Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Ins.7139


Another fun day of fighting on BT BL. For agood few hours we had no more than 10-15 defenders and had to keep bat phoning xaoc to come remove LNM and co lol

And i swear you frenchies love your thfs, got tired of getting mobbed by 5-10 at a time at supplys. Was good today though

[PT] Ins For Da Waaagh
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Empyre.2531


[rg] starting complaining :/ ….. don’t let people think that you got some butthurt !
You’re one of the best guild in EU, with a great leader, your small bus is famous; that’s price of fame, everybody wants to fight you. That’s why definetly, most of times you’re outnumbered two to one (except when CIR sticked to your raid).
Now if you want to fight just one guild, just contact them to decide a place/time. But keep in mind that French guilds are small (smaller and smaller, thanks to lags issues and problems with french providers); and actually the guys that you are fighting (lnm, sr, mos joke ….) belong to the same ally, called [ES]. Ally or guild, is it so much different ?
I know that you like to be outnumbered, you like the challenge – just accept to be wiped sometimes.
Sincerely, thank you for the fights and the tension, that’s a very nice week !

Exactly. Some ppl don’t understand that all the more known guilds moving together to actually fight our one guild is one of the highest forms of giving respect in games and ultimately the best fight you can find in GW2 atm.

I highly enjoy that and your way of approaching us. Some ppl went brainafk while playing due to no challenge in lower tiers and last week T1. This should wake them up a bit (or make them gtfo).
One thing I can assure you is that we don’t roam with CIR. We eventually gather with them to try to take highly defended objectives. That makes us two guilds field ~40 ppl.


Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Oh yeah, this week is more like it!

The fights are also so much more mobile now, ankittenep getting cut off from the group (/cough, don’t tell Syn). Most of the time, i survive just fine, but think ill need to throw in some extra toughness anyways….

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Syndic.4762


Some very good fights today in BT Borderlands, thanks to all enemies for providing entertainment.

See you tomorrow for more fun fights!


Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: abaddon.4768


scouting group vs scouting group in bt bl tonight. thank you for the fun AS.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Dawn.3716


I’d like to thank Arborstone and Vizunah for letting me hit my 10k kills achievement. I love you guys, keep dying

reached 40K yesterday. ty very much Xaoc and Ruin^^

Ruin is no more on BT maybe some individual players but the rest left. Take it as a xmas present from BT so FR can stop crying about americans on EU servers btw gz to 40k kills

Huh.. Where, SFR? That would be too ironic

After Darkness there was Dawn. [ThUn]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Choko.6821


I’d like to thank Arborstone and Vizunah for letting me hit my 10k kills achievement. I love you guys, keep dying

reached 40K yesterday. ty very much Xaoc and Ruin^^

Ruin is no more on BT maybe some individual players but the rest left. Take it as a xmas present from BT so FR can stop crying about americans on EU servers btw gz to 40k kills

Huh.. Where, SFR? That would be too ironic

Do you get problem with SFR?

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


Red Guard must be a fun place to be in. You guys come off as immature kiddo’s in a pissing contest. Yes that’s coming from a person who plays on Blacktide. I get that you want to beat your opponent and all but how you guys represent RG in this thread takes away any kind of credibility. I don’t know how you guys operate in WvW, I honestly don’t care either. You want to be able to laugh at your opponents? Beat them, record it and when THEY start talking crap you tell them whats up.
I just think to myself “Oh well, 10k points ahead. They must be angry.”. Be the bigger man/woman cause nobody likes the kid who screams on the top his lungs about how he’s better than the rest.

That out of the way, so far this match up isn’t what I thought it would be. It seems our main forces never seem to meet. When Nugos starts playing on Vizu BL both Vizu and Arbor seem to lack presence. By the time we stop playing both Vizu and Arbor have insane numbers. Maybe we picked the wrong map to play on this match up.

I like playing versus Arborstone players more because they don’t shy away from a fight. 90% of the time I run solo capping camps, killing doly’s and trying to kill any player that tries to stop me from doing those 2 things. Most Vizu players I have run into 1v1 either run away or fight, lose and then ALT-F4 (Mostly no-guild players but sadly quite a lot of guilded players don’t seem to like losing). Arborstone players go for that nitty gritty kill and if they lose they will respawn and run back to that point to go for round two. Love it!

