Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Bren.9320


i don’t really understand you , Desolation guys
we like you, we admire you, we even dance on your bodies
but you never miss an oportunity to flame us on forums, and say we are bad.

Because out of several hundreds players playing WvW on each server, its couple sad forum warriors you should base your opinion on servers.

It looks like Deso will go to Tier 2 next week, thanks to Arborstone going into freefall after paid transfer announcement, and it will be really hard to get back to T1 against two opponents with rating lower by 140 and 200 points, we will have to score something as ridiculous as triple points of Baruch Bay and double of Kodash to at least not lose our rating, not even talking about getting some to get back to T1. So our only hope will be that SFR and Viz will smash Elona badly :-) Well, at least we get some time to rest from 24/7 T1 battle :-) GL to everyone, I hope we can get some more awesome zerg fights before this week matchup ends.

Breny |IRON| Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Bren.9320)

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: ilmau.9781


humm, tbh now i m sorry about what i wrote.
mine was only an outburst coz i m really bored of a few things i see outta here.
Was wrong the way i wrote, but that s really what i think.

i m a kind person and really don t like to flame so, sorry about that.

Now two little things.

Seafarers only got first last week because we focused vizunah so hard. U can thank us for your win.

I disagree there, we would have ended first anyway.
It s YOUR server that saved lot of points this way.

Whats wrong with xbox

nothing lol i play Halo 4 a lot with friends in RL and it s pretty fun


[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


We cant even get our whole guild in one bl anymore.

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: ilmau.9781


We cant even get our whole guild in one bl anymore.

gogogogo full servers FTW

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


I think that deso got at least 10 times more players last week.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Busko.7408


We cant even get our whole guild in one bl anymore.

gogogogo full servers FTW

Lol at your signature watch out or your wont get out the door with that ego.

Im a Kitty Cat rawr
what what what….

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: ilmau.9781


We cant even get our whole guild in one bl anymore.

we are still medium population so no quee at all in SFR maybe only 15-30 mins in primetime…

move there if u bored to wait :p

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: ilmau.9781


We cant even get our whole guild in one bl anymore.

gogogogo full servers FTW

Lol at your signature watch out or your wont get out the door with that ego.

mehhhhh, what i have to write in signature!?

troLLLoLLLoLLL For Teh Win UltraPowaH?!?! O_o

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

(edited by ilmau.9781)

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Offski.4897


Yeh this flaming just gets on my …. after a while, especially people from my own guild, going to say it here as some IRON members don’t seem to want to listen when I say it at the team meeting, stop flaming and ignore trolls. Or join another guild and do it all u like.

Necromancer – Sanctum of Rall[IRON]

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Zamerine.2635


I have another question tho…..where is WL from Viz??? i never saw them in SFR border.
I only fight against zergs with alot of random Viz …fun tho and alot of lootbags but wanna see some WL ahh well untill next time my lill legendary enemies hehe:)


We are assigned on Viz border this week. Don’t hesitate to come, we’re always looking for good fights ! =)

Charr Elementalist D/D
[WL] War LegenD
Vizunah Square [FR]

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Offski, cheers for said that. I am of the oppinion to respect my enemys aswell as my friends. This make me play better versus them. Thread become more fun read when its serious discussions and not forum wars.

/Osicat <Judge>

@Zamerine, see you there then

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Vewen.8016


God, please, Desolation and Vizunah, focus on SFR. Go ahead. I myself would like nothing more than to drop to tier 2 again. This constant hate/trolling is getting really tiresome, even going as far as causing arguments in map chat. Tier 1 has been nothing more than one constant stroking of kitten, and the damage of said kitten when one side lost once/people complain when their zerg tactic doesn’t work/a guild did something offensive/jammering about PvD. This thread is one entire joke.

Tier 1 has been nothing more than throwing insults at one another, there’s no more respect from either side(I know either typically deals for 2 sides, but here’s it’s 3 sides).

