Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Ebony.5738


Lets take the week off, you know hang out in cursed shore, hell lets throw parties in LA. maybe if we let SF turn everything green they will move up next week ^^ also GoM and NSP can u steam roll the kitten out of HoD? ill seriously UPS some cookies right to that face. (no offense HoD we just want to play you in wvw ;D)


Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


I think FilthyRat can add this one to the list of T8 threads…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Ebony.5738


yes please do


Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


Well I found it amusing.

I have been wanting to take a week off, to just “whatever” but.. it seems somehow I always end up back in WvWvW, It’s just fun.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Well I found it amusing.

I have been wanting to take a week off, to just “whatever” but.. it seems somehow I always end up back in WvWvW, It’s just fun.

I took the weekend off and went to play with my engineer… I decided to level on WvWvW… lol

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Kay.5416


I’m sorry, after working on St. Pat’s I really like the idea of smashing down doors. I’ll be in wvw!

Ferguson’s Crossing: Heliolite & handful of others

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Cosmic.6047


No free rides !

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: airstu.2579


I think the plan atm is to level out everyones ranking in T7, await IOJ and completely freeze out SF

Calisto – NSP BPTCBP
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Braddock.5430


Lets take the week off, you know hang out in cursed shore, hell lets throw parties in LA. maybe if we let SF turn everything green they will move up next week ^^ also GoM and NSP can u steam roll the kitten out of HoD? ill seriously UPS some cookies right to that face. (no offense HoD we just want to play you in wvw ;D)

No you don’t. There’s a reason we stayed in Tier 7 and SF dropped to tier 8.

Krag Oversteen 80 Norn Guardian
Blank Oversteen 80 Sylvari Warrior
2nd in command of [LK] The Light Keepers – HoD

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Ynot.8397


Lets take the week off, you know hang out in cursed shore, hell lets throw parties in LA. maybe if we let SF turn everything green they will move up next week ^^ also GoM and NSP can u steam roll the kitten out of HoD? ill seriously UPS some cookies right to that face. (no offense HoD we just want to play you in wvw ;D)

No you don’t. There’s a reason we stayed in Tier 7 and SF dropped to tier 8.

Two weeks before Sorrows dropped down they scored 199k to your 195k. The week Sorrows lost to HoD and GoM you scored 147k and they scored 135K while GoM scored a whopping 329k. The week Sorrows came to T8 FC beat them 215k to 211k. As of those weeks we could have taken you. Be a bit more smug please.

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


I can totally see how other servers will give up so you can have it better, I’m sure if HoD went down a tier they would really enjoy completely dominating T8 because I hear thats just as fun as getting completely smashed.

Quit asking other servers to fix your problems and transfer already.

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: ADFX.6179


As long as I stay on ET, I am going to fight. I am not going to “let” SF off the hook easily. Tier advancement is something they will earn or not as unfair as the matchup is for both us and FC in particular right now. I am not here for the score numbers. I play for good fights and good fun win lose or draw. So, bring it on.

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


Sorry to burst your grand schemes but HoD’s actually in the lead right now.

Also, a T7 server dropping in to T8 might not be that much stronger than SF… but they certainly won’t be any weaker. T8 needs to stop daydreaming that SF moving out of the tier will solve their population issues, you’re gonna get stomped just as badly by any other server.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


you’re gonna get stomped just as badly by any other server.

Show me proof…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


proof is unattainable until it actually happens.

But it’s a pretty safe bet based on extrapolating comments made by ET and FC players about their population levels.

what have you observed on your own server? how often do you feel your server can field multiple 30-40player zergs in more than one shift? because that’s what HoD can bring to the table.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


The number being fielded at ET and FC cannot be considerated real numbers aswell… There is a lot of people that refuse to fight as long SF still in T8. To not mention people who come in the fight but do not bother going against SF since it’s a sure loss…

Since there is no proof that HoD will roflstomp us, do not come saying “blahblahblah any server will destroy you, you are just bad”.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


I don’t think anyones calling you “Bad”, most are just pointing out that any server in T7 will also outnumber you.

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


The number being fielded at ET and FC cannot be considerated real numbers aswell… There is a lot of people that refuse to fight as long SF still in T8. To not mention people who come in the fight but do not bother going against SF since it’s a sure loss…

So I’ll paraphrase your answer to be : “No, we don’t have anywhere close to the population we’d need, but maybe all those extra players will magically show up once we have a new opponent.”

