Crystal Desert vs Darkhaven vs Yak's Bend
Being on CD for the last 3 match ups ( came for RL friends) This weeks match up is really refreshing. I’ve been doing nothing but WvW its so much more enjoyable than the usual friday reset everyone plays , then log in the next day and one server already owns 3 orbs and 70% of the map.
Mmmm… Fun times to be had by all! Tonight’s Eternal borderland map was so great I couldn’t stop. Stayed for about 12hrs. Thank you to all who played from Crystal/Yak/Darkhaven. In particular I hope everyone enjoyed the Stonemist 3-way fights. Oh yeah, thank you commander Yoli. =D
~ Phun
I renounce my hibernation and return.
Sea of Sorrows survivor – Currently on Blackgate
As far as I know/have heard, CD is a full/near full server. The vast majority, are all PVE-centric. So, larger guilds do not have the free cap space to bring an entire guild here. It’s been both a blessing, and a curse.
I will say, the guilds/people we have that are active in WvW, are pretty darn good. We have some pretty insurmountable coverage gaps, which is why we went from 5th to 10th or whatever we are now, but when we are hitting on all cylinders, its a pretty good force.
With that said, Yaks and DH are beasts. You both use your strengths to a great advantage, and really the only major glaring shortfall is coverage. Both sides have great organization, and quick response. I usually run with 2-3 guild mates max (super small wvw guild), and we hardly ever shy away from larger numbers, but both sides use some nifty tactics, and fight with tenacity most of the upper tier servers can’t match. tier 1 and 2 is, basically, all a zerg fest. Yaks and DH players all seem to not have been tainted by constant zerging, and most that i’ve run into are fantastic in small squad/solo pvp.
I believe someone said in this thread something along the lines of…the score doesn’t even matter in this match..etc etc. can’t have said it better myself. the score reflects nothing on whats going on in the inside.
My guild has mainly seemed to be running into DH mainly, and I have to give a shout out to [RH] Rethesis (sorry if i spelled this wrong!). You guys are pro, and we at [BB] Breaking Bads love putting up the dukes with you guys. Every last one of you, i’ve come across at least, more then holds their own out there!
Thanks for the good times so far, and lets keep it rollin till the end.
Happy Tree of w0t0 [w0t0] -Crystal Desert-
fun battles, seems halloween has really hurt a few servers numbers. Aside from the few hacks/exploits its been a good match.
(edited by Toymachine.8271)
Gonna go ahead and add my voice to the choir of praises towards our opponents on CD and DH. Been having a blast and in a way I’m almost thankful for the Halloween event taking some of the numbers out of the match. I mostly do a lot of supply camp ninja capping and small group roaming and it’s actually been pretty fun finding other solo artists and small groups doing the same instead of mini zergs everywhere (minus when CD is on en-masse I keed ).
The back and forth at RB tonight on YBBL was fun as well. Fought DH forces there for almost 2 hours back and forth. Cheers all!
Yaks Bend
Hello first I’d like to introduce myself, I am Ethersin GL of [RE] Rethesis of DarkHaven server. I normally avoid the forums, but due to certain circumstances I am here today. I’d like to speak about a particular guild in our server ruining the servers rep and inciting flame we don’t need. This video is me capturing them straight hacking: (watch in HD) So I ask for those in DH, CD, and Yaks to please report these guys if and when you see them and I wanted to state that their actions do not reflect us as a server. As of now I am aware of three of their members being hackers. Thank you all.
I also got footage tonight of a member of HVN (Heaven and Earth) hacking:
Those guys need to figure out who’s doing it and clean up their act if they still want to be taken seriously.
Crystal Desert
(edited by Zoltan.1873)
Not sure if it was the correct method to do so, but I used the in-game bug report utility to send a report under the “WvW” header with a link to the above video. I doubt Anet will be able to do much with it, but it was all I could think of.
Crystal Desert
I also got footage tonight of a member of HVN (Heaven and Earth) hacking:
Those guys need to figure out who’s doing it and clean up their act if they still want to be taken seriously.
Unfortunately when their leaders buy gold and know that their members are hacking, they dont care much.
sorry, my first reaction is to wonder if the guild that filmed him planted him there. Would be nice if Anet can check a record of recent transfers and recruits.
CD seems to be pretty bad at holding keeps compared to you guys.
sorry, my first reaction is to wonder if the guild that filmed him planted him there. Would be nice if Anet can check a record of recent transfers and recruits.
