Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


What they really need to implement is paid transfers. People aren;t going to be hopping to and fro so easily when it costs 25 bucks to move. And even if they do it wont be in such bulk so that people just jump from day to day. It should also be a 2 week cooldown in order to keep it from server jumping due to who is winning and who is not.

There should also be caps so that things quit getting so imbalanced. NSP has been on such a crazy roller coaster. First our server was full, then medium pop, then low pop, then medium pop again. I hope they fix the transferring problem soon because there are too many fickle people who leave if we lose for one week.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Lilun.8732


I must point out, EB borderlands had some wait time around Monday 6-7-ish PST. It was a wtf moment, but, we were dominating EB borderlands at that time.

On another note: Eternal last night, we were in and out of the outmanned buff as we worked to sap supply from SM keep… on the off-chance that we could ninja it from Darkhaven’s hands… but yea, it got pretty late… and don’t know what came of it.

(edited by Lilun.8732)

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Alucielyse.4791


They’re not going to do any sort of queue restrictions because of “Night Capping” for the simple fact that they’re not going to penalize a entire server just because their peak time is different than the others. We could say the same about day capping, but Anet has already stated that one players time isn’t more valuable than another players. Read the Night capping and YOU thread in WvW.

I agree with the paid server transfers 100% It should have been implemented after the 1st week of launch.


Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Keiel.7489


I was in EB last night, there is no way your night players logged on their normal times. We saw little fighting until much later into the night from DH. As for Os members growing, we have been recruiting a bit more but lately when we get totally outnumbered when your aussie players log on we just do BL hopping and delay whatever it is that DH is planning (usually our group numbers 5-10) we leave a small portion on EB to do what they need too, the reset just raids.


Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Lurko.7185


Dang I was thinking about taking a night off of WvW. But NSP is putting the pressure on. This match isn’t finished yet. Keep on pushing DH!

Guild Leader of Pak’Cafan [Darkhaven]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


oh c’mon…tried 1v1ing a thief from NSP guild [STAR] and he just stood by the sentry the entire time and wouldn’t come fight me 1v1 even with 2 orbs… :\

Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: rias.6872


As usual, this time of the day NSP always take back everything. We are almost always outnumbered 3:1. NSP seems to have the numbers all over.


Xrande – Darkhaven Server
Circle of Kakis Guild
GMT +8 Asian Timezone – We are Recruiting! Weekly WvW and Dungeons!

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: rias.6872


Have to commend NSP on their fight. Very organized. Good numbers. They don’t just zerg blindly.

Their strategy is always:

  • Crash Walls, at least 2 walls.
  • Hang near wall and put up more trebs to allow allies to flow in
  • Kill invaders at choke points of trebs location
  • Crash even more inner walls
  • Charge and kill

Very organized, fast and tough.

Xrande – Darkhaven Server
Circle of Kakis Guild
GMT +8 Asian Timezone – We are Recruiting! Weekly WvW and Dungeons!

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: LOLO.2839


oh c’mon…tried 1v1ing a thief from NSP guild [STAR] and he just stood by the sentry the entire time and wouldn’t come fight me 1v1 even with 2 orbs… :\

I know of a few thieves from Os that will give you a run for your money

We are having fun in this matchup

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: ohac.8720


Early this morning…

EB back and forth tower and keep taking, we where out manned 5 to 1 and still held till basicly it was too late for anyone to stay on. However, during this time (most of us pushed our bedtimes back for this) we held and held strong, Darkhaven put up a good battle but with tactics in our favor we held.

Was a blast, doubt we will see much more of those being it’s almost over, but there where moments like these, that will be remembered.

Tracker [DH]

ps. those trebs btw,. yes that was our guild The two man tower takes, yup us too! and to our server directly, YES! We are recruiting!

salu all!