Vizu has as far as I can tell the best server communication though. More than once I was in the middle of capping a supp camp and I get spotted by a scout and BAM within seconds there’s a team of 10+ people trying to kill me/stop me.

I’m a P/D – SB condition thief with a [Nug] tag on Vizu BL almost always solo and always outnumbered but always ready for a fight. So far the score is pretty kitten even and it’s going to be fun this week!

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


I’d like to thank Arborstone and Vizunah for letting me hit my 10k kills achievement. I love you guys, keep dying

reached 40K yesterday. ty very much Xaoc and Ruin^^

Ruin is no more on BT maybe some individual players but the rest left. Take it as a xmas present from BT so FR can stop crying about americans on EU servers btw gz to 40k kills

Huh.. Where, SFR? That would be too ironic

Do you get problem with SFR?

It’s the next server likely to rise to T1 and therefore a target for RUIN.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Syndic.4762


Personally I was quite happy with the fights last night (26th) in Blacktide borderlands, some fun encounters with PSY and SR and fun wipes at Redwater Lowlands. Nice to see more guilds from Blacktide taking to the field after the weekend break, Ruin transferring cost us a few guilds but now they’re gone we’re building back up to our previous numbers.


Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Love the works of the RG elem near Redlake <3.
How shameful for AS this 4/5 vs one with some many losses… :/

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Intigo.1653


Love the works of the RG elem near Redlake <3.
How shameful for AS this 4/5 vs one with some many losses… :/

Was it an Asura in Blacktide Border? Probably me then, was a really fun fight.

Unfortunately didn’t have HDD space for recording it, but was really enjoyable – thanks for the kind words!

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Yep an Asura, i just look and laugh, very funny ( except for AS unfortunately )


Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Jade.4259


Amazing fight between Arbore Stone and Blacktide at the bay this night, really interesting, good job everyone !

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Intigo.1653


Option / MM / whoever else was in Arborstone Borderlands: Those were amazing fights, thanks a lot for that. All those crazy fights and then WvW restart in the middle of the Hills one, heh. Last frame before it reset:

Yep an Asura, i just look and laugh, very funny ( except for AS unfortunately )

Haha, I didn’t even notice you there – guess I was too busy. Thanks for letting the fight play out.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

(edited by Intigo.1653)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Jade.4259


yeah really nice job intigo, i have seen you there… impossible to win for us in 1v1… you are really skilled

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Cyril.1486


Good action on Arbor boarder tonight some insane bombing going on. What is going on with MOS then 6 guys running around ? Did a lot of guys quit or something.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: abaddon.4768


great fights in against AS and their bl tonight. definitely more interesting fights with you then Viz. That fight at the west keep at around 2330 gmt was epic. Glad you guys are in 2nd atm.

AS vs BT vs SFR giv.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Vroum.2906


So much love, it’s beautiful.
Seems Xaoc and others late/early players are more in love with our borderland though.

Guardian | Warrior | Elementalist on Vizunah Square

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Saros.4968


Great fights on Blacktide map yersterday, but Vizunah and Blacktide forces were no match for AS forces.

Thanks for putting out great fights till late (2 AM till reset) on this map tho.

Sarosk – lvl 80 Norn Warrior
<Joke> Guildmaster – Arborstone

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


That was a pretty epic garrison battle, though i do wonder, does Arborstone have other classes than eles? :p

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Dawn.3716


I’d like to thank Arborstone and Vizunah for letting me hit my 10k kills achievement. I love you guys, keep dying

reached 40K yesterday. ty very much Xaoc and Ruin^^

Ruin is no more on BT maybe some individual players but the rest left. Take it as a xmas present from BT so FR can stop crying about americans on EU servers btw gz to 40k kills

Huh.. Where, SFR? That would be too ironic

Do you get problem with SFR?

I don’t think so, didn’t last time. But i don’t miss the crying

After Darkness there was Dawn. [ThUn]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Cyril.1486


Really great action on Arbor boarder again big shout out to MOS for coming out in force and actually coming to hunt us alone. Big respect. Hope to see more of the same tomorrow.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Zaemon.2640


Yeah i had a lot of fun in AS borderlands tonight, Thanks MOS and Option.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


So how’s SFR been doing? I’ve noticed you guys got a nice population boost and shot up the rankings. Got some transfers?