(edited by Vewen.8016)

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Daxter.4286


Eternal battlegrounds couldn’t handle the awesomeness that was going on in there. It imploded on itself.

Good fights SFR and VZ.

Extraordinary Gentlemen[EXG] – Desolation[EU]

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Teo Lastword.7983

Teo Lastword.7983

Looking for more fights versus WL (Vizunah) and IRON (Desolation) guilds. It’s a pleasure to fight you, guys… really. Big numbers and good skills. Hope we have the same.

PS. Looks like SFR going to tier2 instead of Desolation? Oh… nevermind. We will be back soon, i promise.
Za Drots [ZDs]

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Kraken.7514


The points are really tight during the day and diferences are gained during the night and morning. I think this 3 servers are native T1, guess we would have had this matchup for a long time in T1 if it wasnt for Arborstones debacle.

About aliances and other ghosts I think its more simple than all that. SFR is weaker this week and it is Desos natural rival as we have some night presence and you got less. Also SFR was second on points as was VS last week so obviously we need to go for you.

Also another note: KAZ has been aproached by some SFR members quite insistently trying to get us into an alliance vs VS. We have been tempted but we rejected all the offers.

Why? Mainly because we beleave in the 1v1v1 and although in some circumstances “convinience” alliances are are unconciously made during the fight in a map, I trully think this is part of the game. If you see that you are not being atacked from the south you move north with most of your forces I find it logical.

Kraken – Guardian / Pretty Meris – Engineer.

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: ladyfabulous.1403


I am very disappointed when everything seemed to get cooler…
Is that post ( ) the reason you made all those americans apologies for?
To get better reputation before tying to recruit?
By the way gratz for the 300+ primetime tick…

Maybe you should instead of trying to recruit american guilds, consider recruiting portuguese, spanish and italians they tend to stay up later (because of different cultural reasons that make us french too stay up later that anglo-germanic people) that kind of recruitment would be way more clever and better for your server health and stability.

You should delete that post really…

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Teo Lastword.7983

Teo Lastword.7983

I am very disappointed when everything seemed to get cooler…
Is that post ( ) the reason you made all those americans apologies for?
To get better reputation before tying to recruit?
By the way gratz for the 300+ primetime tick…

Maybe you should instead of trying to recruit american guilds, consider recruiting portuguese, spanish and italians they tend to stay up later (because of different cultural reasons that make us french too stay up later that anglo-germanic people) that kind of recruitment would be way more clever and better for your server health and stability.

You should delete that post really…

Oh cmon, stop crying…
Desolation status- Full
Vizunah Square status- Full
Seafarer’s Rest status – Medium (Ouch!)
And you still crying about something? Just weird. Vizunah spirit, pride of best T1 servers in the world and so on…. np mate, np. Just keep fighting (and keep your mouth shut). /No offence.
Za Drots [ZDs]

(edited by Teo Lastword.7983)

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Frenk.5917


@all the guys who’re asking where OSC are:

we’re taking a one week break from wvwvw, we will be back next week.

Frenk – EU
All is vain

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: TheWizard.3719


I am very disappointed when everything seemed to get cooler…
Is that post ( ) the reason you made all those americans apologies for?
To get better reputation before tying to recruit?
By the way gratz for the 300+ primetime tick…

Maybe you should instead of trying to recruit american guilds, consider recruiting portuguese, spanish and italians they tend to stay up later (because of different cultural reasons that make us french too stay up later that anglo-germanic people) that kind of recruitment would be way more clever and better for your server health and stability.

It seems that you are the big overseer, the wise voice of truth, telling people what is the correct behaviour in a game and what they have to do.

Consider to think about that a moment.

You should delete that post really…

Oh wait…

Seafarer’s Rest [EXT] Exterminatus
Comatose Vigil (Ran) – Lysergamid (War)
Nunbarshegunu (Mes) – Abstract Genesis (Nec)

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Pearl.5460


Great fighting tonight in Vizumap

Elysium-Gaming [ELY]
Vizunah Square [FR]

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Resouled.5614


Wow, can we please pay kittening respect to eachother?! This is a kittening game, you play this for fun.. not to insult other servers.