Tracker Maximous, Guardious Maximous, Arcanious Maximous, [DH] DragonHorn Officer

(edited by ohac.8720)

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Aliases.8354


I am curious, why does NSP when they have nothing at all usually in EhmBay’s battleground always take one supply camp, and constantly attack it. They die they lose they run back again and again and again, yet constantly dying. Not complaining I am just curious.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


Yeah, no doubt about it, NSP is stepping up their game, perhaps in a final push for 1st? I hope so! Let’s make it fun.

I too was hoping to take a night off this week to rest up for next week. But not if this ends up coming down to the wire.

It could be done. SoR netted something like 32K points in one day against Yaks. We can’t let NSP do the same. Rally DH, to arms!

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: iii.3905


Brothers in arms,

War isn’t over. NSP is a strong server, with the right push they can still win this match. Dark Haven please don’t look at the score and think we have won, we are far from winning. Never, ever let NSP pull a Sanctum on us, ever.

Dark Haven, some of you began fighting in wvw this week, do not let this winning illusion get in your heads, stop bragging about how much you own. The forum serves to 1. PR champaign 2. Whine. And if your not doing number 1 then you should be in game, on pub vent, handling behinds.

Half Nakes Norn out.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: ohac.8720


I am curious, why does NSP when they have nothing at all usually in EhmBay’s battleground always take one supply camp, and constantly attack it. They die they lose they run back again and again and again, yet constantly dying. Not complaining I am just curious.

To be honest, we visited the map once this match up for almost the same reason, to find out why this is the case. For the 30min or so we visited this map, we found it was basicly that no one from any descent guild on NSP partcipated in this map. We also have 3 large guilds that in a previous matchup where around but now have left server or just left WvWvW this round. Also another guild had a recent split of members so alas a restructure happened in some guilds, others as mentioned previously has equaled an un-balance in our usual server turnout.

Add in the odd hours of match-up and we got what we have now. However last night in a rare stance, good players returned in EB and in a way proved too ourselves and others that we are here, just not as active as previously. [DH] DragonHorn Guild of NSP (not to be confused with Darkhaven DH) have been doing Dungeon Runs and WvWvW. So alas, we are not showing a full presences this time around. Don’t take me wrong, we are on WvWvW daily , but numbers are up and down depending on the times. It’s a nice change of pace and not getting frustrated with issues in balance of population. Again however, last night was a good calling and EB proves the fact we can do it when we are on , well played everyone from all sides!

I look forward to our future matchup’s with whomever we get matched with, in the end DragonHorn stance on WvWvW is have fun but also working as a perfect unit to accomplish our goals. Some might call us elitest or whatever, but we do want to be the best and constantly push ourselves to be so.

In this, when watching maps and status of areas, we visit and reprise the sistuation in those areas, to which as mentioned no one is really pursing that map section unless some guild gets an itch and thinks it is weakly defended. Don’t take me wrong, we “thought” about going in , hitting the AH with one crew and another on the orb, but alas in the end we wouldn’t stay to really defend it long enough to make a differance other then to prove a point.

We thought on this idea a few times this match-up but always came to the end thought of, “well if we do this, in the end it will be just gone by morning as we don’t have an late night/early moring crew to defend it” , So to this end, we have done more support of one map, one location supporting those that have been on said map sense the start of this match-up.


Tracker Maximous, Guardious Maximous, Arcanious Maximous, [DH] DragonHorn Officer

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


I frapped a video of me being the only DH guy in NSP BL and fighting against like 6 others. (3 at the minium at one point)

Strange thing is..i didnt have the outmanned buff.

Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Khairos.3890


I am curious, why does NSP when they have nothing at all usually in EhmBay’s battleground always take one supply camp, and constantly attack it. They die they lose they run back again and again and again, yet constantly dying. Not complaining I am just curious.

Hey there,

Member of [War] from NSP here. Our guild’s been jumping into EB Borderlands, I think because it is neglected. In my experience there in the evenings/nights (EST), we always have the outmanned buff, and I don’t remember seeing any VIP, Os, etc activity there.

