Arrowcarts [merged]

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: EnemyCrusher.7324


No way I am reading 47 bloody pages. Did Anet say if they are going to fix yet?

There are two responses from Devon Carver, both on page 33:

I’d like to shed some light on our thinking with this AC change as well as tell you all what we are doing right now to balance it.

Firstly, when siege weapons were originally created, they had the intent of being really good at some things and not so good at others. The arrow cart is intended to be the anti-personal siege weapon. It is intended that arrow carts are all about controlling an area through damage. If you remain in the area that is being hit by the arrow cart, you will die. You can however, move out of the space and/or find a new way to attack the intended target. That being said, they are not intended to be so good against other siege weapons and we are in the process of addressing that right now. We are also addressing their range when upgraded to be more in line with the range of ballistas.

Secondly, this change is going to require new tactics and those tactics include things like using ballista and catapults to destroy arrow carts. With that in mind, we’ve been looking more closely at the numbers of all the siege weapons and there are definitely some changes that need to be made to bring them in line with their intent. We are going to take a holistic pass at siege weapons in the coming months and drop a rebalance of all of them to get them to more closely align with what they should be doing.

Finally, the feedback you all provide is a very useful part of this whole process. WvW is a living, breathing game type and any changes we make have numerous consequences that don’t become fully visible until everyone starts interacting with them and devising new strategies. Our goal is to provide a complex combat space that rewards skill, tactics, and ingenuity and while we haven’t fully achieved that goal yet, I like to think we are getting there.

To be a little clearer. The fixes to arrow carts will be coming quickly. We are already putting those in and testing them. Those should bring them more in line with what we expect them to be.

Light of Honor [Lite] – Founder / Warmaster
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: The Rooster.2615

The Rooster.2615

I don’t see all the doom and gloom people are talking about. WvW still has ques on our server. People are still playing. Our vets are still playing. Not one single person in our guild has quit over this. A lot of people are even enjoying WvW more than they used to. There’s a lot of people that support the AC change. There is no mass exodus from WvW, at least on our server.

Maybe this is because we usually roll in groups of 10ish instead of zergs, but we’re loving WvW as much as ever right now. Yes, arrow carts make things more challenging during a siege. We consider it upping the difficulty and challenge ourselves to find new strategies. Strategies that do exist btw. A keep defended by ACs is not impossible to attack, just harder.

So to the people that are actually leaving the game because they can’t adapt to a minor change like this. Maybe WvW wasn’t intended for you to begin with. Which is not me trying to take a shot at you, just saying maybe you were looking for something else.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Ntranced.7415


Guild Wars 2 has had siege weapons as part of the overall basic WvW design since the beginning. They’re not going away.

I admire your tenacity. Nobody wants siege to go away, but for the cheapest siege in the game to be HANDS DOWN the most powerful is just ridiculous.

I’d argue that the WXP trait lines for ACs are the worst of it – so let’s ignore the 80% damage increase for the moment (but instead recognize that any buff or nerf of that magnitude is almost certainly going to cause imbalance).

If you siege hills or Stonemist and get past the outer wall or gate and your opponent is both competent and organized there is literally nowhere to stand inside the walls that cannot be hit by superior ACs with the range trait. The range trait is first, virtually anyone should have it.

You can’t setup a ballista because the AC damage will destroy it even if you flash build it. If you build it quick enough it might last 20 seconds.

We get stupid comments int hsi thread like “don’t stand in the red circle” but that is somewhat difficult when the red CIRCLES (plural) are overlapping everywhere and extend 5000 range from you in every direction.

ACs are now so powerful that most servers are placing them virtually everywhere in a structure and worst of all in open fights. I can count the number of times I’ve seen a ballista since the change on one hand.

The game suffers because we need to resort to trebbing everything. We need to setup trebs to take the inner wall or gate because we can’t place any siege anywhere else. A treb takes considerable supply to build and encourages us to zerg up to build enough so that we can do more damage than can be repaired and/or ensure 17 of us aren’t just standing around watching the three guys on the treeb hit “1”. Cos golly gee, thats fun isnt it? Watching other people use siege.