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


Ya know I thought it was only sf who were the bums, but now I realize its fc and et too… Which disappoints me. And I don’t think we’re coming down soon….


Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

(edited by atomicjellybean.5389)

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: D W.5179

D W.5179

Ya know I thought it was only sf who were the bums, but now I realize its fc and et too… Which disappoints me. And I don’t think we’re coming down soon….

Where is that second screenshot of WvW from?
Also, NSP, please please please start killing HoD.

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Ya know I thought it was only sf who were the bums, but now I realize its fc and et too… Which disappoints me. And I don’t think we’re coming down soon….

Where is that second screenshot of WvW from?
Also, NSP, please please please start killing HoD.

lol. Why does everyone think NSP is the big powerhouse of t7.. Actually all 3 servers are quite evenly matched, though this week HOD has been outnumbering us most of the time. I’ve actually seen outmanned buff for the majority of the day in EBG on Sun/Mon.

Coming from t8, I can say for sure ET/FC don’t have a clue what they are wishing for wanting any t7 server to come down. All 3 servers outnumber SF and will still roflstomp t8.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


Also, NSP, please please please start killing HoD.

It’s not like we aren’t trying …we’re getting massive pressure from both servers in EB.

This morning we were stuck barely holding on to our keep with GoM and HoD each having a 30+ zerg inside the outer walls for a while.. it was pretty funny when GoM showed up to assault the inner gate and realized there was already a lineup. =)

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: D W.5179

D W.5179

Also, NSP, please please please start killing HoD.

It’s not like we aren’t trying …we’re getting massive pressure from both servers in EB.

This morning we were stuck barely holding on to our keep with GoM and HoD each having a 30+ zerg inside the outer walls for a while.. it was pretty funny when GoM showed up to assault the inner gate and realized there was already a lineup. =)

I know you guys are all trying, I’m just hoping to get a shot at SF in T7 :P Keep up the good fight guys!

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


The number being fielded at ET and FC cannot be considerated real numbers aswell… There is a lot of people that refuse to fight as long SF still in T8. To not mention people who come in the fight but do not bother going against SF since it’s a sure loss…

So I’ll paraphrase your answer to be : “No, we don’t have anywhere close to the population we’d need, but maybe all those extra players will magically show up once we have a new opponent.”

Right now we don’t have population, indeed… Because many players just quit WvW due the fact that SF is far larger than us…

Time to history lesson:

Weeks 50, 51 and 52… When SF and HoD faced each other. Both were defeated by Devona’s and GoM and had very close scores (Devona in fact just roflstomped T7 harder than it did to T8, but that’s not what I want to point out).

SF dropped down to T8… Weeks 01 and 02 seemed ok, but then the end of Free transfers kicked in… And SF received quite a bit of people by that time (problably people though they could be the next Kaineng). End result: SF grew way too big to ET and FC, however the glicko ghetto had trapped SF in T8 already.

In meanwhile, HoD still have a slightly close score to GoM, which I’m assuming means that neither GoM or HoD got pumped by the end of the Free Transfers. Thus, HoD is fairly much like the old SF who fought ET/FC at weeks 01 and 02 (The only balanced matches SF had in T8).

Unless HoD got bigger aswell when SF got bigger, HoD is much more fitting to T8 than SF, and might provide a better matchup.

Coming from t8, I can say for sure ET/FC don’t have a clue what they are wishing for wanting any t7 server to come down. All 3 servers outnumber SF and will still roflstomp t8.

I will laugh way too much when SF get up there and just stomp T7 harder than they are doing in T8. Just like Devona and Kaineng did…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

(edited by Jeknar.6184)

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Sadistis.4257


I’d rather work harder and earn the move up than being handed it, and i also believe ET and FC has much more honor than to just move us up to get it over with. We are honestly pushing in SF to move up but we don’t want a free ride either keep up the GFs.

[NMG] Noir Mercenary Guild
-Sorrow’s Furnace WvW/tPvP

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


ET/FC do you want this upon you…?

Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


HoD (or whoever moves down) is going to be just strong as SF. I don’t know why you guys think that once SF leaves, it’s all going to be flowers and candy.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


HoD (or whoever moves down) is going to be just strong as SF. I don’t know why you guys think that once SF leaves, it’s all going to be flowers and candy.

Might have something to do with the fact that When Kain left T8, people said the same thing, and Kain beat t7 like a hapless puppie, stomping T7 harder then they ever stomped T8, I mean, I am not sure how T7 deals with the shame of being stomped harder by Kain then T8 was, I am sure they have their stories, on how they justify doing worse then T8, but, lets be real, their vanity on how good they think they are compared to T8 is not founded, never has been, and history has shown it.

So, yah, maybe we blow off lines like this because we heard it all before, it wasn’t true then, not going to be true now.

But hey, if T7 is as good as it thinks it is, then it will stomp SF and whoever comes down will stomp ET and FC and next week, everyone will go back to where they belong, all will be good in the world. But we all know that is not what is going happen.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

(edited by Ungood.3054)

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


ET/FC do you want this upon you…?

Help me out, What was I supposed to be seeing here? That looked like a compilation of some of our more mild fights with SF.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


Might have something to do with the fact that When Kain left T8, people said the same thing, and Kain beat t7 like a hapless puppie, stomping T7 harder then they ever stomped T8, I mean, I am not sure how T7 deals with the shame of being stomped harder by Kain then T8 was, I am sure they have their stories, on how they justify doing worse then T8, but, lets be real, their vanity on how good they think they are compared to T8 is not founded, never has been, and history has shown it.

There’s no point to comparing the Kaineng that was in tier 8 for months to the post-migration Kaineng that plowed through 4 other tiers just as badly as tier 7.

see graph.

But hey, if T7 is as good as it thinks it is

It has little to do with “good”, it’s just active population and coverage differentials. It’s not personal.. everyone from tier1 down has lived with it too.

Unless you get the same kind of massive transfers to your server.. you’re not going to be able to compete with the higher tiers.


GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

(edited by GrandmaFunk.3052)

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


HoD (or whoever moves down) is going to be just strong as SF. I don’t know why you guys think that once SF leaves, it’s all going to be flowers and candy.

Might have something to do with the fact that When Kain left T8, people said the same thing, and Kain beat t7 like a hapless puppie, stomping T7 harder then they ever stomped T8, I mean, I am not sure how T7 deals with the shame of being stomped harder by Kain then T8 was, I am sure they have their stories, on how they justify doing worse then T8, but, lets be real, their vanity on how good they think they are compared to T8 is not founded, never has been, and history has shown it.

So, yah, maybe we blow off lines like this because we heard it all before, it wasn’t true then, not going to be true now.

But hey, if T7 is as good as it thinks it is, then it will stomp SF and whoever comes down will stomp ET and FC and next week, everyone will go back to where they belong, all will be good in the world. But we all know that is not what is going happen.

Dude, there’s nothin to deal with. I guess the only problem here that’s agitating anyone is match making gave us a balanced set of matches and you guys have a less balanced one. But really keep it to yourself, none of us can do anythin to sort your stuff out and it’s not our responsibility to. You want us to throw a match? Hell, why not ask Jade Quarry to throw one? I mean, any server can drop in ranks.

If Sorrow’s Furnace is better, I don’t care. Most servers field more numbers than us and we don’t care, we’re only interested in improving our game and your game ain’t our business.

Making sure the tiers are ordered in skill is less important than making sure the tiers are having balanced matches. If tier 8 has the 3 best servers but they’re stuck there because they’re good matches for each other, I’m gonna be happy for you guys and not lose sleep over it. The only ones who think tiers matter are the guys who transferred to tier 1.

Gate of Madness

(edited by styx.7294)

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


There’s no point to comparing the Kaineng that was in tier 8 for months to the post-migration Kaineng that plowed through 4 other tiers just as badly as tier 7.

You’re right. I but am comparing POST-Migration Kain across all the Tiers it stomped. IE: Week 52 to Week 1

Lets look at that shall we:

Week 52: This was after Kain received it’s Powerful forces, after War machine joined them. This is Post-Migration Kain.
Kain: 501
FC: 48
ET: 38

The very next week… This is the same Kain that was in Tier 8, just last week. Week 52.

