to like said mocking?

I made a satire based on zerg gameplay in general. SF folks have just been the most vocal about it recently.

Oh, was that an old video? Sorry, I assumed you made it for this thread and didn’t even check. My bad.

Edit: We just tend to hear a lot of kittening and whining about the zerg because, well, we zerg. LOL, makes me laugh because it works for now but once we get to a Tier that has more even number we will have to switch to/learn new strategies and tactics because the zerg will not be as powerful. But as the saying goes, if it aint broke, don’t fix it, right?

Ok zerging is fine, and it works to win.. That is great, and I have no problem with it.. The thing I don’t get is say you have 1 NSP guy running around not even capping anything… You are running around in your own BL(that you own all of) with 20 guys and run across him.

Do you 1- LOL LOOT and all run him over or 2- Jump around in circles and someone engages him 1 on 1. SF -always- picks #1, which is annoying.

Another example 3 guys standing outside your tower, obviously not trying to cap it just looking for some pvp. Nothing is going on, your BL is in no danger and you have 6 people in the tower. Do you 1- Hop on ballistas and shoot siege at the group for 20 minutes. Or 2- Jump down and engage them away from guards and have a fun fight. Again, SF always chooses 1.

These are just a couple examples of why I find SF annoying(I could list them all day). Yes I’ve met some cool people on SF, no I don’t hate the whole server or anyone for that matter.

This is just the difference between the servers in this tier atm and why SF gets a lot of flack from us. In all of those scenarios both NSP HOD and GOM have many groups who would have picked option #2, SF doesn’t seem to have any at all..

Again, I don’t hate SF, I don’t have a problem that you have numbers.. I don’t have a problem with you zerging objectives(thats how you take them). I just find it annoying that it seems there is no one at all on the server ever just looking for a fun engaging fight in the open world.

With all due respect, I think you are taking your and maybe your group’s mentality and applying it to your server to “inline it with your way of thinking”…Because I can assure you, that your server does not encourage the 1v1 mentality. I made it a point for the last two days to roam solo and finish my dailys/try out some of your server’s roaming players….What I was met with was, generally speaking, 2v1s or more (IE: 3v1, 4v1 etc)…I did find a few people either alone or looking for a 1v1 and what do you know? Some random from either team would always come in and wipe the other one of us up….And by some random it was rarely just 1 person, and usually after we had fought for a minute or so….

I know this post will likely get two responses right off, 1. not everyone plays the same on your server etc (understandable) and 2. they were probably just random people or grouped with that person or I am just an out and out liar.

Either way, truth be told, I find it much more enjoyable to run around with around 10 people capping things and taking on other groups, much more so than do I running around solo hoping that mesmer’s thief buddy isn’t about to backstab me.

In short, and I DO NOT mean this as an insult, but the “small roaming groups of pvpers” that you guys have is a minute minority of your WvW population. While we do seem to outnumber you in total, no doubt there, you guys have quite a population of zerger’s, in fact that is your majority.

FYI this running around I was doing was on EB (75% and NSP BL 25%)/…..and the NSP BL was borderline unplayable in terms of 1v1s because all I saw were 3-5 man groups mostly guild groups…I actually found more of a 1v1 atmosphere in EB which was surprising…Could have been just a fluke I guess.

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

15 + people to throw at 1 supply is why people don’t like sf. You do seem to have some nice people after talking to some. But the zerging is just over the top.

So, just to be clear people do not like SF because we have numbers? Not because of anything else?

You do not like us because we can outnumber people. All of your hate and mongering on the other threads is because we have more electronic toons on a server in a datacenter??

Because people like our server (for some reason, don’t ask me, I started on SF because I LOVED the zone in GW1), because of something beyond our control, you do not like us.

If you are not an actual troll and this is the true reason you have acted like you have in previous threads, I feel sorry for you. I really do, no sarcasm, no trolling.

From what I gathered they don’t like the fact that 15 people show up to cap a camp and overpower the 1-5 they may have there defending, when in reality it only takes a couple of players to take a camp.

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

1. Why so scared? I just want to hug…
2. Run back to that tower, man I must be super ugly or something..

Speaking of, you guys have a female human d/d ele. I see her/him every night just about and a lot of times it is at a tower doing the same thing, he/she is very good and we have some good fights but if I can ever hit him/her with Corrupt Boon then it is usually “ride the lightning” time back to the tower lol.

That would be Stalagta. To be clear I don’t have an issue with someone running in a tower 1v1 when they are losing, even though I usually don’t even spike people I down who stick around and fight 1v1 to the death.. I just found it amusing all of them ran like that.

But yes Stal is very good, we stole her from HOD .

Yeah I didn’t mean it in a negative way, truthfully I would LOL at someone who stayed out of a tower 5ft away just to die, in fact they may even get away anyway as I am so accustomed to people running for that door lol.

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Glaeser.8015


I also tried this whole “winning” thing that everyone keeps mentioning and made a video of it for anyone interested. You guys are lucky I don’t care about winning or else you’d all be screwed!


Wow. That was intense, nice portal bombs. A true display of skill… OUTPLAYED!!!

MoB videos were amusing too btw.

Glaezer – [Splt] [Holy] – NSP
Charr Guardian & many alts
I am the donut

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

15 + people to throw at 1 supply is why people don’t like sf. You do seem to have some nice people after talking to some. But the zerging is just over the top.

So, just to be clear people do not like SF because we have numbers? Not because of anything else?

You do not like us because we can outnumber people. All of your hate and mongering on the other threads is because we have more electronic toons on a server in a datacenter??

Because people like our server (for some reason, don’t ask me, I started on SF because I LOVED the zone in GW1), because of something beyond our control, you do not like us.

If you are not an actual troll and this is the true reason you have acted like you have in previous threads, I feel sorry for you. I really do, no sarcasm, no trolling.

From what I gathered they don’t like the fact that 15 people show up to cap a camp and overpower the 1-5 they may have there defending, when in reality it only takes a couple of players to take a camp.

I know. Thing is I can understand their frustration at wanting to small group pvp. If they are truly standing around and not killing our NPCs or capping a camp, then I totally understand their frustration.

I get their reasoning, it is just different than ours and not a WvW attitude, which is where they are trying to small group pvp. What I have been taking exception to (before today, seems much more civil conversations now) is how they complained/discussed it with the SF bashing, etc.

I also tend to think it is a complete and utter benefit to our server in that: 1. They are not capping or getting points for their server. 2. They are taking up queue space of others who want to cap, get points, etc. I wonder how the other guilds on their server really feel about that…

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


LOL, probably because you are mocking SF folks, why do you expect people you mock to like said mocking?

I made a satire based on zerg gameplay in general. SF folks have just been the most vocal about it recently.

Oh, was that an old video? Sorry, I assumed you made it for this thread and didn’t even check. My bad.

Edit: We just tend to hear a lot of kittening and whining about the zerg because, well, we zerg. LOL, makes me laugh because it works for now but once we get to a Tier that has more even number we will have to switch to/learn new strategies and tactics because the zerg will not be as powerful. But as the saying goes, if it aint broke, don’t fix it, right?