Inside the keep they only need 1 treb to take out our 4 trebs, and they probably have height advantage so even if we spread our treabs out enough we probably couldn’t hit the defending treb.

The advantages to owning a structure and being able to defend it are already considerable. ACs with zoom hacks and line of sight issues are everywhere and these issues have been well known for a long time. These changes simply make the game dull, slow and uninteresting.

It is boring the kitten off me and virtually everyone who I discuss it with.

It’s WvWvW reset and I’m typing on the forums instead, should tell you everything you need to know about these changes.

Aurora Glade [KISS]

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


You’d think completely destroying WvW would get a hotpatch.

WvW is literally broken. How much longer should I wait before uninstalling? Another 2 or 3 days maybe?

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Entropy.4732


I don’t see all the doom and gloom people are talking about. WvW still has ques on our server. People are still playing. Our vets are still playing. Not one single person in our guild has quit over this. A lot of people are even enjoying WvW more than they used to. There’s a lot of people that support the AC change. There is no mass exodus from WvW, at least on our server.

Maybe this is because we usually roll in groups of 10ish instead of zergs, but we’re loving WvW as much as ever right now. Yes, arrow carts make things more challenging during a siege. We consider it upping the difficulty and challenge ourselves to find new strategies. Strategies that do exist btw. A keep defended by ACs is not impossible to attack, just harder.

So to the people that are actually leaving the game because they can’t adapt to a minor change like this. Maybe WvW wasn’t intended for you to begin with. Which is not me trying to take a shot at you, just saying maybe you were looking for something else.

Ahhhhh… Yes. So those of us who played WvW religiously since launch were not the intended player base. Gotcha. I’m glad your server is still normal. Mine’s deserted. No one is debating the ability to counter AC’s with new tactics, what we are debating is the FUN of those tactics. Here’s the WvW I remember and miss. Two months ago SF launched a massive attack on our red keep. The call went out for players to defend. SF had about 100 players. We had about 45. Our wall seige was quickly liquified. Through careful use of choke points, landscape, and amazing players we engaged in an epic struggle of nonstop combat ( both large and small scale) through out every nook of the keep that lasted 4 hours straight. Our keep lord died 6 times and we revived him every time. And we (NSP) held the keep. It was beyond amazing. That kind of combat hasn’t happened even remotely since the AC buff. Nor could it. Those fun times are over. Bring em back. Please, Anet. We beg of you.

Styx Hemlock – Sylvari Mesmer – TFG – NSP

(edited by Entropy.4732)

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


So to the people that are actually leaving the game because they can’t adapt to a minor change like this. Maybe WvW wasn’t intended for you to begin with. Which is not me trying to take a shot at you, just saying maybe you were looking for something else.

Its not a minor change though, as was noted the meta of WvW has changed in the 2 weeks due to it, there has been a player saying he’s had to respec to properly deal with it……………..

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

(edited by morrolan.9608)

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


I don’t see all the doom and gloom people are talking about. WvW still has ques on our server. People are still playing. Our vets are still playing. Not one single person in our guild has quit over this. A lot of people are even enjoying WvW more than they used to. There’s a lot of people that support the AC change. There is no mass exodus from WvW, at least on our server.

Maybe this is because we usually roll in groups of 10ish instead of zergs, but we’re loving WvW as much as ever right now. Yes, arrow carts make things more challenging during a siege. We consider it upping the difficulty and challenge ourselves to find new strategies. Strategies that do exist btw. A keep defended by ACs is not impossible to attack, just harder.

So to the people that are actually leaving the game because they can’t adapt to a minor change like this. Maybe WvW wasn’t intended for you to begin with. Which is not me trying to take a shot at you, just saying maybe you were looking for something else.

Minor change? Since when did 80% become a minor change in mmo’s? I can’t recall as a 37 year old mmo gamer the last time I saw a 80% nerf or buff.

I’ve literally never seen a 80% nerf or buff in 15 years of mmo gaming.

The second me and guildies saw that patch note it sent off red flags. After playing with it for over a week now I can say that me and my guildies were correct. It was horribly over buffed with little thought put into it.