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Dawn.3716


I’d like to thank Arborstone and Vizunah for letting me hit my 10k kills achievement. I love you guys, keep dying

reached 40K yesterday. ty very much Xaoc and Ruin^^

Ruin is no more on BT maybe some individual players but the rest left. Take it as a xmas present from BT so FR can stop crying about americans on EU servers btw gz to 40k kills

Huh.. Where, SFR? That would be too ironic

Do you get problem with SFR?

I don’t think so, didn’t last time. But i don’t miss the crying

So you finally stop crying huh?

I was merely referring to the ridiculous amount of excuses why they didn’t win in our previous matchup.

After Darkness there was Dawn. [ThUn]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: saVdoom.2067


I’d like to thank Arborstone and Vizunah for letting me hit my 10k kills achievement. I love you guys, keep dying

reached 40K yesterday. ty very much Xaoc and Ruin^^

Ruin is no more on BT maybe some individual players but the rest left. Take it as a xmas present from BT so FR can stop crying about americans on EU servers btw gz to 40k kills

Huh.. Where, SFR? That would be too ironic

Do you get problem with SFR?

I don’t think so, didn’t last time. But i don’t miss the crying

So you finally stop crying huh?

I was merely referring to the ridiculous amount of excuses why they didn’t win in our previous matchup.

True. Truthfully speaking SFR lost mainly because of Xaoc as you can see below:

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Troma.3250


Where’s Troma, btw?

Hello old friend =)

i’m still here, but i have leaved War Legend and i have so much work with Grand Cross and trying to keep Vizunah in division 1 now i’m the “Grand Crusader” of GC and i work for Vizunian’s people.

i have to say, when i saw NuG, GF, NoX and all russian of Disorder League on Blacktide i was really happy, because you are still good enemys, and we had good contact on your forum.

But you have to know Vizunah had to do a lot of sacrifices, and this message is for everyone trashtalking and laughing at us. We had to fight Shiverpeaks old school for 1 month, we had to wake up at night to counter Desolation, we had to defend versus Elona, we had epic fights versus Arborstone, we had hard fight versus Blacktide and RG, we had to face the insult and xenophobia of RUINS….

and now, what is the situation? here is the truth :

1) we lost War Legend [WL] because they take a break, and they were able to tank a map and to kill a lot of guilds alone. (I’m not talking about the WL version you met RG, there were already a lot of members in pause/stopped and they suxed at this fight)

2) we lost a lot of guilds because of old Vizunah queue

3) irl sacrifices made us lost a lot of good commanders, they don’t activate their book anymore because they are tired

4) Xaoc and other BT guilds decided they want AS/SFR now, so they now focus us. Okay, that’s fine, but it’s again an hard thing for our moral.

5) we had almost no migration of alliance/guilds on Vizu since the beginning (except some karma farming lamers) of course we had little groups or single people coming btw.

I can say Arborstone and Blacktide are the best enemys for us, but don’t look at Vizunah like if we were at the top of our power atm. We are like very tired French Spartans, and we will fight to the last breath.

With Respect,


co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

(edited by Troma.3250)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Naikee.5936


4) Xaoc and other BT guilds decided they want AS/SFR now, so they now focus us. Okay, that’s fine, but it’s again an hard thing for our moral.

Why do u think so?

Represented by [Xaoc]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Troma.3250


Hello, because of this :

1) a Xaoc explained it on the guild wars 2 WvW forum (here)
2) a RG friend told me it
3) at night, a lot of battle reports of Vizunian’s confirm this

But if it’s wrong, i would like to know your official position to tell Grand Cross (the alliance on Vizunah)

co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Why do u think so?

Maybe because of this :

Our global strategy began to bear fruits. Attacking VS, less Arborstone, but night cappers done theirs business. Arborstone overtaking VS, what it mean for us? They have more fights versus each other. In weekdays they have more such fights, in weekend they saw us as their main opponent, but now they compete between each other. And Arborstone really have chance to take 2nd place.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Naikee.5936


Heh, I’ll try to explain (that translation of original version doesn’t describe correctly our position).