Last night however, we had a very strong push with support of [HERO], [TFO], and others. [FINE] has been particularly helpful in that borderlands with us at around those times, but in that borderlands, we seem outnumbered at those times. It seems pugs seem to avoid that BL too.

I also want to give a shot out to [RE] from DH I think it was. They gave us a run for our money if memory serves correct!

Helia – Stormbluff Isle – [MORD]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Supersun.4603


Our guild’s been jumping into EB Borderlands, I think because it is neglected.

Neglected compared to what? Eternals?

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Seeing a lot of NSP and DH, but I’m going to be the odd man out here. EB did a fantastic job last night for some time on their BL. All involved know what I’m talking about, including you joker saw ya there with cynthia and worban till he logged. Some great battles just south of Dreaming Bay, pushing us back to our keep when we wanted to take your orb. Eventually Yasker got the noodles all aligned and listening (countless times I saw jokes like … is swinging your sword at the reinforced gate fun? Do you enjoy stabbing boulders with toothpicks?"). Had to laugh more than once at the jokes, but the end result was building and developing map wide acknowledgement and ‘think before you act’ or you’ll run up and die, then sit there thinking we’ll res you (and yes I got called out once on the dreaming Bay attack – but res’d one of them). Was good to see for a few moments. I must have dropped 3-5 trebs and a couple catas, burned through multiple prints on that effort, till we finally got it. But not going to lie, it was a long fight, and there’s a number of you EB thieves, & mesmers (I tried to remember your tags, but when I woke it was like … uhh QFGX wtf did I write – seinfeld moment- you guys did such a good job coordinating you vulnerability strikes, literally could take someone down in 1.5 seconds if there condition removal was on cool down.

For the most part, fantastic… and yes saw a number of NSP people poking around – alot more than the night prior on the EB BL.

<— pst late nighter, don’t hate… it’s just the only time I can play with kids, full time job and all. Pretty sure our server is full of pst pvp players. But we have a lot of ‘new’ players as well. To give you an idea, every night I always see a map call from a new gw2 pvp player asking for some help and guidance while he levels to understand the game more. At one point I tagged along with a 36 just to let him roam and help at least extend the length of time before he eventually will dirt nap.

Also, last point I wanted to make, I found it much more challenging to take the northern half of the map, whether vet, camp, or just get up to the top. I saw a lot of EB groups every time I ran up, both right or left sides. Pretty good job keeping us locked down.

EB’s BL been pretty steady all week, even when I logged at 1am there was still plenty of fighting going on.

Fun night all in all, looking forward to tonight.

-Edit – sry on the terribad grammar, crushing this off at work.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

(edited by Hexin.5603)

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


Yeah Hexin, I too was amazed at EB’s efforts. Gotta hand it to them there. They were not letting us take any ground without a real hard fight.

They were out in force and playing well as if it was a really close match, and I’ve gotta give props for that. Hats off to you guys.

NSP you are making me lose sleep, dag nabbit! I try to go to sleep, but I find myself tossing and turning, getting up to check the scores every hour. This is the second time this week I’ve started my game day after 24 hours of no sleep! Curses!

But it’s exciting know that you can make the comeback over the next 48 hours. I’d rather be losing sleep over this than not playing WvW because it’s a blowout.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Jamaz.9837


I must point out, EB borderlands had some wait time around Monday 6-7-ish PST. It was a wtf moment, but, we were dominating EB borderlands at that time.

On another note: Eternal last night, we were in and out of the outmanned buff as we worked to sap supply from SM keep… on the off-chance that we could ninja it from Darkhaven’s hands… but yea, it got pretty late… and don’t know what came of it.

Our guild, “Shadowmoon”, and “All or Nothing” fielded about 25 members Tuesday night mostly to scrimmage some new recruits at WvW. The queue for the home borderlands was full because morale was high after winning several fights and the server wanted to stay.