Ok zerging is fine, and it works to win.. That is great, and I have no problem with it.. The thing I don’t get is say you have 1 NSP guy running around not even capping anything… You are running around in your own BL(that you own all of) with 20 guys and run across him.

Do you 1- LOL LOOT and all run him over or 2- Jump around in circles and someone engages him 1 on 1. SF -always- picks #1, which is annoying.

Another example 3 guys standing outside your tower, obviously not trying to cap it just looking for some pvp. Nothing is going on, your BL is in no danger and you have 6 people in the tower. Do you 1- Hop on ballistas and shoot siege at the group for 20 minutes. Or 2- Jump down and engage them away from guards and have a fun fight. Again, SF always chooses 1.

These are just a couple examples of why I find SF annoying(I could list them all day). Yes I’ve met some cool people on SF, no I don’t hate the whole server or anyone for that matter.

This is just the difference between the servers in this tier atm and why SF gets a lot of flack from us. In all of those scenarios both NSP HOD and GOM have many groups who would have picked option #2, SF doesn’t seem to have any at all..

Again, I don’t hate SF, I don’t have a problem that you have numbers.. I don’t have a problem with you zerging objectives(thats how you take them). I just find it annoying that it seems there is no one at all on the server ever just looking for a fun engaging fight in the open world.

With all due respect, I think you are taking your and maybe your group’s mentality and applying it to your server to “inline it with your way of thinking”…Because I can assure you, that your server does not encourage the 1v1 mentality. I made it a point for the last two days to roam solo and finish my dailys/try out some of your server’s roaming players….What I was met with was, generally speaking, 2v1s or more (IE: 3v1, 4v1 etc)…I did find a few people either alone or looking for a 1v1 and what do you know? Some random from either team would always come in and wipe the other one of us up….And by some random it was rarely just 1 person, and usually after we had fought for a minute or so….

I know this post will likely get two responses right off, 1. not everyone plays the same on your server etc (understandable) and 2. they were probably just random people or grouped with that person or I am just an out and out liar.

Either way, truth be told, I find it much more enjoyable to run around with around 10 people capping things and taking on other groups, much more so than do I running around solo hoping that mesmer’s thief buddy isn’t about to backstab me.

In short, and I DO NOT mean this as an insult, but the “small roaming groups of pvpers” that you guys have is a minute minority of your WvW population. While we do seem to outnumber you in total, no doubt there, you guys have quite a population of zerger’s, in fact that is your majority.

FYI this running around I was doing was on EB (75% and NSP BL 25%)/…..and the NSP BL was borderline unplayable in terms of 1v1s because all I saw were 3-5 man groups mostly guild groups…I actually found more of a 1v1 atmosphere in EB which was surprising…Could have been just a fluke I guess.

No I agree with you, all of the servers have many people with that same mentality. That was why I specifically said “many groups on HOD GOM NSP” rather then just listing the server. We have small group fights that get interrupted by others showing up a lot and usually we will just back off and watch instead of keeping on fighting.

Also, you wont find many of NSP’s roamers or small groups on NSP BL or EBG, those are the zerg maps for us. When I want to help my server and join the zerg, I go to either of those maps and join in on the cap/defend game.

You will probably find us mostly on HOD BL and a lot of time on SF BL depending on who does or does not have massive zergs running around.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


15 + people to throw at 1 supply is why people don’t like sf. You do seem to have some nice people after talking to some. But the zerging is just over the top.

So, just to be clear people do not like SF because we have numbers? Not because of anything else?

You do not like us because we can outnumber people. All of your hate and mongering on the other threads is because we have more electronic toons on a server in a datacenter??

Because people like our server (for some reason, don’t ask me, I started on SF because I LOVED the zone in GW1), because of something beyond our control, you do not like us.

If you are not an actual troll and this is the true reason you have acted like you have in previous threads, I feel sorry for you. I really do, no sarcasm, no trolling.

From what I gathered they don’t like the fact that 15 people show up to cap a camp and overpower the 1-5 they may have there defending, when in reality it only takes a couple of players to take a camp.

I know. Thing is I can understand their frustration at wanting to small group pvp. If they are truly standing around and not killing our NPCs or capping a camp, then I totally understand their frustration.

I get their reasoning, it is just different than ours and not a WvW attitude, which is where they are trying to small group pvp. What I have been taking exception to (before today, seems much more civil conversations now) is how they complained/discussed it with the SF bashing, etc.

I also tend to think it is a complete and utter benefit to our server in that: 1. They are not capping or getting points for their server. 2. They are taking up queue space of others who want to cap, get points, etc. I wonder how the other guilds on their server really feel about that…

We don’t have queues. And you can hear it from any of the big guilds on NSP they have tons of respect for XOXO. Because we don’t ONLY run around pvp’ing, we also do a lot for the server, most of us spend a lot of time playing and we only WvW so we tend to switch roles quite a bit.

People seem to lump PAXA and XOXO as one in the same, and as much as I like PAXA and respect the way they want to play.. We are completely different in our attitudes in WvW.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


2 points.

1. To be perfectly fair to you man NSP and HoD mostly Zerg too. This game is full of Zergs of pretty awful (skill wise) players and that’s a fact. Most people Zerg because they don’t know any different. SF just simply has more of it based on population. So don’t feel like NSP and HoD don’t. We’ve personally gotten into a bunch of disagreements with the idiots on NSP and HoD that only know how to spam #1 and follow the Doritos. You guys just have a larger base of people so it’s easy to point fingers fast (especially when they come on here and talk trash cans after runnin a muck with 20+ on grossly outnumbered people acting like they accomplished something).

2. Point number 2 is there is no difference between what zergers/point gatherers call WvW and “small group pvp”. It’s the same maps, same game mechanics, same pointless scoreboard. What is different is mentality. And unfortunately the majority (being like 98%) of the people who log in don’t want to ever really challenge themselves or compete. Thus XOXO pointing out option 1 run for ballista. they can get on, have some guy they may know or don’t know post up with his blue cool rancher… And just coast with him all night. Take a couple keeps, take some supply camps, reinact some invasion of normandy with siege and call it a successful night.

Unfortunately there is still a realm of hardcore guys that are excited about skilled competition. And in this game the only way of finding a good skilled competition…. Is by throwing yourselves to the wolves and fighting 5-7 v 20. I understand “this is paxa’s choice” but like a few others have said….. It’s impossibly sad that we can name the other groups who enjoy pushing themselves and truly competing with one hand.

How’s that for civility?


(edited by Jscull.2514)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

No I agree with you, all of the servers have many people with that same mentality. That was why I specifically said “many groups on HOD GOM NSP” rather then just listing the server. We have small group fights that get interrupted by others showing up a lot and usually we will just back off and watch instead of keeping on fighting.

Also, you wont find many of NSP’s roamers or small groups on NSP BL or EBG, those are the zerg maps for us. When I want to help my server and join the zerg, I go to either of those maps and join in on the cap/defend game.

You will probably find us mostly on HOD BL and a lot of time on SF BL depending on who does or does not have massive zergs running around.

