Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna
That was me .
Enjoyed the fight and the sportsmanship.
Keep it up!
Ahah, I hope to meet you again, but next time I’ll win
Hey guys,
besides all the trolls and accusing it is the best matchup I’ve seen since we moved to T1 with SFR and the fights on this weekend were just amazing.
It is rly nice to see how the wind changes if we don’t have a weak opponent who allows VZ to put the focus on us for the whole week. (no flame included, it was just clever to do so)
Concerning cheats&exploits → report them with screen and/or vid but don’t brag about it here. Keep the fights on the battlefield. You don’t win anything in the forums.
Looking forward to this week.
Getting double teamed by SFR and VZ in SFR Borderlands tonight was intresting.
We did not give up the keep.
Velocity nice fights.
The rumors are true by 50%. The agreement was concluded only between rusian guilds of Seafarer and Deso. They fight only against the VS and do not capture objects allies.
I am very disappointed because I wanted deserved 1st place for my server w/o 2vs1.
The rumors are true by 50%. The agreement was concluded only between rusian guilds of Seafarer and Deso. They fight only against the VS and do not capture objects allies.
I am very disappointed because I wanted deserved 1st place for my server w/o 2vs1.
rumors are true by 50%
The rumors are true by 50%. The agreement was concluded only between rusian guilds of Seafarer and Deso. They fight only against the VS and do not capture objects allies.
I am very disappointed because I wanted deserved 1st place for my server w/o 2vs1.
Actually, we just gave IRON bay because we were leaving the map and didnt want Vizunah to take it, we’re now on 5/5 with keeps.
This is directly to Vizunah, until you actually fight properly, rather than run away like your kitten is on fire every time we engage you or you see our tag we will do our utmost to make sure you lose this match-up, if that means handing out keeps to Desolation then that is what we will continue to do.
(edited by Aneu.1748)
Well you had too many stickers tonight, and as you tolds us they are dead bodies to you, it didn’t feel fair to fight you in these conditions.
See we care about you too.
The rumors are true by 50%. The agreement was concluded only between rusian guilds of Seafarer and Deso. They fight only against the VS and do not capture objects allies.
I am very disappointed because I wanted deserved 1st place for my server w/o 2vs1.
don’t need to confirm, we can feel it and see it easily on a lot of borderlands it’s clearly not a 100% alliance but some strong guilds are only focusing our keeps.
but hey, it’s the game, it’s the first time we have such a strong double focus, it’s quite interesting to play.
Just too bad for the deso guilds that wanted to try first place.
But it’s not like we’re playing well on the week end anyway, like always.
hang on Vz it s gonna be difficult to fight 2 servers which focus us, but we ll ve to do it, andtrying to find their weakness
It’s soo nice having atleast one server come and fight us.
Props to Desolation, esp Iron and Kaz who atually fight us and not run away.
Let me just add an addendum to the above. MORT have our respect for actually sticking it out and fighting tonight, every other Viz guild inclusive of War Legend simply turn around and run away.
We are disappoint and I think its time Vizunah gives its spot to someone else in WvW.
We are disappoint and I think its time Vizunah gives its spot to someone else in WvW.
Blablabla, be worthy of your rank in T1 before saying that.
Where will you be when the free transfers will be frozen and culling fixed ?
@Aneu : Good luck. We will see what’s what at the end of the week, remember a 40k lead isn’t always enough.
Cheers from Vizu
It’s soo nice having atleast one server come and fight us.
Props to Desolation, esp Iron and Kaz who atually fight us and not run away.
2 things :
- We have 2 server against us, we have to split against 50+ mens group zerg on both side
- Split, don’t use culling, comme with 20 men against 20 men and you will have fight.
At the moment IRON/KAZ/Votf have the same gameplay. I understand you like to play like a mass zerg when you don’t see ennemy and only press forward and key 1, not our case on Vizunah sorry
Keep fighting those viz seafarers, i hope they feel how it is to be double teamed like we were from arbor and them.
Sanctum Of Rall
only press forward and key 1, not our case on Vizunah sorry
You really do have no clue do you?
only press forward and key 1, not our case on Vizunah sorry
You really do have no clue do you?