I have a very hard time believing a single second of testing was done on this change. A single second.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


So to the people that are actually leaving the game because they can’t adapt to a minor change like this. Maybe WvW wasn’t intended for you to begin with. Which is not me trying to take a shot at you, just saying maybe you were looking for something else.

Its not a minor change though, as was noted the meta of WvW has changed in the 2 weeks due to it, there has been a player saying he’s had to respec to properly deal with it.

He’s an eng… probably using the bug where nades pass through the destructible walls…

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


what is the current state of arrow carts ? we will have fix soon or we will not enter again in www ?

(edited by Reborn.2934)

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Colly.4073


Anet needs to test things before they implement them, They are making themselves look like complete Amateurs with recent patches.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


The siege cost, siege damage, range are really ill thought if balancing siege is the goal. Why can carts completely nullify catapults, at a lower siege and badge/gold cost? If someone drops 2 carts (60 supply, 12 badges) you need to drop 100 supply and 24 badges. The geography is already a defender’s advantage, and carts/ballistas were already a huge deterrent to charging a keep choke.

I just want to hear the reasoning on why Anet wanted WvW to become extremely slow and tedious. There’s more interest in guild vs guild in WvW than there is in the ESPORTS of Spvp, so why are we actively killing the one people like and promoting the other?

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


Please don’t listen to those complaining about the damage from arrow carts. It isn’t as bad as these people are making it out to be.

I like it quite a lot.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: scanz.4536


The damage and range combined is just way over the top. Needs a fix asap.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Here is the fix for AC’s

Leave the damage alone.

Make it so AC’s cannot damage siege.

Done. Now Ac’s can’t kill trebs on walls or catas or balis. They can kill the people manning those things though…

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


Here is the fix for AC’s

Leave the damage alone.

Make it so AC’s cannot damage siege.

Done. Now Ac’s can’t kill trebs on walls or catas or balis. They can kill the people manning those things though…

Or just revert the 80% change and keep the trait bonuses. Carts were already very good before this change.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


what is the current state of arrow carts ? we will have fix soon or we will not enter again in www ?

Same state as yesterday? They havent changed anything since the patch AFAIK.

I completely fail to see this “destroyed WvW” when actually playing. Keeps still flip alot, we can still do assaults on heavily defended ones. Yes, arrowcarts are more than just annoying now, they are major threat. But all they have done is force one to rethink careless standing in reach of strongpoints, really. Maybe more people should rethink their glasscannons as well and actually wear WvW armour.

Not that I would mind seeing lowered damage/range or at the very least double the cost to build them, still, it hasnt destroyed the game and WvW seem as popular as ever on my server (2h+ queue into EB tonight, yay!).

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


I’m still very much enjoying the buff to arrowcarts. Keeps and towers are still being flipped frequently on our tier and the only real difference I’ve noticed is how small groups of players can now effectively defend against a zerg that’s rushing the doors of a keep. Everything else seems to be the same.

I’d be happy if this buff wasn’t reverted really, but if it’s becoming a huge problem on the higher tiers then maybe it needs to be looked into.


Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


I’d be happy if this buff wasn’t reverted really, but if it’s becoming a huge problem on the higher tiers then maybe it needs to be looked into.

It isn’t a problem in NA T1.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Nuvo.5014


Anet don’t care about wvw plz understand that.
Arrow Cart Wars 2

(edited by Nuvo.5014)

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Jski.6180


Anet don’t care about wvw plz understand that.
Arrow Cart Wars 2

They already responded if you would read up a bit on the post or even just asked befor jumping to conclusion you would see what going on. Its more of a waiting game now more then like we will see something on the 14 but i guess no one can wait so they make sure that they get it right.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Senninha.4105


Arenanet PLEASE PLEASE do something FAST about the AC’s. For the first time since GW2 launch Far Shiverpeaks was outmanned since 1AM at EB on a saturday night. People are SICK AND TIRED of the AC’s and it is starting to show when it comes to activity in WvWvW. Arenanet cant you see you are ruining WvWvW with these silly AC’s!!!!!

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Redscope.6215


Maybe more people should rethink their glasscannons as well and actually wear WvW armour.