Then we will see each other sooner rather than later. I am always hitting our BL to spot check places, upgrade, etc. But please be aware that we are very aggressive defending our BL and if we start losing camps or a tower/keep/garrison is being attacked, we will call in as many people as possible to wipe red name tags out.

I would say the windmill is the safest place to look for 1v1 or 5v5 type fights, or sit outside your spawn and wait for someone to come up and bow. I will check those areas when I get on and see if we can give more money to my repair guy. Really, I am not that good at 1v1, I do better in groups, large or small. But I love learning new things and do not mind dying at all.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Dogsmack.4910


LOL oh NSP you are still the same .. you should be defending your keep not camping the jp you silly lil Tr0lls :P


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: osif.8673


We don’t have queues. And you can hear it from any of the big guilds on NSP they have tons of respect for XOXO. Because we don’t ONLY run around pvp’ing, we also do a lot for the server, most of us spend a lot of time playing and we only WvW so we tend to switch roles quite a bit.

People seem to lump PAXA and XOXO as one in the same, and as much as I like PAXA and respect the way they want to play.. We are completely different in our attitudes in WvW.

True, I find it funny that when people are kitten they just lump everyone into the same category, even within the same guild. Like in one of the last threads where someone from [PVP] assumed I had made comments I never made and it was someone else.

PAXA and XOXO do have different outlooks on WvW. We don’t care at all about points, but do take towers and camps to draw enemies, in turn giving out server a good amount of points. The difference between us is that XOXO will run around with the zerg at times (nothing wrong with that) while PAXA will go somewhere else if we converge with one of HoD’s zergs. That kitten es people off that we won’t run with them, but they have to realize that it’s not that we aren’t helping our server, we just go get points somewhere else if we don’t run into some enemies along the way (that are most likely going to kill the zerg we just parted from).

Some people recognize the benefits that small teams like us give, others just get offended by it. ’Tis the way of WvW.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Sarsbear.3469


15 + people to throw at 1 supply is why people don’t like sf. You do seem to have some nice people after talking to some. But the zerging is just over the top.

So, just to be clear people do not like SF because we have numbers? Not because of anything else?

You do not like us because we can outnumber people. All of your hate and mongering on the other threads is because we have more electronic toons on a server in a datacenter??

Because people like our server (for some reason, don’t ask me, I started on SF because I LOVED the zone in GW1), because of something beyond our control, you do not like us.

If you are not an actual troll and this is the true reason you have acted like you have in previous threads, I feel sorry for you. I really do, no sarcasm, no trolling.

This would only be true if numbers actually was beyond your control, but it isn’t. SF dominated T8 for something like 4 months; how many of your guilds transfered to ET or FC to make it more balanced? How many of your guilds even had the discussion?

WvW is a completely player regulated sandbox.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

2 points.

1. To be perfectly fair to you man NSP and HoD mostly Zerg too. This game is full of Zergs of pretty awful (skill wise) players and that’s a fact. Most people Zerg because they don’t know any different. SF just simply has more of it based on population. So don’t feel like NSP and HoD don’t. We’ve personally gotten into a bunch of disagreements with the idiots on NSP and HoD that only know how to spam #1 and follow the Doritos. You guys just have a larger base of people so it’s easy to point fingers fast (especially when they come on here and talk trash cans after runnin a muck with 20+ on grossly outnumbered people acting like they accomplished something).

2. Point number 2 is there is no difference between what zergers/point gatherers call WvW and “small group pvp”. It’s the same maps, same game mechanics, same pointless scoreboard. What is different is mentality. And unfortunately the majority (being like 98%) of the people who log in don’t want to ever really challenge themselves or compete. Thus XOXO pointing out option 1 run for ballista. they can get on, have some guy they may know or don’t know post up with his blue cool rancher… And just coast with him all night. Take a couple keeps, take some supply camps, reinact some invasion of normandy with siege and call it a successful night.

Unfortunately there is still a realm of hardcore guys that are excited about skilled competition. And in this game the only way of finding a good skilled competition…. Is by growing yourselves to the wolves and fighting 5-7 v 20. I understand “this is paxa’s choice” but like a few others have said….. It’s impossibly sad that we can name the other groups who enjoy pushing themselves and truly competing with one hand.

How’s that for civility?

Thank you, I am beginning to finally understand this better. I know what you are talking about and I wish Anet would provide a way for you guys to get the kind of competition you want without entering into WvW. Because no matter what anyone thinks, it IS WvWvW and the end result is to get the most points for your server. Period, end of story, it is what it is. Whether everyone LIKES that there is a scoreboard, there is one and at the end of the day/week, that is ALL that matter as far as what WvWvW is.

I get that what you want is more small group pvp and to be challenged with that. But you really can not expect everyone else to think that same way, especially when they are in WvWvW to well, WvWvW. Just because the small group pvp is what you like to do to challenge yourself does not mean everyone else has to.

And that is where I think most of the hostility comes from is that your point of contention is that other people are not challenging themselves or competing just because they are not doing what you want to do. However, they are doing what THEY want to do. Just like you are doing what YOU want to do when you small group pvp.

You can not expect other to like it when you tell them they are not improving themselves in the way you think they should. It is insulting to others that you think they should think like you and do what you like to do. Everybody is different, what one person likes another hates. Just like you hate the zerging and point gathering. I do not go around calling you out because you do not “challenge” yourself by learning how to zerg (sorry, that made me laugh because while it is a good counter-point, it is funny as hell to say “learn how to zerg”) or point gather. Just because you think it is challenging and completing does not mean others have to think the same way.

Long story short, expecting people to see things how you do will never work and will just lead to extreme frustration for everyone involved. With that said, once I form my suicide squads I am working on, let’s plan on meeting somewhere and having some fun!

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: KTDannyCZ.2910


I was walking around yesterday.. when suddenly.. nope.nope.nope.nope im out


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

We don’t have queues. And you can hear it from any of the big guilds on NSP they have tons of respect for XOXO. Because we don’t ONLY run around pvp’ing, we also do a lot for the server, most of us spend a lot of time playing and we only WvW so we tend to switch roles quite a bit.

People seem to lump PAXA and XOXO as one in the same, and as much as I like PAXA and respect the way they want to play.. We are completely different in our attitudes in WvW.

True, I find it funny that when people are kitten they just lump everyone into the same category, even within the same guild. Like in one of the last threads where someone from [PVP] assumed I had made comments I never made and it was someone else.

PAXA and XOXO do have different outlooks on WvW. We don’t care at all about points, but do take towers and camps to draw enemies, in turn giving out server a good amount of points. The difference between us is that XOXO will run around with the zerg at times (nothing wrong with that) while PAXA will go somewhere else if we converge with one of HoD’s zergs. That kitten es people off that we won’t run with them, but they have to realize that it’s not that we aren’t helping our server, we just go get points somewhere else if we don’t run into some enemies along the way (that are most likely going to kill the zerg we just parted from).

Some people recognize the benefits that small teams like us give, others just get offended by it. ’Tis the way of WvW.