[vE] Visceral Effect – Blue

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: ilmau.9781


I am very disappointed when everything seemed to get cooler…
Is that post ( ) the reason you made all those americans apologies for?
To get better reputation before tying to recruit?
By the way gratz for the 300+ primetime tick…

Maybe you should instead of trying to recruit american guilds, consider recruiting portuguese, spanish and italians they tend to stay up later (because of different cultural reasons that make us french too stay up later that anglo-germanic people) that kind of recruitment would be way more clever and better for your server health and stability.

You should delete that post really…

Sorry if we try our best to catch up your impressive numbers of night players.
If this can help you to play a better pvdoor we could all ALT-F4 at midnight gg.

I ll make it clear once and for all. SFR from 04.00 to morning only have 30+ players in whole www. When we lost PRX that were like 40+ players, we lost more than half our night crew. This is to make clear at everyone that we are not whining about one guild that left, but we LOST MORE THAN HALF OUR NIGHT PLAYERS. ok?! i understand that for a full population server loose one guild is nothing. Instead for us is a tragedy.

Then, if u read the post i made on gw2guru with both eyes u can see " US guild and other guilds "… AND OTHER GUILDS… That mean we also talking to portuguese, spanish and italians, and guilds from all other countries that tend to stay up late.

You should delete your post, really.


[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

(edited by ilmau.9781)

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Chiolas.1326


Portuguese don’t stay up late.

Quit WvW and Gw2 in August 2013

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Neutro.3079


Good times on EBG this evening. Sorry for your golems on durios Desolation

Was fun playing against you IRON and EXG.

We tried to do same thing that you did to Durios yesterday with a lot of trebuchets while you held SM but SR took it back so quickly that we didn’t have the time (and the numbers) to down your wall

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Offski.4897


Looking for more fights versus WL (Vizunah) and IRON (Desolation) guilds. It’s a pleasure to fight you, guys… really. Big numbers and good skills. Hope we have the same.

PS. Looks like SFR going to tier2 instead of Desolation? Oh… nevermind. We will be back soon, i promise.
Za Drots [ZDs]

Haha you guys definately have the same, I can remember a number of wipes we have experienced by you guys this week and last. Its a pleasure to have such good contests throughout the week.

Viz were great tonight on Deso border, especially Mort guild who just kept coming. That fight on the island in the the lake was brilliant, we were just totally unable to wipe you guys.

Thanks for the fun guys.

Necromancer – Sanctum of Rall[IRON]

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Lelith.2916


To the members of SAFC guild on SFR.. STOP exploiting into our towers on EB.. We are watching you…..

Guild Leader of Eternal Invictus [INVI].

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Sird.4536


Also another note: KAZ has been aproached by some SFR members quite insistently trying to get us into an alliance vs VS. We have been tempted but we rejected all the offers.

Funny, i heard you guys trying to make a deal on SFR BL few days ago with commanders that were on the the field. I should know coz i was one of them. Why oh why didnt i take screenshots.

RP enthusiast

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Nidome.1365


Q: How do you get into an enemy T3 tower and to the lords room in less than 5 seconds without damaging the walls or door?

A: Join the [SAFC] guild on SFR as they have demonstrated that they know how…..

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Also another note: KAZ has been aproached by some SFR members quite insistently trying to get us into an alliance vs VS. We have been tempted but we rejected all the offers.
Why? Mainly because we beleave in the 1v1v1 and although in some circumstances “convinience” alliances are are unconciously made during the fight in a map, I trully think this is part of the game. If you see that you are not being atacked from the south you move north with most of your forces I find it logical.

I believe that you should had accepted , now Vs and Sfr got a secret alliance , with 1 common goal. And you will fall victim to this conspiracy.
no.1 WvW kills

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Q: How do you get into an enemy T3 tower and to the lords room in less than 5 seconds without damaging the walls or door?