We split we have 4 or 5 smaller group on the map. You have only one with 50+ men. That’s all, you don’t like that, not our problem, continue to hate Vizunah
We are not suicidal, we will not engage 20 against 50 with culling
Wow … that’s sad SFR and Deso using such kind of “tactic” to beat us. Does using US guilds isn’t enough that you need to team up ?
Our single server with a single timezone … lol
It’s soo nice having atleast one server come and fight us.
Props to Desolation, esp Iron and Kaz who atually fight us and not run away.2 things :
- We have 2 server against us, we have to split against 50+ mens group zerg on both side
- Split, don’t use culling, comme with 20 men against 20 men and you will have fight.At the moment IRON/KAZ/Votf have the same gameplay. I understand you like to play like a mass zerg when you don’t see ennemy and only press forward and key 1, not our case on Vizunah sorry
Mass Zerg? are you for real? Votf is nothing like a mass zerg, we actually ask our pug’s to not follow us, we can not help if we pick up some stragglers along the way, but we are never a zerg, most times you will see us with around 30 people max on the general occasion.
KAZ certainly do not have the same game play as us, you clearly don’t may too much attention to your opponents do you.
Does using US guilds
Do you actually think before you post? lol
Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Congo, Republic of the
Côte d’Ivoire
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Equatorial Guinea
It’s soo nice having atleast one server come and fight us.
Props to Desolation, esp Iron and Kaz who atually fight us and not run away.2 things :
- We have 2 server against us, we have to split against 50+ mens group zerg on both side
- Split, don’t use culling, comme with 20 men against 20 men and you will have fight.At the moment IRON/KAZ/Votf have the same gameplay. I understand you like to play like a mass zerg when you don’t see ennemy and only press forward and key 1, not our case on Vizunah sorry
Mass Zerg? are you for real? Votf is nothing like a mass zerg, we actually ask our pug’s to not follow us, we can not help if we pick up some stragglers along the way, but we are never a zerg, most times you will see us with around 30 people max on the general occasion.
KAZ certainly do not have the same game play as us, you clearly don’t may too much attention to your opponents do you.
Thank you, you make me laugh.
We know exactly how Vizunah play, If involves a wall between you and the enemy and arrow carts. And lots.
Don’t pretend you havn’t teamed up, Blacktide and Desolation have felt exactly how it has felt, even SFR agaisnt 2 german servers.
The great thing is we’re not even teaming up. The difference from this week and last week is you’re atually agaisnt 2 servers not 1 as Elona were just poor and hardly had guys on the map.
There is no teaming up, or “pact” we let Iron take hills after we got the tick because it would have been a pain to hold it and Iron deserved it more than Viz.
(edited by ethier.3417)
double post.
(edited by ethier.3417)
I SFR I personally <3 you
Lots of love Ajaxx
I miss T3
Does using US guilds
Do you actually think before you post? lol
Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Congo, Republic of the
Côte d’Ivoire
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Equatorial Guinea
It’s soo nice having atleast one server come and fight us.
Props to Desolation, esp Iron and Kaz who atually fight us and not run away.2 things :
- We have 2 server against us, we have to split against 50+ mens group zerg on both side
- Split, don’t use culling, comme with 20 men against 20 men and you will have fight.At the moment IRON/KAZ/Votf have the same gameplay. I understand you like to play like a mass zerg when you don’t see ennemy and only press forward and key 1, not our case on Vizunah sorry
Mass Zerg? are you for real? Votf is nothing like a mass zerg, we actually ask our pug’s to not follow us, we can not help if we pick up some stragglers along the way, but we are never a zerg, most times you will see us with around 30 people max on the general occasion.
KAZ certainly do not have the same game play as us, you clearly don’t may too much attention to your opponents do you.
Thank you, you make me laugh.
You make me laugh also, at how badly informed and knowledgeable of your enemy you actually are…
You’re crying because you want fair fight against Vizu. Come with the same number as us. That’s all.
1 big zerg moving is just not as Vizunah play. You will love to hate us
It’s soo nice having atleast one server come and fight us.