Sorry but that’s pretty dumb. Why would some1 transfer over just to do this and not be able to xfer back for 7 days? Not every body has so much time on their hands.
CD seems to be pretty bad at holding keeps compared to you guys.
Or fully upgraded SMs
Big shoutouts to the night crew that was there for that run.
Grawls Gone Wild (GGW)
look at other videos of thieves taking out whole teams of people, and all the complaints on the forum how these guys make it impossible to cap supply camps. this guy was obviously a horrible fighter trying to take on 10 people ? then showing off his porting skills for the screen. looks VERY staged to me.
sorry, my first reaction is to wonder if the guild that filmed him planted him there. Would be nice if Anet can check a record of recent transfers and recruits.
No, unfortunately Ricky I was guilded with this particular guy, he’s from Turkey and over the server vent has said many nasty things over the past month about the guy who posted the video. I have also seen “echinamax” get into major arguments with members of RE over map chat in wvw. I can assure you he is solely acting on his own however, as once HVN finds out about this hacking he will be quickly removed from the guild no doubt, as HVN doesn’t take kindly to hacking whatsoever. Pretty pathetic he has felt the need to hack himself, but then again he wasn’t that good of a player to begin with. :/
ahh, just curious, how did you recognize that it’s him ?
Doesn’t seem like HVN’s commander must care that much. He’s racing him across the spawn point.
Grawls Gone Wild (GGW)
ahh, just curious, how did you recognize that it’s him ?
I think he’s talking about the one in Ethersin’s video. you can clearly see his name and guild. Echinamax – Heaven and Earth
The video from CD’s point of view looks like the same toon, and if it’s not, more shame to HVN
Had this funny chat with him too, kinda dumb.
Yak’s bend doing serious work today
Hehehe Ambrosiaa, we had to CD getting too far in front lol.
On a more serious note very nice D from DH on CD BL at their orb. They were able to hold off a YB attack, after we were in the Nth Inner, then CD hit from the Sth after we were beaten off, then we snuck in after CD and had a another crack, and were held off again by the DH D.
^I was the first DH commander on scene for that. Had to put down many arrowcarts, including superiors, and zero in my mortarmen, it was fun stuff. We were wondering the whole time why one server would attack then back off, and let the other server attack us. We had the outmanned buff for most of it, maybe 15 people in the whole map, until we brought in reinforcements from DH bl.
Unfortunately due to DHs abysmal numbers in WvW currently, we can really only defend one point during the early morning hours.
Darkhaven>Dragonbrand>Blackgate>Maguuma>Yaks Bend>Stormbluff Isle>Yaks Bend
^ well we were hoping cd would keep pressing their attack but they backed off. If they had of kept it up we might have snuck in the back door like we did in Eb the other day. No such luck.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
Really fun battles last night at Stonemist! Can’t wait to get out of work!
Some are suggesting an alliance against CD, not true. It’s just playing smart I would hope. I’ve never understood why the second place team would try to bury the third place team in fairly close battles. Keep the pressure on the first place team and it keeps the match competetive. You never know who might come out on top.
Two out of the last three match-ups in Wv3 have been great as a Yak with great battles from the community. I would hope all servers are so lucky to get the full experience this game has to offer.
Keep up the fight Yak’s!
Zaine Trufar, Thief
Yak’s Bend, Knights and Heroes Guild [Beer]
fun battles, seems halloween has really hurt a few servers numbers. Aside from the few hacks/exploits its been a good match.
And that little thing called Sandy. Minor detail.
As the elected community manager of the Darkhaven Alliance [DHA] and one of the managers of HVN, I am here to address the video submitted earlier.
The offender was acting alone, and not on behalf of any of the leaders or officers of our alliance, and this is currently under investigation.
We appreciate this being brought to our attention.
In response to the allegation that there are two more, we will be looking for proof.
DHA consists of over 25 worldwide guilds (and growing). We are currently getting our “day shift” organized in order to create a better gaming experience for everyone so that no one has to depend on the “night crew” to clean things up.
Despite the less than desirable position this week (and likely next), we have been able to review what we need to improve, and regroup.
We welcome guilds to join DHA, regardless of whether you are the only person in your guild, or you have a small number. DHA has a friendly atmosphere. There are no egos and all of our commanders work together. It is an exceptional setup that I am personally proud to be a part of.