A: Join the [SAFC] guild on SFR as they have demonstrated that they know how…..

i party with my mesmer spy from desolation.
For real, are you 100% sure they did not had an mesmer inside ?
no.1 WvW kills

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Lelith.2916


Q: How do you get into an enemy T3 tower and to the lords room in less than 5 seconds without damaging the walls or door?

A: Join the [SAFC] guild on SFR as they have demonstrated that they know how…..

i party with my mesmer spy from desolation.
For real, are you 100% sure they did not had an mesmer inside ?

Veloka hadnt been attacked for over 3 hours.. so yes.. no mesmer, and i personally saw a portal on top of Anza lord room roof..

Guild Leader of Eternal Invictus [INVI].

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: ilmau.9781


Q: How do you get into an enemy T3 tower and to the lords room in less than 5 seconds without damaging the walls or door?

A: Join the [SAFC] guild on SFR as they have demonstrated that they know how…..

yYs, i v heard of this and they guy who told me about had reported em.
i m sorry for that.

i can tell you SAFC guild is no part of our comunity @ and personally i haven t even heard about beafore or saw em in game once.
So i really don t know where they came from :p

Sorry again. c u in game

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Novalight.7568


Sadly there’s been an influx of previously unseen people on SFR, so it’s getting more and more frustrating getting in to WvW at primetime + they suck. So sad to see a map with a queue have 1 our tower (hell, I think I saw a full map with 1 camp being owned by us, pathetic).

“GW2 takes everything you love about GW1” – M. O’Brien
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Lanthode.3025


Q: How do you get into an enemy T3 tower and to the lords room in less than 5 seconds without damaging the walls or door?

A: Join the [SAFC] guild on SFR as they have demonstrated that they know how…..

yYs, i v heard of this and they guy who told me about had reported em.
i m sorry for that.

i can tell you SAFC guild is no part of our comunity @ and personally i haven t even heard about beafore or saw em in game once.
So i really don t know where they came from :p

Sorry again. c u in game

Hello all, I am the founder of [SAFC] and a friend who frequents this part of the forums told me we had been mentioned here..

First off, we used to be a tiny guild and we spent our time doing pve content. However, we have had a recent recruitment drive, and a lot of the new members are people that a) I don’t really know much about and b) some of which spend a lot of time in WvW, although they usually unrepresent when doing so.

I would appreciate screenshots to help me identify exactly who it is doing this. I just hope that our guild name is not being used as cover for a larger group…

I am sorry we have been linked with cheating, and I hope that the offenders get dealt with appropriately.

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Romek.4201



i heard a lot left already before stuck with this forever after the 28th

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Victory.2879


As I predicted, the ending of free transfers has led to a huge influx of new players to SFR and new guilds, that are only interested in doing the JP and/or camping it, or who have no clue that a server TS exists and are completely unorganised, or think that running around solo in the hope they run into other solo ists like they did in whatever low tier they have come from.

Huge queues at prime time, then when you get in there no commanders to be seen as they can’t get in, no organisation on TS as 90% of the new players aren’t on it, and lots of people milling around aimlessly or heading for the JP’s. You see a small guild group forming of 5-10 players who stand in the spawn point for an hour or more and then head off to the JP….

Looks like the new players will do what VS could not in primetime, and drag SFR down to tier 2.

I’m short on time and patience atm, so logging into a game after 14 hours work to find I have to queue for 30 mins to an hour out of maybe two hours playtime to enter a map that seems to only have 20-30 of us on the main wvw map actually fighting isn’t worth it for me, and I’m playing something else atm.

Probably move servers too to somewhere less crowded before the cut off.

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Dalure.4691


@ Aneu
This was all on resetday(so friday) my guild arent in wvw everyday unfortunately….so i hope you can rewind…cus i always get my fact straight hehe.

Thanks for your info about OSC i wondered what happend.