You do know that PVT armor is available outside of WvW and Zerker/Cleric/Carrion/etc armor is available in WvW…right?

I mean, you weren’t really under the impression that Soldier’s stats only came from WvW were you?

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


what is the current state of arrow carts ? we will have fix soon or we will not enter again in www ?

Same state as yesterday? They havent changed anything since the patch AFAIK.

I completely fail to see this “destroyed WvW” when actually playing. Keeps still flip alot, we can still do assaults on heavily defended ones. Yes, arrowcarts are more than just annoying now, they are major threat. But all they have done is force one to rethink careless standing in reach of strongpoints, really. Maybe more people should rethink their glasscannons as well and actually wear WvW armour.

Not that I would mind seeing lowered damage/range or at the very least double the cost to build them, still, it hasnt destroyed the game and WvW seem as popular as ever on my server (2h+ queue into EB tonight, yay!).

still …. because the easiest way ( you can complete 3-5 of the 5 goals by jumping inside a zerg ) to accomplish the daily is to go to www , but the negativity that created this arrow carts patch need asap fix because it is matter of time people loose their interest for gw2 as a mass pvp game .

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


what is the current state of arrow carts ? we will have fix soon or we will not enter again in www ?

Same state as yesterday? They havent changed anything since the patch AFAIK.

I completely fail to see this “destroyed WvW” when actually playing. Keeps still flip alot, we can still do assaults on heavily defended ones. Yes, arrowcarts are more than just annoying now, they are major threat. But all they have done is force one to rethink careless standing in reach of strongpoints, really. Maybe more people should rethink their glasscannons as well and actually wear WvW armour.

Not that I would mind seeing lowered damage/range or at the very least double the cost to build them, still, it hasnt destroyed the game and WvW seem as popular as ever on my server (2h+ queue into EB tonight, yay!).

still …. because the easiest way ( you can complete 3-5 of the 5 goals by jumping inside a zerg ) to accomplish the daily is to go to www , but the negativity that created this arrow carts patch need asap fix because it is matter of time people loose their interest for gw2 as a mass pvp game .

Numbers seem down quite a bit in T2 NA to me… I have multiple friends that won’t go into WvW right now and are waiting for the AC fix. There are a lot of people who don’t like siege being the main show Vs. them being support.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Entropy.4732


I’m still very much enjoying the buff to arrowcarts. Keeps and towers are still being flipped frequently on our tier and the only real difference I’ve noticed is how small groups of players can now effectively defend against a zerg that’s rushing the doors of a keep. Everything else seems to be the same.

I’d be happy if this buff wasn’t reverted really, but if it’s becoming a huge problem on the higher tiers then maybe it needs to be looked into.

If the 80% dam AC buff only turned on when a server was outmanned, then maybe this patch would work. The problem is that on my tier they are mostly utilized by the dominating, high pop server to ensure that a lower pop server has no hope in hell of ever making a come back. My server used to rely on quick bursts of guerrilla warfare and tower ninja-ing in order to compensate for our lower numbers. These tactics are useless now that the top dogs have covered every inch of their territory in AC’s. Taking a tower fast and deadly like has now become a long, tedious, treb-building slog. This time suck allows the higher pop server to hold their points and send in reinforcements at their leisure. Not to mention banish us from doing anything other then flipping camps. So if this patch was intended to give lower pop servers an edge, it failed miserably. Yes, many WvW players are just avoiding the game these days, hoping a patch will come out soon to correct this blunder.

Styx Hemlock – Sylvari Mesmer – TFG – NSP

(edited by Entropy.4732)

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Tiili.5701


I was semi-ok with the AC buff……until tonight. I sieged up NE keep on our bl the best i could, only to have everything taken down in seconds by ac’s. And my siege was even placed out of reach – i thought. All that time and money/badges wasted. Safe to say i lost all will to do wvw after that. I’d say it’s time for a damage reduction.

Shadows of Hibernia [Shhh]

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Entropy.4732


I was semi-ok with the AC buff……until tonight. I sieged up NE keep on our bl the best i could, only to have everything taken down in seconds by ac’s. And my siege was even placed out of reach – i thought. All that time and money/badges wasted. Safe to say i lost all will to do wvw after that. I’d say it’s time for a damage reduction.