We would like to thank Crystal Desert and Yak’s Bend for an amazing week. Of course, there has been a bit of frustration, and no one likes to lose, but I can safely speak for DHA to say that we have had a really good time and have enjoyed the challenges.
Feel free to send me a mail if you are interested in joining DHA. See you in game, happy gaming!
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As the elected community manager of the Darkhaven Alliance [DHA] and one of the managers of HVN, I am here to address the video submitted earlier.
The offender was acting alone, and not on behalf of any of the leaders or officers of our alliance, and this is currently under investigation.
We appreciate this being brought to our attention.
In response to the allegation that there are two more, we will be looking for proof.
DHA consists of over 25 worldwide guilds (and growing). We are currently getting our “day shift” organized in order to create a better gaming experience for everyone so that no one has to depend on the “night crew” to clean things up.
Despite the less than desirable position this week (and likely next), we have been able to review what we need to improve, and regroup.
We welcome guilds to join DHA, regardless of whether you are the only person in your guild, or you have a small number. DHA has a friendly atmosphere. There are no egos and all of our commanders work together. It is an exceptional setup that I am personally proud to be a part of.
We would like to thank Crystal Desert and Yak’s Bend for an amazing week. Of course, there has been a bit of frustration, and no one likes to lose, but I can safely speak for DHA to say that we have had a really good time and have enjoyed the challenges.
Feel free to send me a mail if you are interested in joining DHA. See you in game, happy gaming!
Hey man, you don’t have to defend your server because of one idiot. All of us unfortunately have these hackers that think they’re helping, but they are ruining the fun for all 3 servers involved.
As a side note, Yak’s and DH have been awesome this entire match.
Sanctum of Rall – [Choo]
Agreed, no worries Skynet.
Zaine Trufar, Thief
Yak’s Bend, Knights and Heroes Guild [Beer]
Thank you very much, Osskil and Zilm. It’s really been fun.
As a side note, I’d like to give a special shout out to anyone in CD involved in the five hour Redlake standoff a couple of days ago. That was epic! I was in mumble with some DHAs and we all really enjoyed the push and pull, despite the fact that, no doubt, all of our resources could have been put to much better use elsewhere.
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I think I speak for all of Fort Aspenwood when I say we are looking forward to next week and anticipate a good fight against you, Yak’s. If Eredon Terrace lands in the matchup, it’s unlikely they can field a population for that match but I won’t make assumptions until I see it for my own eyes. Until then!
As the elected community manager of the Darkhaven Alliance [DHA] and one of the managers of HVN, I am here to address the video submitted earlier.
The offender was acting alone, and not on behalf of any of the leaders or officers of our alliance, and this is currently under investigation.
We appreciate this being brought to our attention.
In response to the allegation that there are two more, we will be looking for proof.
DHA consists of over 25 worldwide guilds (and growing). We are currently getting our “day shift” organized in order to create a better gaming experience for everyone so that no one has to depend on the “night crew” to clean things up.
Despite the less than desirable position this week (and likely next), we have been able to review what we need to improve, and regroup.
We welcome guilds to join DHA, regardless of whether you are the only person in your guild, or you have a small number. DHA has a friendly atmosphere. There are no egos and all of our commanders work together. It is an exceptional setup that I am personally proud to be a part of.
We would like to thank Crystal Desert and Yak’s Bend for an amazing week. Of course, there has been a bit of frustration, and no one likes to lose, but I can safely speak for DHA to say that we have had a really good time and have enjoyed the challenges.
Feel free to send me a mail if you are interested in joining DHA. See you in game, happy gaming!
I hope DH remembers this before they go about accusing other servers like they loudly did in their last matchup.
I just want to say, this has been by far the best matchup in WvW. That is if you don’t include Yak’s fight just a few weeks ago when it came down to the last hour to decide the winner. I hope that if CD moves on DH stays in our bracket at least. Great fighting by everyone and if CD didn’t have the coverage that they do (not bashing you for it ) there would be a 1k difference in points on all three servers.
Great fighting by everyone, but the match isn’t over! Maybe Yak’s can come back and win! :P
@The Blind Man.3642
Spent so much time fighting your guild on DH Borderlands last night, at the SE Tower and Supply Camp.
I just want to say, this has been by far the best matchup in WvW. That is if you don’t include Yak’s fight just a few weeks ago when it came down to the last hour to decide the winner. I hope that if CD moves on DH stays in our bracket at least. Great fighting by everyone and if CD didn’t have the coverage that they do (not bashing you for it
) there would be a 1k difference in points on all three servers.