The -only- time FG wiped us on Reset was with 39 KAZ, 10 man IRON a full raid of yours and other deso pugs. We were 24 at that time. Also OSC wasnt on the map – Your facts really need a recheck (Check our videos, we posted that wipe up plus all the other times we fought you.)


haha then you are mistaken mate…try to record everything next time;) wiped you 4 times to be exact…i think one was even alot of fun…you guys were sieging briar with alot of VOTF and you had balistas up….ahh well you may be in denial….can’t fight against that;)
See ya ingame.

WvW Commander of Piken Square
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)

(edited by Dalure.4691)

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Dalure.4691


@ Offski

Umm he has a point felerina

Well what can i say …..i’m a proud man…how we do things;) ….so ye i can only be positive


WvW Commander of Piken Square
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


@ Aneu
This was all on resetday(so friday) my guild arent in wvw everyday unfortunately….so i hope you can rewind…cus i always get my fact straight hehe.

Thanks for your info about OSC i wondered what happend.

The -only- time FG wiped us on Reset was with 39 KAZ, 10 man IRON a full raid of yours and other deso pugs. We were 24 at that time. Also OSC wasnt on the map – Your facts really need a recheck (Check our videos, we posted that wipe up plus all the other times we fought you.)


haha then you are mistaken mate…try to record everything next time;) wiped you 4 times to be exact…i think one was even alot of fun…you guys were sieging briar with alot of VOTF and you had balistas up….ahh well you may be in denial….can’t fight against that;)
See ya ingame.

Killing one single afk straggler doesn’t count man :P

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


As I predicted, the ending of free transfers has led to a huge influx of new players to SFR and new guilds, that are only interested in doing the JP and/or camping it, or who have no clue that a server TS exists and are completely unorganised, or think that running around solo in the hope they run into other solo ists like they did in whatever low tier they have come from.

Huge queues at prime time, then when you get in there no commanders to be seen as they can’t get in, no organisation on TS as 90% of the new players aren’t on it, and lots of people milling around aimlessly or heading for the JP’s. You see a small guild group forming of 5-10 players who stand in the spawn point for an hour or more and then head off to the JP….

Looks like the new players will do what VS could not in primetime, and drag SFR down to tier 2.

I’m short on time and patience atm, so logging into a game after 14 hours work to find I have to queue for 30 mins to an hour out of maybe two hours playtime to enter a map that seems to only have 20-30 of us on the main wvw map actually fighting isn’t worth it for me, and I’m playing something else atm.

Probably move servers too to somewhere less crowded before the cut off.

Welcome on VS’s world since monthes.

If you manage to coordinate all these people, you will have a stronger server. That’s what VS managed to do since the beginning and that’s a huge part of its success.

Now stop talking about primetime domination (like Arborstone always did) when you only have WvW dedicated guilds on battlefields. Dominate primetime right now, with all these news people and we will talk much longer. Since yet, stop QQing.

(edited by Kingface.9781)

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Offski.4897


As I predicted, the ending of free transfers has led to a huge influx of new players to SFR and new guilds, that are only interested in doing the JP and/or camping it, or who have no clue that a server TS exists and are completely unorganised, or think that running around solo in the hope they run into other solo ists like they did in whatever low tier they have come from.

Huge queues at prime time, then when you get in there no commanders to be seen as they can’t get in, no organisation on TS as 90% of the new players aren’t on it, and lots of people milling around aimlessly or heading for the JP’s. You see a small guild group forming of 5-10 players who stand in the spawn point for an hour or more and then head off to the JP….

Looks like the new players will do what VS could not in primetime, and drag SFR down to tier 2.

I’m short on time and patience atm, so logging into a game after 14 hours work to find I have to queue for 30 mins to an hour out of maybe two hours playtime to enter a map that seems to only have 20-30 of us on the main wvw map actually fighting isn’t worth it for me, and I’m playing something else atm.

Probably move servers too to somewhere less crowded before the cut off.

Tbh I feel your pain, we have people sitting in queue’s for ages this week also, so frustrating not being able to fight with your main force. I cannot remember seeing so many guildless or random friendlies filling up a border. There are only 2 options, start working with them and involve them in the community and/or recruit them.

Ohh well life at the top I suppose. Lets hope when these paid transfers are finally in that servers balance out and tiers become competitive again.

Necromancer – Sanctum of Rall[IRON]

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


We have had the same issues for months. It frustrating to see people at spawn being afk with auto heal on.

(edited by salluks.6017)

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Dalure.4691


Looking for more fights versus WL (Vizunah) and IRON (Desolation) guilds. It’s a pleasure to fight you, guys… really. Big numbers and good skills. Hope we have the same.

PS. Looks like SFR going to tier2 instead of Desolation? Oh… nevermind. We will be back soon, i promise.
Za Drots [ZDs]

You wont go down….Deso will even if we end up 2nd….that’s the way the systeem works.

WvW Commander of Piken Square
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Dalure.4691


God, please, Desolation and Vizunah, focus on SFR. Go ahead. I myself would like nothing more than to drop to tier 2 again. This constant hate/trolling is getting really tiresome, even going as far as causing arguments in map chat. Tier 1 has been nothing more than one constant stroking of kitten, and the damage of said kitten when one side lost once/people complain when their zerg tactic doesn’t work/a guild did something offensive/jammering about PvD. This thread is one entire joke.

Tier 1 has been nothing more than throwing insults at one another, there’s no more respect from either side(I know either typically deals for 2 sides, but here’s it’s 3 sides).

Mhmhm alot of complains from SFR lately…….Deso is only doing 1vs1vs1 dont care where we end up;)

WvW Commander of Piken Square
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Grischu.3869


As I predicted, the ending of free transfers has led to a huge influx of new players to SFR and new guilds, that are only interested in doing the JP and/or camping it, or who have no clue that a server TS exists and are completely unorganised, or think that running around solo in the hope they run into other solo ists like they did in whatever low tier they have come from.

Huge queues at prime time, then when you get in there no commanders to be seen as they can’t get in, no organisation on TS as 90% of the new players aren’t on it, and lots of people milling around aimlessly or heading for the JP’s. You see a small guild group forming of 5-10 players who stand in the spawn point for an hour or more and then head off to the JP….

Looks like the new players will do what VS could not in primetime, and drag SFR down to tier 2.

I’m short on time and patience atm, so logging into a game after 14 hours work to find I have to queue for 30 mins to an hour out of maybe two hours playtime to enter a map that seems to only have 20-30 of us on the main wvw map actually fighting isn’t worth it for me, and I’m playing something else atm.

Probably move servers too to somewhere less crowded before the cut off.

Same problem we (elona) have to deal with since releasedate

Grischu – Wächter 80 / Ertiki – Necromancer 80 / Risana Mortis – Messmer 80
Good old Days [GD] Elona

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Dalure.4691


We have had the same issues for months. It frustrating to see people at spawn being afk with auto heal on.

This + JP zergs….ahhh the wonderfull life of a pug ……. kitten /p>

WvW Commander of Piken Square
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Players from national servers talk about coordination.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


yes, coordination with pug, and yes i guess it’s easier on a national server but what? Don’t say yours are too stupid to learn not taking supplies in keeps or how to follow a commander. The WvW basis are not a matter of language barrier. Each WvW communities, national or not, should have those on their forums.

Yes, it’s a permanent open teaching session and yes it’s hard and often boring but this is necessary if your server wants to stay competitive and to have larger timezone coverage without NA help.

But I heard too many times wvw guilds on other servers spit on pug that I assume in fact it’s not, so they shouldn’t be surprised and stop QQing about their long-term losses with the current WvW system.

(edited by Kingface.9781)

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Tygra.4570


Players from national servers talk about coordination.

I think we talk about random players discovering the WvW maps and involving them into battle.
You probably know much less about this than Elona, Deso or Vizu since SFR is a “flavour of the month” server.

The French Flair [FF]

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Arguros.3174


The thing that is funny it’s when you see Déso tick at +60 and when you see 5-10 Déso player who only camp Jp..