Ok, I am probably guilty of the lumping of people together and I hate it when people do that, so I apologize. I will make sure I am paying attention to who is from which guild. I got all bat kitten crazy with the first few threads and all the animosity being thrown around that I didn’t pay attention to that stuff at all.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Wvw is only about Zerging because 98% of the players don’t know how to player vs player. I don’t want a pvp arena…. I want there to be dudes who know what the kitten their doing running around trying to kill me and our group. This is open pvp…. I’m biased but I think Sars in previous posts said it best…. There’s 13 kittening capture points on a map or something like that…. There’s a fight at maybe 2? Or one big one?

You guys just don’t have experience fighting players. I would bet 59-60% of hat 98% are here for the first time. Here meaning in a player vs player environment. Everyone Zergs at some point in their career…. At another point in their career if they are half a whitted person, they move up the ladder….. 98% are still on rung number 1.


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


I also tried this whole “winning” thing that everyone keeps mentioning and made a video of it for anyone interested. You guys are lucky I don’t care about winning or else you’d all be screwed!


I get it…It is funny because you clicked all your skills, and then face rolled them at the tower boss. That is SUPER funny guy, you are so funny and cool. You play a mesmer too, which is a tough class, so I am stoked that you posted this video I think I could gain some knowledge watching your prowess.

Man, great video bro, so effin funny and cool.

He also showed great discipline with his 1 skill spam, that is a very complicated skill don’t underestimate it.


I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Linkisdead.9647


Jscull stop lumping an entire server into one group. I’m on SF so you’re speaking directly to me as well. Ask some of your guys I fought the other day, I’m out solo roaming every day that I get on.

BTW your PAXA boys jumped me 3v1 the first time we met, although while they couldn’t down me it still goes against this mantra of looking for fair fights.

Although huge credit to the three of yours I did speak to in /w(Zelrin,Miller, and the Skritt engi guy) they did avoid attacking me when outnumbered.

The point is I rarely find a good 1v1 in this tier. Most of the time I am getting ganked mid fight or running from groups of 10. I don’t even stomp players when I 1v1, I let them go unless I’m out numbered.

NSP and HoD are no different than us, we just have more people overall.

Signa Blackthorn
SF Ranger

[sYn] Borlis Pass

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Jscull stop lumping an entire server into one group. I’m on SF so you’re speaking directly to me as well. Ask some of your guys I fought the other day, I’m out solo roaming every day that I get on.

BTW your PAXA boys jumped me 3v1 the first time we met, although while they couldn’t down me it still goes against this mantra of looking for fair fights.

Although huge credit to the three of yours I did speak to in /w(Zelrin,Miller, and the Skritt engi guy) they did avoid attacking me when outnumbered.

The point is I rarely find a good 1v1 in this tier. Most of the time I am getting ganked mid fight or running from groups of 10. I don’t even stomp players when I 1v1, I let them go unless I’m out numbered.

NSP and HoD are no different than us, we just have more people overall.

Signa Blackthorn
SF Ranger

Do me a favor, scroll up and read what I wrote to that cantur guy. Where I clearly stated NSP and hod are no different just less people. We are here for kills. They said u were cool. No problem. But first time we see you we pump no breaks. On that same note you’ll never find one of us bragging when we kill someone outnumbered.

Edit: you’re one guy that took what I said offensively on the other side of the fence. Glad you’re on that side of it, but you are .00001 percent of a 100 that we face man. I’m speaking to the other 99.9999% of your server.


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


What’s really funny or sad depending how you look at it. The PAXA pvdoor video looks less trolly then the one put up by the SF PVP guild.. other then the text its hard to tell the difference.

I honestly thought the PVP one was meant to be funny…

NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

(edited by moutzaheadin.4029)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: silverfire.2547


Ok zerging is fine, and it works to win.. That is great, and I have no problem with it.. The thing I don’t get is say you have 1 NSP guy running around not even capping anything… You are running around in your own BL(that you own all of) with 20 guys and run across him.

Do you 1- LOL LOOT and all run him over or 2- Jump around in circles and someone engages him 1 on 1. SF -always- picks #1, which is annoying.

Just to offer a little insight into this from the other side, whenever I’m playing my warrior, me and my friend on his guardian are usually only 5-10 seconds ahead of the zerg, so I’ll literally jump on anything that isn’t a PvE mob with a red nameplate, regardless of the odds. If I can force them to waste enough cooldowns, they either get bulldozed or have to stay out of the zerg’s way, which is a small victory towards whatever we’re pushing to take.

I remember several cases this week when I’ve gotten groups of 4-8 to commit simply because they were presented with what they saw as for instance a 6v2. They didn’t have the information that I did that it was soon going to become a 32v6.

Even if I end up falling behind into the middle of the zerg, the question of “is he looking for a 1v1” never actually passes my mind. IMHO the only important thing is that anything with a red nameplate is to be killed on sight. Whether it’s in the jump puzzle or diving into the middle of a 30-man zerg to down a commander while his friends down and then spike me or disrupting a 1v1 in progress while my teammate who was in that 1v1 complains about the disruption, red is to be killed on sight.

On the other side of things, if a 1v1 organically happens without any of that silly bowing kitten, I won’t run, and I’m still gonna fight it to the death and expect my corpse to be danced on even if it was a challenging duel because that’s exactly what I’d be doing.

If the WvW scoring system didn’t incentivize running up the score as high as you possibly can, I suspect I wouldn’t take such a single-minded kill everything that moves stance on things, but after 16 weeks of needing to secure a 3:1 margin of victory week after week, I’m no longer inclined to allow anyone even the remote possibility of killing a yak or soloing a camp if it’s within my power. Even if it means dying a lot on my terrible at 1v1 build that’s designed around linebacking for the zerg.

Mira Alluvion (Me) | Hanna Bulwark (W) | Sophie Dusthaven (Th)
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Dogskins.1259


Some SF Guardian from [VN] guild…Everyone on mapchat seems to think he is hacking, but could give no description…i had a fair 1v1 with him, that got added on, we shared a /bow prior to, even another SF guy saw us sizing each other up and saluted me, lol. this was in HoD BL SW of map near the spawn.

Good fights.

Possum Jankins – Suicide Bomber Engineer [VLK] HoD /// [RoT] Yak’s Bend

Just look for the black bearded human.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Kilaelya.1420


Wow. That was intense, nice portal bombs. A true display of skill… OUTPLAYED!!!

MoB videos were amusing too btw.

Yeah seeing how the old thread was closed with our awesome videos of yesterday…

Minara | Ranger | Beastgate | [vR]

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Linkisdead.9647


Do me a favor, scroll up and read what I wrote to that cantur guy. Where I clearly stated NSP and hod are no different just less people. We are here for kills. They said u were cool. No problem. But first time we see you we pump no breaks. On that same note you’ll never find one of us bragging when we kill someone outnumbered.

Edit: you’re one guy that took what I said offensively on the other side of the fence. Glad you’re on that side of it, but you are .00001 percent of a 100 that we face man. I’m speaking to the other 99.9999% of your server.