We’ve definitely lost our temp army from when we got our free rank against Borlis and Fergerson, but what remains is our best. Once you start seeing the same tags in a borderland with even numbers, you can bet traditional strategies against us are out the window.

Ehmry Bay – The Shadowmoon

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


Well put Jamaz.

Throughly enjoyed holding the line with you against some of those massive zergs last night. EB Borderlands’ Dreaming Bay got a little hectic, but we stood fast. Hopefully, we’ll have the chance to meet again tonight on the battlefield.

- Tzenjin [AoN]

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


I must point out, EB borderlands had some wait time around Monday 6-7-ish PST. It was a wtf moment, but, we were dominating EB borderlands at that time.

On another note: Eternal last night, we were in and out of the outmanned buff as we worked to sap supply from SM keep… on the off-chance that we could ninja it from Darkhaven’s hands… but yea, it got pretty late… and don’t know what came of it.

We never got to do it. NSP fielded more night troops than normal and Darkhaven fielded less. We successfully messed up the supply lines and hit the keep multiple times ourself, draining thier supplies to nearly zero but we didn’t have have the numbers to hit it and Darkhaven was actually facing even odds OR WORSE against NSP last night.

In Ehmry Bay we are a stubborn lot, the outmanned buff is just a commonplace thing we are used to lol. Even in Eternal Battlegrounds.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: StormMcCloud.1587


I am rather annoyed that NSP’s orb is glitched so that it can’t be taken, yet they still get credit for having it. It really would be nice if Arena Net would actually do something about that.

Capt Insano
Getof Fenris

(edited by StormMcCloud.1587)

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


ok this is just to great… me and my guild with a bunch of pugs are defending DB from a bunch of NSP.. Instead of commiting to rams they build 2 trebs on the north cliff overlooking the inner keep… Then they commence there bombardment of the inner keep…

But the best thing is, there hitting the wall that cannot be destroyed!!! So instead of just sitting there and watching we rotated in and out to get hit by the shots to make it seem like there doing damage to the wall. >.>


Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Raptor.9863


I frapped a video of me being the only DH guy in NSP BL and fighting against like 6 others. (3 at the minium at one point)

Strange thing is..i didnt have the outmanned buff.

I play a guardian too. If I recorded every time I’ve outlasted 5 or more players I’d need a new hd.

Raptor – Human Guardian
Northern Shiverpeakes

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Raptor.9863


Just wanted to say that the charr thief from kitty legion [KL] is one of the best thieves that I’ve come across.

Raptor – Human Guardian
Northern Shiverpeakes

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: StormMcCloud.1587


Once again Darkhaven’s orb gets hacked. Somehow someone made it inside our garrison, through undamaged reinforced walls/gates and shattered the alter. Whoever did it left the orb (as they had no where to put it and didn’t want to get caught with it) and disappeared as soon as they smashed the alter. I made it into the room maybe 30 seconds after it happened and no one was there just the orb on the ground below the smashed alter. This has got to stop. Arena Net needs to find whoever is hacking these orbs and perma-ban them and fix the glitch. I understand that they have many things to worry about fixing with the game but something of this scale shouldn’t be allowed to go on as long as it has.

This video is a prime example of the orb hacks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCSYfJZNYLY


Capt Insano
Getof Fenris

(edited by StormMcCloud.1587)

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


That was a good video.
Did you click on his name to report him?

www.infowars.com and also lookup Agenda 21
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: StormMcCloud.1587


Wasn’t my video, it was an example I found on youtube. The video was posted on the 5th so it wasn’t that long ago.

Capt Insano
Getof Fenris

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


I want to say I am proud of Ehmry Bay tonight. An epic supply camp defense in the Darkhaven BL, a stubborn hold in Ehmry Bay BL, we actually controlled the most of the 3 realms at one time, AND we ninja’d Stonemist in Eternal Battlegrounds. The only reason we didn’t hold it longer is some pugs used the supplies to repair one of the gates, so instead of both Shiverpeaks and Darkhaven clashing in the middle Darkhaven made it in by a fair margin first. shakes fist at clueless puggers

All if this while having the out-manned buff the large majority of the time.