I know. Terrible. There are several ways for them to correct the AC mess. Any of these solutions will work:

1. The AC buff only turns on for outmanned servers. Every other server it’s reverted to pre patch.
2. Damage for AC is reduced by 50%. Range reduced. Damage to siege reduced 80%.
3. AC cost is jacked way up.
4. AC’s only last 10 minutes before they disappear.

Styx Hemlock – Sylvari Mesmer – TFG – NSP

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Rawr.5930


Turning EVERY fight into Ac wars is possibly the fastest way to turn it into TREB wars 2.

Spectacularly fun watching treb after treb being built to kill acs, and when the dust settles…. The zerg with no acs left standing… scatters.

Utterly idiotic influence on the complexion of wvw.

My playtime in wvw has dropped 90%, many guildies have gotten bored of the idiotic ac treb dance too.

Well done anet.

Morbidly awaiting what traps are likely to break.

Who’s up for wping from supply camps and having mesmer ports onto doors after pets have swept for traps, sounds like loads of fun.

Meega Kweesta

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


I’m pretty much done with WvW until AC’s are nerfed. I still go solo roaming but I see no point in sieging anything considering 2 AC’s can wipe a group of 40 pretty easily.

I see no point in sieging when the outcome is that predictable. Pounding on the door with swords isn’t my idea of fun. Pounding on a door because all other siege literally melts in seconds isn’t fun.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


I just can’t believe you people can’t cope with the arrow carts and haven’t figured out other tactics.

Structures are still getting flipped on a regular basis, just not a quickly nor able to just have a ninja team do it.

So many bads.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Forzani.2584


Are people seriously leaving the game over this? WvW has continued to be lots of fun since the buff, and whatever tweaks they make back to ACs aren’t radically going to change the gametype. It kinda feels like anyone leaving over this would have left anyway.

People were also quiting because Warriors could cripple people for 1 second using a trait and AC #2. It was game breaking lol

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Jong.5937


I was semi-ok with the AC buff……until tonight. I sieged up NE keep on our bl the best i could, only to have everything taken down in seconds by ac’s. And my siege was even placed out of reach – i thought. All that time and money/badges wasted. Safe to say i lost all will to do wvw after that. I’d say it’s time for a damage reduction.

I know. Terrible. There are several ways for them to correct the AC mess. Any of these solutions will work:

1. The AC buff only turns on for outmanned servers. Every other server it’s reverted to pre patch.
2. Damage for AC is reduced by 50%. Range reduced. Damage to siege reduced 80%.
3. AC cost is jacked way up.
4. AC’s only last 10 minutes before they disappear.

Doing something to reduce the overwhelming power of the zerg was good, but they did too much too fast.

But I say just reduce siege damage to pre-buff levels and remove the ridiculous 40% range boost for @L1 Arrowcart wXP trait. This latter change makes all ballistas and all but the best placed cats in range of ACs. Many cat sites, probably carefully chosen by the map designers are now unusable. It’s a mystery why most L1 traits give 1% boost in damage/resistance, then this comes in with 40%.

Piken Square

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: TheMaskedGamer.5708


With the ability to put 12 arrowcarts on a single door, adding poison to an arrowcart resulting in 33% less healing, increasing arrowcarts damage by 80%, with arrowcarts being so easily built with such small amount of supply required and increasing the time within which bleed stays on you from a cart… how do you think this is a positive addition to WvW?

I cant even … Im utterly dumbfounded at why someone at arenanet would think this is a good idea…

If it works as an Anti-Zerg weapon, I’m fine with it.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lopez.7369


I see our numbers drop every day. People are moving away and we have zero queues on any map at any given time.
All that is left to do now is solo roam, since our guild group can’t really accomplish anything. We don’t want our members to spend 3 hours of their time watching others play with siege.
I must admit that I don’t know a whole lot about war history, but I don’t care, this is boring. If realistic means whatver this is, I rather do without. I assume this is the approach Anet wants to take though, since no “fix” has come yet.
GG Anet, it was fun while it lasted.