It’s all good , just gets tiresome hearing about how awful of fighters we are. I know we don’t have a lot of roamers, but we do have some good ones out there.

Obviously I’m a little touchy on the subject, considering I face a lot of what you guys face but I am usually by myself(my guild is usually involved in the massive battles) so it’s extra awful when 10 guys chase me for 5 minutes then dance on my corpse like they won something.

I respect you guys out on the field, hopefully we can get some good fights going.

[sYn] Borlis Pass

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Wvw is only about Zerging because 98% of the players don’t know how to player vs player. I don’t want a pvp arena…. I want there to be dudes who know what the kitten their doing running around trying to kill me and our group. This is open pvp…. I’m biased but I think Sars in previous posts said it best…. There’s 13 kittening capture points on a map or something like that…. There’s a fight at maybe 2? Or one big one?

You guys just don’t have experience fighting players. I would bet 59-60% of hat 98% are here for the first time. Here meaning in a player vs player environment. Everyone Zergs at some point in their career…. At another point in their career if they are half a whitted person, they move up the ladder….. 98% are still on rung number 1.

Again, that is YOUR ladder and YOUR opinion on what WvW should be. I am at the top rung on my ladder bro. I just don’t feel like climbing your ladder. At least not yet. Plus, I know you cannot really gear yourself properly, but if I wanted small group pvp experience, I would go to the Mists.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


Wvw is only about Zerging because 98% of the players don’t know how to player vs player. I don’t want a pvp arena…. I want there to be dudes who know what the kitten their doing running around trying to kill me and our group. This is open pvp…. I’m biased but I think Sars in previous posts said it best…. There’s 13 kittening capture points on a map or something like that…. There’s a fight at maybe 2? Or one big one?

You guys just don’t have experience fighting players. I would bet 59-60% of hat 98% are here for the first time. Here meaning in a player vs player environment. Everyone Zergs at some point in their career…. At another point in their career if they are half a whitted person, they move up the ladder….. 98% are still on rung number 1.

Again, that is YOUR ladder and YOUR opinion on what WvW should be. I am at the top rung on my ladder bro. I just don’t feel like climbing your ladder. At least not yet. Plus, I know you cannot really gear yourself properly, but if I wanted small group pvp experience, I would go to the Mists.

Man ppl need to get off this go to the mist statement. Its not the same. Mist is a lot of 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3. It hardly ever is 5v5 cause u need ppl guarding points. I used to do tourneys and this is how it was, unless its changed in the last 2 months which I doubt.

LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

(edited by subcrazy.1098)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Wvw is only about Zerging because 98% of the players don’t know how to player vs player. I don’t want a pvp arena…. I want there to be dudes who know what the kitten their doing running around trying to kill me and our group. This is open pvp…. I’m biased but I think Sars in previous posts said it best…. There’s 13 kittening capture points on a map or something like that…. There’s a fight at maybe 2? Or one big one?

You guys just don’t have experience fighting players. I would bet 59-60% of hat 98% are here for the first time. Here meaning in a player vs player environment. Everyone Zergs at some point in their career…. At another point in their career if they are half a whitted person, they move up the ladder….. 98% are still on rung number 1.

Again, that is YOUR ladder and YOUR opinion on what WvW should be. I am at the top rung on my ladder bro. I just don’t feel like climbing your ladder. At least not yet. Plus, I know you cannot really gear yourself properly, but if I wanted small group pvp experience, I would go to the Mists.

Man ppl need to get off this go to the mist statement. Its not the same. Mist is a lot of 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3. It hardly ever is 5v5 cause u need ppl guarding points. I used to do tourneys and this it how it was unless its changed in the last 2 months which I doubt.

And the same point can be made that WvW is not the proper place for 5v5. It is rarely 5v5 because u need ppl taking points.

Neither are what you are looking for, really.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Wvw is only about Zerging because 98% of the players don’t know how to player vs player. I don’t want a pvp arena…. I want there to be dudes who know what the kitten their doing running around trying to kill me and our group. This is open pvp…. I’m biased but I think Sars in previous posts said it best…. There’s 13 kittening capture points on a map or something like that…. There’s a fight at maybe 2? Or one big one?

You guys just don’t have experience fighting players. I would bet 59-60% of hat 98% are here for the first time. Here meaning in a player vs player environment. Everyone Zergs at some point in their career…. At another point in their career if they are half a whitted person, they move up the ladder….. 98% are still on rung number 1.

Again, that is YOUR ladder and YOUR opinion on what WvW should be. I am at the top rung on my ladder bro. I just don’t feel like climbing your ladder. At least not yet. Plus, I know you cannot really gear yourself properly, but if I wanted small group pvp experience, I would go to the Mists.

Man ppl need to get off this go to the mist statement. Its not the same. Mist is a lot of 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3. It hardly ever is 5v5 cause u need ppl guarding points. I used to do tourneys and this it how it was unless its changed in the last 2 months which I doubt.

And the same point can be made that WvW is not the proper place for 5v5. It is rarely 5v5 because u need ppl taking points.

Neither are what you are looking for, really.

Clearly you haven’t played any other open world pvp games. Case and point… If there was no Aoe cap in this game…. Zergs would exist for 10 minutes before being wiped by a group of guys who know what their doing. That tied in with downed state being able to res others only when out of combat…. Those two things alone would = bye bye “this is how you wvw”


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Glaeser.8015


Crazy fights in NSP BL with GT, KoM, and King. GT and KoM smoked us left and right, talk about trial by fire as I try to learn Mesmer lol.

Oh yeah, and shoutout to tM, that camp fight with King was absurd.


Glaezer – [Splt] [Holy] – NSP
Charr Guardian & many alts
I am the donut

(edited by Glaeser.8015)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


Wvw is only about Zerging because 98% of the players don’t know how to player vs player. I don’t want a pvp arena…. I want there to be dudes who know what the kitten their doing running around trying to kill me and our group. This is open pvp…. I’m biased but I think Sars in previous posts said it best…. There’s 13 kittening capture points on a map or something like that…. There’s a fight at maybe 2? Or one big one?

You guys just don’t have experience fighting players. I would bet 59-60% of hat 98% are here for the first time. Here meaning in a player vs player environment. Everyone Zergs at some point in their career…. At another point in their career if they are half a whitted person, they move up the ladder….. 98% are still on rung number 1.

Again, that is YOUR ladder and YOUR opinion on what WvW should be. I am at the top rung on my ladder bro. I just don’t feel like climbing your ladder. At least not yet. Plus, I know you cannot really gear yourself properly, but if I wanted small group pvp experience, I would go to the Mists.

Man ppl need to get off this go to the mist statement. Its not the same. Mist is a lot of 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3. It hardly ever is 5v5 cause u need ppl guarding points. I used to do tourneys and this it how it was unless its changed in the last 2 months which I doubt.

And the same point can be made that WvW is not the proper place for 5v5. It is rarely 5v5 because u need ppl taking points.

Neither are what you are looking for, really.

Just explain then why the cap for everything is 5 then. Aoe/group etc.

LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Wvw is only about Zerging because 98% of the players don’t know how to player vs player. I don’t want a pvp arena…. I want there to be dudes who know what the kitten their doing running around trying to kill me and our group. This is open pvp…. I’m biased but I think Sars in previous posts said it best…. There’s 13 kittening capture points on a map or something like that…. There’s a fight at maybe 2? Or one big one?

You guys just don’t have experience fighting players. I would bet 59-60% of hat 98% are here for the first time. Here meaning in a player vs player environment. Everyone Zergs at some point in their career…. At another point in their career if they are half a whitted person, they move up the ladder….. 98% are still on rung number 1.

Again, that is YOUR ladder and YOUR opinion on what WvW should be. I am at the top rung on my ladder bro. I just don’t feel like climbing your ladder. At least not yet. Plus, I know you cannot really gear yourself properly, but if I wanted small group pvp experience, I would go to the Mists.

Man ppl need to get off this go to the mist statement. Its not the same. Mist is a lot of 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3. It hardly ever is 5v5 cause u need ppl guarding points. I used to do tourneys and this it how it was unless its changed in the last 2 months which I doubt.

And the same point can be made that WvW is not the proper place for 5v5. It is rarely 5v5 because u need ppl taking points.

Neither are what you are looking for, really.

Clearly you haven’t played any other open world pvp games. Case and point… If there was no Aoe cap in this game…. Zergs would exist for 10 minutes before being wiped by a group of guys who know what their doing. That tied in with downed state only being able to res others only when out of combat…. Those two things alone with = bye bye “this is how you wvw”

Clearly I haven’t but that has nothing to do with this.

This isn’t any other open world pvp game. This is GW2 and is different than other open world pvp games. Why do you keep insisting that everyone else needs to adjust to your play style? This isn’t daoc or whatever other game you are so in love with. This is GW2 and this is WvWvW, with WvWvW scoring and rules.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Skarloc.2569


WvWvW stuff… !

I think that you, and many others for that matter, take the literal meaning of WvWvW too far. You feel as if you need to gather everyone on the map and just zerg down objectives, and you do so because there is a deeply flawed scoring system that supposedly rewards the server who finishes first for the week. As we all have seen, the majority of the player base seems to favor this option, and while it is certainly not something that PAXA wants to do, I can understand, to a point, why some other people do.

Ever since WoW mainstreamed MMO’s, they have become much less competitive, and much more geared toward pleasing the masses, than actually providing a solid foundation for a competitive PvP environment. I don’t necessarily blame a company such as ArenaNet, as their goal is to sell copies of this game, and you fulfill that by making a zerg friendly system. Again, I wouldn’t be as critical of the zergs if there was an actual reason to zerg, however.

I’ve pointed out in previous posts, in a more condescending manner, just how little of a point there is to actually caring about the score. My Q&A session hits it dead on, but the moderators saw fit to give me a 24 hour ban the last time I posted it. The score is a meaningless number that sheeple flock to raise so that their server can be number one. All right, that doesn’t sound too bad, but what does getting first at the end of the week get you? That’s right boys and girls, absolutely nothing. You see, due to the system they have in place, repeatedly getting first in your tier often leaves said server fighting in the same match-up for weeks and months on end. Wow, that sounds like an exciting reward system. Oh, and I think our friends in SF can attest to this as this is exactly what has happened to them in their previous tier. But what if you do somehow move up a tier? Well, congratulations, you now get to do what you did in the previous tier, which is fight for weeks and months on end to continually climb tiers so that you can… continually… climb… the… tier. Having come from the top tier to start this game, I can assure you that the level of skill is no different there than it is here, the only difference being numbers and coverage, which are the two defining factors in score. I suppose there is server pride, but let’s not kid ourselves, with the amount of free transferring that has been allowed in this game, server loyalty is fairly meaningless and is the biggest problem for servers being so imbalanced.

We try to promote small-group action because it’s painfully obvious that caring about the score is for suckers. ArenaNet has no clue how to move forward and improve the WvW system, so they’re just riding this out for as long as they can and hopefully sell more copies in the first place. If you are playing for the score, you literally cannot give me an answer as to what reward that will actually get you. It’s a continuous loop of bad design that a majority of the player base has fallen trap to, and it’s why this game is slowly dying.

We’re not running around in small groups because we need to come to the forums and brag about our kills. Actually, given the forum history, that’s reserved for people who kill PAXA. Pot meet kettle? Anyways, we do it because it’s actually fun to run around and communicate with a small group of friends and see what we can take on. Actually having to mash more than one button is appealing for us, and we would love to see more people try to stray from the zerg and do it as well. Again, there is absolutely no reason to care about the score, so why not hop off that arrowcart surrounded by 30+ sheeple and try to find fights that simply don’t end because your sheeple herd was greater than the other.

I understand the learning curve for running a small group is higher than what some people are used to, but if you stick with it, you would be surprised how much fun it is and just how much of a better player you could become. And if anyone wants tips on how to get started or just advice in general, we would love to help if it would encourage less zerging.

[PAXA] Skarllok – 80 Mesmer/ Skarrlloc – 80 Guardian
[FUN] [FUN II] [Jonathan Taylor Thomas] – DAoC, WoW, WAR

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Wvw is only about Zerging because 98% of the players don’t know how to player vs player. I don’t want a pvp arena…. I want there to be dudes who know what the kitten their doing running around trying to kill me and our group. This is open pvp…. I’m biased but I think Sars in previous posts said it best…. There’s 13 kittening capture points on a map or something like that…. There’s a fight at maybe 2? Or one big one?

You guys just don’t have experience fighting players. I would bet 59-60% of hat 98% are here for the first time. Here meaning in a player vs player environment. Everyone Zergs at some point in their career…. At another point in their career if they are half a whitted person, they move up the ladder….. 98% are still on rung number 1.

Again, that is YOUR ladder and YOUR opinion on what WvW should be. I am at the top rung on my ladder bro. I just don’t feel like climbing your ladder. At least not yet. Plus, I know you cannot really gear yourself properly, but if I wanted small group pvp experience, I would go to the Mists.

Man ppl need to get off this go to the mist statement. Its not the same. Mist is a lot of 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3. It hardly ever is 5v5 cause u need ppl guarding points. I used to do tourneys and this it how it was unless its changed in the last 2 months which I doubt.

And the same point can be made that WvW is not the proper place for 5v5. It is rarely 5v5 because u need ppl taking points.

Neither are what you are looking for, really.

Clearly you haven’t played any other open world pvp games. Case and point… If there was no Aoe cap in this game…. Zergs would exist for 10 minutes before being wiped by a group of guys who know what their doing. That tied in with downed state only being able to res others only when out of combat…. Those two things alone with = bye bye “this is how you wvw”

Clearly I haven’t but that has nothing to do with this.

This isn’t any other open world pvp game. This is GW2 and is different than other open world pvp games. Why do you keep insisting that everyone else needs to adjust to your play style? This isn’t daoc or whatever other game you are so in love with. This is GW2 and this is WvWvW, with WvWvW scoring and rules.