Week 1:
Kain: 548
GoM: 36
HoD: 26

See that. T7 did worse then T8, against the same opponent. But then again that has been what T7 has always done, always done worse then T8 against the same opponents.

Look at DR’s numbers:

Week: 49: Tier 8
DR: 378
FC: 124
Kain: 109

Week 50: Tier 7
DR (Same server that was in T8 last week): 532
SF: 41
HoD: 39

Just been the nature of T7 to be less then T8, because we have to work harder to get out of this hole.

Week 1:
FC: 215
SF: 211
ET: 189

Note: SF had been doing better then HoD for quite some time, and just had a bad week before Kain pulled out of T8 or else it would have been HoD in T8 just the same. Luck or they kitten of GoM when GoM got a surge of players. But really HoD was not doing better then SF and SF got a surge of players in week 3, which.. HoD has been showing rather dismal and constant numbers, so, SF today has far more manpower then the SF that used to be in T7.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


But really keep it to yourself, none of us can do anythin to sort your stuff out and it’s not our responsibility to.

No I don’t think I am going to keep a broken system to myself thank you very much.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

(edited by Ungood.3054)

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Unless you get the same kind of massive transfers to your server.. you’re not going to be able to compete with the higher tiers.

False… Otherwise NSP (Ex-T6) would be rolling over T7. Just because a server is 1 tier above doesn’t mean it have a massive population advantage over the tier below it.

Note: SF had been doing better then HoD for quite some time, and just had a bad week before Kain pulled out of T8 or else it would have been HoD in T8 just the same. Luck or they kitten of GoM when GoM got a surge of players. But really HoD was not doing better then SF and SF got a surge of players in week 3, which.. HoD has been showing rather dismal and constant numbers, so, SF today has far more manpower then the SF that used to be in T7.

I’ve stated that already, but they don’t seen to read long posts…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: obastable.5231


hod can field enough people to have queues on multiple maps, at just about any time of day/night (though oceanic prime is still our weakest link). what it comes down to, for us, is WANTING to do it. do you feel those numbers would pose a better wvw experience for t8? some of us think it’d be fun to drop a tier, just to be green for a while and let the whole server get their map completion without any effort at all, but in reality we aren’t gonna do that .. and it isn’t gonna happen. stop asking for us to solve the t8 problem because, quite honestly, we can’t. regardless of WHO is there the problem still exists, and no amount of whining or finger pointing or virtual chest thumping is going to fix that.

falling through the ranks wasn’t fun for those who weren’t part of the titan alliance, nor was it fun for those who chose to stay here that were. it was just plain un-fun, period.

we had a great time of flux after the fall, and settled in to t7. we rebuilt a bit, and we had something we were missing for a while: a whole lot of FUN.

we encountered kaineng, which was decidedly un-fun. i logged in to wvw a total of 3 times that week, just to wave & dance at them. i’m sure some tried to fight, but we were easily outmanned 20-1 & spawn camped on all exits around the clock so we did something else: we pve’d, and marvel of marvels we had fun. i don’t think you’ll encounter anyone who feels “shame” over that, and the fact that you think we should is, i think, rather petty and childish.

Hello Kitty Krewe
“Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!”

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Seraphx.4152


There’s no point to comparing the Kaineng that was in tier 8 for months to the post-migration Kaineng that plowed through 4 other tiers just as badly as tier 7.

You’re right. I but am comparing POST-Migration Kain across all the Tiers it stomped. IE: Week 52 to Week 1

Lets look at that shall we:

Week 52: This was after Kain received it’s Powerful forces, after War machine joined them. This is Post-Migration Kain.
Kain: 501
FC: 48
ET: 38

The very next week… This is the same Kain that was in Tier 8, just last week. Week 52.

Week 1:
Kain: 548
GoM: 36
HoD: 26

See that. T7 did worse then T8, against the same opponent. But then again that has been what T7 has always done, always done worse then T8 against the same opponents.

Look at DR’s numbers:

Week: 49: Tier 8
DR: 378
FC: 124
Kain: 109

Week 50: Tier 7
DR (Same server that was in T8 last week): 532
SF: 41
HoD: 39

Just been the nature of T7 to be less then T8, because we have to work harder to get out of this hole.

Week 1:
FC: 215
SF: 211
ET: 189

Note: SF had been doing better then HoD for quite some time, and just had a bad week before Kain pulled out of T8 or else it would have been HoD in T8 just the same. Luck or they kitten of GoM when GoM got a surge of players. But really HoD was not doing better then SF and SF got a surge of players in week 3, which.. HoD has been showing rather dismal and constant numbers, so, SF today has far more manpower then the SF that used to be in T7.

Thanks for the numbers but you haven’t taking account of the free transfer that time. Kaineng gained more people in week 1 than week 52. And yea, we saw it coming so most of us agree to take a break from wvw until Kaineng move up, this is not the first time HoD face big number of opponent an we all fed up with it.

We’ll see whether SF is really better than HoD. but SF vs. HoD is not gonna happen anytime soon, with HoD in first place this week.
maybe it’s NSP going to tier 8, you just don’t know what will happen.

“I’m Zimme”
Henge Of Denravi

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


Thanks for the numbers but you haven’t taking account of the free transfer that time. Kaineng gained more people in week 1 than week 52.

Oh I have taken them into account, hence why I used 2 weeks that were right next to each other, as opposed to longer apart match ups.

Also, Can you prove this, or is this a campfire story that gets retold by people to justify why server x did worse then server y against server b?

I don’t think you can prove Kain got more people in week 1 then they had in week 52, as gamers (especially those that do PvP) are typically egotistical, and few things are chest thump worthy then being there from the start, IE: it is better to have been there in week 52, when they were in T8 then week 1, as “I was there from the start in t8” give far more cred then “Oh I jumped on the bandwagon when they hit t7”

Just saying.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

(edited by Ungood.3054)

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


I’ve stated that already, but they don’t seen to read long posts…

Well. SF will pull out of T8 eventually, assuming they don’t have people on their side trying to undermine their efforts. If last night was any indication of their desires, then they very well might pull out this week.

In either case, when they do pull out, I’ll let the numbers do the talking.

Till then it is all just dust in the wind.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


False… Otherwise NSP (Ex-T6) would be rolling over T7. Just because a server is 1 tier above doesn’t mean it have a massive population advantage over the tier below it.

Except that NSP has lost some of it’s most active guilds over time.. we’ve been losing our population, that’s exactly why we slipped from t6 into t7 in the first place. War left, Meow left.. Os is the only big guild we have left.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Tetra Bug.7134

Tetra Bug.7134

Wait who was the NSP [WAR]? Sometimes I hate my guild’s tag gets so confusing with all these [WAR]s out there

Ur Kel – Warrior
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Tei.1704


There’s no point to comparing the Kaineng that was in tier 8 for months to the post-migration Kaineng that plowed through 4 other tiers just as badly as tier 7.

You’re right. I but am comparing POST-Migration Kain across all the Tiers it stomped. IE: Week 52 to Week 1

Lets look at that shall we:

Week 52: This was after Kain received it’s Powerful forces, after War machine joined them. This is Post-Migration Kain.
Kain: 501
FC: 48
ET: 38

The very next week… This is the same Kain that was in Tier 8, just last week. Week 52.

Week 1:
Kain: 548
GoM: 36
HoD: 26

See that. T7 did worse then T8, against the same opponent. But then again that has been what T7 has always done, always done worse then T8 against the same opponents.

Look at DR’s numbers:

Week: 49: Tier 8
DR: 378
FC: 124
Kain: 109

Week 50: Tier 7
DR (Same server that was in T8 last week): 532
SF: 41
HoD: 39

Just been the nature of T7 to be less then T8, because we have to work harder to get out of this hole.

Week 1:
FC: 215
SF: 211
ET: 189

Note: SF had been doing better then HoD for quite some time, and just had a bad week before Kain pulled out of T8 or else it would have been HoD in T8 just the same. Luck or they kitten of GoM when GoM got a surge of players. But really HoD was not doing better then SF and SF got a surge of players in week 3, which.. HoD has been showing rather dismal and constant numbers, so, SF today has far more manpower then the SF that used to be in T7.

I can do this too.

Week 40

Week 42

Sweet Jesus, would you look at that. ET always does worse than HoD. Let’s assume that nothing on the Henge of Denravi ever changes, but ET has lost too many players that wanted to transfer out of the tier 8 trap. Clearly, ET is nothing but a pve server now. ET shows very dismal and constant numbers. I know this because I can google wvw scores; I don’t have to actually be on the server or see their lack of numbers firsthand. I also don’t need to consider more recent things like how close the tier 7 match is or how each server in tier 7 hasn’t had perfectly consistent performance every week.

All the threads of tier 8 servers complaining are annoying, but justified. However, basing your arguments regarding which server should move to tier 8 on nothing but old wvw scores and guesses is just moronic.

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: titanlectro.5029


All the threads of tier 8 servers complaining are annoying, but justified. However, basing your arguments regarding which server should move to tier 8 on nothing but old wvw scores and guesses is just moronic.

Exactly. It is a statistical blunder, you cannot extrapolate that far, especially because it is not a closed or stable system.

Gate of Madness | Leader – Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is my Trahearne’s story

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


Wait who was the NSP [WAR]? Sometimes I hate my guild’s tag gets so confusing with all these [WAR]s out there

Don’t know but they had a heavy presence up till around xmas

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


ET/FC do you want this upon you...?

not impressed.

looks like typical SF zergs that we’ve been STOPPING on ET. you know... like this:

or this

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


All the threads of tier 8 servers complaining are annoying, but justified. However, basing your arguments regarding which server should move to tier 8 on nothing but old wvw scores and guesses is just moronic.

Exactly. It is a statistical blunder, you cannot extrapolate that far, especially because it is not a closed or stable system.

I said I would let the numbers talk. But I just want to make 2 minor points.

First: You both do know that each servers Glicko score is result of every match they ever fought. Thus the very method you are decrying is same very system that placed you into the tiers you are in, facing the opponents you are facing. Figured you might want to know that.

Secondly: Sorrows will pull out of T8, and it looks like if they keep it up, they will be pulling out in a week or two, assuming they don’t shoot themselves in the foot. Which means one of the people in T7 will be falling to T8. Now I have no control over who that is, nor do I care who it is, you all need to work that out among your own three man motley matchup. But, with how messed up the numbers are now in T8, who ever does fall down will never leave, until such time that Anet fixes the problem. So, you all might want to fight your best to make sure you’re not the one that goes down the rabbit hole.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


If and when SF plls out of T8 it will just be more QQ posts asking for X server to destroy X server because the new T8 server is dominating the matchup. We will never see the end of T8 QQ’s.

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


If and when SF plls out of T8 it will just be more QQ posts asking for X server to destroy X server because the new T8 server is dominating the matchup. We will never see the end of T8 QQ’s.

-shrug- only time will tell.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


I think the plan atm is to level out everyones ranking in T7, await IOJ and completely freeze out SF

Lol… worst mistake in the world since I was thinking T7 would be a match for us, now i realize how much they really don’t want to fight us. Seems like T7 as a whole is affraid of us if this is true. Would be funny if NSP plunged down to T8 for their arrogance, well as long as we see the plan and know one of you will be doomed in T8 and SF will smash the rest of T7

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


I think there was a definite point in the past where Ferguson’s Crossing in particular was strong enough to be in, and would of been competent within tier 7 had it moved up. Namely, in those days it was stuck with Kaineng and DR and managing to consistently maintain BL control. (In other words saying at HoD at the time fallen down it would not of dominated like SF does, or any tier 7 server for that matter.)

Unfortunately that time has long passed and if it drops down HoD would most certainly dominate, or any other tier 7 server for that matter. After the months that we were stuck with that awkward situation of having two tier 5 level servers within the same tier (Devona’s Rest and Kaineng) and the months that followed, its obvious we’ve run out of steam. While I know some are hesitant to admit it, the fact is the various [Np] commanders that left were extremely competent and did a crap load of work to maintain our scores in previous times, losing them hurt A LOT, as well as we lost a precious amount of bodies in all those who transferred following [Np] to Ehmry Bay and others leaving for other servers, especially the numbers we lost when the end of free transfers was announced. We lost [Envy] as well which was a hefty loss. Eventually [TTA] also transferred off/broke apart and while I have nothing but love for them, we definitely lost a lot of morning presence from no longer having their coordinated 4 AM strikes. Between that whole period Ferguson’s Crossing morale was constantly being pushed to breaking point due to the combination of the confinement problem of the Glicko2 system’s failures in tier 8 and an overall lack of meaning in our battles and gradually reducing strength due to the various vets becoming exhausted, and morale eventually pretty much broke hence Eredon Terrace overtaking us as second place. Oh yeah, not to mention the countless players that quit the game entirely on our server for games with more balanced simulated war pvp systems.

Anyways, following this period, many of the dedicated guilds left started bickering with each other far more readily than before; I can honestly say [WZ] despite doing great things for our server took a stupid amount of flak for simply utilizing strategies that fit a lower population such as ours(Hit and run tactics just like [Np] used and took flak for.). The constant state of dwindling numbers and unnecessary amount of guild flaming/defamation wears away at the patience of those in major guilds, so in time they started maintaining less consistent presence as well. There’s not much motivation to do WvWvW at the cost of your own gold only to be flamed/bashed after all, which I gotta say is a ridiculously stupid phenomena to occur when a server desperately needs every player it can get.

In other words, our WvWvW participation in raw numbers has dropped like crazy in the past 3 months, morale on average is now very low across the bord, and the drama is stupid and unproductive. At least when the drama occurred in the [Np] days there was some point to it, but these days its just degraded into bashing for the sake of maintaining ego/appearances and gaining server popular opinion at the cost of another major contributing guild. We’re not the Ferguson’s Crossing that we used to be.

That all said, regardless; there is no excuse to ignore the broken math, especially if it can be fixed with a solution that works for tier 8 while simultaneously leaving the others intact. Fixing the tier 8 ratings problems won’t make us able to compete with tier 7 instantly, but it will do something for our server in particular but also equally for Eredon Terrace and Sorrow’s Furnace that is so desperately needed; a morale boost. A morale boost that will start to come naturally when our tier advancement rates match other tiers more closely, that exhilaration and excitement from seeing a server you’ve never fought before can do wonders, believe it or not. Even if whoever drops down dominates, that’s actually of much less consequence than ignoring a clear rating problem. And if something is broken, can be fixed and at no cost to the other tiers, why not fix it? Why ignore it?

And if ArenaNet has investigated this issue and come to the conclusion that it cannot be resolved, it should offer free transfers to escape tier 8 (And also tier 9 in EU I guess) at least for a period so those serious WvWvW guilds/players who put blood sweat and tears into trying to overcome this broken math can find a more suitable home without breaking their guilds/communities apart.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)

Dear ET and FC (also you NSP and GoM guys)

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


In the very least, I think tier 8 DESERVES a FORUM RESPONSE from ArenaNet at this point. It doesn’t matter what the response is, but time has shown the old statement of things fixing themself by Habib/Mike Ferguson when the rating reset was announced is not proving true. It’s not fixing itself at all, many agree its getting worse.

A bunch of players complaining in a single thread and threatening to quit GW2 was powerful enough to have a rating reset cancelled at the last possible minute, how come tier 8 players complaining with multiple threads can’t get one decent reply? And we’ve at least maintained enough composure to not threaten to quit the game over our issues, we’re trying very hard to be reasonable. I mean, ONE SINGLE REPLY is all it would take to alleviate a HUGE amount of stress/frustration from the tier 8 players.

“Sorry, we understand there is a problem here, but at this present time there is no viable solution.”

“Sorry, but this rating gap is intentional and useful, just transfer off if you don’t like it.”

“We’re aware of this problem, and are currently investigating methods to fix this situation.”

“We’ve already got a fix in mind, and are currently busy testing it.”

ANYTHING would do, but just say SOMETHING, seriously. Ignoring people does not help anything. Give people something to chew on, even if it were negative it would still help by acting as confirmation. Why the silence?

It’s all good and dandy if they don’t want to reveal their intentions and excite people prematurely, but if they wait to long WvWvW on tier 8 probably will die out for real, its getting pretty close at this point.

And so far despite culling fix and progression, the March patch doesn’t really look all that promising for WvWvW incentives, certainly nothing like more exotic gear/legendary/ascended gear acquisition options of any significance are being offered from what I see. So logically, there isn’t going to be some “Second Wind” at the March patch for our servers either, so I hope ArenaNet hasn’t been waiting on that.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)