I agree with this post. I don’t care what the original intention of arrow carts was or what’s most realistic; no one wants to deal with siege weapons as if they’re players. Siege weapons should be for breaking down walls and doors, not damaging other players.

If ArenaNet thinks there’s a problem with zergs, find another way to fix it. No one wants to rely so much on siege weapons.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Wandred.4583


this arrow cart make me mad, half of our guild stop playing. Becose it’s imposible to take something, that 10+golems die in 10 sec. by some superior arror carts

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Jong.5937


Siege weapons should be for breaking down walls and doors, not damaging other players.

Really! How would this ever work? A small well dug in defensive force with well placed siege should absolutely be able to hold out against even a large mob of derpers.

We could argue that a ram especially should reduce damage for the person on it (some kind of cover), but siege that doesn’t affect players out in the open??

Piken Square

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Xehise.3519


The AC is meant to help the outmanned servers. But it has the side effect of actually helping the stacked server. It’s now virtually impossible to take a fully upgraded keep unless you are stacked.

Reminds me of the Orb of Power disaster. How long is it before Anet finally decided to do something about it. 3-4 months before the patch to eliminate the Orb of Power.

So you can expect to wait that long before this finally gets some attention, and a few more months before it is resolved.

For me, I have quit the game since 1 day after the patch.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Frenk.5917


They should decrease the AC damage of about 20-25% in order to still be able to use it to “counter” blobbling. However the most important nerf they have to do is their RANGE.

Frenk – EU
All is vain

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Jong.5937


The AC is meant to help the outmanned servers. But it has the side effect of actually helping the stacked server. It’s now virtually impossible to take a fully upgraded keep unless you are stacked.

Reminds me of the Orb of Power disaster. How long is it before Anet finally decided to do something about it. 3-4 months before the patch to eliminate the Orb of Power.

So you can expect to wait that long before this finally gets some attention, and a few more months before it is resolved.

Devon has said they have a quick change already in testing and close to release. Let’s see.

Piken Square

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: TheMaskedGamer.5708


I think you guys just don’t get the point of the Arrow Cart. Its purpose IS anti-infantry. I still think that most siege weapons are under powered. In fact, i wish for some of them, like the AC, Ballista and Ram to have movement,(They can’t be used while in movement though, and they should be very slow to move.) I say increase the defenses of the Golems against the AC. AC is the practical Anti-Zerg weapon, and Im really ok with that.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Cameirus.8407


I think you guys just don’t get the point of the Arrow Cart. Its purpose IS anti-infantry. I still think that most siege weapons are under powered. In fact, i wish for some of them, like the AC, Ballista and Ram to have movement,(They can’t be used while in movement though, and they should be very slow to move.) I say increase the defenses of the Golems against the AC. AC is the practical Anti-Zerg weapon, and Im really ok with that.

AC vs players is ok, maybe a bit too much range, but the dmg is fine…IF it was not a counter to everything else. It kills rams, balistas, golems, catas and even trebs.

Its too powerful at everything, if it was specialised to anti-player fine, but right now its just too good at everything.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Esprit Dumort.3109

Esprit Dumort.3109

I agree that AC’s are too strong against siege. An enemy zerg will build one right up at a tower gate and destroy any AC’s or catapults within range, inside.

You already have Sigils that do +X% damage to target types. Apply that concept to AC’s… instead – X% vs Structures / Siege. Ballistas already have that implemented with skill #3.

Jessamine [SNOW]

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: TheMaskedGamer.5708


I think you guys just don’t get the point of the Arrow Cart. Its purpose IS anti-infantry. I still think that most siege weapons are under powered. In fact, i wish for some of them, like the AC, Ballista and Ram to have movement,(They can’t be used while in movement though, and they should be very slow to move.) I say increase the defenses of the Golems against the AC. AC is the practical Anti-Zerg weapon, and Im really ok with that.

AC vs players is ok, maybe a bit too much range, but the dmg is fine…IF it was not a counter to everything else. It kills rams, balistas, golems, catas and even trebs.

Its too powerful at everything, if it was specialised to anti-player fine, but right now its just too good at everything.