Which brings up the most unsatisfying fact of them all…. Of the hundreds of people in each tier logging in to wvw…. We can count the groups of them that want to FIGHT OTHER players and use their character builds testing what works best and what doesn’t on one hand. It’s an impossible shame.


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Just explain then why the cap for everything is 5 then. Aoe/group etc.

Since I do not work for Anet, I can not explain that. Neither can you.

My best guess without really thinking on it is that it keeps the slew of commands running every nanosecond lower but that is just a wild guess. I would need to look into it more to give you a better answer. Such as, is this AoE cap also in PvE? How does the game choose which five targets get the damage? Does this cap extend only to players or would it also affect any NPC/mob type creatures that happen to be in the middle of all the players? They might have just used the framework from the Mists so they didn’t have to code a whole new module just for WvW.

That is just not a question I can answer without knowing a lot more. And since I really do not AoE with my toons, I have never had to look into that.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Which brings up the most unsatisfying fact of them all…. Of the hundreds of people in each tier logging in to wvw…. We can count the groups of them that want to FIGHT OTHER players and use their character builds testing what works best and what doesn’t on one hand. It’s an impossible shame.

Sorry, I am not understanding that. Do you mean the number of groups that want to small group pvp are limited in number or there is a large amount?

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


Just explain then why the cap for everything is 5 then. Aoe/group etc.

Since I do not work for Anet, I can not explain that. Neither can you.

My best guess without really thinking on it is that it keeps the slew of commands running every nanosecond lower but that is just a wild guess. I would need to look into it more to give you a better answer. Such as, is this AoE cap also in PvE? How does the game choose which five targets get the damage? Does this cap extend only to players or would it also affect any NPC/mob type creatures that happen to be in the middle of all the players? They might have just used the framework from the Mists so they didn’t have to code a whole new module just for WvW.

That is just not a question I can answer without knowing a lot more. And since I really do not AoE with my toons, I have never had to look into that.

Just a FYI, at 1 time in this game there wasn’t a aoe cap.

LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

(edited by subcrazy.1098)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Which brings up the most unsatisfying fact of them all…. Of the hundreds of people in each tier logging in to wvw…. We can count the groups of them that want to FIGHT OTHER players and use their character builds testing what works best and what doesn’t on one hand. It’s an impossible shame.

Sorry, I am not understanding that. Do you mean the number of groups that want to small group pvp are limited in number or there is a large amount?

Do people facing a door or sitting on some siege pressing 2 buttons desire to fight in “non-guaranteed” outcome fights or keep facing the door and pressing 2 buttons?

It’s absurd almost the entire population of every tier every server every map would rather face that awesome door and press those 2 wicked abilities on the arrow cart to “snare” and mass Aoe arrows down……


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

I think that you, and many others for that matter, take the literal meaning of WvWvW too far. You feel as if you need to gather everyone on the map and just zerg down objectives, and you do so because there is a deeply flawed scoring system that supposedly rewards the server who finishes first for the week. As we all have seen, the majority of the player base seems to favor this option, and while it is certainly not something that PAXA wants to do, I can understand, to a point, why some other people do.

[Text removed for message length]

I’ve pointed out in previous posts, in a more condescending manner, just how little of a point there is to actually caring about the score. My Q&A session hits it dead on, but the moderators saw fit to give me a 24 hour ban the last time I posted it. The score is a meaningless number that sheeple flock to raise so that their server can be number one. All right, that doesn’t sound too bad, but what does getting first at the end of the week get you? That’s right boys and girls, absolutely nothing. You see, due to the system they have in place, repeatedly getting first in your tier often leaves said server fighting in the same match-up for weeks and months on end. Wow, that sounds like an exciting reward system. Oh, and I think our friends in SF can attest to this as this is exactly what has happened to them in their previous tier. But what if you do somehow move up a tier? Well, congratulations, you now get to do what you did in the previous tier, which is fight for weeks and months on end to continually climb tiers so that you can… continually… climb… the… tier. Having come from the top tier to start this game, I can assure you that the level of skill is no different there than it is here, the only difference being numbers and coverage, which are the two defining factors in score. I suppose there is server pride, but let’s not kid ourselves, with the amount of free transferring that has been allowed in this game, server loyalty is fairly meaningless and is the biggest problem for servers being so imbalanced.

We try to promote small-group action because it’s painfully obvious that caring about the score is for suckers. ArenaNet has no clue how to move forward and improve the WvW system, so they’re just riding this out for as long as they can and hopefully sell more copies in the first place. If you are playing for the score, you literally cannot give me an answer as to what reward that will actually get you. It’s a continuous loop of bad design that a majority of the player base has fallen trap to, and it’s why this game is slowly dying.

Again, there is absolutely no reason to care about the score, so why not hop off that arrowcart surrounded by 30+ sheeple and try to find fights that simply don’t end because your sheeple herd was greater than the other.

I understand the learning curve for running a small group is higher than what some people are used to, but if you stick with it, you would be surprised how much fun it is and just how much of a better player you could become. And if anyone wants tips on how to get started or just advice in general, we would love to help if it would encourage less zerging.

Sorry, I am not going to re-read the same stuff you have posted before. You want others to listen to what you say but then you dismiss the people that do not see things your way as sheeple and suckers. Very mature.

You belittle others you claim have no skill because they do not do what you want them to do. It is immature, disrespectful, and just proves you are not here to make an actual point.

You are not promoting small group pvp, you are telling everyone else they suck because they do not play by your rules. You straight alienate them instead of fostering camaraderie and getting people to like your ideas.

It IS a literal meaning. We fight World vs. World vs. World. The scoring reflects that. There is no flaw because the point of World vs. World vs. World is for each world to fight the other two worlds. Whatever we get out of it is what we get out of it. Just because you get nothing out of it doesn’t mean other people don’t. You just think it is flawed because it is not what you want it to be.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Just explain then why the cap for everything is 5 then. Aoe/group etc.

Since I do not work for Anet, I can not explain that. Neither can you.

My best guess without really thinking on it is that it keeps the slew of commands running every nanosecond lower but that is just a wild guess. I would need to look into it more to give you a better answer. Such as, is this AoE cap also in PvE? How does the game choose which five targets get the damage? Does this cap extend only to players or would it also affect any NPC/mob type creatures that happen to be in the middle of all the players? They might have just used the framework from the Mists so they didn’t have to code a whole new module just for WvW.

That is just not a question I can answer without knowing a lot more. And since I really do not AoE with my toons, I have never had to look into that.

Just a FYI, at 1 time in this game there wasn’t a aoe cap.

Really? When was it taken out?

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Which brings up the most unsatisfying fact of them all…. Of the hundreds of people in each tier logging in to wvw…. We can count the groups of them that want to FIGHT OTHER players and use their character builds testing what works best and what doesn’t on one hand. It’s an impossible shame.

Sorry, I am not understanding that. Do you mean the number of groups that want to small group pvp are limited in number or there is a large amount?

Do people facing a door or sitting on some siege pressing 2 buttons desire to fight in “non-guaranteed” outcome fights or keep facing the door and pressing 2 buttons?