I’m sure we’ll lose everything now since people do eventually have to sleep sometime, and we were already far outnumbered, but we did a great job tonight. You should all be proud guys. Except for those few who repaired the inner stonemist gate lol. You guys need to think more about the big picture.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: ohac.8720


Once again Darkhaven’s orb gets hacked.

Not that hacking doesn’t happen, heck we had it last match from other servers and where told someone on our server did so prior match to that. However, due note at times it’s not hacks, lighting from the quageons (is that how it’s spelled?) will destroy alters over time as they do siege.

Yes that is stupid and should be fixed.


Tracker Maximous, Guardious Maximous, Arcanious Maximous, [DH] DragonHorn Officer

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Shiner.4860


Coming from a EBay thief’s PoV — NSH player base is far more organized than DH. NSH players have far better map awareness and crisis management. They are quick with responses, CC and raises. On the other hand, I never felt so OP before like while I facing DH zergs — most of the time I can take down multiple targets in a zerg of 30+ before cloaking away. On a couple of occasions I could eliminate a single target repeatedly by letting their allies raise them and cut them down again.
It is a shame that NSH overall tactics this week has been peculiar to say the least. They would’ve still be in the race had it been focused earlier.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: StormMcCloud.1587


The Quaggins (SP?) didn’t take it down, we made sure to keep them either on our side or dead if they were taken by EB or NSP.

Capt Insano
Getof Fenris

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: diablo.2863


NSP cheat again,that’s great! NSP you did great job at veloka.gate at 20%,wall full health.NSP just fly in and kill lord,that realy great.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: brender.9728


As usual, this time of the day NSP always take back everything. We are almost always outnumbered 3:1. NSP seems to have the numbers all over.


Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Sequoya.5263


To the NSP fly hacker@ Veloka today…this is directed to you. You may think cheating makes your team win but no matter how you look at it, it makes your server look bad. If you resort to cheating to get into a keep it only affirms you couldn’t do it legit…and to the ones that went along with it..shame on you..report that kitten. We don’t want this kinda of bullkitten in our game.
Grow a pair and fight for it. Don’t be afraid of a few girls in dresses.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


okay – EB … very nice job on your borderlands last night. I could tell your server had some of that fire ours had the prior week last night. Your teams did an great job to take back your BL, and coming from DH … it was surprising to see the pin striking us until we were basically camped. While we were able to get a few smaller runs to divert the attention from our base camp, overall I gotta hand it to you. Came with fire, and took over. While we could get out and take areas, momentarily, we saw you reclaim them and knew you were always on our tails (small group of 3-4 of us who were going for supply camps etc). You were never too far behind once you hit bluewater.

So the Eternal Battlegrounds seemed like an nice response (you kick us out of your BL, we got ya out from EB). All in all, it was fun on both sides, enjoyed the battles. Way to put on a show and fight.

And not sure if Kita’s here from DH, but anytime I’m on and ya need a runner to get that treb up – count me in ;-)

Good job to the DH player base yesterday. SM seemed like a hot potato there for a bit, but eventually our janitorial staff cleaned the front door providing enough time to set some defenses in place. Fun week, and thanks to HVN for the constant directions (ie … don’t waste your prints, just build and resupply). Drastic change from earlier when I was seeing like 2 rams up and 2 more unbuilt with a gate almost down. Each day and each takeaway a member can learn from, just helps the overall player base stay on the same page. And the outcome is always good.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


oh c’mon…tried 1v1ing a thief from NSP guild [STAR] and he just stood by the sentry the entire time and wouldn’t come fight me 1v1 even with 2 orbs… :\

I know of a few thieves from Os that will give you a run for your money

We are having fun in this matchup


Lo Lo Imma miss you this week. you better play with me when Oc leave or I’ll kill you!