I see your point. I hope its really simple to balance the damage on the rest of the the other weapons. I even think that they shouldn’t do damage to walls. If ArenaNet can basically nerf the damage to the other weapons, and leave the same damage to players. I’ll be okay with change.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Entropy.4732


I just can’t believe you people can’t cope with the arrow carts and haven’t figured out other tactics.

Structures are still getting flipped on a regular basis, just not a quickly nor able to just have a ninja team do it.

So many bads.

It has nothing to do with bad play. Of course arrow carts can be countered and new tactics employed. But as I’ve stated before, what the majority of people in this thread object to is that those new tactics are simply not fun and wind up being tedious and boring. That, combined with the fact that what was intended as a Zerg breaker for low pop servers is actually being used by high pop servers to solidify their lead in annoying and overpowered ways. The irony here is that confusion, the true Zerg breaker, was destroyed on the 30th as well. Most WvW players want epic player to player combat over objectives. Not standing around protecting arrow carts and trebs. Most WvW player want to be able to storm a tower when a wall falls, not be unable to enter the hole (and not even bother trying). Pre-patch siege was a nice compliment to player strategy and combat. Now siege is the main show. The main weapon. It’s absurd that an arrow cart is more powerful than a catapult or a balista. Simply absurd.

Styx Hemlock – Sylvari Mesmer – TFG – NSP

(edited by Entropy.4732)

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


I just can’t believe you people can’t cope with the arrow carts and haven’t figured out other tactics.

Structures are still getting flipped on a regular basis, just not a quickly nor able to just have a ninja team do it.

So many bads.

It has nothing to do with bad play. Of course arrow carts can be countered and new tactics employed. But as I’ve stated before, what the majority of people in this thread object to is that those new tactics are simply not fun and wind up being tedious and boring. That, combined with the fact that what was intended as a Zerg breaker for low pop servers is actually being used by high pop servers to solidify their lead in annoying and overpowered ways. The irony here is that confusion, the true Zerg breaker, was destroyed on the 30th as well. Most WvW players want epic player to player combat over objectives. Not standing around protecting arrow carts and trebs. Most WvW player want to be able to storm a tower when a wall falls, not be unable to enter the hole (and not even bother trying). Pre-patch siege was a nice compliment to player strategy and combat. Now siege is the main show. The main weapon. It’s absurd that an arrow cart is more powerful than a catapult or a balista. Simply absurd.

All I’ve seen in kitten and moaning about how this is destryoing wvw because they can’t deal with it and all these people are having a mass exsodus.

Hasn’t changed anything that I’ve seen, because there are still q’s on several boarderland maps during the week, stuff gets flipped just as easily as before, maybe a little bit slower but it hasn’t actually changed much beyond a little different thought about taking something like using a cat or treb instead of just rolling up to the gate and dropping a bunch of rams and STAND IN THE AC FIRE WHILE BEATING ON THE DOOR.

AOE should make you want to get out of the circle, not ignore it. I’ve stated before, range is a bit much but damage should stay. People should absolutely want to get out of AoE, not ignore it.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: manbearpig.8095


I just can’t believe you people can’t cope with the arrow carts and haven’t figured out other tactics.

Structures are still getting flipped on a regular basis, just not a quickly nor able to just have a ninja team do it.

So many bads.

It has nothing to do with bad play. Of course arrow carts can be countered and new tactics employed. But as I’ve stated before, what the majority of people in this thread object to is that those new tactics are simply not fun and wind up being tedious and boring. That, combined with the fact that what was intended as a Zerg breaker for low pop servers is actually being used by high pop servers to solidify their lead in annoying and overpowered ways. The irony here is that confusion, the true Zerg breaker, was destroyed on the 30th as well. Most WvW players want epic player to player combat over objectives. Not standing around protecting arrow carts and trebs. Most WvW player want to be able to storm a tower when a wall falls, not be unable to enter the hole (and not even bother trying). Pre-patch siege was a nice compliment to player strategy and combat. Now siege is the main show. The main weapon. It’s absurd that an arrow cart is more powerful than a catapult or a balista. Simply absurd.

All I’ve seen in kitten and moaning about how this is destryoing wvw because they can’t deal with it and all these people are having a mass exsodus.