Props to Desolation, esp Iron and Kaz who atually fight us and not run away.2 things :
- We have 2 server against us, we have to split against 50+ mens group zerg on both side
- Split, don’t use culling, comme with 20 men against 20 men and you will have fight.At the moment IRON/KAZ/Votf have the same gameplay. I understand you like to play like a mass zerg when you don’t see ennemy and only press forward and key 1, not our case on Vizunah sorry
Mass Zerg? are you for real? Votf is nothing like a mass zerg, we actually ask our pug’s to not follow us, we can not help if we pick up some stragglers along the way, but we are never a zerg, most times you will see us with around 30 people max on the general occasion.
KAZ certainly do not have the same game play as us, you clearly don’t may too much attention to your opponents do you.
Thank you, you make me laugh.
You make me laugh also, at how badly informed and knowledgeable of your enemy you actually are…
You’re crying because you want fair fight against Vizu. Come with the same number as us. That’s all.
1 big zerg moving is just not as Vizunah play. You will love to hate us
Fair fight? When we (VoTF) fight against anyone we are more often than not the lower number, and if you would stop running away from us and fight then you would realize yourself it is YOU that will love to hate US, not the other way around.
Also you seem to be incapable of reading, i never once claimed i want a fair fight, i just want a fight from Vizunah full stop…i don’t care on our numbers nor yours since we’re normally the lower numbered force, but please for the love of god, stop running away and actually fight.
Vizuna are horrible at WvW, the only thing they have on their side is time coverage. I think everyone knows that?
They don’t fight unless they can out zerg you and are 100% sure they can win.
When we (SFR) first got matched up against you it was awesome, we used to wipe your 50 man zergs with 30 or less, soo many good fights. But now you actually fear our guild tag’s and run away or hide in the towers that your night cappers fortified for you.
I hope your server is destroyed soon so other more deserving servers can come up to T1 because your play style has turned WvW T1 combat very stale.
It’s soo nice having atleast one server come and fight us.
Props to Desolation, esp Iron and Kaz who atually fight us and not run away.2 things :
- We have 2 server against us, we have to split against 50+ mens group zerg on both side
- Split, don’t use culling, comme with 20 men against 20 men and you will have fight.At the moment IRON/KAZ/Votf have the same gameplay. I understand you like to play like a mass zerg when you don’t see ennemy and only press forward and key 1, not our case on Vizunah sorry
Mass Zerg? are you for real? Votf is nothing like a mass zerg, we actually ask our pug’s to not follow us, we can not help if we pick up some stragglers along the way, but we are never a zerg, most times you will see us with around 30 people max on the general occasion.
KAZ certainly do not have the same game play as us, you clearly don’t may too much attention to your opponents do you.
Thank you, you make me laugh.
You make me laugh also, at how badly informed and knowledgeable of your enemy you actually are…
You’re crying because you want fair fight against Vizu. Come with the same number as us. That’s all.
1 big zerg moving is just not as Vizunah play. You will love to hate us
Fair fight? When we (VoTF) fight against anyone we are more often than not the lower number, and if you would stop running away from us and fight then you would realize yourself it is YOU that will love to hate US, not the other way around.
Also you seem to be incapable of reading, i never once claimed i want a fair fight, i just want a fight from Vizunah full stop…i don’t care on our numbers nor yours since we’re normally the lower numbered force, but please for the love of god, stop running away and actually fight.
Tonight we have 1 group with 8 people, 1 with 10, 1 with 15 and pug with another.
When votf come and just move forward and kill with 40+ guy sorry but 1 time is enough. I told you, just split and you will have fight
Maybe you thought we ran away but not, we were only 8 in our group and the 8 bodies on the ground were us. Nobody else ran away, we come and saw the zerg against us.
(edited by Kayato.9178)
@ajax you made me laugh most of that countries are on Africa, many of them at war or handle civilian riot, do you think they plays at MMOs ?), and even if we had guilds from africa (that is not the case) they are on the same timzone than us, more or less 2 hours. Canadians are on US ladder and don’t want to come. we have very few of them on french server. It’s my server, i know who’s on it, there’s only french, from France, Belgium and Swiss at 99%.
Whatever the score will be, you gave us the most important victory : We scared you that much that you need to double team. And that is the best proof of our deserved #1 euro rank.
(edited by Angelyne.2936)
Vizuna are horrible at WvW, the only thing they have on their side is time coverage. I think everyone knows that?
Which server has english, russian, american on the same server. Cmon dude are you serious ?
we used to wipe your 50 man zergs with 30 or less, soo many good fights.
I hope your server is destroyed soon so other more deserving servers can come up to T1 because your play style has turned WvW T1 combat very stale.
Sure, you just had the biggest zerg ever seen in T1, ahead RUIN…
As mentioned above, be worthy of your rank in T1 before saying that.
You all should feel bad because you turned this thread into yet another whine thread, you should really consider not posting at all if all you want to do is to start an internet fight, especially misinformed trashposts that only lead to tense responses.
On topic: These three days have been one of the most fun i’ve personally had throughout all my gw2 life, i got 1’2k kills in just a day and a half, which is a fair amount of bags for a fragger n00b, and i’ve seen both organised play(shoutout to you VoTF guys) and mindless zergs in the three servers so stop kittenposting just like your server was the best one, never had a single pug zerg and has only pro roamers everywhere
@ajax you made me laugh
most of that countries are on Africa, many of them at war or handle civilian riot, do you think they plays at MMOs ?), and even if we had guilds from africa (that is not the case) they are on the same timzone than us, more or less 2 hours. Canadians are on US ladder and don’t want to come. we have very few of them on french server. It’s my server, i know who’s on it, there’s only french, from France, Belgium and Swiss at 99%.
Whatever the score will be, you gave us the most important victory : We scared you that much that you need to double team. And that is the best proof of our deserved #1 euro rank.
You scare us? not likely, though the backs of your characters are quite pretty i must admit, if you really want to scare us, turn around, thanks.
we used to wipe your 50 man zergs with 30 or less, soo many good fights.
I hope your server is destroyed soon so other more deserving servers can come up to T1 because your play style has turned WvW T1 combat very stale.Sure, you just had the biggest zerg ever seen in T1, ahead RUIN…
As mentioned above, be worthy of your rank in T1 before saying that.
we clearly are worthy of our T1 status, since we’ve not dropped since first entering T1 , Biggest Zerg Ahead of RUIN? Specsavers, works wonders, we don’t even have anywhere near the numbers ruin has/had.
(edited by Phunk.6103)
As said in another thread (last week’s to be perfectly accurate), I do not own the videos or the decision to make it publicly available.
The owners are debating wether it is a good thing to let this exploit out on the forums, the consequences could be dramatic. And please do not even try to “attacking with abilities” me, we both know very well it falls in the exploits. You’re doing over 10 times the damages of a normal auto-attack.
Running away may be a tactic to lure you out of strategic points. War is not only fought with guns, some people like to use brains.
(and on a lighter note, your reference to Specsavers will not be understood by many French people, as the brand doesn’t exist in our lovely country )
(edited by Leorcyn.1063)
Strange and pathetic comments from [VoTF] members.
Show some respect or else you will lose very soon. Educated guess.
It’s called damage, you should try doing it. We don’t hide behind walls and we don’t break and run. We do damage and fight to the death, that is why we win and that is why you loose. That is also why you fear us ;P
(edited by Victim.3016)
As said in another thread (last week’s to be perfectly accurate), I do not own the videos or the decision to make it publicly available.
The owners are debating wether it is a good thing to let this exploit out on the forums, the consequences could be dramatic. And please do not even try to “attacking with abilities” me, we both know very well it falls in the exploits.Running away may be a tactic to lure you out of strategic points. War is not only fought with guns, some people like to use brains.
(and on a lighter note, your reference to Specsavers will not be understood by many French people, as the brand doesn’t exist in our lovely country
Lol, an exploit is something that can be used for personal gain and abusing something that was never intended to happen, gates take damage from players attacking it (very little) so it’s not an exploit regardless of what way you try to twist it around, so unless the devs decided to make the gates take 0 damage from players regardless of what skill was used and then some unintended way to make the gate take damage came up…then yeah it would be an exploit.
Also luring the enemy to another location would be a tactic which is true, but failing at an encounter in under 5 seconds with most the french being wiped and then retreating back to the nearest tower is most certainly not a tactic that was supposed to happen, it’s called retreating.