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


I am curious, why does NSP when they have nothing at all usually in EhmBay’s battleground always take one supply camp, and constantly attack it. They die they lose they run back again and again and again, yet constantly dying. Not complaining I am just curious.

Hey there,

Member of [War] from NSP here. Our guild’s been jumping into EB Borderlands, I think because it is neglected. In my experience there in the evenings/nights (EST), we always have the outmanned buff, and I don’t remember seeing any VIP, Os, etc activity there.

Last night however, we had a very strong push with support of [HERO], [TFO], and others. [FINE] has been particularly helpful in that borderlands with us at around those times, but in that borderlands, we seem outnumbered at those times. It seems pugs seem to avoid that BL too.

I also want to give a shot out to [RE] from DH I think it was. They gave us a run for our money if memory serves correct!

Fine is good at keeping the borderlands helped. TFO is also skipping around and helping out where they can.

VIP can not be counted on to defend where needed. They are not a part of the alliance so they don’t have a particular place they try to keep.

Os guild is usually heading up in Eternal Battlegrounds. We try our best to keep things in order there, which is why you don’t see us in the borderlands too much. we have been overflowing occasionally into Darkhaven, but as far as Ehmry bay goes, probably not gonna be seeing a lot of us there.

I’m glad to see all the borderlands guilds working together! <3

Makes me really happy to be pushing back this week. We have a bit more support on the borderlands this time!

Things will get better!

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Noice.8730


Ehmrybay did a fine job last night. We almost got it guys! Every night, WvW in ehmrybay is always fun coz we can fight toe to toe with the other servers. See ya all in the battlegrounds. PS. don’t let the night capping discourage you. Just have fun!

Noice – Lvl 80 Elementalist
Noice To Meet Ya – Lvl 80 Guardian

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


NSP’s morning crew is destructive…


Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Sals.9534


Yikes, I guess I know what I’m doing tonight!

Colegate / Selos Song Kaineng-DE Guild

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Grendel.7918


NSP’s morning crew is destructive…

or rather they exist. Ebay’s does not. I was there. nobody else was. its not enough to discourage me from playing, but it is enough to make me wait until later tonight when it begins to resemble an even match rather than an ethnic cleansing. something needs to be done eventually. My suggestion would be to simply make captures worth less when you have vastly greater numbers. a simple ratio would suffice. if you have 10 times as many people on (the entire server rather than just fighting in WvW) you earn 1/10th the points. if you have 1/10th the number of players you earn 10 times as many points. All three servers feel pretty equal to me when they actually have similar player numbers.

(edited by Grendel.7918)

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Khairos.3890


Score update?

I’m stuck at work and I MUST KNOW! haha

Helia – Stormbluff Isle – [MORD]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Kita.7819


I find it great that even with NSP’s constant hacking and “great day attendance” their score is still lower than honest and good darkhaven teamwork.

Am I really expected to believe that NSP’s productivity dies at 11 pm EST every day?

Kita – Guardian
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Thundderz.1730


i find it very odd to see so many post saying NSP is hacking but we don’t see any name, screenshot or video showing anybody from this server hacking. I followed the fight between NSP, SoR and YB and for some weird reason they didn’t had any hacker or if they had one he got caught and reported.

I dont know the exact reason of this whiny little propaganda from EB and DH but i think you should at least try to prove your point and give them some names so they can cleanup there server.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Kita.7819


In that case you should look harder. The video was already linked. I’ll post it again for you

Kita – Guardian
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: LOLO.2839


Ok again.. that shows us and proves nothing…

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Thundderz.1730


ok so you took 5min to record this video but you dont say any name, server, etc …. when i said prove it i mean by giving them NAMES

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


In that case you should look harder. The video was already linked. I’ll post it again for you

Look carefully, it says Crystal Desert Invader in red.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy