Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: split.3659


…No, I’d rather they be on their level 80 main character. I have no problem at all with someone who’s level 1 and brand new to the game jumping straight into World vs World from the tutorial. That was never the point…

On the other hand, I have absolutely no idea why a tiny vocal majority both approve of and defend not giving 100% and is doing all it can to destroy my willpower to give mine. Are you spies from another server or something? Good tactic. The thought that it’s actually coming from the people I have to depend on is disappointing. Thanks, then, for trying to demoralize me further, but I will continue to stay fully stocked on blueprints (and use them), always carry supply to build siege, always be on a level 80 character, always have equipment sets that apply to different situations, and always use do everything that I can (whether you anyone thinks it’s more or less than someone with the holy blue dorito of zerging +1) to make a difference… because those things are not difficult to do. If anything, chide me for not stepping up and organizing the hell out of our strategies.

Competition isn’t all about hugs and butterflies and getting a trophy for participation and I will not pat someone on the back and say “maybe next week” because they want to ride everyone else’s best effort. If you aren’t doing all you can, you just don’t care about your own contribution and the quality of your work… and again, I just cannot comprehend that mentality. If this attitude is representative of my generation in the real world, too, I have a lot more confidence about getting any job I want immediately after I finish my degree because there will be noone in the resume pool to compete against.

All I’ve learned from the persistent trolling in response to my efforts to improve our world’s overall effort is that wanting others to give their strongest possible effort in the spirit of strong team play — and saying it — is unreasonable and even tyrannical. Even when there isn’t a queue (especially when there isn’t a queue) you should be on your level 80 character… but some of you have made it clear to me that I can say anything, negative or positive, and you’ll all continue to do what you want because you are entitled to.

And being on TeamSpeak isn’t benefitting our world as much as you think. I listen in on TeamSpeak whenever I’m in World vs World (and sometimes while I can’t be) and it’s nothing more than “Hey there’s guys attacking x.” “Hey guys let’s gather at y.” “Hey guys we have too many commanders on this map.” More importantly, anything that can be said on TS can be typed in game. That would be better because not everyone is on TeamSpeak. The only reason I have TeamSpeak installed at all is because I know that it’s a source of information on enemy movement, letting me and anyone who’s with me who isn’t on TeamSpeak know where we can be most useful either alone or in a group.

First of all, I would like to say that our level eights wreck face when we move on a boarderland. CHOO, RUN, and CoR have dominated the IoJ boarderland so far this week. The problem is not low levels. The problem is learning how to not fight for second and mastering a counter for the breakout event. Not fighting for second is really a simple concept, but even SoR has a hard time moving passed the low tier strategies at times. I laughed at Bav’s post about the thief, because I thought, "man they are all going to think we are low levels. Then I remembered, we wreck face, and we constantly storm into lord’s rooms shacking pillars.

Secondly, I find it hard to believe that anyone would choose text over a voice communication system like TS3. Sure, text is great if you are not in the same TS channel, but it provides little to no use in the heat of battle. I, like many others, do not watch chat when I am fighting. We listen and communicate by voice which allows us to communicate in real time without having to take our eyes off the fight. In fact, some of the better commanders give movement and combat orders during fights that you would never know about if you were not in TS. Anyone that has to stop fighting to type a message is one less person in the fight. lol. What are you going to tell BG and IoJ, “hold on a sec; I need to type an order to my team, and by the way, give them a few seconds to read it?” I think not. Saying something on TS, instead of typing it, ensures that the message will not be missed. The few sayings you stated as being heard in TS can actually have rather profound effects when heard instead of read, because they allow people to react without the possibility of missing the messages and not knowing the current situation. I could really go on and on about the benefits of active voice communication, but I will not. The last thing I want to say about voice comm is that everyone should use it, plain and simple.

Cortugas Thane of [FEAR] Dominatore dei Morti
Necromancer Class Lead

(edited by split.3659)

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Lalnuir.4957


Just a few points this time (as you’re probably the only one who read that whole forum-standard diatribe)

  • Bav wasn’t the level 8 character in that screenshot.
  • I wasn’t even singling that one guy out, either, but trying to call attention to a single element of the reason why Blackgate comes out on top every week. It’s always so close…
  • and being so close means that adjusting a few things means a win.
  • World vs world isn’t a job, but it is my end-game in the only game I have time to play.

Yes your right bav isn’t the level 8, I never did check that screenshot. Still level 42 is not 80.
Black gate and IoJ has just as many under 80s in WvW as we do it’s not a SoR only issue and it’s not the reason we lose.
The reason we lose is because we often average ~100 ppt during oceanic time, we dropped down to +60 ppt for awhile last night. Coverage is the main reason you win or lose in WvW. Skill, organization, numbers while important are all second to proper coverage.

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Quin.9740


You know that is my lvl 8. Who are you to question what I do in this game? I have 3 level 80s and I have contributed loads of hours on them in prime time and off time.
Get stuff, your comments and your attitude needs an adjustment, I do what I want when I want.
This is a game and I do not at all feel bad for playing a lvl 8 alt in wvw. There was no que so I was not taking anyone spot in wvw
And will I do it again, yes and yes.

Mighty Quin of SOR

(edited by Quin.9740)

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Aneirin Cadwall.9126

Aneirin Cadwall.9126

  • your comments and your attitude needs an adjustment
  • I do what I want when I want.

This is SO ironic and exactly the problem.

And considering that Blackgate has “as many” (no way to know this), think of the advantage we’d have if we had fewer.

And the reason I first started acknowledging this problem was not for no reason: time and time again, I am in small groups, if not parties with lower level characters (under level, lacking an elite, many traits and higher level sigils/runes) who melt like butter behind me while I take the brunt of the attack. Often I don’t even notice they’re all dead until I die myself and realize I was alone for almost the entire duration of the skirmish.

And since you didn’t bother to read before knee-jerk-responding (only two posts up):

  • I wasn’t even singling that one guy out, either, but trying to call attention to a single element of the reason why Blackgate comes out on top every week. It’s always so close…

I could really go on and on about the benefits of active voice communication, but I will not. The last thing I want to say about voice comm is that everyone should use it, plain and simple.

The benefits of VOIP are known, so I didn’t address them. What I addressed were the disadvantages; not everyone is aware of what plans are being made on TeamSpeak — not to mention not every guild/player is on the same server, let alone in the same channel. That’s one of the reasons why I listen in and occasionally echo the information spoken on TS into text, and while I agree that everyone should be on TeamSpeak so long as TeamSpeak is being actively used in a meaningful way, the same could be said of everyone always bringing their maximum game to World vs World; not everyone is going to do it, and some are going to pound their chests in defiance.

Men who achieve some power desire more until they destroy themselves trying to get it.—Turai Ossa
Sanctum of Rall since beta 3. Mesmer since 1070 AE

(edited by Aneirin Cadwall.9126)

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


All I see is level 8… and this is a trend on SoR.
You know why we’re in second place, IoJ/BG?
It isn’t time zone coverage.

At least we have a solid group of consistent level 80
players there to carry everyone else’s weight.

Oh it’s you >.> Whining about alts in EB team chat isn’t enough for you? You have to come do it on the forums?

Heaven forbid people get bored of the play style on their main and want to try something different every now and then. WvW is not a job, you do not have to bring your main every single day. Personally I would much rather have people on their alts in WvW than leveling their alts in pve.

Also Bav contributes more to our server than you. He is almost always on team speak coordinating with other guilds even when his friends and him decided to play around on charr hammer warrior alts.

And I was going to post to tell people to ignore that player.

You are mistaken if you think people have to play their mains 100% of the time on GW2. WvW or not, at least in WvW they can carry siege, supply, and help. Otherwise they could be in PvE during non queue times, and doing nothing to help.

Heck I can kill people with my lvl 4 mesmer easy. It scales up all but the gear. You even get more power and such when scaled to lvl 80 in WvW. (Even though I rarely get to play any alt ever.)

It is time zone coverage more then levels. 90% of SoR uses their mains which are lvl 80, fully geared. 10% of the time SoR likes to play on alts. Other then on Friday-Sunday nights, SoR suffers a lack of coverage due to their NA players having to sleep for school/work and such. (Where as the weekend they don’t have to as much, which is why you notice the weekends we tend to do better then during the week.)

About TS:
You can use it or not, No one is forced to.
Yes TS does help quicken information on the map, as well as all 4 maps. It’s how SoR will have a force pop in and out of maps if possible to drive off enemy attackers.
It’s easier to get things built, coordinate things and defend while communicating via TS, or any VOIP.
Typing+ fighting someone= death 90% of the time.

We communicate through ts, who goes which map on reset, where to go, where the enemy is, what the enemy is doing, plans of attack, swapping guilds on maps as needed, and a ton of things. Not to mention some of SoR’s most active WvW’ers use the TS3 and do better then they would typing every little thing. Plus some commanders ALSO use the /map and /team chats as well to inform the militia, though its slow more are starting to do it.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

(edited by Mishi.7058)

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: JaredKincade.9761



You guys see that new SOR commander taking over in BGBL? Man he was really great. I think hes going to turn the match around for you guys. He led like a team of 5 SOR expertly to take a tower, and a keep in record time. No joke this guy is top notch skill. He must be a ranger, cuz he’s got a dolyak for a pet.

Only funny thing was, is that I could see his commander tag even though I’m not on SOR.

Gratz on your new commander SOR.


Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Fevess.7658


Bottom line is the Better server has won and is continuing to win. Numbers or map coverage is not the reason, the excuses are old and boring. Only solutuon is for the 2nd and 3rd place servers to up the game to compete, whether they like it or not.

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Bottom line is the Better server has won and is continuing to win. Numbers or map coverage is not the reason, the excuses are old and boring. Only solutuon is for the 2nd and 3rd place servers to up the game to compete, whether they like it or not.

Yes numbers mean nothing when you have 2 groups of 60+ fighting 1 group of 10-20.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Remmel.4617


Gratz on your new commander SOR.

That’s funny because I’ve seen every server use the break out event so far. So you must have some nice new ones on your server too.

And anyway the reason I’m even posting.. Aneirin you need to calm down. You rep both mine and Valor’s guilds, I don’t want people getting to hate the guilds just for one out spoken person. You rage quit out of WvW on a Friday morning when everyone was 20k apart from each other. Spots were already locked. Stop.

Remel Shomari, Asura | Remel Soule, Human
Sanctum of Rall

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Aneirin Cadwall.9126

Aneirin Cadwall.9126

In WvW they can carry siege, supply, and help.

…and I wish they would. I’ll keep an eye peeled for any lower-level characters (30 minimum if you want to contribute in an effective way, in my opinion) dropping blueprints. In observation until now, they’re reserving their money for armor repairs more often than spending their money (or badges) on blueprints, and 90% of the time they aren’t carrying any supply if their nearest commander hasn’t lead them to a camp.

rage quit

No. Never. Taking a stand on principle. I guess, in retrospect, that it’s pretty funny that I thought that would have any effect whatsoever, though.

You rep both mine and Valor’s guilds

…and unfortunately, every time I group with someone from the guild that I’m earning points for, they aren’t level 80 either… they are at least level 30, however. :p

Men who achieve some power desire more until they destroy themselves trying to get it.—Turai Ossa
Sanctum of Rall since beta 3. Mesmer since 1070 AE

(edited by Aneirin Cadwall.9126)

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Remmel.4617


…and unfortunately, every time I group with someone from the guild that I’m earning points for, they aren’t level 80 either… they are at least level 30, however. :p

That would be because we take in the people who are new to the game and want to learn about WvW. If you notice the members list, the toon names are always the same for the most part. Valor switches to alts when he isn’t needed on his main and I’m just in love with my guardian so I’m always on him.

Remel Shomari, Asura | Remel Soule, Human
Sanctum of Rall

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


I don’t like how I can never find some small battles anymore, especially against BG. 1v1 in the jumping puzzle? Nope. Next second, 1v10. 1v2 in the middle of nowhere? Nope. Get zerged.

What ever happened to letting two guys fight it out and not just “lol i call in my 50 teammates”

Looking for some 1v1s. PM me tomorrow afternoon PST.

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


Listen, all of this arguing about playing low level toons in WvW is disgraceful. Consider this fact. We could all reroll new characters and step out into WvW in greens with half of our abilities unlocked and STILL farm badges from Icoa and KNT all night.

So lets keep it civil please and make our moderators job easy. Thanks in advance friends.

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: fivekiller.1432


Listen, all of this arguing about playing low level toons in WvW is disgraceful. Consider this fact. We could all reroll new characters and step out into WvW in greens with half of our abilities unlocked and STILL farm badges from Icoa and KNT all night.

So lets keep it civil please and make our moderators job easy. Thanks in advance friends.

This guy is obviously a full-time forum warrior that has never farmed a badge in his life. He’s probably not even from SoR and is a troll from Kaineng; where he belongs. I especially laughed at the part when he said “Listen” because everything he says is a joke It does look like SoR is taking second place for the 5th week in a row though… Keep it up Blackgate and we’ll be out of this tier in no time!

Everyone knows BG holds dominance in EB and everyone knows Icoa is probably the main guild there. And anyone who hasn’t seen KnT run in and down a group three times their size hasn’t been playing in this matchup for more than a day.

What some people are doing is trying to create the illusion that our BG guilds suck on the forums because they sure can’t show that they are bad on the scoreboard. Its all they have and anyone modestly intelligent knows everything these folks are saying about your and other BG guilds is just utter garbage born from frustration and angst.

In any case, TC and IOJ are looking extremely close right now. Could it be possible this is the week the bracket changes? I would surely feel bad for T3 if IOJ were there as i would predict IOJ to just stomp that tier. But that would probably be a good thing for them and us I would imagine. Perhaps they would return with new vigor! Or maybe the trade would provoke livelier matches in both tiers?

-Desirz Matheon

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: jcabe.7549


There has been some talk of our oceanics transferring though I can confirm that HIRE has transferred/is transferring to Ehmry Bay. Of course not all will do so but at the moment it feels like it is inevitable that we (IOJ) will drop to t3

Yuki Shinon – Isle of Janthir

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mian.1945


Hah, I wish all you guys would use Ventrilo instead of TS. I’m listening to my RL buddies on Skype, my GW2 guildies on Vent, adding a 3rd voip might cause my head to explode.

I never liked TS in WoW, its sound quality had this horrible robot feel to it compared to Vent (not to mention Skype).

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: fivekiller.1432


Hah, I wish all you guys would use Ventrilo instead of TS. I’m listening to my RL buddies on Skype, my GW2 guildies on Vent, adding a 3rd voip might cause my head to explode.

I never liked TS in WoW, its sound quality had this horrible robot feel to it compared to Vent (not to mention Skype).

TS has improved a lot over the years.

-Desirz Matheon

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Xirin.8593


What some people are doing is trying to create the illusion that our BG guilds suck on the forums because they sure can’t show that they are bad on the scoreboard. Its all they have and anyone modestly intelligent knows everything these folks are saying about your and other BG guilds is just utter garbage born from frustration and angst.

Can I make this my sig? Truer words have never been spoken.

[AoN] All or Nothing

(edited by Xirin.8593)

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Aithere.2950


Hah, I wish all you guys would use Ventrilo instead of TS. I’m listening to my RL buddies on Skype, my GW2 guildies on Vent, adding a 3rd voip might cause my head to explode.

I never liked TS in WoW, its sound quality had this horrible robot feel to it compared to Vent (not to mention Skype).

TS3 and Mumble are considered to be the best voice chat programs these days.

Sanctum of Rall
Caedas [CDS] |

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


What some people are doing is trying to create the illusion that our BG guilds suck on the forums

Your words, not mine friend. There is no illusion, only reality.

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Warlord.9074


I support Aneirin Cadwall.9126 of SoR and a majority of what he says is true. Keep up the good fight bro don’t stop giving these guys reality checks.

Edit: I’ve also argued some of the same points you have brought up in your various posts in this thread, and have been met with the same kinda opposition on SoR. Everyone is entitled to their opinions but there is a difference between opinions and facts. And yours are facts sir.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: henlarious.5329


A quick thumbs up to [ICoa] and Commander Dark Embers last night on Eternal Battleground. We were getting crushed by SoR and IoJ. I was about to leave after we lost Klovan Tower, Jerrifers Tower, Wildcreek Tower, Rogues Supply, and Golanta Supply. Once [ICoa] and their Commander got on the map we turned it around quick.

We ended up getting it all back and taking Quentin Tower along with Danelon Supply. We kept it all and farmed SoR for about two hours. Good battles to everyone on that map last night and thanks to Dark Embers for leading. By the end we has pushed SoR off the map.

I particularly want to thank him for speaking in chat without talking down to players. Most times Commanders just kitten or yell at pugs or players not in their guild. I’m not in a WVW guild and only WVW a few times a week. It’s nice not getting yelled at or called names when I decide to WVW.

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Jahn.7019


There has been some talk of our oceanics transferring though I can confirm that HIRE has transferred/is transferring to Ehmry Bay. Of course not all will do so but at the moment it feels like it is inevitable that we (IOJ) will drop to t3

Supposedly around 1500 of IoJ oceanics are transferring to EB. It’s too bad really.

(edited by Jahn.7019)

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Ardon.4105


You know what would be interesting and maybe put some of these issues to rest on the forums between you and Indo? You should set up a 10v10, 20v20, 30v30 or whatever and do something like best 3 out of 5 for forum bragging rights. The winner can then feel free to talk about dominating the other all they like. It would be interesting to watch Icoa vs TW or KNT vs TW… and finally stop the silly forum trolling.

I bet Indo has the balls for it. Do you?

Unfortuantely, doing this without interference would be difficult. This is why we need Guild Vs Guild.

[Agg] Rendon Argos (Charrgos) – Guardian
Server Traversing Nomad

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Xirin.8593


Score if anyone cares. Seems like this thread is only good for trolling.


[AoN] All or Nothing

(edited by Xirin.8593)

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: ghostchipz.2341


@Aneirin Cadwall

Just reading through this thread and seeing all the talk about my guild leader (i will not say his name as i might get infracted for doing so) i would like to point out a few details.

- i have ran with the said person since starting WvW and i find them to be one of the best Commanders we have.
- The said person has just started our new Guild which is growing at a huge rate which says something about the Leadership of said person
- The said person could run with a Lv 1 and still be affective as they have great skill when it comes to playing the game
- We are part of the “night crew” and for many months now have always faced a hard tasks when playing the said person never gives up no matter how big the enemy force is.
- The said persons tactics make us a great offencive force during outmanned and testing times

So it does not matter what Lv they run there natural skill and abilty far out weigh the ingame stats and skill increase they get from running a LV 80.

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: JaredKincade.9761


It is strange to me that instead of working on recruitment and getting better organized, some on SOR are complaining about low levels in Wvw?

Can’t you see that a lvl 50 learning WvW means a lvl 80 that knows what he’s doing in a few weeks?

And if that lvl 50 has a lvl 80 that he “should” be playing in WvW and that player is already skilled, then you are missing the advantage that having skilled WvW with multiple lvl 80s brings to the table in terms of flexibility.

Either way, you guys aren’t thinking long term. You complain about coverage gaps in one post, then about players in training in the next.

BG EB’s PUGs are the best in the game. These guys rally behind commanders, always bring supply, flip camps/NPCs, rally to defence in 1 call, call out incomings and enemy zerg locations, all without being asked. This is a big reason for BGs dominance in EB. This is the result of people logging on and lvling a character only by WvW. And you want to discourage that?

If you are feeling unloved on SOR leveling an alt or two, yes, head over to BG. He said sarcastically “they apparently need you there”. Yes, we do. We aren’t #1 in tier 1 yet. Because THAT is what we are playing for. Not 2nd place in tier 2. We are growing, moving, training. Building our server alliance, our guilds and our PUG base. He implies they don’t want you. Well come to where you are appreciated, because in the long run, being happy with 5th place will get you in IOJ’s shoes, mass transfers off your server.

Come on over, play whatever toon you like. We have a good time on BG.

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: yarz widowmaker.5893

yarz widowmaker.5893

It is strange to me that instead of working on recruitment and getting better organized, some on SOR are complaining about low levels in Wvw?

Can’t you see that a lvl 50 learning WvW means a lvl 80 that knows what he’s doing in a few weeks?

And if that lvl 50 has a lvl 80 that he “should” be playing in WvW and that player is already skilled, then you are missing the advantage that having skilled WvW with multiple lvl 80s brings to the table in terms of flexibility.

Either way, you guys aren’t thinking long term. You complain about coverage gaps in one post, then about players in training in the next.

BG EB’s PUGs are the best in the game. These guys rally behind commanders, always bring supply, flip camps/NPCs, rally to defence in 1 call, call out incomings and enemy zerg locations, all without being asked. This is a big reason for BGs dominance in EB. This is the result of people logging on and lvling a character only by WvW. And you want to discourage that?

If you are feeling unloved on SOR leveling an alt or two, yes, head over to BG. He said sarcastically “they apparently need you there”. Yes, we do. We aren’t #1 in tier 1 yet. Because THAT is what we are playing for. Not 2nd place in tier 2. We are growing, moving, training. Building our server alliance, our guilds and our PUG base. He implies they don’t want you. Well come to where you are appreciated, because in the long run, being happy with 5th place will get you in IOJ’s shoes, mass transfers off your server.

Come on over, play whatever toon you like. We have a good time on BG.

I have to agree on lvling alts, but disagree that you should transfer to BG. Alts are very important to your guild and the server. I for one have 5 toons already and only one is missing lvl 80 status. It makes the game a lot more fun. As far as SOR not liking people on their alts, that should never be generalized as the server mentality just because 1 player thinks so. Try running with a few organized guilds and listen in on our TS. You will see that it is fun, especially those open field battles that BG and IoJ occassionaly provide before they trasffer maps after being wiped a couple of times.

SoR – Warrior – l Dark Phoenix I [RET]
Retribution – Sanctum of Rall

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


Always funny to see guilds talking about other guilds leaving the map after they get wiped when they are the ones that actually do that. We lost count at how many times a certain guild left every map last week after wiping them over and over. They turn tail and run if there is even 5 defenders a tower. The only time I’ve ever seen them wipe anyone is pugs. This is what this guild does, they run from a fight, wait till 10 pugs chase them then turn around and portal bomb the 10 pugs, then they high five each other as if they did something great. LOL

Beast mode

(edited by pot.6805)

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: yarz widowmaker.5893

yarz widowmaker.5893

Always funny to see guilds talking about other guilds leaving the map after they get wiped when they are the ones that actually do that. We lost count at how many times a certain guild left every map last week after wiping them over and over. They turn tail and run if there is even 5 defenders a tower. The only time I’ve ever seen them wipe anyone is pugs. This is what this guild does, they run from a fight, wait till 10 pugs chase them then turn around and portal bomb the 10 pugs, then they high five each other as if they did something great. LOL

Definitely don’t know any guilds that do it on SoR

SoR – Warrior – l Dark Phoenix I [RET]
Retribution – Sanctum of Rall

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Vodka.3958


A quick thumbs up to [ICoa] and Commander Dark Embers last night on Eternal Battleground. We were getting crushed by SoR and IoJ. I was about to leave after we lost Klovan Tower, Jerrifers Tower, Wildcreek Tower, Rogues Supply, and Golanta Supply. Once [ICoa] and their Commander got on the map we turned it around quick.

We ended up getting it all back and taking Quentin Tower along with Danelon Supply. We kept it all and farmed SoR for about two hours. Good battles to everyone on that map last night and thanks to Dark Embers for leading. By the end we has pushed SoR off the map.

I particularly want to thank him for speaking in chat without talking down to players. Most times Commanders just kitten or yell at pugs or players not in their guild. I’m not in a WVW guild and only WVW a few times a week. It’s nice not getting yelled at or called names when I decide to WVW.

He’s one of our newer Commanders but this feedback is definitely a + for his reputation. Thanks for the shout out we really encourage all our 32 Commanders to not be D-Bags when it comes to WvW. On another note; to Hire from IoJ… It was an enjoyable experience to go against your guild in the late hours. ICoa wishes your guild the best in Ehmry Bay and hope we have the chance of going against you again in the near future. Good luck!


Commander [ICoa] Hollywood Fiend
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition

(edited by Vodka.3958)

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: GekoHayate.2451


Bottom line is the Better server has won and is continuing to win. Numbers or map coverage is not the reason, the excuses are old and boring. Only solutuon is for the 2nd and 3rd place servers to up the game to compete, whether they like it or not.

Numbers and map-coverage (or lack there of) contributes a lot to SoR and IoJ’s continual losses.

Havroun of Karp – Disciples of Magikarp [Karp]

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Vodka.3958


I especially like that Vodka thinks transferring servers is any less pathetic than trying to explain why a server is losing, maybe you or Icoa transfers at the first sign of trouble (This is where you bring up Icoa’s record of never transferring) but Im pretty sure not everyones like that, please correct me if Im wrong.

Lol sorry I had to bring this up… First he’s talking about how pathetic transferring servers is and now his guild is transferring to Ehmry Bay. What a turn of events. Good luck Hire

Commander [ICoa] Hollywood Fiend
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Lalnuir.4957


Icoa and their bg allies proving there tactical superiority by using their portal to try and reinforce hills instead of the big wide open gate and running straight into our waiting aoes earlier today.
Thanks for the loot bags. <3

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


BG and SoR can you please double team IoJ so TC can move up. No offense IoJ, I’m just tired of fighting FA. I’m not saying we would even win against BG and SoR..I just want a change of opponent and team color :P

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: fivekiller.1432


BG and SoR can you please double team IoJ so TC can move up. No offense IoJ, I’m just tired of fighting FA. I’m not saying we would even win against BG and SoR..I just want a change of opponent and team color :P

its up to you guys to win harder.

IOJ right now is currently losing 35 rating.

you gotta at least meet them half way!

(although IOJ traditionally comes out stronger in the week and gets their rating back)

-Desirz Matheon

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Greyskies.2815


We are trying…we are positive 5 right now just need 10 more points in our rating to pass their current raiting… Just hold them back a little longer.

Chronicles of Tyria (CoT)
Tarnished Coast (TC)

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Diashame.6328


We just lost a guild that took a vote 4 weeks ago if to move servers with 70% saying yes. They than had a mass recruiting campaign that more than doubled their numbers from 200 / 400. (Proof in our server forums linked below).

They then leave our server leaving a half dig post at our NA players and say the decision to move was only first discussed 1 day before they moved. They also moved to a server that another alliance (that hire was a part of) tried to do the exact same thing and was caught out in time about a month ago.

They then say this is all coincidence and are surprised at the venom thy received on their leaving. We have had many guilds leave us and with no hard feelings and with well wishes if anyone is thinking we are bitter for them moving, it’s the way they did it.

What they have done is extremely low class and hopefully if i am not “gw2 you know whatted” anet can see why non paid xfers are extremely poor for guild wars 2, it totally destroys W3 in more ways than one.

Don’t worry we lost maybe 200 oceanic and na players at most. Our community is tight and won’t die off. We may drop to t3 but well be back I guarantee you.

Dia – [RET]
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


Was fun staying in durios for 20 minutes while I watched 15 clueless bg try to kill me

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Alsonia.4753


Listen, all of this arguing about playing low level toons in WvW is disgraceful. Consider this fact. We could all reroll new characters and step out into WvW in greens with half of our abilities unlocked and STILL farm badges from Icoa and KNT all night.

So lets keep it civil please and make our moderators job easy. Thanks in advance friends.

This guy is obviously a full-time forum warrior that has never farmed a badge in his life. He’s probably not even from SoR and is a troll from Kaineng; where he belongs. I especially laughed at the part when he said “Listen” because everything he says is a joke It does look like SoR is taking second place for the 5th week in a row though… Keep it up Blackgate and we’ll be out of this tier in no time!

Unfortunately the glicko system kinda sucks and does no favor the winner; in order to go up a tier someone in T1 has to lose out or we have to completely blow out SoR and not barely win like we’ve decided to do a couple weeks.

I want BG in T1 as much as the next guy but the rating system is kinda bleh.

Gloria Taril | Guardian of [ICoa]
Repping Beastgate since day 1.

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mif.3471


It does look like SoR is taking second place for the 5th week in a row though…

3rd week in a row

Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Vodka.3958


It does look like SoR is taking second place for the 5th week in a row though…

3rd week in a row

Dang I forgot IoJ beat them…

Commander [ICoa] Hollywood Fiend
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Pinkus.2860


On a different note… How kittened is the culling right now!!! Was running around with the guild last night and BAM 30+ enemies around me Not even my bunkerness could save me from that one haha

Pinkus – Webmaster

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Lalnuir.4957


On a different note… How kittened is the culling right now!!! Was running around with the guild last night and BAM 30+ enemies around me Not even my bunkerness could save me from that one haha

Culling hasn’t been too bad for me lately. I only had half a zerg not render for a few seconds once today.
No invisible zergs, no invisible memsers dropping portals, no invisible armies coming out of portals.

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: FireRunner.9481


A quick thumbs up to [ICoa] and Commander Dark Embers last night on Eternal Battleground. We were getting crushed by SoR and IoJ. I was about to leave after we lost Klovan Tower, Jerrifers Tower, Wildcreek Tower, Rogues Supply, and Golanta Supply. Once [ICoa] and their Commander got on the map we turned it around quick.

We ended up getting it all back and taking Quentin Tower along with Danelon Supply. We kept it all and farmed SoR for about two hours. Good battles to everyone on that map last night and thanks to Dark Embers for leading. By the end we has pushed SoR off the map.

I particularly want to thank him for speaking in chat without talking down to players. Most times Commanders just kitten or yell at pugs or players not in their guild. I’m not in a WVW guild and only WVW a few times a week. It’s nice not getting yelled at or called names when I decide to WVW.

He’s one of our newer Commanders but this feedback is definitely a + for his reputation. Thanks for the shout out we really encourage all our 32 Commanders to not be D-Bags when it comes to WvW. On another note; to Hire from IoJ… It was an enjoyable experience to go against your guild in the late hours. ICoa wishes your guild the best in Ehmry Bay and hope we have the chance of going against you again in the near future. Good luck!

Was a good battle Saturday night on Eternal. A little crazy running between three points of interest, players did well following my half typed out commands in /team and /say

Until next time.
PS: While I’m new to ICoa, I’ve been a Commander for almost two months now. Just on a different server where leading pugs and casuals were the norm

80 Asura Ranger – Commander

(edited by FireRunner.9481)

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: BallisticsBear.2417


You have 2 people in your guild, at Hills(owned by BG atm) A D/D Tank Ele and a Thief who were just caught practicing Wall jumping into the outer walls. I’m not trying to talk trash, enough people are doing that in the thread already. Its probably something you should look into.

Was in the /map conversation. People were aimlessly jumping at the wall seeing if they could discover the exploit. They were curious after 15 SoR mysteriously showed up at that point in the keep.

Wouldn’t you be as well?

Blackgate | [ICoa]Ballistic Bienzi
Norn Engineer

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Thundar.3910


We did report them. It was 30 odd minutes ago. I’m not trash talking your guild champ. If you are so defensive about it and refuse to both believe and or deal with it, fine I could care less.

They were not looking for people, we stood at the gate killing the guards, while we watched them wall jump to the left of the north gate(You know that place that gets all the reports of the people that wall jump into Hills) They didn’t notice us, they were not looking for us, they were intent on jumping that wall into the keep, which they did. If you don’t want to look into it, fine. If you want to get all defensive about it, fine. Just don’t whine kitten and moan when your guild get a bad rep due to it. You don’t want it put on the forums? Take care of it.

Keep Calm and Conquer
When you are out numbered, and the situation is hopeless, you have no option-you must attack

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Xirin.8593


This is just getting sad.

[AoN] All or Nothing

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Xilu.9341


Let’s spend less time fighting in the forums and more time fighting in the game. I personally appreciate this match-up and some of the titanic battles that have come with it. No need for us to justify winning or losing. Just enjoy the nonstop fighting/killing/dying this match-up has to offer. Many servers would love to be in our shoes, fighting such quality opponents. See you all on the battlefield.

(edited by Xilu.9341)

Dec 14 - BG/SoR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Gunza.4273


You have 2 people in your guild, at Hills(owned by BG atm) A D/D Tank Ele and a Thief who were just caught practicing Wall jumping into the outer walls. I’m not trying to talk trash, enough people are doing that in the thread already. Its probably something you should look into.

Was in the /map conversation. People were aimlessly jumping at the wall seeing if they could discover the exploit. They were curious after 15 SoR mysteriously showed up at that point in the keep.

Wouldn’t you be as well?

you mean when IoJ was attacking the keep from the north outer/north inner and we walked in the door behind them then wiped them at the keep lord and took it from them?

Reyna Soulstrum – [DBD] – SoR