I honestly think Yak’s would be leading if we didn’t have our coverage, you guys are very good.
I’m a lurker on these forums for the most part, but the match-up this week has caused me to break my silence.
My friend, and I transferred to Yak’s this Friday, from Dragonbrand. I cannot tell you how happy we are with this server. You have so much spirit, and a very nice community!
Not to mention, it has been a pure pleasure to fight against DH and CD! All three servers are fighting ferociously, with a lot of terrific battles to be had. This is the most fun I’ve had in WvWvW since launch. I’m going to be really sad to see this week end.
Grady McNubber – Necromancer
Nuany – Ranger
Anyone have the time to give us a score update?
Zaine Trufar, Thief
Yak’s Bend, Knights and Heroes Guild [Beer]
Anyone have the time to give us a score update?
that’s a little outdated. DH and Yak’s are both making a strong dayside run with Yak’s having recently taken SM from CD.
Guardians of the Creed [HATE]
Yak’s Bend
At the time of posting it was less than an hour old
@The Blind Man.3642
Spent so much time fighting your guild on DH Borderlands last night, at the SE Tower and Supply Camp.
That was a blast. Every time we (YB) pushed you guys (DH) back to the spawn point, you wouldn’t take it and portal bomb us. Wiping us and leading the assault on the tower. Really enjoyed the battles back and forth!
I know why Darkhaven is losing.
Its because when I haven’t been busy with the Mad King, I’ve been without power.
Sorry Darkhaven, I let you down.
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.
Is all that Halloween PvE stuff worth it? Did I miss an item essential to my character for WvWvW?
Zaine Trufar, Thief
Yak’s Bend, Knights and Heroes Guild [Beer]
Lol not at all. I got my act 2 book and Mad King boots, and back into WvW.
Sanctum of Rall – [Choo]
Missed some fun PvP mini games, and I suppose a couple nifty skins, but nothing gamebreaking for WvW.
As the elected community manager of the Darkhaven Alliance [DHA] and one of the managers of HVN, I am here to address the video submitted earlier.
The offender was acting alone, and not on behalf of any of the leaders or officers of our alliance, and this is currently under investigation.
We appreciate this being brought to our attention.
In response to the allegation that there are two more, we will be looking for proof.
DHA consists of over 25 worldwide guilds (and growing). We are currently getting our “day shift” organized in order to create a better gaming experience for everyone so that no one has to depend on the “night crew” to clean things up.
Despite the less than desirable position this week (and likely next), we have been able to review what we need to improve, and regroup.
We welcome guilds to join DHA, regardless of whether you are the only person in your guild, or you have a small number. DHA has a friendly atmosphere. There are no egos and all of our commanders work together. It is an exceptional setup that I am personally proud to be a part of.
We would like to thank Crystal Desert and Yak’s Bend for an amazing week. Of course, there has been a bit of frustration, and no one likes to lose, but I can safely speak for DHA to say that we have had a really good time and have enjoyed the challenges.
Feel free to send me a mail if you are interested in joining DHA. See you in game, happy gaming!
I hope DH remembers this before they go about accusing other servers like they loudly did in their last matchup.
We cannot control rogue players that are unaffiliated with us. We will, however, deal with any and all players that violate our code of conduct, that being one of them.
Happy gaming!
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I just wanted to say that this has been a very fun week for me. Despite the fact that we are losing, I think I’d much rather be losing than have a boring week where one side just completely dominates the other two.
Crystal Desert should be renamed Eternal Battlegrounds Jumping Puzzle Gods of Camping. Since friday I have come online at 12 server time and for about 10 hours i would come back once an hour. Every single time of every single day there has been 5-10 CD players blockading the EB puzzle at arena. I dont know how you guys do it haha.
I noticed the same thing.. they are very good at locking everyone out of the jumping puzzles. My guild goes in force and has mesmers porting us all through pretty fast and we have had some good fights in there.
Its a good tactic to lock out individuals and small groups from the jumping puzzles. hats off to CD for that.
Lets find a dead server and have all the CD, Yaks and DH W3 people transfer, Including our after hours teams, then we would have an unstoppable 24/7 killing machine!!!
Now THIS will be an unstoppable force to reckon with! All 3 servers have an amazing fighting spirits and perfect 24/7 coverage……I’m sure either Kaineng or DR would welcome this with open arms
Talons [BT]
Fort Aspenwood