The global goal of Xaoc in GW2 was set and proclaimed before the game start – “The goal is to make Blacktide #1 WvWvW server in the World.” You can find it on our official forum or on presentations.

So, we’re trying to plan our actions to keep BT at the 1st place of the ladder. If it’s more competitive to make a pressure on VS today – we’ll do it. If on AS – we’ll do it.

For example, last weekend AS and VS tried to attack us more than each other (it was not only my opinion). Some periods of time VS was on the 1st place. Okay, so we decided to pay a little more attention on VS. But it’s not like "we hate VS and like AS or SFR).

The situation on WvWvW is quite changeable – today you have more fights against 1 server, tomorrow – against another. Also it depends on the border where fights are happen…

Represented by [Xaoc]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Choko.6821


I’d like to thank Arborstone and Vizunah for letting me hit my 10k kills achievement. I love you guys, keep dying

reached 40K yesterday. ty very much Xaoc and Ruin^^

Ruin is no more on BT maybe some individual players but the rest left. Take it as a xmas present from BT so FR can stop crying about americans on EU servers btw gz to 40k kills

Huh.. Where, SFR? That would be too ironic

Do you get problem with SFR?

I don’t think so, didn’t last time. But i don’t miss the crying

So you finally stop crying huh?

I was merely referring to the ridiculous amount of excuses why they didn’t win in our previous matchup.

I think you are the only one making excuse.

I’d like to thank Arborstone and Vizunah for letting me hit my 10k kills achievement. I love you guys, keep dying

reached 40K yesterday. ty very much Xaoc and Ruin^^

Ruin is no more on BT maybe some individual players but the rest left. Take it as a xmas present from BT so FR can stop crying about americans on EU servers btw gz to 40k kills

Huh.. Where, SFR? That would be too ironic

Do you get problem with SFR?

I don’t think so, didn’t last time. But i don’t miss the crying

So you finally stop crying huh?

I was merely referring to the ridiculous amount of excuses why they didn’t win in our previous matchup.

True. Truthfully speaking SFR lost mainly because of Xaoc as you can see below:

What has guild to do with server presentation? As far I know there was once a hacker that need to hack happy. It happen that person need to revenge SFR and the last meeting was on BT no? Anyway SFR beated BT once too.

(edited by Choko.6821)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: lin.2814


So how’s SFR been doing? I’ve noticed you guys got a nice population boost and shot up the rankings. Got some transfers?

Yep. I know that they got 3 russian guilds and some other.
They are second russian server now)

(edited by lin.2814)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Hehe we aren’t even close tier1 and baruch will nightcap crap out of us in next round.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Aysnvaust.7046


No worries, Baruch is no match for you. Don’t want to sound arrogant, but Baruch Bay has a serious lack of strategie/coordination and therefor was the easiest server to fight against for Elona in the upper tiers.
You better break your head on the other servers you might be facing in the future – this is a totally different league.

Poke Menot
Asura Thief
Elona Reach

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Grok.6714


On SFR we have still a lot of work before being competitive for T1 , most of our community is aware of that.

Next week we will see against BB how we can deal with heavy offtime capping. We STILL haven’t sorted out that…

EDIT: but please, keep on topic. We don’t want to ninja this discussion .

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Ergh, i’m liking the battles against the French, and i don’t have good memories of last time we were against SFR.
Though the server might’ve changed… I hope so…. Well, you obviously have at least some of the old forum warriors left, maybe they’ll whine less this time around, if you get up.

What’s the score right now?

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Choko.6821


Ergh, i’m liking the battles against the French, and i don’t have good memories of last time we were against SFR.
Though the server might’ve changed… I hope so…. Well, you obviously have at least some of the old forum warriors left, maybe they’ll whine less this time around, if you get up.

What’s the score right now?

Who you reference the old forum warriors left? And also are you complaining about the whine now?

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


Ergh, i’m liking the battles against the French, and i don’t have good memories of last time we were against SFR.
Though the server might’ve changed… I hope so…. Well, you obviously have at least some of the old forum warriors left, maybe they’ll whine less this time around, if you get up.

What’s the score right now?