Hasn’t changed anything that I’ve seen, because there are still q’s on several boarderland maps during the week, stuff gets flipped just as easily as before, maybe a little bit slower but it hasn’t actually changed much beyond a little different thought about taking something like using a cat or treb instead of just rolling up to the gate and dropping a bunch of rams and STAND IN THE AC FIRE WHILE BEATING ON THE DOOR.

AOE should make you want to get out of the circle, not ignore it. I’ve stated before, range is a bit much but damage should stay. People should absolutely want to get out of AoE, not ignore it.

in that case lower the aoe size of the arrowcart and increase the global cooldown between attacks cause thats alot of circles getting spammed all over from 1 arrowcart if you havent noticed. i agree with you though moveing out of aoe’s is simply what your supposed to do but when it can be spammed at that large its to much

kintai yuhara 80 necro [RE]

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


All I’ve seen in kitten and moaning about how this is destryoing wvw because they can’t deal with it and all these people are having a mass exsodus.

Hasn’t changed anything that I’ve seen,

What tier are you in? Because in T1 the meta has changed significantly in favour of even larger zergs flash building ACs everywhere.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Loken.9724


When, when will this end?

Just so ridiculous.

Alaric the Sic level 3 guard
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


All I’ve seen in kitten and moaning about how this is destryoing wvw because they can’t deal with it and all these people are having a mass exsodus.

Hasn’t changed anything that I’ve seen,

What tier are you in? Because in T1 the meta has changed significantly in favour of even larger zergs flash building ACs everywhere.

That didn’t change. That was always there. Need to soften up a target, flash build a AC. Have a bridge or other choke, AC with a warrior to take advantage of leg specialist when it still worked with arrowcarts and a couple of ballista with people that can spread shot. Even before leg specialist on arrow carts, an arrow cart or ballista would often get built if we had the supply.

Nothing has changed except now we cannot just ignore arrow cart aoe like we could before.

Started on SoS, moved to Blackgate with my guild.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Entropy.4732


I just can’t believe you people can’t cope with the arrow carts and haven’t figured out other tactics.

Structures are still getting flipped on a regular basis, just not a quickly nor able to just have a ninja team do it.

So many bads.

It has nothing to do with bad play. Of course arrow carts can be countered and new tactics employed. But as I’ve stated before, what the majority of people in this thread object to is that those new tactics are simply not fun and wind up being tedious and boring. That, combined with the fact that what was intended as a Zerg breaker for low pop servers is actually being used by high pop servers to solidify their lead in annoying and overpowered ways. The irony here is that confusion, the true Zerg breaker, was destroyed on the 30th as well. Most WvW players want epic player to player combat over objectives. Not standing around protecting arrow carts and trebs. Most WvW player want to be able to storm a tower when a wall falls, not be unable to enter the hole (and not even bother trying). Pre-patch siege was a nice compliment to player strategy and combat. Now siege is the main show. The main weapon. It’s absurd that an arrow cart is more powerful than a catapult or a balista. Simply absurd.

All I’ve seen in kitten and moaning about how this is destryoing wvw because they can’t deal with it and all these people are having a mass exsodus.

Hasn’t changed anything that I’ve seen, because there are still q’s on several boarderland maps during the week, stuff gets flipped just as easily as before, maybe a little bit slower but it hasn’t actually changed much beyond a little different thought about taking something like using a cat or treb instead of just rolling up to the gate and dropping a bunch of rams and STAND IN THE AC FIRE WHILE BEATING ON THE DOOR.

AOE should make you want to get out of the circle, not ignore it. I’ve stated before, range is a bit much but damage should stay. People should absolutely want to get out of AoE, not ignore it.

Riiight. 48 pages, 2300+ responses, over 30,000 views and it’s just a bunch of L2P noobs who can’t take the heat for you, huh? I don’t care what business you’re running but when that percentage of the consumer base is that riled up about what Anet thought would be a minor patch I’d say something is very, very wrong. Those are serious numbers.

Styx Hemlock – Sylvari Mesmer – TFG – NSP

(edited by Entropy.4732)