Last but not least in regards to your “VoTF zerg” comment, just look for VoTF videos on youtube and you will see we have roaming partys of about 10-15 people max wiping out 30+ enemys.
Well, to be perfectly honnest, we don’t fear you at all, on the contrary, you’re quite motivating. And we’re not losing either. On the weeks SFr has been in T1 : you won two (week 50 and 52) and we won two (week 51 and 01). This week is still ongoing, but you have a nice lead.
I do not recall saying anything about VoTF zergs, but if I did I would maintain it. But I’m not saying there is no zerg on VS’s side.
And I won’t discuss the door exploit much longer, I said everything I had to say, but we have several videos of small groups of VoTF (3-5 persons) killing doors faster than rams. We studied them and replicated the builds to confirm the exploit. We have a pretty good understanding of it now, the Grand Cross alliance knows about the details of the build and decided not to use it. Everything is reported to Anet, with accurate locations and times, hopefully the exploiters will be banned soon.
And Phunk : I personally couldn’t care less about your respect. I do believe we did not steal our rank, and I also do believe that even if we fall out of T1, we will still be more deserving than you’ll ever will. Because reasons.
(edited by Leorcyn.1063)
And I won’t discuss the door exploit much longer, I said everything I had to say, but we have several videos of small groups of VoTF (3-5 persons) killing doors faster than rams. We studied them and replicated the builds to confirm the exploit. We have a pretty good understanding of it now, the Grand Cross alliance knows about the details of the build and decided not to use it. Everything is reported to Anet, with accurate locations and times, hopefully the exploiters will be banned soon.
I implore you right now to make it public in front of everybody whom this thread concerns. Cause I know for a FACT that no such thing occurred, go ahead, link your youtube videos, until then I call BS.
I can assure you no one from my guild is going to be banned.
Until you have anything of proof in any way shape or form, I am going to take this as random BS. For all purposes I too have seen many exploiters from famous Grand Cross Guilds, but I too do not feel the need to show proof, I will let Anet deal with the issue but knowing Anet they will take no action.
Cool story bro.
GW1 Rank 1 – 2 Gold Capes – [sC] [sup]
(edited by Jackie.1829)
Yeah sadly, I’m no Arenanet, so i can’t decide wether it is bannable or not. And I’m starting to think you’ll walk like free men considering the answers we got. But once again : not my call !
Yeah, I’m not very frightened lol. But hey, let’s not get this thread closed at the start of the fight.
Anyway, would anyone mind giving a score update? I think someone tampered with millennium’s score atm, giving the illusion that Viz owns every and all objective… So yeah, update please.
Guild: Blade of Nerull [BoN]
Server: Desolation[EU]
You should upload those videos, I would very much like to see them.
And Phunk : I personally couldn’t care less about your respect. I do believe we did not steal our rank, and I also do believe that even if we fall out of T1, we will still be more deserving than you’ll ever will. Because reasons.
Fair enough dude, the feeling is mutual, and clearly you believe we stole our T1 spot due to some “exploit” which is probably the reason we also don’t “deserve” it.
This is my last post, i am not going to bother posting anymore here and we shall see what becomes of your “proof”. was updated 50 minutes ago
And no, Phunk, I don’t believe you stole the number one spot because of this exploit. I believe you took it because you fought hard. That’s the difference between you and me.
I respect your server, there are most definitely a lot of very nice people there, fighting for their land.
But I do think that some of you in VoTF (it is tempting to put all of VoTF in the same bag, but I won’t do it, because I’m sure there is a lot of people fighting for the right reasons with the right tools) do not deserve it. Simple enough.
(edited by Leorcyn.1063) was updated 50 minutes ago
How far up his own kitten is that poster. (the one on the french site)
Guy’s Guy’s on Vizunah, relax pls.
I did hear 1 SR guild talking inside there guild that soon u can hire there pro members for ur own guild, offcourse for real $$$$$. To show/learn u there imbanes. chough chough
Some taking French (and German) classes now.
Iam not sure if they will charge extra for the servertransfure though.
I will be happy to keep U informed if me “inside-man” finds out about prices and so on!!
PS., i hope U understand my sarcasm.
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