Don’t worry, it looks like there’ll be close to a 130 point gap between top t2 and bottom t1 right now.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Scuzzy.2713


So how’s SFR been doing? I’ve noticed you guys got a nice population boost and shot up the rankings. Got some transfers?

Many transfers it seems, maybe too many now, snowballing a bit, from memory:

3 or so Russian guilds
2 or more Polish guilds
Alot of Italian guilds
A few international guilds – some Euro’s that moved from NA servers.

Once they are fully trained up in forum whining they will be good to go….got to keep our standards up would not want to alter your perception.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Choko.6821


I’d like to thank Arborstone and Vizunah for letting me hit my 10k kills achievement. I love you guys, keep dying

reached 40K yesterday. ty very much Xaoc and Ruin^^

Ruin is no more on BT maybe some individual players but the rest left. Take it as a xmas present from BT so FR can stop crying about americans on EU servers btw gz to 40k kills

Huh.. Where, SFR? That would be too ironic

Do you get problem with SFR?

I don’t think so, didn’t last time. But i don’t miss the crying

I don’t miss the crying from BT either.

So how’s SFR been doing? I’ve noticed you guys got a nice population boost and shot up the rankings. Got some transfers?

Many transfers it seems, maybe too many now, snowballing a bit, from memory:

3 or so Russian guilds
2 or more Polish guilds
Alot of Italian guilds
A few international guilds – some Euro’s that moved from NA servers.

Once they are fully trained up in forum whining they will be good to go….got to keep our standards up would not want to alter your perception.

Is this forum or excuse ground? So I am now asking are you working for BT or SFR?

(edited by Choko.6821)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Syndic.4762


Like others explained, BT’s global strategy isn’t decided on petty factors like “BT dislike Server Y so we will focus them”.

We focus down the biggest “danger” in the match-up, and adjust our focus accordingly during the match. If some server is strong enough to get into T1 they’ll get here on their own – we don’t make any effort to make that happen.

I’m sure we have a lot of bad apples on our server (I’m probably one of them! :P ), but the majority of BT is united in opinion that we must fight harder then everyone else and respect our enemies for the fun and challenge they provide us with every day.

Personally I think that VS and AS should make a french alliance again and really try to beat BT into the ground. Some people on our server might whine about it, but a vast majority of us that enjoys the fights with you would enjoy the challenge being the underdog in the match-up.


Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Scuzzy.2713


@Choko – it was sarcasm…but appears it was lost on people.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


Personally, I’d love to see SFR get to Tier 1.

Drama strengthens communities and guilds, and communities and guilds are what keeps people logging in everyday, it’s what keeps MMO’s from dying.

Too many companies try to make their game dramaproof, and it shows. MMO’s are fueled by drama.

We all have a little troll in our hearts. Ohh, no wait. That’s just an arrow.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

(edited by Scribbles.7493)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Firen.6078


I just want to thanks the red guard guild that came to the AS home map this week.
You guys are a blast and we in MoS had a realy great time fighting you.
You came up with a great tactic we called snake in TS as you realy look like one when fighting on flatland.
You forced us to reconsider our tactics and moves and we ended up having alot of fun facing you again yesterday.


see you again i hope

Firengrot Guardian of Millenium old School

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Empyre.2531


I just want to thanks the red guard guild that came to the AS home map this week.
You guys are a blast and we in MoS had a realy great time fighting you.
You came up with a great tactic we called snake in TS as you realy look like one when fighting on flatland.
You forced us to reconsider our tactics and moves and we ended up having alot of fun facing you again yesterday.


see you again i hope

Firengrot Guardian of Millenium old School

Thanks for coming out as well guys.

Could have been 2 more epic fights, but we had already portaled to camp, when you started loading in at distance due to culling (n/e bo and s/e outer garrison).

Cu again next week.


(edited by Empyre.2531)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


If the only way to win against Blacktide is for the other servers to band together, it proved that we are insanely strong and if that’s the only way we can be beat, they should do it

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Miporin.3529


If the only way to win against Blacktide is for the other servers to band together, it proved that we are insanely strong and if that’s the only way we can be beat, they should do it

Indeed, but is hard to accept this, asking to another server and doubling forces, it show that they have only numbers and no strategy, no strengh, no pride.

Is very sad.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


They do ahve all that, though.