It’s absurd almost the entire population of every tier every server every map would rather face that awesome door and press those 2 wicked abilities on the arrow cart to “snare” and mass Aoe arrows down……

Not absurd at all. Why do you think so many people do it? If they thought 5v5 fights were fun then they would do that.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


I think that you, and many others for that matter, take the literal meaning of WvWvW too far. You feel as if you need to gather everyone on the map and just zerg down objectives, and you do so because there is a deeply flawed scoring system that supposedly rewards the server who finishes first for the week. As we all have seen, the majority of the player base seems to favor this option, and while it is certainly not something that PAXA wants to do, I can understand, to a point, why some other people do.

[Text removed for message length]

I’ve pointed out in previous posts, in a more condescending manner, just how little of a point there is to actually caring about the score. My Q&A session hits it dead on, but the moderators saw fit to give me a 24 hour ban the last time I posted it. The score is a meaningless number that sheeple flock to raise so that their server can be number one. All right, that doesn’t sound too bad, but what does getting first at the end of the week get you? That’s right boys and girls, absolutely nothing. You see, due to the system they have in place, repeatedly getting first in your tier often leaves said server fighting in the same match-up for weeks and months on end. Wow, that sounds like an exciting reward system. Oh, and I think our friends in SF can attest to this as this is exactly what has happened to them in their previous tier. But what if you do somehow move up a tier? Well, congratulations, you now get to do what you did in the previous tier, which is fight for weeks and months on end to continually climb tiers so that you can… continually… climb… the… tier. Having come from the top tier to start this game, I can assure you that the level of skill is no different there than it is here, the only difference being numbers and coverage, which are the two defining factors in score. I suppose there is server pride, but let’s not kid ourselves, with the amount of free transferring that has been allowed in this game, server loyalty is fairly meaningless and is the biggest problem for servers being so imbalanced.

We try to promote small-group action because it’s painfully obvious that caring about the score is for suckers. ArenaNet has no clue how to move forward and improve the WvW system, so they’re just riding this out for as long as they can and hopefully sell more copies in the first place. If you are playing for the score, you literally cannot give me an answer as to what reward that will actually get you. It’s a continuous loop of bad design that a majority of the player base has fallen trap to, and it’s why this game is slowly dying.

Again, there is absolutely no reason to care about the score, so why not hop off that arrowcart surrounded by 30+ sheeple and try to find fights that simply don’t end because your sheeple herd was greater than the other.

I understand the learning curve for running a small group is higher than what some people are used to, but if you stick with it, you would be surprised how much fun it is and just how much of a better player you could become. And if anyone wants tips on how to get started or just advice in general, we would love to help if it would encourage less zerging.

Sorry, I am not going to re-read the same stuff you have posted before. You want others to listen to what you say but then you dismiss the people that do not see things your way as sheeple and suckers. Very mature.

You belittle others you claim have no skill because they do not do what you want them to do. It is immature, disrespectful, and just proves you are not here to make an actual point.

You are not promoting small group pvp, you are telling everyone else they suck because they do not play by your rules. You straight alienate them instead of fostering camaraderie and getting people to like your ideas.

It IS a literal meaning. We fight World vs. World vs. World. The scoring reflects that. There is no flaw because the point of World vs. World vs. World is for each world to fight the other two worlds. Whatever we get out of it is what we get out of it. Just because you get nothing out of it doesn’t mean other people don’t. You just think it is flawed because it is not what you want it to be.

But we do get something out of it charlie, we get videos and videos of 5,6,7 of us finishing off groups of 20….. How does that add up by your “winning scoreboard”? We should lose every single one of those fights because the 20 are well organized happened to be grouped up in the fight, and focus fire us down.


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Oh, and, there IS such a thing as server loyalty. I started on SF and I shall stay on SF. I was here for all of our ups and downs in WvW and I will remain here, even if my guilds move. I have been recruited to other worlds but I never left SF.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


Do u just read what u want to whine about. Paxa is ok with ppl zerging, play how u want, jscull just promotes small groups. Tries to get ppl to try it.

LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

But we do get something out of it charlie, we get videos and videos of 5,6,7 of us finishing off groups of 20….. How does that add up by your “winning scoreboard”? We should lose every single one of those fights because the 20 are well organized happened to be grouped up in the fight, and focus fire us down.

Good for you, it is great you are enjoying what you do. It adds up well on the scoreboard because we still capture points, we still work on getting points no matter what you do.

But you still have no reason to by insulting to other people who do not enjoy what you do.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Do u just read what u want to whine about. Paxa is ok with ppl zerging, play how u want, jscull just promotes small groups. Tries to get ppl to try it.

Please actually read what I am writing. I am not against small group pvp.

Jscull and Skarloc promote it by being insulting, degrading, and rude. THAT is what I take exception to. I actually enjoy small group pvp too but I also enjoy scoring as many points for my server as possible.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Da Sonic.6521

Da Sonic.6521

Very nice fights at NSP Hills over the past 2 hours, those are the kind of defenses that remind me why I play WvW.

Genesis Theory [GT] (HoD)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Which brings up the most unsatisfying fact of them all…. Of the hundreds of people in each tier logging in to wvw…. We can count the groups of them that want to FIGHT OTHER players and use their character builds testing what works best and what doesn’t on one hand. It’s an impossible shame.

Sorry, I am not understanding that. Do you mean the number of groups that want to small group pvp are limited in number or there is a large amount?

Do people facing a door or sitting on some siege pressing 2 buttons desire to fight in “non-guaranteed” outcome fights or keep facing the door and pressing 2 buttons?

It’s absurd almost the entire population of every tier every server every map would rather face that awesome door and press those 2 wicked abilities on the arrow cart to “snare” and mass Aoe arrows down……

their r alot of newawnses 2 arow carts that u cleerly dont undorstand…

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Which brings up the most unsatisfying fact of them all…. Of the hundreds of people in each tier logging in to wvw…. We can count the groups of them that want to FIGHT OTHER players and use their character builds testing what works best and what doesn’t on one hand. It’s an impossible shame.

Sorry, I am not understanding that. Do you mean the number of groups that want to small group pvp are limited in number or there is a large amount?

Do people facing a door or sitting on some siege pressing 2 buttons desire to fight in “non-guaranteed” outcome fights or keep facing the door and pressing 2 buttons?

It’s absurd almost the entire population of every tier every server every map would rather face that awesome door and press those 2 wicked abilities on the arrow cart to “snare” and mass Aoe arrows down……

Not absurd at all. Why do you think so many people do it? If they thought 5v5 fights were fun then they would do that.

Because so many people are terrible players bucko. You think we magically became solid pvpers? We all paid dues in other games with time, energy, and preparation. Thanks to WoW you can now purchase game, download game, insta player vs player environment and win fights due to game mechanics…. And then forum post about how good you are.

The reason so few do it is because you want instant gratification… And fighting good people sitting at a computer and not npcs in a dungeon or keep does not grant you that result


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: jbernal.1078


Anyone got the scores?

[ASH] – Gate of Madness