Anet will you address the consensus of the WvW community?

Anet will you address the consensus of the WvW community?

in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


The consensus of the community is that Arena Net (ANet) needs to swiftly make changes to World Vs. World (WvW) if they wish to retain a diversified skill level of players. If Anet’s is attempting to condense the player database and consolidate players to more populace servers then Anet can take no action and monitor the upcoming player base attrition.

While each game released will have an anticipate attrition rate of the player database proceeding completion of primary content. World Vs. World content is unique as in that it can be reconstituted weekly and when properly implemented will significantly lessen attrition rates of the player database.

I commend Anet Community Manager for diverting the community focus from obvious errors and omission in the existing WvW game mechanics that fails to address the foreseen issue of when any WvW server obtains excessive regional dominance the opposing servers have no substantial incentives that provide sufficient clout to offset the arduous task of unseating an established force and the associated financial losses and mental anguish associated with these onerous battles.

Sadly Anet server transfer policies are drastically hampering the Anet WvW Manager from providing a stable platform for WvW play. Players are creating massive alliance of smaller guilds from both US and EU servers to create a force that can dominate any server. Anet will need to alter their currently server transfer policies to extend at a minimum to a period longer than current WvW matches. This will not only drastically lessen the Volatility and Deviation ratings we are seeing by the public reports disclosed by Anet.

The community has given many concepts that would assist Anet in reclaiming control of WvW and a majority of these can be implemented at little or no cost.

Below are a few items that Anet should consider for immediate implementation.
1. Institute a mandatory seven (7) Calendar day limit (coinciding with the resets for WvW) for any server transfers request for established (21 days or old) accounts.

2. Existing WvW structures (Towers, Keeps, Supply Areas, Garrisons) are insufficiently protected in both basic defense posture and resilience to relatively small forces. These structures need to be fortified both on the exterior and interiors to prevent the pitifully easy ability to overrun and capture these structures in minutes.

3. When servers are being dominated in WvW a Boon system will automatically be provided and constantly scaled to the dominated server or servers. This Boon shall provide aggressive incentives to completely eliminate or lessen the individual’s financial burden and provide the opportunity to out damage / survive overwhelming forces.


Anet will you address the consensus of the WvW community?

in WvW

Posted by: dirtyklingon.2918


when did this consensus happen? was there some kind of vote some of us weren’t invited to?

btw, #1 is already somethingn anet has stated in the past is part of the plan.

some of us would liek to see guidl upgrades transfer intact, along side restrictions to down transfering only with such a thing. and that to happen before transfers start costing money.

who doesn’t love wow clones?

Anet will you address the consensus of the WvW community?

in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


Anet is not attempting align themselves with or create a Free to Pay (F2P) system for the ability to relocate within their network of servers. If you are insinuating that Anet should charge players in game currency then as we all know this game in its early stages and while player are currently financial limited with game currency this fact will quickly change and not limit massive server transfers.

Even at this time and period of the game you can see numerous 100 gold Commander Titles appearing even on the most player decrepit servers.

Anet will you address the consensus of the WvW community?

in WvW

Posted by: mcl.9240


I missed the vote as well. Calling a minority of the posters here, which are also a vast minority of the players of WvWvW, let alone GW2 in general, a ‘consensus’ is an abuse of the word.

Anet will you address the consensus of the WvW community?

in WvW

Posted by: MRA.4758


The consensus of the community is that …

Oh really? When did the vote take place, and why did I miss it?


IGN: Peavy (Asuran Engineer)
Tyrian Intelligence Agency [TIA]
Dies for Riverside on a regular basis, since the betas

Anet will you address the consensus of the WvW community?

in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


Next you’re going to tell me you are not able to access the Private forum area of Anet? I guess they limited the voting to the community leaders that have actual influence and are looking out for the welfare of their guild / clan members. You might want to get proactive and actually attempt to provide constructive feedback in lieu of trolling.

Anet will you address the consensus of the WvW community?

in WvW

Posted by: MRA.4758


Next you’re going to tell me you are not able to access the Private forum area of Anet? I guess they limited the voting to the community leaders that have actual influence and are looking out for the welfare of their guild / clan members. You might want to get proactive and actually attempt to provide constructive feedback in lieu of trolling.

Yeah, I should have probably read more than the OP before repeating the same joke two guys already did before me.

I do not doubt your honorable motives in opening this thread, but I encourage you to consider the following: What do you really expect ANet to do? Changing a system they worked on for years because some random forum guy gives a moving “We the people” speech? Do you really expect that your post is the final push that ANet needed to go to action?

For quite some time the discussion in this forum, including your post, is just repeating the same complaints and arguments over and over again, without getting anywhere. All points have been made, and developers have stated multiple times that they are monitoring WvW and are working on some fixes. Although they need some time to implement them.

Hence, it occurs to me that opening a new topic for the same old discussion every 17 minutes to allow the next guy to announce his preferred three to five tweaks to the current system can no longer be seen as ‘constructive feedback’. If you just wanted to give feedback, then you would have found many, many existing discussions in which you could have participated.

Of course you are free to start any topic you like. But as someone who is trying to find some new and worthwhile information in the forums, I am under the impression that the umpteenth clone post isn’t helping.

Nevertheless, please excuse my polemic reply above. That wasn’t helping, either.


IGN: Peavy (Asuran Engineer)
Tyrian Intelligence Agency [TIA]
Dies for Riverside on a regular basis, since the betas

(edited by MRA.4758)

Anet will you address the consensus of the WvW community?

in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


While frequent forum posters would love everyone to research and place comments in nice organized locations this is actually ineffective as we all know that the average players read the original post and the end posts at best. Non frequent forum posters will not read thru all 300 pages of comments to see if their concerns are addressed. Posting a new post is drastically easier for a non-frequent forum poster and provides a concise subject and details. If the subject was resolved in prior discussions there would be no need for a new post.

Posts from the average non forum posting player (not directed at you) about these issue are in most cases, a last ditch effort to express to the ANet staff how severe the conditions are and a stance of “no action” on their part will undoubtedly evolve into the loss of the existing player database.

Your confirmation of the existence of “umpteenth clone posts” about this subject just supports the issue that action is required and represents the communities concerns.

While our individual comments can assist the Anet Community Manager a summary of this type, this format is something he/she can forward on to his team and management as an indication of the concerns of the community. In meetings we want an Executive Summary not 300 pages of comments.

(edited by BubbaLicous.1328)